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Secy. to Warden, 5 Feb., on prohibition of building and navigation of vessels suited .

);to piracy in the Gulf (292-4

11.Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated; Serbia accorded free

and secure access to the sea; and the relations of the several Balkan states to one
another determined by friendly counsel along historically established lines of
allegiance and nationality
12.The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure
sovereignty, but the other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be
assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of
autonomous development, and the Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a
free passage to the ships and commerce of all nations under international guarantees.
Wilson principle

17:43:49, 20 August 2010 Friday

War in Iraq: Main Page E-mail

2710 Days, 20 hours, 41 minutes. Search


The proponents of racist ATAKA party have occupied Turkish schools and associations in this country. The activists made a statement saying
that Bulgaria only belongs to Bulgarians and demanding Turks to leave Bulgaria. Some parties with similar ideological background in Serbia,
Albania and Greece stated their support to ATAKAs approach in question. At first glance; seen as a detail of a process which is getting usual and
becoming inured to day by day, this news was in fact the trigger of an extremely critical and new process.

On the same days that Armenia pronounced its land and compensation
demands from Turkey with a louder voice, Greece stated its wish that
Aegean issues should be taken up at the Council of EU Heads of State and
Government urgently. A very important meeting held under the auspices of
French Foreign Ministry in Paris attracted attention on the same day that
Southern Cyprus invited European Army in a bid to protect its borders
against possible Turkish attacks. At the meeting that participated by
notable think-tanks, reports were given out concerning the right of the
nations to self determination following the Kosovo example. In addition to these, a new map came
into question at the meeting. According to this map, it was remarked that the historical contrasts
should be preserved so that Europe might have its real boundaries and Christianity-rooted lofty
European culture might be protected.

European Defence Agency (EDA) stated that they would not sell arms to Turkey unless it meets
European Union Criteria and fulfils its full harmonisation with European Security and Defence Policy
(ESDP). Subsequently, Council of Europe declared that suspension of Turkeys membership is to
come into question until it overcomes the problems concerning Southern Cyprus and Greece.

Following the news, that Armenia began talks with European Commission within the
neighbourhood perspective for harmonisation with EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP),
was leaked to the press, it was announced that Greece would carry out armed navigations in Aegean
within the duty of Patrol Mission for European Border Security Establishment to protect European
air and sea borders.

In the same period that Bulgaria and Southern Cyprus in addition to Greece systematically
violated Turkish air and sea borders; in a report leaked to the press in Berlin, it was stated that
Europe should solve the East problem in order to have a strong future and to perform this, it was
recommended that it is an unavoidable need to reinterpret the documents of Sevres Treaty,
Mondros Treaty, Sykes Picot Treaty, Paris Conference, London Peace Treaty, San Remo Conference in
accordance with current facts. Turkish Foreign Ministry demanded information from German Foreign
Ministry regarding the report whose source was unknown, yet couldnt receive a reply.

Notable journalists and academicians discussed the reasons of German Foreign Ministrys
attitude with retired ambassadors and generals in a broadcast and during the program, in a last
moment notice it was announced that an international news agency passed a message that the
Vatican blessed the Christians died in wars called Turkish Wars in European history including the
EOKA militants died in Cyprus. Through a second last minute connection, it was reported that in a
proposal submitted to the meeting of European General Affairs Council, a proposal called limited
membership, and stipulating European Union citizens to settle down in Turkey freely and without
any limitation was planned to deliver to Turkey.
Whats written in these lines -perhaps- has not occurred yet. However, a realization for any of
these is so little a possibility that cant attract attention any more to be shown in the first page of the
papers, even it is a small possibility that will be lost among the domestic policy disputes, because of
the conditions we live in. Of course, nobody wishes these possibilities to come true, nevertheless
they should be taken into account.

What do Turkey do in such a situation, what can it do, what should it do?

What doesnt Turkey do in such a situation, what cant it do, and what shouldnt it do?

Definitely, it is impossible to answer these questions at the moment. However, similar processes
were experienced in our recent history and in those periods we had some answers to these
questions. Therefore, before beginning to interpret these possible developments, first of all the
intellectual substructure and doctrinal frame of these periods and then Turkeys processes and
reactions should be taken up.

The United States and its Doctrines

The U.S. should be touched on firstly. Because, having the power to designate the global
processes, the U.S.s doctrines, put forward since the cursed 19th century, have directly influenced
us. Within this scope, Wilson Principles should be handled first.

Wilson Principles...

These are the principles that the U.S. President Woodrow Wilson delivered in the joint session of
the U.S. Congress on January 8th 1918, concerning the global order he demanded to be established
after World War I. They are also called 14 Principles or 14 Points.

1.Peace Treaties should be contracted openly and transparently, secret agreements should not
be contracted.

2.Navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters should be free, alike in war and in peace.
The seas may be closed in whole or in part by international laws in order to be complied with the
international agreements.

3.All economic barriers between the nations should be removed, free trade should be allowed.

4.Adequate guarantees should be given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to
the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.

5.Decolonization should be provided, and the nations in colonies should be given the right to self-

6.The foreign troops should evacuate Russian territory; and with the cooperation of the other
nations of the world, Russia should be provided all sorts of opportunities to ensure her own

7.Germany should evacuate the lands of Belgium that occupied and in Belgium the situation
before the war should be restored.

8.Germany should evacuate France territory that occupied and and the wrong done to France by
Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, should be righted.

9.A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy should be effected along clearly recognizable lines of

10.The peoples of Austria-Hungary should be accorded the freest opportunity to autonomous


11.Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated; Serbia accorded free and secure
access to the sea; and the relations of the several Balkan states to one another determined by
friendly counsel along historically established lines of allegiance and nationality

12.The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty,
but the other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted
security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development, and the
Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a free passage to the ships and commerce of all
nations under international guarantees.

13.An independent Polish state should be erected and should be assured a free and secure
access to the Baltic Sea.

14.A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of
affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small
states alike

The dimension that arouses our uttermost interest is doctrines nations right to self-
determination adoption in principle ground. This doctrine actually meant that the U.S. possessed
the energy of separatist choices developed in Europe and in Asia in the previous period when the
U.S. isolated itself from the rest of the world, and trends based on nationality and religion and
claimed the orientations. Certainly, this approach, brought a new order to the world, left the door
ajar for a new tragic period regarding the empires lacking of uniformity. Following the period of
Monroe Doctrine in the 19th century, when the U.S. tried to keep away itself from the threat and
disorder, the U.S. dealt with the factors causing World War I and the post-war conditions as the tools
of her own national interests.

Truman Doctrine...

The Truman Doctrine was a proclamation by U.S. president Harry Truman in a session of the
Congress, on March 12th 1947, and stated that the U.S. would support free peoples who are
resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. This doctrine
fundamentally disposed a method in accordance with the conditions of the Cold War and determined
the order of the Cold War period. The doctrine firstly announced the U.S.s absolute support to
Turkey, Greece and Germany.

After this doctrine the world was divided into two separate camps, the liberal world and
totalitarian regimes. After this bipolar situation, the U.S. was predicated on besieging the opposite
countries through its pro-countries. For example, the Korean War is a product of this view. Truman
Doctrine shelved the Monroe Doctrine totally, and ensured the U.S. became a party to Greek Civil
War, in Turkey-the USSR tension, in Korea and Vietnam.

Eisenhower Doctrine...

On January 5th 1957, the U.S. President Eisenhower declared that, following the World War II,
with its all present resources including the nuclear weapons, the U.S. would fight against the
international communism threat and dangers that could arise in the Middle East under the influence
of international communism. This approach also announced that the U.S. brought a new order to the
world after the World War II. In a way, Eisenhower Doctrine was the continuation and developed form
of Truman Doctrine.

Eisenhower Doctrine was introduced as a reaction to Suez Crisis, and its purpose was to prevent
such a new leader like Jamal Abdul Nasser emerged in Egypt and threatened Israel and also to
prevent Soviet Unions getting ground in the Middle East. The idea of socialist Arab nationalism
that Nasser leaded, that is emerging of an international trend based upon the U.S. opposition and
nationalist elements were the main constituent of Eisenhower Doctrine.

