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SSLC Mathematics formula 2015 By Abdul Rahim


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#263, 4th cross, mariyappana palya, masidi block,
RAJAJINAGAR, Bangalore -560021 Mob: 8050012053
Euclids division lemma: Given positive integers a and b there exist unique integer q and r Satisfying
a=bq+r, where 0 r<b.
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic: Every composite number can be expressed as product of primes and
this factorisation is unique except for the order in which the prime factor occur.
The product of H.C.F and L.C.M of any two integers is equal to the product of integers H(a,b) L(a,b)=ab.

L.C.M of any two integers L=(,)
If a prime number P divides a2, then P divides a, where a is a positive integer.
If the divisor is a factor of the dividend, the last remainder will be zero. The last but one nonzero remainder will
be the H.C.F.
Prime number: A positive integer p is considered a prime number, if p>1 and p does not have factors other
than 1 and p.
Composite number: A number greater than 1 and not a prime number is a composite number.
Coprimes: Two numbers 'a' and 'b' are said to be coprime if the only common divisor of a and b is 1 or
H.C.F 1.

SET: A set is a collection of well defined objects.
properties of union and intersection of sets:
1. Union of sets is commutative. AB=BA
2. Union of sets is Associative. A(BC)=(AB)C
3. Intersection of sets is commutative. AB=BA
4. Intersection of sets is associative. A(BC)=(AB)C
5. Union of sets is distributive over intersection of sets. A(BC)=(AB)(AC)
6. Intersection of sets is distributive over union of sets. A(BC)=(AB)(AC)
DeMorgans laws: If A and B are the subsets of a universal set U then
1. The component of union sets is the intersection of their complements (AB)1 =A1B1
2. The complement of intersection of sets is the union of their complements (AB)1=A1B1
If B is a subset of A then AB=B and AB=A
A\(BC)=(A\B) (A\C)
A\(BC)=(A\B) (A\C)
Cardinal number: The cardinal number of set is the number of element present in it.
EX: if A={1,3,4,8} then n(A)=4.

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SSLC Mathematics formula 2015 By Abdul Rahim

Fundamental Results:

A =A (A1)1=A A(AB)=AB
A = AA1=U and AA1= A1=UA
If A1= then A=U if AB= then A1B1=U If AB= A then AB=

Relation between the number of elements of two or three sets:

1. n(AB)= n(A)+ n(B)n(AB) 2. n(AB)= n(A)+ n(B)n(AB)
3. n(A)= n(AB)+ n(AB)n(B) 4. n(B)= n(AB)+ n(AB)n(A)
5. If A and B are disjoint sets then AB= then n(AB)=0 and n(AB)= n(A)+ n(B)
6. n(AB)= n(A) n(AB) 7. n(BA)= n(B) n(AB) 8. n(AB)+ n(AB)+ n(BA)= n(AB)
9. n(ABC)=n(A)+n(B)+n(C)n(AB)n(BC)n(AC)+ n(ABC)

An orderly arrangement of numbers to certain rule is called sequence.
An Arithmetic progression (AP) is sequence in which each term is obtained by adding a fixed number to the
preceding term (except the first term).
A sequence in which, reciprocals of the terms form an arithmetic progression (AP) is called Harmonic
progression (H.P).
A geometric progression (G.P) is a sequence in which each succeeding term is obtained by multiplying or
dividing the preceding term by a fixed number.

Sl.No A.P G.P H.P

1 General form a,a+d,a+2d,,a+(n1)d 2
a,ar,ar, ,,ar n1 1 1 1 1
, , ,,
+ + 2 + ( 1)
Example 1 1 1
2 2,5,8. 2,4,8. , , ..
2 5 8
3 nth term Tn=a+(n1)d Tn=arn1 Tn=
4 Succeeding T n+1=Tn+d T n+1=Tn r
T n1=Tnd
and Tn=
5 Mean + G= 2
= =
2 +
Sum of n ( 1)
6 Sn=2 [2( 1)] Sn= if r>1
terms 1

Sn=2 ( + ) (1 )
Sn= 1 if r<1
Sn=na if r=1

S= sum of infinite

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SSLC Mathematics formula 2015 By Abdul Rahim

