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February 7, 2017

Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy

210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106

Connecticut Senate Democrats Connecticut Senate Republicans

Legislative Office Building, Room 3300 Legislative Office Building, Room 3400
300 Capitol Ave., Hartford CT 06106 300 Capitol Ave., Hartford CT 06106

Connecticut House Democrats Connecticut House Republicans

Legislative Office Building, Room 4100 Legislative Office Building, Room 4200
300 Capitol Ave., Hartford CT 06106 300 Capitol Ave., Hartford CT 06106

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities Connecticut State Department of Education

450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 2 Civil Rights Compliance Review Team
Hartford, CT 06103 450 Columbus Boulevard, Hartford, CT

RE: Parents and Community Leaders Oppose Reappointment of Chairperson Allan B. Taylor
for State Board of Education

Dear Honorable Connecticut General Assembly Members:

The quality of Connecticuts future workforce will be determined, in part, by our State Board of
Educations integral role to the governance of public education. According to the National Association of
State Boards of Education, State Boards of Education, are intended to serve as an unbiased broker for
education decision making, focusing on the big picture, articulating the long-term vision, and needs of
public education [ for all children], and making policy based on the best interests of young people of

With that said, on behalf of the Connecticut Parents Union (CTPU), a membership parent and family
advocacy organization committed to protecting the Constitutional education rights of children and families,
we oppose the reappointment of Allan B. Taylor as the Chairman to serve on the State Board of Education.

As we all know, the State of Connecticut and the country is extremely divided regarding race and class. As a
direct result, the Connecticut State Department of Education developed its five year 2016-2021
comprehensive plan to ensure Equity and Excellence for All Connecticut Students. Yet on January 4, 2017,
during the State Board of Education monthly meeting, Chairperson Allan B. Taylor stated We dont want
to create ghettos in Fairfield, during discussions to address racial imbalance among Fairfields elementary

It is the opinion of Connecticut Parents Union leadership and community partners, that Mr. Taylors
comments about minority and low income children, in a Governor appointed leadership role, perpetuate
stereotypes, prejudgments, discrimination, and fear mongering against Connecticut children of color and low
income communities.

1. Chapter 163* State Board of Education and Department of Education Sec. 10-4a. The educational
interests of the state shall include, but not be limited toeach child shall have for the period prescribed

PO Box 3004 - Meriden, Connecticut 06450 - Website: Tel: 203.443.3203

in the general statutes equal opportunity to receive a suitable program of educational experiences;in
order to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation, each school district shall provide educational
opportunities for its students to interact with students and teachers from other racial, ethnic, and
economic backgrounds and may provide such opportunities with students from other communities.

2. The Office for Civil Rights enforces several Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in
programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education.

In addition, CTPU respectfully request that Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Connecticut lawmakers
reconsider appointment of Theresa Hopkins-Staten based on her track record of building relationships with
diverse parents and ensuring all Connecticut children have equitable access to safe high quality educational

Also, to ensure an impartial education decision making process, CTPU respectfully request lawmakers
introduce no cost legislative language that allow parents of children that attend public schools to be
appointed to the State Board of Education similar to current general statute that allow student appointments.

1. Compulsory education laws force parents to send their kids to schools, based on their zip-code,
regardless of issues of safety and school climate. Thus, to support shared responsibility and
accountability, parents should have a say within the education decision making process that governs
their childs educational experience.

In closing, communities of color and low income families are affected daily by the lack of fiscal
accountability and unjust zip- code education policies. CTPU asks that you, as elected officials, exercise
your power to do what is morally, legally, and ethically right for all children regardless of their race, zip-
code or income level.

We thank you in advance for investigating our concerns and considering our recommendations regarding
Governor appointed leadership to the State Board of Education and the impact they have on the educational
rights of our children.

As leaders, if you wont do the right thing because its the right thing to do then you are really not leaders.
Athena Wagner, Waterbury Community Activist, and Education Advocate

The State Constitution protects the rights of all children, period. We will never achieve equity when
education decision makers spend more time judging marginalized communities rather than educating all
children fairly. Milly Arciniegas, Executive Director, Hartford Parents University.


Gwen Samuel,
Founder and President, Connecticut Parent's Union
Tel: (203) 443-3203

PO Box 3004 - Meriden, Connecticut 06450 - Website: Tel: 203.443.3203

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