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Hydraulic and Mechanical Properties of Soils

ARTICLE 13 SIGNIFICANCE OF the same laws. Hence, the difference between the flow
HYDRAULIC AND MECHANICAL of water through clean sand and through sound granite
PROPERTIES OF SOILS is merely one of degree.
The permeability of soils has a decisive effect on the
In Chapter 1, we dealt with the index properties of soils. cost and the difficulty of many construction operations,
Because these properties reflect the general character of such as the excavation of open cuts in water-bearing sand,
a given soil, they serve to indicate the extent to which or on the rate at which a soft clay stratum consolidates
soils from different localities may or may not be similar. under the influence of the weight of a superimposed fill.
In addition, they constitute the basis for recording con- Even the permeability of dense concrete or rock may have
struction experience and for using this experience on important practical implications, because water exerts a
subsequent jobs. pressure on the porous material through which it perco-
Foundation and earthwork engineering is based chiefly lates. This pressure, which is known as seepage pressure,
on experience. However, civil engineering in general did can be very high. The erroneous but widespread concep-
not emerge from a state of relative stagnation until the tion that stiff clay and dense concrete are impermeable
accumulated stock of experience became fertilized by arose because the entire quantity of water that percolates
applied science. The function of science was to disclose through such materials toward an exposed surface is likely
the relations between events and their causes. to evaporate, even in a very humid atmosphere. Conse-
To establish these relations in the realm of foundation quently, the surface appears to be dry. However, since
and earthwork engineering, it was necessary to investigate the mechanical effects of seepage are entirely independent
the physical properties of the different types of soils, just of the rate of percolation, the absence of visible discharge
as it was necessary in structural engineering to investigate does not imply the absence of seepage pressures. Striking
the properties of steel and concrete. A given steel or manifestations of this fact may be observed while an
concrete is adequately described for most practical pur- excavation is being made in very fine rock flour. The
poses if its strength and modulus of elasticity are known. permeability of this material is very low. Yet, a slight
On the other hand, practical problems involving soils may change in the pressure conditions in the pore water may
require the consideration of a variety of soil properties. suffice to transform a large quantity of the material into
Foremost among these are the permeability, the compress- a semiliquid.
ibility, the resistance against shear, and the stress-defor-
mation relationships. In the following articles, these 14.2 Definitions and Darcys Flow Equation
properties are discussed in detail.
Water flows through soils in response to a gradient in
total or hydraulic head ( h ) defined as
14.1 Introduction h=z+- (14.1)
A material is said to be permeable if it contains continuous
voids. Because such voids are contained in all soils includ- Total head is illustrated in Fig. 14.1, in which a and b
ing the stiffest clays, and in practically all nonmetallic represent two points on a flow line in soil. The vertical
construction materials including sound granite and neat elevation of each point is defined by the position head z
cement, all these materials are permeable. Furthermore, in reference to a datum. At each point a standpipe, known
the flow of water through all of them obeys approximately as a piezometer or piezometric tube, has been installed


discharge velocity and hydraulic gradient in all saturated

fine- and coarse-grained soils unless, in very coarse-
grained soils, the flow is so rapid as to be turbulent.
Because the hydraulic gradient is dimensionless, the coef-
ficient of permeability has the units of velocity (e.g.,
m/s). Table 14.1 indicates the approximate range of values
of k for soils of various gradations.
The coefficient of permeability is a measure of the
I ? P- i I ,Datum ease with which water flows through permeable materials.
It is inversely proportional to the viscosity of water, which
Figure 14.1 Definition of total head h in terms of position decreases with increasing temperature as shown in Fig.
head z and piezometric head uly,. 14.2. Therefore, permeability measurements at laboratory
temperatures should be corrected with the aid of Fig.
14.2, before application to field temperature conditions,
to indicate the level to which the water rises at these by means of the equation
points. The water level in the piezometer at a is designated
the piezometric level at a, and the vertical distance from (14.5)
this level to point a is the piezometric head, ua/yw,at a,
where ua is the porewater pressure at point a. Regardless
of the relativeqmagnitudes of z, and zb or of ua/yw and where kf and k, are the coefficients of permeability corres-
ub/yw,water can flow only if h, differs from hb. Since ponding to the field and test temperatures, respectively,
in Fig. 14.1 ha is larger than hb, water flows from a to and qf and q, are the corresponding viscosities. It is
b, and the head loss between a and b is customary to report values of k, at a standard temperature
of 20C.
Ah = ha - hb (14.2) Several factors may alter the permeability of a given
The rate of loss of total head through the soil is defined soil. Occluded air bubbles in otherwise saturated soils
as the hydraulic gradient, block flow channels and decrease permeability. Since the
bubbles decrease in size with increasing water pressure,
i = - lim - Ah = --
dh the coefficient of permeability of such a soil also increases
A S + ~ AS dS with increasing water pressure. In clays with root holes
or open cracks, percolation is almost inevitably associated
where As is the macroscopic or apparent flow distance with internal erosion. The detached particles gradually
between points a and b. The line connecting points a and clog the narrowest parts of the water passages, where-
b is aflow line. upon the coefficient of permeability may decrease to a
The discharge velocity, v, is defined as the quantity of small fraction of its initial value. In compacted soils com-
water that percolates per unit of time across a unit area posed of desiccated clay or shale fragments, percolation
of a section oriented normal to the flow lines. Since, in of water may lead to slaking and dispersion of clay parti-
a statistically isotropic porous material, the porosity of a cles. In well-compacted homogeneous fills, this leads to
plane section is equal to the volume porosity n, the aver- a decrease in the coefficient of permeability with time.
age seepage velocity, us,at which water percolates through In poorly compacted clays with open continuous voids
the voids of the material is equal to the discharge velocity and cracks, dispersed clay particles are carried away by
divided by the porosity. If the term velocity is used with- percolating water, and the permeability increases with
out qualification in connection with permeability, it time. Hence, Darcys flow equation may be invalid unless
always indicates the discharge and not the seepage the volume and shape of the water passages remain inde-
velocity. pendent of porewater pressure and time.
Darcy (1856) made observations of the rate of flow of Mathematical analyses and measurements of flow
water through saturated granular soils and obtained the through permeable media have demonstrated that the per-
empirical relationship meability is determined mainly by the areas of the individ-
v = ki (14.4) ual pores normal to the direction of flow, the shape of
the pores along the direction of flow, and the total area
where, in the macroscopic or apparent flow direction s, of pores per unit of area normal to the direction of flow.
v is the discharge velocity, i is the hydraulic gradient, and The size of the soil particles, often dictated by mineralogy
k is defined as the coeficient of permeability. Subsequent and aggregation or dispersion, determines the size of
measurements have shown that the Darcy equation of individual pores. The shape and arrangement of the parti-
fluid motion accurately defines the relationship between cles determine the shape of the pores; and the size, shape,
Table 14.1 Permeability and Drainage Characteristics of Soils*

Coefficient of Permeability k (rn/s)

Drainage Good Poor Practically Impervious

Soil Clean gravel Clean sands, clean sand Very tine sands, organic and inorganic Impervious soils, e.g., homogeneous
types and gravel mixtures silts, mixtures of sand silt and clay, glacial clays below zone of weathering
till, stratified clay deposits, etc.

Impervious soils modified by effects of vegetation

and weathering

* After Casagrande and Fadum (1940).

and arrangement of the pores together determine the ties as grain shape and gradation. The effective grain size
porosity. In stiff clays and shales, as well as in rocks, best fitting Eq. 14.6 was found by Hazen to be the 10%
macropores produced by fissures, joints, and cracks exert size Dlo (Article 5 ) . The permeability data in Fig. 14.3
a major influence on the permeability. approximate a straight line with a slope equal to 2, consis-
tent with Eq. 14.6. These data indicate an average value
14.3 Permeability of Granular Soils of Clo = lo-* when k is expressed in m/s and Dlo in
The permeability of granular soils depends mainly on mm. According to the data in Fig. 14.3, Eq. 14.6 may
the cross-sectional areas of the pore channels. Since the underestimate or overestimate the permeability of granu-
average diameter of the pores in a soil at a given porosity lar soils by a factor of about 2.
increases in proportion to the average grain size, the Laboratory studies by Kenney et al. (1984) on the
permeability of granular soils might be expected to permeability of granular filters, using natural sands and
increase as the square of some characteristic grain size,
designated as the effective grain size, De.Extensive inves-
tigations of filter sands by Hazen (1892) led to the
equation lo- 1

k(m/s) = C,D% (14.6)

in which the parameter C, includes the effects of the
shape of the pore channels in the direction of flow and
of the total volume of pores as determined by such proper-

- /0 20
Temperafure -Degrees C.