Arithmetic mean (A.M), Geometric mean (G.M) and Harmonic mean (H.M) of any two numbers =
In general A G H.
An arithmetic progression having a common difference of zero is called a constant arithmetic progression.
The sum of first 'n' terms of an arithmetic series is 'n' times the average of the first and last terms of the arithmetic
Tp Tq
If TP=Tq are the pth and qth terms of an A.P then d= pq
n T a
If Tp =Tn and Tq=T1=a then above relation can be expressed as d= n1 .
Sum of first n natural number Sn= 2
Sum of first n even natural numbers Sn=n(n+1).
Sum of first n odd natural number Sn=n2.
The three numbers of AP are ad, a, a+d.
The four number of AP are a3d, ad, a+d, a+3d.
The five number of AP are a2d, ad, a, a+d, a+2d.
Relation between of nth term and the sum to nterms of AP is SnSn1=Tn.
The reciprocal form of an AP is HP.
The reciprocal form of an HP is AP.
The reciprocal form of a GP is GP.
If the Tp and Tq are the pth and qth terms of GP the =rpq.
S2nSn=rn +1 Ex:S8S4=r4 +1

The three number of GP are , ,

The four number of GP are , , ,

The five number of GP are , , , ,


Fundamentals principle of counting(FCP):If one activity can b done in m different was and
corresponding to each other of these was of the first activity, second activity (independent of first
activity)can be done n number of different ways then, the both the activities, one after the other can be
done in (mn) number of ways.
Permutation: A permutation is an ordered arrangement of a set of objects.
npr means number of permutation of n different objects taken r at a time. where rn
Combination: A Combination is a selection of set of objects with an order.
nCr means number of combination of n different objects taken r at a time. where rn
n! is the product of first n natural numbers.
The number of Permutation of n different objects taken r at a time when repetition is allowed is n .
When n number of non-collinear points are given in a plane,
Number of Straight lines = nC2 = 2
n n(n1)(n2)
Number of Triangles = C3 =
(1) (3)
The number of diagonals in a polygon=nC2n = n =
2 2
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The relationship between ncr and npr is given by ncr = !
Standard Factorial values:

0! =0 1! =1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24 5! =60
6! = 720 7! = 5040 8! = 40320 9! =362880 10! = 3628800


n! = n (n 1) (n 2) ...... 3 2
n n
1 P0=1 C1=n
5! =54 3 2 1 n
P1=n n
8! =8 7 9 5 4 3 2 1 n
Pn=nPn-1 n
n n!
10! =10 9 8 ! pr=()! Pn=n!

n !
Pr=n(n-1)(n-2)..[n-(r+1)] cr=()!! 5
c5= 1
P5=n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4) n
C0=1 100
p0= 1


A measure of uncertainty is provided by the branch of mathematics called Theory of probability.

The chance of happening of an even when expressed quantitatively is called probability.
Random toss or throw means that the coin or die is allowed to fall freely without any bias or interference.
No.of trials in which event happens n(A)
Empirical probability P(A)= = Where 0 P(A) 1.
Total no.of trails n(S)
Sure or certain event: an event of an random experiment is called a sure or certain event.
If anyone of its element will surely occur in any trial of the experiment, probability of sure event is 1.
Impossible event: an event which will not occur on any account in any trial of the experiment is called
an impossible event. Probability of an impossible event is 0.
The sum of the probabilities of all the elementary events of an experiment is 1. Note: P(E)+P( x ) = 1
Two or more events are said to be mutually exclusive. If the occurrence of one event or excludes the
occurrence of the other event. P(E1U E2)=P(E1)+P(E2).
Probability rules can also be extended more then two mutually exclusive events
P(E1 U E2 U E3------En)=P(E1)+P(E2)+P(E3)+-------+P(En).
If an Event A happen in m ways and fail to happen in n ways all these being equally likely to occur then,

1. Probability of event happening = +

2. Probability of event not happening = +


The positive square root of the variance is known as standard deviation.

The square root of the average of the squared deviations from the arithmetic mean is called standard deviation,
or Root mean square deviation (RMS).

