Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Course

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Automatic Sprinkler Systems

1 Sprinkler Systems: Planned Impairments
2 Introduction to Automatic Sprinklers
3 Sprinkler Components
4 Wet-Pipe Automatic Sprinkler Systems
5 Dry-Pipe Systems
6 Deluge and Preaction Systems
7 Sprinkler Design
8 Special Sprinkler Systems
9 Automatic Sprinkler Inspection, Testing & Maintenance
Sprinkler Systems: Planned Impairments

Right now, at this very moment, at a facility located in some city or town, an employee or
contractor has just shut off a fire protection or explosion protection system - they have purposely
created an impairment. They have deliberately increased the hazard to the building. In fact, every
year, in business and industry, tens of thousands of impairments occur to protection systems -
even to the systems where you work.

People impair protection systems for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the protection system requires
maintenance. Maybe renovations must occur at a facility, a new construction project is under
way. At another facility, a protection system has suffered equipment failure. Vandalism or
malicious mischief also causes impairments. No matter what the reason, while the protection
system is shut off, the facility runs the risk of increased damage from a fire or explosion that starts
in the area where protection has been impaired.

This course will help you to apply good judgment and implement useful practices so you may
safely shut down and reactivate a sprinkler system when maintenance must be performed. The
lessons you learn can be applied to other types of impairments.

Plant destroyed, hundreds in jeopardy of losing jobs A warm sunny day greeted the
weekend in the quiet western Pennsylvania town of Monaca on Saturday, July 15, 1978. At the
Phoenix Glass Company Plant, an outside contractor began to replace two obsolete dry pipe
sprinkler valves as part of an upgrade to the facility's fire protection system.
To begin the work, the contractor shut off two of the plant's fifteen sprinkler systems. Other plant
repairs required that workers shut off a third sprinkler system. As the morning wore on, the
contractor had difficulty replacing the obsolete valves and shut off the main incoming water
supply to the plant. Seemingly, no one considered that this would impair all of the automatic fire
protection for the facility. At lunchtime, everyone who knew of the impairment left the plant. No
one remained on fire watch.

Work resumed after lunch. Just as the sprinkler contractor finished installing the new dry pipe
valves a cry of "FIRE" rang out. One employee ran to call the fire department while others tried to
fight the fire with portable extinguishers. The plant engineer and sprinkler contractor ran to open
the main water supply valve in an attempt to restore the impaired sprinkler systems.

By the time it took to reach and open the valve, the fire burned out of control.

Even with the main water supply valve reopened, three system control valves remained off. The
available water supply could not adequately supply all of the heads that had fused in the systems
that were openable. A fierce fire burned through areas of the plant. Structural damage and
collapse broke sprinkler piping further reducing the available water supply.

At this particular loss, there were numerous problems linked to fire protection equipment

Protection impairment occurs when someone takes out of service a fire or explosion protection
systems. These systems may include automatic sprinklers, water spray, carbon dioxide, clean
agent systems, fire alarm systems, or explosion suppression systems. With systems shut off,
protection is impaired. With protection impaired, the risk of damage by fire significantly rises. Yet
shut downs are often required for maintenance, renovation, new construction, or when equipment

Many large losses would have been small if protection systems had not been impaired. Whoever
shuts off a protection system must make every effort to provide temporary protection, reduce
hazards, and ensure prompt restoration; otherwise a false sense of security will prevail.

All sprinkler systems have to be maintained, it is inevitable and required. Maintenance must be
performed to ensure that the system will function properly when needed. While the system is
down, the hazard to the accompaniments and building are greatly increased.

There are three main categories of impairments

Planned: when the sprinkler system must be shut-down temporarily

Emergency: when there is an unexpected failure that partially or totally impairs the
effectiveness of a sprinkler system

Hidden: An impairment that is not known to exist, and is therefore the most dangerous type

This course only focuses on planned impairments.

Planned Examples:
scheduled maintenance on or scheduled repair to any sprinkler system components;
additions to systems; any revisions to system piping; component replacements.
Emergency Examples:
broken head or piping, bent or stressed piping, damaged control valve. Usually an
emergency impairment is due to component failure or to someone or something inflicting
Hidden Examples:
any sprinkler system shut down where the system inadvertently remains out of service.
An applied inspection program often reveals Hidden Impairments, thus reducing the risk
and allowing restoration of the system without delay.

In conducting a planned impairment, the major goal is to keep the sprinkler system downtime to
an absolute minimum. You can do this by using the following practices:

Schedule work so only one system is impaired at any given time.

Carefully plan the work so you complete as much of it as possible BEFORE you shut
down the sprinkler system.
Once you shut off the sprinkler system, work without interruption until the system is
restored to full service.
Never shut off a sprinkler system until all hazardous operations are shutdown.
Hazardous Operations:
Operations within the facility that by their nature, or because of the materials used,
introduce fire or explosion hazards. The automatic sprinkler system provides protection
for such hazards. These operations should not continue when the sprinkler system is
impaired. For example, paint spraying or dipping operations using flammable paints or
coatings would be considered hazardous operations, so would welding, cutting, or hot
work operations.


1. Do limit the frequency, extent, and duration of all impairments.

2. Do work continuously on impaired equipment until it is restored to service.
3. Do reduce the possibility of fire during the impairment by shutting down
hazardous processes.
4. Do enhance surveillance and firefighting capability during the impairment.
5. Do restore all fire protection systems promptly.
6. Do verify by appropriate test that all fire protection systems have indeed been
7. Do take responsibility.


Don't allow staff or contractors to vacate the area for any reason.
Don't use unprepared personnel or untrained staff/contractors.
Don't shutdown the system, then determine what will be needed.
Don't create additional risk by not putting necessary personnel on fire watch.
Don't delay system restoration.
Don't forget to double check that the system is fully restored and in-service
before providing notification of job completion.
Don't assume contractors will safeguard the plant and people-they can't do this
without management's participation.

Management should never allow any outside contractors to initiate an impairment to protection
equipment without overall supervision by plant personnel. Contractors usually have no clear
responsibility for safeguarding facility operations. Nor do they have vested interest in keeping the
duration of the impairment as short as possible, or in expediting the progress of the work. Outside
contractors do not have the authority to initiate extra precautions. Facility personnel absolutely
must supervise outside contractors and any required impairments to the protection systems.
When you plan an impairment, you must address three key issues. It is recommended that you
proceed through the sections in the following order by simply clicking on the next button.
However, you can also click on any topic and go straight to that section.

Secure and prepare materials

Notification requirements and system shutdown
System reactivation
"Why Plan?" Planning is key to reducing the amount of time that the sprinkler system is out of
service. Remember, keeping the downtime to a minimum is the goal.

The planning steps should include a job evaluation and the creation of a "bill of materials" to
insure all needed materials are readily available and procured before starting any work.

Job Evaluation:
When someone decides that a sprinkler system must be worked on, the person who will
do the work must determine the exact nature of that work. What is the final objective? Is
it to add a sprinkler head to a newly constructed office in the middle of the factory floor?
Or maybe a new conveyor system requires the relocation of several sprinkler system
branch lines. Once the final objective is determined, you must next decide what tools do
you need to finish the job or task. What parts? What assistance will you need? How
much time will it take? The job evaluation becomes a key part of the planning that must
take place before the actual work begins.
Bill of Materials:
The bill of materials lists every part you need to complete the work; every piece of pipe,
every coupling, every hanger, every bolt, every nut, every sprinkler head and every
piece of Teflon tape. In short, every single part gets listed on the bill of materials.

Once the job has been evaluated and all needed materials have been gathered, measurements
should be completed, materials prepared or modified, and necessary tools and resources put
into place for easy use. This is when the job evaluation and the bill of materials are used.
Necessary Tools:
Any tool you need to do the job. This may include mechanical cutting equipment,
threading tools, pipe wrenches, lights, couplings, equipment being replaced, ladders,
scaffolding, and high lifts.
Any resource you need to do the job. This may include extra personnel, extinguishers,
and fire-watch staff.

Do not shut down the system until all preparatory work has been completed. Do not leave any
part of the job undone that you can complete with the sprinkler system still in service. For
example, if you are adding sprinklers, connect as many pieces of pipe as possible before you
make the final connection. Then, and only then, shut the system off and make the final
connection to the new piping. Do this as quickly and efficiently as possible. Then promptly restore
the system to full service.

What follows is a case study for you to evaluate. There are three (3) questions that you will
respond to that are related to this case. Your responses are not recorded.

The finishing department has placed three new paint spray booths. This requires a complete
rearrangement of the paint shop. As a result, the sprinkler heads located behind the filters and in
the exhaust stacks of the older booths are disconnected. Several sprinkler system branch lines
need to be relocated to accommodate the profile of the new spray booths.

You are a pipe fitter assigned to the job. You have consulted the master sprinkler system diagram
and determined that the sprinkler system in the paint shop is served by Riser No. 22. The plant-
engineering department supplied you with a drawing showing the additional sprinklers. This
drawing has been reviewed by the plant protection department and approved as drawn. You have
also taken careful measurements at the job site and compared them to the drawing. As a result,
you determine that you will need the following:
Bill of Materials

4 3-foot lengths of one and a quarter-inch Schedule 40 black iron pipe

6 4 1/2 foot lengths of one inch Schedule 40 black iron pipe
8 1 1/4-inch couplings
4 1-inch tees
4 1-inch elbows
12 Hangers
3 1-inch outside stem and yoke gate valves
4 1-inch couplings
6 1/2-inch orifice standard spray upright sprinkler heads with a 165 degree F rating
1 Roll of Teflon tape


2 8-foot ladders
1 Pipefitters master tool box with all wrenches and other tools
1 Helper
2 Pair of safety glasses
2 Pair of gloves
1 Hydrostatic test pump
1 Contractors Materials and Test Certificate
1 Impairment permit for Riser No. 22
1 Impairment Tag

1. Upon arrival at the job site with your Materials and Resources, your first
task will be to:
A. Shut off the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.
B. Make certain that all hazardous operations are shut down.

C. Begin installing the new piping and heads.

D. Make the cut-in for the feed to the new piping and heads.

A: Incorrect.
While in most pipefitting or plumbing work you begin by shutting off the water, when you
work on a sprinkler system, you complete every part of the job you can first and then
shut off the system to make the final cut in. This keeps the sprinkler impairment
downtime as short as possible.
B: Incorrect.
Its important to shut down all hazardous operations before you shut off the sprinkler
system. But you dont want to take that step yet. And, if you shut down the hazardous
operations too early, you may unnecessarily limit production. Keep the overall
interruption to operations to a minimum.

C: Correct.
To keep the sprinkler system shut down time to a minimum, complete ALL work that you
can BEFORE you impair the sprinkler system.

D: Incorrect.
Youre going to get wet! You cant make the cut in until you shut the water off. And you
dont want to shut the water off until you have done every bit of the job possible first. To
keep the sprinkler system shut down time to a minimum, complete every bit of the work
that you can BEFORE you impair the sprinkler system.

2. Your second task at the job site will be to:

A. Shut off the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.
B. Make certain that all hazardous operations are shut down.

C. Begin installing the new piping and heads.

D. Make the cut-in for the feed to the new piping and heads.

A: Incorrect.
You dont want to shut off the sprinkler system until you make certain that all of the
hazardous operations are shut down. The safety of those operations depends on the
protection that the sprinkler system provides.

B: Correct.
Its important to shut down all hazardous operations before you shut off the sprinkler

C: Incorrect.
Youre falling behind. To keep the sprinkler system shut down time to a minimum, you
should have already completed work that you can BEFORE you impair the sprinkler

D: Incorrect.
Youre soaked! You cant make the cut in until you shut the water off. And you dont want
to shut the water off until you make certain that all of the hazardous operations are shut
down. The safety of those operations depends on the protection that the sprinkler
system provides.
3. Your third task at the job site will be to:
A. Shut off the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make certain that all hazardous operations are shut down.

C. Begin installing the new piping and heads.

D. Make the cut-in for the feed to the new piping and heads.

A: Correct.
First you completed all of the work you could to keep the actual sprinkler system
shutdown time to a minimum. Secondly, you made certain that all of the hazardous
operations are shut down. Now you can shut off the sprinkler system and as quickly and
efficiently as possible make the final cut in. Remember to promptly restore the sprinkler
system to service.

B: Incorrect.
You should have already shut down hazardous operations.

C: Incorrect.
This was the first task you should have completed. To keep the sprinkler system shut
down time to a minimum, you should have already completed every bit of the work that
you can BEFORE you impair the sprinkler system.

D: Incorrect.
You cant make the cut in until you shut the water off.
Facilities have various requirements for notification before anyone shuts down a sprinkler system.
Generally these requirements will make certain that key personnel know when and where
sprinkler protection has been impaired. Typical notification requirements may include notifying
any or all of the following. Place your cursor over a term to learn why.

Facility manager
Fire brigade
Security department
Switchboard operator
Department heads over people who are working in the area
Fire department
Insurance company
Alarm providers

Facility Manager:
As the person who has ultimate responsibility for the safety and security of the facility,
the facility manager should know whenever protection has been compromised by a shut
sprinkler valve. Even when the manager designates others to control the impairments,
he or she should still be aware of the increase in hazard that such impairments create.
Fire Brigade:
In order to effectively operate during an emergency at the facility, the private fire brigade
must always know the status of built-in fire protection equipment. When a sprinkler
system must be impaired, the fire brigade must be aware of this impairment so they can
alter their response plan accordingly.
Security Department:
Increase in the hazard because the sprinkler system is shut off can also have an impact
on overall facility security. Thus, the security department must be made aware of shut
sprinkler valves. Sometimes, security may be asked to make additional tours through
affected areas. In any case, their plan of operation must be altered accordingly
whenever fire protection is compromised.
Switchboard Operator:
Many people report fires by calling the switchboard operator. It is important that the
operator be made aware of any change that might affect overall safety at the facility.
Thus, always report any sprinkler valve shut off and restoration to normal to the
switchboard operator.
Department heads over people who are working in the area:
Department heads must coordinate fire protection for their areas of responsibility. When
a sprinkler system is shut off, the department head may need to curtain hazardous
operations or make certain that workers heed special safety requirements. Thus, the
department heads are notified whenever it is necessary to shut off a sprinkler system.
Fire Department:
Like the fire brigade, the fire department will need to alter its emergency response plan if
sprinklers are shut off in an area of the facility. It is important that they know whenever
the built-in fire protection system for a building is shut off.
Insurance Company:
Many property insurance companies require policyholders to notify them whenever a
sprinkler system must be shut off. The hazards at a facility are definitely increased
whenever a sprinkler system is impaired. Notification allows the insurance company
representatives to participate in the impairment management process if he or she wishes
to do so. Notification of restoration lets them know that protection has been restored.
Alarm Service Provider:
Many alarm systems receive input from sprinkler systems. When a sprinkler system is
shut off, it may also impair the alarm system. Thus, the alarm system provider should
know whenever a sprinkler system is impaired.

As a part of the notification procedures some facilities require the person planning to shut off a
sprinkler system to first obtain a signed permit.

What is a permit?

When is a permit required?

What happens if you shut a sprinkler valve and do not obtain or use a permit?

What is a permit?
A permit is a written document that grants the bearer permission to shut off a specific
sprinkler system control valve. Often the permit will contain statements to remind the
bearer of precautions that he or she should take before shutting the valve. It will often
also state the notification procedures that must be followed and the procedures to follow
when the valve is reopened. The permit has a place where the person responsible for
supervising the integrity of the fire protection system must sign. The permit helps enforce
a set of checks and balances to make absolutely certain that a sprinkler system will only
be shut off when it is absolutely necessary to do so. It also helps make certain that all
precautions are followed. A permit can help minimize the length of the impairment. It can
help make certain that the sprinkler system will remain impaired only for the exact
amount of time it takes to do the work and not one minute longer. A permit may also be
part of an impairment tag system, which will be discussed later.

When is a permit required?
A permit is required whenever a piece of fire protection equipment must be impaired.

What happens if you shut a sprinkler valve and do not obtain or use a permit?
A person who shuts off a sprinkler valve and who has not obtained a permit to do so will
likely be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible dismissal.

Most companies have a planned impairment policy or procedure that defines who must be
notified and when. Most frequently a site manager is designated. This person must be notified
before work begins, and before this person signs the permit. The procedure your company uses
must be followed. Print

XYZ Company Impairment Procedure (Sample and checklist)

Whenever it is necessary to shut off a sprinkler system valve in order to do maintenance or repair
work, the person who will shut the valve must first obtain a permit from the Main Security Office.

Fill out the top portion of the permit. Answer all of the questions on the permit using this check
sheet to help ensure complete planning:

Is the exact sprinkler valve to be shut described by valve number?

Has the work to be done been described completely?
Have you planned the work so as to minimize the length of time the sprinkler
system must be shut off?
Bill of materials prepared & attached to permit?
Has the work area been inspected to make certain it has no combustible
Arranged to stop all hazardous processes?
Arranged for a fire watch?
All preliminary work completed?
Have you notified:
o Plant manager?
o Security officer on duty?
o Department heads in the area affected by the impairment?
o Plant fire brigade chief?
o Public fire department dispatch center?
o Fire insurance company at 1-800-SHUT-DOWN?
o Alarm service provider?
Plan to work continuously until the impairment is resolved?
Obtained the signature of your supervisor and the manager of system impairments?
Is the impairment tag in use? Is the red-colored tag on the shut valve? Has the yellow-
colored tag been posted in a prominent designated location in the impairment managers
Has the valve been reopened? Has a standard 2-inch main drain test been conducted
to make certain the system is restored?
Have you recorded the drain test readings on the red-colored portion of the tag?
Has the red-colored portion of the tag been returned to the impairment managers office
along with the permit?
Have the appropriate personnel been notified that the valve is reopened?
o Plant manager?
o Security officer on duty?
o Department heads in the area affected by the impairment?
o Plant fire brigade chief?
o Public fire department dispatch center?
o Switchboard operator?
o Alarm service provider?
o Fire insurance company (if they were notified of the impairment)?

Impairment Tags:
Two-part impairment tags help keep track of shut sprinkler valves and also serve to
remind other personnel that a sprinkler valve is shut. The red-colored portion of the tag
must hand on the shut valve until it is reopened. The yellow-colored portion of the tag
must hang in a prominent designated location in the impairment managers office until
the red-colored portion has been returned, indicating that the valve has been reopened.
The tag also has a place on the red-colored portion to record the results of the 2-inch
main drain test when the sprinkler valve is reopened.
Standard 2-inch main drain test:
This test helps confirm that a sprinkler valve has not been left shut. Once a valve has
been fully reopened, conduct a 2-inch main drain test at the sprinkler riser served by the
valve (or at one of the sprinkler risers served by a divisional valve). Open the 2-inch
main drain until it is fully opened. Once the pressure stabilizes, read the flowing pressure
on the gauge connected to the water supply side of the sprinkler riser. Close the 2-inch
main drain and once the pressure stabilizes, record the static pressure. Write both
pressures in the space provided on the red-colored portion of the impairment tag.

What follows is a case study for you to evaluate. There are four (4) questions that you will
respond to that are related to this case. Your responses are not recorded.
As previously discussed, the finishing department has placed three new paint spray booths. This
has required a complete rearrangement of the paint shop. As a result, the sprinkler heads located
behind the filters and in the exhaust stacks of the older booths have been disconnected. Several
sprinkler system branch lines will need to be relocated to accommodate the profile of the new
spray booths. As the pipe fitter assigned to the job, you have consulted the master sprinkler
system diagram and determined that the sprinkler system in the paint shop is served by Riser No.
22. The plant-engineering department supplied you with a drawing showing the additional
sprinklers. This drawing has been reviewed by the plant protection department and approved as
drawn. You have also taken careful measurements at the job site and compared them to the
drawing. You have drawn up a bill of materials and list of resources. You have also reviewed the
facilitys impairment handling procedures.

1. The impairment handling procedures require you to obtain a permit from

the security office and have it signed by the impairment manager, who
happens to be the maintenance supervisor. You obtain the permit, fill it out
by answering the questions it contains regarding hazardous operations
shut down and preliminary work. You first task after this will be:
A. Shut off the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make the required notification to the persons listed on the form.

C. Obtain the signature of the impairment manager.

Hang the red-colored tag on the valve and post the yellow-colored tag at the prominent
D. designated location in the impairment managers office.

A: Incorrect.
You must first make notifications, obtain the impairment managers signature before you
shut the valve.

B: Correct.
You must notify the specified people before you obtain the impairment managers
signature and before you shut the valve.

C: Incorrect.
Did you make the required notifications? You must notify the specified people before you
obtain the impairment managers signature.

D: Incorrect.
You shouldnt hang the tags until you've shut the valve. You shouldnt shut the valve until
you have a signed permit. You shouldnt get a signature until youve made the proper
2. Your second task will be:
A. Shut off the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make the required notification to the persons listed on the form.

C. Obtain the signature of the impairment manager.

Hang the red-colored tag on the valve and post the yellow-colored tag at the
D. prominent designated location in the impairment managers office.

A: Incorrect.
You must first obtain the impairment managers signature before you shut the valve.

B: Incorrect.
You should have already made these notifications first.

C: Correct.
You must obtain the impairment managers signature before you shut the valve.

D: Incorrect.
You shouldnt hang the tags until youve shut the valve. You shouldnt shut the valve
until you have a signed permit.

3. Your third task will be:

A. Shut off the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make the required notification to the persons listed on the form.

C. Obtain the signature of the impairment manager.

Hang the red-colored tag on the valve and post the yellow-colored tag at the
D. prominent designated location in the impairment managers office.

A: Correct.
Youve made the proper notifications and obtained the impairment managers signature,
now you may shut the valve.

B: Incorrect.
You should have already made these notifications.

C: Incorrect.
You should have already obtained the impairment managers signature.

D: Incorrect.
You shouldnt hang the tags until youve shut the valve.
4. Your fourth task will be:
A. Shut off the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make the required notification to the persons listed on the form.

C. Obtain the signature of the impairment manager.

Hang the red-colored tag on the valve and post the yellow-colored tag at the
D. prominent designated location in the impairment managers office.

A: Incorrect.
You should have already shut the valve.

B: Incorrect.
You should have already made these notifications.

C: Incorrect.
You should have already obtained the impairment managers signature.

D: Correct.
Now you hang the red-colored tag on the valve and the yellow-colored tag on the
prominent designated location in the impairment managers office.

Reactivation steps --

1. Fully re-open the valve.

2. Verify that the valve is open and reactivate the monitoring system.
3. Notify all persons originally notified of the shut down.
4. Remove the tag

Fully re-open the valve.

Once the work is complete, fully re-open the valve. Then conduct a standard 2-inch main drain
test to verify that the valve has not been left shut.

Standard 2-inch main drain test:

This test helps confirm that a sprinkler valve has not been left shut. Once a valve has
been fully reopened, conduct a 2-inch main drain test at the sprinkler riser served by the
valve (or at one of the sprinkler risers served by a divisional valve). Open the 2-inch
main drain until it is fully opened. Once the pressure stabilizes, read the flowing pressure
on the gauge connected to the water supply side of the sprinkler riser. Close the 2-inch
main drain and once the pressure stabilizes, record the static pressure. Write both
pressures in the space provided on the red-colored portion of the impairment tag.

Count the number of turns when you shut the valve and recount the turns when you reopened it
to help ensure that the valve is fully opened.
Verify that the valve is open and reactivate the monitoring system.

The standard 2-inch main drain test helps verify that the valve has not been left shut. By counting
the number of turns when you shut the valve and counting them again as you reopen the valve,
you also help verify that the valve has been operated the same number of turns. If the valve was
electronically supervised by the fire alarm system, make certain that the fire alarm system
supervisory restoration to normal signal has been received. If the signal transmits off premises to
an alarm service provider, make certain the provider has received the restoration to normal
signal. If the valve was locked or sealed in the open position, restore the lock or seal accordingly.

Never seal or lock a closed valve.

Notify all persons originally notified of the shut down.

Make certain that you notify everyone who was originally notified that
you were shutting off a sprinkler valve. These may include:

The plant manager?

The security officer on duty?
Department heads in the area affected by the impairment?
The plant fire brigade chief?
The public fire department dispatch center?
The switchboard operator?
The alarm service provider?
The fire insurance company at 1-800-SHUT-DOWN?

Remove the tag.

Remove the red-colored tag from the now opened valve and take it to the office of the impairment
manager where it should be matched with the prominently posted yellow-colored tag. These tags
should be stapled together and filed for future reference. The next time a property insurance
company representative visits the facility, he or she may ask to review the impairment tags.
What follows is a case study for you to evaluate. There are four (4) questions that you will
respond to that are related to this case. Your responses are not recorded.

As previously discussed, the finishing department has placed three new paint spray booths. This
has required a complete rearrangement of the paint shop. As a result, the sprinkler heads located
behind the filters and in the exhaust stacks of the older booths have been disconnected. Several
sprinkler system branch lines will need to be relocated to accommodate the profile of the new
spray booths. As the pipe fitter assigned to the job, you have just finished relocating these heads.
Now you must restore the previously shut sprinkler valve.

1. The impairment handling procedures require you to follow certain

procedures when you restore a shut sprinkler system control valve. Your
first task will be:
A. Reopen the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make the required notification to the persons you previously notified of the shut down.
Conduct a standard 2-inch main drain test to help verify the valve has not remained
C. shut and reseal the valve.
Remove the red-colored tag on the valve and match it to the yellow-colored tag posted
D. at the prominent designated location in the impairment managers office.

A: Correct.
Open the valve first to get the system back into service as quickly as possible.

B: Incorrect.
You havent opened the valve yet, what are you going to tell them?

C: Incorrect.
Opening the drain at this point wont accomplish anything. You havent opened the valve
D: Incorrect.
That tag stays on the valve until you reopen it, verify that it is open, and notify everyone
that it is open!

2. Your second task will be:

A. Reopen the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make the required notification to the persons you previously notified of the shut down.
Conduct a standard 2-inch main drain test to help verify the valve has not remained
C. shut and reseal the valve.
Remove the red-colored tag on the valve and match it to the yellow-colored tag posted
D. at the prominent designated location in the impairment managers office.

A: Incorrect.
You should have already opened the valve.

B: Incorrect.
You havent verified that the valve is opened yet.

C: Correct.
You must verify that the valve is reopened.

D: Incorrect.
Did you verify that the valve is open yet? Keep that tag on the valve until you verify it is
open and notify everyone it is open.

3. Your third task will be:

A. Reopen the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make the required notification to the persons you previously notified of the shut down.
Conduct a standard 2-inch main drain test to help verify the valve has not remained
C. shut and reseal the valve.
Remove the red-colored tag on the valve and match it to the yellow-colored tag posted
D. at the prominent designated location in the impairment managers office.

A: Incorrect.
You should have already opened the valve.

B: Correct.
You must notify everyone that you originally notified of the shut down.

C: Incorrect.
You should have already verified that the valve is reopened.

D: Incorrect.
Keep that tag on the valve until you notify everyone the valve is open.
4. Your fourth and final task will be:
A. Reopen the main sprinkler control valve for Riser No. 22.

B. Make the required notification to the persons you previously notified of the shut down.
Conduct a standard 2-inch main drain test to help verify the valve has not remained
C. shut and reseal the valve.
Remove the red-colored tag on the valve and match it to the yellow-colored tag posted
D. at the prominent designated location in the impairment managers office.

A: Incorrect.
You should have already opened the valve.

B: Incorrect.
You should have already notified everyone that you originally notified of the shut down.

C: Incorrect.
You should have already verified that the valve is reopened.

D: Correct.
Now you can match the tags and file them for future reference.
People impair protection system for a variety of reasons. This course has taught you how to
exercise proper judgement so you may safely shut down and reactivate a sprinkler system.

There are three main categories of impairments:

1. Planned: when the sprinkler system must be shut-down temporarily

2. Emergency: when there is a unexpected failure partially or totally impairs the
effectiveness of a sprinkler system
3. Hidden: An impairment that is not known to exist, and is therefore the most dangerous

In conducting a planned impairment, the major goal is to keep the sprinkler system downtime to
an absolute minimum. You can do this by:

Schedule work so you impair only one system at a time.

Carefully plan the work so you complete as much of it as possible BEFORE you shut
down the sprinkler system.
Once you do shut off the sprinkler system, work without interruption until you can restore
the system to full service.
Never shut off a sprinkler system until someone shuts down all hazardous operations.

Facilities have various requirements for notification before anyone shuts down a sprinkler system.
Generally these requirements will make certain that key personnel know when and where
sprinkler protection has been impaired. As a part of the notification procedures some facilities
require the person planning to shut off a sprinkler system to first obtain a signed permit.

Once the work is complete, you must reopen the valve to reactivate the system. Reactivation
steps include:

1. Fully re-open the valve.

2. Verify that the valve is open and reactivate the monitoring system.
3. Notify all persons originally notified of the shut down.
4. Remove the tag.
1. Turning off a sprinkler system in order to extend sprinkler protection to
an unprotected areas is called a:
Planned impairment

Emergency impairment

Hidden impairment

Necessary impairment

2. The major goal in conducting planned impairments is to

Minimize cost of repairs

Minimize number of workers the job takes

Minimize the downtime to the sprinkler system

Minimize the number of additional heads installed

3. The maximum number of sprinkler systems that should be impaired at a

building at any one time is




4. Once a sprinkler system is shut down, you should work

Carefully to avoid the need to redo the work at a later time

Continuously until the work is completed and the system restored

On the system using the five on two off system

Using no more tools than absolutely necessary

5. As long as hazardous operations are being conducted in an area, you
Only shut off the sprinkler system for five minutes at a time

Station someone at the sprinkler valve so it can be reopened rapidly

Not shut the sprinkler system off until the hazardous operations cease

Post a fire watch while the sprinkler system is impaired

6. Before you begin work on a sprinkler system, make certain you have
Complete plans of the system

Complete bill of materials and the necessary tools and resources

Knowledge of which sprinkler heads to use on the job

Permission from the union steward to begin work

7. A permit is a written document that grants the bearer permission to

Shut off a sprinkler system control valve

Obtain whatever tools and parts are needed to work on a sprinkler system

Use available personnel to expedite the time needed to work on the

sprinkler system

Use a vehicle to transport parts and personnel to the job site

8. The two-part sprinkler impairment tag has two colored parts, red and
yellow. The red-colored tag
Hangs in a prominent designated location in the impairment manager?s

Hangs on the valve that is shut

Hangs in the work area while maintenance workers have left the
immediate area

Hangs in the maintenance shop until ordered parts arrive

9. The two-part sprinkler impairment tag has two colored parts, red and
yellow. The yellow-colored tag
Hangs in a prominent designated location in the impairment manager?s

Hangs on the valve that is shut

Hangs in the work area while maintenance workers have left the immediate

Hangs in the maintenance shop until ordered parts arrive

10. After you reopen a shut sprinkler control valve you should
Pick up all tools and otherwise clear the area of unused materials

Walk through the work area looking for evidence that none of the heads
have inadvertently operated

Check the gauges to make sure pressure has restored

Perform a standard 2-inch main drain test to help verify that the valve has
not been left shut
Introduction to Automatic Sprinklers
First shift operations were just winding down at the Amalgamated Plastics
company when a hydraulic line on one of the injection molding machines ruptured creating a
cloud of combustible hydraulic oil. The oil mist ignited when it contacted the hot dies of an
adjacent machine. Heat from the fire fused six automatic sprinkler heads over the burning
machinery. Water discharged from the sprinklers and quickly controlled the fire. Damage was
limited to the machine involved in the fire, and minor damage to an adjacent machine. Without
the automatic sprinklers the fire could have caused extensive damage as the fire progressed
from one machine to another.

