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End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Job Joints in Steel Construction Simple Joints Sheet 1 of 11

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section

column using Blind Bolts
Client Blind Bolts

Calcs by CZK Checked by DGB Date December 2013

Check the following beam to hollow section column joint for the design forces shown using
Blind Bolts to the column.
In this example the tie force is less than the shear force.
The connections should be checked independently for shear forces and tying forces and not for
both forces acting at the same time.

250 x 250 x 12.5 SHS

Grade S355

40 40
90 90
70 70
70 70
200 kN 70 70 275 kN
Tying force 70 Tying force
406 x 178 x 74 UKB 40
Grade S275 10 12 553 x 210 92 UKB
Grade S275

340 kN 550 kN

90 140

150 x 10 partial depth 200 x 12 partial depth

end plate, S275 end plate, S275
Blind Bolts

Design Information:
Bolts: M20 Blind Bolts
Welds: 6 mm leg length fillet welds
Column: S355
Beams: S275
End plates: S275

This worked example should be read in conjunction with P358: Joints in Steel Construction:
Simple Joints to Eurocode 3

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plates Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 2 of 11
Blind Bolts


250 x 250 x 12.5 SHS

Grade S355

40 40
90 90
70 70
70 70
200 kN 70 70 275 kN
Tying force 70 Tying force
406 x 178 x 74 UKB 40
Grade S275 10 12 553 x 210 92 UKB
Grade S275

340 kN 550 kN

Although the connection resistance tables are based on ordinary bolts, they may be used to
determine the vertical shear resistance of connections with Blind Bolts, because bolt shear
resistance is generally not critical. The tables for ordinary bolts cannot be used to determine
the connection tying resistance, as the bolt tension resistance has a significant influence on
the tying resistance of the connection.

406 178 74 UKB, S275 533 210 92 UKB, S275

End plate, 150 10 S275 End plate, 200 12 S275
Welds 6 mm fillet Welds 6 mm fillet
Bolts M20 Bolts M20
Bolts at 90 cross centres Bolts at 140 cross centres

4 rows of bolts 6 rows of bolts

Table G.4
From Resistance Table G.4: From Resistance Table G.4
Connection shear resistance Connection shear resistance
= 394 kN > 340 kN = 621 kN > 550 kN

Minimum support thickness in S355 Minimum support thickness in S355

= 3.2 mm < 12.5 mm = 3.4 mm < 12.5 mm

Connection tying resistance Connection tying resistance

Table cannot be used Table cannot be used

(1) For connections using Blind Bolts, the tying resistance of the connection is the least of the
values obtained from Checks 11, 12 & 13.
(2) The hollow section wall must also be checked as shown in Check 15.

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 3 of 11
Blind Bolts


(1) Checks 1 to 4 and 9 are as shown in Example 1.
(2) Tying forces are ignored when checking the shear resistance and shear is ignored calculating the tying

SHS Column, S355

Sheet 406 UKB (S275) 533 UKB (S275) 406 UKB Side 533 UKB Side
No. Design Design Design Design
Resist Resist Resist Resist
force force force force

Check 1 All recommendations adopted

Recommended detailing practice
Check 2
Full strength welds adopted
Supported beam Not applicable
Not critical
Welds (kN)
Check 3 Not applicable

Check 4 Shear
Supported beam resistance 394 340 621 550 Not applicable
Web in shear (kN)

Checks 5, 6, 7 Not applicable

4 Check 8
Bolt group
Connection 487 340 731 550 Not applicable
Bolt group
Check 9 Shear
Connection resistance 691 340 1195 550 Not applicable
End plate in shear (kN)

6 Check 10 Shear and

Supporting column Bearing
Not applicable 823 170 1196 275
Shear and bearing (kN)
8 Check 11
Tying resistance 323 200 390 275 Not applicable
Plates and bolts
10 Check 12
Structural Integrity 1027 200 1619 275 Not applicable
Supported beam web
10 Check 13
Tension Full strength welds adopted
Structural Integrity Not applicable
(kN) not critical
Check 14 Not applicable