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Mean standard deviation and deviation for ungrouped data and grouped data are calculated by using the
following methods and their formulas:

Ungrouped data Grouped data D(deviation)

Mean x= x= -
2 2 2 2
Direct method = ( ) = ( ) -
2 2
= =
Actual method d=x- x
Assume mean 2 2 2 2
method = ( ) = ( ) d=XA
2 2
= ( ) C d=
2 2 XA
Step deviation 2 2 = ( ) i d=
method = ( ) C2

C. V = 100 = 100
Standard deviation() =


Surd: Surd is a irrational root of a rational number General form of surd
Where a=coefficient, n=order and b=radicand.
Ex: i)22 where order=2 and radicand=22
ii)4where order=3 and radicand=4
Like surds: A group of surds having same order and same radicand in their simplest form called like
Ex: i) 22 , 8, 32 ii)43, 27, 48
Unlike surds: A group of surds having different order or different radicand or both in their simplest
form are called unlike surds.
Ex: i) 23 , 32, 2 ii)27, 18, 3
Only like surds can be added or subtracted and multiplication of surds can be done by using the rule

= .
The process of multiplying a surd by another surd to get a rational number is called rationalization. The
rationalizing factor of a binomial surd is also called conjugate of binomial surd.
If the product of two binomial surd is a rational number, then each surd is called the conjugate of the

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Examples on R.F:

5 5 +

27 7 3 2 3 + 2 + +
3 3 3 3
32 4 25 + 35 25 35 2


An algebraic expression of the form p(x)=a0+a1x+a2x2..+anxn in which the variable involved

have only non-negative integral exponents is called a polynomial in x.
The highest exponent of the variable in a polynomial is called degree.
Ex: The degree of polynomial 2v4+v3-2v+8 is 4.
Types of Polynomials

Polynomial Degree General Form Example

Linear Polynomial 1 Where a0 3y+3

Quadratic 1
Where a0 5 2 + 5
Polynomial 2 3

Cubic Polynomial 3 Where a0 2x3+7 8

A Linear polynomial has at the most one zero.

A quadratic polynomial has at the most two zeroes.
Polynomial of degree n has at the most n zeros.
If f(x) is a polynomial in 'x' and 'k' is a real number, then the real number obtained by replacing 'x' by 'k'
in f(x), is called the value of f(x) at x = k and is denoted by f(k).
Euclids Lemma for Polynomials: If p(x) and g(x) are any two polynomials with g(x)0,then we can
always find polynomials q(x) and r(x) such that p(x)=g(x).q(x)+r(x) where r(x)=0 or degree of
r(x)<degree of g(x).
Reminder theorem: If a polynomial p(x) is divided by a linear polynomial (x-a),then the reminder is
p(a).If p(a)=0,then (x-a) is a factor of p(x) when (x-a) is a factor of p(x),then p(a).This is known as
factor theorem of polynomial.

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A quadratic equation in the variable x is an equation of the form ax2+bx+c=0, where a,b,c are
real numbers and a0.
Linear Equation: An equation involving variable of degree one only is called Linear Equation. A
Linear Equation has one root. The general form of Linear Equation is ax+b, where a0.
Pure quadratic equation: An equation involving variable of only in second degree is called Pure
quadratic equation. The general form of Pure quadratic equation is ax2+c where a0.
Adfected quadratic equation: An Quadratic Equation involving a variable in second degree as well as
in first degree is called Adfected quadratic equation.
The general form of Adfected Quadratic equation is ax2+bx+c where a0.
All the quadratic has 2 roots.
Formula of quadratic equation of the form ax2+bx+c=0


Where a=Coefficient of x2 ,b=Coefficient of x and c= Constant
If m and n are the roots of the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0.

Sum of roots=m+n=

Product of roots=mn=

If m and n are the roots, then standard form quadrate is
1. x2(sum of roots) x + product of roots = 0
2. x2(m+n) x + mn = 0
The value of the expression b2-4ac discriminates the nature of the roots of ax2-bx+c=0 and so it is called
the discriminant of the quadratic equation. It is denoted by the symbol and read as delta.

Points to remember about Nature of roots

Discriminant Nature of roots

=0 Real and equal

>0 Real and distinct

is a perfect Square Real and Rational

is not a perfect Square Real and irrational

<0 No Real roots(Imaginary roots)

The graph of Quadratic equation is called parabola.

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Similar, means having same shape.