Through this doctrine the U.S. prevented the unification of Arab nations and Soviets seizing the
Middle East. In terms of its principles, Eisenhower Doctrine is also the predecessor of Bush Doctrine
and the Great Middle East Project. In the planning and in the implementation of the plan,
communism was replaced with Islam

Nixon Doctrine...

This doctrine was declared in Guam on July 25th 1969 by the U.S. President Nixon, and perhaps it
was among the most important approaches that should be considered in terms of todays conditions.
Vietnam was still going on. The U.S. was demanding the war to continue. The U.S. would contribute
to the defence of the allies. However, in addition to these, the U.S. was also demanding the allies to
ensure their own military safety including the financial dimension.

Besides, the Allies should have gone to the war and struggle for the sake of peace within the
scope of their alliance with the U.S. The steps in this scope would have helped the U.S.s evacuating
Vietnam gradually.

Through this doctrine, the U.S. arranged its relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia that were allies
at that time. Because, Iran and Saudi Arabia were the order and stability producing countries for the
U.S. in the Gulf.

Reagan Doctrine...

This doctrine was used in the period of the U.S. President Ronald Reagan, is very important as it
is updatable in any time. In accordance with this doctrine, the U.S. established anti-communist
organizations in pro-Soviet countries. The target of these organizations was to weaken and
overthrow the pro-Soviet administrations in those countries. Announced in February 1985, this
doctrine based on the principle that the U.S. would support and stand by all democratic supporter

Through this doctrine, in a very wide geography from Afghanistan to Angola and Nicaragua, the
U.S. supported the proponent one against the opponent one in an asymmetric dimension.
Written by the Heritage Foundation, Reagan Doctrine resulted that the regimes opponent to
Washington and the administrations closer to Washington wasted too much money and energy.
Though the jural base of the doctrine was very weak and its financial structure was disputed much, it
worked definitely. The free elections in Nicaragua, the departure of Red Army from Afghanistan
leading to the USSRs collapse, these are some of the examples.

Bush Doctrine...

This doctrine was predominantly shaped under the effect of September 11th, 2001 attacks.
However, the developments particularly in the field of energy and the other developments around
the world decided the need for Bush Doctrine. Fundamentally, Bush Doctrine reached its final shape
after the end of Cold War, collapse of the USSR, the end of bipolarization, and an increasing need for
a new international order grown in the 90s which was an interim period.

The growing opposition to the US, ascending Islam, ethnic-centred policy, increasing effect of the
religion on politics, strains between EU and the US, Bosnia and Kosovo experiences, and fluctuations
in the international energy markets became the fundamental factors that gave birth to Bush

When you look at the USs final version of the security doctrine which was finalized in September
2002, it is beneficial to investigate the main parameters in order to evaluate the developments
precisely and also to predict the next possible developments.

According to the USs security doctrine, 20th century witnessed the hard struggles between
liberalistic and totalitarian regimes and at the end freedom became victorious. For the protection of
this developed balance, all countries should have been successful regarding freedom, democracy,
and free enterprise; in this way the USs struggle for ensuring the freedom and therefore fighting
against the villain and the evil could have been successful.

In accordance with the Bush Doctrine, all the regional disagreements should be solved within the
scope of these principles. Besides, the regions carrying weight for the USs comfort should have
priority. In these regions, for the elimination of the threat, military power, improved domestic
security, criminal proceedings, intelligence activities, cutting the financial resources of terrorism
were seen as the chief methods.

The same, the doctrine considers terrorisms allies as the enemies of the civilization. The most
important ascertainment of this doctrine was the acknowledgement of the fact that even the
weakest countries like Afghanistan could threat the super powers of the world. Because, the weak
regimes could produce terrorism and at the same time they could weaken the international
institutions and also they could lead to the badly administrated countries to be jointed to drug
cartels through terrorist connections.

The doctrine dated September 17th, 2002, was composed of 9 headlines. Largely, the US
President Bush delivered the hints of the doctrine in his speech at West Point on June 1st, 2002. In
substance, it was introduced as the fight of the good and the evil and on a large scale brought
scholastic view and dualism to mind, however it might be called American internationalism in
comply with the most appropriate definition.

Doctrines and Turkey...

Above named doctrines establish a fact that;

Almost each US doctrine creates the main background of the following one. These doctrines have
a direct impact upon the course of the world. In addition to these, having an alliance relation with
the US, Turkey has been directly affected from the doctrines developed by the US in different

From the windows of all these doctrines developed so far, we see some facts while trying to
contemplate the possible developments and how to implement them.

According to Wilson Principles, during this process particularly after Kosovo- in the whole world,
especially in our geography, too many bloody and intricate processes can be witnessed.

According to Truman Doctrine, the US might stand on the same side with Turkey regarding
domestic security issues.

According to Eisenhower Doctrine, the US might give a special role to Turkey in her effort to
besiege the opponent regimes and restrict their effects.

According to Nixon Doctrine, in the process of the USs gradually evacuation from crisis regions,
the US might support Turkey within the scope of Turkeys help to this process.

According to Reagan Doctrine, the US might think Turkey in a different position in a new battle
including symmetric and asymmetric dimensions in her global war.

According to Bush Doctrine, in comply with the criterion of commitment for the protection of the
depth of alliance relations, the US might support Turkey in the issues concerning the security and
stability problems regarding its liberalism, its success in free market economy and its military skills
according to the balances of its region. However, to do this, -according to the doctrine- Turkey should
maintain its position sided with the liberal world (the western world), and take up the domestic
security issues within the scope of liberty, democracy and freedom.

A short history of a long period

From our perspective, the process in which we are in today began with the Treaty of Iai in 1792.
This agreement, which followed war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, in fact defined an
unavoidable end. The Ottoman Empire spent the period from 1792 to 1922 trying to protect its
existence by watching European powers scramble for their interests.

The Ottomans were driven from the Balkans, which constituted the largest portion of its territory.
So large was its share of the peninsula that it should have been classified as a Balkan state. Revolt
after revolt led it to experiencing genocide, in which some 5.5 million civilians were killed. There was
the Serbian rebellion of 1804 during the reign of Mahmud II, closely followed by a Greek rebellion.
There were wars between the Ottomans and Russians in 1806, 1828, 1853 and 1877. There were
attempts to balance the losses with administrative reforms in 1839 and the Edict of Improvement of
1856; they were followed by war in Libya in 1911, the First and Second Balkan wars, and finally the
First World War.

As the Ottoman Empire was being forced towards collapse during the cursed 19th century, these
were the factors shaping world politics:

-World trade had reached astounding levels;

-There were serious clashes of interest between the Great Powers over main trade routes and

-Ethnic differences were employed and supported in this regard;

-National and religious choices were reflected in politics;

-Europe had decided to solve the Eastern Question it devised;

-The intention was to bring non-Muslims to a privileged position in society;

-There were serious military, political and ideological efforts to drive the Turks away from the
Balkans and Anatolia, which were seen as Christian lands;

-The principle of nations determining their own future was duly adopted.

It is possible to summarise and clearly define what happened in this period with the example of

Crete passed into Venetian control in 1204. It was captured from them by Sultan Ibrahim in 1645.
It remain a Turkish land uninterrupted for centuries, until 1908. In line with the rising values of the
19th century, the groups that organised the Greek rebellion triggered a similar uprising on the island.
It brought an end to the security of Turkish lives and possessions. The Greeks massacred Turks with
the support of Europe and the European press, and later spread the lie that it was the Turks who
killed Greeks. It was a bloody uprising in Crete in 1825. The Greeks received much money and
weaponry in aid from European states in 1866.

The states of Europe came together and called for a special administration in Crete to solve the
issue peacefully. This administration, like the one that would appear in Cyprus, allow the Greeks to
organise themselves. Their requests and complaints, supported by Greece and Europe, never

Following this, the Ottoman ghazi Ahmet Muhtar Paa was sent to Crete, and he made an
agreement with the rebels. But the islands governor, Kostaki Adanidis, was raising awareness
among Greeks, backed by the church, and protecting rebels against the Ottomans. There was
nothing that the governors deputies, Kasmzade Hamdi Bey and Kaurzade Hasan Bey, could do. It
was perhaps the benefit seen in the model of a Greek leader and Turkish deputy that inspired the
later Cypriot model.