11 Check 15 Tension
Structural Integrity (kN) Not applicable 431 200 850 275
Supporting column wall

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 4 of 11
Blind Bolts


Check 8: Connection Bolt group
Basic requirement: VEd FRd
The resistance of the bolt group, FRd , is as follows:
If Fb,Rd 0.8Fv,Rd then FRd nF b,Rd

if F b,Rd 0.8 F v,Rd then FRd 0.8 nF v,Rd

Shear resistance of a single bolt. For M20 Blind Bolts:
Conservatively asume the shear plane is over the slot:
Fv,Rd = Fv,Rd,slot = 76.1 kN Table G.62
Bearing resistance of a single bolt:
Fb,Rd = min(Fb,Rd,p; Fb,Rd,2)
k 1,p b,p f u,p dt p
Fb,Rd,p =
k 1,2 b,2 f u,2 dt 2
Fb,Rd,2 =
406 178 74 UKB, S275
406 x 178 x 74 UKB

e1 = 40
p 1 = 70
p 1 = 70
p 1 = 70

250 x 250 x 12.5 SHS

340 kN
Since plate is 150 mm wide and p3 = 90 mm then: e2 = 30 mm Appendix F
For an M20 Blind Bolt: d = 20 mm d0 = 22 mm fu,b = 1000 N/mm2
Bearing on the end plate:
e2 p3
k1,p = min 2.8 1 .7 ; 1 .4 1 .7 ; 2 .5
d0 d0

30 90
= min 2.8 1 .7 ; 1 . 4 1. 7 ; 2.5 = min 2.1; 4.0 ; 2.5 = 2.1
22 22
e p1 1 f ub 40 70 1000 fu,p from
b,p = min 1 ; ; ; 1.0 = min

; 0.25; ; 1.0 Table 7 of
3 d 0 3 d 0 4 f u,p 3 22 3 22 410 EN 10025-2
= min0.61; 0.81; 2.44; 1.0 = 0.61
2.1 0.61 410 20 10
Fb,Rd,p = 10 3 = 84.0 kN

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 5 of 11
Blind Bolts

Bearing on the supporting column:

Since the hollow section wall is 12.5 mm thick and S355, clearly the end plate is critical.
Therefore can be assumed that:
Fb,Rd,2 > Fb,Rd,p
Fb,Rd = min(Fb,Rd,p; Fb,Rd,2) = 84.0 kN
0.8Fv,Rd = 0.8 76.1 = 60.9 kN
Fb,Rd = 84.0 kN > 60.9 kN
FRd = 0.8 nF v,Rd = 0.8 8 76.1 = 487 kN
VEd = 340 kN < 487 kN O.K.

533 210 92 UKB, S275

533 x 210 x 92 UKB

e1 = 40
p 1 = 70
p 1 = 70
p 1 = 70
p 1 = 70
p 1 = 70

250 x 250 x 12.5 SHS

550 kN
Since plate is 200 mm wide and p3 = 140 mm then: e2 = 30 mm
Bearing on the end plate:
e2 p3
k1,p = min 2.8 1 .7 ; 1 . 4 1 .7 ; 2 .5
d0 d0

30 140
= min 2.8 1 .7 ; 1 .4 1.7 ; 2.5 = min 2.1; 7.2 ; 2.5 = 2.1
22 22
e p1 1 f ub 40 70 1000
b,p = min 1 ; ; ; 1.0 = min ; 0.25; ; 1.0
3 d 3 d 4 f 3 22 3 22 410
0 0 u,p
= min0.61; 0.81; 2.44; 1.0 = 0.61
2.1 0.61 410 20 12
Fb,Rd,p = 10 3 = 100.8 kN
Bearing on the supporting column:
Since the hollow section wall is 12.5 mm thick and S355, clearly the end plate is critical.
Therefore can be assumed that:
Fb,Rd,2 > Fb,Rd,p
Fb,Rd = min(Fb,Rd,p; Fb,Rd,2) = 100.8 kN
0.8Fv,Rd = 0.8 76.1 = 60.9 kN
Fb,Rd = 100.8 kN > 60.9 kN
FRd = 0.8 nF v,Rd = 0.8 12 76.1 = 731 kN
VEd = 550 kN < 731 kN O.K.