The symbol ||| means similar to.
Two triangles are similar, if condition
1. All the corresponding angles are equal.
2. All the corresponding sides are proportional.
Congruent triangles are always similar, but similar triangles are not necessary congruent.
Basic proportionality Theorem(B.P.T) or Thales Theorem:
If a straight line is drawn parallel to one side of triangle, then it divides the other two sides
proportionally. A

In ABC DEBC then B.P.T is given by =


Converse of Thales Theorem,
If a straight line divides two triangle proportionally then the straight line is parallel to the third side.
Corollary of Basic proportionality Theorem (B.P.T) or Thales Theorem:
If a straight line is drawn parallel to a side of a triangle then the sides of intercepted triangle will be
proportional to the sides of the given triangle.
It is stated as "In two triangles, if the corresponding angles are equal, then their corresponding
sides will be in proportion and hence the two triangles are similar".
If two triangles are equiangular, then their corresponding sides are proportional.
The areas of similar triangles are proportional to squares on the corresponding sides.
Areas of similar, triangles are proportional to
1. Squares on their corresponding altitudes
2. Squares on their corresponding medians.
3. Squares on their corresponding circum radii.
4. Squares on their corresponding angular bisectors.
5. Squares on their corresponding in radii.

Pythagoras Theorem: In a right angled triangle, the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum
of the squares on the other two sides.
Baudhayan Theorem: The diagonal of a rectangle produce both areas of which its length and breadth
produce separately.
If the three numbers, which are the measures of three sides of a right angle triangle are natural numbers
then they are called Pythagorean triplets.
Pythagorean triplets can be found using the following general form.
1. For natural number: 2n, (n2 1), (n2 + 1) Here 'n' may be even or odd.
1 1
2. For odd natural numbers: , 2 (2 1), 2(2 + 1) Here n is odd where n.
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Trigonometry means measuring three sides or measure of three sides of triangle.

All the trigonometrical concepts are based on right angled triangle.
The measure of angle '' can be expressed in "degrees" or "radians".
The value of sin A and cos A are always less than 1.


opp AB hyp AC
sin = = cosec = =
hyp AC opp AB

adj BC hyp AC
cos = = sec = =
hyp AC adj BC

opp AB adj BC
tan = = cot = =
adj BC opp AB

Reciprocal relations:

1 1
sin = cosec =
cosec sin

1 1
cos = sec =
sec cos

1 1
tan = cot =
cot tan

sin cos
Relation between the Trigonometric ratios:tan = cos and cot = sin
Trigonometric Identities:-
1. sin2A + cos2A = 1 sin2A = 1 cos2A; or cos2A = 1 sin2A
2. tan2A + 1 = sec2A tan2A = sec2A 1; or sec2A tan2A = 1
3. 1 + cot2A = cosec2A cot2A = cosec2A -1; or cosec2A cot2A = 1
Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles:-

Sin(900 ) = cos cosec(900 ) = sec

cos(900 ) = sin sec(900 ) = cosec
tan(900 ) = cot cot(900 ) = tan
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Trigonometric ratios for the standard angles:-

00 300 450 600 900

1 1 3
0 2 2 2 1

3 1 1
1 2 2 2 0

0 3 1 3 ND

ND 2 2 3 1

1 3 2 2 ND

ND 3 1 3 0

ND represents not defined.


Graph: Graph is defined as the visual representation of numerical data collected during an experiment.
The X-Co-ordinate of a point is also called its abscissa and co-ordinate is called the co-ordinate of the point.
If the lines XOX and YOY are perpendicular to each other then the system is called Rectangular coordinate
system. If the lines are not perpendicular to each other than the system is called Oblique Co-ordinates system.

The idea of introducing Co-ordinates to identify the point on the plane is due to Rene Descartes a French
Mathematician and philosopher.

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The point of Intersection of the two axes is called the Origin O.

Co-ordinate axes divides the plane into 4 quadrants
For point on the Cartesian plane,
i. Its perpendicular distance from y-axis is called the x-Co-ordinate (or Abscissa) of the point.
ii. Its perpendicular distance from x-axis is called the Co-ordinate (or ordinate) of the point.
iii. The Co-ordinate of a point P is represented as p(x,y)
iv. Co-ordinates of the origin are (0,0)
v. Co-ordinates of an point on the x-axis will be of the forms (x,0)
vi. Co-ordinates of an point on the axis will be of the forms (0,y)

The graphical representation of equation is of the form ax+by=c.

