PJ 3

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Lesson Plans

Lesson 1

Week: 22nd -26th October

Level: Pj3

1. Check HW
(4 min)
2. Warm up - energizer ( to revise parts of the body)
(4 min)
3. Halloween song. Listen to it once, then listen again and sing along.
(5 min)
4. The Magic Book - act out scene 1, 2, 3. At first the teacher will read the
story and act it out using the theatre frame. Then its time for the
children to become the actors and perform scenes 1-3. Make sure
you praise their effort and talent and give stamps.
(20 min)
5. We will stop with the play for the time being and go back to their
books. We will come back to it in two weeks. Since it takes us two weeks to
finish one unit from the book, we will spend the other two weeks working on a
play so that in this rhythm we can finish the book in 9 months and learn 4
plays by the end of the school year.
Start unit 1 My classroom . Introduce school objects- pen, pencil,
schoolbag, book, chair, desk, rubber, ruler, pencil case. Before the
class starts, hide these objects around the classroom. Make sure
there is one for each child.
Tell the children that you have lost your things from the schoolbag.
Ask for their help to find these objects. When you say go they should
run around the classroom, take one object and put it on your desk.
(5 min)
6. Take one object at a time, name it, ask the whole class to repeat and
invite the child that found it to come name it again and put it in your
schoolbag. When all of the objects are in the schoolbag, use the fcds to go
over them again and play Pass it-say it: the children stand in a
circle. Give one fcd to one child, ask him to name it and pass it
along. Counterclockwise, introduce another fcd using the same
procedure. At first use only 2 fcds, but progressively introduce more
and more. When they drop it or whenever they are holding more than 2
fcds, stop the game and start it over.
(10 min)
7. Open the books on p. 10. Listen and repeat. Use the pictures in the book
to practice them with the children individually and chorally.
(4 min)
8. Learn the chant. On cushions, listen once, then listen again, pause
and repeat. At third listening, sing along. Give stamps (next time)
(8 min)
10.HW - WB p. 8 + worksheet (x12)

Lesson 2

1. Check HW
(5 min)
2. Warm up- energizer http://www.youtube.com/watch?
(5 min)
3. Halloween song.
(5 min)
4. Singing competition use the karaoke version of the song weve learnt last
time. Divide the class into two teams, sing loud and clear. Give stamps to
both teams. (6 min)
5. Online game with school objects. http://www.mes-
(5 min)
6. Whats in my schoolbag? Each child will come in front of the class with his/her
schoolbag in which he/she has put an object. The class will have to guess
what the child has inside. (7 min)
7. Teach classroom language stand up, sit down, close the book, open the
book, pick up, take, show me, touch, put. While naming them, mime each one
at a time and ask the children to mime with you. After you make sure they
have understood them, play Simon says but in our case Cookie says or
Ducky says, depending on the puppet you brought to class on the first day
of school. Demonstrate for a couple of times and then ask the children to
become the teacher and give commands.
8. Open the books on p. 11. Listen and colour.
(5 min)
9. Learn a new song (p. 12). Listen to the song and watch the DVD. Then listen
again, pause and repeat. At third listening, sing along.
(8 min)
10.HW WB p. 9 and 10

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