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Week 25

Prejuniori 1
Lesson 1
1. Hello Song
2. Warm-up ( all the usual commands: stand up, sit down, clap
your hands 3 times, stamp your feet 2 times, spin around 4
times, bring me a yellow/blue/red etc object, touch the
window/door/wall/floor, touch your nose/mouth, arms, knees,
toes etc. + warmup song Toy song
3. Toys revision- Treasure Hunt Hide the toys fcds around
classroom. Split the Ss in 2 teams. 1 representative from
each team comes forth and the T names a toy. The S who
finds the fcd wins the point. For an extra point, the S who
found the fcd must ask the opponent What is this?.
4. Evaluation Sheet Unit 6
5. Intro new lesson: T says: Im hungry Can you bring me
some chicken/bread/cheese/eggs/milk/pizza? Ss run and
bring you the fcds from around the classroom. As you put
them on the Wb say: Yum, I like
6. Drill the new words do it as a chant, changing the rhythm
( say them quickly then slowly) and your voice (use a high
pitched voice or a very low voice). After this ask each S what
food they like + if what you see is what you hear..
7. Running line: Ss stand in a line. T shows a food fcd to the
first S in line. He/She says the word and quickly runs to the
back of the line.
8. PB page 46 discuss picture first, then listen to the chant
(Recording 40).
9. Sequencing game put food fcds on the board in a random
order. Play the chant again. In groups of 2-3 Ss come to the
board and put the fcds in order (encourage them to make a
small dialogue: I like What about you?).
10. We will start watching a new movie : The Beauty and
the Beast.

Lesson 2
1. Hello Song/HW
2. Warm-up all the usual commands + tack a few food fcds on
some chairs and give Ss commands like: go the to the
cheese/bread/pizza chair.
3. Food Treasure Hunt: hide fcds in the classroom (chicken,
bread, eggs, apples, bananas, oranges, pears, milk, pizza,
cake). Ss run and find them (each S gets 1 fcd). As they give
you the fcds, ask them to say I like/ I dont like.
4. Draw 2 big circles on Wb. Under one circle draw a smiley
face and under the other one a sad face (the I like plate
and the I dont like plate). Ask each S to come to the board
and put 2 fcds in one plate and say: I like but I dont like
5. Pb page 47/ ex 2
6. Ball game: Ss stand in a circle and pass the ball around as
quickly as possible. When the time is up, Ss freeze and the S
holding the ball extracts a food fcd from the hat and must
say: I like/I dont like.
7. Food Bingo (Ramona style ). Split Ss in 2 teams. Project
the 2 bingo grids on the Wb. Put the set of images with food
and numbers around class. The team who finds and tacks all
the images for their bingo grid first, wins.
8. The Beauty and the Beast.

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