The angle formed b the linear graph with the positive direction of x-axis is called the Inclination of
that line .It is represented by .
The ratio of the vertical distance to the horizontal distance is called slope.
Slope =
The slope of a line is the tangent of the angle of its inclination. It is generally denoted b m therefore
Gradient of a Straight line is nothing but the slope of a Straight line.
Slope of a Straight line passing through two given points. Let a(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) be any two fixed
points on a Cartesian planes.
2 1
m= =
2 1
Parallel lines have equal slopes, therefore m1=m2
If two lines are mutually perpendicular, then the product of their slope is -1,therefore m1.m2 = -1.
The equation of a line with slope m and whose y-Intercept is c is given by y=mx+c
If A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) are the given points then, d(distance) =(2 1 )2 + (2 1 )2
The distance between the point and origin is given by d= 2 + 2
Let AB be a line joining the points A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) and point p divides the line segment AB in the
2 +1 2 +1
ration m:n, = , =
+ +
2 +1 2 +1
If p is the midpoint of AB ,m:n=1:1 then the Co-ordinates of P (x,y)=[ , ] This is also called
2 2
midpoint formula.


Circle: The locus of a point moving on a plane such that it is always at a constant distance from a fixed
point in a circle.
Radius: The line segment joining any two points on the circumference of a circle through the centre.
Chord: The line segment joining any two points on the circle.
Diameter: A chord which passes through the centre of the circle.
Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre.
If the chords of a circle are at equal distance from the centre, then they are equal in length.
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In a circle, the angles in the minor segment are obtuse angles, angles in the minor segment are acute
angles and angles in semi circles are right angles.
In a circle, the angles in the minor arc are acute angles, angles in the major arc are obtuse angles.
In a circle, angles in the same segments are equal.
Concentric circles: Circles having the same centre but different radii are called concentric circles.
Congruent circles: Circles having the same radii but different radii are called concentric circles.


Secant: A straight line which intersects a circle at two distinct points is called a secant.
Tangent: A straight line which touches the circle at only one point is called tangent.
Point of contact: The point where a tangent touches the circle is called the point of contact.
In any circle, the radius drawn at the point of contacts is perpendicular to the tangent.
1. The perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact passes through the centre of the circle.
2. Only one tangent can be drawn to a circle at any point on it.
3. Tangents drawn at the ends of a diameter are parallel to each other.
Theorem: The tangents drawn from an external point to a circle
1. Are equal
2. Subtend equal angles at the centre
3. Are equally inclined to the line joining the centre and external point.
t= 2 2 where t=length of the tangent ,d=distance between the centre and external point
r=radius of the circle
Touching Circles: Two circles having only one common point of contact are called Touching Circles.
Two Circles, one outside the other and having a common point of contact are called externally
touching circles.
Two Circles, one inside the other and having a common point of contact are called internally touching
1. If two circles touch each other externally, the distance between their centres is equal to the sum
of their radii [d=R+r].
2. If two circles touch each other internally, the distance between their centres is equal to the
difference of their radii [d=R-r].
3. Theorem: If two circles touch each other, the centres and the point of contacts are Collinear.
4. If both the circles lie on the same side of a common tangent, then the common tangent is called
Direct common tangent(DCT) . ,Therefore,DCT= ( )
5. If both the circles lie on the either side of a common tangent, then the common tangent is called
Transverse common tangent(TCT) ,Therefore,DCT= ( + )
Only two tangents can be drawn from an External point of a circle.

Unique coaching center

Basic mathematics class is conducted.
RAJAJINAGAR, Bangalore -560021 Mob: 8050012053

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Cylinder: If a rectangle revolves about one of its sides and completes a full rotation, thesolid formed is
called a right circular cylinder.
A hollow cylinder is the object bounded b two circular planes and curved surface
Ex: A garden roller.
Cone: If a right angled triangle is revolved that one of the side containing the right angle, the solid
formed is called a Right circular Cone.
Frustum of a cone: If a plane cuts a right circular cone parallel to its base and the upper smaller cone is
removed. then the remaining part of the cone containing the base is called Frustum of a cone.
Relationship between the dimension of the original cone and the smaller one cut off:-
Let the base radius, height and the slant height of the original cone be denoted by R,H and L and those
of the smaller cone by r,h and l,

Then == =>Corresponding sides are proportional.
Sphere: If a circular disc is radiated about one of its diameters, then solid thus generated is called a
When sphere gets divided into two equal parts, each part of the sphere is called a Hemisphere.
Scale drawing: Any irregular shaped field can be divided into known geometrical shaped fragments.
Measurements are recorded in the Surveyors field book.
Circumference of a circle is 2r.
Diameter of a circle is d=2r.
Mensuration Formulas:
Solid L.S.A T.S.A Volume
Cylinder 2rh 2r(r+h) 2 h
Cone r(r+l) 1 2
Frustum of cone (r1+r2)l [(r1+r2)l+r12 + r22 ] 1
h(r12 + r22 +1 . 2 )
Hemisphere 2 2 3 2 2 3