An employee, denied a promotion because of poor performance, quietly slipped into the main
office supply room and set a fire for revenge. The heat from the fire fused a single sprinkler
head at the ceiling. Water from the operating sprinkler head quickly controlled the fire,
actuated the building fire alarm system, and automatically notified the public fire department.
Damage was limited to a few boxes of paper supplies and mopping up the water from the
sprinklers. Without the sprinklers the fire would likely have burned out the supply room and
caused extensive damage to surrounding areas.
The electrical room looked like a convenient storage area for the extra office furniture and
Christmas decorations. There was plenty of room and hardly anybody ever went in there.
Over a weekend the fluorescent lights in the room were left turned on. A ballast overheated
and caught fire. Sparks ignited the storage in the room. As the fire grew it fused three
automatic sprinklers. The sprinklers controlled the fire and actuated the building fire alarm
system. When water entered the switchgear cabinets the overcurrent protection operated, de-
energizing the switchgear. The sprinkers limited the fire to the stored office furniture and
saved the switchgear from serious damage. Fortunately, production operations in the plant
were not affected.

The idea of providing some type of automatic

fire suppression in a building has been
around for a long time. In the early 1800's
Englishman John Carey experimented with
perforated pipe. Later inventors tried a
number of different schemes to provide an
automatic fire suppression system. It wasn't
until 1874 that Henry Parmalee, a New
Haven, Connecticut, piano wire
manufacturer, developed what is considered
to be the first automatic sprinkler head.
Parmalee's original sprinkler head is shown
in the photo.

Henry Parmalee's automatic sprinkler was made up of a rotating turbine type nozzle
covered by a metal cap. The cap was soldered into place over the nozzle to form a
water tight seal. The heat from a fire melted the solder and allowed the cap to fall
away. Water was then allowed to discharge from the sprinkler head.

Since the first automatic sprinklers were installed in the

late 1800's, they have established a magnificent
performance record. Various organizations have
collected statistics on the perfromance of automatic
sprinkler systems. These statistics show that the
success rate of automatic sprinkler systems in
controlling fires is close to 100 percent.
Performance Statistics:

Automatic sprinkler systems have suppressed fires in building for more than 100 years. For
many years the National Fire Protection Association tracked the performance of automatic
sprinkler systems. Using information provided voluntarily by fire departments, they determined
that automatic sprinkler systems controlled or extinguished about 96 percent of the fires
experienced in buildings with automatic sprinkler protection. These statistics are probably
skewed on the low side because there are many fires in industrial and institutional facilities
that are controlled or extinguished by the automatic sprinkler systems. Many of these
"success stories" are not reflected in the statistics because they are handled by the facility
without notifying the public fire department. Australia has much more comprehensive sprinkler
performance statistics because each sprinkler system reports to the public fire department.
The Australian experience shows that the 99.7 percent of all fires in sprinklered buildings are
controlled or extinguished by the sprinkler systems. The United States Department of Energy
has published similar experience with automatic sprinkler systems. According to the
Department of Energy statistics, 99.4 percent of all the fires they experienced in sprinklered
buildings were extinguished or controlled by the sprinklers. More importantly, 90 percent of all
fires were controlled or extinguished by less than 3 automatic sprinklers.

Even with the exceptional performance of automatic sprinkler systems, they do sometimes fail.
When they do fail to control a fire it is usually attributable to human error. By understanding
why sprinkler systems sometimes fail, we can be alert to spot these situations and do
something to correct the problem before a fire occurs.

The main reasons for failure of an automatic sprinkler system to control a fire are:

Incomplete coverage
Improper system design

Automatic sprinkler systems cannot do their job if they are not in service at the time
of the fire.
Incomplete coverage:
Automatic sprinklers cannot control a fire if they are not installed in all areas where a
fire could occur.
Improper system design:
They must be specifically engineered to match the hazards they are expected to
System Impairments

Planned Impairments

Repair, expansion or alteration of an automatic

sprinkler system requires that the system be shut
down for some period of time. During this time the
facility is very susceptible to a serious fire. Many
large loss of life and large property loss fires
occurred while the sprinkler system was shut down.

Planned impairments are those system shutdowns

that can be planned in advance, such as routine
maintenance or planned repairs or system
alterations. Planned impairments are the easiest to
handle because there is time to implement
procedures to minimize the extent and duration of
the impairment.

Case History:

A large manufacturing facility had two obsolete dry-pipe sprinkler valves to replace. They
planned the work for a Saturday morning when the plant was shutdown. Unfortunately, they
failed to properly plan for impairment of the fire protection systems.

A sprinkler contractor was contacted to complete the work. On arrival at the plant, the
contractor shutdown both sprinkler systems. He then requested, and was given, an oxy-
acetylene cutting torch. Plant personnel then watched as he cut away rusted bolts inside the
combustible dry-pipe valve closet, inside a building were the sprinklers were shutoff.
Fortunately, this gross violation of fire safety procedures did not start a fire.

Later the contractor became concerned that a compression type fitting might separate due to
water pressure in the system. He requested that the entire fire protection water supply for the
facility be shutdown. Plant maintenance personnel complied without hesitation. Around noon
workers broke for lunch. Everyone who knew of the impaired fire protection water supply left
the facility.

After lunch the work continued. Before the work could be completed, a fire was reported in
another part of the facility. Employees tried to use hose lines to fight the fire, but the entire
water supply for the plant was still shut off. The plant engineer and the sprinkler contractor ran
to open the main water supply control valve. In the meantime the fire continued to grow.

By the time the water supply could be turned on the fire had grown so large, and had fused so
many sprinkler heads, the available water supply could not feed all of them. As a result, flow
from the sprinklers was ineffective in controlling the fire.

The fire continued to spread through the facility until the entire plant was in flames. Collapse
of the roof broke the sprinkler piping and reduced the water pressure so low that there was
insufficient water pressure or volume for fire department hose lines. The entire facility was lost.
Property damage was over $30 million.
The lessons learned include:

1. Very careful planning is required prior to the shutting down of a sprinkler system for
repair or alterations.
2. Before the work begins, have available any tools, parts, or materials that might
possibly be needed to complete the work.
3. Only one sprinkler system should be shut down at any time. Never impair more area
than is required to complete the work.
4. Work should be continuous until the system can be restored. In this case, if work had
continued through lunch, the sprinkler systems could have been restored to service
before the fire.
5. When a sprinkler system is shut down, special precautions are required including
prohibition of smoking and hot work, providing fire patrols in the affected area, and
moving extra fire extinguishers or other methods of fighting a fire into the area where
the sprinklers are shut down.
Emergency Impairments

An emergency impairment is one that occurs without

warning, such as a broken sprinkler pipe or a sprinkler
head that is damaged by a lift truck. While the system is
shut down for repairs, the fire protection in the facility is
compromised. If a fire starts in the area where the
sprinklers are out-of-service, it can grow so large that
by the time it spreads into an area where the sprinklers
are in service, it overpowers the sprinkler systems.

Precautions can be taken to prevent this from occuring.

The photo shows a facility that suffered a break in the
underground water main feeding the building sprinkler
system. A section of fire hose was used to feed water
from a fire hydrant into the drain of the affected
sprinkler system. This permitted the maintenance of
limited sprinkler protection in the building until the water
main could be repaired.

Case History:

It was near quitting time when a lift truck operator pushed a pallet load of stock into a rack too
far and struck an in-rack sprinkler head. The head immediately began flowing water and
actuated the building fire alarm system. The plant fire brigade responded to the warehouse,
found the damaged sprinkler head, and dispatched a member to shut the system control
valve outside the building. The stock wet by the flowing sprinkler head was removed from the
racks and placed on the loading dock to dry. The fire brigade members returned to work, with
the shift fire brigade chief simply asking that he be notified when the sprinkler system was
restored to service.

Instead of immediately replacing the damaged sprinkler head and restoring the sprinkler
system to service, the warehouse manager decided to take the opportunity to replace the
shelving in the rack since all the stock was already removed. Warehouse workers removed
several solid shelves from the rack and replaced them with wire mesh shelves. In the rush to
get the work completed, no one remembered the sprinkler system was still shut down. When
the shift ended, everyone who knew of the impaired sprinkler system left the plant. The next
day work continued replacing the shelving, but no one seemed to remember that the
sprinklers were still impaired.
Stock was placed in the rack and operations in the warehouse continued as normal, except
that the automatic sprinkler system was still out-of-service. Three months later a lift truck in
warehouse caught fire. The driver abandoned the lift truck in an aisle and escaped the
building. The plant fire brigade and public fire department were called. When they arrived the
fire had spread to one of the racks and flames were licking on the roof of the building. A
number of sprinkler heads in the rack and at the roof of the building fused, but no water was
discharged because the control valve was still closed.
Fortunately, the public fire department was able to use multiple, large diameter hose lines to
stop the fire, but not before it did serious damage to the building and the stock in the
warehouse. The facility was very lucky that the entire building was not lost.
Anytime automatic sprinklers must be shut down for emergency repairs the situation must be
treated as an emergency. Nothing should delay the restoration of the automatic sprinkler
systems. Every facility needs an impairment coordinator who is responsible for tracking all
sprinkler system impairments and following up to assure the systems are restored to service
as soon as possible.
Hidden Impairments

A hidden impairment is one that no one knows

about. Hidden impairments are the most
dangerous kind, because often they are not
discovered until after the fire when investigators
are trying to determine why the sprinkler system
failed to control the fire.

Each year thousands of hidden impairments

occur. Many of these hidden impairments are
discovered during testing. Others are discovered
after a fire. Unfortunately, many others are never
discovered. Right now they are like ticking time
bombs waiting to compromise sprinkler system

Case History:
The photo shows a hidden impairment that was discovered during a test of a dry-pipe
sprinkler system. At one time lead was used to seal the joints of underground piping. Molten
lead was poured into a mold fitted around the piping to form the seal. In this case, someone
did a poor job of preparing the piping because molten lead was allowed to enter the piping
where it solidified into the bundle you see in the photo. Since this method of connecting piping
has not been used for many years, this chunk of lead apparently moved around in the
underground mains for a long time before it showed in the dry-pipe valve during a test. If this
system had tripped during a fire, the system would have been obstructed and would not have
been able to control the fire. This type of problem points out the need for regular testing of all
fire protection systems to discover such problems before they cause a system failure during a
Impairment Handling Procedures

Every facility needs a comprehensive plan to handle impairments to fire protection systems,
including automatic sprinkler systems. The program must address the procedures to be
followed during both planned and emergency impairments.

Impairment Handling Procedures:

Whenever an automatic sprinkler system must be shut down the precautions taken should
include the following:

1. Notify the plant fire brigade chief, public fire department and workers in the area that
the system is to be shut down.
2. Notify the impairment coordinator of the impairment so he or she can follow-up to
assure all precautions are taken and that the work is completed on schedule.
3. Shut down only one system at a time.
4. Limit the extent and duration of the shutdown. Where possible provide temporary
measures such as back feeding from hydrants still in service, or cross connection
with sprinkler systems still in service, to maintain as much protection in service as
5. Work continuously on the impaired system until it is restored to service.
6. Eliminate possible ignition sources by shutting down or stopping all hazardous
operations in the affected area. This includes welding, flame cutting and other hot
work operations, as well as operations that use flammable or combustible liquids.
7. Provide fire patrols or a fire watch in the areas where the automatic sprinklers are
impaired. Remember that in most facilities the automatic sprinkler system is also part
of the fire detection and alarm system. When the sprinklers are shutdown, the alarms
may also be out of service.
8. Provide additional portable fire extinguishers and hose lines in the affected area.
Hose lines will have to be fed from areas where the sprinklers are still in service.
9. Expedite all work and work continuously until the impaired system(s) can be restored.
10. After completion of the work, verify restoration of the system by conducting
appropriate tests on the system. For automatic sprinkler systems this should include
a main drain test and an alarm test.
The following questions will help reinforce the concepts you have just learned. These
questions cover impairments to automatic sprinkler systems. Your responses are not

Henry Parmalee developed the first automatic sprinkler that used a fusible element to
individually operate each sprinkler head in _________ .

A. 1689
B. 1818
C. 1874
D. 1923

Sorry, this was long before automatic sprinklers were developed.

Sorry, there was experimentation with perforated pipe in this time period, but
individually operated automatic sprinklers were not yet developed.

New Haven, Connecticut, piano wire manufacturer, Henry Parmalee developed the
first automatic sprinkler with a fusible element in 1874.

Sorry, by 1923 automatic sprinklers had been around for nearly 50 years.

The success rate of automatic sprinkler systems in controlling fire is closest to:

A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 90%
D. 99%

No, it's much higher than 50 percent.

No, it's much higher than 75%.

No, it's more than 90%.

Automatic sprinklers are between 96% and 99.7% effective in controlling fires
depending on which statistics are considered.
Which of the following is NOT a major reason for the failure of automatic sprinkler
systems to control a fire?

A. System impairments
B. Delayed alarm
C. Incomplete coverage
D. Improper design

System impairments are a major reason for system failure.

Delay in reporting a fire will not affect the operation of the automatic sprinkler

Incomplete coverage is a leading cause of sprinkler system failure.

Improper design of automatic sprinkler systems is a major reason for failure of
sprinkler systems.
Incomplete Coverage

Automatic sprinkler systems cannot control or

extinguish a fire unless they are installed where
the fire originates. The photo shows a portion of
the damage that occured in an office building
connected to a larger manufacturing building. A
decision had been made to provide automatic
sprinklers in the manufacturing portion of the
building, but not in the office building. The reason
for ommitting the automatic sprinklers was "It's
just an office area. What is there to burn?" The
fire occured before the office building was even
occupied. The fuel load was the wall, floor and
ceiling finishes and fixtures. The fire caused
significant fire damage, and delayed the opening
of the building.

Many people do not realize the serious fire potential that most modern buildings represent.
Even occupancies such as office buildings now contain significant fire loading and are subject
to a serious fire as evidenced by the example in this module. The decision to install automatic
sprinklers in an area must be made based on a site specific hazard analysis that looks at the
fuel load, potential fire scenarios, and the importance the occupancy. Do not fall into the trap
of making a decision based simply on what has been done in the past. The hazards have
likely increased greatly from what used to be present.
Small, unsprinklered areas within an otherwise fully sprinklered building are like the Achilles
heel of a facility. A fire originating in a storage area beneath stairs, below a mezzanine, or in
an small room can cause a great deal of damage. When a building is provided with automatic
sprinkler protection, sprinklers should be installed in all areas of the facility, including attics,
loading docks, below mezzanines, and other similar areas.

Does NFPA 13 tell me where I need automatic sprinklers?

No it does not. To meet the statutory requirements for where automatic sprinklers must be
provided you must consult the local building code or other enabling legislation. If automatic
sprinklers are required by the building code then it usually refers you to NFPA 13, Standard
for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, for how the systems are to be designed and installed.
Do not go to the NFPA 13 with the hope that it will tell you where to install automatic
sprinklers. It only tells you how they are to be designed and installed when required by other
codes and standards.

Case History:

Rapidly expanding business operations necessitated additional office space. Portable offices
fabricated from metal panels were purchased and installed in an open area of the
manufacturing building. The plant engineering staff and maintenance supervisor were moved
into the portable offices. The offices were filled with typical office furnishings; desks, tables,
chairs, files, bookcases, and all the drawings, specifications, and manuals for equipment
installed in the facility. Unfortunately, automatic sprinklers were not extended to the 20 ft. x 40
ft. office area. When a fire broke out in the portable office area it spread quickly. The windows
broke and allowed huge quantities of heat, smoke and flame to exit the offices. Heat from the
fire quickly opened automatic sprinkler heads at the roof of the manufacturing building.
Unfortunately, none of the water discharged from the operating sprinklers could reach the fire
because of the roof on the portable offices. By the time the fire finally burned through the roof
allowing sprinkler water to reach the fire, 34 automatic sprinkler heads had fused resulting in
water damage to surrounding equipment and operations. Total property damage exceeded
$350,000. If the sprinkler system in the manufacturing building had been extended into the
portable offices, the fire would likely have been controlled by one or two sprinklers with no
damage to the surrounding operations.
Automatic sprinklers may be mandated in specific areas by building codes, fire codes,
insurance company requirements, or an organization's policies and procedures. While
following these requirements may meet specific regulations, they do not necessarily meet the
site-specific needs of the facility.

The best method of determining where automatic sprinklers are needed is to survey the
facility. During the survey note any areas which have combustible construction or a
combustible occupancy. Then install automatic sprinklers in all areas with combustible
construction or a combustible occupancy. Following this common sense guideline will usually
meet all codes, standards, and insurance company requirements.

site specific needs:

While codes and standards may provide you with information so you can put
automatic sprinklers where others think they are needed, they do not necessarily
address the special needs of the facility. The various building codes, fire codes and
NFPA standards are not designed to look out for the best interests of an individual
business or organization. Only the people who are responsible for the facility can
properly address the special site specific needs. In many cases a company or
organization may elect to provide automatic sprinkler protection even though it is not
mandated by any codes or standards. They do this because they recognize it is in
their own best interest to provide the protection.
The following questions will help reinforce the concepts you have just learned. These
questions cover incomplete coverage of automatic sprinkler systems. Your responses are not

An unsprinklered area in an otherwise sprinklered building is not generally a problem

unless it exceeds _________ sq. ft. of floor area.

A. 200
B. 500
C. 1000
D. None of the above

Any unsprinklered areas within an otherwise sprinklered building have the potential to
cause extensive damage regardless of the size of the area.

Any unsprinklered areas within an otherwise sprinklered building have the potential to
cause extensive damage regardless of the size of the area.

Any unsprinklered areas within an otherwise sprinklered building have the potential to
cause extensive damage regardless of the size of the area.

ANY unsprinklered areas within an otherwise sprinklered building has the potential to
cause significant damage.

NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, explains where automatic
sprinklers must be installed.

A. True
B. False

NFPA 13 explains how sprinkler systems are to be installed, but it does not explain
where they are required. This information is found in the local building code or other
enabling legislation.

NFPA 13 does not explain where sprinkler systems must be installed, only how to
install the systems when required by some other code or standard, such as the local
building code.
The most prudent way of protecting a facility with automatic sprinklers is to provide
properly designed automatic sprinklers in all areas __________________ .

A. that have combustible construction or a combustible occupancy

B. except those exempted by code waivers
C. required to meet the minimum requirements of the local building code
D. required by the insurance company

Following this simple rule will usually meet all building code, insurance company, and
other requirements.

Code waivers may be granted for reasons other than sound fire protection.

While this may allow you to meet the minimum requirements of the local building
code, it may leave areas in your facility that are important to you, unprotected.

While you may have to install sprinklers in certain areas to comply with insurance
company requirement, the insurance company is typically trying to protect their own
best interests, not yours.
Improper System Design
Managing Change

Automatic sprinkler systems are just like any other

building system. They must be specifically designed to
match the hazards they are expected to protect. If the
performance of a sprinkler system does not match the
hazard, the sprinklers cannot be expected to control the

Assume for a moment that the sprinkler systems in a

warehouse are designed to protect 15 foot high storage of
metal widgets packed in cardboard cartons. Trying to get
the maximum use of the warehouse, the warehouse
manager decides to erect racks and store the widgets in
racks to a height of 20 feet. Since the sprinkler systems
are not designed for this type of hazard, they will not be
able to control a fire.

Failure to properly manage change can result in

compromising the sprinkler system.

Case History:

A major department store chain operated a 1.2 million square foot distribution warehouse
outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was a single story building that measured 1085 feet
by 1180 feet. The warehouse was protected throughout by automatic sprinkler systems
designed to protect normal department store commodities. Over time, what seemed like small
quantities of higher hazard materials were introduced into the warehouse. This included some
rubber tires, flammable aerosols, and plastic materials. A fire broke out in the warehouse
when a box of flammable aerosol carburetor cleaner fell from a stack and broke open. A lift
truck ignited the material. The fire grew quickly and spread. The automatic sprinklers were
unable to control the growing fire. Soon the entire warehouse was involved. Within a few
hours the warehouse had burned to the ground causing property damage that exceeded $110
million. After the fire an analysis was made of the inventory in the warehouse. It revealed that
massive amounts of high hazard material had been stored throughout the warehouse. This
included: - 580,000 can of petroleum-base aerosols - 480,000 cans of alcohol-base aerosols -
47,000 gallons of flammable liquids in non-pressurized containers - 101,700 gallons of
combustible liquids in non-pressurized containers - 19,000 cans of butane lighter fluid -
109,000 disposable butane lighters - 12,000 propane cylinders - and thousands of rubber
auto and bicycle tires Because these materials were scattered throughout the warehouse and
were not concentrated in any one area, it was not apparent to the building owners how much
of this higher hazard material was in the warehouse. Unfortunately, the automatic sprinklers in
the building were not designed to control a fire involving this higher hazard storage. When the
fire started, the sprinklers failed because they were not designed to control this type of fire.
The entire warehouse was lost because higher hazard commodities were introduced into a
warehouse where the automatic sprinklers were not matched to the hazard.
Choosing Proper Design Criteria

In some cases the initial design of an automatic

sprinkler system is improper. In other cases, the
occupancy or hazards change over time and outstrip
the fire control capabilities of the sprinkler system. In
general, the greater the fire hazard of the material,
the greater the quantity of water that must flow from
each automatic sprinkler head to control a fire.

What seems like a very minor change in materials can

have a major impact on the design of the automatic
sprinkler system.

fire hazard:
The best measure of the fire hazard of a material is the rate-of-heat release when it
burns. The greater the rate-of-heat release the more intense the fire and the more
water required to control the fire.

The design criteria for a sprinkler system should be chosen carefully. A sprinkler system may
serve a building for 50 or more years. Selecting a design based only on the current hazards
can result in costly changes when the hazard increases in the future. Since much of the cost
of a sprinkler system is the labor to install the piping, increasing the pipe size to provide a
more robust design initially may be much less expensive than paying to revamp the system in
the future.

Hazard Comparison:
How could a company allow the hazards within a building to increase to the point that the
sprinklers are no longer capable of controlling a fire? It's not as hard as it might seem.

Look at the chart detailing the rate of heat release for various fire test commodities. Now
imagine that a company built a warehouse that was originally designed for the storage of
metal parts in cardboard cartons. Over a period of years the company very gradually shifts its
production and packaging methods toward plastic parts that are packaged in expanded
polystyrene cocoons.

A quick look at the table shows that plastic parts or parts packaged in plastic packing
materials could easily burn with four to eight times the intensity of a metal part in a cardboard
carton. If the design of the automatic sprinkler system is not modified to keep up with the
increasing fire hazard, the sprinklers are unlikely to control a fire.

Sprinkler Design Standards

The requirements for design of automatic sprinkler systems are found in various codes and
standards. Most of these are standards developed by the National Fire Protection Association.
Others have been developed by insurance companies and similar authorities having
jurisdiction. The requirements of various organizations are described below:

National Fire Protection Association

Insurance Companies
Other Authorities Having Jurisdiction

National Fire Protection Association:

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) developed the first automatic
sprinkler standards. Actually, the first sprinkler standard led to the development of the
NFPA. In 1896 a group of stock insurance companies met to develop a standard for
the installation of automatic sprinkler systems. As a result of this meeting they
decided to form the NFPA. Today NFPA develops and publishes NFPA 13, Standard
for Sprinkler Systems. This standard details the minimum design criteria for most
types of automatic sprinkler systems including offices, laboratories, manufacturing
buildings and warehouses. Other NFPA standards explain the design criteria to be
used for other special hazards. For example, NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible
Liquids Code, explains the requirements for sprinklers in areas containing flammable
and combustible liquids.

Insurance Companies:
Some insurance companies publish specific sprinkler system design criteria to be
used in risks they insure.

Other Authorities Having Jurisdiction:

Some private companies and government agencies have studied the fire loads in
their facilities. Based on the type and size of fires expected they decided what criteria
they want the sprinkler systems in their facilities to meet. These are usually published
in the form of government regulations or corporate policies.
By now you should understand that the automatic sprinkler systems in a facility must be
specifically matched to the hazards they are expected to protect. You should know the
capabilities of each sprinkler system in your facility. If you do not know what sprinkler design
is required to protect your facility and the capability of each sprinkler system, there are
companies that can assist you in making this determination.

The following questions will help reinforce the concepts you have just learned. These
questions cover improper automatic sprinkler system design. Your responses are not

Assuring that the hazards in a facility do not change and compromise the ability of the
automatic sprinkler systems to control a fire is an example of what management

A. managing change
B. hazard evaluation
C. fire inspection
D. pre-emergency planning

The management of a facility is responsible for making sure that any changes in the
facility are accompanied by a hazard analysis to evaluate the effect on the ability of
the sprinklers to control a fire.

You are partially correct. Hazard evaluation is one component of managing change.

You are partially correct. A fire inspection program may incorporate procedures to
report changes in the facility so that a hazard evaluation can be conducted. All of this
is part of managing change in the facility.

Pre-emergency planning is an important function, but it is more oriented toward
developing and implementing a plan of emergency action when a fire occurs.

Which of the following would likely pose the greatest fire hazard, and would be the
most difficult fire to control?

A. metal parts in cardboard cartons

B. bolts of natural cloth stored on wood pallets.
C. wood furniture in cardboard cartons
D. plastic parts packaged in expanded polystyrene cocoons
There are other products with a higher rate of heat release.

There are other materials with higher rates of heat release.

There are other materials with higher rates of heat release.

This type of storage poses a very high challenge to the automatic sprinkler systems.

The organization that develops and publishes most of the codes and standards related
to automatic sprinkler systems is:

A. National Building Code Association

B. National Fire Protection Association
C. American Society of Mechanical Engineers
D. National Fire Sprinkler Association

Sorry, there is no such organization.

The NFPA develops and publishes NFPA 13, Standard for Installation of Sprinkler
Systems, plus many other codes and standards that impact the design, installation,
testing and maintenance of automatic sprinkler systems.

Sorry, the ASME does not develop standards that deal with automatic sprinkler

Sorry, the NFSA is a trade organization established to promote the use of automatic
sprinkler systems, but it does not develop any codes or standards.
Improper System Design

Henry Parmalee developed the first automatic sprinkler in 1874. Parmalee's sprinkler was the
first to use a fusible element that melted to release water.

Statistics on the performance of automatic sprinkler systems show that the success of
automatic sprinklers in the control of fires is close to 100 percent.

It is important to understand the reasons that automatic sprinklers sometimes fail to control a
fire. When these situations are recognized, action can be taken to correct the problem before
a fire occurs.

The major reasons for the failure of automatic sprinkler systems to control a fire are:
Incomplete coverage
Improper system design

Every facility must have a program to safely handle impairments to the automatic sprinkler
and other types of fire protection systems. A responsible individual should be designated as
the impairment coordinator to assure impairments are handled properly.
Incomplete coverage is another major reason for automatic sprinkler system failure.
Automatic sprinklers cannot effectively control a fire if they are not provided in all areas. In
general, automatic sprinklers should be provided in all areas with combustible construction
and in all areas with a combustible occupancy.

NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, is the basic reference for HOW
automatic sprinkler systems should be designed and installed. Building codes and other
enabling legislation explain WHERE automatic sprinklers system must be installed.

Improper sprinkler system design can also lead to failure of the system to control a fire.
Improper design can result from:

Failure to manage change within the facility so that the hazard increases beyond the
capabilities of the automatic sprinklers.
Improper initial design
1. Development of the first automatic sprinkler head in 1874 is credited
John Carey

Henry Parmalee

Ambrose Godfrey

Crosby Fiske

2. United States Department of Energy statistics on automatic sprinkler

performance show that 90 percent of the fires in Department of Energy
facilities are controlled or extinguished by less than ______ heads.



3. The major reasons for the failure of automatic sprinkler systems to

control a fire are impairments, incomplete coverage, and:

partial coverage

improper design

change in occupancy
4. Shutting down a sprinkler system to add new piping and sprinkler
heads is an example of a(an):
hidden impairment

planned impairment

emergency impairment

undiscovered impairment

5. Shutting down a sprinkler system to repair a pipe that was broken

when struck by a lift truck is an example of a(an):
hidden impairment

planned impairment

emergency impairment

undiscovered impairment

6. The person responsible for assuring that all necessary precautions

are taken during an impairment, and that an impaired system is restored
to service as soon as possible is the:
fire brigade chief

plant engineer

public fire department chief

designated impairment coordinator

7. The maximum number of sprinkler systems that should be shut down
for repair at any one time is:

8. To look out for the best interests of your facility, you should install
automatic sprinklers in all areas
required by the building code

required by the Life Safety Code

with combustible construction or combustible occupancy

designated as high hazard by the fire code

9. The primary standard used for the design and installation of

automatic sprinkler systems is:




10. The best measure of the fire hazard of a material is the material's:
heat of combustion

ignition energy

rate of heat release

specific heat
Sprinkler System Components

The maintenance work order form described the

repairs and modifications made to the automatic
sprinkler system in the manufacturing building. A
new branch line was installed by tapping into the
bulk main using screwed fittings. The maintenance
supervisor must now check out the completed
installation. Of course, that cannot be done without
an understanding of the sprinkler system
components affected. The branch line, pipe fittings,
and the bulk main are all components of a sprinkler

The supervisor in the fire department plan review section was training a new employee. She
carefully pointed out the riser, cross-main, and end test connection. Then she pointed out the
type, model, and location of the sprinkler heads to be used in the new installation. She
reinforced the importance of learning and using the proper terminology for the various
components of an automatic sprinkler system, such as cross-main, sprinkler head, and end
test connection. She explained, "Understanding and using the correct terminology to identify
automatic sprinkler system components eliminates a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. It
ultimately saves everyone a lot of time, money, and frustration."
The plant engineer looked at the broken sprinkler
lead-in at the bottom of the mud filled ditch. The area
of the building served by the sprinkler system was far
too important to leave unprotected while repairs were
made. He directed that hose lines be connected to a
nearby hydrant still in service and run to the main
drain of the sprinkler system. By opening both the
hydrant and the main drain he could put water above
the alarm check valve and maintain the sprinkler
system in service while repairs were made to the
lead-in piping.
The main drain, alarm check valve, and sprinkler
lead-in are all components of the automatic sprinkler

Automatic sprinkler systems

are made up of a number of
parts and components. Anyone
who must inspect, test,
maintain, design, evaluate, or
otherwise work with automatic
sprinkler systems should know
the name of, and understand
the purpose of each major
component in the system. This
course focuses on identifying
the major components that are
common to all types of
automatic sprinkler systems,
including the water supply,
piping, and sprinkler heads.

NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, defines each of the major
components of an automatic sprinkler system. NFPA 13 also contains the requirements for
the design and installation of sprinkler system.