Figure 14.2 Relation between temperature and viscosity of

0002 001 01

Figure 14.3 Hazen equation and data relating coefficient of

permeability and effective grain size of granular soils (after
Louden 1952).

gravels with subangular grains, indicate that gradation,

as expressed by uniformity coefficients Cu = D60/010
ranging from 1.04 to 12, has little influence on permeabil-
ity in comparison to the influence of the size of the small
particles. The permeability is controlled by D5 or Dto,
because the spaces between the large particles are filled
with smaller particles and the smaller particles control
the size of the pore channels. Kenney et al. concluded
that D5 would have been a better choice for the effective
grain size, because C, has a narrower range of values
than Cloor CI5for materials of differing gradation. This
is shown by Fig. 14.4. All specimens represented in Fig. Perrneabi/ity fm/sl

14.4 were compacted by vibration to values of relative Figure 14.5 Permeability of sodium clay minerals in water
density in excess of 80%. Thus the permeability data in (Mesri and Olson 1971).
Fig. 14.4 correspond to a smaller range of relative density
than those in Fig. 14.3.
The permeability of granular soils may decrease sub- 1
stantially on account of the presence of even small
amounts of fine silt- and clay-sized particles. The mineral-
ogy and degree of aggregation or dispersion of the fines
determine the magnitude of the decrease in permeability.
Figures 14.5 and 14.6 show data on values of k for clay
minerals in water and in nonpolar fluids, respectively.
Both water, which is highly polar, and monovalent 06' I
adsorbed sodium cations promote dispersion and small Io-io /0-9 10-8 10-7 10-6
Permeobility fm/sl
particle sizes. Of the three principal clay minerals, mont-
morillonite has the smallest particle size and kaolinite the Figure 14.6 Permeability of sodium clay minerals in carbon
largest, with illite occupying an intermediate position. At tetrachloride or benzene (after Mesri and Olson 1971).
the same void ratio, illite is about 200 times and kaolinite
about 200,000 times more permeable than montmorillon-
ite. Figure 14.5 also shows that the permeability of clay The permeability data in Fig. 14.6 pertain to clay miner-
minerals depends strongly on void ratio. als in benzene or carbon tetrachloride, which are nonpolar
fluids that promote complete aggregation of clay mineral
Sand particles. Aggregation is most significant for the small
Fine k e d m I Coarse and thin plates of montmorillonite and illite and is less
so for the large and thick plates of kaolinite. After aggre-
gation, the size of montmorillonite and illite particles
approaches that of large kaolinite particles, and the three
clay minerals display similar relations between perme-
ability and void ratio. The significant aggregation effect
on clay minerals of nonpolar fluids must be considered
in the design of clay liners that are used to contain chemi-
cal wastes.
The foregoing paragraph demonstrates that the coeffi-
cient of permeability, as customarily defined in soil
mechanics, is a property not only of the soil but also of
the fluid. Unless otherwise indicated, values of k refer to
the permeability in water; this value is often designated
as the hydraulic conductivity.
14.4 Permeability of Soft Clays
Os fmml
Most soft clay deposits of marine and lacustrine origin
are composed of a mixture of minerals that are likely to
Figure 14.4 Influence of gradation on permeability of granu- include illite and chlorite, substantial amounts of quartz
lar soils (after Kenney et al. 1984). and feldspar, and some montmorillonite, micas, and car-

bonates. The fabric of soft clays, especially those of deposits is their varved nature. However, even in varved
marine origin, is often flocculated or aggregated. Figure clay deposits, kh,/k,, rarely exceeds 5 and is often less
14.7 shows that the coefficient of permeability in the than 3. This is regarded by Kenney (1963, 1976) to be
vertical direction, at in situ void ratio eo, is correlated a consequence of gradual as opposed to abrupt variation
with the clay fraction (CF) (Article 8.2) and with the of gradation and permeability in the vertical direction
activity Ac = Zp/CF. The correlation exists because the within the silt and clay varves. In highly segregated clay
activity reflects mineralogy which, in turn, determines deposits the value of kh,/k,, may reach 10 (Ladd and
particle size and thus pore size. Moreover, the permeabil- Wissa 1970). A third factor that may lead to values of
ity is related directly to eo but inversely to the clay-size kho/kvogreater than one in soft clay deposits is the presence
fraction (CF), because high values of CF correspond to of thin horizontal silt or sand layers. Continuous pervious
small and tortuous pores. Values of k,, for soft clays are layers, if identified during subsurface investigations, can
commonly near 1 X m/s. In fact, values of k,, for be treated as drainage boundaries or as sublayers with
a majority of soft clays fall within the narrow range of high permeability. However, inclusions of silt and sand
5 X m/s to 5 X m / s for a number of reasons. may be horizontally discontinuous. Such inclusions con-
With decreasing clay mineral and organic content, or with tribute to kho,especially when vertical drains are used (Arti-
increasing silt content, soft clays come to equilibrium cle 44.3.6), and must be taken into account if kh,/kvo
under natural sedimentation-consolidation conditions at is calculated from full-scale field observations.
increasingly small void ratios. Thus, the combination of Consolidation of soft clays (Article 16) may involve
large void ratios but small void sizes in clays of high a significant decrease in void ratio and therefore of perme-
plasticity leads to permeabilities similar to those in silty ability. The relationships between e and log k, for a num-
clays with smaller void ratios but larger void sizes. Fur- ber of soft clays are shown in Fig. 14.8. The decrease in
thermore, the flocculated or aggregated fabric, which permeability with decreasing void ratio may be expressed
occurs most commonly in soft clays, somewhat affects in terms of ck = Ae/ h log k. For a given decrease in
the influence of mineral composition on the size, shape, void ratio, large values of ck imply small decreases in
and total volume of the pores. permeability, whereas small values of ck correspond to
Several independent factors can lead to anisotropy in large decreases. The shape of the e vs log k curves in the
the permeability of soft clay deposits, in which the coeffi- compression range is such that ck gradually decreases
cient of permeability khoin horizontal directions is higher with compression. However, for most soft clays, the initial
than k,,. One factor may be an inherent anisotropy of portion, starting from the field conditions up to about
the clay fabric resulting from a predominant horizontal 20% vertical strain, can be represented by a constant
orientation of plate-shaped or elongated clay mineral par- value of ck. Typical values of ck correspond to a range
ticles. However, most soft clay deposits of marine origin
in ck/ccof 1/2 to 2, where the compression index Cc =
have an overall random fabric, since they consist of a more
Ae/ Alog ab (Article 16.6) is evaluated just beyond the
or less homogeneous mixture of clay minerals, which are
preconsolidation pressure (Mesri and Rokhsar 1974). For
flocculated or aggregated, and of space-lattice minerals.
Thus, in soft clays of marine origin, kho/k,, rarely exceeds
1.5 and often is near 1.0. A second possible source of
anisotropy in the permeability of lacustrine soft clay 35, -
10-8- '

3 ,0-9


2 4 6 8
e, / C F

Figure 14.7 In situ permeability of soft clays in relation to

initial void ratio, e,,; clay fraction, CF; and activity A, (After Figure 14.8 Results of falling-head and constant-head perme-
Mesri et al. 1994). ability tests on undisturbed samples of soft clays.

most soft clay deposits an empirical correlation, Ck = 1.5 to 10 at which falling-head permeability tests (Article
0.5 eo, between ck and in situ void ratio eo is excellent. 14.6) were conducted. The results are presented in Fig.
14.9. Bentonite in fresh water is highly dispersed, with
14.5 Permeability of Sand-Clay Mixtures small flow channels and low permeability. At the same
Compacted mixtures of sand and bentonite are often used values of void ratio, saltwater bentonite is an order of
as blankets or liners to form seepage barriers against magnitude more permeable than freshwater bentonite,
fluids, including leachates from disposal facilities. because in salt water the sheets of montmorillonite are
In ideal homogeneous mixtures with bentonite to sand flocculated into large units that lead to large flow channels
ratios of about lo%, hydrated bentonite occupies all the and high permeability.
voids between the sand particles. The permeability k, of Frequently the permeant passing through a seepage
ideal sand-bentonite mixtures is controlled by the perme- barrier is chemically different from the original pore fluid
ability kb of the bentonite: used for mixing. Kenney et al. (1992) used salt water to
permeate bentonite mixed and consolidated in fresh water,
k, = k b
Cross-sectional area through bentonite
Total cross-sectional area of mixture 1 and conversely they used fresh water to permeate benton-
ite mixed and consolidated in salt water; no change in void
ratio was allowed. Figure 14.9 shows that the reduction in
= kb[
Total volume - sand volume
Total volume 1 salt concentration led to significant dispersion and to
decreases in pore size and permeability of more than an
order of magnitude. The permeability increased by only
small amounts when fresh water was replaced by salt
water. Such a large increase in salt concentration would
lead to significant flocculation in suspensions of benton-
where y d m is the dry unit weight of the mixture, y w the ite, such as bentonite grouts and slurries, in which mont-
unit weight of water, G, the specific gravity of the sand, morillonite particles have freedom to move. However, at
and r the ratio of the dry masses of bentonite and sand. void ratios of 3 to 10, which are significantly less than
For many mixtures, k, = kb/2. The void ratio eb of the the free-swell void ratio of 25 for the bentonite in fresh
bentonite in an ideal saturated sand-bentonite mixture water, the montmorillonite sheets apparently were not
depends on the amount of dry bentonite in the mixture free to rearrange themselves into packets and flocs.
and on the volume between sand particles that is occupied The sand used in the tests of Kenney et al. (1992)
by hydrated bentonite: ranged in grain size from 0.07 to 1.2 mm; in a dense
state its coefficient of permeability was m/s. Two
different procedures were used to prepare mixtures of
the sand with bentonite: remolding, to approximate ideal
where Gbis the specific gravity of bentonite. For Gb= G, homogeneous mixtures, and compacting, to approximate
field construction procedures. In the first, homogeneous
eb = e,,,( 1 + 1) (14.8b)
lo+I I