The governor, as Europes minion, later left his place to Kostaki Antapoulos. Acts of violence
against Turks were almost becoming ordinary, and Istanbul responded by sending in Mahmud
Celaledin Paa and Ahmet Ratip Paa. But no progress was made, and Kostaki Antapoulos was
replaced by Nikolaki Sartinski. It was Sartinski who started the great uprising of 1899.

Nikola Zoridis, Yani Mihaki, Aristidi Kiriari, Anderya Kakori and Mennos Isihakis all demanded the
islands union with Greece. Greek residents in towns and villages were armed; thousands of Turks
were killed and their houses burnt. The Ottomans responded by removing Nikolaki as governor, and
replacing him with Ali Rza Paa. He himself withdrew after requesting a governor with a military
background. Mir akir Paa. It was he who suppressed the separatist Greeks.

The island returned to normal during the governorship of Mahmut Celaleddin Paa, but the
Greeks only proceeded to set up armed gangs. Athens sent an order to churches that the people
should mix with the rebels and help them in any way they cold. The streets were painted with blood.

Malako, who was raised at the bishop school on Heybeliada, became the leader, and there began
what was rapidly becoming a church process of eliminating Islam on Crete. But in spite of this, the
number of rebels in Crete was much smaller than expected, at around five thousand. And yet the
Russian, British, French and Italian newspapers and magazines reported the number of Turkish dead
to be small, and that the Turks attacked the Greeks first.

A rebellion suppression squad under Abdullah Paa landed at Suda harbour. A unit was sent to
the village of Kalive to rescue the Turks besieged by Greeks at Vamos. After an arduous effort lasting
18 days, Sebrona and Romata too were besieged and the Turks were saved.

But events had spiralled out of control. The Greeks would not refrain from pressure and insults
towards Turks, and would even burn bakeries, flour houses and crops so that they could not feed
their children.

The Ottoman Empire held a meeting with European states in Istanbul on 25 August 1896. Under
this agreement if, indeed, it can be called an agreement it was decided Cretes governor would
be Christian, and he would have the authority to veto laws from the general assembly, call for
military and weaponry in the event of restlessness, and deport whomever he desired. Also, a third of
the civil servants on the island would be Christian, a improvement commission would be set up and
led by European legal experts, and no further Muslims would be settled on the island.

Following the agreement, attacks on Turks mounted further. Those fascinated in the Ottoman
Empire tend not to refer to Crete, but Ihsan Ilgar wrote in his Magazine of Life and History in 1969
about the European statements released at the time:

People of humanity and civilisation! Please extend a hand of help to the people of Crete! The
security of the lives and possessions of these poor people is under threat. If you saw the squalor and
disaster in which the Christians of Crete are today, your compassionate heart would bleed and tears
would well. Now, let us relieve and help our Christian brothers who are fighting every kind of torture
and want to embrace faithful Greekdom!

With the support that is given after statements such as this, Greeks killed Turks, abducted them
and tortured them. They burned their fields, oil production facilities and olive vines. They collected
Turks in mosques and burned them down.

The Greeks of Crete went further and provoked rebellion in Macedonia, Tesalia and Epir. They
nothing of which to be wary or afraid, because a European fleet had arrived in local waters. This
fleet, by maintained peace and order, prevented the Ottomans from intervening in its own lands.
While the West and Russia aided the Greeks, the blockade meant the Turks were without hope. A
similar disgrace took place in Bosnia in the 1990s.

Later, Greece sent troops into Crete and bombed Turkish neighbourhoods. Murders and
massacres rose. The Greek army later attacked the Ottomans, but were defeated and Dmeke and
forced to withdraw. Later, Crete was granted autonomy. Having been unable to influence the island
for a long while, the Ottomans were unable even to appoint a governor. Before long, Crete unified
with Greece.

The events in Crete are a regular example of what happened in the 19th century. The events in
Crete were a natural result of the periodic conditions of the century, as mentioned at the beginning
of this section.

The curse of the unlucky mother

As the Ottoman Empire was rapidly collapsing, Namk Kemal wrote, The enemy rests his dagger
on the nations breast; Is there none to rescue his unlucky mother? Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, when
addressing parliament about the 1st Inonu War, was answering those same screams with: Let the
enemy rest his dagger on the nations breast; there will be found one to rescue his unlucky mother.
This was because Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, who spent his life on the war front even before the War
of Independence, knew that the national powers responsible for protecting the state and nation from
surprises could mobilise the reflexes that are a precondition of being a state and a nation. It is likely
that he was relying on those reflexes as he spoke from the podium in parliament. After all, this was
at a time when, like the 19th century, nothing was a surprise any longer and little was different in
terms of periodic conditions from today.

At the end of the 19th century, when the palace was handed over to Ferit the son-in-law and his
cohort, when merit was marked for nothing, for the sake of rescuing his unlucky mother, the sons of
the nation rushed to duty.

They took action in Libya; in western Thrace; in Kars, Ardahan and Batumi; in Egypt and Iraq,
against the Bulgarians, Greeks, British, Russians and Serbians. This power later formed the Kuvva-y
Milliye and the Mdafaa-y Hukuk, influence as far-off places as Afghanistan, Iran, Central Asia and
India. The Tekilat- Mahsusa, which had been so strangely and heavily criticised, fought for every
inch of the nation. It observed correctly the conditions it was in, and did not use them as a excuse to
give up, but as an opportunity to resist.

Seeing as Europes choice was for the right to self-determination and nations should, in this
blood-drenched period of world politics, be allowed to form their own states should they so wish,
then this should apply to all nations.

The Turkish Republic of Libya

Known in Western sources as the Turkish-Italian war of 1911-12 and, in our history, as the War
of Trablusgarp, says much about Libya today in terms of what happened before and after the

Italy had been left out of the scramble for colonies that had started in the 16th century. In the
19th century, the race was largely between Britain and France. Britain took Egypt in 1881; France
took Algeria and Tunisia the following year.

Upon this, Italy became interested in the region of Trablus todays Libya which had been left
behind from Britain and Frances conquests. Having secured Britain and Frances approval in 1898,
Italy invaded Trablus in 1902. The Ottomans put up a long fight to prevent it becoming Italian

On 26 September 1911, a Turkish ship carrying weapons and munitions arrived at Trablus. A day
later, the Italian administration presented the Ottomans with an ultimatum demanding the handover
of Trablus in 48 hours, and an annual duty to Italy. On 29 September, with the support of the British
and French governments, Italy declared war on the Ottoman Empire. The same day, Turkish ships
were sunk in the Adriatic Sea.

On 30 September, the city of Trablus was shelled. An 8,000-strong Turkish force tried to defend
the city with old weapons, but were unable to resist and the Italians marched in on 5 October. Turkish
forces then withdrew 15 kilometres inshore. The Italians took Derne on 18 October, and Bingazi on
20 October. There were heavy attacks by the Turkish army on 23 and 26 October.

The war continued through November and December in all its violence. The battle of Tobruk was
won by Mustafa Kemal on 22 December. Despite being wounded in the eye in Derne, he led a
successful defence.

In February and March, the Italians took Bingazi, and sunk Ottoman ships in Beirut, the Red Sea
and Yemen. They shelled anakkale, and landed on Rhodes and the Twelve Islands.

With the outbreak of the Balkan Wars, the Ottomans were forced into peace. Under the terms of
the Ui Agreement, the Ottomans left Trablusgarp to Italy in exchange for the protection of the rights
of the Muslims that is to say, the Libyans.

These are the known truths. But there are some further, unknown truths.

On 8 December 1911, the Egyptian report erif Bey arrived in Trablusgarp. In reality, he was
none other than the Field Officer Mustafa Kemal Bey, of the Tekilat- Mahsusa. Some sources write
that Mustafa Kemal entered Trablusgarp through Egypt disguised as a carpet salesman.