There are four basic types of automatic sprinkler



A wet-pipe sprinkler system is the most common type of system. It has water in the
sprinkler piping at all times. As soon as an automatic sprinkler head fuses, water is
discharged from the system. The only disadvantage of a wet-pipe sprinkler system is
that it must be located in a heated area or an area that is not subject to freezing.
A dry-pipe sprinkler system is designed for installation in areas that are unheated or
otherwise subject to freezing temperatures. The system piping is charged with
compressed air. The compressed air holds a dry-pipe valve in the system riser
closed. The dry-pipe valve holds back the water from the water supply. When a fire
fuses an automatic sprinkler head, the compressed air in the piping is released,
water pressure forces open the dry-pipe valve, and the sprinkler piping is filled with
water. Once the system is tripped and filled with water it functions the same as a wet-
pipe system.

A deluge sprinkler system has all open sprinkler heads. A supplemental fire detection
system detects a fire in the area and opens the deluge valve. When the deluge valve
opens, water fills the system piping and is discharged from all the open sprinkler
heads simultaneously. Deluge system are normally used for high hazard areas, such
as those using flammable or combustible liquids.

A preaction sprinkler system is a deluge system with closed sprinkler heads. It is
designed to require two actions before water is discharged. First, a supplemental fire
detection system must be actuated. This opens the preaction valve and allows water
into the sprinkler piping. Second, a fire must fuse a sprinkler head before water is
actually discharged from the system.

Most automatic sprinkler systems are wet-pipe systems. Wet-pipe sprinkler systems are the
simplest and least expensive type of system to design, install, test, and maintain. Dry-pipe,
deluge, and preaction sprinkler systems are more complex, cost more to install, and have a
higher life cycle cost. They are used only where a wet-pipe system cannot be used or is not
appropriate for the hazard.

The components of a properly designed,

installed and maintained automatic
sprinkler system can be divided into three
major categories. These categories will
be used to describe and explain the
operation of automatic sprinkler systems.

The major categories of automatic

sprinkler system components are:

Water Supplies
Exterior Components
Interior Components
Water Supplies:
Water supplies may include public water supplies, private water supplies, or a
combination of both types.
Exterior Components:
Some components of automatic sprinkler systems are visible from outside the
building. These include the main control valve, fire department connection, water
motor alarm, and drain lines.
Interior Components:
The interior components include the piping, fittings, and automatic sprinkler heads.

The photo shows the operation of a single automatic sprinkler head in a test room.
Water Supplies


The best designed sprinkler system in the world is

useless without an adequate water supply matched to
the design of the sprinkler system. The water supply
must be adequate to meet both the volume and pressure
demands of the automatic sprinkler system. Without an
adequate water supply the sprinkler system will not
function as designed and will not be able to control a

Case History:

A fire broke out in a manufacturing

facility while repairs were being made to
an automatic sprinkler system. At the
time of the fire, the fire protection water
supply for the automatic sprinkler
systems was considered marginally
adequate. The fire quickly opened a
number of automatic sprinkler heads, but
with the system shutoff, they did not
discharge any water.

By the time plant security personnel

were able to open the sprinkler control
valve for the fire area, so many sprinkler
heads had opened that the available water supply was unable to feed them all. The result was
they were ineffective in controlling the fire. As the fire continued to spread uncontrolled, more
and more sprinklers opened and further reduced the available water supply.

The fire's head start as a result of the impaired sprinkler system, coupled with the marginal
water supply, doomed the facility to destruction. Total property damage was over $35 million.
There was an accompanying loss of $21 million dollars in lost sales. The loss of sales caused
failure of the company within 18 months. Over 250 workers lost their jobs.
Public Water Supplies

The vast majority of sprinkler systems receive their water

supply from the municipal water system. Municipal
water supplies vary in size and complexity depending on
the community served. Water is drawn from a raw water
source, treated, and placed in storage tanks or
reservoirs. From the reservoirs the water is distributed
throughout the community through a system of water
mains. Pressure within the system may be generated by
gravity, pumps, or both.

municipal water system:

Most automatic sprinkler systems are supplied from a municipal water supply.
Municipal water supplies may be operated by a governmental agency or a for profit
water company. The volume and pressure available from a municipal water supply
depends on the capacity of the system, the number of users, size of distribution
mains, and other factors. The photo shows a municipal water supply for the sprinkler
systems in a building. In this case the system is located in an area not subject to
freezing so the piping can be located outside, aboveground. The public water supply
enters from the left, flows through a backflow preventer, and into the fire protection
systems. The red caps on the right cover the fire department connection inlets.

raw water source:

Raw water sources include ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, and wells.
Treatment usually involves filtering and the addition of various chemicals, such as
chlorine, to improve the quality of the water.
tanks or reservoirs:
The most common method of storage is in an elevated tank or reservoir. Elevation is
achieved by placing the tank on a trestle or by locating a tank or reservoir on a hill at
a higher elevation than where the water will be used.

Pressure is the force pushing the water through a pipe or opening. The greater the
pressure, the farther and faster water can be pushed.

Private Water Supplies

The water supply for automatic

sprinkler systems may also be
provided from private water
supplies. This is most often the
case for very large facilities,
high value facilities, or where
there is no municipal water
private water supplies:
Private water supplies are owned by and controlled by the facility instead of the
public water utility. The photo shows a private water supply consisting of a 1,000,000
gallon reservoir for a large industrial facility. The reservoir supplies multiple fire
pumps in the brick building to the left.

large facilities:
Automotive assembly plants, paper mills, distribution warehouses, and similar large
industrial, commercial, or institutional facilities often have fire protection water supply
requirements that exceed the supply capabilities of the public water system.

high value facilities:

Fundamental to risk management is the old adage, "Don't put all of your eggs in one
basket." When the value of a facility is measured in the tens or hundreds of millions
of dollars, a company may not want to place "all of their fire protection water supply
eggs" in one basket. Effective risk management dictates the provision of multiple and
redundant water supplies.

no municipal water supply:

Many facilities provide their own water supply because they are located in an area
not served by a public water utility.

This vertical turbine fire pump sits above a lake located adjacent to an industrial
facility. The pump draws raw water from the lake for use in the fire protection

Building codes do not generally require provision of a private water supply if the public water
supply can meet the demands of the automatic sprinkler system. The requirement to provide
a private water supply is usually driven by insurance and risk management concerns.
Potential property damage and business interruption losses often dictate the provision of
multiple water supplies to obtain favorable insurance rates.
Combination Water Supplies

In some cases the water supply for automatic sprinkler systems comes from a combination of
both public and private water supplies. A facility may have its own private supplies, but use
the public water supply to refill storage tanks or to serve as a backup to the primary private
water supply.

This facility uses a combination of public and private fire protection water supplies.
These two fire protection water supply reservoirs are the primary water supply. The
public water system provides a backup to the private supply and is used to fill the

The following questions will help reinforce the concepts you have just learned. They will test
your understanding of sprinkler water supplies. Your answers are not recorded.
The water supply for an automatic sprinkler system must be:

A. from a pressurized source.

B. matched to the design of the sprinkler system.
C. a treated water supply.
D. gravity fed for reliability.

An unpressurized water source cannot "push" water through the sprinkler piping, so
this answer may be partially correct, but this is not the best answer.

You are correct. The water supply for an automatic sprinkler system must be
engineered to match both the pressure and volume requirements of the sprinkler

Sorry, treated water supplies are preferred over raw water sources, but it is not a
requirement to use treated water.

Sorry, while gravity fed system are very reliable, it is not a requirement that sprinkler
water supplies be gravity fed.

A fire protection water supply that uses both a connection to the public water system
and a private fire protection reservoir is a:

A. combination water supply.

B. municipal water supply.
C. treated water supply.
D. raw water supply.

You are correct. The fire protection water supply uses water from a combination of
the public and private water supplies.

Sorry, a municipal water supply is the public water supply.

Sorry, this is not the best answer. While the water from the public water system is
undoubtedly treated, the water in the private fire protection reservoir may or may not
be treated water.

Sorry, the public water supply is undoubtedly treated water. The water used to fill the
private fire protection reservoir may or may not be raw water from a lake, river,
stream, or well.
A fire protection water supply that is not controlled by the public water utility is a:

A. tank or reservoir.
B. pressurized water supply.
C. municipal water supply.
D. private water supply.

Sorry, while the water supply may be contained in a tank or reservoir, this is not a
complete answer.

Sorry, while the water supply is most likely pressurized, this does not completely
answer the question.

Sorry, you are incorrect. A municipal water supply is controlled by the public water

You are correct. A private fire protection water supply is not controlled by the public
water utility.
Exterior Components

The exterior features of an automatic sprinkler system include the lead-in, the sprinkler control
valve, the fire department connection, and the water motor alarm. There is no hard and fast
rule about the location of some automatic sprinkler system components. The photo shows
sprinkler systems installed outside the protected building. While this is possible in tropical
climates, in most locales the sprinkler risers are normally located inside the building.

Sprinkler Lead-in

The piping that connects to the sprinkler water supply and brings water into the building for
the sprinkler system is the sprinkler lead-in. The sprinkler lead-in is normally a large diameter
pipe buried in the ground. A single sprinkler lead-in may feed multiple sprinkler systems
inside the building.
multiple sprinkler systems:
A common lead-in can be used to supply multiple sprinkler systems, but this
increases the potential for a large area of the facility to be affected by a break in the
lead-in piping. Providing individual lead-ins is more expensive, but limits the potential
for a widespread system impairment.

Sprinkler Control Valve

Every automatic sprinkler system is required to have a valve to isolate the water supply to the
sprinkler system. The valve is normally located outside the building to allow access to the
valve during a fire.


The shutoff valve, or isolation valve,

for an automatic sprinkler system
may be either a gate valve or a
butterfly valve. Gate valves provide a
completely unobstructed waterway
through the valve. Butterfly valves do
not have a completely unobstructed
waterway, but are generally
physically smaller than a similarly
sized gate valve. Butterfly valves are
often used in retrofit applications
where space may not be available to
install a gate valve. Here a post
indicator valve (PIV) controls sprinkler system #27. Providing an indicating post (PIV)
is a method of operating an underground gate valve.

The preferred location for a sprinkler shutoff valve is outside the building as close to
the connection to the water supply as possible. This location permits access to the
valve during a fire, and allows the valve to be used to isolate any breaks in the lead-
in piping.
Fire Department Connection

The effectiveness of the sprinkler system increases when the fire department boosts the
water pressure available to the sprinkler system. The fire department connection provides a
convenient location for a fire department engine company to connect to the sprinkler system
during a fire. The size and arrangement of the fire department connection varies from one
system to another.

fire department:
A firefighter connects hose to a fire department connection. A fire department engine
company pumps into the sprinkler system to boost the pressure available to the
operating sprinklers.
fire department connection:
All of these are fire department connections. Some jurisdictions require a specific
location and arrangement for the fire department connection.


Case History:

Fire Department Connections - A Case History

The use of the fire department connection during a fire can mean the difference between
successful control of a fire and loss of the building. The photo shows a fire department engine
company connected to the fire department connection on a hotel building under construction.
In this particular case, the building was under construction when the fire occurred. The
automatic sprinkler system had been installed, but was not yet in service. On arrival at the
early morning fire, the first due engine company connected to and pumped into the fire
department connection, by-passing a shut sprinkler control valve. Water supplied by the fire
department fed a number of automatic sprinklers on the top floor that had been fused by the
fire. The fire was controlled and the building was saved because the fire department
supported the sprinkler system during the fire.
Water Motor Alarm

Every automatic sprinkler system is required to have a

local bell or alarm of some type that provides a local
alarm when the sprinkler system operates. This is
usually a water powered or electric bell on the outside
of the building.

water powered:
A water motor alarm operates independently of the building fire alarm system and
any other power source. When water begins to flow in the sprinkler system a small
portion of the water is diverted to the water motor alarm. A small, water powered
turbine inside the water motor alarm spins a clapper and causes the bell to ring.

electric bell:
An electric bell can be used to provide a local waterflow alarm instead of a water
motor alarm. The disadvantage of an electric bell is that is depends on a power
source for operation.
The following questions will help reinforce the concepts you have just learned. They will test
your understanding of the external components of automatic sprinkler systems. Your answers
are not recorded.

The sprinkler piping that connects to the water supply and brings water into the
building is called the:

A. sprinkler riser.
B. lead-in.
C. bulk main.
D. feed main.

Sorry, the sprinkler riser is the vertical piping that carries water up from the lead-in

Correct. The sprinkler lead in connects the water supply with the sprinkler system

Sorry, a bulk main is installed inside the building and distributes water to smaller
sprinkler piping.

Sorry, a feed main is installed within the building to distribute water to smaller
sprinkler piping.

A method of providing a local waterflow alarm that operates independent of any

outside power or energy sources is a(an):

A. water motor alarm.

B. electric bell.
C. strobe light.
D. battery powered horn.

You are correct. A water motor alarm requires only the energy produced by water
flowing in the sprinkler system.

Sorry, and electric bell requires an outside source of electric power.

Sorry, a strobe light requires an outside source of electric power.

Sorry, a battery powered horn requires a battery as a power source.
Interior Components
Sprinkler Riser

The vertical supply pipes in an automatic sprinkler system are called risers. The piping that
rises from the sprinkler lead-in up through the floor to supply the overhead sprinkler piping is
referred to as the main riser or simply the system riser.

Technically, any vertical pipe in a sprinkler system is called a riser.

system riser:
The system riser is where an alarm check valve, dry-pipe valve, deluge valve, or
preaction valve is installed. The valve used depends on the type of system. The
photo shows a typical sprinkler riser with an alarm check valve installed. The smaller
diameter vertical piping on the left goes to the water motor alarm mounted outside
the building.
Cross Mains & Feed Mains
At the top of the system riser, a cross main supplies water to the sprinkler branch lines. A
given system may have multiple cross mains at various locations depending on the piping
layout. A feed main, sometimes called a bulk main, supplies the cross mains.

See a photo:

Here a feed main from the sprinkler riser intersects with a cross main. A cross main normally
runs perpendicular to the direction of the feed main.
Branch Lines

Branch lines are the pipes on which the sprinkler heads are installed.

Branch lines:
The piping layout shown in the diagram shows a very small "tree" system. The
branch lines may also be laid out in a looped or gridded piping network.

Riser Nipples

Riser nipples may be provided to connect the branch lines

to the cross main. Riser nipples may also be provided on
the branch line to raise the individual sprinkler heads up to
the appropriate elevation. Not all sprinkler systems use
riser nipples. It depends on the design of the system,
configuration of the building, and the type of sprinkler
heads used.

appropriate elevation:
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, requires that sprinkler
heads be located within a specific distance from the ceiling or roof deck. Where
sprinkler branch lines must be located below building structural members, riser
nipples are used to raise the sprinkler head to the proper elevation.
Sprinkler Heads

The sprinkler heads are the nozzles of the system. The three most commonly used types of
sprinkler heads are upright, pendent, and sidewall. There are also a number of special
sprinkler heads that can be used for various purposes.


An upright sprinkler head is designed to sit "upright" on top of the branch line or riser

A pendent sprinkler head is designed to hang down from a sprinkler branch line or
riser nipple.


A sidewall sprinkler head is designed to be installed near a wall and discharge all
water outward away from the wall.

special sprinkler heads:

In addition to the standard upright, pendent, and sidewall sprinkler heads, there are a
number of special sprinklers. These sprinkler heads are designed for specific
applications. Special sprinklers include large drop sprinklers, ESFR (early
suppression fast response) sprinklers, residential sprinklers, and quick response
Test Connection

Each automatic sprinkler system should have a test connection that allows testing of the
water flow alarm without actuating the sprinkler system. In a wet-pipe sprinkler system the
test connection is arranged to flow water past the water flow switch so it actuates the same as
it would if a single sprinkler head operates. The orifice of the test connection is the same size
as the smallest sprinkler head installed in the system.

test connection:
Ideally the test connection is located at the most hydraulically remote point in the
system. This means that water must flow through the most pipe to get to the test
connection. If the alarms are actuated when flowing water from this hydraulically
remote point, they should work from any other point in the system. In some cases,
however, it is not practical to install the test connection at the most remote point.
The following questions will help reinforce the concepts you have just learned. They will test
your understanding of the interior components of an automatic sprinkler system. Your
answers are not recorded.

The automatic sprinkler system component that would contain the alarm check valve,
dry-pipe valve, or other special valve, depending on the type of sprinkler system, is

A. sprinkler lead-in.
B. sprinkler riser.
C. feed main.
D. cross main.

Sorry, the sprinkler lead-in carries water from the water supply into the building.

The alarm check valve or dry-pipe valve is found in the sprinkler riser.

Sorry, the feed main is normally found at the top of the sprinkler riser and distributes
water to other piping in the system.

Sorry, a cross-main is found at the ceiling and distributes water to other sprinkler

The piping used to connect a branch line to the cross main or to raise an automatic
sprinkler head up from a branch line to the ceiling or roof deck is a(an):

A. upright head.
B. cross-main.
C. riser nipple.
D. drain line.

Sorry, an upright head is a sprinkler head that sits on top of the piping.

Sorry, a cross-main is piping that distributes water to other sprinkler piping, not to
individual sprinkler heads.

A riser nipple "raises" an automatic sprinkler head up to the appropriate height.

Sorry, a drain line is used to drain sprinkler piping.

An automatic sprinkler head designed to hang down from sprinkler piping is a(an):
A. upright sprinkler head.
B. pendent sprinkler head.
C. sidewall sprinkler head.
D. special sprinkler head.

Sorry, an upright head is designed to sit upright on the sprinkler piping.

A pendent head hangs down from the sprinkler piping.

Sorry, a sidewall sprinkle head is designed to be installed close to a wall and
discharge all water in one direction.

Sorry, only some special sprinklers may hang down from the sprinkler piping. Others
are upright sprinkler heads.
There are four common types of automatic sprinkler systems:

Wet-pipe systems
Dry-pipe systems
Deluge systems
Preaction systems

The design of fire protection water supplies must be matched to the needs of the automatic
sprinkler system.

Public, or municipal, water supplies vary in size and complexity.

Many facilities have their own private water supplies because their fire protection water supply
demands are greater than can be met by many public water supplies.

A combination water supply uses both the public water supply, as well as one or more private
fire protection water supplies.

Pressure is the force that pushes water through a pipe or orifice.

The major sprinkler system components found on the exterior of the building include the:

Sprinkler control valve
Fire department connection
Water motor alarm

The major sprinkler system components found on the interior of the building include the:

Sprinkler riser
Cross-mains and feed mains
Branch lines
Riser nipples
Sprinkler heads
Test connection
1. An automatic sprinkler system which has piping charged with
compressed air that holds a valve closed until a sprinkler head fuses
and releases the air pressure is a:

wet-pipe system.

dry-pipe system.

deluge system.

preaction system.

2. The water supply for an automatic sprinkler system must be adequate

to meet both the volume and _____________ demands of the automatic
sprinkler systems.





3. The piping that connects the fire protection water supply to the
sprinkler riser is the:

bulk main.

cross main.

system riser.

4. Which of the following shutoff valves has a completely unobstructed
waterway through the valve when it is fully open?

globe valve

butterfly valve

check valve

gate valve

5. Any sprinkler piping that runs vertically in a sprinkler system is called


cross main.

bulk main.


branch line.

6. The pipes in a sprinkler system on which the sprinkler heads are

installed are the:

branch lines.

cross mains.

feed mains.

7. A sprinkler pipe that connects a branch line to a cross main or raises
a sprinkler head up from a branch line is a(an):

branch connection.

system riser.

riser nipple.

bulk main.

8. A sprinkler head designed to sit upright on top of a branch line or

riser nipple is a(an):

sidewall sprinkler head.

upright sprinkler head.

pendent sprinkler head.

special sprinkler head.

9. A sprinkler head designed to be installed next to a wall or other

obstruction and discharge all water outward in one direction is a(an):

sidewall sprinkler head.

upright sprinkler head.

pendent sprinkler head.

special sprinkler head.

10. A sprinkler system that has some 1/2-inch and some 17/32-inch
orifice sprinkler heads should have a test connection with an orifice of:




Wet-Pipe Automatic Sprinkler Systems

This course addresses the application, operation, and

inspection, testing and maintenance of wet-pipe
automatic sprinkler systems.

The curator of a museum housing one

of the largest collections of aircraft in
the world wanted to make sure that
nothing happened to damage or
destroy their collection. The aircraft
included in the collection included
many "one of a kind" aircraft
considered irreplaceable. To protect
the collection from the potential of a
devastating fire, automatic wet-pipe
sprinkler systems were installed
throughout the exhibition area.
The storage room on each floor of the hotel was used
for storage of rollaway beds and other similar furniture
items. A fire involving the storage would quickly develop
large amounts of smoke that would pose a severe threat
to hotel guests. The management of the hotel chose to
install automatic, wet-pipe sprinklers, not only in the
storage room, but throughout the hotel. In the event of a
fire, the automatic sprinklers will detect the fire, sound
the alarm, and suppress the fire. This will minimize the
overall damage, the smoke produced, the threat to hotel
guests, and damage to the business reputation of the
hotel owner.

The warehouse contained over $66 million of parts and

inventory for an electronics manufacturing concern. The
potential property damage resulting from a fire is a small
fraction of the potential business interruption loss that
could occur if the components in the warehouse are
damaged by a fire. After a fire risk analysis, facility
management decided the best method of providing
property protection and mission continuity was to install
automatic, wet-pipe sprinkler systems at the roof of the
building, as well as in each individual storage rack.

A wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system uses

automatic sprinkler heads fed by a piping system
containing water under system pressure at all
times. Because the wet-pipe sprinkler system is
filled with water at all times, there is no delay in
getting water on the fire once an automatic
sprinkler head fuses.

The requirements for the design and installation of
automatic sprinkler systems are contained in NFPA
13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Most local
building codes and fire codes reference NFPA 13
when automatic sprinkler systems must be installed.
The document is developed and published by the
National Fire Protection Association.
Wet-pipe sprinkler systems account for most of the automatic sprinkler systems installed.
Depending on local climatic conditions, about 85-90% of all the sprinkler systems installed are
wet-pipe systems. This is mostly because of the advantages offered by wet-pipe sprinkler
systems, including:

Simple design and operation

Low installation costs
Low life cycle costs

Simple design and operation:

A wet-pipe sprinkler system is relatively simple to design and operate. The only
things required for a wet-pipe sprinkler system to operate are to have the main
control valve open and a fire hot enough to fuse a sprinkler head. A wet-pipe
sprinkler system has few moving parts and does not rely on any outside source of
power. When properly maintained, the systems have a high degree of reliability.

Low installation costs:

Wet-pipe automatic sprinkler systems are relatively inexpensive compared to other
fire suppression systems. Unlike other building systems (heating, ventilation, air
conditioning, power distribution, etc.) the simple design of a wet-pipe sprinkler
system requires only a network of piping through which water can flow. Compared to
overall building costs, the cost of a sprinkler system is typically a fraction of the cost
of most building systems. In fact, the cost of carpeting, tile, and other floor coverings
often exceed the total installation cost of an automatic sprinkler system.

Low life cycle costs:

The simple design and operation of a wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system requires
few components and moving parts. This greatly simplifies the inspection, testing, and
maintenance required for each system. Lower inspection, testing, and maintenance
requirements translate into lower system life cycle costs.

Wet-pipe automatic sprinkler systems are so economical and so effective that they should be
used in all sprinkler applications unless there is some compelling reason to use another type
of system.
As well as wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system perform; they do have some specific
limitations. These include:

Require adequate building heat

Must be designed for the hazard

Require adequate building heat:

The piping for a wet-pipe sprinkler system is filled with water at all times, so all piping
must be located in an area where the temperature is always above freezing. Even
when installed in heated buildings, some piping may be located in areas with
marginal protection from freezing. Such areas might include spaces above
suspended ceilings, loading docks, and other areas that may be subject to freezing
temperatures, particularly during very cold weather. Loss of building heat can cause
all piping in the building to freeze. Low building temperature supervisory initiating
devices are often connected to the building fire alarm system to provide a
supervisory signal if the building temperature falls below 40 F.

Must be designed for the hazard:

All sprinkler systems, not just wet-pipe systems, must be specifically engineered to
match the hazards they are intended to protect. Initially, a sprinkler system may be
designed for a particular class of hazard. Over the life of the building the hazard may
change. If the design of a sprinkler system does not keep pace with the changing
hazards, it may fail during a fire. This is a limitation of not just wet-pipe sprinkler
systems, but all types of sprinkler systems.
Wet Pipe Operation

System Components

The diagram shows the basic components of a wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system.

Main System Control Valve (A)

Alarm Check Valve (B)
Fire Department Connection (C)
Sprinkler Piping (D)
Sprinkler Heads (E)
Test Connection (F)

Main System Control Valve (A):

Every sprinkler system must have a main system control valve to isolate the system
from the fire protection water supply. Preferably, this valve is located outside as close
to the connection to the water supply as possible. This minimizes the extent of any
impairments and is accessible during a fire. In some cases the valve may be located
inside the building.
Alarm Check Valve (B):
The main sprinkler riser should be equipped with an alarm check valve. The alarm
check valve serves as a check valve for the system as well as being equipped with
trim piping to actuate a local alarm bell when water flows in the system. Unfortunately,
for purposes of cost savings, wet-pipe sprinkler systems are sometimes not provided
with an alarm check valve. While the system will still function, the lack of an alarm
check valve increases the potential for unwanted alarms from water pressure
fluctuations. The absence of an alarm check valve also limits the ability to provide a
temporary feed to the system during an impairment.

Fire Department Connection (C):

The fire department connection provide a means for the public fire department or
facility fire brigade to pump water into the system and increase the system pressure.
Increasing system pressure results in greater discharge from the operating sprinkler
heads. The threads on the fire department connection must match those of the public
fire department.
Sprinkler Piping (D):
Water is distributed throughout the sprinkler system via a network of piping. The
sprinkler piping may be designated as a feed main (larger diameter piping feeding
multiple pipes), a cross main (piping that runs perpendicular to the feed mains), or a
branch line (pipes feeding individual sprinkler heads).

Sprinkler Heads (E):

Water is discharged from individually actuated sprinkler heads. In a wet-pipe
sprinkler system all the sprinkler heads are closed or sealed. Each sprinkler head
must be heated to its operating temperature (typically between 135 F and 286 F)
before it fuses and discharges water. The actual temperature of the air immediately
around a sprinkler head when it fuses may actually be several hundred degrees. This
is because it takes time for the sprinkler head to "absorb" sufficient heat to raise the
fusible element to its operating temperature. Contrary to what is often depicted on
television and in the movies, sprinkler heads do not just "pop off" by themselves.
Test Connection (F):
Opening the test connection on a wet-pipe sprinkler system discharges water from an
orifice that is the same size as the smallest orifice sprinkler in the system. This
simulates the flow of a single sprinkler head. All the alarms should actuate from the
flow equal to the flow from a single sprinkler head.
Alarm Check Valve Components

The diagram shows a typical alarm check valve

installed in a wet-pipe sprinkler system. The
valve is designed to act as a system check
valve as well as to provide a local alarm signal
when the system actuates. The major
components of an alarm check valve are:

Check Valve Clapper (A)

Pilot Valve (B)
Main Drain (C)
Alarm By-Pass Valve (D)
Retard Chamber (E)
Pressure Switch (F)
Water Motor Alarm (G)

Check Valve Clapper (A):

An alarm check valve functions as the check valve for the sprinkler system
preventing water from flowing out of the system and back into the water supply. The
check valve clapper serves the same purpose in an alarm check valve as in a
conventional check valve.
Pilot Valve (B):
The pilot valve is attached to the check valve clapper and under normal conditions
covers the alarm line. When the check valve lifts, the pilot valve uncovers the alarm
line and allows water to flow through the alarm line piping to the retard chamber. In a
plain alarm check valve there is a small amount of "play" in the pilot valve that
permits the check valve to lift a small distance allowing the pressure from a slow
surge to equalize on both sides of the check valve without opening the alarm line.

Main Drain (C):

The main drain line is used to drain the water from the system when the main control
valve is closed. This drain is often referred to as the "2-inch Drain" because the drain
line piping is usually 2-inches in diameter. The main drain is also used to conduct
one of the routine tests performed on automatic sprinkler systems.
Alarm By-Pass Valve (D):
The alarm by-pass valve is normally closed. It is used to test the local alarms after
conducting maintenance or repairs on the trim piping surrounding the alarm check
valve. Opening the alarm by-pass valve allows water to fill the retard chamber and
actuate the pressure switch (F) and water motor alarm (G). The alarm by-pass line
should not be used to routinely test the system water flow alarm as it does not
simulate the worst case condition of flow equal to a single sprinkler head.

Retard Chamber (E):

The purpose of the retard chamber is to minimize the occurrence of unwanted alarm
due to pressure surges in the system. Think of the retard chamber as a bucket with a
hole in it. When the alarm check valve opens because of water flow in the system,
the pilot valve lifts allowing water to flow through the alarm line into the retard
chamber. If the water flow is sustained, as would be the case if a sprinkler were
flowing, the retard chamber fills up and water pressure actuates the pressure switch
(F) and water motor alarm (G). If the water flow is due to a momentary pressure
surge, the flow is not sustained long enough to fill the retard chamber and the water
flows out the drain at the bottom of the chamber.
Pressure Switch (F):
A pressure switch is often mounted on top of the retard chamber to actuate a local
electric bell when the sprinkler system actuates. When a sustained water flow fills the
retard chamber, water enters the pressure switch and actuates the alarm. The
pressure switch may also be used to initiate an alarm signal for the building fire alarm
system. If the pressure switch is used for this purpose any valves between the alarm
check valve and the pressure switch must be provided with a switch that will actuate
a supervisory signal anytime the valve is not fully open.

Water Motor Alarm (G):

The water motor alarm provides a means of initiating a local water flow alarm without
the need for any outside power sources. When a flowing sprinkler head(s) initiate a
sustained flow of water in the system, the retard chamber fills with water and water
enters the water motor alarm. Inside the water motor alarm there is a small water
powered turbine which turns a "clapper" to ring a bell on the outside of the building.
Alarm Check Valve Operation

When a sprinkler head on a wet-pipe sprinkler

system fuses and begins to flow water, the
alarm check valve opens to admit more water
into the system. When the check valve clapper
(A) lifts, the pilot valve (B) uncovers the alarm
line. Water flows through the alarm line and
fills the retard chamber (E). When the retard
chamber fills, the pressure switch (F) actuates
sounding a local electric bell, and the water
motor alarm (G) on the outside of the building
rings. After the fire is controlled, the system is
shutdown, the main drain (C) is opened to
drain the system, and the fused sprinkler
heads are replaced. The system is then
restored to service.

Anytime a sprinkler system is shutdown the fire safety of the facility is seriously
impaired. Every facility must have an impairment handling program to handle any fire
protection system shutdowns. The procedures should include special precautions
that must be followed to minimize the potential for a fire..

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
An automatic sprinkler system that has water in the piping at all times and discharges
water immediately on actuation of a sprinkler head is a:

A. wet-pipe system
B. dry-pipe system
C. preaction system
D. deluge system

A wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system is the only system that has water in the piping
at all times.