where e, is the void ratio of the mixture. The upper limit

of eb is the free-swell void ratio of the bentonite (i.e.,
void ratio at zero effective stress, Article 15.1, on wet-
ting). Void ratios calculated from Eq. 14.8 that are larger
than the free-swell void ratio indicate the presence of
voids not occupied by hydrated bentonite.
Kenney et al. (1992) measured the permeability of
sand-bentonite mixed with either distilled water, referred
to as fresh water, or a solution of 40 g NaC1/1, referred
to as salt water. The bentonite consisted mainly of mont-
morillonite with sodium the dominant exchangeable cat-
ion. The liquid limits of the bentonite in fresh water /
and in salt water were 500% and 105%, respectively. To 1 L M C M wtm SO/f w/bl

determine the permeability kb of the bentonite, samples

were mixed with water at water contents near to or larger
than the corresponding liquid limit and were consolidated
one-dimensionally (Article 16.2) to an e b in the range of
mixtures of sand and bentonite were prepared by thorough and produce small flow channels. The dark band in Fig.
mixing at water contents nearly twice as great as the 14.1 1 indicates measured permeabilities of compacted
optimum water content (Article 44). The mixtures were sand-bentonite mixtures that were both mixed and perme-
then subjected to one-dimensional consolidation until the ated with fresh water. For BIS values of 12% or more,
dry unit weights were in the range of 15 to 18 kN/m3. the behavior of compacted samples was similar to that
In the second, either dry or moist sand was mixed with predicted for ideal mixtures. However, the measured per-
dry bentonite, followed by mixing and addition of more meabilities of compacted mixtures having BIS values less
water. The samples were then compacted dynamically in than 12% are larger than those of ideal mixtures. This
the permeameter by using a miniature compaction ham- indicates that, at mixing water contents of wept to 1.5 wept,
mer and a compaction energy per unit volume equal to the bentonite content and degree of dispersion were not
standard Proctor compaction (Article 44.2.3). For benton- sufficient to fill all the pores between the sand particles.
ite to sand ratios of 4 to 20%, the standard Proctor com- Kenney et al. concluded that the most important factor
paction energy resulted in values of maximum dry unit affecting the permeability of a sand-bentonite mixture is
weight in the range of 17.4 to 18.5 kN/m3.The compacted the number of spaces that are devoid of bentonite. This
specimens were subjected to an effective vertical stress number is greatest at small BIS values and diminishes for
equal to 60 kPa and were saturated by back-pressuring large values of BIS and with improved mixing. Another
before the permeability was measured. The results of important factor is the water content at the time of mixing
compaction and permeability tests on one such mixture and compaction. Higher water contents lead to dispersion,
are presented in Fig. 14.10. Some mixtures were made to more uniform distribution of bentonite, and therefore
using distilled water and some using salt water. to smaller values of permeability. Mixing is likely to be
In the first series of permeability tests, made on more thorough in the laboratory than in the field, where
remolded samples, the same fluids used for mixing were inadequate distribution of bentonite is probable. There-
used as permeants. The results are plotted in Fig. 14.11 fore, laboratory values of permeability should be consid-
together with the relationships for ideal mixtures com- ered as lower limiting values.
puted using Eqs. 14.7 and 14.8 and kb data from Fig. Sand-bentonite mixtures prepared in fresh water were
14.9. The measured k, values agree quite well with the permeated with salt water, and mixtures remolded in salt
calculated relationships for ideal homogeneous mixtures. water were permeated with fresh water. The correspond-
Clay barriers in the field are constructed by compacting ing permeability measurements are shown in Fig. 14.11;
the sand-bentonite mixtures. Kenney et al. carried out they indicate that the mixtures behaved similarly to the
permeability tests on compacted sand-bentonite mixtures bentonite (Fig. 14.9). Replacement of salt water with
in fresh water. The permeability of such a mixture is
fresh water resulted in significant dispersion of the mont-
influenced by the compaction water content, especially
morillonite flocs and a decrease in permeability by as
when considerably less than wept. On the dry side of the
much as two orders of magnitude, even though no expan-
optimum water content, the montmorillonite particles are
sion of the mixture was observed. On the other hand, in
aggregated into stiff clusters that create large flow chan-
the range of void ratio encountered in either the remolded
nels. When compaction is carried out at water contents
and consolidated or compacted and consolidated mix-
in the range of wept to 1.5 wept, the particles are dispersed
tures, the clay particles did not have sufficient space and
freedom to permit them to reorganize into larger units.
Therefore, for mixtures compacted or remolded in fresh
water, permeation by salt water increased k, by a factor
of less than 5. In the field, moreover, there may be inade-
quate distribution of bentonite. In zones of inadequate
bentonite content the bentonite may exist at large void
ratios. In the presence of salt water, the bentonite may
flocculate and result in large channels that allow concen-
trated seepage.
In Fig. 14.11, the permeability values of the mixtures
are extrapolated by dashed lines to BIS = 0 to reference
k, to the permeability of the sand ( m/s) and to show
the marked reductions of permeability that result from
IO 20 30 even small contents of bentonite. Moreover, mixtures with
Compacfton Water Confent
very small values of BIS may be unstable because the
Figure 14.10 Results of compaction and permeability tests void ratio of bentonite in the voids may exceed the free-
on a sand-bentonite mixture (after Kenney et al. 1992). swell void ratio. In such a situation, dispersed bentonite


Mix lure
w = 2 wop, w : wopt

,,1, ,,
Fresh Salt FreshdI
Fresh I 0 0 A
salt l a A

deal Salt Water Mixtures

heal Flesh Water Mittures

I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I
0 4 8 12 I6 20 24 28
Bentonile/Sond 1%)

Figure 14.11 Permeability of sand-bentonite mixtures (after Kenney et al. 1992).

particles may be removed by water percolating through gradient is established within the sample, whereupon
the mixture. water flows through the soil.
In the constant-head permeameter (Fig. 14.12a), the
14.6 Laboratory Permeability Tests total head loss is kept constant through a specimen of
The principal types of apparatus for determining the coef- length, L, and cross-sectional area, A, and the discharge,
ficient of permeability of soil samples are illustrated in Q, is measured as a function of time. The quantity, AQ,
Fig. 14.12. Either constant-head or falling-head perme- corresponding to an increment of time, At, is constant,
ability tests can be performed on all types of soils. How- and the permeability is calculated from Darcy's flow
ever, the constant-head permeameter (a and b) is more equation expressed as
suitable for very permeable soils, and the falling-head
permeameter (c) for less permeable ones. To perform a (14.9)
test with either of these types of apparatus, a hydraulic
where hL is the constant head loss through the specimen,
and AQ is the quantity of flow measured during the
elapsed time, A?.
In the falling-head permeameter (Fig. 14.12~)the water
flows out of a tube P with cross-sectional area a through
the sample, which has a larger cross-sectional area A.
The coefficient of permeability is computed on the basis
of the observed rate at which the water level descends
Vdve in tube P while the water level in the vessel V remains
unchanged. Darcy's equation leads to a linear relation
between log hL and time. The constant slope of a plot of
log hL versus t is used to compute the permeability