It is claimed that Enver Bey visited the head of the Harbiye war academy and said: The Italians
have invaded Libya, but we have left behind a part of the nation without firing a single shot. To rid
ourselves of this shame, I want to start a resistance movement there with a few of my colleagues.

The Harbiye head replied: Right, but if you are caught by the West we might have to leave you
to be. Enver Beys reply was prepared: Let it be. If you count us on army leave, and give us a little
money, that will do us over. God willing, we will start a resistance against the enemy.

Alongside Mustafa Kemal Bey and Enver Bey, 20 Ottoman officers including Enver Beys brother
Nuri Paa, Halil Paa, Fuat Bulca, Nuri Conker, Ali Fethi Okyar, Nazmi Bey, mer Fevzi Mardin, Kara
Kemal, Rauf Orbay, Kuuba Eref, Yakup Cemil, Hac Selim Sami, Abdurreit brahim, Ali etinkaya,
Sadk Bey, erkez Reit Bey, Mim Kemal ke ve Sleyman Askeri travel to Libya to protect the last
Islamic land in Ottoman hands.

It is worth reading the above names carefully, because they will reappear in future fronts in the
latter Ottoman wars.

Among these, Sleyman Askeri led a band of Kurdish and Arab tribes in hit-and-run strikes
against the British following their capture of Basra in World War One. He set alight the petrol facilities
in Abadan. The British, in response, attacked once again. Sleyman Askeri committed suicide when
the front collapsed.

Later, a Tekilat- Mahsusa unit led by Nuri Paa and Rauf Bey went to neutral Iran and
Afghanistan in 1916 to strike the British from behind with units made from local forces.But let us
return to Libya.
There were nearly 200,000 Italian troops in Libya. The undercover Ottoman officers wanted to
organise the Bedevi, who had never before taken arms, and trap the Italians along the coastal line.

According to the memoirs of Fuat Bulca, as featured in Cemal Kutays book A handful of people
in Trablusgarp, Mustafa Kemals first words to Bulca were these:

Were off to Trablusgarp. You are coming too. He went on: Envers plan is this: we will take
command under own desire, as a private organisation. The war academy will consider us resigned.
We will group there. As you know, I was in Trablusgarp before, and I know the state of mind. If we
seriously take up the defence, we will be helped by the local people, in particular the Sunusi. Enver
will rally the Urban he said he would take with him colleagues who know their language and
traditions. Eref bey is coming too. We have divided up the regions on the map, you shall be my
deputy. We all meet at Envers place in Beikta tonight. Keep it secret. Enver will be in touch with
Mahmut evket Paa. Ali Fethi will move on to Algeria, where he will research ship transport

The knights of the state eventually reached Trablusgarp. First they visited the Sunusi town, where
the Sheikh received them warmly and took them to a mosque to select troops. They choose nearly
40 reliable and strong men, and gave them military training in the days that followed.

The volunteers learned how to turn right and left, how to salute, and were given single private
close set training. But they then needed rifles, and the Ottoman officers made a raid on an important
Italian post nearby as a demonstration for the volunteers.

The Italian army was stunned by the raid, which they thought was being carried out by Bedevi
who had never before held a weapon. But the Bedevi recruits now had their rifles, and continued
their training. There was a need for cannon, so as to broaden the resistance. The only way to do this
was by raiding the Italian base owing to a lack of cotton and ammonium, the knights were already
using urine on their wounds.

The Bedevi trainees, under the direction of their commanders, successfully raided an Italian base
and took a cannon. So appeared wave after wave of resistance and fires of freedom against Italian
imperialism in Libya.

The entire equipment used to resist the invasion in Libya comprised of two machine guns, 250
rifles, two cannon, countless ammunition and ten mules. But even these were sufficient for the only
legend to be written in Libya.

In his memoirs quoted by Cemal Kutay, Eref Bey said this: In no other war did we feel
loneliness as much as we did in Trablusgarp. We were in the middle of the desert. We had no cotton
or iodine with which to wrap our wounds; we would pour urine over the injures, assuming it
contained ammonium. While we were in this poverty, Italy was receiing help from the Christian
community. Princesses from the Red Cross, women members of the palaces of Europe, women
invited by the Vatican from all four corners of the world stood against us, as if it was Italy that was
rescuing a part of its own territory and we were the invaders. What did we not find in the Italian
possessions we captured? There were verses of gratitude for the Italian soldiers fighting the
barbarians, with signatures representing the peoples of South and North America, Australia, Canada
and New Zealand. Whole peoples against whom we felt no anger were against us because of the sins
of those who wrongly depicted us.

One day, new came from the Umur- arkiye department, a plain building opposite the Tasvir-i
Efkar newspaper on the corner of eref street and Nuri Osmaniye road. This was a department
connected to the officers in Libya.

It was news of a decision to withdraw the officers from Trablusgarp, owing to the outbreak of war
in the Balkans. Bulgaria, Greece Serbia and Montenegro had declared war on the Ottomans, taking
Trablusgarp as their opportunity. Mustafa Kemal and Enver Beys both left Trablusgarp, along with the
comrades-in-arms, and took up their new missions.

But before they left, they appointed a Bedevi as leader from the first group they trained. This
particular Bedevi had shown success in the guerrilla training, leadership ability and discipline. He
was the imam of the lodge at Kasur. That imam fought against imperialism and for the freedom of his
people, who had now become a nation, until he was killed in 1931. That imam was mer Muhtar,
born in the village of Batnan, in Libyas region of Defne.

The Trablus commanding officer colonel Neet, Bingazi commander field officer Enver and Derne
commander field officer Mustafa Kemal left behind a nation that was resisting invasion and was
prepared to give their lives for freedom.

Turkish republics in Thrace

Also among those nations wanting to determine their own future were the Balkan Turks. That was
why the first Turkish republic was founded on 31 August 1913. But for the process to be understood,
certain details must be stressed.

Turkish Temporary Government of Rodop...

The first attempt took place in 1878 to protect the Turkish presence and to establish a resistance
point against the insidiously applied genocide in Balkans. Treaty of Ayestefanos was leading up to
establisment of Great Bulgaria. Through the initiative of the western countries having been disturbed
from this, the treaty was abolished and the Berlin Treaty was signed instead of it. Thanks to the
Berlin Treaty, an autonomous province called arki Rumeli (Eastern Rumelia) was founded tied to
the Ottoman Empire.

However, this arrangement wasnt eliminating the fact that Great Bulgaria was to be founded,
but just putting it back. Since the Bulgarians had the right to dissociate themselves from the
Ottoman Government through blood and gunpowder and establish the Great Bulgaria by
assimiliating the Turks, the majority, then it was a must for Turkish people, the real owners of the
region, to use their right to determine their future.
Consequently, Turkish Temporary Government of Rodop was founded in 1878. Ahmet Timirski
(Timisli), Abdullah Efendi and Kara Yusuf avu were the executive heads of the state which survived
until 1886. The establishment of the state was performed with the support of 30 deputies and 100
directors of township.

Bulgarian nationalists took power in a coup on September 18th, 1885. Ottoman governors Reit
Pasha and Gavril Pasha were murdered. It was announced that the region was under the rule of
Bulgarian sovereignty from that day on. As per usual, Istanbul met with a surprise about this
phenomenon as it was expected to be the accomplished fact and couldnt do anything about the
annexation of this state by Bulgaria on March 20th, 1886.

Ottoman State had lost another war and it was dwindling swiftly. Rumelia, the main ground of the
Ottoman State and the major part of its land was being lost. After the peace treaty was signed the
relations of Ottoman State with the Balkans was limited to Kyky-Enez line. From that day on,
Otoman State wouldnt pass over the Maritsa River.

Thus, Rumelia was left to the conscience and fairness of the gangs who were supported by the
great European capitals. Greeks were burning with love for the hope of creating Great Greece.
Bulgarians were still having the dream of Great Bulgaria. Serbians had sworn oaths for the sake of
Great Serbia.

On the other side, Ottomans were monitoring the developments with anxiety and fear behind the
Kyky-Enez line where they were detained after the London Peace Treaty. Semiofficial forces were
composed from the soldiers and military officers who left their duties in the army. A small
detachment moved to make a reconnaissance and entered Lleburgaz by the order of Enver Pasha.
They took the Bulgarian battalion as prisoner there and captured the residential areas from the front
line to city centre.

