wp1 Week1 2

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2/7/17 DATE
Terryonna Love
Title Of Prompt

Writi Tech no!

Love 1

Terryonna Love



7 February 2017

Tech no

Technology hurt me mentally and emotionally. There was a point and time that I let what was said on

social media get to me. I lost who I really was. There was this girl who made me step out of being that

shy person. She brought up a whole other side of me. I never thought of it to be technology, as my


I was so focused in on her plan to hurt me I actually fell for it. I had to live and learn that words are

just words. I out down my phone for 2 weeks and my mental and emotional state became better. I was

happier and I could only hear what people told me. At that point it didnt matter. Thats why when people

say I heard someone has said this or that, I will be the bigger person. I dont care what they are saying! I

vowed to myself after those week to not feed in mess.

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