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 6 of 11
Blind Bolts

Check 10: Supporting column Shear and bearing

Local shear and bearing resistance of the hollow section column wall
(i) Shear:
V Ed
Basic requirement: VRd,min
A v f y,2 A v,net f u,2
VRd,min = min ;

3 M0 3 M2
406 178 74 UKB, S275
Critical sections

wall thickness
t 2 = 12.5 mm p3
= 170 kN
2 2
Shear area of gross section: Av = t2 (et + (n1 1)p1 + eb)
eb = min e 1,b ; ; 5 d
Since the connection is not near the bottom of the column e1,b is not applicable.
p3 90
eb = min ; 5 d = min ; 5 20 = 45 mm
2 2
et = min e1,t ; 5d
Since the connection is not near the top of the column e1,t is not applicable.
et = 5 20 = 100 mm
Av = 12.5 (100 + (4 1) 70 + 45) = 4438 mm2
t2 < 16 mm, hence fy,2 = 355 N/mm2
Therefore the resistance of the gross section is:
A v f y,2 4438 355
= 10 3 = 910 kN
3 M0 3 1 .0
Shear area of net section: Av,net = Av n1d0t2
Av,net = 4438 4 22 12.5 = 3338 mm2
Therefore the resistance of the net section is: fu,2 for S355
A v,net f u,2 from Table A.3
3338 470
= 10 3 = 823 kN of
3 M2 3 1. 1 EN 10210
VRd,min = min 910 ; 823 = 823 kN
V Ed
= 170 kN < 823 kN O.K.

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 7 of 11
Blind Bolts

533 210 92 UKB, S275

Shear area of gross section: Av = t2 (et + (n1 1)p1 + eb)

eb = min e 1,b ; ; 5 d
Since the connection is not near the bottom of the column e1,b is not applicable.
p3 140
eb = min ; 5 d = min ; 5 20 = 70 mm
2 2
et = min e1,t ; 5d
Since the connection is not near the top of column e1,t is not applicable.
et = 5 20 = 100 mm
Av = 12.5 (100 + (6 1) 70 + 70) = 6500 mm2
Therefore the resistance of the gross section is:
A v f y,2 6500 355
= 10 3 = 1332 kN
3 M0 3 1 .0
Shear area of net section: Av,net = Av n1d0t2
Av,net = 6500 6 22 12.5 = 4850 mm2
Therefore the resistance of the net section is:
A v,net f u,2 4850 470
= 10 3 = 1196 kN
3 M2 3 1. 1
VRd,min = min 1332 ; 1196 = 1196 kN
V Ed
= 275 kN < 1196 kN
2 O.K.

(ii) Bearing resistance

Bearing resistance in the column wall will not be critical when compared to the bearing
resistance in the end plates (see Check 8).

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 8 of 11
Blind Bolts

Check 11: Tying resistance Plate and bolts

Resistance of end plate
Basic requirement: FEd min(FRd,u,1; FRd,u,2; FRdu,3)
406 178 74 UKB, S275
e2 = 30

e1 = 40
p1= 70 200 kN

l eff n1 rows

p3 = 90

Mode 1:
8 n 2 e w M pl,1,Rd,u
FRd,u,1 =
2 mn e w m n
l eff is the effective length of the equivalent T-stub = hp = 290 mm
0.25 l eff t p f u,p 0.25 290 10 2 410
Mpl,1,Rd,u = = 10 6 = 2.7 kNm
M,u 1 .1

a 2 is the weld leg length = 6 mm

p 3 t w,b1 2 0.8 a 2 90 9.5 2 0.8 6
m = = = 35.5 mm
2 2
dw 37 dw from Table
ew = = = 9.25 mm
4 4 G.66
n = min e 2 ; 1.25 m = min 30 ; 1.25 35.5 = 30 mm

FRd,u,1 =
8 30 2 9.25 2.7 10 6 10 3 = 392 kN
2 35.5 30 9.25 35.5 30
Mode 2:
2 M pl,2,Rd,u nF t,Rd,u
FRd,u,2 =
Mpl,2,Rd,u = Mpl,1,Rd,u = 2.7 kNm
Ft,Rd,u = 65.7 kN Table G.63
6 3
2 2.7 10 30 8 65.7 10
FRd,u,2 = 10 3 = 323 kN
35.5 30
Mode 3:
FRd,u,3 = F t,Rd,u = 8 65.7 = 526 kN
min F Rd,u,1 , F Rd,u,2 , F Rd,u,3 = min 392 , 323 ; 526 = 323 kN
FEd = 200 kN < 323 kN O.K.

