Review of Related Literature: Direct Quotation

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GROUP MEMBERS: Apuada, Delfino, Desquitado, Salazar, and Sysiangco

Review of Related Literature

Direct Quotation
Although various definitions and classification systems have been proposed
for coping, a definition that encompasses many previous views is that coping
is a response aimed at diminishing the physical, emotional, and
psychological burden that is linked to stressful life events and daily hassles.
Therefore, by this definition, coping strategies are those responses that are
effective in reducing an undesirable load (i.e., the psychological burden).
The effectiveness of the coping strategy rests on its ability to reduce
immediate distress, as well as to contribute to more long-term outcomes
such as psychological well-being or disease status. (Snyder, 1999)

Coping are those responses that are effective in reducing daily burdens
brought about by lifes hassles. Its effectiveness rests upon its ability to
reduce immediate stress and in achieving a psychological well-being.

Coping is the response of people to lessen the weight of the problems they
face brought by everyday events. Coping strategies are the effective means
of reducing unwanted load. Whether a coping strategy is effective or not
depends on its short term and long term perceived effects.

Source: Snyder, C.R. (1999). Coping the Psychology of What Works. Oxford
University Press, Inc.
Direct Quotation
Many times we encounter situations we have no ability to control: a
manipulative boss, an obnoxious roommate, or a significant personal loss.
The reality of the situation is not pleasant in the best of moments. A common
theme found among the theories of many psychologists in these cases is
acceptance. The acceptance of situations we have no control over is thought
to be paramount as a stress-management strategy, yet it is perhaps the
hardest frame of mind to adopt. There is a fine line between control and
acceptance. This is the essence of Reinhold Niebuhrs Serenity Prayer for the
Alcoholics Anonymous: Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to
know the difference. Acceptance is not an Overnight Sensation, but rather
an attitude that may take several days, weeks or months to adopt and
implement. Often, acceptance involves some aspect of forgiveness. The
concept of acceptance is very similar to one described by Lao Tzu in the Tao
The Ching. Lao suggested that we move in rhythm with the universe energy,
not against it. Denial and manipulation, like spinning car wheels in the dirt,
prove fruitless because they go against the rhythm of natural energy.
Swimming against the tide can prove exhausting, and sometimes fatal. As
the saying goes, sometimes it takes more strength to let go than to hang on.
Finally, the use of acceptance or forgiveness appears to be a greater tool in
the face of anger than of fear.
There have been hundreds of empirical studies to determine the
effectiveness of cognitive restructuring on health-related problems
associated with stress. These studies have focused on both mismanaged
anger (coping skills for men who battered their wives and children) and
anxiety disturbances, most notably substance abuse and eating disorders.
The results of these studies indicate that thought processes can be changed
to produce a better state of health, although this is not effective in all cases.
(Seaward, 2006)

One stress-management strategy is to accept the situations in your life
wherein you have no control over. It is more effective than denial and
manipulation of your circumstances because unlike the former, these only go
against the natural flow of life. Many studies have proven the learning the art
of acceptance ca produce a better state of health for it results to a cognitive
restructuring, although it may be ineffective in some cases.

Acceptance is the concept of recognizing the limits of your control and letting
go of the things which you cannot change. It is a relatively simple concept
yet difficult to adopt. Lao Tzu, in his Tao The Ching describes acceptance as
moving in rhythm with the universal energy rather than moving against it.
The attitude of acceptance, however, cannot be learned overnight. In fact, it
can take several days, weeks, or even months. But, once mastered, several
empirical studies have suggested that it will produce a better state of health,
although it may not be effective in all cases.

Source: Seaward, Brian Luke (2006). Managing Stress. Jones and Bartlett

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