Murder Mystery

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Nancy Normal killed Carleton

Comet (aka Thomas

By Andrew Rice, Jessica Stewart, James Martinez, and Luke Shroyer

Family Histories: track family relations and
background of each suspect
Used to
Decipher motivation
Draw pedigrees
Why Carleton Comet = Thomas Sandstone
Changed name
Claims to have many children by many different
Just released from jail- murder of Peebles and
Nancys Motive #1
Carleton had affair w/ her aunt Nina
Also had affair w/ her aunt Susan
get back at him for cheating
Nancys Motive #2
Nancy loves Fred
Carleton killed Freds sister (Peebles) and aunt
win Freds affection
Pedigree: tracks family tree and genetic diseases

Females = circles
Males = squares
Filled in w/ green -
Filled in w/ blue -
Marfan Syndrome
What the Pedigree Shows Us
Nancy Normal 75% likely to have Huntingtons
2 possible Punnett Squares
l l If both of her dads l l If 1 of her dads
genes are genes is
L Ll Ll dominant L Ll Ll recessive 50%
100% chance she chance she has
has Huntingtons Huntingtons
L Ll Ll l ll ll
To find average: (100% + 50%) 2 = 75%
What the Pedigree Shows Us (cont.)
By the same logic (see google doc for punnett
Likelihood of huntingtons
Sam Sophomore- 91.7%
Glen Glee- 75%
Fred Flimmer may have Marfans Syndrome
Grandma had it
Described as tall/slender/double-jointed

Karyotype Matching

Karyotype: digital lineup of chromosomes

1. took picture of the DNA of each suspect and 2
pieces of DNA found on crime scene
2. cut out chromosomes
3. Compared chromosomal disorders (extra/missing
chromosomes) to that of crime scene DNA
Karyotype Matching Evidence

Carleton Comets DNA matches CS1s -- XYY ( Jacobs

Karyotype Matching Evidence

Nancy Normals DNA matches

CS2s -- XXX (Triple X Syndrome)
Karyotyping Reasoning
Nancy Normal - only suspect with Triple X
Carleton Comet - only suspect with Jacobs
supports claim
DNA fingerprinting: method used to reveal unique
patterns in DNA
injected the dyed DNA of the crime scene and
each suspect
put it under 140 volts of electric charge for 20 min
Examined color bands to find matches
DNA Fingerprinting Evidence
Sam Sophomore
and Carleton
Comet match CS1
(red, yellow, blue)
Nancy Normal
matches CS2 (red,
DNA Fingerprinting Reasoning
Nancy Normal- only suspect matching CS2
Supports claim
Sam Sophomore and Carleton comet match CS1

Blood Type Matching: adding antibodies to

someones blood sample to determine their blood
If blood clumps w/ anti-a, its A
If blood clumps w/ anti-b, its B
If blood clumps w/ both, its AB
If blood clumps w/ neither, its O
Blood Type Evidence/Reasoning
A: Theresa, Glen, Nancy, CS2
O: Fred, Sam, Carleton, CS1
one blood sample most likely from murderer,
other from Carleton
Carletons O blood matches CS1, so Murderer
should match CS2 (A)
Nancy normals A blood supports case

Fingerprint Matching

sprinkled a black fingerprinting powder over the

fingerprint slide by twirling a brush
used clear tape to extract the fingerprint from the
placed the fingerprinted tape on index card
Compared to fingerprints of suspects to find
person w/ matching ridges
3 Possible Phenotypes (physical
characteristic) & Genotypes (genetic
Swirl/ LL (both dominant)
Loop/ Ll (1 dominant, 1 recessive) (phenotype is
combination of swirl and arch, because
fingerprints have incomplete dominance)
Arch/ ll (both recessive)
Fingerprint Evidence

Theresa Nancy
Terra- Normal- Carleton
swirl loop Comet-
facing swirl

Crime Scene-
loop facing
Glen right
Sam Glee - Fred
Sophomo loop Flimmer-
re - swirl facing swirl
Fingerprint Matching Reasoning
The fingerprint found on the scene matched Nancy
Normals fingerprint perfectly
phenotypes correspond
Crime scene and Nancy- loop facing right
Glen Glee - only other loop, facing left
Everyone Else- swirls

Fiber Analysis
The hair fibers found on the crime scene looked
the same as the human hair under a 40x zoomed
Reasoning: Shows that
killer was human
no sheep or dog involved
Ink Chromatography: separating out the different
colors of ink
Drew dots w/ each pen 3 cm from bottom of
Labeled each w/ pencil
Put paper into beaker
Poured in ethanol to fill 1 cm below dots
Ethanol climbs up paper, separating colors
Observed color/shape/size, measured Rf
Ink Chromatography Evidence
Crime Glen Nancy Fred
Scene Glee Normal Flimmer

Rf 0.27 0.47 0.28 0.54


Shape/s Short, Long, Short, Long,

ize thin thick thin thick
Crime Scene
(from note Color Purple Grey, Purple Pink,
that said 1- Glen Glee yellow, hot
2- Nancy Normals Pen blue pink,
Youre a dead
3- Fred Flimmer green

Sam Sophomore May Have Helped; further

investigation necessary
Seen with Nancy Normal (planning?)
Motives: to get back at Carleton for
killing Peebles (wife) and Joan (aunt-in-law)
Having an affair w/ his mother
Matched DNA Fingerprint
Nancy should be charged for 1st degree
Motives show anger built over time, not in heat of
Wrote vicious note-- deliberate killing, not regretful
Works Cited

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