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Ori Gerstel and Pat Iannone VOL. 7, NO. 1/JANUARY 2015/J. OPT. COMMUN. NETW.


Introduction to the OFC 2014

Special Issue
Ori Gerstel and Pat Iannone

AbstractWe are glad to provide our readers a special relevance, innovation, and qualityonce through the OFC
issue of the best networking papers from OFC 2014. The
selection process and once though the JOCN selection
initial selection process involved the Editors-in-Chief of
JOCN and the OFC Program Chairs. We invited the best process.
contributed systems/networking papers of the conference As in the last few years, this years selections include
to submit to this invitation-only special issue. This special
issue is extensive and includes 59 papersalmost double many papers on elastic optical networksincluding
the number of papers published in last years special issue. flexible use of spectrum and programmable transceivers.
The main topics covered are elastic networks, software- However, this year many of these papers consider the use
defined networks, and passive optical networks.
of software defined networking (SDN) technology as a way
to improve the use of resources and the coordination among
nodes in an elastic network. More broadly, SDN is clearly
As in past years, we are glad to provide our readers a one of the key topics of this years crop, and it is interesting
special issue of the best networking papers from OFC 2014.
to see that quite a few of these papers include experimen-
The editors-in-chief of JOCN, as well as the OFC program
tation with SDNreflecting a transition in the state of this
chairs, invited the best contributed systems/networking
papers of the conference to submit to this invitation-only technology from theory toward commercialization. In addi-
special issue. The intent was to provide a high-quality tion, quite a few papers are related to passive optical net-
article collection on an expedited schedule, but without works (PONs), reflecting a steady interest in technologies
compromising the rigorous selection process using our ex- that allow dramatic increases in user capacity. These PON
cellent editors and reviewers, who worked hard to reduce papers describe a range of research results, from near-term
the review time. As a result of this process, some of the in- work focused on optimizing and improving the time and
vited papers were rejected. wavelength-division PON technology, slated to be the next
This OFC 2014 special issue is extensive and includes 59 ITU-T standard, to more futuristic PON architectures re-
papers, of which 14 were OFC invited papers and the rest lying on advanced digital signal processing and/or coherent
were highly ranked OFC contributed papers. The number detection.
of papers in the special issue is almost double the number We hope you enjoy this special issue.
of papers published in last years special issueand there-
fore provides a good one-stop-shop for top-quality optical Ori Gerstel and Pat Iannone
networking papers that have been screened twice for JOCN Editors-in-Chief

Manuscript received December 15, 2014; posted December 15, 2014;

published December 24, 2014 (Doc. ID 230875).
Ori Gerstel (e-mail: is with Sedona Systems, 17 Hatidhar
Street, Raanana, Israel.
Patrick Iannone (e-mail: is with
Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs.

1943-0620/15/01OFC1-01$15.00/0 2015 Optical Society of America

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