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1. Acerbate(v) Latin To annoy/vex
2. Allocution(n) Latin Formal speech
3. Censer Old French A container used for
4. Crevasse Old French A deep open crack(smaller
5. Gauche French Unsophisticated/socially
6. Guillotine French(eponym) Surgical
ding machine
7. Leprechaun Irish Dwarf or spirit
8. Dachshund German German breed of dog
9. Poignant Latin Strong mental appeal
10.Psalm Old English A sacred song or hymn
11.Sequoia American Large coniferous tree
native to California
12.Taciturn Latin Reluctant in conversation
13.Weird Old English Bizarre
15.Myrrh Latin Aromatic resin
16.Mayonnaise French Dressing liquid for
17.Impromptu French/latin Unprepared/Improvised
18.Receipt Old French Written acknowledgement
19.Antecedent English Preceding
20.Annihilate Latin Destroy
21.Buoy German Nautical marking
22.Clich French Overused
23.Corduroy French Cotton filling pile fabric
24.Debris French Ruins
25.Gossamer German Cobweb/thin thread
26.Grandiose Italian Grand/pompous
27.Eavesdrop English Listen secrrtly
28.Impasse French Deadlock
29.Pheasant French/latin Long tailed bird
30.Sherbet Persian Drink made of sweetened
31.Redemption English Deliverance/atonement
32.Conjecture Latin Theory without sufficient
33.Anomaly Greek Deviation from normal
34.Inception Latin Commence/start
35.Skunk American Mammal(weasel)/contemp
tible person
36.Gullible Easily deceivable
37.Epithet Greek Attributed quality
38.Mistletoe English Yellow flowering
39.Nostalgia Greek Wistful
desire/remembrance of
former life
40.Fillet English Boneless slice of meat or
41.Fuchsia Latin A plant of primrose family
42.Pharaoh Greek/latin Tile of ancient Egyptian
43.Eerie English Uncanny/superstitious fear
44.Crche French Day care/nursery
45.Azimuth Arabic Surveying type
46.Carcass Italian Dead body of an animal
47.Bonsai Japanese Dwarfed plant
48.Canoe Spanish Small boat
49.Clemency Latin Showing mercy
50.Papacy Latin Office of the pope
51.Sierra Latin Chain of hills or mountains
52.Resin Greek A nonvolatile substance
53.Raisin French Dried grapes
54.Cistern Latin Reservoir or tank
55.Lacquer Portuguese Resinous varnish
56.Mufti Arabic Civilian clothes
57.Potpourri Spanish Collection of unrelated
58.Ecstasy Greek Delight
59.Supposition Latin Act of supposing
60.Girdle English Lightweight undergarment
61.Dilapidation Latin State of
62.Dilemma Greek Difficult situation
63.Lemma Greek Subsidiary position
64.Anoint Latin Smear/sprinkle
65.Annoy French/latin Disturb/harm
66.Armament Latin Military arms supply unit
67.Ammunition French Weapon ignitions
68.Depot French Stock and distribution
69.Cadaver Latin Dead body/corpse
70.Cavalier Latin Mounted soldier
71.Brethren English Brothers
72.Posthumous Latin After death
74.Wreck Danish Reduce to ruins
75.Colloquial Characteristic convo
76.Colonel Italian/French Commissioned officer in
armed forces
77.Kernel English Inner part of a hard
78.Kevlar Aramid fibre
79.Melancholy Greek Gloomy state of mind
80.Staccato Italian Shortened/detached
81.Bemuse Confuse someone
82.Fidelity Latin Faithfulness/accuracy of
sound or audio
83.Catastrophe Greek Disaster
84.Tittles Latin Diacritic punctuation
85.Decapitate Latin Behead
86.Decaffeinate Extract caffeine
87.Intolerant Latin Disrespect of beliefs
88.Keratin Dead skin layer
89.Pneumonia Greek Lung inflammation
90.Pneumatic Greek Relating to air,gases,wind
91.Psycho Mentally unstable person
92.Physiotherapist Physical therapy
93.Dough English Baking flour
94.Collateral(adj) Latin Accompanying/auxiliary
95.Dirham Arabic Currency of Iraq
96.Preamble Latin Preface/intro
97.Conscience Latin Inner sense of moral
98.Nimbus Latin Cloud
99.Valkyrie Norse Mythological women
100. Raspberry
101. Venture

102. Poultry
103. Collimate
104. Transducer
105. Extinguish
106. acquisition
107. pontiff
108. maverick
109. legitimate
110. realm
111. robust
112. convergence
113. ominous
114. reinforcement
115. citation
116. assessment
117. enlighten
118. metallurgy
119. tuberculosis
120. anopheles
121. boson
122. synchronous
123. genealogy
124. cumulative
125. acromegaly
126. incandescence
127. calibrate
128. venturimeter
129. poisuelle
130. Triskaidekaphobi
131. Bandana

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