Enver Pasha sent another voluntary force composed of 4.000 people to the direction of Ereli and
Tekirda by a second order. Rapidly moving detachment reached Muratl. Another force demolished
the Bulgarian front line near orlu. Ottoman Army reached Kyky-Enez line on July 15th, 1913. In
this way the Ottoman State, though disturbed the West, went forward as far as the West could
consent. However, the final target was not to move forward until the West could accept but to save
Edirne at first and then all the captured land of the motherland.

Temporary Governments of Koukavak, Mestanl and Eridere...

On 23th of July, a militry force of approximately 3.000 people, composed of voluntary officers and
soldiers, entered Edirne. Immediately afterwards, Balkan Turks founded a queue of republics beyond
the new drawn border. Temporary governments were established in Krcaali and Eridere.
Temporary Government of Krcaali demanded official request for help from the Ottoman State on
August 4th, 1913.

Kuuba Eref and his detachment of 115 men under his command passed over to Western
Thrace on August 15th, 1913. Kuuba Eref and a handful of men firstly entered Western Thrace
through Ortaky, Ivaylovgrad in other words, through moving along the roads full of corpses and
scorched and despoiled Turkish villages, and then annihilated the Domuzciev gang who was
acknowledged to be in charge of these. Things acquired from the gang of 1.200 were distributed to
the public and Koukavak was saved. The detachment saved Ortaky and Papazky (August 15th),
Koukavak (August 16th), Mestanl (August 18th) and Krcaaliyi (August 19th) respectively.

Apart from Kuuba Eref, his brother Hac Sami, Kuuba Erefs another brother Ahmed
Kapdan, Cihangirzade brahim Bey, Captain lyas, First Lieutenant mer Ltfi, Lieutenant Besim,
Beiktal Kemal, akr Efe, Tatar Hasan, Giritli smail Kapdan and Mamaka Mustafa Kapdan were also
included in the said detachment of 115 men.

Kuuba Eref established a temporary government in Koukavak, under the directorship of

Kamber Aa, like the ones in Rodop, Krcaali and Eridere. The detachment of 115 men kept going
forward without any loss and saved Mestanl on August 18th and Krcaali on August 19th.

Temporary Governments of Krcaali, Gmlcine and Western Thrace...

Later on, in accordance with the directions of Sleyman Askeri Bey, Ali Fethi and Mustafa Kemal,
some military officers also joined to the fight in Western Thrace together with some other volunteers
who left their duties in the army out of necessity.

In Krcaali, a national unity of 600 people was organized with the help of Mustafa Bey and Emin
Aa who is the uncle of Talat Bey and they established local governments in Krcaali and Mestanl
and then appointed their presidents.

Major Sleyman Askeri Bey, who is the Commander of Trabzon Reserved Division, Captain lyas
together with his company and First Lieutenant mer Ltfi, Kskll Cemil, Manastrl Halim,
Fortification Captain Akkal Kasm, First Lieutenant skeeli Arif, Fuat (Balkan), Beykozlu Reat,
ehreminli Sadk, Captain Serfeli Ekrem with his regular infantry company, Artillery Captain Ihsan,
Hsrev Sami and erkez Ethems brother erkez Reit and the detachment skirmished against the
Dimitriyef forces in Krcaali and saved Gmlcine later.

A republic was established on August 31st, in Gmlcine which was located in the centre of the
Western Thrace. Afterwards, they entered skee on September 1st and later skee was transformed
into the military centre. From that day on, Ortaky (vaylovgrad), Papazky, Pamakl (Smolyan),
Yenice, Habipe, Harmanl, Eridere (Ardino), Koukavak (Krumovgrad), Krcaali, Mestanl
(Momilgrad), Cuma-i Bala (Blagoevgrad), Dardere (Zlatograd), Nevrokop (Gotse Delev), Gmlcine
(Komotini) and skee (Ksanti) were under the control of the troops commanded by Sleyman Askeri

Thus, on August 31st, 1913 it was declared to the whole world that all the bonds with the
Ottoman State was broken off and a new state was established, it was called Garbi Trakya Hkmeti
Muvakkatesi (Temporary Government of Western Thrace).

Dersiam Hafz Salih Efendi was chosen the president of the republic. The government had the
following members:

Dersiam Hafz Salih Efendi, Hafz Galip Efendi, Hac Saffet Bey, Hseyin Pasha, Mehmet Pasha,
Hac sa Efendi, Sleyman Askeri Bey, Hilmi Pasha and Kuuba Eref.

Mderris Salih Efendi was brought to the presidency of the Temporary Government of Western
Thrace. Sleyman Askeri Bey was both the Chief of General Staff and the head of the executive
board. Temporary Government of Western Thrace had 11 members in the executive board including
Hoca Salih Efendi and Sleyman Askeri Bey, plus Mehmet kr Pasha, Hac sa Efendi, Hilmi Pasha,
Hafz Ali Galip Efendi, Hac Saffet Efendi, Mehmet kr Paazade brahim Bey, Hseyin Pasha, Hac
Beyzade Osman Nail Bey and Hoca Mehmet Efendi as well.

The commanding board members were: National Forces Commander was Kuuba Eref,
Deputy National Forces Commander was erkez Rait, Operation Department Chief was First
Lieutenant Manastrl Halim, Artillery Forces Commander was Captain hsan Eryavuz, Cavalry Forces
Commander was Captain lyas Sekin, Heavy Forces Commander was First Lieutenant mer Ltf,
Raider Forces Commander was First Lieutenant Srifeli Ekrem, Attack Battalion Commander was
Captain Kskll Cemil, National Forces Detachment Commander was Manastrl Hsrev Sami,
National Forces Detachment Commander was Cihangirolu brahim (Cihangirzade brahim Bey).

In the opinion of Sleyman Askeri Bey and Hafz Galip, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Epirus Province,
Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina or in other words the Turks here, that is the Muslims,
living especially in those places should have come together under a roof of a state under the name
of Balkan Federation or Confederation. To this end, The First Congress of Balkan Muslim Turks was
held in Gmlcine.

According to Ahmet Aydnl; Sleyman Askeri Bey, with the help of Enver Pasha, had invited the
prominent people of the Muslim public of the region to a general congress in Gmlcine. Before this,
Sleyman Askeri Bey was taken to the head of the Muhacirin Mdriyeti daresi (Immigrants
Management Administration Office) and enabled him to perform these actions easily.

Sleyman Askeri founded Autonomous Turkish Republic of Western Thrace and Successful
Islamic Government of Western Thrace. Greeks and Bulgariand had to recognize these announced
republic and the government officially. The government coined money and stamp.

The detachment didnt stop here. Sofulu and Ferecik were saved on September 23rd, 1913. The
scattered Bulgarian Forces had to take shelter in Dedeaa province which was under the occupation
of Greeks.

Immediately afterwards its establishment, Western Thrace State started to announce its
assertion to the world. They had a news agency established by a Jewish Ottoman citizen.The
administrative structure of the state was completed in a short time, courts of law were established.
The seal of the state and the stamp were cointed, borders gates were created. Even Cemal Pasha
had to come with a passport when he wanted to see Kuuba Eref and Sleyman Askeri Bey.
Turkish Republic of Western Thrace had a national anthem and it was written by Sleyman Askeri
Bey. An army was organized at the same time. The number of the personnel of the army was 30.000
on October 4th, 1913 and increased to 60.000 at short notice.

Kemal evket Batbeys book called Turkish Republic of Western Thrace (1919-1920) and Bilal
imirs work called Turkish Immigrations from Rumelia and various articles of Ahmet Aydnl have
enlightened this period of time. In addition to these, Halim avuolus works based on Western
Thrace are of great importance.

Western Thrace was surrendered to Bulgaria on October 25th, 1913. Conditions at that time
pushed Istanbul to do so. However, immediately afterwards, Committee of Western Thrace was
established in Istanbul on November 10th, 1918. Hasan Tahsin, Hseyin Sabri and skeeli Arif Bey
were chosen for the committee. The aim of the committee was to save Western Thrace. Besides,
Trakya-Paaeli Mdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti (Thrace-Paaeli Vindication of Rights Association) was
founded. Later on, the committee moved its center to Gmlcine and began to preparations for the
National Government of Western Thrace to be founded on May 25th, 1920.