The piping in a dry-pipe sprinkler system normally contains compressed air or
nitrogen. Only after a sprinkler head fuses and the compressed gas is released is
water admitted into the sprinkler piping.

A preaction sprinkler system does not have water in the piping until actuation of a
supplemental fire detection system.

A deluge sprinkler system does not have water in the piping until actuation of a
supplemental fire detection system.

Which of the following components is used only in a wet-pipe automatic sprinkler


A. fire department connection

B. system control valve
C. alarm check valve
D. automatic sprinkler heads

All sprinkler systems use a fire department connection to permit the fire department
to pump into the automatic sprinkler system.

All automatic sprinkler systems must be provided with a system control valve to
isolate the sprinkler system from the water supply.

Only wet-pipe automatic sprinkler systems use an alarm check valve.

All types of sprinkler systems use automatic sprinkler heads.
The component of an alarm check valve designed to eliminate unwanted alarms due to
water pressure surges is the:

A. pressure switch
B. alarm by-pass line
C. main drain
D. retard chamber

The pressure switch is used to actuate either a local waterflow alarm or the building
fire alarm system.

The alarm by-pass line is designed to permit testing of the pressure switch and water
motor alarm.

The main drain is designed to drain the water from the system after the main system
control valve is closed.

The retard chamber serves as a surge tank to eliminate unwanted alarms due to
water pressure surges.
System Requirements

Pressure Gauges

NFPA 13 requires the installation of at least one

pressure gauge in the riser of each wet-pipe
sprinkler system. When an alarm check valve is
installed, pressure gauges must be installed above
and below the check valve. The pressure gauges
are necessary to conduct the routine tests required
for each sprinkler system.

Relief Valves

Gridded wet-pipe sprinkler systems must be

provided with a relief valve or an auxiliary air
reservoir to prevent excessive pressure buildup.
Solar heating of the water in a gridded system
can result in pressure in excess of 200 psi.
Without a pressure relief valve or auxiliary air
reservoir, pressures in the pressure build-up can
exceed the working pressure of the system piping
and components.

The term "gridded" refers to the piping layout. The diagram shows a typical gridded
sprinkler piping layout. While a gridded system is very efficient from a hydraulic
standpoint, one drawback is that when the system is charged with water, there is
very little, if any air trapped in the system. A large volume of trapped air is not usually
desirable in a wet-pipe sprinkler system, but a small volume of trapped air is
necessary to act as a cushion as the water expands and contracts due to
temperature changes.
relief valve:
NFPA 13 requires the relief valve to be set to relieve at 175 psi or 10 psi above the
maximum water pressure. The relief valve must be at least 0.25 inch in size.
Discharge from the relief valve should be directed to a location where it will not cause
Solar heating:
This problem is a particular concern in southern climates where wet-pipe sprinkler
systems are installed beneath uninsulated metal deck roofs. Heating cool water from
the underground mains can cause pressure increases sufficient to rupture sprinkler
fittings and components.
200 psi:
Most sprinkler fittings are listed for a maximum working pressure of 175 psi. Fittings
with a higher pressure rating are available, but cost more than typical sprinkler fittings.
Auxiliary Systems

In some cases an auxiliary dry-pipe, preaction, or deluge

sprinkler system may be fed from a wet-pipe sprinkler
system. The only restrictions are that the water supply must
be able to support the demand for both systems, and each
system must be provided with a separate waterflow alarm.

A dry-pipe sprinkler system uses compressed air or nitrogen in the piping to hold a
dry-pipe valve closed. When a sprinkler head fuses the compressed gas is released,
the dry-pipe valve opens and admits water into the system piping. A dry-pipe
sprinkler system is used in areas where the piping is subject to freezing, such as a
loading dock, unheated warehouses, and cold storage areas.

A preaction sprinkler system uses a supplemental fire detection system to open a
valve and admit water into the system piping. Water is not actually discharged from
the system until a fire fuses one or more automatic sprinkler heads. Preaction
sprinkler systems may be used where the operating delay of a dry-pipe sprinkler
system is not acceptable, or where there is concern that damaged sprinkler piping or
sprinkler heads could cause unwanted water damage.

deluge sprinkler system:

A deluge sprinkler system is the only system that uses all open sprinkler heads or
water spray nozzles. A supplemental fire detection system is used to open a deluge
sprinkler valve. This admits water into the system piping and water is discharged
from all the open sprinklers or spray nozzles simultaneously. Deluge sprinkler
systems are usually used in high hazard areas subject to very fast developing fires.

separate waterflow alarm:

When an auxiliary sprinkler system is supplied from a wet-pipe sprinkler system,
each system must be provided with its own waterflow alarm. This is to assure that a
separate signal is received from each system when it operates.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
If the maximum water pressure is 175 PSI, the pressure relief valve on a wet-pipe
sprinkler system with a gridded piping layout should be set at:

A. 175 psi
B. 180 psi
C. 185 psi
D. 190 psi

This is too low.

This is too low.

NFPA 13 requires the relief valve be set at 175 psi or 10 psi above the highest water
system pressure, whichever is greater.

This is too high.

Which of the following types of sprinkler system can be fed from a wet-pipe sprinkler

A. dry-pipe system
B. preaction system
C. deluge system
D. all of the above

You are partially correct. An auxiliary dry-pipe sprinkler system can be fed from a
wet-pipe system, but it is not the only type of system permitted to be fed from a wet-
pipe system.

You are partially correct. An auxiliary preaction sprinkler system can be fed from a
wet-pipe system, but it is not the only type of system permitted to be fed from a wet-
pipe system.

You are partially correct. An auxiliary deluge sprinkler system can be fed from a wet-
pipe system, but it is not the only type of system permitted to be fed from a wet-pipe

Any type of sprinkler system may be fed from a wet-pipe system as long as the water
supply is capable of supporting both systems, and each system is provided with its
own waterflow alarm.
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, requires that each wet-
pipe sprinkler system be provided with how many gauges?

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

NFPA 13, requires at least one gauge be provided.

At least one gauge must be provided.

A minimum of one gauge is required, but when an alarm check valve is installed a
gauge is provided both above and below the check valve.

A minimum of one gauge is required. In most cases there would be no reason to
provide three gauges.
Inspection & Testing
Control Valve Inspection & Test

Sprinkler systems must be inspected and tested on a regular basis. At a minimum, each
sprinkler control valve must be visually inspected to assure it is fully open. The frequency of
the visual inspections depends on the method of supervising the valve. Acceptable methods
of supervision include:

Sealing the valve

Locking the valve
Electronic supervision

In addition to the required visual inspections, each sprinkler control valve must be tested on
at least an annual basis. Annual maintenance is also required for each sprinkler control valve.

visually inspected:
A visual inspection is a visual examination of the valve to verify that it appears to be
in proper operational condition. A visual inspection provides an indication of whether
the valve is fully open, whether there is damage to the valve, and detects any other
problems which may interfere with the operation of the valve. A visual inspection can
determine whether an indicating valve is open or closed. For example, a visual
inspection of the OS&Y (outside screw & yoke) valve in the photo shows that valve to
be open because the stem is fully extended from the valve body.
Sealing the valve:
A plastic or wire seal is used to seal the valve in the open position. Closing the valve
breaks the seal and provides a visual indicator of tampering with the valve. Sealed
valves must be visually inspected at least weekly.
Locking the valve:
The valve may be locked in the open position using a combination of locks and
chains. Locked valves must be visually inspected at least monthly.
Electronic supervision:
The valve may be supervised using a valve supervisory initiating device that sends a
signal to the building fire alarm system if the valve is in other than the open position.
Electronically supervised valves must be visually inspected at least monthly.

Each control valve must be tested by completely closing the valve and then returning
it to its fully open position. After fully opening the valve it should be backed off one
quarter turn from the fully open position. This is to prevent the valve from jamming in
the open position making it difficult to operate. After the valve test is completed a
main drain test must be conducted.

The inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements
for all types of water based fire extinguishing systems
are found in NFPA 25, Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.
The document is developed and published by the
National Fire Protection Association.
Main Drain Test
A main drain test is conducted to determine if there are any major blockages in the water
supply for the sprinkler system. A main drain test must be conducted on each wet-pipe
sprinkler system at least annually. A main drain test must also be conducted each time the
system control valve is operated.

A main drain test is conducted as follows:

1. Close the alarm line valve

2. Fully open the main drain valve
3. Record the residual water pressure
4. Shut the main drain valve
5. Record the static water pressure
6. Open the alarm line valve
7. Analyze the results

major blockages:
A main drain test will provide an indication of a major blockage that approaches 80-
90 percent blockage of the supply piping. Smaller obstructions will not be revealed
through a main drain test.

Close the alarm line valve:

Conducting a main drain test without closing the alarm line valve will result in
actuation of the local alarms and the building fire alarm system. The alarm line valve
may remain open if all appropriate personnel and agencies have been notified of the

Fully open the main drain valve:

Check the location to which the main drain empties to make sure the water will not
cause any damage. Then fully open the main drain valve. Allow the water to flow until
the pressure stabilizes on the sprinkler system gauges.
Record the residual water pressure:
Use one of the gauges on the sprinkler riser to record the pressure with the main
drain valve fully open. It may take a few seconds for the pressure to stabilize after the
main drain is opened. The pressure recorded is the residual pressure. It is preferable
to use the gauge connected to the water supply side of the alarm check valve. This
gauge is reading the water pressure below the clapper of the valve.

Shut the main drain valve:

After reading and recording the residual pressure, close the main drain valve. When
the valve is fully closed the water pressure registered on the sprinkler riser gauge,
should rise quickly. A gauge that very slowly rises could be an indication of an
obstruction in the water supply line, or in the small diameter piping supplying the
pressure gauge.

Record the static water pressure:

Allow the water pressure in the system to stabilize after closing the main drain. Using
the same pressure gauge used to read the residual pressure, record the static water
pressure, or the pressure with no water flowing.

Open the alarm line valve:

If the alarm line valve was closed before the test, reopen the valve. Failure to reopen
the alarm line valve impairs the waterflow alarm and prevent actuation of both the
local water flow alarms and the building fire alarm system if the sprinkler system

Analyze the results:

Subtract the residual pressure (flowing pressure) from the static pressure (nonflowing
pressure). The difference between these two pressures represents the fiction loss or
pressure loss in the system with the main drain fully open. This difference should be
compared to previous and subsequent main drain tests and should remain relatively
constant. If future tests show a marked increase in the difference between the static
and residual pressures, it could indicate a significant problem in the water supply
piping to the sprinkler system.
Water Flow Alarm Test
All waterflow alarms must be tested at least quarterly. For a wet-pipe sprinkler system the
waterflow alarm is tested by opening the test connection and flowing water equal to the
amount discharged by a single sprinkler head of the smallest orifice in the system. This
should actuate both the local waterflow alarms (electric bell and/or water motor alarm) and the
building fire alarm system.

test connection:
The test connection may be located at the most remote point in the system or at
some point closer to the sprinkler riser. For systems that serve multiple floors in a
building, the waterflow alarm is often combined into one piping assembly along with
the main drain for the floor. The photo shows such an arrangement.
Other Required Inspections / Tests

Other inspections and tests must be conducted on various wet-pipe sprinkler system
components. These include, but are not limited to:

Bakflow Prevention Assemblies

Fire Department Connections
Check Valves
Sprinkler Heads
Pipe and Fittings

Backflow Prevention Assemblies:

All backflow prevention assemblies must be inspected weekly to assure the isolation
valves are fully open, and that other valves are operating properly. A full flow test at
the rate of flow required for the fire protection systems, including hose streams, must
be conducted at least annually.
Fire Department Connections:
All fire department connections must be inspected at least quarterly. The inspection
is to assure that the fire department connection is:
Visible and accessible
Plugs or caps are in place
Gaskets are in place and in good condition
Identification signs are in place
Automatic drain valve is operating
Internal clappers operate properly

If the caps on the fire department connection are missing the interior of the
connection must be inspected for debris that could plug sprinkler piping. The clapper
inside the connection must also be checked to assure it operates over the full range
of motion.

Check Valves:
Check valves must be internally examined at least once every five years to assure
there are no internal obstructions. The inspection must verify that all internal
components move freely and operate properly. Any debris found inside the check
valve must be removed.
Sprinkler Heads:
Automatic sprinkler heads must be inspected yearly from floor level to determine if
there has been any damage to the head. The visual inspection is also intended to
identify any potential obstructions to sprinkler discharge. When sprinklers are 50
years old, a sample must be submitted to a testing laboratory to test for proper
operation. The testing must be repeated at 10 year intervals. Some special types of
sprinkler heads, such as quick response sprinklers, have more stringent testing

Pipe and Fittings:

All sprinkler system piping must be inspected from floor level annually. There should
be no visible leakage from the pipe or fittings. Piping should be properly aligned, and
there should be nothing hanging from the sprinkler piping. Pipe hangars and seismic
braces should be tight and undamaged.
Gauges on wet-pipe sprinkler systems must be inspected monthly to assure they are
in good condition. The calibration of each gauge must be checked at least once
every five years. Gauges not that are more than 3% out of calibration should be
repaired or replaced.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
NFPA 13 does not recognize which of the following methods of supervising a sprinkler
control valve?

A. sealing the valve

B. locking the valve
C. electronic supervision
D. weekly inspection

This is an acceptable method according to NFPA 13.

This is an acceptable method according to NFPA 13.

This is an acceptable method according to NFPA 13.

NFPA 13 does not recognize weekly inspection alone as an acceptable method of
supervising a sprinkler control valve.

The test that must be conducted on a wet-pipe sprinkler system after manipulation of
the sprinkler control valve is:

A. an alarm test.
B. a main drain test.
C. a hydrostatic test.
D. a visual inspection.

An alarm test is not required after operating a sprinkler system control valve.

A main drain test must be conducted anytime a sprinkler control valve is operated.

A hydrostatic test is required only after new piping is installed.

A visual inspection is not required, but a main drain test is required.
Automatic sprinkler heads must be visually inspected at least:

A. monthly
B. yearly
C. At 5 year intervals.
D. every 50 years.

The requirements for visual inspection are less stringent than monthly.

All automatic sprinkler heads must be inspected from floor level on a yearly basis.

All automatic sprinkler heads must be visually inspected from floor level on a yearly

You must be thinking about the requirement to test a sample of sprinkler heads 50
years after installation.
A wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system uses closed automatic sprinkler heads fed by a piping
system containing water under system pressure at all times. Depending on local climatic
conditions, about 85-90% of all the sprinkler systems installed are wet-pipe systems.

The advantages offered by wet-pipe sprinkler systems, include:

Simple design and operation

Low installation costs
Low life cycle costs

The limitations of wet-pipe sprinkler systems include:

Require adequate heat

Must be designed for the hazard

The basic components of a wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system are:

Main System Control Valve

Alarm Check Valve
Fire Department Connection
Sprinkler Piping
Sprinkler Heads
Test Connection

The major components of an alarm check valve are:

Check Valve Clapper

Pilot Valve
Main Drain
Alarm By-Pass Valve
Retard Chamber
Pressure Switch
Water Motor Alarm

NFPA 13 requires the installation of at least one pressure gauge in the riser of each wet-pipe
sprinkler system. When an alarm check valve is installed, pressure gauges must be installed
above and below the check valve.

Gridded wet-pipe sprinkler systems must be provided with a relief valve or an auxiliary air
reservoir to prevent excessive pressure buildup.

An auxiliary dry-pipe, preaction, or deluge sprinkler system may supplied from a wet-pipe
sprinkler system.

Each sprinkler control valve must be visually inspected to assure it is fully open. The
frequency of the visual inspections depends on the method of supervising the valve.

Acceptable methods of valve supervision include:

Sealing the valve

Locking the valve
Electronic supervision
Each sprinkler control valve must be tested and maintained on at least an annual basis.

A main drain test is conducted to determine if there are any major blockages in the water
supply for the sprinkler system. A main drain test must be conducted on each wet-pipe
sprinkler system at least annually and each time the system control valve is operated.

All sprinkler waterflow alarms must be tested at least quarterly.

1. Which of the following automatic sprinkler systems has water in the
piping at all times?




2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a wet-pipe sprinkler

simple design and installation

has low installation costs

has a supplemental detection system

has low life cycle costs

3. The sprinkler system component used by the fire department to

increase the system pressure available during a fire is the:
alarm check valve

fire department connection

pilot valve

test connection
4. The wet-pipe sprinkler system component designed to actuate a local
electric bell or the building fire alarm system when the sprinkler system
is actuated is the:
water motor alarm

pressure switch

alarm by-pass line

pilot valve

5. The alarm check valve component designed to allow the water

pressure from a "slow" surge to equalize on both sides of the check
valve clapper without causing an unwanted alarm is the:
check valve clapper

main drain

pressure switch

pilot valve

6. The document that details the inspection, testing, and maintenance

requirements for wet-pipe automatic sprinkler systems is:



7. A locked sprinkler control valve with no other form of supervision
must be visually inspected at least:




8. A sprinkler system control valve must be fully closed and then

reopened at least:




9. Which of the following tests is required after opening the system

control valve for a wet-pipe sprinkler system?
main drain test

waterflow alarm test

hydrostatic test

inspector's test
10. A sprinkler waterflow alarm on a wet-pipe sprinkler system must be
tested at least:



Dry-Pipe Systems

This course addresses the application, operation,

and inspection, testing and maintenance of dry-
pipe automatic sprinkler systems.

After introducing a new

product, the Universal
Manufacturing Corporation
of Union City, Iowa, found
itself in need of additional
warehousing space. An idle
trucking terminal adjacent to
the main manufacturing
facility was purchased to
provide the needed space.
The company's property
insurance carrier required
that the building be
equipped with automatic
sprinkler protection before it
could be covered under a
blanket insurance policy.
Because the building was
not insulated and had a
marginal heating plant, there
was concern that the water
in the sprinkler piping would freeze. The solution was to install dry-pipe sprinkler protection.

The loading dock at a regional medical center often contains pallets of combustible supplies
staged for distribution within the hospital. The loading dock is also home to the facility trash
compactor. Automatic sprinkler protection was required on the loading dock because it was
located beneath other hospital support areas. Freezing temperatures in the winter required
the use of dry-pipe sprinkler protection.
The cost of heating the
public warehouse proved to
be a competitive
disadvantage to the owner of
the building. The building,
built in 1950, was poorly
insulated and the heating
plant was old and inefficient.
Without heat the wet-pipe
sprinkler system would
freeze. Local building and
fire codes, as well as
insurance company
requirements, prohibited
removal of the automatic
sprinkler systems. The
solution was to convert the
wet-pipe sprinkler systems to
dry-pipe systems and
provide heat in only selected
areas of the building.
A dry-pipe automatic sprinkler system uses automatic
sprinkler heads fed by a piping system that contains
compressed air or nitrogen. The compressed gas
holds a dry-pipe valve closed, which holds back the
water from the water supply. The absence of water in the
piping allows the system to be used in areas subject to

compressed air or nitrogen:

Most dry-pipe sprinkler systems use compressed air in the sprinkler piping to hold the
dry-pipe valve closed. The compressed air is supplied from a shop air system or a
compressor installed specifically for the dry-pipe sprinkler system. In some cases
compressed nitrogen, from a piped source or from cylinders, is used. Nitrogen
provides a neutral atmosphere that can minimize internal corrosion of the piping.

The requirements for the design and installation of
automatic sprinkler systems are contained in NFPA 13,
Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Most local building
codes and fire codes reference NFPA 13 when
automatic sprinkler systems must be installed. The
document is developed and published by the National
Fire Protection Association.
A dry-pipe sprinkler system has
only one advantage over wet-pipe
sprinkler systems. The system
can be installed in areas that are
subject to freezing such as
unheated warehouses, attics,
loading docks, and similar areas.
Once the system actuates and the
piping fills with water, the
operation of the system is the
same as a wet-pipe sprinkler
system. Water is discharged from
only those sprinklers that have
been fused by the fire.

wet-pipe sprinkler systems:

A wet-pipe sprinkler system has water in the piping at all times. All piping must be
located in an area where the temperature never drops below freezing.

Dry-pipe sprinkler systems should not be used except in those areas where wet-pipe
automatic sprinkler systems would be subjected to freezing temperatures. In most cases the
disadvantages of dry-pipe systems far out weigh the advantages.

Although they meet the needs of special applications, dry-pipe sprinkler systems have some
very specific disadvantages.

These include:

Dry-pipe valve requires adequate heat

More complex than wet-pipe systems
Slower operation
Higher installation costs
Higher life cycle costs
Must be designed for the hazard
Dry-pipe valve requires adequate heat:
Even though the piping in a dry-pipe sprinkler system does not contain water, there is
water in the system up to the dry-pipe valve. To keep this water from freezing, the
dry-pipe valve must be located in an area that is heated. The dry-pipe valve is often
installed in a heated portion of the building, or in a heated dry-pipe valve closet or

More complex than wet-pipe systems:

A dry-pipe sprinkler system has more moving parts and more components that must
function properly for the dry-pipe system to operate. The greater the component
count, the more numerous the potential problems. Overall, the reliability of a dry-pipe
sprinkler system is less than a wet-pipe sprinkler system.

Slower operation:
When a sprinkler head on a dry-pipe system fuses, the compressed air or nitrogen
must be exhausted before water is admitted into the sprinkler piping. The water must
then fill the piping and flow to the point of the open sprinkler(s) in the system. All of
this takes time. In some cases as many as two or more minutes may pass between
the time a sprinkler head fuses and water reaches the fused head. During this time,
the fire continues to grow. Consequently, the size of fire that must be suppressed by
a dry-pipe sprinkler system can be expected to be larger than a fire in a similar
application with a wet-pipe sprinkler system.

Higher installation costs:

A dry-pipe valve is more complicated and more expensive than an alarm check valve
for a wet-pipe system. A dry-pipe system must also be provided with a reliable supply
of compressed air or nitrogen. These, among other required design features, make
the design and installation of a dry-pipe sprinkler system more expensive than a
comparable wet-pipe sprinkler system.

Higher life cycle costs:

A dry-pipe sprinkler system requires more inspection, testing, and maintenance than
a wet-pipe sprinkler system. This results in higher life cycle costs for a dry-pipe
sprinkler system.
Must be designed for the hazard:
All sprinkler systems, not just dry-pipe systems, must be specifically engineered to
match the hazards they are intended to protect. Initially, a sprinkler system may be
designed for a particular class of hazard. Over the life of the building, the hazard may
change. If the design of a sprinkler system does not keep pace with the changing
hazards, it may fail during a fire. This is a limitation of not just dry-pipe sprinkler
systems, but all types of sprinkler systems.
Dry-Pipe Operation
System Components

The diagram shows the basic components of a dry-pipe sprinkler system.

Main System Control Valve (A)
Fire Department Connection (B)
Dry-Pipe Valve (C)
Sprinkler Piping (D)
Sprinkler Heads (E)
Test Connection (F)

Main System Control Valve (A):

Every sprinkler system must have a main system control valve to isolate the system
from the fire protection water supply. Preferably, this valve is located outside as close
to the connection to the water supply as possible, so it minimizes the extent of any
impairments, and is accessible during a fire. In some cases the valve may be located
inside the building.
Fire Department Connection (C):
The fire department connection provides a means for the public fire department or
facility fire brigade to pump water into the system and increase the system pressure.
Increasing system pressure results in greater discharge from the operating sprinkler
heads. The threads on the fire department connection must match those of the public
fire department.

Dry-Pipe Valve:
A dry-pipe valve is provided in the system riser. The dry-pipe valve serves as a check
valve for the system, as well as being designed to maintain the compressed air or
nitrogen in the dry-pipe system piping. The dry-pipe valve is designed with trim piping
that permits the installation of alarm initiating devices.

Sprinkler Piping (D):

Water is distributed throughout the sprinkler system via a network of piping. The
sprinkler piping may be designated as a feed main (larger diameter piping feeding
multiple pipes), a cross main (piping that runs perpendicular to the feed mains), or a
branch lines (pipe feeding individual sprinkler heads). Sprinkler piping for a dry-pipe
sprinkler system must be pitched to assure that all water can be drained from the
Sprinkler Heads (E):
Water is discharged from individually actuated sprinkler heads. In a dry-pipe sprinkler
system all the sprinkler heads are closed or sealed. Each sprinkler head must be
heated to its operating temperature (typically between 135 F and 286 F) before it
fuses and discharges water. The actual temperature around a sprinkler head when it
fuses may be several hundred degrees. This is because it takes time for the sprinkler
head to "absorb" sufficient heat to raise the fusible element to its operating
temperature. Contrary to what is often depicted on television and in the movies,
sprinkler heads do not just "pop off" by themselves. There are some types of special
sprinkler heads that are permitted to be used in dry-pipe sprinkler systems.

Test Connection (F):

Opening the test connection on a dry-pipe sprinkler system initially discharges air
from an orifice that is the same size as the smallest orifice sprinkler in the system.
This simulates the operation of a single sprinkler head. As the air pressure in the
system drops to the trip point of the dry-pipe valve, the dry-pipe valve trips, fills the
piping with water, and actuates the alarms.
Dry-Pipe Valve Components

The diagram shows a typical dry-pipe valve. The valve is designed to act as an interface
between the compressed gas in the system and the water supply, as well as to provide a local
alarm signal when the system actuates. The major components of a dry-pipe valve are:

Dry-pipe valve clapper (A)

Priming Water (B)
Compressed Air or Nitrogen (C)
Main Drain (D)
Drip Valve (E)
Alarm Test Line (F)
Check Valve (G)
Pressure Switch (H)
Water Motor Alarm (I)
Priming Water Fill Chamber (J)
Air or Nitrogen Supply (K)

Dry-pipe valve clapper (A):

The dry-pipe valve clapper serves to separate the water in the system from the
compressed air or nitrogen used to fill the system piping. The clapper is equipped
with a rubber gasket on the underside. This rubber gasket forms a seal between the
system water supply and the compressed gas in the system. The clapper is also
equipped with a latch of some type that latches the clapper in the open position once
the dry-pipe valve trips.

Priming Water (B):

A small volume of water is maintained inside the dry-pipe valve on top of the clapper.
This "priming water" is used to form an air tight seal around the clapper. The water
also keeps the gasket on the bottom of the clapper moist and pliable.
Compressed Air or Nitrogen (C):
The dry-pipe system piping contains compressed air or nitrogen. Most systems use
compressed air, but some applications use nitrogen to provide a more chemically
neutral environment to minimize corrosion inside the piping. The compressed air
source must be reliable and capable of filling the system to normal pressure in less
than 30 minutes.

Main Drain (D):

The main drain line drains the water from the system when the dry-pipe valve is
tripped and the main control valve is closed. This drain is often referred to as the "2-
inch Drain" because the drain line piping is usually 2-inches in diameter. The main
drain is also used to conduct one of the routine tests performed on automatic
sprinkler systems.

Drip Valve (E):

The drip valve allows any water that leaks past the seal formed below the clapper to
be collected and drained out of the dry-pipe valve. An annular chamber beneath the
clapper is maintained at atmospheric pressure. This chamber, called the
"intermediate" chamber, permits the creation of a force differential between the top
and bottom sides of the clapper. This force differential allows a small amount of air or
nitrogen pressure to hold back a much higher water pressure.

Alarm Test Line (F):

The alarm by-pass valve is normally closed. It is used to test the waterflow alarms
without tripping the dry-pipe valve. Opening the alarm by-pass valve allows water to
flow around the dry-pipe valve to the pressure switch and water motor alarm. This is
the only method of testing the waterflow alarms without tripping the dry-pipe valve.

Check Valve (G):

The small check valve in the alarm line permits testing of the waterflow alarms
without pressurizing the intermediate chamber and tripping the dry-pipe valve. When
the alarm test valve (F) is opened, the check valve (G) prevents water from entering
the intermediate chamber.

Pressure Switch (H):

The pressure switch functions as the waterflow alarm to actuate a local electric bell
and/or the building fire alarm system. If the pressure switch will actuate the building
fire alarm system, any valves between the dry-pipe valve and the pressure switch
must be provided with a supervisory switch that provides a signal anytime the valve
is not fully open.
Water Motor Alarm (I):
The water motor alarm provides a means of initiating a local water flow alarm without
the need for any outside power sources. When the dry-pipe valve trips, water flows
out the alarm line to the water motor alarm. Inside the water motor alarm there is a
small water powered turbine which turns a "clapper" to ring a bell on the outside of
the building.

Priming Water Fill Chamber (J):

The priming water fill chamber is used to assure the dry-pipe valve has the proper
level of priming water. Excess priming water can be drained out through the bottom
valve below the priming water chamber. If the priming water level is too low, the
middle valve on the priming water chamber is closed. The top valve is then opened
and the priming water chamber is filled with water. The top valve is closed, the
middle valve is opened, and the water in the priming water chamber flows into the
dry-pipe valve. The middle valve is then closed, and the bottom valve is opened to all
water to drain out until air begins to discharge. This means that the priming water is
at the appropriate level.

Air or Nitrogen Supply (K):

The supply of compressed air or nitrogen may come from several sources. When
compressed air is used in the dry-pipe system, it may be supplied from a compressor
dedicated to the dry-pipe valve, or from a shop air system. If compressed nitrogen is
used, it is usually supplied from cylinders of compressed nitrogen. Occasionally, the
nitrogen will be suppled by a shop nitrogen system when the facility has compressed
nitrogen piped throughout the building for process purposes.
What air pressure is needed?:
The air pressure required to maintain the dry-pipe valve closed is a fraction of the water
pressure pushing upward trying to open the valve. This is possible because the area on the
top side of the dry-pipe valve exposed to the air pressure is much larger than the area on the
underside of the clapper exposed to the water pressure. The areas are usually on a ratio of
about 5:1 or 6:1. This "force differential" allows a small amount of air pressure to hold back a
much higher water pressure.

In a dry-pipe valve with a 5:1 differential, 1 psi of air pressure can hold back 5 psi of water
pressure. If the maximum pressure of the incoming water supply is 100 psi, the dry-pipe valve
needs only 20 psi of air pressure to hold the valve closed. To prevent accidental tripping of
the dry-pipe valve due to water or air pressure fluctuations, a safety factor of 20 psi is added
to the air pressure in the system, so we would normally see an air pressure of 40 psi in a
system that has a maximum water pressure of 100 psi.

To find the appropriate system air pressure for any dry-pipe system follow these steps:

1. Check the manufacturer's documentation and follow the instructions provided. If the
documentation is not available, follow steps 2 through 4 below.

2. Determine the ratio of the dry-pipe valve. If this information is not available, carefully record
the water pressure on the system. Divide the water pressure by the air pressure when the
dry-pipe valve trips during a test. This will provide the water pressure to air pressure ratio of
the valve.

3. Divide the highest normal water pressure by the ratio. (i.e., if the highest water pressure is
125 psi and the dry-pipe valve ratio is 5:1, divide 125 psi by 5.) This yields the "trip" pressure
of the dry-pipe valve.