where hL is the total head loss through the sample at

elapsed time t.
Permeability measurements on soft clays are generally
Figure 14.12 (a and b ) Constant-head permearneters; (c) fall- carried out as a part of incrementally loaded oedometer
ing-head permeameter. tests (Article 16.9). Falling-head or constant-head perme-
ability tests are carried out during the secondary compres- pervious stratum and by measuring the elevation of the
sion stage (Article 16.7). Permeability measurements at water level at various times as it rises toward its equilib-
several void ratios are used to define the e vs log k rium position. The value of k can be calculated by Eq.
relationship. Another reliable method for determining the 14.1 1 as before. However, if the permeable stratum is
permeability of soft clays uses the results of excess pore- cohesionless the water level cannot be lowered too far
water pressure measurements during constant rate of or the hole will collapse and the cohesionless material
strain oedometer tests (Article 16.9). The permeability of may rise into the casing.
clays can also be computed by analyzing the deformation The results of such tests are little more than an indica-
vs time data from an incrementally loaded oedometer test, tion of the order of magnitude of the coefficient of perme-
together with a theory of consolidation. The necessary ability. More reliable information is obtained from
equations and procedures are presented in Article 25. pumping tests on test wells.
The usual diameter of a pumping-test well is about
14.7 In Situ Permeability Tests 300 mm. Observation wells should be established in two
Preliminary information about the order of magnitude lines, one in the direction of normal groundwater flow
and variability of the coefficient of permeability of a and the other perpendicular to it. At least two, and prefera-
natural pervious stratum can be obtained by permeability bly four, observation wells should be established in each
tests in exploratory borings while drilling proceeds. The line. The observation wells should permit entrance of
observations during drilling should also furnish informa- water over most of the thickness of the aquifer. The initial
tion concerning the presence or absence of free communi- groundwater level should be observed in all the wells for
cation between pervious strata encountered in the holes. a period long enough to establish the amount and nature of
Most of the common procedures used in connection with any fluctuations that normally occur at the site. Pumping
drill holes are based on the principle of the falling-head should then be started at a constant rate of discharge and
permeability test. The hole is cased from the ground surface the water levels measured in the observation wells.
to the top of the zone to be tested and extends without The theory of radial flow toward a pumping well,
support for a suitable depth below the casing. Usually the including the equations for calculating the coefficient of
uncased part of the hole has a roughly cylindrical shape. permeability from the results of measurements in the
If the pervious stratum is not too thick, the hole is preferably observation wells when equilibrium is reached, is outlined
extended through the full thickness; otherwise the hole in Article 23. In most practical problems, however, the
penetrates only part of the pervious material. permeability is evaluated on the basis of measurements
If the pervious zone is below the water table, the test made before equilibrium in the observation wells is
may be carried out by adding water to raise the water achieved (Theis 1935, Jacob 1950). The nonequilibrium
level in the casing and then allowing the water level to methods also provide insight regarding the existence and
descend toward its equilibrium position. The elevation is influence of sources of groundwater infiltration, barriers
measured as a function of time, and the coefficient of to flow, and other characteristics of the aquifer. Their
permeability is calculated by means of the expression application has developed into a specialty practiced by
groundwater hydrologists whose expertise is useful in the
k = - 1 A(AhlAt) (14.11) planning and interpretation of pumping tests.
C rAhh The permeability of soft clays has been measured in situ
where Ah is the drop in water level in the casing during by falling-head tests in piezometers that are driven in place
an interval of time At, A is the inside cross-sectional area or installed in boreholes. Field investigations by Tavenas et
of the casing, hh is the mean distance during the interval al. (1986) show that piezometers fitted with porous bronze
At from the water level in the casing to the equilibrium elements and installed by driving into position are subject
water level in the pervious zone, and r: is the mean radius to clogging and cause remolding of the soil and a reduction
of the roughly cylindrical hole below the casing. The in void ratio and permeability. Such in situ measurements
coefficient C is a dimensionless quantity that depends on may grossly underestimate horizontal permeability of soft
the shape of the cylindrical hole and the depth of penetra- clays. However, the permeability measured by falling head
tion into the pervious layer. Values of C for various condi- tests in soft clay deposits, using a nonclogging, self-boring
tions are given in Fig. 14.13 (Zangar 1953). permeameter (Tavenas et al. 1986) was found to be in good
In a falling-head test in a drill hole it is likely that agreement with laboratory measurements on undisturbed
fines suspended in the water may form a filter skin over specimens. Because in situ tests measure only horizontal
the walls and bottom of the hole in the pervious material; permeability at the in situ void ratio, do not provide any
consequently, the observed permeability may be too information on the change in permeability with change in
small. The error may be avoided by bailing the water void ratio, and even when reliable are rather expensive and
from the casing until the water level is below that of the time consuming, laboratory permeability tests on undis-

For l < 2 0 % , use L=L
For i > 8 5 % , use
eq. 23 17


(C 1

Figure 14.13 Permeability test in open drill hole into pervious stratum. ( a )Chart for determin-
ing ratio L / r:, for various penetrations LIH,,shown in (b).(c) Chart for determining coefficient
C for use in Eq. 14.11 (after Zangar 1953).

turbed specimens are preferable for determining the perme- k l , k2 * k,, = coefficients of permeability of the
ability of uniform soft clay and silt deposits. individual strfata
HI, H2 * * H,, = thicknesses of corresponding strata
14.8 Permeability of Stratified Masses of Soil H = H I+ H 2 + - H,, = total thickness
Natural transported soils commonly consist of layers that kl = average coefficient of permeability
have different permeability. To determine the average
parallel to bedding planes
coefficient of permeability of such deposits, representa-
(usually horizontal)
tive samples are secured from each of the layers and are
tested. Once the values of k are known for the individual kll = average coefficient of permeability
strata, the averages can be computed by using the follow- perpendicular to bedding planes
ing method. Let (usually vertical)
If the flow is parallel to the bedding planes, the average the most prevalent causes of catastrophic failure of earth
discharge velocity v is and rockfill dams (Article 57.2).
The migration can be prevented by covering the surface
v= kli = - [ v l H 1+ v2H2 + vnHn] of the finer material across which the seepage emerges
H with afifilter consisting of a suitably graded coarser mate-
Furthermore, because the hydraulic gradient must be the rial having voids small enough to block the passage of
same in every layer, the fine materials through the filter but large enough not
to impede the escape of the water. Under some circum-
kli = - [kliH1 + k2iH2 + kniHn] stances, filter fabrics are used to serve the same purpose.
H Filters are used extensively to prevent internal erosion
whence and to control seepage in embankment dams.
The requirements for satisfactory filters have been
determined by experiment (Terzaghi 1922, Bertram 1940,
Kenney et al. 1985, Sherard et al. 1984). Terzaghi con-
cluded that particles of the material to be protected (the
base material) do not pass through a filter if the DI5size
of the filter is not greater than 4 times the d,, size of the
(14.12) finest base material, whereas the permeability of the filter
is adequate if the D I 5size of the filter is at least 4 times the
For flow at right angles to the bedding planes, the hydrau- dI5size of the coarsest base material. These requirements,
lic gradient across the individual layers is denoted by i l , illustrated in Fig. 14.14, have been found to be conserva-
i 2 . .. in. The hydraulic gradient across the series of layers tive and have been widely used in practice. Indeed, subse-
is hL/H,where hLequals the total loss in head. The princi- quent tests (Fig. 14.15) indicate that a ratio DI5/ds5= 5
ple of continuity of flow requires that the velocity be the is adequate. Two precautions should be taken, however:
same in each layer. Therefore (1) the filter, to minimize the effects of inevitable segrega-
tion during placement, should not be broadly or gap
graded (Article 5), because otherwise the segregation
would lead to nests of coarse material into or through
Also, which fines may migrate (Ripley 1986); (2) if the base
hL = H l i l + H2i2 + * + Hni, material consists of strata or lenses of widely differing
grain sizes, different filters must be used to protect the
Combining these equations, we obtain different base materials. Because the filter must also be
U capable of carrying away the water without developing
excessive pressures, a series of filters may be required,
each more pervious than the previous one, and each
designed as if the previous one were the base material.
or Such an assemblage is known as a gradedfiltel: Altema-
tively, under some circumstances, a suitably designed

It can be demonstrated theoretically that for every stra-

tified mass kll must be less than kl.
14.9 Particle Migration and Erosion
Wherever seepage crosses a boundary from a finer to
coarser material or emerges from a soil into an open I i I i I I
space, such as a riverbank or a drillhole, the potential 5 01 02 05 1 2 5 lo
Grain Size in mm (Log Scale)
exists for some particles to migrate out of the finer mate-
rial. The migration may have serious consequences. It Figure 14.14 Diagram illustrating original Terzaghi specifica-
may cause the clogging of packing or backfill around tions for grain size of material suitable for filter. Left-hand
wells or of drains (Article 43.5) or it may result in the shaded area encloses all grain-size curves for material to be
formation of erosion tunnels and sinkholes (Article 58.4). protected; right-hand area indicates range within which curves
Indeed. subsurface or internal erosion has been one of for filter material must lie.

coefficient of about 1.5 to 2, can serve as a conservative

I Bertram, I940
Lund, I949
USACE, I953 Values of Of5/dgg
filter to block even the finest clays.