National Government of Western Thrace...

Bulgarians and Greeks pressure over Turks was getting harder. The Ottoman State, defeated in
the battle, was submitting to all demands. The allies, gathered in Paris on March 1st, 1919 , made a
decision to combine Western and Eastern Thrace and deliver it to Greece.

The allies were treating each other the Turkish lands, and the reaction of the region against this
was rising. Thereupon, the decision to give the region to Greece was suspended on March 11th,
1919. Fuat Balkan and twenty friends of him, gathered with difficulty, decided to pass over to
Western Thrace, on those days the Greeks troops were coming to Izmir. They had 13 Mauser rifles
and 2 chests of cartridge with them. The team hardly found their needs such as flask, bread bag,
backpack, and cartridge box, etc. in Krklareli. They even had to hide themselves from the patrols
and the soldiers.

Meanwhile, Sivas Congress was held in Anatolia and arki Anadolu Mdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti
(Eastern Anatolia Vindication of Rights Association) changed its name into Anadolu ve Rumeli
Mdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti (Anatolia and Rumelia Vindication of Rights Association). A Greek
detachment occupied skee on the following days.

In Western Thrace, French governor Charpier founded Interallied Government of Western

Thrace on October 15th, 1919. This government remained in office until May 23rd, 1920.
Distribution of duties were like this:

President: Gmlcineli Arif Zade Arif Efendi, Mayor: Galip Efendi, General Gendarmerie
Commander: Hseyin Canik Bey, Chief Judge: brahim Karagz.

On November 27th, 1919, a decision was reached to carry out a plebiscite to decide whether
Western Thrace should be
delivered to France or to Greece. On the following days, Ottoman Parliament acknowledged
Misak-i Milli (National Pact) in its last meeting. The Allies occupied stanbul on March 16th, 1920. The
Turkish Grand National Assembly was founded on April 23rd, 1920. Edirne Congress of Thrace-Paaeli
Vindication of Rights Association was held on 9th of May. In the congress, the association joined to
Anatolia and Rumelia Vindication of Rights Association.

On May 12th, 1920 the first round and on May 14th, 1920 the second round of the plebiscite in
Western Thrace were carried out respectively. The results were in favour of Greece. Based on the
plebiscite results Greek troops occupied the whole Western Thrace. Thus, Interallied Government of
Western Thrace, founded by the French, ceased to exist on May 23rd, 1920.

Two days later, National Government of Western Thrace was declared. This government
survived until July 24th, 1923. Distribution of duties like this:

President of the Government : Petereli Tevfik Bey, Vice President and Minister of Justice;
Gmlcine Mufti Bekir Stk Bey, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mahmut Nedim Bey, Minister of Internal
Affairs, Hasan Tahsin Bey, Minister of Finance ; Sabri Bey, Minister of Foundations; Mustafa Dorul
Bey, Chief of General Staff ; Infantry Captain Fuat Balkan, Vice Chief of General Staff; Infantry
Lieutenant Fahri zdilek.

This government survived its sovereignty in Rodops until July 24th, 1923 when Treaty of
Lausenne was signed. This government enabled Turks living in those lands, in their homelands to
save themselves from the genocide and at least to protect their rights through solemn agreements
according to the international laws.

Kars, Aras and Meskhetia States...

In fact, in the history of this region, too, there are other attempts to establish states -not as much
as those in Balkans. For instance, in 1917, Public Government of Kars was founded. After the end of
Russian governing, Muslim, Armenian and Greek communities living in Kars reached a decision that
the region is to be ruled by turns by the people chosen among their communities. Ali Han
Kantemirof, Halil Beyzade Ali Bey became the civilian authority ve Cihangirzade Aziz Bey became the
Public Commissioner. Each community had also its own governor, civilian authority and public
commissioner. These were governing the society by turns of one weeks time.

Ottoman Army entered Kars on April 26th, 1918. Immediately after the capture of Kars by the
Ottoman Army, the previous Public governments Muslim community public commissioner
Cihangirzade Aziz Bey was temporarily appointed as mayor of the city by Kazm Karabekir.

In compliance with Mondros Armistice Aggreement which was signed about half year later,
Ottoman army had to retreat from South Western Caucasia to the borders of 1914. However, just a
day before Mondros Armistice, Temporary Government of Meskhetia was founded (October 29th,
1918). After its foundation, Aras Turkish Republic, based in Idr (November 3rd, 1918) and Kars
Islamic Council (November 5th, 1918) followed it.
Democratic Republic of South Western Caucasia...

Cenubi Garbi Kafkas Hkmeti Cumhuriyesi (Democratic Republic of South Western Caucasia)
was founded after Mondros Armistice Aggreement in Eastern Anatolia. Mondros Armistice, signed at
the end of World World I, had stipulated that the Ottoman army troops must retreat from Southern
Caucasia. In accordance with this decision, Ottoman State had to retreat its troops from this region
where they had penetrated a lot. However, conditions of the period and the said aggreements were
making Kars, Batum and Ardahan defenceless against the Armenian occupation and massacres.

Thereupon, firstly Kars National Islamic Council was organized on November 5th, 1918. A
congress was held on November 14th, and a government named Milli slam uras Merkez-i Umumisi
(National Islamic Council Public Center). This temporary government included the following names:

President of the Government : Fahrettin Erdoan, Mayor : Yeni Gazi'li Hayrullah. Ta son of
Ahmet, Ahmet son of Karaantal Hac, Ahskal Efsal, Ahskal Behet Bey, Akbabal Albay srafil and
Stefan Vafyadis. The council left its place to Cenubi Garbi Kafkas Hkmeti Muvakkate-i Milliyesi
(National Temporary Government of South Western Caucaisa). The government declared its
constitution, composed of 18 articles, and its flag.

Cihangirzade brahim Bey was brought to the presidency of the government. Before and after
this process, Cihangirzade brahim Bey undertook great duties in Balkans, too, and together with his
brother Hasan bey, and also his friends mer Naci and Rueni Barkn, before Constitution, they
worked as partisans of constitutional monarchy with Nizam s-Saltana in Southern Iran.

Newly founded government included the following names:

Cihangirzade brahim, Cihangirzade Hasan, Yenigazili Hayrullah, Ahmet Bey son of Karaantal
Hac, Ta son of Revanl Ahund, Kerbelayi Memet son of Hac Abbas, Ali son of Halil Bey, Dr. Esat
,Talnl Hseyin Han, Rasim son of Hami, Molla Bilal, Hseyin son of Hafz, F. Erdoan, Ali Rza Bey,
Maksut Aaolu Hasan Bey and Alibeyolu Mehmet.

II. Kars Congress was held on November 30th, 1918. At the congress, National Council
Government was decided to be found. As a result of the elections done, the following names was
chosen for the government:

Cihangirzade brahim Bey, Cihangirzade Hasan Han Bey, Fahrettin Bey, ldrl Dr. Esat Bey,
Kerbelayi Mehmet son of Hac Abbas, Ahmet Bey son of Karaantal Hac, Molla Bilal Bey, Ta Bey
son of Revanl Ahund, Mehmet Bey son of Idrl Alibey, Gmrl Halcolu Yusuf Bey, Borall
Kepeneki Emin Aa, Kazmanl Ali Rza Bey and Hasan Aa son of Digorlu Maksutaa.

The parliament of the founded government started to work on March 1st, 1919. Cenubi Garbi
Kafkas Hkmeti Muvakkate-i Milliyesi (National Temporary Government of South Western Caucaisa)
changed its name as Cenubi Garbi Kafkas Hkmet-i Cumhuriyesi (Republic Government of South
Western Caucaisa) on March 25th, 1919. Apart from Kars, Artvin, Ardahan, Batum, Gmr, Sarkam,
Nahcivan and Ordubad were in the borders of this republic.
Through the foundation of this republic, concepts of constitution, social state, citizenship,
minority rights, respect to the differences, Turk, Turkish, good neighbourhood, democratic and
transparent election principles, etc. were put into words for the first time. The constitution was
composed of 18 articles and they were as follows:

1.The name of the government will be Republic of South Western Caucaisa.