4. Add 20 psi to the trip pressure as a safety factor. The sum of the trip pressure and the
safety factor is the air pressure that should normally be carried in the system.
Dry-Pipe Valve Actuation

When a fire fuses a sprinkler head in a dry-pipe sprinkler system, the compressed air (or
nitrogen) in the piping is released. As the gas pressure in the piping drops, the water pressure
pushing up on the bottom of the dry-pipe valve clapper overcomes the force of the air
pressure and the valve opens, or "trips." This permits the piping to fill with water that
discharges from any fused sprinkler heads. Water also flows through the alarm line to the
pressure switch (H), actuating the building fire alarm system, and to the water motor alarm (I)
on the exterior of the building. Once the fire is extinguished, the water supply must be
shutoff, and the dry-pipe valve must be opened and manually reset.

fill with water:

Water does not immediately discharge from a dry-pipe valve. The incoming water
must push the air out of the system and fill the piping. The time to accomplish this
may range from a few seconds to a minute or more. This is precious time when a fire
is rapidly growing.
water supply must be shutoff:
Proper impairment handling procedures must be observed anytime a fire protection
system is shutdown.

The following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
An automatic sprinkler system that uses compressed air in the piping to hold a valve
shut preventing water from entering the system until a sprinkler head fuses is a:

A. wet-pipe system
B. dry-pipe system
C. deluge system
D. preaction system

In a wet-pipe system the piping is filled with water at all times.

A dry-pipe sprinkler system uses compressed air or nitrogen to hold a valve closed
until the compressed gas is released through a fused sprinkler head.

A deluge has all open sprinkler heads or spray nozzles. The air in the piping is at
atmospheric pressure.

Some preaction sprinkler systems use a very small amount of air pressure to monitor
the integrity of the sprinkler piping, but this air pressure is not used to hold the
preaction valve closed.

The only advantage of a dry-pipe sprinkler system that it:

A. discharges water on the fire more quickly.

B. can be installed in areas without heat or areas that are subject to freezing.
C. costs less than other types of sprinkler systems.
D. is easier to inspect, test, and maintain.

Dry-pipe systems actually delay discharge of water onto a fire because the air
pressure must be released before the system piping can fill with water.

This is the only reason to use a dry-pipe sprinkler system.

Dry-pipe sprinkler systems cost more to design and install than wet-pipe sprinkler

The inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for a dry-pipe system are
much more intensive than for a wet-pipe sprinkler system.
A dry-pipe valve is designed with a water to air pressure ratio of 5:1. If the maximum
water pressure experienced is 90 psi, what air pressure should be maintained in the
dry-pipe system?

A. 18 psi
B. 38 psi
C. 90 psi
D. 110 psi

Sorry, it looks like you divided the maximum water pressure by the ratio of 5 to get 18
psi. This is the trip pressure of the valve, but we need to add a safety factor to
prevent unwanted actuations.

The normal system air pressure is determined by dividing the maximum water (90
psi) pressure by the ratio of 5. This gives us a trip pressure of 18 psi. Adding a 20 psi
safety factor gives us a normal system pressure of 38 psi.

Keep in mind that a valve with a 5:1 ratio can hold back 5 psi of water pressure with 1
psi of air. A system air pressure of 90 psi could hold back 450 psi of water pressure.
Putting too much air pressure in the system increases the time required to release
the air when a sprinkler head fuses. This in turn, increases the time before the
system begins to apply water to a fire.

It looks like you added 20 psi to the maximum water pressure. You might want to go
back and review the section on "How much air pressure is needed?"
Dry-Pipe Operation

Dry-Pipe System Limitations

The built-in delay delivering water to the fire caused by the need to exhaust the compressed
air from the system before water can fill the piping provides more time for a fire to grow before
fire suppression begins. To limit this delay, the volume of a dry-pipe system may not exceed
750 gallons.

built-in delay:
In some large dry-pipe systems, the time between opening the end test connection
and delivery of a sustained flow of water at the end of the system may be as much a
2-minutes or more. Considering that a developing fire may double in size and
intensity each minute, the long delay is usually unacceptable.
To speed the operation of a dry-pipe system, a quick opening device may be used to
trip the dry-pipe valve more quickly.

750 gallons:
This 750 gallon limit may be exceeded if through the design of the system, or through
the use of quick opening devices, the system can deliver water to the end test
connection in the time required by NFPA 13. The maximum water delivery time is 60
seconds, but may be less for specific systems.
Dry-Pipe Quick Opening Devices
When a dry-pipe sprinkler system cannot deliver water to the end of the system within the
time required by NFPA 13, a quick opening device may be used to speed the operation of
the dry-pipe valve. Quick opening devices are called accelerators or exhausters depending
on where the air from the device is piped. Quick opening devices are required on all systems
where the volume exceeds 500 gallons unless the time to deliver water to the end of the
system meets the requirements of NFPA 13.

time frame required by NFPA 13:

NFPA 13 requires that water be delivered to the end of the system in the following
time frames:
An accelerator is a quick opening device designed to detect a small change in the
dry-pipe valve air pressure. A drop in system pressure of as little as 1 psi/min causes
the accelerator to trip. When this occurs, the accelerator takes air pressure from
above the dry-pipe valve clapper and releases it into the intermediate chamber below
the dry-pipe valve clapper. Pressurizing this space destroys the pressure differential
holding the dry-pipe valve closed. This results in the valve opening several seconds
sooner than if the air pressure in the system had to bleed down to the trip point
through an open sprinkler head.

An exhauster is a quick opening device designed to detect a small change in the dry-
pipe valve air pressure. A drop in system pressure of as little as 1 psi/min causes the
exhauster to trip. When this occurs, the exhauster discharges air to the atmosphere
through a large diameter orifice. This very quickly reduces the pressure in the system
and causes the dry-pipe valve to open more quickly than if the air pressure in the
system had to bleed down to the trip point through an open sprinkler head. When the
system fills with water the exhauster closes to prevent the discharge of water through
the exhauster.

While the use of a quick opening device (QOD), either an accelerator or an exhauster, can
speed the operation of a large dry-pipe system, there is a life cycle cost penalty. The addition
of a QOD adds significant inspection, testing, and maintenance costs. Small orifices inside
the QOD, combined with ideal conditions for rust and corrosion within a dry-pipe system,
result in a high rate of failure. Often when the device fails, it causes the dry-pipe valve to trip.
Disassembling the dry-pipe valve and the QOD to reset the devices takes time and labor. In
some cases, it may be more cost effective in the long run, to limit the size of any dry-pipe
sprinkler systems so that the installation of a QOD is not required.

Sprinklers in Dry-Pipe Systems

Not all types of automatic sprinkler heads can be

used in a dry-pipe sprinkler system because rust,
scale, and other debris can block some
sprinkler/piping arrangements. In general, only the
following types of automatic sprinkler heads may be
used in a dry-pipe system:

Upright sprinklers
Listed dry sprinklers
Pendent Sprinklers installed on return
Sidewall sprinklers installed on return
Upright sprinklers:
An upright sprinkler head is marked on the deflector as "Upright" or "SSU" for
standard spray upright. Upright sprinklers are generally used in dry-pipe sprinkler
systems because a pendent sprinkler head may become plugged or obstructed by
the rust, scale or other debris that commonly forms in the humid environment inside
dry-pipe sprinkler piping. The photo on this page shows a typical upright sprinkler

Listed dry sprinklers:

Dry sprinkler heads that are specifically listed for use in a dry-pipe sprinkler system
may be used. These heads have been investigated for the potential of plugging
because of rust, scale, and sediment in the dry-pipe system.

Pendent Sprinklers installed on return bends:

Pendent sprinkler heads are identified by the word "pendent" or the letters "SSP" for
standard spray pendent, on the sprinkler deflector. Because water is trapped in a
return bend, pendent sprinkler heads may be used on dry-pipe systems only where
the sprinklers, the return bend, and the branch line piping are located in an area
where the temperature does not fall below 40 F.
Sidewall sprinklers installed on return bends:
Sidewall sprinklers are designed to discharge all the water from the sprinkler outward
in one direction. Sidewall sprinkler heads may be used on dry-pipe systems only
where the sprinklers, the return bend, and the branch line piping are located in an
area where the temperature does not fall below 40 F, or where the sprinkler is
installed such that no water can be trapped in the sprinkler head or piping.

The following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

To limit the delay between fusing a sprinkler head and discharging water from a dry-
pipe sprinkler system, the system volume may not exceed:

A. 500 gallons
B. 750 gallons
C. 1000 gallons
D. 1250 gallons

This is the volume that triggers the need for a quick opening device, not a limit on
system volume.

This is the maximum permitted volume of a dry-pipe sprinkler system.

The maximum internal volume of a dry-pipe sprinkler system may not exceed 750
gallons, unless the required water delivery times can be met.

The maximum internal volume of a dry-pipe sprinkler system may not exceed 750
gallons, unless the required water delivery times can be met.
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, requires that a dry-pipe
sprinkler system be designed to deliver water to the end test connection in no more

A. 30 seconds
B. 40 seconds
C. 50 seconds
D. 60 seconds

This is too low.

This is the maximum time permitted for high piled storage areas, but not the
maximum for all occupancies.

This is the maximum time permitted for Ordinary Hazard (Group I) and Ordinary
Hazard (Group II) areas, but not the maximum overall time for all occupancies.

This is the maximum time permitted to deliver water to the test connection in a light
hazard occupancy. Other occupancies require faster delivery.

Which of the following types of automatic sprinkler heads are not permitted in a dry-
pipe sprinkler system?

A. standard upright sprinkler heads

B. listed dry sprinklers
C. pendent sprinklers installed on return bends
D. standard pendent sprinklers heads

Upright sprinklers are permitted in dry-pipe systems.

Listed dry sprinklers are permitted in dry-pipe sprinkler systems.

Pendent sprinklers may be used only where they are installed on return bends.

Pendent sprinkler heads are permitted only when they are installed on a return bend.
Inspection & Testing

Control Valve Inspection & Test

Sprinkler systems must be inspected and tested on a regular basis. At a minimum, each
sprinkler control valve must be visually inspected to assure it is fully open. The frequency of
the visual inspections depends on the method of supervising the valve. Acceptable methods
of supervision include:

Sealing the valve

Locking the valve
Electronic supervision

In addition to the required visual inspections, each sprinkler control valve must be tested on
at least an annual basis. Annual maintenance is also required for each sprinkler control

visually inspected:
A visual inspection is a visual examination of the valve to verify that it appears to be
in proper operational condition. A visual inspection provides an indication of whether
the valve is fully open, whether there is damage to the valve, and detects any other
problems which may interfere with the operation of the valve. A visual inspection can
determine whether an indicating valve is open or closed.
Sealing the valve:
A plastic or wire seal is used to seal the valve in the open position. Closing the valve
breaks the seal and provides a visual indicator of tampering with the valve. Sealed
valves must be visually inspected at least weekly.
Locking the valve:
The valve may be locked in the open position using a combination of locks and
chains. Locked valves must be visually inspected at least monthly.
Electronic supervision:
The valve may be supervised using a valve supervisory initiating device that sends a
supervisory signal to the building fire alarm system if the valve is in other than the
open position. Electronically supervised valves must be visually inspected at least

Each control valve must be tested by completely closing the valve and then returning
it to its fully open position. After fully opening the valve it should be backed off one
quarter turn from the fully open position. This is to prevent the valve from jamming in
the open position making it difficult to operate. After the valve test is completed a
main drain test must be conducted.
The stem of outside screw & yoke (OS&Y) valves must be lubricated at least
annually. Each valve must be fully closed and then reopened at least once each

The inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for
all types of water based fire extinguishing systems are
found in NFPA 25, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of
Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. The document is
developed and published by the National Fire Protection

Dry-Pipe Valve Trip Tests

Each dry-pipe valve must be trip tested

annually, and full flow trip tested every
three years. Each of these tests require
the dry-pipe valve to be opened and
manually reset. Quick opening devices,
both accelerators and exhausters, must
be tested quarterly.
trip tested:
A trip test is conducted by partially closing the sprinkler control valve and releasing
air from the dry-pipe system until the dry-pipe valve trips. As soon as the valve trips
the sprinkler control valve is quickly closed to prevent the system piping from
completely filling with water. The air and water pressure are recorded before the test.
The air pressure at which the valve trips is also recorded. This test should be
conducted in the spring to allow sufficient time for the water and condensation in the
system to drain before the onset of cold weather. After the test, the faceplate must be
removed from the valve, the clapper manually reset, and the faceplate reinstalled.
Priming water is added and the system is recharged with air (or nitrogen). When it is
determined that the system will hold the compressed air, the main sprinkler control
valve is slowly reopened restoring the system to a ready state.

full flow trip tested:

Each dry-pipe sprinkler system must undergo a full flow trip test once every three
years. This test is conducted by recording the air and water pressure and then
opening the end test connection. This allows the compressed gas in the piping to
escape. The time for the dry-pipe valve to trip, the time for a sustained flow of water
to reach the test connection, and the pressure at which the valve trips must be
recorded. Following the test, the water supply is shut off, the main drain is opened,
and the valve is opened so it can be manually reset as described under "trip test."

tested quarterly:
When quick opening devices are tested independently of the dry-pipe valve, follow
the instructions provided by the device manufacturer. In general, the following
procedure is used to test a quick opening device:

1. The main system control valve is closed to prevent accidental tripping of the
dry-pipe valve. Proper impairment handling procedures must be followed
anytime a fire protection system is shut down.
2. Open the main drain on the dry-pipe valve and leave it open. This releases
any water pressure on the underside of the dry-pipe valve.
3. Be sure that the control valve on the quick opening device is open.
4. Open the end test connection. As soon as the air pressure in the system
begins to drop the quick opening device should trip. A brief discharge of air
from the quick opening device indicates the device has tripped.
5. Close the control valve on the quick opening device.
6. Reset the quick opening device in accordance with the instructions provided
by the manufacturer.
7. Restore the dry-pipe system and quick opening device to service.
Main Drain Test

A main drain test is conducted to determine if there are any major blockages in the water
supply for the sprinkler system. A main drain test must be conducted on each dry-pipe
sprinkler system at least annually. A main drain test must also be conducted each time the
system control valve is operated.

Conduct a main drain test as follows:

1. Fully open the main drain valve

2. Record the residual water pressure
3. Shut the main drain valve
4. Record the static water pressure
5. Analyze the results

major blockages:
A main drain test will provide an indication of a major blockage that approaches 80-
90 percent blockage of the supply piping. Smaller obstructions will not be revealed
through a main drain test.

Fully open the main drain valve:

Check the location to which the main drain empties to make sure the water will not
cause any damage. Always open the main drain valve very slowly. As you do,
observe the outlet of the intermediate chamber ball drip valve (E). Hold the drip valve
(E) open by pressing on its pluger. If you observe water beginning to flow out of the
ball drip valve, quickly close the main drain valve to prevent the dry pipe valve from
tripping. If no water discharges from the drip valve (G) slowly open the drain valve
completely. Allow the water to flow until the pressure stabilizes on the water pressure
Record the residual water pressure:
Record the water pressure with the main drain valve fully open. It may take a few
seconds for the pressure to stabilize after the main drain is opened. This is the
residual pressure.

Shut the main drain valve:

After reading and recording the residual pressure, slowly close the main drain valve.
When the valve is fully closed the water pressure registered on the sprinkler riser
gauge should rise quickly. A gauge that very slowly rises could be an indication of an
obstruction in the water supply line, or in the small diameter piping supplying the
pressure gauge.

Record the static water pressure:

Allow the water pressure in the system to stabilize after closing the main drain. Using
the same pressure gauge used to read the residual pressure, record the static water
pressure, or the pressure with no water flowing.

Analyze the results:

Subtract the residual pressure (flowing pressure) from the static pressure (nonflowing
pressure). The difference between these two pressures represents the fiction loss or
pressure loss in the system with the main drain fully open. This difference should be
compared to previous and subsequent main drain tests and should remain relatively
constant. If future tests show a marked increase in the difference between the static
and residual pressures, it could indicate a significant problem in the water supply
piping to the sprinkler system.

In a perfect world, a main drain test on a dry-pipe sprinkler system will not cause the valve to
trip. However, few dry-pipe valves are in perfect condition. Rust, scale, and other
accumulations inside the dry-pipe valve, water supply, and trim piping, can cause problems.
Make certain you always open the main drain valve very slowly and observe the discharge
from the intermediate chamber ball drip valve. If water begins to flow, this means that the
clapper has started to lift. You should close the main drain valve immediately to prevent the
dry pipe valve from tripping.
Waterflow Alarm Test

All waterflow alarms must be tested at

least quarterly. For a dry-pipe sprinkler
system, the waterflow alarm is tested by
opening the alarm bypass line and
allowing water to flow to the pressure
switch and the water motor alarm. This
should actuate both the local waterflow
alarms (electric bell and/or water motor
alarm) and the building fire alarm

opening the alarm bypass line:

During the required trip test of a dry-pipe valve the waterflow alarms can be tested by opening the end
test connection. This simulates the operation of a single sprinkler head and allows air to bleed out of the
system and trip the dry-pipe valve. When the dry-pipe valve trips, water flows to the pressure switch and
water motor alarm. Of course, this method requires that the dry-pipe valve be disassembled and reset
after the test.

The alarm bypass line allows water to flow around the dry-pipe valve to the waterflow alarm without
tripping the dry-pipe valve.

When conducting an alarm test using the alarm test bypass valve on a dry-pipe sprinkler system, it is
good practice to first tap the check valve on the alarm line leading from the dry-pipe valve to the
pressure switch. If the check valve is being held open by rust or scale, this light tapping may allow the
valve to seat properly. The alarm test bypass valve should then be opened very slowly. At the same
time, hold the plunger in on the ball drip valve. If water begins to flow from the ball drip valve, it means
that water is flowing back through the alarm line check valve and is accumulating in the intermediate
chamber beneath the clapper valve. This can cause the valve to trip. Quickly close the alarm test
bypass valve and allow the water to drain from the ball drip valve. Again try to reseat the check valve in
the alarm line by tapping on it and repeat the procedure outlined above until you are able to open the
alarm test bypass valve without any water flowing from the ball drip valve. You may then fully open the
alarm test bypass valve to test the alarm.
Other Required Inspections/Tests

Other inspections and tests must be conducted on various dry-pipe sprinkler system
components. These include, but are not limited to:

Backflow Prevention Assemblies

Fire Department Connections
Check Valves
Sprinkler Heads
Pipe and Fittings

Backflow Prevention Assemblies:

All backflow prevention assemblies must be inspected weekly to assure the isolation
valves are fully open, and that other valves are operating properly. A full flow test at
the rate of flow required for the fire protection systems, including hose streams, must
be conducted at least annually.
Fire Department Connections:
All fire department connections must be inspected at least quarterly. The inspection
is to assure that the fire department connection is:
Visible and accessible
Plugs or caps are in place
Gaskets are in place and in good condition
Identification signs are in place
Automatic drain valve is operating
Internal clappers operate properly

If the caps on the fire department connection are missing the interior of the
connection must be inspected for debris that could plug sprinkler piping. The clapper
inside the connection must also be checked to assure it operates over the full range
of motion.

Check Valves:
Check valves must be internally examined at least once every five years to assure
there are no internal obstructions. The inspection must verify that all internal
components move freely and operate properly. Any debris found inside the check
valve must be removed.
Sprinkler Heads:
Automatic sprinkler heads must be inspected yearly from floor level to determine if
there has been any damage to the head. The visible inspection is also intended to
identify any potential obstructions to sprinkler discharge. When sprinklers are 50
years old a sample must be submitted to a testing laboratory to test for proper
operation. The testing must be repeated at 10 year intervals. Some special types of
sprinkler heads, such as quick response sprinklers, have more stringent testing

Pipe and Fittings:

All sprinkler system piping must be inspected from floor level annually. There should
be no visible leakage from the pipe or fittings. Piping should be properly aligned, and
there should be nothing hanging from the sprinkler piping. Pipe hangars and seismic
braces should be tight and undamaged.
Gauges on dry-pipe sprinkler systems must be inspected monthly to assure they are
in good condition. The calibration of each gauge must be checked at least once
every five years. Gauges not that are more than 3% out of calibration should be
repaired or replaced.

The following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

A locked sprinkler control valve on a dry-pipe sprinkler system must be visually

inspected at least:

A. weekly
B. monthly
C. quarterly
D. annually

A weekly visual inspection would be good, but the standards permit a longer period
between visual inspections.

At a minimum, every locked sprinkler control valve must be inspected monthly to
assure it is not damaged and is in the open position.

The maximum visual inspection frequency for any type of sprinkler control valve is

The maximum visual inspection frequency for any type of sprinkler control valve is
A dry-pipe sprinkler valve must be full flow trip tested at least:

A. quarterly
B. annually
C. every 3 years
D. every 5 years

This is much more often than required.

Every dry-pipe valve must be trip tested annually, but a full flow trip test is required
only once every 3 years.

While a trip test is required every year, a full flow trip test is required only once every
3 years.

A full flow trip test is required at least once every 3 years.

A main drain test must be performed on a dry-pipe sprinkler system at least:

A. monthly
B. quarterly
C. semi-annually
D. annually

Although monthly drain tests are a good practice, current standards require only
annual tests.

Although quarterly drain tests are a good practice, current standards require only
annual tests.

Although semi-annual drain tests are a good practice, current standards require only
annual tests.

NFPA 25, requires that a main drain test be conducted on each sprinkler system at
least annually

A dry-pipe automatic sprinkler system uses closed automatic sprinkler heads fed by a piping
system containing compressed air or nitrogen to hold the dry-pipe valve closed until a fire
fuses a sprinkler head. When the compressed gas is released, the dry-pipe valve opens
allowing water into the sprinkler piping.

Depending on local climatic conditions, about 10-15% of all the sprinkler systems installed are
dry-pipe systems.

The disadvantages of dry-pipe sprinkler systems include:

Higher installation costs
Higher life cycle costs
Slower operation than a wet-pipe system

The major components of a dry-pipe valve are:

Dry-pipe valve clapper
Priming water
Compressed air or nitrogen
Main drain
Drip valve
Alarm test line
Check valve
Pressure switch
Water motor alarm
Priming water fill chamber
Air or nitrogen supply

When a fire fuses a sprinkler head, the compressed air or nitrogen in the piping is released.
This allows the dry-pipe valve to trip, filling the piping with water which discharges from any
open sprinkler heads.

Once a dry-pipe valve is tripped, it must be manually reset.

A dry-pipe valve must be trip tested every year, and full flow trip tested once every three

Quick opening devices must be tested quarterly.

Each sprinkler control valve must be visually inspected to assure it is fully open. The
frequency of the visual inspections depends on the method of supervising the valve.

Acceptable methods of valve supervision include:

Sealing the valve
Locking the valve
Electronic supervision

Each sprinkler control valve must be tested and maintained on at least an annual basis.

A main drain test is conducted to determine if there are any major blockages in the water
supply for the sprinkler system. A main drain test must be conducted on each wet-pipe
sprinkler system at least annually and each time the system control valve is operated.

All sprinkler waterflow alarms must be tested at least quarterly.

1. Which of the following sprinkler systems use compressed gas in the
piping to hold a valve closed until a sprinkler head fuses?




2. The dry-pipe sprinkler system component that allows the public fire
department to increase the pressure in the system by pumping water
into the system is the:
dry-pipe valve

shutoff valve

fire department connection

test connection

3. The component of a dry-pipe valve that allows water to drain from the
intermediate chamber is the:
drip valve

priming water valve

by-pass line valve

check valve
4. When a dry-pipe valve trips, the component designed to actuate and
sound the building fire alarm system is the:
alarm by-pass line

water motor alarm

pressure switch

ball drip valve

5. Unless a dry-pipe sprinkler system can deliver water to the end test
connection in 60 seconds or less, the volume of the system is limited to
a maximum of:
500 gals.

750 gals.

1000 gals.

1250 gals.

6. A quick opening device that dumps air pressure into the dry-pipe
valve intermediate chamber so the valve will trip faster is a(an):



pressure regulator
7. A sprinkler control valve provided with electronic supervision must be
visually inspected at least:




8. Quick opening devices are required on all dry-pipe sprinkler systems

that do not meet the water delivery times of NFPA 13 and exceed
________ gallons internal volume.




9. A dry-pipe sprinkler valve must be trip tested at least:



every 3 years

every 5 years
10. The most important result to be recorded during a main drain test on
an automatic sprinkler system is the:
Static water pressure

residual water pressure

system air pressure

difference between the static and residual water pressures

Deluge and Preaction Systems
This course addresses the application, operation, and inspection, testing and maintenance of
deluge and preaction automatic sprinkler systems.

The cooling tower was critical for operation of the

manufacturing process. Without the cooling
tower in full operation, the plant would have to
shut down. The manufacturing manager
mistakenly believed that because water
constantly cascades down through the wood fill
in the cooling tower, a fire could not occur. Then
a fire did occur inside the cooling tower of a
competitor while the tower was in operation. The
manufacturing manager investigated his own
cooling tower and found that even when to tower
operates, flowing water does not come into
contact with large areas of the wood fill. These
leaves those large areas completely dry. The dry
wood, coupled with high airflows, and the ignition
sources posed by the electric powered fans,
offer the ingredients for a disastrous fire. To
solve this problem, the manager decided to
install a deluge sprinkler system within the
cooling tower.
The electric utility company recognized that the two transformers in the switchyard were
critical to power distribution within the local area. Each transformer contained several hundred
gallons of combustible oil used as a dielectric fluid. An internal electrical fault could result in
an explosion with an ensuing oil fire. The utility company installed a heat detector-actuated,
deluge water spray system around the exterior of each transformer to limit the spread of a
fire, and to protect adjacent equipment.

The building was used for long-term storage of old medical records for a large health care
organization. Heating the building is enormously expensive. Automatic sprinklers were
needed to protect the records from a fire, but a wet-pipe sprinkler system requires the building
to be heated. The inherent delay in the operation of a dry-pipe sprinkler system would result
in an unacceptable level of damage. The solution was the installation of a preaction sprinkler

A deluge system uses open sprinkler heads connected to a piping system that is not charged
with water until a supplemental fire detection system actuates. When the system actuates,
water is discharged from all the open sprinkler heads simultaneously.

A preaction sprinkler is simply a deluge sprinkler system with closed sprinkler heads.
Actuation of a preaction sprinkler system fills the piping with water, but water is not
discharged until a fire fuses the individual sprinkler heads.

supplemental fire detection system:

Any type of fire detection system can actuate a deluge or preaction sprinkler system.
The type of detectors used should be based on the burning characteristics of the fuel,
the required speed of detection, the environmental conditions, and other factors.
Based on the nature of the hazards normally protected, most deluge systems are
actuated by some type of heat detection system. Most preaction systems are
actuated by some type of smoke detection system.

water is not discharged until a fire fuses the individual sprinkler heads:
A preaction sprinkler system is sometimes called a double-action sprinkler system
because it requires two different actions to discharge water from the system. First, a
fire must actuate the supplemental fire detection system, which, in turn, must open
the deluge (preaction) valve and fill the piping with water. Second, a fire must fuse an
automatic sprinkler head. Only then is water actually discharged from the system
onto the fire.
The requirements for the design and installation of
deluge and preaction sprinkler systems are found in
NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems. This
document is referenced by most state and local
building codes. The document is published by the
National Fire Protection Association.

Deluge System Applications

Deluge sprinkler systems are used where very fast developing fires are expected. The most
common application is for areas storing, using, or processing flammable or combustible
liquids. Like any other fire protection system, a deluge system has both advantages and
The advantages of a deluge system include:

Rapid operation: The fire detectors used to actuate a deluge system are
often more sensitive than a typical sprinkler head. Additionally, when the
system actuates, water is discharged from all the open sprinklers
simultaneously. There is no delay while each individual sprinkler head opens
from the heat of a fire.
Effective for High Hazard Areas: The rapid operation of a deluge sprinkler
system makes it a good choice for a high hazard area where a fire could
spread faster than normal automatic sprinkler heads could open.

The disadvantages of a deluge system include:

Complexity: A deluge sprinkler valve is more complex than an alarm check

valve typically found in a wet-pipe sprinkler system. Thus, there are more
things to go wrong.
Detection System: A deluge system requires the installation of a fire
detection system to actuate the deluge valve. This increases the cost and
complexity of the system.
Life Cycle Costs: The increased complexity results in higher life cycle costs.
A deluge system requires more inspections, maintenance, and testing than a
simple wet-pipe sprinkler system. In addition to the deluge valve and
associated devices, the fire detection system must be inspected, tested, and
Water Damage: Because all the sprinklers in a deluge system are open,
everything in the area protected by the deluge system gets wet when the
system actuates. Accidental operation, or operation from a small fire, can
cause significant damage.
Requires Heat: The deluge valve has water up to the underside of the
clapper, so the deluge valve and associated trim piping must be located in a
heated area. The valve is usually installed inside a heated building or in a
heated enclosure.

Water Spray Systems

Not all systems that use a deluge sprinkler valve are deluge systems. In
some cases, special water spray nozzles are used in place of open
sprinkler heads. These water spray nozzles are designed to provide a
specific pattern of water spray over a given area or surface. Systems
that use water spray nozzles are called "Water Spray Systems" instead
of deluge systems, although the function and operation of the systems
are the same.
Preaction System Applications

Preaction sprinkler systems are used where there is a concern of accidental sprinkler
discharge that could cause significant damage. The most common application is in freezers
where the preaction system is used in combination with a dry-pipe valve to limit the
potential of accidental trips that cause water to quickly freeze in the piping. Like any other fire
protection system, a preaction system has both advantages and disadvantages.

significant damage:
The use of preaction sprinkler systems in computer rooms and similar occupancies is
often based on the misplaced fear that an automatic sprinkler head will just "pop off"
and wet the computer equipment. Statistically, the occasion for premature operation
of a sprinkler head is one in several milllion. So, in most cases, the initial design
costs and the ongoing life-cycle costs of a preaction sprinkler system are not justified
for these applications.

used in combination with a dry-pipe valve:

A combination dry-pipe preaction sprinkler system uses a dry-pipe valve installed
above a preaction (deluge) valve. This creates a multi-action sprinkler system. For
water to discharge from the system the following actions must occur:

1. A fire must actuate a fire detector for the preaction sprinkler system. This
releases the deluge valve controlling the preaction sprinkler system and
allows water up the underside of the dry-pipe valve.
2. A fire must then fuse an automatic sprinkler head. This released the
compressed air or nitrogen from the dry-pipe system.
3. When the compressed gas is exhausted from the system, the dry-pipe valve
opens and water floods the system piping. Only now is water discharged from
any fused sprinkler heads.

The primary advantages of a preaction sprinkler system include:

It provides some measure of protection against accidental sprinkler

It can be provided in areas subject to freezing without the inherent delay of a
dry-pipe system

The disadvantages of a preaction sprinkler system include:

It requires a supplemental fire detection system to actuate the system.

It costs more to install and maintain than a wet-pipe sprinkler system.
It is more complex, and therefore, less reliable than an ordinary wet-pipe
sprinkler system.
Deluge Operation
System Components

The diagram shows the basic components of a deluge sprinkler system.

System Shutoff Valve (A)

Main Drain (B)
Deluge Valve (C)
Pressure Switch (D)
Water Motor Alarm (E)
Deluge System Piping (F)
Open Sprinkler Heads (G)
Fire Detectors (H)
Local Alarm (I)
Control Panel (J)
Bypass Line (K)

System Shutoff Valve (A):

Every sprinkler system must have a main system shutoff valve to isolate the system
from the fire protection water supply. Preferably, this valve is located outside the
building as close to the connection to the water supply as possible. For a deluge
system, the valve is often located directly below the deluge valve.