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 9 of 11
Blind Bolts

533 210 92 UKB, S275

e1 = 40
p 1 = 70 275 kN
p 1 = 70
l eff p 1 = 70 m
p 1 = 70
p 1 = 70
e1 = 40
p3 = 140

Mode 1:
8 n 2 e w M pl,1,Rd,u
FRd,u,1 =
2 mn e w m n
l eff is the effective length of the equivalent T-stub = hp = 430 mm
0.25 l eff t p f u,p 0.25 430 12 2 410
Mpl,1,Rd,u = = 10 6 = 5.77 kNm
M,u 1. 1

a 2 is the weld leg length = 6 mm

p 3 t w,b1 2 0.8 a 2 140 10.1 2 0.8 6
m = = = 60.15 mm
2 2
dw 37 Table G.69
ew = = = 9.25 mm
4 4
n = min e 2 ; 1.25 m = min 30 ; 1.25 60.15 = 30 mm

FRd,u,1 =
8 30 2 9.25 5.77 10 6 10 3 = 461 kN
2 60.15 30 9.25 60.15 30
Mode 2:
2 M pl,2,Rd,u nF t,Rd,u
FRd,u,2 =
Mpl,2,Rd,u = Mpl,1,Rd,u = 5.77 kNm
Ft,Rd,u = 65.7 kN Table G.63
6 3
2 5.77 10 30 12 65.7 10
FRd,u,2 = 10 3 = 390 kN
60.15 30
Mode 3:
FRd,u,3 = F t,Rd,u = 12 65.7 = 788 kN
min F Rd,u,1 , F Rd,u,2 , F Rd,u,3 = min 461, 390 ; 788 = 390 kN
FEd = 275 kN < 390 kN O.K.

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 10 of 11
Blind Bolts

Check 12: Tying resistance Supported beam web

Resistance of the beam web
Basic requirement: FEd FRd
406 178 74 UKB, S275

Effective 200 kN
of web n1 rows m

p3 = 90

t w,b1 h p f u,b1 9.5 290 410

FRd = = 10 3 = 1027 kN
M,u 1 .1
FEd = 200 kN < 1027 kN O.K.
533 210 92 UKB, S275

275 kN
length m
of web 6 rows

p3 = 140

t w,b1 h p f u,b1 10.1 430 410

FRd = = 10 3 = 1619 kN
M,u 1 .1
FEd = 275 kN < 1619 kN O.K.

Check 13: Tying resistance Welds

Basic requirement: a 0.40 tw,b1

406 178 74 UKB, S275

Throat thickness:
a = = 4.24 mm
0.40 tw,b1 = 0.40 9.5 = 3.8 mm
a = 4.24 mm 3.8 mm O.K.

533 210 92 UKB, S275

Throat thickness:
a = = 4.24 mm
0.40 tw,b1 = 0.40 10.1 = 4.04 mm
a = 4.24 mm 4.04 mm O.K.

End plates Worked examples with partial depth end plate Example 4a

Example 4a Partial depth end plate Beam to hollow section column using
Title Sheet 11 of 11
Blind Bolts

Check 15: Tying resistance Supporting column wall

Resistance of hollow section wall
Basic requirement: FEd FRd

FRd =
1 1 1

1.51 1 1 1
0 .5 0 .5

f u,c t 2
Mpl,Rd,u =
4 M,u
406 178 74 UKB, S275
b = 250

250 x 250 x 12.5 SHS

Grade S355

t w = 12.5

p1 (n1 -1) p1 p3 = 90 for 406 x 178 UKB

140 for 533 x 210 UKB

Tying Force
470 12.5 2 fu,c for S355
Mpl,Rd,u = 10 3 = 16.7 kNm/mm from Table A.3
4 1 .1
p3 90
1 = = = 0.424 EN 10210-1
b 3t 2 250 3 12.5
d0 22
1 = = = 0.104
b 3t 2 250 3 12.5
n 4
n 1 1 p 1 1 d 0 4 1 70 22
2 2
1 = = = 0.781
b 3t 2 250 3 12.5

FRd,u =
8 16.7
1 0.424

0.781 1.5 1 0.424
0 .5
1 0.104
0 .5
= 431 kN
FEd = 200 kN < 431 kN O.K.

533 210 92 UKB, S275

470 12.5 2
Mpl,Rd,u = 10 3 = 16.7 kNm/mm
4 1 .1
p3 140
1 = = = 0.659
b 3t 2 250 3 12.5
d0 22
1 = = = 0.104
b 3t 2 250 3 12.5

n 1 1 p 1
d0 6 1 70 6 22
2 2
1 = = = 1.34
b 3t 2 250 3 12.5

FRd,u =
8 16.7
1 0.659

1.34 1.5 1 0.659
0 .5
1 0.104
0 .5
= 850 kN
FEd = 275 kN < 850 kN O.K.


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