Karpoif, I955
USBF. I955
Ofoegbu, 1981
Voughon & Soores,f982
8 6 4
1. A sample of coarse sand, 15 cm high and 5.5 cm in
1 Sherord et 01, 1984
Lofleur, 1984
diameter, was tested in a constant-head permeameter. Water
percolated through the soil under a hydrostatic head of 40 cm
Open Symbols Stable for a period of 6.0 s. The discharge water was collected and
Closed Symbofs Uflstoble found to weigh 400 g. What was the coefficient of permeability
at the void ratio and temperature of the test?
Ans. k = 1.05 X ds.
2. A bed of sand consists of three horizontal layers of equal
thickness. The value of k for the upper and lower layers is 1
X d s , and of the middle layer is 1 X d s . What is
the ratio of the average permeability of the bed in the horizontal
direction to that in the vertical direction?
Ans. 23.
3. An undisturbed sample of soft clay has a void ratio eo of
1.62 and a coefficient of permeability k,, of 2 X ds.
I Estimate the value of k, for the soft clay sample at a void ratio
of 1.20.
Ans. k, = 6 X ds.
/o-ll 1 1
I I l 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 I l l l l

Selected Reading
dB5 of base /mmJ
The following references deal with permeability of soils.
Figure 14.15 Results of various filter experiments.
Louden, A. G. (1952). The computation of permeability from
simple soil tests, Geot., 3, No. 4, pp. 165-183.
Kenney, T. C. (1963). Permeability ratio of repeatedly layered
perforated drain pipe may be incorporated in the filter soils, Geot., 13, No. 4, pp. 325-333.
(Cedergren 1989). Mesri, G. and R. E. Olson (1971). Mechanisms controlling
Some naturally occurring base materials with very the permeability of clays, Clays and Clay Minerals, 19,
broad or gap gradings may themselves be unstable inter- NO. 3, pp. 151-158.
nally when subjected to seepage flow; the fine particles Chan, H. and T. C. Kenney (1973). Laboratory investigation of
may move into or through large voids in the coarse frac- permeability ratio in New Liskeard varved soil, Canadian
tion and thus permit concentration of flow and even for- Geotech. J., 10, No. 3, pp. 453-472.
mation of sinkholes. The susceptibility to internal Kenney, T. C. and H. T. Chan (1973). Field investigation of
instability can be checked (Lowe 1988) by separating the permeability ratio of New Liskeard varved soil, Canadian
Geotech. J. 10, No. 3, pp. 473438.
grain-size curve into two parts at an arbitrarily chosen Kenney, T. C. (1976). Formation and geotechnical characteris-
point and comparing the d I 5 size of the coarser fraction tics of glacial-lake varved soils, Bjerrum Memorial Vol-
to the dss size of the finer fraction. If the ratio is less ume, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, pp. 15-39.
than 4 or 5 , the material can be considered internally Tavenas, F., P. Leblond, P. Jean and S. Leroueil (1983a). The
stable or self-filtering. permeability of natural soft clays. Part I: Methods of labo-
Most filter experiments have been carried out using ratory measurement, Canadian Geotech. J., 20, No. 4,
granular bases, and the filter criteria were originally pp. 629-644.
developed for granular materials. Since it is generally Tavenas, F., P. Leblond, P. Jean and S. Leroueil (1983b). The
difficult to define and measure the particle sizes of silts permeability of natural soft clays. Part 11: Permeability
and clays, it is prudent to base filter selection for fine- characteristics, Canadian Geotech. J., 20, No. 4, pp.
grained soils on field experience. According to Ripley
Tavenas, F., M. Tremblay, G. Larouche and S. Leroueil(1986).
(1986), a clean cohesionless sand is not only capable of In situ measurement of permeability in soft clays, Proc.
effectively filtering even the finest silt and clay soils In Situ 86,ASCE Specialty Conf. on Use of In Situ Testing
generally found in nature, but it also resists segregation in Geotech. Eng., Blacksburg, pp. 1034-1048.
during construction. This conclusion is supported by oth- Mesri, G. and A. F. Cepeda-Diaz (1987). Permeability of
ers (e.g., Lowe 1988). Sands typically used for concrete, shales, Proc. 8th Panamerican Con5 on Soil Mech. and
having a D I s of about 0.25 to 0.5 mm and a uniformity Found. Eng., Cartagena, Colombia, pp. 89-1 00.
Mesri, G . , T. W. Feng, S.Ali and T. M. Hayat (1994). Perme- part u t = u - u represents an excess over the neutral
ability characteristics of soft clays, Proc. 13th Inr. Con$ stress u and has its seat exclusively in the solid phase of
on Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., New Delhi, 2, pp. the soil. This fraction of the total stress is called the
187-192. effective stress.
A change in the neutral stress produces practically no
ARTICLE 15 EFFECTIVE STRESS, volume change and has practically no influence on the
POREWATER PRESSURE, AND CRITICAL stress conditions for failure, whereas all the measurable
HYDRAULIC GRADIENT effects of a change in stress, such as compression, distor-
tion, and a change in shearing resistance, are due exclu-
15.1 Effective Stress sively to changes in the effective stress a.Hence, every
Figure 1 5 . 1 ~shows a cross-section through a thin layer investigation of the stability or settlement of a saturated
of soil that covers the bottom of a container. If a load a body of soil requires the knowledge of both the total and
per unit of area is applied to the surface of the sample, neutral stresses, and the equation
for example by covering it with lead shot, the void ratio
of the soil decreases from eo to e l . The pressure u also U.=Ut+U (15.2)
produces a change in all the other mechanical properties is one of the most important in soil mechanics (Ter-
of the soil, such as its shearing resistance. For this reason, zaghi 1936b).
it is known as an effective pressure. It is given the sym-
bol u t . 15.2 Mechanism of Effective Stress Transfer
If, instead, the vessel is filled with water to such a Equation 15.2 defines the effective stress u for a satu-
height h, that h, = u/ywthe normal stress on a horizontal rated soil in terms of the total stress u and the porewater
section through the sample is also increased by u. Never- pressure u, both of which are externally controlled. The
theless, the increase in pressure due to the weight of the equation makes no assumptions about the interparticle
water does not have a measurable influence on the void forces that transmit the effective stress from one particle
ratio or on any other mechanical property of the soil to another, and it provides no information about them.
such as the shearing resistance. Therefore, the pressure The balance between total stress that pushes the particles
produced by the water load is called a neutral pressure. together and porewater pressure that pushes them apart
It is said to be zero if it is equal to atmospheric pressure. is in equilibrium with the difference between interparticle
Hence, the neutral pressure is equal to the piezometric repulsions and attractions. These forces operate at spac-
head h, times the unit weight of water yIlnor ings between particles that may range from zero to several
/A = ywh, (15.1) nanometers. Effective stress can be transmitted from one
particle to another through mineral-to-mineral contact at
The total normal stress u at any point on a section zero particle spacing, through adsorbed water at up to
through a saturated soil consists, therefore, of two parts. about 1-nm spacing, and through double-layer water at
One part, u, acts in the water and in the solid in every 1- to more than 20-nm spacing. In a soil with a wide
direction with equal intensity; this part is known as the range of particle sizes and arrangements, effective stress
neutral stress or the porewater pressure. The remaining may be transmitted from particle to particle through min-
eral-to-mineral contact, through adsorbed water, and
through double-layer water.
In coarse granular soils such as sand and gravel, effec-
tive stress is transmitted from one particle to another
mainly through mineral-to-mineral contacts. Because the
surfaces of large particles are rough at a microscopic
scale (Figs. 4.6-4.8), the force per particle resulting from
u - u may be large. Yet, because the contact area is very
small, the contact stresses are very high, and the adsorbed
water is readily squeezed out: An increase in effective
stress should then result in an increase in mineral-to-
mineral contact area and, therefore, in a substantial
increase in interparticle shearing resistance through pri-
mary valence bonding or microscopic surface to sur-
face interlocking.
On the other hand in fine-grained soils, including clay
Figure 15.1 Apparatus for demonstrating difference between minerals, adsorbed water is not readily squeezed out from
effective stress and porewater pressure or neutral stress. between the particles, especially when the particles inter-

act face to face. In this event the force per particle C" = zy (15.4)
resulting from u - u is small, and the interacting area
of the adjacent particles is relatively large. An increase where z is the depth of the point of stress calculation
in effective stress may squeeze out one or more molecular below the ground surface. For several uniform layers of
layers of water and decrease the particle spacing through different unit weights,
which the attractive forces operate and hold the particles n

together. In very fine-grained soils, oriented face to face, (15.5)