Main Drain (B):

The main drain is used to drain the system piping after the deluge valve has tripped
and the main water supply valve has been closed. The main drain is also used to
conduct one of the routine tests required for any type of automatic sprinkler system.

Deluge Valve (C):

A deluge valve is used in place of the alarm check valve found in a wet-pipe system
or the dry-pipe valve found in a dry-pipe system. The deluge valve serves as the
interface between the fire protection water supply and the system piping. A clapper
inside the deluge valve is mechanically latched in the closed position preventing
water from entering the system piping until the deluge valve actuates.

Pressure Switch (D):

The pressure switch is usually used to actuate the building fire alarm system, but
may be used to actuate a local bell or alarm when the deluge valve trips. When the
deluge valve trips, the clapper raises, and water travels through the piping leading to
the pressure switch.

Water Motor Alarm (E):

When the deluge valve trips, water travels through the alarm line to the pressure
switch and to a water motor alarm outside the building. A small water powered
turbine inside the water motor alarm spins a "clapper" or "striker" inside the gong
causing a local alarm to sound. This alarm functions even if there is no other power
source available. Not all systems are equipped with water motor alarms.

Deluge System Piping (F):

The system piping for a deluge system normally contains only air at atmospheric
pressure. The piping does not fill with water until the deluge valve trips.

Open Sprinkler Heads (G):

A deluge system uses all open sprinkler heads. When the system actuates, water is
discharged through all the sprinklers simultaneously.

Fire Detectors (H):

The deluge valve is actuated by a supplemental fire detection system. Most deluge
sprinkler systems use some type of heat detector to actuate the deluge valve. Any
fire detector suitable for the application may be used to actuate the deluge valve.
This includes smoke detectors, heat detectors, flame detectors, and dry- and wet-
pilot systems. Dry pilot systems use small diameter piping pressureized with
compressed air or nitrogen connected to strategically located sealed sprinkler heads.
Wet pilot systems use small diameter piping pressureized with water connected to
strategically located sealed sprinkler heads. In either case, heat from the fire will fuse
the sprinkler head which, in turn, releases the compressed gas or water and actuates
the deluge valve.

Local Alarm (I):

This local alarm may or may not be provided depending on whether a separate
control panel is provided. This local alarm may take the place of an electric bell
actuated by the pressure switch (D) or the water motor alarm.

Control Panel (J):

Most modern deluge systems use some type of control panel to receive signals from
the fire detection system and to send a signal to release the deluge valve. The
control panel is usually a fire alarm control panel listed specifically for releasing

Bypass Line (K):

The bypass line is used to provide water pressure from below the system shutoff
valve to the plunger chamber. This water pressure provides the force on the plunger
necessary to latch the deluge valve clapper closed. A restrictive orifice in the bypass
line limits the flow of water into the chamber so that it cannot be filled as quickly as
the water drains when the valve actuates.
Deluge Valve Components

The diagram shows a typical latched clapper deluge valve. The valve is designed to hold back
the water supply until the valve is opened by a supplemental fire detection system. The major
components of a deluge valve are:

Main Drain (A)

Deluge Valve Clapper (B)
System Piping (C)
Pressure Switch (D)
System Pressure Gauge (E)
Water Pressure Gauge (F)
Plunger and Latch (G)
Manual Release (H)
Solenoid Valve (I)
Drip Valve (J)
Bypass Line (K)
Waste Drain (L)

Main Drain (A):

The main drain is used to drain the system piping after the deluge valve has tripped
and the main water supply valve has been closed. The main drain is also used to
conduct one of the routine tests required for any type of automatic sprinkler system.

Deluge Valve Clapper (B):

The deluge valve clapper isolates the deluge system piping from the water supply.
The clapper is normally latched in the closed position. When the system is actuated,
the latch releases the clapper and water pressure lifts the clapper permitting water to
fill the deluge system piping. Water is then discharged from all the open sprinkler
heads in the system.

System Piping (C):

The system piping for a preaction system normally contains only air at atmospheric
pressure. The piping does not fill with water until the deluge valve trips.

Pressure Switch (D):

The pressure switch is usually used to actuate the building fire alarm system, but
may be used to actuate a local bell or alarm when the deluge (preaction) valve trips.
When the deluge valve trips, the clapper lifts, and water travels through the piping
leading to the pressure switch.

System Pressure Gauge (E):

This gauge shows the pressure in the preaction system piping. This gauge normally
reads zero as there is normally no water in the piping. Some preaction sprinkler
systems supervise the integrity of the piping by maintaining a small amount of air or
nitrogen pressure in the piping. A low pressure supervisory switch actuates if the
supervisory pressure is lost, indicating a loss of integrity of the piping system. When
the deluge valve trips, the gauge will register the water pressure flowing into the

Water Pressure Gauge (F):

This gauge shows the normal system water pressure. This gauge is used to check
the incoming water pressure during routine checks of the deluge valve. It is also used
to record the static and residual pressure during a main drain test.

Plunger and Latch (G):

The latch mechanically holds the deluge (preaction) valve clapper closed when the
valve is set. Force exerted on the plunger (1) holds the latch (2) in place to keep the
clapper (3) closed. Water pressure exerted on a diaphragm in the plunger chamber
exerts the force on the plunger.
Manual Release (H):
The manual release is a valve that can be opened to release the water pressure
exerting the force to hold the plunger and latch in place. Release of this water
pressure allows the incoming water supply to force open the deluge valve clapper,
allowing water to flood the system.

Solenoid Valve (I):

The solenoid valve is used to trip the deluge (preaction) system electrically. When an
automatic heat, smoke, or flame detector actuates, a signal is sent to open the
solenoid valve. This drains the water pressure away from the plunger and allows the
water supply to force the deluge clapper valve open.

Drip Valve (J):

The drip valve drains away any water that may leak past the deluge valve clapper
into the deluge (preaction) valve body.

Bypass Line (K):

The bypass line is used to provide water pressure from below the system shutoff
valve to the plunger chamber. This water pressure provides the force on the plunger
necessary to latch the deluge valve clapper closed. A restricted orifice in the bypass
line limits the flow of water into the chamber so that it cannot be filled as quickly as
the water drains when the valve actuates.

Waste Drain (L):

This drain cup is normally connected to the main drain piping. It is used to collect and
drain water from the drip valve and the drain from the plunger chamber.
Deluge Valve Actuation

When the fire detection system for a deluge sprinkler system actuates, the solenoid valve (I)
opens permitting the water pressure in the plunger chamber (G) to be released. With the
pressure released, the force on the latch holding the deluge valve clapper (B) closed is
released. Water pressure opens the deluge valve clapper filling the system piping with water
and discharging water from all the open sprinkler heads. Water also pressurizes the pressure
switch actuating any local alarms or the building fire alarm system. The system may also be
actuated manually by operating the manual release (H). This opens a valve that also drains
the water pressure from the plunger chamber (G). To reset the valve, the water supply must
be shutoff. The system must then be drained, the deluge valve opened, and the clapper
manually reset.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
The only significant difference between a deluge sprinkler system and a preaction
sprinkler system is:

A. the type of sprinkler valve used.

B. the type of fire detectors used to actuate the system.
C. the air pressure maintained in the system piping.
that deluge systems use all open sprinkler heads and preaction systems use all
D. closed sprinkler heads.

Sorry, both deluge and preaction sprinkler systems use the same type of valve.

Any type of fire detector may be used to actuate a deluge or preaction sprinkler
system. Either system should use the type of fire detector that is most appropriate for
the situation.

It is impossible to maintain air pressure in the piping of a deluge sprinkler system
because the system has open sprinkler heads. Some preaction systems maintain a
very small amount of air or nitrogen pressure in the piping to monitor the integrity of
the piping, but this supervisory pressure does not affect the operation of the system.

This is the only substantial difference between deluge and preaction sprinkler

The clapper in a deluge sprinkler valve is held closed by:

A. a mechanical latch held in place by water pressure.

B. an electric solenoid valve.
C. a by-pass line around the deluge valve.
D. air pressure in the deluge valve intermediate chamber.

Deluge sprinkler valves are mechanically latched closed.

An electric solenoid valve is often used to release the pressure on a mechanical
latch, but the solenoid is not used to actually hold the deluge valve closed.

A by-pass line is used to supply water pressure to a mechanical latch, but the by-
pass does not actually hold the clapper in the valve closed.

A deluge valve does not have an intermediate chamber. An intermediate chamber is
a feature found in dry-pipe sprinkler valves.
The best type of fire detector to actuate a deluge sprinkler system is:

A. a smoke detector.
B. a heat detector.
C. a flame detector.
D. any type of fire detector.

Smoke detectors may be used, but the best type of detector depends on the type of
fire expected, and the particular application.

Heat detectors may be used, but the best type of detector depends on the type of fire
expected, and the particular application.

Flame detectors may be used, but the best type of detector depends on the type of
fire expected, and the particular application.

The best type of detector depends on the type of fire expected, and the particular
application. There is no single type of detector that is best. It depends on the
application specific conditions.
Preaction Operation
System Components

The diagram shows the basic components of a preaction sprinkler system.

System Shutoff Valve (A)

Main Drain (B)
Deluge Valve (C)
Pressure Switch (D)
Water Motor Alarm (E)
Preaction System Piping (F)
Closed Sprinkler Heads (G)
Fire Detectors (H)
Local Alarm (I)
Control Panel (J)
Bypass Line (K)

System Shutoff Valve (A):

Every sprinkler system must have a main system shutoff valve to isolate the system
from the fire protection water supply. Preferably, this valve is located outside the
building as close to the connection to the water supply as possible. For a preaction
system, the valve is often located directly below the deluge (preaction) valve.

Main Drain (B):

The main drain is used to drain the system piping after the deluge (preaction) valve
has tripped and the main water supply valve has been closed. The main drain is also
used to conduct one of the routine tests required for any type of automatic sprinkler
Deluge Valve (C):
A deluge (preaction) valve is used in place of the alarm check valve found in a wet-
pipe system or the dry-pipe valve found in a dry-pipe system. The deluge (preaction)
valve serves as the interface between the fire protection water supply and the system
piping. A clapper inside the deluge valve is mechanically latched in the closed
position preventing water from entering the system piping until the deluge (preaction)
valve actuates.

Pressure Switch (D):

The pressure switch is usually used to actuate the building fire alarm system, but
may be used to actuate a local bell or alarm when the deluge (preaction) valve trips.
When the deluge (preaction) valve trips, the clapper lifts, and water travels through
the piping leading to the pressure switch.

Water Motor Alarm (E):

When the deluge (preaction) valve trips water travels through the alarm line to the
pressure switch and to a water motor alarm outside the building. A small water
powered turbine inside the water motor alarm spins a "clapper" or "striker" inside the
gong causing a local alarm to sound. This alarm functions even if there is no other
power source available. Not every system is equipped with a water motor alarm.

Preaction System Piping (F):

The system piping for a preaction system normally contains a very small amount of
air or nitrogen pressure to supervise the integrity of the piping. The piping does not fill
with water until the deluge (preaction) valve trips.

Closed Sprinkler Heads (G):

A preaction sprinkler system uses all closed or sealed sprinkler heads. Once the
preaction valve trips, the piping fills with water. However, water is not discharged
from the system until a fire fuses a sprinkler head.

Fire Detectors (H):

The preaction valve is actuated by a supplemental fire detection system. Any fire
detector suitable for the application may be used to actuate the deluge valve. This
includes smoke detectors, heat detectors, or flame detectors.

Local Alarm (I):

This local alarm may or may not be provided depending on whether a separate
control panel is provided. This local alarm may take the place of an electric bell
actuated by the pressure switch (D) or the water motor alarm.

Control Panel (J):

Most preaction systems use some type of control panel to receive signals from the
fire detection system and to send a signal to release the deluge (preaction) valve.
The control panel is usually a fire alarm control panel listed specifically for releasing

Bypass Line (K):

The bypass line is used to provide water pressure from below the system shutoff
valve to the plunger chamber. This water pressure provides the force on the plunger
necessary to latch the deluge (preaction) valve clapper closed. A restricted orifice in
the bypass line limits the flow of water into the chamber so that it cannot be filled as
quickly as the water drains when the valve actuates.
Preaction Valve Components

The diagram shows a typical latched clapper

deluge valve used in a preaction system. The
valve is designed to hold back the water
supply until the valve is opened by a
supplemental fire detection system. The
components of a deluge valve in a preaction
system are the same as found in a deluge
system. This includes:

Main Drain (A)

Deluge (Preaction) Valve Clapper
System Piping (C)
Pressure Switch (D)
System Pressure Gauge (E)
Water Pressure Gauge (F)
Plunger and Latch (G)
Manual Release (H)
Solenoid Valve (I)
Drip Valve (J)
Bypass Line (K)
Waste Drain (L)

Main Drain (A):

The main drain is used to drain the system piping after the deluge (preaction) valve
has tripped and the main water supply valve has been closed. The main drain is also
used to conduct one of the routine tests required for any type of automatic sprinkler

Deluge (Preaction) Valve Clapper (B):

The deluge (preaction) valve clapper isolates the preaction system piping from the
water supply. The clapper is normally latched in the closed position. When the
system is actuated, the latch releases the clapper and water pressure lifts the
clapper, permitting water to fill the system piping. Water is then discharged from all
the open sprinkler heads in the system.

System Piping (C):

The system piping does not fill with water until the deluge (preaction) valve trips.
Most preaction systems maintain a very small air or nitrogen pressure (1-3 psi) in the
piping as a method of supervising the integrity of the piping. If the piping is broken,
the supervisory pressure escapes and a low supervisory pressure switch actuates.

Pressure Switch (D):

The pressure switch is usually used to actuate the building fire alarm system, but
may be used to actuate a local bell or alarm when the deluge (preaction) valve trips.
When the deluge (preaction) valve trips, the clapper raises, and water travels through
the piping leading to the pressure switch.
System Pressure Gauge (E):
This gauge shows the pressure in the deluge (preaction) system piping. This gauge
normally reads zero as there is normally no water in the piping, and the gauge
calibration may not permit it to accurately display the very small amount of
supervisory air or nitrogen pressure. When the deluge valve trips, the gauge register
the water pressure flowing into the piping.

Water Pressure Gauge (F):

This gauge shows the normal system water pressure. This gauge is used to check
the incoming water pressure during routine checks of the deluge (preaction) valve. It
is also used to record the static and residual pressure during a main drain test.

Plunger and Latch (G):

The latch mechanically holds the deluge (preaction) valve clapper closed when the
valve is set. Force exerted on the plunger holds the latch in place. Water pressure
exerted on a diaphragm provides the force on the plunger.

Manual Release (H):

The manual release is a valve that can be opened to release the water pressure
providing the force to hold the plunger and latch in place. Release of this water
pressure allows the incoming water supply to force open the deluge (preaciton) valve
clapper, allowing water to flood the system.

Solenoid Valve (I):

The solenoid valve is used to trip the deluge (preaction) valve electrically. When an
automatic heat, smoke, or flame detector actuates, a signal is sent to open the
solenoid valve. This drains the water pressure away from the plunger and allows the
water supply to force the clapper valve open.

Drip Valve (J):

The drip valve drains away any water that may leak past the deluge (preaction) valve
clapper into the deluge (preaction) valve body.

Bypass Line (K):

The bypass line is used to provide water pressure from below the system shutoff
valve to the plunger chamber. This water pressure provides the force on the plunger
necessary to latch the deluge (preaction) valve clapper closed. A restricted orifice in
the bypass line limits the flow of water into the chamber so that it cannot be filled as
quickly as the water drains when the valve actuates.

Waste Drain (L):

This drain cup is normally connected to the main drain piping. It is used to collect and
drain water from the drip valve and the drain from the plunger chamber.
Preaction Valve Actuation

When the fire detection system for a preaction sprinkler system actuates, the solenoid valve
(I) opens draining the pressure from the plunger chamber (G). System water pressure then
opens the deluge valve and the system piping fills with water. At this point, the system
functions the same as a wet-pipe sprinkler system. No water is discharged until the fire grows
to a size capable of fusing a sprinkler head. The system may also be actuated manually by
operating the manual release (H). Opening this valve also drains the water pressure from the
plunger chamber. The valve is reset by shutting off the water supply, draining the water
from the piping, opening the valve, and manually resetting the clapper.

deluge valve:
Remember, there is no such thing as a "preaction" valve. A preaction valve is simply
a deluge sprinkler valve installed in a system with all closed or sealed sprinkler
heads, and usually with a very small supervisory air or nitrogen pressure to monitor
the integrity of the piping.

shutting off the water supply:

Appropriate impairment handling procedures must be followed anytime a fire
protection system is shutdown. This include, but are not limited to:

Notifying the facility impairment coordinator.

Notifying the facility fire brigade and public fire department.
Notifying employees in the area affected by the impairment.
Eliminating potential ignition sources.
Providing temporary fire protection measures in the area affected by the
Providing a fire watch in the area as necessary.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
Water is discharged from a preaction sprinkler system only after:

A. a sprinkler head fuses.

B. actuation of a fire detector.
C. the compressed air in the piping is discharged.
D. actuation of a fire detector and fusing a sprinkler head.

This is one step in getting discharge from a preaction system, but not the only step.

This is one action required for discharge from a preaction system, but not the only

A preaction sprinkler system does not contain compressed air, other than some
systems which have a small amount of air or nitrogen pressure to monitor the
integrity of the sprinkler piping. However, this supervisory pressure does not affect
the operation of the system.

Both of these actions are required to discharge water from a preaction sprinkler

A preaction sprinkler system may be actuated:

A. manually
B. automatically
C. either manually or automatically
D. only by a sprinkler head

Preaction sprinkler systems can be actuated manually, but must also have automatic
fire detectors to actuate the system automatically.

Preaction sprinkler systems have a fire detection system to actuate the system
automatically, but they can also be actuated manually by operating a pull station or
opening a valve.

Preaction sprinkler systems have fire detectors to actuate the system automatically,
and manual pull stations or valves to actuate the systems manually.

Fusing a sprinkler head is required for any water to discharge from a preaction
sprinkler system, but the preaction (deluge) valve must be opened by a manual
actuator, or through the operation of an automatic fire detector.

The control panel for a preaction sprinkler system is usually:

A. located immediately adjacent to the preaction sprinkler valve.
B. a fire alarm control panel listed for releasing service.
C. manufactured by the same company as the preaction (deluge) valve.
D. the same panel used for the building fire alarm system.

The control panel may be mounted in nearby any location.

Most modern preaction or deluge valve control panels are fire alarm control panels
that are designed for and specifically listed for release of fire suppression systems.

The control panel and the preaction (deluge) valve may be from the same
manufacturer, but this is not necessarily the case. The control panel may be any fire
alarm control panel that is specifically listed for releasing service.

While this arrangement is permitted, many control panels for preaction sprinkler
systems serve only the preaction system.
Inspection and Testing
Control Valve Inspection and Testing

Sprinkler systems must be inspected and tested on a regular

basis. At a minimum, each sprinkler control valve must be
visually inspected to assure it is fully open. The frequency
of the visual inspections depends on the method of
supervising the valve. Acceptable methods of supervision

Sealing the valve

Locking the valve

Electronic supervision

In addition to the required visual inspections, each sprinkler

control valve must be tested on at least an annual basis.
Annual maintenance is also required for each sprinkler
control valve.

visually inspected:
A visual inspection is a visual examination of the valve to verify that it appears to be
in proper operational condition. A visual inspection provides an indication of whether
the valve is fully open, whether there is damage to the valve, and detects any other
problems which may interfere with the operation of the valve. A visual inspection can
determine whether an indicating valve is open or closed. For example, a visual
inspection of the OS&Y (outside screw & yoke) valve in the photo shows that valve to
be open, because the stem is fully extended above the valve body.
Sealing the valve:
A plastic or wire seal is used to seal the valve in the open position. Closing the valve
breaks the seal and provides a visual indicator of tampering with the valve. Sealed
valves must be visually inspected at least weekly.
Locking the valve:
The valve may be locked in the open position using a combination of locks and
chains. Locked valves must be visually inspected at least monthly.
Electronic supervision:
The valve may be supervised using a valve supervisory initiating device that sends a
signal to the building fire alarm system if the valve is in any position other than the
open position. Electronically supervised valves must be visually inspected at least

Each control valve must be tested by completely closing the valve and then returning
it to its fully open position. After fully opening the valve it should be backed off one
quarter turn from the fully open position. This is to prevent the valve from jamming in
the open position making it difficult to operate. After the valve test is completed a
main drain test must be conducted.
The stem of each outside screw & yoke (OS&Y) valve must be lubricated at least
annually. Each valve must be fully closed and then reopened at least once each

The inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for
all types of water based fire extinguishing systems are
found in NFPA 25, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of
Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. The document is
developed and published by the National Fire Protection
Deluge Valve Trip Tests

Each deluge valve (or preaction valve) must be full flow trip tested annually. This generally
requires that the deluge valve be disassembled and reset manually after the test. The
priming water level and any air pressure supervisory switches must be tested quarterly.

full flow trip tested:

Each deluge and preaction sprinkler system must undergo a full flow trip test at least
annually. This requires that the piping be filled with water, and in the case of a deluge
system, that water be discharged from the open sprinkler heads. If the discharge of
water is not possible because of operating conditions, a full flow test must be
conducted during any scheduled shutdown. The time between these tests is not to
exceed 3 years. Precautions must be taken to prevent damage that could result from
the tests.

priming water level:

Some deluge and preaction sprinkler systems have priming water similar to that for a
dry pipe valve. The priming water keeps the rubber gasket of the clapper moist and
flexible. Other deluge and preaction sprinkler systems may be "pre-primed" by filling
the piping, or a portion of the piping with water to reduce the time required to
discharge water when the system actuates. Such systems must obviously be located
where the piping is not subject to freezing temperatures. The level of the priming
water must be checked at least quarterly.

air pressure supervisory switches:

Some deluge sprinkler systems use a dry-pilot detection system to actuate the
deluge valve. The dry-pilot lines contain compressed air or nitrogen. Likewise, some
preaction sprinkler systems maintain a small amount of air or nitrogen pressure in the
piping as a method of supervising the integrity of the piping. Both of these systems
require the use of an air pressure supervisory switch to monitor this air pressure. Any
air pressure supervisory switches must be tested quarterly.
Main Drain Test

A main drain test is conducted to determine if there are

any major blockages in the water supply for the
sprinkler system. A main drain test must be conducted
on each deluge and preaction sprinkler system at least
annually. A main drain test must also be conducted
each time the system control valve is operated.

Conduct a main drain test as follows:

1. Fully open the main drain valve

2. Record the residual water pressure
3. Shut the main drain valve
4. Record the static water pressure
5. Analyze the results

major blockages:
A main drain test will provide an indication of a major blockage that approaches 80-
90 percent blockage of the supply piping. Smaller obstructions will not be revealed
through a main drain test.

Fully open the main drain valve:

Check the location to which the main drain empties to make sure the water will not
cause any damage. Allow the water to flow until the pressure stabilizes on the water
pressure gauge.

Record the residual water pressure:

Record the water pressure with the main drain valve fully open. It may take a few
seconds for the pressure to stabilize after the main drain is opened. This is the
residual pressure.

Shut the main drain valve:

After reading and recording the residual pressure, slowly close the main drain valve.
When the valve is fully closed the water pressure registered on the sprinkler riser
gauge, should rise quickly. A gauge that very slowly rises could be an indication of an
obstruction in the water supply line, or in the small diameter piping supplying the
pressure gauge.

Record the static water pressure:

Allow the water pressure in the system to stabilize after closing the main drain. Using
the same pressure gauge used to read the residual pressure, record the static water
pressure, or the pressure with no water flowing.
Analyze the results:
Subtract the residual pressure (flowing pressure) from the static pressure (nonflowing
pressure). The difference between these two pressures represents the fiction loss or
pressure loss in the system with the main drain fully open. This difference should be
compared to previous and subsequent main drain tests and should remain relatively
constant. If future tests show a marked increase in the difference between the static
and residual pressures, it could indicate a significant problem in the water supply
piping to the sprinkler system.

Waterflow Alarm Test

All waterflow alarms must be tested at least quarterly. For a deluge or preaction sprinkler
system, the waterflow alarm is tested by opening the alarm bypass line and allowing water
to flow to the pressure switch and the water motor alarm. This should actuate both the local
waterflow alarms (electric bell and/or water motor alarm) and the building fire alarm system.

opening the alarm bypass line:

During the required trip test of a deluge valve the waterflow alarms are tested when
the deluge, or preaction, valve trips. The waterflow alarm is tested at other times by
opening an alarm bypass line that puts water pressure directly into the pressure
switch used as a waterflow alarm.
Other Required Inspections/Tests

Other inspections and tests must be conducted on various dry-pipe sprinkler system
components. These include, but are not limited to:

Backflow Prevention Assemblies

Fire Department Connections
Check Valves
Sprinkler Heads
Pipe and Fittings

Backflow Prevention Assemblies:

All backflow prevention assemblies must be inspected weekly to assure the isolation
valves are fully open, and that other valves are operating properly. A full flow test at
the rate of flow required for the fire protection systems, including hose streams, must
be conducted at least annually.
Fire Department Connections:
All fire department connections must be inspected at least quarterly. The inspection
is to assure that the fire department connection is:

Visible and accessible

Plugs or caps are in place
Gaskets are in place and in good condition
Identification signs are in place
Automatic drain valve is operating
Internal clappers operate properly

If the caps on the fire department connection are missing the interior of the
connection must be inspected for debris that could plug sprinkler piping. The clapper
inside the connection must also be checked to assure it operates over the full range
of motion.

Check Valves:
Check valves must be internally examined at least once every five years to assure
there are no internal obstructions. The inspection must verify that all internal
components move freely and operate properly. Any debris found inside the check
valve must be removed.
Sprinkler Heads:
Automatic sprinkler heads must be inspected yearly from floor level to determine if
there has been any damage to the head. The visible inspection is also intended to
identify any potential obstructions to sprinkler discharge. When closed sprinkler
heads are 50 years old a sample must be submitted to a testing laboratory to test for
proper operation. The testing must be repeated at 10 year intervals. Some special
types of sprinkler heads, such as quick response sprinklers, have more stringent
testing requirements.

Pipe and Fittings:

All sprinkler system piping must be inspected from floor level annually. There should
be no visible leakage from the pipe or fittings. Piping should be properly aligned, and
there should be nothing hanging from the sprinkler piping. Pipe hangars and seismic
braces should be tight and undamaged.
Gauges on sprinkler systems must be inspected monthly to assure they are in good
condition. The calibration of each gauge must be checked at least once every five
years. Gauges more than 3% out of calibration should be repaired or replaced.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

The sprinkler control valve on a deluge sprinkler system must be tested at least:

A. monthly.
B. quarterly.
C. semi-annually.
D. annually.

While monthly tests may be warranted in some cases, the minimum testing
frequency required by NFPA 25 is annual.

While quarterly tests may be warranted in some cases, the minimum testing
frequency required by NFPA 25 is annual.

While semi-annual tests may be warranted in some cases, the minimum testing
frequency required by NFPA 25 is annual.

This is the minimum testing frequency required by NFPA 25, although in some
situations more frequent testing may be warranted.
Each preaction sprinkler system must undergo a full flow trip test at least:

A. quarterly.
B. annually.
C. every 3 years.
D. every 5 years.

While quarterly testing may be warranted in some cases, the minimum testing
frequency required by NFPA 25 is annual.

This is the minimum frequency for a fullflow trip test required by NFPA 25, although
the standard does permit the test frequency to be extended to a maximum of three
years where conditions do not permit annual testing.

NFPA 25 specifies more frequent testing than once every 3 years.

NFPA 25 specifies more frequent testing than once every 5 years.

The routine test used to look for the presence of a major obstruction in the water
supply for a deluge or preaction sprinkler system is the:

A. waterflow alarm test.

B. hydraulic gradient test.
C. backflow preventer inspection.
D. main drain test.

A test of the waterflow alarm does not flow a sufficient volume of water to detect a
problem with the water supply for a deluge or preaction sprinkler system.

Although this test could detect the presence of an obstruction in the water supply, it is
not a routine test performed on a deluge or preaction sprinkler system.

Although an internal inspection of a backflow prevention assembly would reveal any
obstructions in the backflow preventer, it would not show obstructions that may be in
other parts of the system.

The main drain test, conducted at least annually and every time the system control
valve is operated, will provide an indication of major water supply obstructions.
Deluge Sprinkler System

The major components of a deluge sprinkler system include:

System Shutoff Valve

Main Drain
Deluge Valve
Pressure Switch
Water Motor Alarm
Deluge System Piping
Open Sprinkler Heads
Fire Detectors
Local Alarm
Control Panel
Bypass Line

When the fire detection system for a deluge sprinkler system actuates, the solenoid valve
opens permitting the water pressure in the plunger chamber to be released. With the pressure
released, the force on the latch holding the deluge valve clapper closed is released. Water
pressure opens the deluge valve clapper filling the system piping with water and discharging
water from all the open sprinkler heads. Water also pressurizes the pressure switch actuating
any local alarms or the building fire alarm system. The system may also be actuated manually
by operating the manual release. This opens a valve that also drains the water pressure from
the plunger chamber. To reset the valve, the water supply must be shutoff. The system must
then be drained, the deluge valve opened, and the clapper manually reset.

Preaction Sprinkler System

The components of a preaction sprinkler system are the same as for a deluge sprinkler

When the fire detection system for a preaction sprinkler system actuates, the solenoid valve
opens draining the pressure from the plunger chamber . System water pressure then opens
the deluge valve and the system piping fills with water. At this point, the system functions the
same as a wet-pipe sprinkler system. No water is discharged until the fire grows to a size
capable of fusing a sprinkler head. The system may also be actuated manually by operating
the manual release. Opening this valve also drains the water pressure from the plunger
chamber. The valve is reset by shutting off the water supply, draining the water from the
piping, opening the valve, and manually resetting the clapper.

Inspection and Testing

At a minimum, each sprinkler control valve must be visually inspected to assure it is fully
open. The frequency of the visual inspections depends on the method of supervising the
valve. Acceptable methods of supervision include:

Sealing the valve

Locking the valve
Electronic supervision

In addition to the required visual inspections, each sprinkler control valve must be tested on at
least an annual basis. Annual maintenance is also required for each sprinkler control valve.

Each deluge valve (or preaction valve) must be full flow trip tested annually.
A main drain test must be conducted on each deluge and preaction sprinkler system at least
annually. A main drain test must also be conducted each time the system control valve is

All waterflow alarms must be tested at least quarterly. For a deluge or preaction sprinkler
system, the waterflow alarm is tested by opening the alarm bypass line and allowing water to
flow to the pressure switch and the water motor alarm.
1. A preaction sprinkler system uses:
open sprinkler heads.

closed sprinkler heads.

water spray nozzles.

open sprinklers and water spray nozzles.

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a deluge sprinkler

rapid operation

effective for high hazard areas

can be used in freezing areas

requires two actions to discharge water

3. The piping in a deluge sprinkler system is normally filled with:

air at atmospheric pressure.

compressed air.

compressed nitrogen.

any available inert gas.

