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Full Environment Set-up Planning Sheet

Student Name: Julia Longo Course Code:

Age Group: Full Day Kindergarten (4, 5, 6 year olds) Date: January
30- February 3
Children will: improve their knowledge of completing simple number
operations (4.20) by performing simple number operations of adding when
working with concrete objects
Children will: develop their helping skills (1.4) as they offer assistance to
their peers when using the different activities
Children will: enhance their positive attitudes towards learning (2.6)
through asking for and accepting help from their peers or the staff
Children will: enhance their fine motor skills by using the chalk to draw
various objects on the mural
Children will: improve their gross motor skills by rolling the ball while trying
to knock over all the bowling pins
Learning Experience #1- Cognitive: Addition & Subtraction using
Jumbo Cards
Purpose: For todays activity I decided to extend on the childrens
knowledge of numbers. I saw different activities around the classroom that
required the children to count different objects and total what they see. Also,
the ECE in the room went through the numbers posted on the bulletin board
when they were discussing the students birthdays in the class.

Jumbo Playing Cards

Addition symbols
subtraction symbols
Equal symbol
Learning Experience #2- Tracing Letters/Words in Coloured Sugar-
Fine Motor/Cognitive
Purpose: A few weeks ago when I completed my Alphabet Soup activity
there were a few students who went above and beyond what I expected by
spelling words and telling me them. For today, I decided to create an activity
that will allow the students to learn/improve how to write words in an
exciting way. I will provide the students with different words and have them
write them using their finger in the coloured sugar (similar to writing in the
sand). This will help students practice words but will also help them improve
their fine motor skills.


3 Baking Trays
Sticky Notes & Markers
Learning Experience #3- Story Telling- Im Like You, Youre Like Me
Purpose: I noticed that the children are read a story each day either in the
morning or at some point in the afternoon. The story usually reflects a future
activity that the children will participate in either later that day or during the
week. I decided to read the children a story about friendship, love and
kindness as Valentine's Day is approaching. As I read the story I will stop on
various pages and ask the children questions regarding the information.
Later, the children will be given some paper and crayons and I will ask them
to brainstorm using pictures and words what friendship means to them.

Friendship story
Children's individual scrapbooks
Learning Experience #4- Chalk Mural/Drawings (Creative)
Purpose: This activity will extend on the friendship story and brainstorm
read earlier in the week. The children are very interested in art and creating
different things. I noticed them drawing pictures and painting snowflakes.
With this activity the children will create a friendship mural as a class using
long black construction paper and chalk. The mural will be displayed outside
the classroom for all to see.

Long black construction paper

Different coloured chalk
Learning Experience #5- Class Bowling (Gross Motor)
Purpose: During free play the children partake in a number of different
activities. One area in particular I wanted to focus on with this activity is
gross motor. The children will play bowling using life size bowling pins and a
ball. They will learn to take turns, wait patiently and cooperate with
eachother. At the same time, they will further develop their gross motor skills
(ex. rolling the ball) This activity could also include cognitive skills by asking
the children to count how many pins they knocked over and how many they
have left.

5 Bowling Pins
1 Bowling Ball
Teaching Strategies:
1. Invitations
Invitations can be used for many activities. With the learning experiences
presented above I will invite the children to each of the activities. With the
first learning experience, adding basic numbers I will have the activity set up
at one of the tables provided. Once the activity is set up I will invite one or
two children at a time to the activity and have them play with it. The 1:1 or
2:1 ratio will allow the children to focus on the activity and will allow me to
recognize the children's strengths and limitations. With the storytelling, the
whole class will be invited to the carpet as I read the story and ask them
questions regarding the story. The children will be invited in small groups to
create any design they wish on the friendship mural. I will say "Child A would
you like to come and draw on the mural?" Invitations will ultimately
encourage the children to come and try the different activities especially for
those who are shy or who are observing their classmates participating.
2. Telling, Explaining & Informing
The information discussed should go beyond the children's learning
experiences and objectives. With this teaching strategy I will provide the
children with information regarding the different activities including various
facts. Before beginning the activities on the different days I will explain each
of them to the children. I will discuss the objective of the activity and what is
expected of them. For example with the addition activity I will explain that
the children must count the number of items on each card and then place
the card with the total number beside the equal sign. I will explain what the
+ and the = signs mean and how to interpret them. I will explain the
instructions similarily with the bowling activity. With the story telling, I will
stop at various points and provide the children with information based on the
story and rephrase some of what is mentioned.

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