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1/23/1 DATE
Sarah Demus
Title Of Prompt

Writi Id Rather Be


Sarah Demus

Professor David Bumphis


23 January 2017

If were writing a research paper, essay, or Mr. Bumphiss writing prompt I would rather be cooking,
drawing, or watching television. I love writing especially writing fiction stories, but after writing for a long
period of time it can become daunting. So instead of writing I would rather be cooking a delicious meal. I
enjoy cooking new things and exploring the kitchen cabinet for a different spice to use. If I werent
cooking a new meal to shove in my mouth I would be drawing. I feel that many of my fiction works should
be accompanied by an occasional drawing. I often draw cartoons of people who are in my life or I makeup
a character to go with the description of my fiction work. If I werent writing I would be watching
television. T.V has always been a part of my life. I will watch just about any show but I mostly watch
reruns from the 90s . Around 5:00 pm every day I will sit in front of the television set and watch friends.

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