2.Republic of South Western Caucaisa government, is in charge of expanding its borders from
Batum to Nahcivan, and undertakes the responsibility to keep the peace forever within these

3.The government has accepted the Turkish flag with crescent and star planted on the National
Assembly as the national flag.

4.The official language of Republic of South Western Caucaisa government is Turkish. All the
official and unofficial procedures and the education will be in Turkish.

5.All the male and female citizens above the age of 18 have the right to vote in national
elections. 10.000 votes can choose one deputy.

6.In each province and town, the branches of the National Council are to be opened and any kind
of help is expected from our community.

7.Any kind of treatment that might offend Turkish people and the government will be avoided

8.Our general military organization, too, in accordance with our republics way of behaviour, in
order to enable the communication with the Trkiye state, a constant committee will be in Trkiye.

9.In our civil administration, too, exactly the same way in the article 8 will be accepted.

10.Continually getting along well with neigbouring governments is accepted as a principle by our
Republics government. After the parliament elections, a law will be legislated on this issue.

11.In the event that The Allies want to seize the eastern provinces and give them to another
nation, our Republic never accepts to be seperated from Trkiye.

12.The freedom and rights of the minorities are to be maintained.

13.Denominational differences between the Muslims are to be respected and the religious rites
are to be enabled to perform all together.

14.The elections are to be carried out impartially and ineffectively comply with to the principles
of democracy, the uttermost attention will be paid to perform in a way suited to Turkish glory and
15.The inauguration of the governors and the commanders and also the dismissal from service
are to be performed upon the decision of the National Assembly.

16.Our Republics Government is authorized to offer a change for some articles of the law after
the completion of the deputy elections and the National Asembly started to work.

17.To be elected as a deputy, one have to be above the age of 25.

18.After this law became effective, the President and the Council of Ministers are in charge of its

The British occupied Kars on April 13th, 1919 and put an end to the presence of the government.
They arrested the 12 members of the governmet, and sent into exile firstly to Batum and later to
Malta. The British gave Kars to Armenians and until the Turkish troops under the command of Kazm
Karabekir captured the region in the autumn of 1920, Kars was occupied for one and a half year.

Hatay Republic...

Hatay Republic survived between September 7th, 1938 and June 29th, 1939 and later on joined
to Turkey.

According to the Treaty of Sykes-Picot, signed secretly between England and France during the
World War I, within the scope of the sharing of Middle East, Iskenderun Sanjak was included to the
region under French control. At the end of the war, when the Mondros Armistice was signed on
October 30th, 1918 this region was under the control of Turkish forces.

On the basis of the 7th article of the Mondros Armistice, British troops occupied Iskenderun
Sanjak on November 9th, afterwards they left the region to the French troops in accordance with the
secret treaty they signed, French troops had occupied Urfa, Antep, Adana and Mersin, too. The
French occupied Iskenderun Sanjak on December 11th, 1918.

At that time, Mustafa Kemal Pasha had been appointed to the Commandership of the Yldrm
Armies Group and he was in Adana, he opposed to the demands of the British to occupy Iskenderun
and ordered to outstand an assault and use their guns in case of a British attack against Iskenderun.
This behaviour of his made the Ottoman State so angry that Yldrm Armies Group was abolished on
November 7th, and Mustafa Kemal Pasha was put under the order of Ministry of War.

Turkish people began to resist in places in Sanjak region occupied by French forces on December
11th, 1918. In Drtyol, Reyhanl and Antakya some organizations were established.

Armenian gangs sided with the French gradually increased their pressure and rowdiness against
Turkish people. Major Tayfur Skmen, who had tried to organize a rebellion in Beirut as the
representative of the Hilal-i Ahmer Cemiyeti (Red Crescent Association), endeavored much for the
state founded in Hatay.

On May 29th, 1920, Tayfur Skmen sent a telegram to Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Head of the Rumelia
and Anatolia Vindication of Rights Associations, and wanted to learn whether Iskenderun Sanjak and
the vicinity was in the borders of Misak- Milli (National Pact). Mustafa Kemal Pasha replied the
telegram through Colonel Recep Bey, and said that Iskenderun Sanjak and the vicinity was in the
borders of Misak- Milli (National Pact) and wanted him to contact with the second Army Corps based
in Mara and to continue his activities.

Ankara Agreement was signed between Turkey and France on October 20th, 1921 and it
consisted of crucial decisions related to the political status and the future of Hatay precinct. Although
it was thought within the borders of Misak- Milli (National Pact), Sanjak region had to fell outside of
the national borders so as to stop the armed struggle against France when the Ankara Agreement
was signed with this country on October 20th, 1921 and the southern borders were drawn in
accordance with the 8th article of this agreement.

In this period of time, Turkish people living in Hatay werent allowed to migrate to Turkey and
some difficulties were made by Aleppo Consulate and also some propaganda campaigns were
performed to block the people leave the region and the migration was blocked to a large extent. In
addition to these, Hatay Turks were encouraged to work in an organized way in Adana, Istanbul and
Iskenderun Sanjak itself.

France put its affairs with Syria and Lebanon in a new order and Syria in September 1936 and
Lebanon in November 1936 proclaimed their independence respectively. France transfered its
authorization above Sanjak to Syria when they withdrew from Syria. However, Turkish government
didnt accept this and wanted the same status for Iskenderun Sanjak as Syria had, claimed
independence for Iskenderun Sanjak, too.

French Government in its reply on November 10th declared that providing independence for
Iskenderun Sanjak meant breaking Syria into pieces and as a mandatory state it didnt have such a
right. Clashes began in Hatay.

French Prime Ministry Lean Blum wrote a letter to Turkish Ambassador on January 18th, 1937 and
suggested that League of Nations solve the question of Sanjak. Turkey accepted this suggestion.

After League of Nations paid attention to the topic and especially through Englands
mediatorship, the Council determined a status for Sanjak on January 27th, 1937. According to this
status, Iskenderun Sanjak would be a Seperate Entity which is independent in its internal affairs,
bound to Syria in its foreign affairs, and administered by a distinctive constitution. This region was to
put under the supervision of League of Nations and this supervision was to be performed by a
French. Turkey and France was to sign a treaty and ensure the territorial integrity of Sanjak together.

Turkey opposed to the treaty that was giving the responsibility of Sanjak entirely to Syria and
declared that it wouldnt recognize the decisions of the treaty related to Iskenderun Sanjak. On those
days, based upon Ataturks order, a decision was made to give Antakya-Iskenderun region the name
of Hatay

Hatay Sovereignty Association was founded. This organization boycotted the national elections
that was decided to be performed on November 14-15th, 1936 by the Syrian government. In 1937 a
specialists committee was organized to solve the Hatay Question which was completely located in
the agenda of League of Nations, the committee was charged with the task to prepare the draft
constitution. The draft was acknowledged in the League of Nations on May 29th, 1937. According to
the acknowledged draft constitution text, the Sanjak was envisaged to be independent in the internal
affairs, bound to Syria in terms of foreign affairs, financial affairs, and customs. There wouldnt be a
borderline between Sanjak and Syria, territorial integrity of the Sanjak would be under the common
guarantee of Turkey and France. However, this was a temporary status which would be valid until the
day when the public would establish its own parliament.

After this new status, Turkey improved its economic relations with Hatay precinct. In October
1937, Turkish Consulates were opened in Antakya and Iskenderun. Turkish banks began to issue
loans to merchants and villagers in very smart conditions through their newly opened branches.
Almost each of the laws legislated in Turkish Assembly was followed and legislated in Hatay, too.
Cumtoms legislation was made harmonious in accordance with the Turkish legislation.