the effective stress may be transmitted from one particle
to another through double-layer water. An increase in where Hi is the thickness of material of unit weight, yj.
effective stress that squeezes out part of the double-layer In a hydrostatic condition, the rate of increase in pore-
water may not result in any significant increase in shear- water pressure with depth is equal to the unit weight of
ing resistance, however. For example, in sodium montmo- water, yw The porewater pressure at any point in the soil
rillonite, where the predominant particle interaction is is determined by the vertical distance to the water table
face to face and effective stress is transmitted mainly above that point. For a soil deposit of total unit weight,
through adsorbed water or double-layer water, the angle y, with the water table at the ground surface, the effective
of shearing resistance may approach zero (Article 18). vertical stress is
That is, an increase in external effective stress u - u
may result in no increase in shearing resistance. oh = zy - zy, = z(y - yw)= zyr (15.6)
A change in effective stress results in a change in The quantity y r is the submerged unit weight of the soil.
void volume; an increase produces compression and a It is equal to the difference between the total unit weight,
decrease, expansion or swelling. For a given change in y, of the soil and the unit weight of water, yw For several
u - u, the largest volume change occurs if the effective layers of uniform soil of different unit weights, with the
stress is transmitted through double-layer water, and the water table at the ground surface,
least if it is transmitted through mineral-to-mineral con-
tact. Internal equilibrium among interparticle forces is a: = 2 Hjy: (5.7)
not reached by the time an external effective stress change j= I
comes to a stop, whether it is caused by a change in total
If the water table is at depth z1 below the ground surface,
stress at constant porewater pressure, by a change in
the soil located above the water table is not submerged.
porewater pressure at constant total stress, or both. A
It then contributes zly to the effective vertical stress at
readjustment of particles and redistribution of interparti-
depths below the water table.
cle forces follows for a long time at constant effective
For steady-state seepage in the vertical direction, the
stress and results in an additional change in void volume.
porewater pressure from the definition of total or hydrau-
The additional change is known as secondary compres-
lic head (Eq. 14.1) is
sion after an effective stress increase and secondary swell-
ing after an effective stress decrease. u = ywh - Y,Z (15.8)
It is evident that the mechanism of the transfer of
effective stress from one particle to another is complex. and
Fortunately, although no theoretical basis for Eq. 15.2
has been found, its empirical basis is so well established (15.9)
that a quantitative knowledge of the interparticle reactions
is not needed. Within each homogeneous layer of constant hydraulic
gradient, i = dhldz, the change in porewater pressure
with depth is
15.3 Effective Vertical Stress
The effective vertical stress in a saturated soil is equal (15.10)
to the total vertical stress, u,,, minus the porewater pres-
sure. u. The plus sign corresponds to a hydraulic head increasing
with depth and water flowing upward, whereas the minus
a; = U" - u (15.3) sign represents a hydraulic head decreasing with depth
and water flowing downward. Since duldz = y, corres-
The total vertical stress at any point in a soil profile is ponds to the hydrostatic condition, it is apparent that
determined by the total unit weight and the thickness of all steady-state seepage in the vertical direction changes
material (including free water above the ground surface) duldz by the amount iy,. The quantity i y , which has
above that point. For a uniform soil layer of total unit the dimensions of unit weight, is called the volumetric
weight, y seepage force. It produces a seepage pressure i y , dz.
Because the effective vertical stress is related linearly pressure decreases or increases by AM,the effective verti-
to the porewater pressure cal stress increases or decreases by the same amount, or
a: = u, - u (15.3) Au; = ?AM (15.14)
and because in the hydrostatic condition, from Eq. 15.6, As long as the water level in both vessels is at the
same elevation, the effective pressure at depth z is equal to
du =y
2 (15.11) a: = zy (Eq. 15.6). If the vessel B is lowered through a
dz distance hL, water percolates through the sand in a down-
then, in the steady-state seepage condition, ward direction under a hydraulic gradient i = hLIH.
The porewater pressure at depth H is reduced by hL y,
_ - y If: i y , (15.12) = iHy,,, and that at any other depth z is proportionately
dz reduced by the amount AM = izy,. The effective stress
is increased by the same amount.
The plus sign corresponds to downward flow in which
On the other hand, if the vessel B is lifted through a
the volumetric seepage force acts in the direction of grav-
distance hL, the porewater pressure at depth z increases
ity, and the minus sign to upward flow in which the
by Au = izy,, and the effective stress decreases to
seepage force acts opposite to the direction of gravity.
For a stratified soil profile subjected to steady-state a: = zy - izy, (15.15)
seepage in the vertical direction
The increase AM of the porewater pressure is caused
(15.13) exclusively by the transition of the porewater from a
stationary state into a state of flow. The corresponding
seepage pressure is produced by the friction between the
where $, ij and Hj are the submerged unit weight, hydrau-
percolating water and the surface of the particles and can
lic gradient, and thickness of layerj above the point at
be described as a drag. If the water percolates in a
which a: is computed.
downward direction, the friction between the water and
The physical significance of the foregoing discussion
the soil particles drags the particles down and thereby
can be demonstrated by means of the apparatus shown
increases the effective pressure in the sand. On the other
in Fig. 1 5 . 2 ~ The
. cylindrical vessel A contains a layer
hand, if the water flows in an upward direction, the fric-
of dense sand resting on a screen. The thickness of the
tion tends to lift the soil grains.
layer is H, and the rim of the vessel is located at a distance
H1 above the top of the sand. The space below the screen 15.4 Critical Hydraulic Gradient
communicates through a tube with vessel B. The water
level is maintained at the elevation of the upper rim of
As soon as the hydraulic gradient i in Eq. 15.15 becomes
equal to
each vessel. Hence, whatever the position of the water
level in B, the total vertical stress on a horizontal section
* Y
=- (15.16)
at depth z below the surface of the sand is always equal Y W
to u, (Eq. 15.4). The corresponding effective vertical
stress a: is equal to a: = u, - u. Hence, if the porewater the effective stress becomes equal to zero at any depth
in the layer of sand. In other words, the average seepage
1ff1 fb1
pressure becomes equal to the submerged weight of the
sand. The value i , represents the critical hydraulic
Wafer Supply
03r c/eon Sand b . gradient.
2 1 Increasing Hydraulic
Gradient I Figure 15.2b illustrates the mechanical effect of the
Oecrrsosing Hydraulic
i upward flow of water on the properties of the sand. In
this diagram, the abscissas represent the hydraulic gradi-
ent, and the ordinates the corresponding discharge veloc-
ity. The curve Oab represents the relation between
discharge velocity and hydraulic gradient as the hydrau-
lic gradient is steadily increased. As long as i is less
than i,, the discharge increases in accordance with
Darcys flow equation (Eq. 14.4) in direct proportion
Figure 15.2 (a) Apparatus for illustrating hydraulic condi- to i, and the value of k remains constant. This fact
tions associated with boiling of sand. ( b ) Relation between indicates that the mutual position of the sand grains
upward hydraulic gradient and discharge velocity through sand remains practically unaltered. However, when i becomes
in apparatus shown in (a). equal to i,, as indicated by point a on Oab, the discharge