4. Which of the following types of sprinkler systems requires the

installation of a supplemental fire detection system?



5. A preaction sprinkler system uses a latched clapper deluge valve as
shown in the diagram. Under normal conditions the pressure in the
plunger chamber (G) is:

one-fifth the normal system water pressure.

one-half the normal system water pressure.

equal to the system water pressure.

equal to atmospheric air pressure.

6. A preaction sprinkler system can be actuated:

only automatically

only manually

automatically or manually.

only by the fire detection system.

7. The component of a preaction or deluge sprinkler valve that allows

the piping to be drained after the system actuates is the:
solenoid valve

main drain

system shutoff valve

bypass line
8. A deluge system protecting an aircraft hangar must be full flow trip



every two years

9. A sealed system control valve for a preaction sprinkler system must

be inspected at least:




10. A main drain test must be conducted on a deluge sprinkler system at




Sprinkler Design

This course addresses the configuration of piping systems for automatic sprinkler systems,
including pipe schedule systems and hydraulically designed systems.

An analysis of the automatic sprinkler protection in the warehouse revealed that the hazard
posed by the storage exceeded the fire control capabilities of the automatic sprinkler systems.
The question now is how to reinforce the sprinkler systems in the warehouse at a reasonable
cost. What design criteria should be used?
A recent fire inspection found two new offices constructed without the installation of automatic
sprinkler protection. Automatic sprinklers protect the entire area around each office, so it will
be easy to supply the new sprinklers. The only question is what size piping must be used?

Conceptual plans for the new facility are complete. It is obvious that automatic sprinklers will
be installed throughout the new building, but there is disagreement about the design of the
systems, and the design methodology that should be used.
Piping Configurations

The piping for an automatic sprinkler system can be designed and arranged in a number of
different configurations. The exact size and layout of the piping depends on the site-
specific needs and objectives of the system.

different configurations:
The piping configuration for a sprinkler system may be described as any of the
Pipe Schedule
Hydraulically designed
Tree piping layout
Looped piping layout
Gridded piping layout

site specific needs and objectives:

Sprinkler system design should always consider the site specific needs and
conditions of the facility, in addition to the requirements of the applicable codes and
standards. The design of the system should include flexibility to accommodate
changes, the potential for future expansion, life cycle costs, and other factors that are
specific to an individual facility.
Pipe Schedule Systems

Dating back to the first automatic sprinkler standard in 1896, pipe schedules have been used
to layout and size sprinkler piping. While use of a pipe schedule can be an easy, economical
method of sprinkler system layout, the exact performance of the system under fire conditions
is not as readily determined as for other sprinkler system design methods.

pipe schedule:
A pipe schedule is a recipe for sprinkler system installation based on the occupancy
and the number of sprinklers fed by a particular sprinkler pipe. For a given occupancy
hazard, a pipe schedule provides the size of each sprinkler pipe based on the
number of sprinklers fed by the pipe.
Hydraulically Designed Systems

Most new sprinkler systems installed today are hydraulically designed. The design of the
system is based on the need to discharge a minimum volume of water over each square foot
or square meter of floor space. The sizing of the piping is calculated based on the flow
requirements for the sprinkler system and the capabilities of the water supply.

hydraulically designed:
A hydraulically designed sprinkler system is a system in which the sizing of each
piece of sprinkler piping is based on the flow and pressure requirements needed to
provide a minimum water density (gpm/sq.ft. or liters/sq.meter) over a specified area.
Piping Configurations
Tree Piping Layout

A tree-piping configuration is always used for a pipe schedule system, and it may be used for
a hydraulically designed system. In a tree-piping configuration, a bulk feed main usually runs
through the middle of the system much like the trunk of a tree. Smaller branch lines are fed
from the bulk main. This piping configuration has several advantages.

The advantages of a tree piping configuration include:
Simplicity of layout
Hydraulic calculation easy to complete
Economic design for small systems
Easily modified
Looped Piping Layout

A looped piping configuration provides more efficient water distribution than a tree-piping
configuration. The looped distribution main provides two paths for water delivery to the
individual branch lines. Splitting the flow in the system reduces the pressure loss in each
piece of piping.

Gridded Piping Layout

The most efficient piping configuration for water distribution is a gridded configuration. The
grid provides multiple paths through which water can flow to each sprinkler head. Multiple
paths mean that each piece of piping can be smaller. Gridded piping configurations have
some specific advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of a gridded piping configuration include:
More economical pipe sizing
Multiple flow paths allow smaller piping
Capabilities of the system are known

The disadvantages of a gridded piping configuration include:
Less flexibility to accommodate changes
All systems must be hydraulically calculated
Calculations must be completed by computer

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

Which of the following is NOT a piping configuration commonly used in an automatic

sprinkler system?

A. tree
B. looped
C. gridded
D. bushing

A "tree" piping configuration is commonly used in pipe schedule sprinkler systems.

A "looped" piping arrangement is common in many sprinkler systems.

A "gridded" piping configuration is commonly used in hydraulically designed sprinkler

A bushing is a pipe fitting, but it is not a piping configuration commonly used in
automatic sprinkler systems.
Which of the following piping configurations has the advantage of providing multiple
paths of travel for water flowing in the system?

A. tree configuration
B. looped
C. gridded
D. hydraulically designed

A tree piping configuration has a single path of travel for water moving to a flowing
sprinkler head.

Your are partially correct. A looped piping configuration has two paths for the water to
move through the system, but a gridded piping configuration has many different
paths of travel.

A gridded piping configuration has many different paths though which water can
travel to operating sprinkler heads.

Hydraulic design is a method of sizing sprinkler piping. It may be used to size the
piping used in any piping configuration.
The diagram shown is an example of which type of sprinkler piping configuration?

A. tree
B. looped
C. gridded
D. hydraulically designed

This is the typical tree piping configuration for a pipe schedule system, but it may
also be used in a hydraulically designed system.

A looped system has piping that forms a loop in the system.

A gridded piping configuration has multiple loops of piping in the system.

The piping could be sized using hydraulic calculations, but the piping could just as
easily be sized using a pipe schedule. Looking at the configuration shown it would be
impossible to determine whether it was hydraulically designed.
Pipe Schedule Systems
What is a pipe schedule?

A pipe schedule sprinkler system is a system in which the size of each pipe in the system is
determined by the number of sprinkler heads fed by the pipe. Pipe schedules have been used
to size sprinkler piping since the first consensus automatic sprinkler standard. There are
different pipe schedules for different occupancies.

first consensus automatic sprinkler standard:

The first consensus automatic sprinkler standard was developed during a meeting of
property insurance companies in 1896. The cooperation fostered during the
development of a standard for the installation of sprinkler systems led to the
formation, by these same insurance companies, of the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA). The NFPA has continued to publish the sprinkler standard, now
known as NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, for over 100 years.
Light Hazard Pipe Schedule

The table shows the light hazard pipe schedule from NFPA 13. Light hazard pipe schedules
may be used only in light hazard occupancies.

light hazard occupancies:

A light hazard occupancy is one in which the quantity of combustible materials is
relatively low, so that a fire with a low rate of heat release is expected. Examples of
light hazard occupancies might include:

Occupancy Hazard Classifications: Great care must be exercised when assigning an
occupancy class for sprinkler system design. Codes and standards may provide examples of
hazard classification for various occupancies and operations, but the actual hazard
classification should be assigned based on a site-specific survey or hazard analysis. For
example, many codes and standards list hospitals as "light hazard occupancies." However,
there are many areas of a medical center that are much more than light hazard. The central
stores areas is essentially a "plastics warehouse." There may also be maintenance shops,
laboratories storing and using flammable liquids, and industrial laundry areas. In most cases
there is not an accurate single hazard classification for an entire facility.
Using the schedule:

Additional sprinklers are to be installed in a building as shown in the diagram above. The
sprinklers are to be installed on a light hazard pipe schedule using steel pipe. Using the pipe
schedule provided, determine the size of pipe segments A, B, C, D, E, and F.

Pipe segment A feeds a single sprinkler head so it may be - 1 inch

Pipe segment B feeds two sprinkler heads so it may be - 1 inch

Pipe segment C feeds a total of three sprinkler heads so it must be - 1.25 inches

Pipe segment D also feeds a three sprinkler heads so it must be - 1.25 inches

Pipe segment E feeds 3 heads from Branch Line #1 and 3 heads on Branch Line #2. A pipe
feeding 6 heads must be 2 inch.

Pipe segment F feeds a total of 9 sprinklers so it must be at least - 2 inch

This same method of sizing pipes can be used for ordinary hazard or extra hazard systems by
using the pipe schedules established for those hazard classifications.
Ordinary Hazard Pipe Schedule

Automatic sprinklers in an ordinary hazard occupancy can be installed on an ordinary hazard

pipe schedule as shown in the table.

ordinary hazard occupancy:

Ordinary hazard occupancies are divided into Ordinary Hazard, Group 1 and Ordinary
Hazard, Group 2 depending on the combustibility and fire loading.

An Ordinary Hazard , Group 1 occupancy is one where the combustibility is low and fires with
a "moderate" rate of heat release are expected. Any storage or stockpiles are limited to a 8-
feet high. Typical examples might include:

Automobile Showrooms
Canning Facilities
Restaurant Service Areas

Ordinary Hazard, Group 2 occupancies are those with moderate to high combustible loading,
where fires with moderate to high rates of heat release are anticipated. Typical examples
might include:

Dry Cleaners
Machine shops
Metal working operations
Textile manufacturing
Using the schedule:

Additional sprinklers are to be installed in a building as shown in the diagram above. The
sprinklers are to be installed on an ordinary hazard pipe schedule using steel pipe. Using the
pipe schedule provided, determine the size of pipe segments A, B, C, D, E, and F.

Pipe segment A feeds a single sprinkler head so it may be - 1 inch

Pipe segment B feeds two sprinkler heads so it may be - 1 inch

Pipe segment C feeds a total of three sprinkler heads so it must be - 1.25 inches

Pipe segment D also feeds a three sprinkler heads so it must be - 1.25 inches

Pipe segment E feeds 3 heads from Branch Line #1 and 3 heads on Branch Line #2. A pipe
feeding 6 heads must be 2 inch.

Pipe segment F feeds a total of 9 sprinklers so it must be at least - 2 inch

Extra Hazard Pipe Schedule

At one time, there was also a pipe schedule for extra hazard sprinkler systems. All new
sprinkler systems for extra hazard occupancies must be hydraulically designed. Existing
systems installed using the "old" extra hazard pipe schedule may be modified using this
schedule, but the schedule cannot be used for new installations.

What is an Extra Hazard Occupancy?

What is an extra hazard occupancy? - Extra hazard occupancies are divided are divided into
two groups, Group 1 and Group 2, and are defined as areas where the quantity and
combustibility of the contents is "moderate to high."

An Extra Hazard, Group 1 occupancy is an extra hazard occupancy where there is dust, lint,
or other materials pose the threat of a rapidly developing fire with a high rate of heat release.
Some examples might include:

Areas using combustible hydraulic fluids

Plywood manufacturing
Printing with flammable or combustible inks
Furniture upholstering facilities

An Extra Hazard, Group 2 occupancy is an extra hazard occupancy where there are
flammable or combustible liquids, or where the shielding of combustible is extensive. Some
examples might include:

Paint spraying operations

Oil quenching
Plastics processing
Solvent cleaning
Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

Pipe schedules have been used to size sprinkler piping since:

A. 1896
B. 1921
C. 1953
D. 1972

Pipe schedules have been used since the first consensus sprinkler standard was
developed in 1896.

By 1921 pipe schedules had been in use for 25 years.

By 1953 pipe schedules had been in use for nearly 60 years.

By 1972 pipe schedules had been in use for over 75 years.

For a sprinkler system installed on an ordinary hazard-piping schedule, what size pipe
must be used for a pipe that supplies 14 sprinkler heads?

A. 1.25 - inch
B. 1.50 - inch
C. 2.00 - inch
D. 2.50 - inch

A 1.25-inch pipe can supply only 3 sprinklers

A 1.50 inch pipe can feed only 5 sprinklers

A 2-inch pipe can feed only 10 sprinklers

A 2.5-inch pipe may be used to supply up to 20 sprinklers.
A church protected by a wet-pipe sprinkler system installed in a pipe schedule would
most likely use:

A. a light hazard pipe schedule

B. an ordinary hazard, group 1 pipe schedule
C. an ordinary hazard, group 2 pipe schedule
D. extra hazard pipe schedule

Most churches would meet the definition of a light hazard occupancy and could be
protected by a sprinklers installed on a light hazard pipe schedule.

Some churches might be classified as an Ordinary Hazard, Group 1, but most would
be considered light hazard occupancies. There is no such thing as an Ordinary
Hazard, Group 1 pipe schedule. There is simply an Ordinary Hazard Pipe Schedule.

Some areas of some churches might be classified as an Ordinary Hazard, Group 2,
but most would be considered light hazard occupancies. There is no such thing as an
Ordinary Hazard, Group 2 pipe schedule. There is simply an Ordinary Hazard Pipe

Extra hazard occupancies are those which use flammable or combustible liquids,
and/or have a heavy loading of combustibles. A church would not generally meet this
definition. Extra hazard pipe schedules are no longer used, except to modify existing
extra hazard pipe schedule systems.
Hydraulic Design
What is hydraulically designed?

Hydraulically designed sprinkler systems are designed to apply a specific minimum density
over a designated area of application. The density and area of application are chosen based
on codes, standards, organizational guidelines, or engineering judgment.

This hydraulic design placard is for a sprinkler system that is hydraulically designed
to provide a minimum density of 0.30 gpm/sq.ft. over an operating area of 4,000 sq.ft.
The total volume of water required to provide this density over the most hydraulically
remote 4,000 sq.ft. is 1376 gallons per minute at a minimum pressure of about 61 or
62 psi.

The density delivered by a sprinkler system is expressed in gallons per minute per
square foot. A density of 0.20 gpm/sq.ft. means that the sprinkler system is designed
to discharge a minimum of 0.20 gpm over every square foot of floor space in design
area. In the metric system sprinkler density is expressed in terms of mm of water per
minute in much the same manner as rainfall is measured.

area of application:
The area of application, also referred to as the area of operation or operating area, is
the total floor area over which automatic sprinklers are expected to operate during a
fire. For example, a sprinkler system designed with an area of application of 3,000
sq.ft. is designed with piping sized to deliver the specified density over any, including
the most hydraulically remote 3,000 sq.ft. of floor area. "Hydraulically remote" means
the area in the hydraulic calculations that is calculated to be the most remote from
the source or supply of water.
codes, standards:
NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, is the most widely accepted standard that
specifies sprinkler densities and areas of application for various hazards. Other
codes and standards, such as building codes, may also specify a sprinkler density
and area of application for specific occupancies or hazards.

organizational guidelines:
Companies, institutions, and government agencies may establish their own
guidelines for choosing sprinkler densities and areas of application. For example, a
company may establish minimum sprinkler design criteria and publish them in a fire
protection bulletin or corporate fire protection standard. Some federal agencies do
this, as well.

engineering judgment:
In those cases where there are no codes or standards available that provide a
required sprinkler density and area of application, an appropriate design must be
selected based on a careful engineering analysis of the hazards and site specific fire
protection goals. A fire protection engineer may use fire test information, actual fire
tests, or similar information to determine appropriate sprinkler design criteria.

The calculation methods used to hydraulically design a sprinkler system incorporate
simplification and approximations. These simplification and approximations make the
calculations more economical and more slightly more user friendly. For example, the Hazen-
Williams formula, the friction loss calculation for all modern hydraulic calculations, is derived
from experimental data. It is not an exact calculation. Even though hydraulic calculations
provide a high degree of precision in estimating the performance of a sprinkler system, do not
be fooled by the expression of precision in hydraulic calculation results. Calculations that
indicate a sprinkler demand of 1027.8621 gallons/min. at a pressure of 79.6127 psi should be
looked at as a demand of about 1027 gpm at a pressure of about 80 psi.
Sprinkler Densities

A sprinkler density is expressed as gallons per minute per square foot (gpm/sq.ft.). The
discharge from each sprinkler head is determined by calculating the spacing of each sprinkler
head and multiplying it by the required density.

Show me an example:

Assume for our example that a sprinkler system has a required density of 0.20
gpm/sq.ft. If the spacing between sprinkler heads on a branch line is "S," and the
spacing between branch lines is "L," the area of each sprinkler head, "A" is
determined by multiplying S x L.

If: S = 10 ft.
L = 12 ft.

Then: A = 10 ft. x 12 ft. = 120 sq.ft./head

(120 sq.ft./head) x (0.20 gpm/sq.ft.) = 24 gpm per head

Area of Application

In a sprinkler design with an area of application of 4,000 sq.ft. (279 m2) it is assumed that all
the sprinklers in the most hydraulically remote 4,000 sq.ft.(279 m2) operate in a fire. The
operating area is the maximum area of sprinkler operation anticipated by the design. Sprinkler
designs may have operating areas that vary from 1,500 sq.ft. (139 m2) to 5,000 sq.ft. (465
m2). The area of operation selected for a particular design depends on the locally applied
codes and standards, site-specific fire protection objectives, the water supply, and other
engineering factors.

most hydraulically remote:

The most hydraulically remote area is that area of the system that is most
challenging from a hydraulic standpoint. To get to the most hydraulically remote area
the water must flow through the most piping. By designing the system to deliver the
required density in the most hydraulically remote area the system piping is sized for
the "worst case."

Keep in mind that while the hydraulic design method provides a method of sizing
piping that is very efficient from economic standpoint, there is one major drawback. If
a fire opens more sprinkler heads than anticipated by the sprinkler design, the piping
will not be able to deliver sufficient water at an adequate pressure to maintain the
required discharge density.

Sprinkler Design Criteria

The design of an automatic sprinkler system is much more complex than simply selecting a
sprinkler density and area of operation from a chart in NFPA 13. Failure to account for the
site-specific fire protection needs and conditions at the facility can result in a sprinkler system
that does not meet the overall fire safety objectives for the facility. Selecting inappropriate
sprinkler design criteria can also cost a great deal of money. Installing a sprinkler system that
only meets the needs of the facility for today may require costly changes when the operations
and conditions within the facility change. The design criteria for a sprinkler system should be
selected only after an exhaustive fire protection engineering analysis of a facility, its hazards,
and future needs.
Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

A sprinkler system in which the calculations are used to select piping sizes based on
pressure loss and flow characteristics required to provide a minimum flow or pressure
at each operating sprinkler head is a:

A. hydraulically designed system.

B. gridded sprinkler system
C. pipe schedule system
D. wet-pipe system

The piping for a hydraulically designed system is selected based on the hydraulic

Piping sizes for gridded sprinkler systems are selected based on hydraulic
calculations, but the overall sprinkler system is referred to as a hydraulically designed

Calculations may be performed on a pipe schedule system to determine its
performance capabilities, but the piping sizes are not selected based on hydraulic

Wet-pipe systems may be laid out using hydraulic calculations, but not all wet-pipe
systems are hydraulically designed.

The minimum discharge over a given area, expressed in GPM/sq.ft., is called the:

A. sprinkler density.
B. area of application.
C. area of operation.
D. pipe schedule.

This is one of two basic design criteria for all hydraulically designed sprinkler

The area of application is one of two design criteria for a hydraulically designed
sprinkler system, but it is not expressed in terms of gpm/sq.ft.

This term may be used interchangeably with "area of application." The area of
application is one of two design criteria for a hydraulically designed sprinkler system,
but it is not expressed in terms of gpm/sq.ft.
A pipe schedule is express in terms of the number of sprinkler heads supplied and
the diameter of the pipe.

The area in which a sprinkler design anticipates all the sprinklers will operate is the:

A. sprinkler density.
B. design criteria.
C. area of operation.
D. maximum area of the system.

The density is the required water delivery rate expressed in terms of GPM/sq.ft.

It is true that this is one of the design criteria for a hydraulically designed sprinkler
system, but we are looking for the correct term that describes this criteria.

The area of operation is the area in which the sprinkler design anticipates all the
sprinklers open during a fire.

The operating area, or area of operation, is normally a small fraction of the total area
protected by the automatic sprinkler systems. While operating areas range from
1,500 sq.ft. to 5,000 sq.ft., the area protected by a typical sprinkler system may be up
to 52,000 sq.ft.
Piping Configurations

A tree-piping configuration is always used for a pipe schedule system, and it may be used
for a hydraulically designed system. In a tree-piping configuration, a bulk feed main runs
usually runs through the middle of the system much like the trunk of a tree. Smaller branch
lines are fed from the bulk main. This piping configuration has several advantages.

A looped piping configuration provides more efficient water distribution than a tree-piping
configuration. The looped distribution main provides two paths for water delivery to the
individual branch lines. Splitting the flow in the system reduces the pressure loss in each
piece of piping.

The most efficient piping configuration for water distribution a gridded configuration. The
grid provides multiple paths through which water can flow to each sprinkler head. Multiple
paths mean that each piece of piping can be smaller. Gridded piping configurations have
some specific advantages and disadvantages.

Pipe Schedules

A pipe schedule sprinkler system is a system in which the size of each pipe in the system is
determined by the number of sprinkler heads fed by the pipe. Pipe schedules have been used
to size sprinkler piping since the first automatic sprinkler standard. There are different pipe
schedules for different occupancies.

The table shows the light hazard pipe schedule from NFPA 13. Light hazard pipe schedules
may be used only in light hazard occupancies.

Automatic sprinklers in an ordinary hazard occupancy can be installed on an ordinary hazard

pipe schedule as shown in the table.

At one time, there was also a pipe schedule for extra hazard sprinkler systems. All new
sprinkler systems for extra hazard occupancies must be hydraulically designed. Existing
systems installed using the "old" extra hazard pipe schedule may be modified using this
schedule, but the schedule cannot be used for new installations.

Hydraulic Design

Hydraulically designed sprinkler systems are designed to apply a specific minimum density
over a designated area of application. The density and area of application are chosen based
on codes, standards, organizational guidelines, or engineering judgment.
A sprinkler density is expressed as gallons per minute per square foot (gpm/sq.ft.). The
discharge from each sprinkler head is determined by calculating the spacing of each sprinkler
head and multiplying it by the required density.

In a sprinkler design with an area of application of 4,000 sq.ft., (279 m2) it is assumed that all
the sprinklers in the most hydraulically remote 4,000 sq.ft.(279 m2) operate in a fire. The
operating area is the maximum area of sprinkler operation anticipated by the design. Sprinkler
designs may have operating areas that vary from 1,500 sq.ft. (139 m2) to 5,000 sq.ft. (465
m2). The area of operation selected for a particular design depends on the locally applied
codes and standards, site-specific fire protection objectives, the water supply, and other
engineering factors.
1. In addition to the minimum requirements of the applicable codes and
standards, the design of a sprinkler system must address:
the local labor and economic conditions.

the site-specific fire protection objectives.

the ownership of the building.

the capabilities of the public fire department.

2. The first consensus automatic sprinkler standard and the National

Fire Protection Association were both created in what year?




3. The piping layout shown in the diagram is an example of a(an):

tree piping configuration

ordinary hazard, Group 1 configuration

light hazard piping configuration

gridded piping configuration

4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a gridded piping
It is easily modified after installation.

It is economical for pipe sizing and layout.

Multiple flow paths allow smaller piping sizes.

The capabilities of the system are known.

5. The most widely recognized standard for the installation of automatic

sprinkler systems is:




6. An occupancy with relatively low combustible loading where a fire

with a low rate of heat release is expected is classified as:
light hazard

ordinary hazard, Group 1

ordinary hazard, Group 2

extra hazard
7. In a sprinkler system installed on a light hazard pipe schedule, a pipe
that supplies 24 sprinkler heads would have to have a minimum
diameter of:

2.0 inches

2.5 inches

3.0 inches

3.5 inches

8. An extra hazard pipe schedule can be used:

in any warehousing or storage occupancy.

in areas that store or process flammable liquids.

in any new, ordinary, or extra hazard occupancy.

only when modifying an existing extra hazard pipe schedule system.

9. A wet-pipe sprinkler system hydraulically designed for 0.30 GPM/sq.ft.
over an area of 3,000 sq.ft., would have an operating area of:
90 sq.ft.

900 sq.ft.

3,000 sq.ft.

10,000 sq.ft.

10. In an automatic sprinkler system designed to provide a minimum

density of 0.25 GPM/sq.ft. with sprinkler heads spaced 10 feet apart on
the branch lines, and the branch lines spaced 10 feet apart, the
minimum discharge required from each sprinkler head is:
15 GPM

20 GPM

25 GPM

30 GPM
Special Sprinkler Systems

This course addresses sprinkler heads and sprinkler systems that may be used for unusual or
special applications.

Acme Real Estate Investments is constructing a new warehouse. The building will be leased
to one of their best clients, Challenge Plastics Corporation. Challenge will occupy the building
with storage of various types of plastics in any number of storage configurations. What type of
sprinkler heads can be used to protect the varying configurations of plastic storage?
A routine inspection of the sprinkler system inside a cooling tower revealed severe corrosion
of the sprinkler heads. Several of the heads were tested and found to be so corroded that
their operation in a fire would be delayed. This could cause loss of the cooling tower and a
complete shutdown of production operations. What kind of sprinkler heads could be used to
replace the corroded heads?

The loading dock of a large office building often has storage sitting on the dock and trucks
backed up to unload. A fire involving a truck or the materials on the dock could cause
significant damage, not only from the fire, but also from smoke entering the building. Freezing
temperatures prevent the installation of a wet-pipe sprinkler system. A dry-pipe system won't
freeze, but is costly to install, test, and maintain for such a small area. What other options are
General Information

Ordinary sprinkler systems using conventional sprinkler heads can be used to protect most
situations. However, there are applications where special sprinkler systems, or systems using
special types of sprinkler heads, provide more effective, or more economical protection.


There are sprinkler systems and sprinkler heads available for nearly any application. A
particular hazard may require the use of a special sprinkler system, special sprinkler heads,
or special techniques, but nearly anything can be protected by automatic sprinklers. For
example, the photo shows the USS Constitution, also know as "Old Ironsides." It is the oldest
commissioned warship in the world. Launched in 1797 the ship is constructed entirely or
wood. The historical nature of the ship resulted in the decision to install automatic sprinklers
throughout the area below decks.
Important Definitions

Some of the special sprinkler heads available are used in sprinkler system designs for high
challenge fires in warehouses and similar occupancies. The design of a sprinkler system and
the sprinkler heads used in the system depend on the desired performance of the system. In
general, sprinkler systems are designed for either:

Fire Control, or

Fire Suppression

Fire Control:
A system designed for "fire control" limits the size of a fire by distributing water so as
to decrease the rate-of-heat release. Another important aspect of "fire control" is for
sprinkler heads to open ahead of the fire and pre-wet combustible fuel. As the fire
spreads it encounters wet fuel which does not easily ignite and burn, and which
yields a lower rate-of-heat-release. Ceiling temperatures must also be controlled to
prevent possible structural failure during a fire. The sprinkler system controls ceiling
temperatures through a combination of heat absorption by the fine water spray and a
reduction of the heat released.

Fire Suppression:
A system designed for "fire suppression" operates early in a fire and discharges a
large volume of water through the fire plume and onto the burning material to sharply
reduce the rate-of-heat-release, and prevent the fire from growing. Rapid
suppression reduces the temperature at the ceiling and minimizes the volume of
combustibles involved in the fire.
System Types

Special sprinkler systems, such as systems for exposure protection, anti-freeze systems, and
limited area sprinkler systems, are generally modified versions of a traditional wet-pipe, dry-
pipe, or deluge sprinkler system. The only difference is that there are specific design and
installation requirements to meet the special purpose of the system.

This high-rise building in an urban area is exposed on one side by an older,

combustible building. Exterior sprinklers provide a curtain of water over the walls and
windows if the exposure building burns. The exterior exposure sprinklers are
actuated by heat detectors.

A wet-pipe sprinkler system has water in the piping at all times. It is the most
common type of sprinkler system, but it must be installed in an area that is not
subject to freezing temperatures.

A dry-pipe sprinkler systems uses compressed air or nitrogen in the piping to hold a
valve closed. When a sprinkler head fuses the compressed gas is released, the valve
opens, and the sprinkler piping fills with water. Dry-pipe systems are intended for
installation in areas subject to freezing.

deluge sprinkler system:

A deluge sprinkler system has all open sprinkler heads. A closed valve keeps water
from entering the sprinkler piping until a supplemental fire detection system actuates.
When a fire detector actuates, the valve opens, and water flow from all the open
sprinkler heads.
Fire Testing and Sprinklers

As little as 25 years ago our choice of sprinkler heads was limited to upright, pendent, and
sidewall heads. "Special" sprinkler heads were limited to variations of standard sprinklers,
such as wax-coated heads. Today there is a multitude of sprinkler heads for different
applications. These new sprinkler heads undergo extensive fire testing to determine the
proper application for the heads.

This fire test of large drop sprinkler heads over unbanded, roll paper shows the major
challenge posed by such fires. Actual fire testing has shown that sprinkler designs
and sprinkler heads adequate to control a fire in one configuration, may not control
the fire when there is a small change in the protection or the storage. Full scale fire
tests, such as the one shown, are one of the few methods of assuring a particular
sprinkler system design is appropriate for a particular hazard. Note the peeling off of
successive layers of paper, or exfoliation, that exposes more fuel the fire and
increases the intensity of the fire.

fire testing:
Sprinkler heads are not "one size fits all." Some sprinkler heads control a fire very
effectively under one set of conditions, but fail to control the same fire under a
different set of conditions. As new sprinkler technologies are developed they must be
subjected to extensive testing to determine the "rules" for their application. This
includes criteria such as spacing, distance from the ceiling, distance to the top of the
stock, temperature ratings, and other criteria required for system design.
proper application:

The criteria for proper application of special sprinkler heads and special sprinkler
systems is found in NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
Most building codes reference this standard when they specify the installation of
automatic sprinkler systems.
Special Sprinkler Heads

Early Suppression Fast Response

In early 1983, Factory Mutual introduced the concept of early suppression fast response
sprinkler technology. Development and testing of the concept continued for several years until
the first Early Suppression Fast Response Sprinklers (ESFR) were listed in 1988. The 1989
edition of NFPA 13 contained the first rules for the installation and use of ESFR sprinklers.
ESFR technology has continued to evolve. NFPA 13 now details the rules for application of
ESFR sprinklers in a variety of situations.

Factory Mutual:
The name Factory Mutual refers to FM Global Research. The FM Global System is
an organization made up of an insurance company (Affiliated Factory Mutual
Insurance Company), an approvals group, and a research group. FM Global
Research conducts basic and applied fire protection research. They operate a large
scale fire test center where new sprinkler technologies can be tested under real world
conditions. For many years the company was known simply as Factory Mutual.
Today the proper name is FM Global.
What is ESFR?:

The concept of ESFR combines a fast acting sprinkler link with a large orifice sprinkler. The
fast acting fusible element of the sprinkler operates several times faster than a conventional
sprinkler head. A conventional sprinkler head controls a fire by opening many sprinklers that
gradually cool the fire and pre-wet the fuel ahead of the fire. By operating much earlier in a
fire and discharging a large volume of water, an ESFR sprinkler head inundates the fire with
water during the early stages and suppresses it quickly. This results in a smaller fire, less
material involved in the fire, and less overall damage.