In June 1938, after the completion of the negotiations with the French in Antakya, a treaty was
signed to send 2.500 Turkish and 2.500 French soldiers to ensure the territorial integrity of Sanjak.
Electoral rolls were renovated. After the parliament elections, for the 40-seat Hatay Public Assembly,
22 Turks, 9 Alaouite Arabs, 5 Armenians, 2 Sunni Arabs and 2 Orthodox Greek deputies were to be
chosen. Turks had the majority in the parliament since they had 22 seats. All the Turkish deputies
took their oaths in Turkish.

Hatay Public Assembly was held on September 2nd, 1938 and announced that Hatay Republic
was founded. Tayfur Skmen was elected the President by the Assembly as Atatrk wished,
Abdlgani Trkmen was made Assembly President. Council of Ministers was of five persons, the
Prime Minister was Abdurrahman Melek. The flag of Hatay Republic was almost the same as Turkish
flag, the only difference was that the interior part of the star was red coloured.

Close contacts and bonds were established between Turkey and Hatay. Hatay Assembly
acknowledged the Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Criminal Code in January 1939. Financial advisors
were brought from Turkey. Besides, Hatay administrators always declared their wishes to join to
Turkey. Turkey welcomed this demand with sympathy. However, Hatay was under the common
guarantee of both Turkey and France in accordance with the treaty signed on May 29th, 1937. In
January 1939, in the last stage of the process, there was no other obstacle to join to Turkey.

After a treaty was signed between France and Turkey on June 23rd, 1939 joining of Hatay to
Turkey became definite. Later on, Hatay Public Assembly was held and made a decision to join to
Turkey on June 29th. Turkish grand National Assembly acknowledged this decision on June 30th,
1939. Hatay Council of Ministers transfered its administrative duties to Cevat Akaln, Turkeys
Exclusive Representative for Hatay, and put an end to its own presence.

Rudiments of the Process...

As you see here, several features of this process attrack attention.

The first one is, the world-dominating Wilson Principle stipulating the right of the nations to
determine their future was evaluated with a right approach and turned into a trump.

The second one is, a genocide which had been continuing for about a hundred year was limited
through this trump and was stopped drastically.

The third one is, all the attempts were carried out with the devotion of a limited number of
people, and through limited resources.

The fourth one is, The War of Independence was developed with the help of the experience
gathered at the end of this process and the Republic of Turkey was built upon this experience.

The fifth one is, the staff and the administrators that founded the Republic were grown in this
process, thus they ruled the Republic by giving its due.

The sixth one is, there is always something to do.


Throughout 1990s -at different levels and in different grounds- Turkey witnessed a surrounding in
which Greece, Southern Cyprus, Serbia, Armenia, Syria, and partly Russia were involved
cooperatively, and interior terror organizations and their partisans were jointed.

Albenian Civil War, Bosnia War, Kardak Crisis, S-300 Crisis, Cross-border actions in Cyprus,
chronical tension in the Aegean, arresting the leader of the terrorist organization, and the similar
events revealed that Greece cannot overcome the problems regarding Turkey whether alone or
together with such an alliance.

Hereupon, Greece began to support Turkeys accession to European Union. The said surrounding
had collapsed due to the periodical conditions, in this way it began to progress mainly through
institutions and politics of European Union.

And Tomorrow...

Turkey, especially in this sensitive period it goes through, should frequently evaluate the
differences between 1990s and 2000s the conditions before and after getting the candidate country
status for European Union- and frequently investigate the 19th century in terms of both the
negativenesses and the strugle against these negativenesses.

Ex-US President Dwight Eisenhowers method known with his own name The Eisenhower
Method can be helpful for judgement in this period.

Eisenhower would take a sheet of paper and wrote urgency on top of the paper, and wrote
importance on the left under the former word. Then he drew 2 columns under the heading of
urgency and named them urgent and not urgent.
Eisenhower drew 2 lines in front of the importance heading and named them important and
not important. Eisenhower used this diagram to decide how to do. The intersection box of the
headings important and not urgent reveals the things that must be done personally and be
managed healthily. The intersection box of the headings important and urgent reveals the
things that must be done personally and right away.

In this diagram, the intersection box of the headings not important and not urgent reveals
the things that arent worth studying on and should go to trash and the intersection box of the
headings not important and urgent reveals the things that must be directed to te expert

This diagram provides a healthy priority table in a way and might conribute to the foreign policy
of Turkey.

Slaps from the European Court Of Human Rights to Southern Cyprus

It was reported that due to the fact that the local courts in Southern Cyprus were delayed to
conclude the lawsuits, Southern Cyprus was sentenced by the European Court of Human Rights
(ECHR) and had to pay compensation.

According to the news of Simerini, a newspaper published in Southern Cyprus, the fact that the
lawsuits filed in accident courts were delayed to conclude led to lawsuit at the ECHR against
Southern Cyprus.

For this reason, Southern Cyprus was sentenced in 42 impleaded case since 1998. The
newspaper reported that as the courts were delayed to cocnclude the lawsuits, totally 300.000
Cyprus Lira was paid to the plaintiffs in compensation and in costs as a result of the individual
applications to the ECHR.

On the other hand, under the heading of Unpleasant Developments About Ownership Problem in
the Timvios Case, the newspaper headlined the news that Southern Cyprus objection to the
acknowledgement of the agreement between Turkey and Greek Cypriot Mike Timvios by the ECHR
might lead to negative results for Southern Cyprus about ownership problem.

Greek Cypriot press reported that there are new developments in the case of Greek Cypriot Mike
Timvios who had an agreement with the TRNC Immovable Property Commission (IPC) to exchange
his immovable in the TRNC with a foundation estate in Southern Cyprus, after he reached the
agreement, he made a claim to withdraw the lawsuit at the ECHR against Turkey. The newspaper
also reported that Turkish Cypriot Properties Trusteeship, was taken into the agenda of the ECHR
and it will be in charge of the administration of the immovables belonging to Turkish Cypriots in
Southern Cyprus.

Politis Newspaper reminded that the 3rd Branch of the ECHR , in its meeting on November 29th,
2007, rejected the involvement of Southern Cyprus government as a party and to deliver opinion
against the approval process of the agreement signed between Timvios and the TRNC Immovable
Property Commission (IPC). The newspaper also reported that the ECHR rejected the claim of
involvement because of the fact that The agreement is between Timvios and Turkey, a third party
cannot intervene an agreement between two parties. However, the ECHR stated that they would
take into account the arguments submitted by The Greek Cypriot Attorney Generals office.

The paper reported that The Greek Cypriot Attorney Generals office defended an opinion on the
arguments submitted to the ECHR that if the ECHR approves the agreement Timvios made, then the
ECHR would skip the laws concerning the administration of the properties of Turkish Cypriots in
Southern Cyprus. The newspaper emphasized that this appeal of The Greek Cypriot Attorney
Generals office resulted in the fact that the issue of Turkish Cypriot Properties Trusteeship was
taken into the agenda of the ECHR.

The paper said that, after these developments the ECHR sent a letter to Turkey on December
3rd, 2007 and asked Turkey to explain if the agreement with Timvios had been approved which
mechanism would have been thought to implement the said agreement. According to the claims in
the news, in the letter sent by the ECHR to Turkey; it was demanded to explain that if the agreement
with Timvios was approved, through which mechanisms the immovable in Larnaca would be handed
over to Timvios, and Turkey was given a term until January 14th to explain it.

The paper also reported that the ECHR wanted Turkey to give detailed information about the
Ownership Status of the immovable that is registered to the Foundation in Larnaca. According to
the sources in Strasbourg, Turkey has already sent the information about the mechanism and the
other needed information to the ECHR. Turkey has also stated its own opinions concerning the issue
in the letter sent to the ECHR and in the property exchange envisaged in the agreement made with
Timvios, Turkey put forward the argument that in the event that there is a mutual agreement of the
owners then there must be no legal impediment.

Meanwhile, the paper reminded that a part of the frozen applications, queuing for a long time
at the ECHR, filed by Greek Cypriots at the ECHR against Turkey were put on the agenda of the ECHR
again as of November 29th. The paper emphasized that 37 of the applications filed by Greek
Cypriots at the ECHR against Turkey passed the acceptance stage and put into process. The ECHR
asked the Greek Cypriots who appealed to the court for the said case if there was a change
regarding their application and their case and wanted them to reply by January 28th.

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