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Uchi-Deshi Weeks

with Lars Stjernstedt

6 th Dan Aikikai
31 of July - 6 of August, and 7 - 13 of August 2017

I would like to welcome you as an uchi deshi (live-in student)

in my dojo for a week! Together we will research how soft
tori and uke waza can still be strong and powerful. I have 30
years of experience and am a close student of Endo Shihan.
Over the years I have also practiced with Tissier Sensei, Noel
Sensei, as well as Kobayashi and Igarashi Sensei.
Aikido for me is centered softness in harmony with balanced
stability. It would be a real joy to explore all of this together
with you.
Come and live in my dojo for a week at a time when Visby
and Gotland are at their most beautiful. We will have one
class every day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. with a short break in
This week of deepening your the middle, and then you will have the rest of the day free to
Aikido is open for all of you explore the island.
that have the rank of 3 kyu
and above. Gotland is one of Swedens most popular vacation spots, and
Visby is one of the best preserved medieval towns in the
Im looking forward to get to world.
know you and your Aikido
You are warmly welcome!
Stenkumlavg 63 (dojo address) in the town of Visby on the Island of Gotland

Cost accommodation: Food is not included!

In the dojo there is a
In the dojo or tent 200 SEK per small kitchen for making
person per night breakfast and light meals,
a bathroom, and a
The appartment above the dojo, shower. You will sleep in
250 SEK per person per night the dojo together, on the
tatamis with a
comfortable mattress.
(There is a few tents if
you prefer and if the
weather permits.)
In the apartment there is
a big kitchen with
everything you need, 5
beds, a bathroom with a
shower and a washing
machine. The kitchen and
washing machine are for

A few pictures from

last year. Thank you
all, we had a great
time and many laughs.

Monday: arrival day Cost for classes
Class 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (with Visby students)
Three days: 900 SEK
Tuesday to Thursday
Class 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday to Sunday: 1200 SEK
Two full weeks: 2000 SEK
Class 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 and 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Saturday: (5 of August there is no training / or fri training, party on Thursday and two moor classes in the week)
Class 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Party/Meal Together 6:00pm
Class 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
and travel home day

More information: Lars Stjernstedt +46 731 40 00 20

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