increases suddenly, and the coefficient of permeability 4. The density of the particles of a sand is 2.66 Mg/m3, the
increases correspondingly. If a weight previously rested porosity in the loose state is 45%, and in the dense state is
on the surface of the sand, it now sinks down as if 37%. What is the critical hydraulic gradient for these two states?
the sand were a liquid. Ans. 0.91; 1.05.
Beyond point a, as hL is increased, the void ratio and 5. A large open excavation was made in a stratum of stiff
thickness of the sand layer increase and i gra.dually clay with a saturated density of 1.76 Mg/m3. When the depth
decreases, but the discharge velocity continues to of the excavation reached 7.5 m, the bottom rose, gradually
increase. If, after point b is reached, hL is decreased, the cracked, and was flooded from below by a mixture of sand and
decrease in discharge velocity and the associated change water. Subsequent borings showed that the clay was underlain
in i are indicated by the line bcO. As soon as i becomes by a bed of sand with its surface at a depth of 11 m. Compute
roughly equal to i,, the permeability remains constant the elevation to which the water would have risen from the
sand into a drill hole before the excavation was started.
throughout any further decrease of i. Since the line Oc
is located above the line Oa, the corresponding coefficient Ans. 6.2 m above top of sand.
of permeability is greater than the original value. This 6. A soil profile consists of 3 m of clean sand (y = 19 kN/
suggests that the event represented by the portion ab of m3) over 6 m of marine clay (y = 16 kN/m3, k, = m/s)
the line Oab causes a permanent increase in the void ratio over 3 m of silty clay (y = 17 kN/m3, k, = 2 X m/s).
of the sand. The water table is 2.5 m below the ground surface. A piezometer
placed at 7 m below the ground surface indicates a piezometric
The process represented by the step ab is accompanied
head of 6 m. Assuming a one-dimensional flow condition in
by a violent and visible agitation of the sand particles.
the vertical direction, compute the flow rate in m3/day/m2.Also,
Hence, it is commonly referred to as boiling or as a compute at middepth of the silty clay the total vertical stress,
quick condition of the sand. Sand starts to boil in any effective vertical stress, and porewater pressure.
open excavation if the ground water rises toward the Ans. q, = 3.24 X m3/day/m2;u, = 179 Wa; a: =
bottom of the excavation at a hydraulic gradient greater 74 Wa; u = 105 kPa.
than the critical value i,. It has often been claimed
7. A soil profile consists of 2 m of sand (y = 18 kN/m3, k,
that boiling occurs only in certain types of sand known
= 4 X lo-* &day) over 3 m of silt (y = 17 kN/m3, k, = 1
as quicksands. In reality, it takes place in every sand X d d a y ) over 2 m of clay (y = 16 kN/m3, k, = 5 X
and even in gravel, as soon as the hydraulic gradient &day) over gravel. The water table is 0.5 m below the
becomes equal to i,. ground surface. A piezometer placed at the top of the gravel
The boiling of granular soils can be prevented by con- layer measures a porewater pressure of 42 Wa. Assuming a
structing a weighted filter above the area in which the one-dimensional flow condition in the vertical direction, corn-
seepage emerges from the ground. A properly designed pute the flow rate in m3/day/m2.Also compute, at middepth of
filter has almost no effect on the porewater pressure in the clay layer, the porewater pressure, total vertical stress, and
the soil. Hence, its entire weight serves to increase the effective vertical stress.
effective vertical pressure and to keep the sand particles Ans. 4, = 3.33 X m3/day/m2; u = 38.5 Wa; u, =
in their original positions. 103 kPa; 0;= 64.5 kPa.
8. A soil profile consists of 3 m of clean sand (y = 18 kN/
m3) over 10 m of silt (y = 17 kN/m3, k, = 1 X m/s)
Problems over 12 m of clay (y = 17 kN/m3, k, = 4 X m/s) over
gravel. Piezometers installed at middepth of the silt layer and
1. A sand is composed of solid constituents having a density at the top of the gravel layer measure, respectively, piezometric
of 2.60 Mg/m3. The void ratio is 0.572. Compute the density heads of 4 m and 3 m. Assuming one-dimensional flow in the
of the sand when dry and when saturated, and compare with vertical direction, compute the flow rate in m3/year/10,000 m2.
the effective density when submerged. Also, compute at 16 m below the ground surface the total
Ans, Pd = 1.652; p = 2.014; p = 1.016 Mg/m3. vertical stress, effective vertical stress, and porewater pressure.
2. The water table in a deep deposit of very fine sand is 1 Ans. q, = 1622 m3/year/10,000 m2; IJ,= 275 kPa; 0;=
m below the ground surface. Above the water table, the sand 219 kPa; u = 56 kPa.
is saturated by capillary water. The density of the saturated
sand is 2.03 Mg/m3. What is the effective vertical pressure on
a horizontal plane at a depth of 4 m below the ground surface?
Ans. 50.2 kPa. Selected Reading
3. A submerged stratum of clay has a thickness of 15 m.
The average water content of samples taken from the stratum The history and significance of the concept of effective
is 54%, and the specific gravity of the solid constituents is stress are discussed by A. W. Skempton in Terzaghis
2.78. What is the effective vertical pressure, due to the weight discovery of effective stress, included in From theory
of the clay, at the base of the stratum? to practice in soil mechanics, New York, John Wiley and
Ans. 104 kPa. Sons, 1960, pp. 42-53.
15.5 Porewater Pressures Resulting from changes resulting from the application of Au without
Undrained Changes in State of Stress drainage are evaluated by imposing, in a first stage, a
The preceding sections in this article have demonstrated change in total stress and in porewater pressure equal in
that the behavior of soils depends exclusively on the magnitude to Au and, in a second stage, a change in
conditions of effective stress. If the soil is saturated, the total stress of magnitude Au - Au at constant porewater
influence of pore pressures, such as those due to the flow pressure. Although Bishops analysis and the resulting
of water, is determined in accordance with the equation conclusions concerning the B-coefficient are applicable
to both total stress increments and total stress decrements,
u=u+u (15.2) in the following description of the volume changes, only
The pore pressure u in an element of soil may result from a pressure increment is considered.
the flow of water through, into, or out of the element, as The first stage produces: (i) A decrease in volume of
described in Articles 15.3 and 15.4. It may also occur the pore water equal to nVC,Au; (ii) A decrease in volume
under undrained conditions, in which no flow takes place of the solids equal to (1 - n ) VC,Au; (iii) A decrease in
into or out of the element. Two undrained conditions are overall volume of soil skeleton equal to VC,Au. The
of interest for their fundamental significance. The first second stage produces: (iv) A decrease in volume of the
(Article 15.5.1) is associated with a change in equal all- soil solids equal to VC,y(Au- Au); (v) A decrease in
around total stress on the element. The second (Article overall volume of the soil skeleton equal to VC(Au -
15.5.2) is the result of shear stresses that may occur at least Au). For an undrained application of Au, in which there
temporarily during an earthquake, on rapid application is no drainage of pore water out of the element, the
of a load such as a building or fill above a relatively decrease in the volume of the soil skeleton, given by
impermeable soil, or in some soil tests in which a speci- summing (iii) and (v), must be equal to the decrease in
men is enclosed within a sealed impermeable membrane volume of the pore water (i) and of the soil solids (ii)
while external stresses are applied. The triaxial test, Arti- and (iv):
cle 17.2, is the most widely used means for investigating
undrained behavior. In it, a specimen can be subjected to
VC,Au + VC(Au - Au) = nVC,Au + (1 - n)VC,Au
various states of stress, and the deformations and resulting + VC,(AU - Au)
changes in pore pressure measured. This results in the following expression for B = Au/Ao
From Eq. 15.2 it is evident that, in saturated soils, the
change in effective stress on any plane is A d = ha - 1
B= (15.14)
Au, where the change in total stress ha is readily deter-
l + n
c, - c,
mined from a consideration of statics or by means of c - cs
elastic stress distribution. The main difficulty is evaluat-
ing the change in porewater pressure Au. For this purpose, Equation 15.14 shows that B = 1 for saturated geotechni-
it is generally convenient to identify the principal planes cal materials for which C is significantly larger than C,T
and to define the change in the state of total stress in and is also large as compared to C, This is the case for
terms of the principal changes in total stress, A u , , Au2, all soils, as well as for fissured or jointed rock masses.
and Au3.At any point in a soil there exist three mutually The bulk modulus of pure water, K , = l/C,,,, is 2100
perpendicular planes, called principal planes on which MPa. The bulk modulus of minerals that are common in
no shear stresses act. The principal stresses ul, u2,and soils and rocks, K, = l/C,r, has values in the range of
u3 are the maximum, intermediate, and minimum value, 36,000 to 69,000 MPa. In comparison, the bulk modulus
respectively, of normal stresses on principal planes. of the soil skeleton, K = 1/C, for a dense sand may be
less than 30 MPa and that for a soft clay may be less
15.5.1 Porewater Pressures Resulting from than 3 MPa. Therefore, when saturated soils and fissured
Changes in Equal All-Around Total Stress and jointed rock masses are subjected, under an undrained
Skempton (1954~)defined the change in porewater pres- condition, to an equal all-around total stress increment
sure Au resulting from undrained changes in equal all- or decrement Au, the porewater pressure increases or
around total stress Au in terms of the porewater pressure decreases respectively by an amount equal to A u , and
coefficient B = Au/Au. Bishop (1973, 1976) derived an there is no change in the state of effective stress.
expression for the B-coefficient of saturated soils in terms For intact rocks, however, for which C may approach
of the compressibility C of the soil skeleton, the com- C,r,the B-coefficient is less than unity. Values of AulAo
pressibility C,vof the pore water, and the compressibility computed from the porewater-pressure response of intact
C,yof the solids forming the skeleton. For a soil element specimens of Vermont Marble (porosity 2.1%, coefficient
of total volume V and of porosity n, the volume of the of permeability 5 X m/s, and unconfined compres-
pore water within the element is nV and the volume of sive strength 48 to 97 MPa) are shown in Fig. 15.3. A
the solids forming the skeleton is (1 - n ) Gi The volume back pressure of 1.32 MPa was required to obtain a fully
LO\, , ! I , I I , I ~, I ,

!?2 Back Pressure = l.38MPa

K, = 2/00 MPo
b o'8-

2 06-

- -O-A\

a2 1 " ' I J J ' ' J I I J

Figure 15.3 Measured values of porewater pressure parameter

B for intact specimens of Vermont marble as a function of the
effective all-aroundconfining pressure (after Mesri et al. 1976). 0 yo and S, at 6.9MPa