Sphere 4 2 4 2 4 3

L.S.A=Lateral surface area, h=height and T.S.A=Total surface area
1. Slant height of cone is l= 2 + 2
2. Slant height of frustum of cone is l=2 +(1 2 )2
If a cone is inscribed with in the sphere then
Volume of Sphere=4 Volume of Cone , Volume of Cone=3Volume of Cylinder
1cm3=1ml 1000cm3=1liter
The factor that does not change (alter) when a object is converted to other object is volume.
A graph is a set of points (Vertices) in which points are joined in pairs by links (edges).
Eulers formula for graph/Network is given by N+R=A+2, Where N,R,A are the nodes, numbers of
region and number of arcs respectively.

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Traversable graph: A graph which can be drawn in one sweep without lifting the pencil from the paper
and without retracing any arc is called a traversable graph.
The number of arcs at a node is called the order of the node.
A given network/graph is traversable if it contains two odd nodes and any number of even nodes or all
even nodes.
The closed solid figures in space bounded by polynomial surface are called polyhedral.

The number of faces, vertices, edges and shape of each face of the following polyhedral solids:

Sl.No Name of Polyhedron F V E F+V F+2 Shape of each face

1 Tetrahedron 4 4 6 8 8 Equilateral Triangle

2 Hexahedron/Cube 6 8 12 14 14 Square

3 Octahedron 8 6 12 14 14 Equilateral Triangle

4 Dodecahedron 12 20 30 32 32 Regular Pentagon

5 Icosahedrons 20 12 30 32 32 Equilateral Triangle

6 Pentahedron 5 6 9 11 11 Equilateral Triangle

7 Triangular prism 5 6 9 11 11

8 Square based prism 6 8 12 14 14

9 Triangular pyramid 4 6 8 10 10

Polyhedron has only area but no volume.

Eulers formula for polyhedral is given by F+V=E+2,Where F,V,E are the number of faces, number of
vertices and number of edges respectively. For pyramids with base having n sides F=n+1,V=n+1,E=2n.
For prisms, with base having m sides F=m+2,V=2m,E=3m.
Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Hexahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedrons are called platonic solids.

Fundamentals: Types of Numbers are

Natural number (N)={1,2,3, }
Whole number (W)={0,1,2, }
Integers(Z)={ ,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,. }
Positive Integers (Z+)={+1,+2,.}
Negative Integers (Z-1)={-1,-2,..}
Non-negative Integers={0,1,2,}
Rational number: The numbers which are in the form a/b,b0 a,bZ .
Irrational number: The number divisible by itself except.Ex: 2, 3, 5.
Composite numbers: Number other than prime are called composite numbers. Ex: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10,..

UNIQUE COACHING CENTER, Rajajinagar 2nd block, Mob: +918050012053 Page 14

SSLC Mathematics formula 2015 By Abdul Rahim

Profit and Loss:

Profit = S.P-C.P and Loss = C.P-S.P

%Profit = 100 and %Loss = . 100
Where S.P=Selling price C.P=Cost price

Algebraic Identities

a2-b2=(a+b) (a-b)

Areas and Perimeters:

Name of Geometrical Figure Area(A) Perimeter(P)

Circle 2 2

Triangle bh a+b+c

Equilateral Triangle 2 3a
Square 2 4a

Rectangle lb 2(l+b)
Area of Quadrilateral=2 (1 + 2 )
Area of Parallelogram=bh
Area of Trapezium=2 ( + )

UNIQUE COACHING CENTER, Rajajinagar 2nd block, Mob: +918050012053 Page 15

SSLC formula
1Hectare=10000 sq.m2015 By Abdul Rahim


an= aaaa------------a n times

a-n = ( ) = 0 = 1
= a m-n if m>n

am. an=a m+n ( )n=amn
=a ( ) =

****************************************ALL THE BEST***********************************

Razvis unique coaching center

#7, 3rd floor, babu mansion, N.M LANE,
COTTONPET, Bangalore -560053 Mob: 9844763344

For the things of this world cannot be made known

without knowledge of mathematics.
Mathematics works just like anything else,
If you want to get good at it,
then you need to practice it.
Even the best athletes and musicians
had lots of practice, practice, practice,
to get good at their sport or instrument.
In fact is no such thing as too much practice.

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SSLC Mathematics formula 2015 By Abdul Rahim

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