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Load Plan Details Thu, Oct 13, 2016 Powered By CargoWiz

Container: # 1 Description: 53' (16.2 meters) High Cube Dry Container (USA)
Shipment Database File: MetricUnitsDemo.mdb

Container Size, cm: Length: 1615 Width: 249 Height: 270

Cargo Counts: Total Cargo: 318 Loaded: 64 Not Loaded: 254
Length Used By Cargo: cm Used: 1595 Meters Used: 16 Meters Left: 0
Volume Info, Cu. M: Container Vol.: 109 Vol. Used: 41 Vol. Empty: 67
No kg limit set Total Weight: 6317 Loaded: 2560 Not Loaded: 3757
Packing Efficiencies: Container Vol. used: 37.9% Could contain in: 1595.2 L x 242.8 W x 175 H
Center Of Gravity Of Load: From Front: 494 cm
This program determines an efficient spatial fit without consideration of safety or legal issues.
The user must determine, and take responsibility for, the suitability of the layout.
Part # Qty Priority Description L W H Weight
TP189 12 2 Tent Poles 228 64 48 18
Seifert 12 1 Something 120 80 175 152
PT1092 40 2 Pup Tents 139 88.9 25.4 13
3D Step-By-Step Load Plan
Container: # 1
Step 1 Part # Qty Size Priority Description
Seifert 12 120 x 80 x 175 1 Something

Step 2 Part # Qty Size Priority Description

PT1092 4 139 x 88.9 x 25.4 2 Pup Tents

Step 3 Part # Qty Size Priority Description

TP189 3 228 x 64 x 48 2 Tent Poles

Step 4 Part # Qty Size Priority Description

PT1092 6 139 x 88.9 x 25.4 2 Pup Tents
3D Step-By-Step Load Plan
Container: # 1
Step 5 Part # Qty Size Priority Description
TP189 3 228 x 64 x 48 2 Tent Poles

Step 6 Part # Qty Size Priority Description

PT1092 4 139 x 88.9 x 25.4 2 Pup Tents

Step 7 Part # Qty Size Priority Description

TP189 3 228 x 64 x 48 2 Tent Poles

Step 8 Part # Qty Size Priority Description

PT1092 6 139 x 88.9 x 25.4 2 Pup Tents
3D Step-By-Step Load Plan
Container: # 1
Step 9 Part # Qty Size Priority Description
TP189 3 228 x 64 x 48 2 Tent Poles

Step 10 Part # Qty Size Priority Description

PT1092 20 139 x 88.9 x 25.4 2 Pup Tents

Final Step
Powered By CargoWiz

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