14 I I I I 1
6 8 lo /2 I4 /6 ?
saturated condition with K , = 2100 MPa. Even though Wafer Conlenf f%l
the rock specimens, 54 mm in diameter and 127 mm
long, had no visible fissures or cracks, the apparently Figure 15.4 Relation between dry unit weight and water con-
intact rock was sufficiently microfissured to display a B- tent of Champaign till after compaction and after undrained
value of unity at an effective confining pressure of zero. compression under an equal all-around pressure of 6.9 MPa
However, as the effective confining pressure increased (after Campbell 1973).
and microfissures were closed, the compressibility of the
rock skeleton decreased rapidly, and values of B became
less than 1. At an effective confining pressure of 12 MPa,
the measured value of B = 0.45 and Eq. 15.14 lead to a
K value of 45,000 MPa, which is rather close to the
measured value K , = 69,000 MPa for the marble.
The bulk modulus of water decreases dramatically if
the water contains even a very small volume of gas. For Water Content f W
example, K , may decrease by a factor of 100 as the
degree of saturation decreases from 100% to 99% (Kir-
kebo 1994). Values of B in the range of 0.4 to 0.7 have
been measured for compacted soils at a degree of satura-
tion of 99% (Campbell 1973). Figures 15.4 and 15.5 show
the behavior of four compacted specimens of Champaign
till, a well-graded glacial till from Champaign, Illinois,
with liquid limit, plastic limit, and clay size fraction of
24%, 16%, and 18%, respectively. The specimens were
compacted by applying, under a laterally constrained con-
dition, a static axial pressure of 276 kPa and maintaining
it for 2 min. Figure 15.4 shows that the initial degree of
saturation of the compacted specimens ranged from 31
to 74%. The specimens were set up in a triaxial cell
O O ( 2 3 4 5 6 7
(Article 17.2) and were subjected to increments of equal
quo1 AN Around Pressure fMPa)
all-around pressure under an undrained condition while
the porewater pressure was measured. The increases in Figure 15.5 Porewater pressure response of specimens of
porewater pressure in response to the increments of equal Champaign till (Fig. 15.4) subjected to increments of equal all-
all-around pressure are shown in Fig. 15.5. In all cases, around pressure under undrained conditions (after Campbell
the increases in porewater pressure in response to the 1973).
initial increments of all-around pressure were small and 15.5.2 Porewater Pressures Resulting from
corresponded to values of B significantly less than unity. Application of Shear Stresses
Even though the specimens were sealed, volume change When the changes in state of total stress lead to algebrai-
occurred on account of compression of the air. The corres- cally unequal principal changes in stress, A a l , Aa2, and
ponding increases in porewater pressure were less than ha3, the soil is subjected to changes in shear stresses.
A a , but in all four specimens A u l A a increased with the All soils and rocks tend to experience volume change
increase in equal all-around pressure. when subjected to a change in shear stress. Under
The value of AulAa for the specimen that was com- undrained conditions, the tendency for volume change is
pacted near the optimum water content and had an initial manifested in the form of shear-induced pore pressures.
degree of saturation of 74% increased rapidly, and the Because the change in state of stress may involve a rota-
incremental B-coefficient became equal to unity at an tion of the principal planes, the pore-pressure response
equal all-around pressure of about 2 MPa. At this stage is expressed in terms of principal changes in total stress
the slope of the line (Fig. 15.5) representing the relation rather than in terms of the changes in the preshear princi-
between porewater pressure increase and cell pressure pal stresses (Law and Holtz 1978). For example, irrespec-
became equal to that for a saturated material. As the total tive of the preshear directions of uI, u2, and u3,if the
confining pressure was increased, air was compressed and principal changes in total stress are -20 Wa, 0, and 10
dissolved in the pore water, and the degree of saturation kPa, then Au3 = -20 kPa, Au2 = 0, and A u l = 10 Wa.
increased. Beyond the total confining pressure of 2 MPa, A change in the state of total stress, defined by A u l ,
the porewater-pressure response of this specimen Ao2, and Aa3, is equivalent to an equal all-around change
reflected the behavior of a saturated soil. At this pressure, in total stress Aa3 plus the shear stresses hal - ha3,
the free air was completely dissolved whereupon the spec- and Aa2 - ha3.Therefore, for a saturated soil with B
imen became saturated. Indeed, direct measurements of = 1, the change in porewater pressure in an undrained
volume change, used in computing the increase in dry condition may be expressed as
unit weight shown in Fig. 15.4, indicated a degree of
saturation near 100%. According to the porewater-pres- AU = Aa3 + Al(Aa1 - A u ~ )
sure response in Fig. 15.5, the specimen, which had an + AZ(Aa2 - Aa3) (15.15)
initial degree of saturation of 62%, became fully saturated When Ao2 = Au3the following expression proposed by
at an equal all-around pressure of about 5 MPa. This is Skempton (1954) is obtained
confirmed by the degree of saturation determined from
the volume change measurements, Fig. 15.4. On the other
AU A o ~+ A(Aa1 - Au~) (15.16)
hand, Fig. 15.5 shows, for the specimens with initial Even though Eq. 15.16 is a convenient means of normaliz-
degrees of saturation of 43% and especially 31%, that ing shear-induced porewater pressure in terms of the
even though AulAo increased with the total confining change in shear stress, it has not found wide application
pressure, the incremental B-coefficient did not reach unity in practice. The reason is that shear-induced porewater
in the equal all-around pressure range up to 6.9 MPa. pressure, and thus the A-coefficient, are highly dependent
Figure 15.4 shows that the degrees of saturation of these not only on the composition and structure of the soil, but
specimens at the total confining pressure of 6.9 MPa were also on the mode of shear or the stress path to failure
95% and 73%, respectively. (Article 18.2.2). Therefore, it has not been possible to
The data in Figs. 15.4 and 15.5 show that the porewater- generalize information regarding the magnitude and
pressure response of unsaturated soils subjected to incre- behavior of the A-coefficient and to develop an empirical
ments of equal all-around pressure depends strongly on database for estimating shear-induced porewater pres-
the degree of saturation. A simple relationship between sures for effective stress stability analyses of undrained
the B-coefficient and the degree of saturation does not soil failures (Article 20.3). However, the general outline
exist, however, because the porewater-pressure response of the behavior of shear-induced porewater pressure in
also depends on the magnitude of C, which is determined saturated soils and the associated A-coefficient is well
by the composition of the soil, its structure (for example, established. For example, soils and rocks that tend to
the method and degree of compaction), and the amount contract on application of shear stresses develop positive
of compression produced by the total confining pressure. shear-induced porewater pressures that lead to positive
In inorganic soils and rocks, C, is always less than C, values of the A-coefficient. For contractive soil and rock
and thus B is not expected to have values greater than conditions (Article 18.2), values of A from slightly above
unity. However, in fully saturated organic soils such as zero to higher than 2 have been measured in the labora-
fibrous peat, if the porous fibers contain occluded gas, tory. Very loose and open fabrics of clay, silt, and fine
C, may be greater than C, and B may slightly exceed sand that may exist at relatively high consolidation pres-
unity. In a series of laboratory tests on a fibrous peat, sures tend to collapse on application of shear stresses,
values of B = 1.O 1 to 1.02 were measured repeatedly. and thus lead to high values of the A-coefficient. On the
Next Page


other hand, a clay soil with an overconsolidation ratio of the soil in situ. The water table can also be defined
near 6 to 8, on application of shear stresses, may display as the surface at which the neutral stress or porewater
little tendency for either contraction or expansion and pressure u, (Article 15.1) in the soil is equal to zero.
may develop zero shear-induced porewater pressures and If the water contained in a soil were subject to no force
values of A near zero. Highly overconsolidated dense other than gravity, the soil above the water table would
soils and rocks that are very dilatant (Article 18.2), espe- be perfectly dry. In reality, every soil in the field is com-
cially when they exist under relatively low effective con- pletely saturated for a certain distance above the water
fining pressures, develop very high negative shear- table and is partly saturated above this level. The water
induced porewater pressures. Values of A for even highly that occupies the voids of the soil located above the water
overconsolidated clays and dense rocks, however, are table constitutes soil moisture.
rarely less than about -0.3, because the overconsolidation If the lower part of a mass of dry soil comes into
or densification that promotes the highly dilatant tendency contact with water, the water rises in the voids to a certain
also increases the resistance to shear and thus increases height above the free-water surface. The upward flow is
the magnitude of the shear stress required to deform the attributed to the surjace tension of the water. The seat of
soil or rock structure and elicit dilatant response. the surface tension is located at the boundary between
In summary, soils exist at a void ratio determined by air and water. Within the boundary zone the water is in
their existing effective stress condition. When they are a state of tension comparable to that in a stretched rubber
subjected to changes in shear stresses, they have a ten- membrane attached to the walls of the voids of the soil.
dency to change their void ratio. If an undrained condition However, in contrast to the tension in a stretched mem-
prevails and the change in void ratio is not possible, soils brane, the surface tension in the boundary film of water
alter the existing effective stress condition by generating is unaffected by either the contraction or stretching of
pore pressures. If the tendency of a saturated soil is to the film.
contract upon shear, the soil develops positive porewater The phenomenon of capillary rise can be demonstrated
pressures in an undrained condition, and thus decreases by immersing into water the lower end of a very small-
the imposed effective stresses. On the other hand, the diameter glass tube known as a capillary tube. As soon
tendency for expansion develops negative porewater pres- as the lower end of the tube comes into contact with the
sures and increases the imposed effective stresses. water, the attraction between the glass and the water
Because the effective stress condition determines the molecules combined with the surface tension of the water
behavior of soils, shear-induced porewater pressures that pull the water up into the tube to a height h, above the
alter the effective stress condition in soils are of practi- water level (Fig. 15.6a). The height h, is known as the
cal importance. height of capillary rise. The upper surface of the water
assumes the shape of a cup, called the meniscus, that
joins the walls of the tube at an angle a known as the
Selected Reading contact angle. The value of a depends on the material
Skempton, A. W. (1954). The pore-pressure coefficients A that constitutes the wall and on the type of impurities
and B, Gkot., 4, No. 4, pp. 143-147. that cover it. For glass tubes with chemically clean or
Bishop, A. W. (1973). The influence of an undrained change
in stress on the pore pressure in porous media of low
compressibility, Gkot., 23, No. 3, pp. 435-442.
Bishop, A. W. (1976). The influence of system compressibility
on the observed pore-pressure response to an undrained
change in stress in saturated rock, Gkot., 26, No. 2, pp.
37 1-375.
Mesri, G., K. Adachi and C. R. Ullrich (1976). Pore pressure
response in rock to undrained change in all-round stress,
Gkot., 26, NO.2, pp. 317-330.
Law, K. T. and R. D. Holtz (1978). A note on Skemptons A
parameter with rotation of principal stresses, Geot., 28, or + us
NO. 1, pp. 57-64.

15.6 Negative Pore Pressure in Soils

15.6.1 Capillarity and Suction
The terms water level, water table, and phreatic surjace
designate the locus of the levels to which water rises in Figure 15.6 ( a ) Rise of water in capillary tube. (b) State of
observation wells in free communication with the voids stress of water in capillary tube.

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