You might ask, if ESFR sprinklers are so effective, why not use them form every application?
The answer is that there are special requirements for the use of ESFR sprinkler heads. Some
of these restrictions include:

ESFR heads can be used only in wet-pipe sprinkler systems

There are specific limitations on ceiling height in specific applications
The heads require a relatively large volume of water at high pressure. Installing ESFR heads
requires a water supply and piping system specifically engineered to ESFR requirements.
(For example, a conventional sprinkler head might require 25-40 gpm at a pressure of 10-25
psi. A single ESFR sprinkler may flow over 150 gpm. Minimum pressures required may be as
high as 75 psi.)
Large Drop Sprinklers

Conventional sprinkler heads are not effective in controlling some high challenge fires, such
as those involving storage of some types of plastics. Research into the problem showed that
fine water spray from a conventional sprinkler head could not penetrate the high velocity fire
plumes produced by the fire. The solution was to develop a sprinkler head that produced
larger droplets of water with sufficient mass to penetrate the fire plume and reach the burning
material. Like the ESFR sprinklers, there are special rules for the application of large drop
sprinkler heads.

special rules:
NFPA 13, Chapter 12, "Storage," contains specific rules for the application of large
drop sprinkler heads in warehousing and storage occupancies. Large drop sprinklers
are permitted to be used on either wet-pipe or dry-pipe sprinkler systems, although
there are restrictions on their use on dry-pipe systems. When used for the protection
of storage, a large drop sprinkler system must be designed for the operation of a
specific number of sprinklers at a minimum pressure. For example, a large drop
sprinkler system for the protection of cartoned, unexpanded plastics in solid piles
requires a wet-pipe sprinkler system designed for the operation of 15 large drop
heads operating at a minimum of 50 psi. The high pressure requirements preclude
the use of these heads as replacement heads in an existing sprinkler system, without
a hydraulic analysis of the entire sprinkler system.
Quick Response Sprinklers

The development of quick response sprinkler heads was spurred in the 1970's by the need to
install automatic sprinklers in residential occupancies. Testing of conventional sprinkler heads
showed that they were too slow to operate. By the time they opened, it was possible that
lethal temperatures and concentrations of toxic gases could already be present. This led to
the development of quick response fusible elements that operate much sooner in a fire. This
technology has been adapted for use in commercial sprinklers as well as those used in
residential occupancies. Quick response sprinkler heads have a Response Time Index (RTI)
of 50 or less.

Response Time Index (RTI):

The response time index, RTI, is a measure of the thermal sensitivity of a sprinkler head. The
speed at which a particular sprinkler head fuses in a fire depends on the temperature rating of
the sprinkler head and the RTI. A common misconception is that a sprinkler head will open
when the temperature in the room reaches the operating temperature of the sprinkler head.
The sprinkler head does not fuse when the surrounding temperature reaches the sprinkler
operating temperature. It fuses when the fusible element of the sprinkler head reaches its
operating temperature. When a sprinkler head is exposed to a fire, the surrounding
temperature may be at or above the sprinkler operating temperature, but it takes time for the
sprinkler head to absorb this heat. In the meantime, the fire continues to grow and produce
higher temperatures. The air temperature surrounding a 165 degree F. sprinkler head may be
several hundred degrees before the sprinkler head is raised to it operating temperature. The
difference between the sprinkler operating temperature and the surrounding air temperature
when the sprinkler operates is referred to as "thermal lag." The object of a quick response
sprinkler head is to reduce this thermal lag through redesign of the thermal element. This
generally results in an element with a much lower mass and a much larger surface area. The
fusible element on the right is from a conventional, commercial sprinkler head. The one on the
left is a quick response sprinkler. Note the difference in the size, configuration, and surface-
to-mass ratio of the two links.
Quick Response Applications:
Although there are restrictions on the use of quick response sprinkler heads, there
are many applications. NFPA 13 explains where quick response sprinklers are
required, or may be used. The standard should be consulted for complete details, but
some of the uses are in:

residential occupancies
wood joist and wood truss buildings
specific areas of clean rooms
light hazard occupancies
storage areas when the sprinkler head is listed for the application

Other Special Sprinklers

There are other sprinkler heads designed for special applications. These include:

In-rack sprinkler heads

Extended coverage sprinkler heads
Residential sprinkler heads
Coated sprinkler heads
Other special sprinklers
In-rack sprinkler heads:

Sprinklers installed within storage racks may be ordinary sprinkler heads or heads
manufactured specifically for installation within racks. In-rack sprinklers are usually
provided with mechanical guards to prevent damage from storage containers or
material handling equipment. Depending on the configuration of the racks and the
location of the in-rack sprinklers, water shields may be required for each in-rack
sprinkler. The water shield is intended to prevent water from sprinklers above from
wetting the lower level sprinklers and delaying their operation in a fire.

Extended coverage sprinkler heads:

An extended coverage sprinkler is designed to cover a larger area than a
conventional sprinkler head. A normal sprinkler head is usually spaced no more than
about 15 feet apart. Extended coverage sidewall sprinklers may be installed on a
spacing of up to 24 feet in an ordinary hazard occupancy, and up to 28 feet in a light
hazard occupancy.
Residential sprinkler heads:

A residential sprinkler head is a quick response type sprinkler that has been tested to
assure it is able to improve the survivability of any occupants who may be in the
room of fire origin. Residential sprinkler heads are specifically listed for use within
dwellings, such as single family homes, apartments, condominiums, and similar

Coated sprinkler heads:

Coated sprinkler heads permit sprinklers to be installed in environments that would

not normally be suitable for the installation of sprinklers. Some environments can
cause sprinkler heads to corrode. This greatly impairs their ability to operate as
designed. Manufacturers produce sprinkler heads coated during the manufacturing
process with various materials including wax, polyester, and Teflon. These coatings
must be applied by the manufacturer. ALL COATINGS MUST BE FACTORY
wax coated sprinkler head intended for installation in a corrosive environment, such
over a metal plating operation.
Other special sprinklers:
There are other special sprinkler for specific applications. These include:

Attic sprinklers - extended coverage sprinklers specifically designed for

peaked attic spaces.
Window sprinklers - designed to provide protection for tempered glass
High pressure sprinklers - these sprinklers look the same as a typical
sprinkler head, but are designed for water pressures up to 300 psi, as might
be found in some areas of a high-rise building.
Institutional sprinklers - these sprinklers are designed to be tamper
resistant so they can be installed in mental health care, detection, and
correctional facilities.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

A sprinkler system designed to operate early in a fire and discharge a large volume of
water through the fire plume and onto the burning material to sharply reduce the rate-
of-heat-release and prevent the fire from growing is:

A. designed for fire control.

B. designed for fire suppression.
C. a preaction sprinkler system.
D. a wet-pipe system.

A system designed for "fire control" limits the fire by distributing water to control the
rate-of-heat- release and pre-wet fuel ahead of the fire so that as the fire spreads it
encounters wet fuel.

This type of system is designed to control a fire quickly by opening sprinklers early
and discharging a large volume of water directly onto the burning material.

A preaction sprinkler system uses a separate fire detection system to open a valve
and admit water to the system. The system does not discharge water until the fire
fuses a sprinkler head.

When special sprinkler heads, such as early suppression fast response, are used in
a wet-pipe sprinkler system to provide this type of performance, the system is said to
be designed for "fire suppression."
The standard that contains the restrictions and requirements for the application of
special sprinkler systems and sprinkler heads is:

A. NFPA 13
B. NFPA 20
C. NFPA 25
D. NFPA 72

This standard is the principal standard for all types of automatic sprinkler systems.

NFPA 20 is the Standard for Installation of Fire Pumps.

NFPA 25 is the Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-
Based Fire Protection Systems. It is used to determine the minimum requirements for
testing and maintaining special sprinkler systems and sprinkler heads, but it does not
contain any installation requirements.

NFPA 72 is the National Fire Alarm Code.

The best measure of the thermal sensitivity of a sprinkler head is the:

A. the temperature rating.

B. type of fusible element.
C. thermal lag of the sprinkler head.
D. response time index (RTI).

The temperature rating is only one factor in measuring the thermal sensitivity of a
sprinkler head.

The type and configuration of the fusible element in a sprinkler head influences the
thermal sensitivity, by it is not the best measure of thermal sensitivity.

The thermal lag, or difference between the temperature rating of the sprinkler and the
temperature of the surrounding air when the head operates, is dependent on the
thermal sensitivity of the sprinkler head, but it is not the best measure.

The RTI is the best measure of the thermal sensitivity of a sprinkler head. The lower
the RTI the more sensitive sprinkler head.
Warehouse Systems

General Information

Warehouses and storage occupancies pose some of the greatest fire control and fire
suppression challenges. Effective fire control requires the sprinkler systems in the building to
be carefully engineered to match the hazard. NFPA 13 recognizes this problem and
specifically addresses sprinkler systems for warehouses in a separate chapter of the
standard. NFPA 13, Chapter 12, "Storage," addresses the following types of storage:

Solid pile and palletized storage

Rack storage
Rubber tire storage
Baled cotton Storage
Roll paper storage
Special storage designs

The large open areas, concentration of combustible material, and limited access for
manual fire fighting operations, creates unique and difficult fire protection problems.
Fire testing and past fire history shows that if a the sprinkler systems are not
designed to control the fire, complete loss of the warehouse is likely.
General Indoor Storage

General indoor storage includes solid pile, palletized, bin box, and shelf storage of

solid pile:

Loads of material stacked or piled one on top of another without the use of pallets is
termed solid pile storage. Under ideal conditions, the materials in a solid pile are
packed close enough together so that only the outside of the pile is exposed to
burning. This is termed a closed array. If the stacks of material are not tightly packed
together, there are voids in the pile through which fire can spread and oxygen can
reach the inner areas of the pile. This is termed an open array. An open array usually
requires a more robust sprinkler system to control a fire.

Materials loaded on wood, plastic, or cardboard pallets and then stacked one pallet
load on top of another is called palletized storage. Palletized storage can pose a
greater fire challenge than solid pile storage because there are horizontal channels
created by the pallets throughout the storage. These channels can be paths of travel
for fire, as well as feed air to a fire developing in the middle of the pile.

bin box:

Materials stored in five-sided boxes supported one on top of another or by some type
of structure such that there is little of no space around the boxes is termed bin box
storage. The boxes may be constructed of wood, metal, or cardboard. This is a
common storage method used for facilities where small parts or components are
picked from the warehouse or storage area.
shelf storage:

Storage on shelves less than 30-inches deep and usually 2-feet apart vertically is
termed shelf storage. The shelves usually separated by aisles that are about 30-
inches wide. Shelf storage is often used for the storage of small boxes, supplies, or
files. The photo shows shelf storage in a records storage facility.

Rack Storage

Rack storage uses permanent or portable racks on which are placed cartons or pallets of
product or material. Storing materials in racks increases the fire challenge because all six
surfaces (front, back, left, right, top, and bottom) are exposed to burning. This results in a
faster developing fire and a higher rate of heat release. NFPA 13 requires that sprinklers
system protecting rack storage be designed to meets specific performance requirements.
This fire test of a rack storage array shows the difficult fire control problems in such
storage. The racks expose all six sides of the storage to burning. The longitudinal
and transverse flue spaces provide a path for fire spread throughout the storage.
Narrow aisle spaces can create literal canyons of fire. Without a sprinkler system
matched to the hazard of the storage, fire control is nearly impossible.

Protection Options:
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, permits various options
for protecting rack storage of materials. In general, the sprinkler system may be
designed to use:

Ceiling level sprinklers only

Ceiling level sprinklers with in-rack sprinklers
Early suppression fast response (ESFR) sprinklers
Large drop sprinklers

The precise design chosen for a particular warehouse depends on the site specific
fire protection objectives, strength of the water supply, type of storage, flexibility
required, and other factors.

Special Protection Hazards

There are special sprinkler system design requirements for a number of materials and
commodities, including the following:

Rubber Tires
Baled Cotton
Roll Paper
Flammable/Combustible Liquids
Plastic Auto Components
Rubber Tires:

Rubber tires are difficult to ignite, but once burning are very difficult to control. The
sprinkler system must be specifically designed for rubber tire storage. The system
generally requires very high sprinkler densities with large water supply demands.
Sprinklers are often required in the web of steel columns to prevent failure during a
rubber tire fire. In some cases, ESFR sprinklers can be used for the protection of
rubber tires. The specific requirements are contained in NFPA 13.

Baled Cotton:
Baled fibers, such as cotton, create a special fire hazard. The many exposed fibers
on the surface of the bale create the ideal conditions for rapid flame spread over the
surface of the bale. The irregular surfaces of the bales also makes it easy for fire to
quickly spread between bales. NFPA 13 contains specific requirements for sprinkler
systems used to protect cotton bales.

Roll Paper:

Roll paper requires a specially designed sprinkler system to control a fire. As the
layers of a vertically stacked roll peel off, or exfoliate, during a fire, the intensity of the
fire continues to increase. NFPA 13 permits the use of sprinkler systems that use
conventional sprinklers, ESFR sprinklers, or large drop sprinklers in areas containing
roll paper. The specific design criteria depends on the properties of the paper, array
of the stacks, storage height, and the type of sprinkler heads.

Flammable/Combustible Liquids:
The storage of flammable and combustible liquids is one of the few hazards not
addressed by NFPA 13. Where this type of storage is encountered, NFPA 30,
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, must be consulted. This document
contains the specific sprinkler system design requirements for flammable and
combustible liquids storage.

Plastic Auto Components:

Plastics have always been a fire protection concern. Their ease of ignition and high
rate-of-heat-release create a very challenging fire protection problem. NFPA 13
contains specific requirements for the protection of plastics. It also contains specific
requirements for the protection of plastic auto parts in portable racks without shelves.
The automotive industry commonly uses large wire baskets that, when stacked one
on top of another, create the "portable rack" on which the protection criteria in NFPA
13 is based.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

Loads of material stacked or piled one on top of another without the use of pallets is:
A. palletized storage
B. open array storage.
C. unitized storage.
D. solid pile storage.

Pallets must be used for palletized storage.

An open array is solid pile storage in which the stacks of piles are not tightly packed
together providing spaces for fire spread though the piles.

Unit loads for unitized storage is a pallet load or module held together by bands,
plastic wrap, or some other method.

This is a common method of storing large objects, such as appliances, packaged in
stable cartons.

Materials stored in five-sided boxes supported one on top of another or by some

structure such that there is little or no space around the boxes is called:

A. shelf storage.
B. unitized storage.
C. bin box storage.
D. encapsulated storage.

Shelf storage is storage on shelves less than 30-inches deep and usually 2-feet
apart. The aisles between the shelves are usually about 30-inches wide.

Unitized storage is generally storage that is held together by bands or some other
method so the entire load an be transported by material handling equipment.

This is bin box storage. The boxes may be wood, metal, or cardboard. They are
usually used for the storage of small parts or components.

Encapsulation is a method of packaging materials by wrapping a plastic sheet around
a pallet load such that all four sides and the top are covered. This increases the fire
challenge because operating sprinklers cannot pre-wet fuel ahead of the fire.
The standard that contains the automatic sprinkler protection requirements for the
storage of flammable and combustible liquids is:

A. NFPA 13
B. NFPA 15
C. NFPA 16
D. NFPA 30

Flammable and combustible liquids is one of the few hazards not addressed by
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.

NFPA 15, Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, does not address the
protection of flammable and combustible liquid storage.

NFPA 16, Deluge Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray System, does not
address the protection of flammable and combustible liquids.

NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, addresses the protection of
flammable and combustible liquids with automatic sprinklers.
Special Systems
Non-Freeze or Anti-Freeze Systems

Wet-pipe automatic sprinklers cannot be installed where the piping is subject to freezing. One
alternative to a dry-pipe sprinkler system is an anti-freeze system. An anti-freeze system has
a solution of water and anti-freeze in the piping exposed to freezing temperatures. When the
system operates, the anti-freeze is discharged first, followed by water from the system. This
type of system can be an alternative to a small dry-pipe sprinkler system, although there are
restrictions on the use of anti-freeze systems. The drawing shows a typical "antifreeze loop."

The anti-freeze solutions used are glycerin-water or propylene glycol and water.
Some health authorities will not permit the use of anti-freeze systems if they are
connected to a potable water supply. If the system is not connected to a potable
water supply other commercially available anti-freeze solutions are permitted.

In addition to the requirements of NFPA 13, anti-freeze sprinkler systems must
comply with the requirements of local and state health officials. Some authorities
having jurisdiction prohibit the use of anti-freeze systems. Some codes may also limit
the number of sprinklers on an anti-freeze system. It may be more cost effective to
install a small dry-pipe system, or to use dry-pendent sprinkler heads, if the volume
of anti-freeze required exceeds 40 gallons.
Systems for Exposure protection

In situations where an adjacent building or operations pose a hazard, an exterior exposure

protection sprinkler system may be used. The purpose of an exposure protection sprinkler
system is to prevent fire from entering windows and other openings, and to prevent the
ignition of any combustible materials on the outside of the building. The most effective
systems use automatic fire detectors to actuate the system. There are also manually actuated
systems that require a valve to be opened to start the flow of water.

The photo shows a sprinkler system installed for exposure protection. The open
sprinklers are used to coat the wall and openings with a continuous sheet of water to
absorb heat from a fire on the adjacent lot.

exposure protection sprinkler system:

The photo shows a test of an exposure protection sprinkler system that protects a
building from the hazard posed by an adjacent electrical switchgear and transformer
yard. In some cases an exposure sprinkler system is used because the separation
required between buildings by some building codes or other regulations may not be
possible to achieve.
Limited Areas Sprinkler Systems

A limited area system is a partial sprinkler system installed in only specific areas of a building.
For example, NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, and some building codes permit the installation of
limited areas systems. A common application is in the corridors of some types of residential
occupancies. In some cases, the building code may require sprinklers only for the protection
of specific hazards, such as shown in the photo. NFPA 13 requires that any limited area
sprinkler systems meet the requirements of the standard as far as they are applicable. The
photo shows the installation of a limited area system to protect a laundry collection area.

The use of limited area sprinkler systems is usually for life safety purposes. Installing
sprinklers in a corridor, or above a laundry collection area, is intended to enhance life safety
by limiting fire spread and allowing more time for occupants to evacuate. Limited area
sprinkler systems should not be expected to control a fire originating outside the area
protected by the limited area system. Use of such a system will likely result in increased
property damage when compared with a building fully protected by automatic sprinklers.

Circulating Closed Loop Systems

A building with a complete automatic sprinkler system installed has a network of piping
installed throughout all areas. A desire to limit overall mechanical system installation cost and
improve heating and cooling efficiency led to the development of circulating closed loop
sprinkler systems. These systems use sprinkler system piping in a closed loop arrangement
to move heating or cooling water throughout a building. A closed loop system does not use
any water from the sprinkler system, it simply uses the sprinkler piping as a method of
circulating hot or cold water to heat exchangers in the building. Although these systems are
rare, NFPA 13 permits their use with certain restrictions.

Circulating closed-loop systems must comply with all requirements of a sprinkler
system. The temperature of circulating water may not exceed 120 F (49 C). Any
additives to the water must not affect the operation of the sprinkler system.
Additionally, the system waterflow alarm must be arranged to prevent unwanted
alarms due water circulation in the system.

Internal corrosion of the piping has been a common complaint of facilities that have installed
circulating closed-loop system.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
A sprinkler system that uses a solution of water and glycerin in the piping to prevent
the piping from freezing is a(an):

A. exposure system.
B. dry-pipe system.
C. anti-freeze system.
D. circulating closed-loop system.

An exposure protection sprinkler system is an open head system that does not have
water in the piping until the system actuates.

A dry-pipe sprinkler system has compressed air or nitrogen in the piping.

Anti-freeze systems may use a water/glycerin solution or other approved anti-freeze
solutions listed in NFPA 13.

A circulating closed-loop system is filled with water that is used as a heat transfer
fluid for heating and cooling.

An exposure sprinkler system may be actuated:

A. automatically by fixed temperature heat detectors.

B. automatically by rate-of-rise heat detectors.
C. manually by opening a valve.
D. by any of the above.

You are partially correct. The system many be actuated by this method, but other
methods of actuation are permitted as well.

You are partially correct. The system many be actuated by this method, but other
methods of actuation are permitted as well.

You are partially correct. The system many be actuated by this method, but other
methods of actuation are permitted as well.

Any of these methods may be used. Additionally, any type of fire detector suitable for
the application may be used.
A limited area automatic sprinkler system must comply with the requirements of:

A. NFPA 13
B. NFPA 14
C. NFPA 20
D. NFPA 25

A limited area sprinkler system must comply with all applicable requirements of
NFPA 13, Installation of Automatic Sprinkler Systems.

NFPA 14 is the standard for the design and installation of standpipe systems.

NFPA 20 is the standard for fire pumps.

NFPA 25 is the standard for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based
fire suppression systems.
Special Sprinkler Heads

In early 1983, Factory Mutual introduced the concept of early suppression fast response
sprinkler technology. NFPA 13 now details the rules for application of ESFR sprinklers in a
variety of situations.

A large drop sprinkler head is designed to develop large droplets of water instead of a fine
water spray. Like the ESFR sprinklers, there are special rules for the application of large drop
sprinkler heads.

The development of quick response sprinkler heads was spurred in the 1970's by the need to
install automatic sprinklers in residential occupancies. This technology has been adapted for
use in commercial sprinklers as well as those used in residential occupancies. Quick
response sprinkler heads have a Response Time Index (RTI) of 50 or less.

Other sprinkler heads are designed for special applications. These include:

In-rack sprinkler heads

Extended coverage sprinkler heads
Residential sprinkler heads
Coated sprinkler heads
Other special sprinklers

Warehouse Sprinkler Systems

Warehouses and storage occupancies pose some of the greatest fire control and fire
suppression challenges.

General indoor storage includes solid pile, palletized, bin box, and shelf storage of materials.

Rack storage uses permanent or portable racks on which are placed cartons or pallets of
product or material. NFPA 13 requires that sprinklers system protecting rack storage be
designed to meets specific performance requirements.

These materials have special sprinkler protection requirements detailed in NFPA 13:

Rubber Tires
Baled Cotton
Roll Paper
Flammable/Combustible Liquids
Plastic Auto Components

Special Sprinkler Systems

An anti-freeze system has a solution of water and anti-freeze in the piping exposed to
freezing temperatures. This type of system can be an alternative to a small dry-pipe sprinkler
system, although there are restrictions on the use of anti-freeze systems.

The purpose of an exposure protection sprinkler system is to prevent fire from entering
windows and other openings, and to prevent the ignition of any combustible materials on the
outside of the building. The systems may be actuated automatically or manually.
A limited area system is a partial sprinkler system installed in only specific areas of a building.
For example, NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, and some building codes permit the installation of
limited areas systems. NFPA 13 requires that any limited area sprinkler systems meet the
requirements of the standard as far as they are applicable.

A circulating closed-loop system uses sprinkler system piping to move heating or cooling
water throughout a building. A closed loop system does not use any water from the sprinkler
system, it simply uses the sprinkler piping as a method of circulating hot or cold water to heat
exchangers in the building.
1. An automatic sprinkler system designed to control and limit the
spread of fire by distributing water to decrease the heat release rate and
to open sprinklers ahead of the fire and pre-wet combustible fuel is:
hydraulically designed.

a pipe schedule system.

designed for fire control.

designed for fire suppression.

2. Newly developed automatic sprinkler heads must undergo extensive

fire testing to determine:
the proper application of the sprinkler head.

its hydraulic characteristics.

its temperature rating.

the proper alignment of the sprinkler head.

3. The concept of combining a fast acting sprinkler link with a large

orifice sprinkler resulted in the development of:
residential sprinklers.

early suppression fast response sprinklers.

exterior exposure protection sprinklers.

extended coverage sprinklers.

4. One disadvantage of ESFR sprinkler heads is that they:

can operate too quickly in a slow developing fire.

cannot be used in wet-pipe sprinkler systems.

are available with only a single temperature rating.

they require pressures between 50 psi and 75 psi.

5. An automatic sprinkler designed to develop water droplets with
sufficient mass to penetrate high velocity fie plumes is the:
ESFR sprinkler.

quick response sprinkler.

large drop sprinkler.

extended coverage sprinkler.

6. A quick response sprinkler head must have a response time index

(RTI) less than:




7. Which of the following is NOT true of coated sprinkler heads?

Wax coated sprinkler heads are available.

Coatings may be applied in the field after installation.

They are used where corrosion is a concern.

All coatings must be factory applied.

8. Materials loaded on wood, plastic, or cardboard pallets and then

stacked one on top of another is called:
encapsulated storage

solid pile storage

palletized storage

unitized storage
9. A sprinkler system designed to protect the exterior of a building from
a fire involving an adjacent hazard is a(an):
anti-freeze system.

exposure protection system.

circulating closed-loop system.

non-freeze system.

10. A limited area sprinkler system:

must meet all applicable requirements of NFPA 13.

is permitted only in residential occupancies.

is not permitted by the Life Safety Code.

must use quick response sprinkler heads.

Automatic Sprinkler Inspection, Testing &

This course addresses the inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for automatic
sprinkler systems.

A small fire in a manufacturing building resulted in the operation of three automatic sprinkler
heads. The fire was controlled and nearly extinguished by the sprinklers, but there was an
inordinate amount of water in the facility. The reason was obvious. During installation of a
new ventilation system, new ductwork obstructed the discharge from two sprinklers closest to
the fire. The new ductwork deflected the spray away from the fire. A third sprinkler that fused
was not obstructed and controlled the fire. A routine inspection of the sprinkler system would
have detected the obstructions created by the new ducts.
Improperly controlled hot work started a fire in the warehouse of a manufacturing facility. The
area was protected by a dry-pipe sprinkler system. Unfortunately, the dry-pipe valve failed to
open and fire destroyed the facility. If the system had been properly tested and maintained
over the years, it would likely have operated and controlled the fire.
When a lift truck struck and broke a sprinkler head in a warehouse, a member of the plant
emergency organization was dispatched to close the sprinkler control valve. He was unable to
turn it completely closed. This necessitated the closure of two sectional control valves to
completely shut off the flowing water. Closure of the sectional control valves took four other
sprinkler systems out-of-service. This made the facility very vulnerable to destruction should a
fire occur. If the sprinkler control valve had been properly maintained, the extent and duration
of the impairment would have been greatly reduced.


Requirements for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of all types of water-based fire
suppression systems are found in NFPA 25, including the minimum requirements for
inspection, testing, and maintenance of automatic sprinkler systems.

The inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements contained in NFPA 25 are

minimum requirements. They are intended to provide a reasonable degree of
protection for life and property. There are situations where the life safety hazard,
property value, or mission continuity concerns may be such that the authority having
jurisdiction will decide to impose more stringent inspection, testing, and maintenance
Responsibility for I.T. & M.

The owner of a property is fully responsible for inspecting, testing, and maintaining the
building sprinkler systems. This responsibility includes:

Notifying the authority having jurisdiction, and any alarm receiving facility, before
testing or shutting the system down for maintenance or repairs.
Permitting only qualified individuals to work on the system.
Promptly remedying any deficiencies discovered during inspection, testing, and
Assuring the hazards in the building do not change without an accompanying
evaluation of the ability of the sprinkler systems to protect the new hazard.
Verifying the restoration of all sprinkler systems following any impairment.

fully responsible:
The management of a facility may contract with a sprinkler service company to
perform the required inspections, testing, and maintenance of the sprinkler system.
Even in this case, facility management retains full responsibility for assuring that the
required inspections, tests, and maintenance are completed in accordance with
recognized standards. This means that management must audit the work of the
contractor on a regular basis.

authority having jurisdiction:

The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) varies depending on the situation. In most
cases the local building or fire official is the AHJ for matters involving statutory
requirements. An insurance company representative may be the AHJ for matters
affecting insurance coverage for the building. An accreditation agency many be the
AHJ for matters pertaining to protection of a hospital or other health care facility. A
corporate representative may be the AHJ for matters relating to corporate policy and
procedures. And, the owner of the facility may be an AHJ for matters directly
affecting the financial investment he or she has in the building or its operations.
There will likely be multiple AHJ's for any given facility.
alarm receiving facility:
Any alarm receiving facility, such as a central station alarm company or a proprietary
supervising station, must be notified before beginning any testing or maintenance
operations. Failure to do so could result in unnecessary response of the fire
department. In some jurisdictions, the fire department must also be notified before
any testing or maintenance. In some jurisdictions heavy fines have been meted out
for failure to comply with these requirements.

qualified individuals:
The requirements for training and competency vary from one jurisdiction to another.
Many states have specific licensing requirements for companies and individuals that
inspect, test, or maintain automatic sprinkler systems. Check with your local building
or fire official for the requirements in your area.

accompanying evaluation:
Change is a constant at most facilities. As facilities and operations change, the
hazards usually increase. The sprinkler systems may or may not be capable of
providing protection for the increased hazard. Each change in the building or
occupancy requires an accompanying evaluation of the sprinkler system to assure it
can still control the hazard. This evaluation would typically be performed by a fire
protection engineer.

Some sprinkler testing and maintenance procedures require that the system be taken
out of service. Anytime a sprinkler system, or other protective system, is out-of-
service, it is termed an impairment. Every facility must have a program in place to
manage an impairment by limiting the time and extent of the impairment, eliminating
ignition sources, providing temporary protection, and taking other measures to
minimize the impact of the impairment.

Using a Contractor

Many companies contract with a sprinkler service company for sprinkler inspection, testing,
and maintenance. This can be a cost effective method of assuring that automatic sprinkler
systems are maintained. However, remember the old adage, "You get what you pay for." A
contract or statement of work for sprinkler maintenance must specify the exact inspection,
testing, and maintenance required. While most contractors are reputable and provide reliable
service, it is easy for a less scrupulous company to provide a "low ball" price that looks
attractive to an uniformed building owner. Often times, the services provided are less than
complete. Always get multiple bids for a service contract and compare the prices and
services. Proposals that contain few details concerning the specific inspections and testing
provided should be suspect. A fire protection engineering firm can assist in the preparation of
a comprehensive statement of work, and in evaluating contractor proposals to assure you get
what you need.

Assuring that a sprinkler system remains operational requires a program instituted by facility
management that includes the following elements:

Management Oversight

This sprinkler control valve froze and broke during cold weather. An effective
inspection program would have detected that the valve was in an area subject to
freezing. An effective maintenance program would have quickly replaced the valve.

Inspections are visual examinations of the system, its components, and the
environmental conditions surrounding the system. The purpose of an inspection is to
verify that the system appears to be in working order, that there is no visible damage,
and that conditions affecting system operation have not changed.

A test is a procedure used to determine that a system operates as intended. A test
might be actual operation of a system, or the simulation of system operation. All tests
involve some form of physical check or manipulation of the system.

Maintenance is work performed to keep a system or equipment operating as
intended. Maintenance procedures might be conducted to repair damage to the
system, or to prevent potential failures, such as replacement of worn parts.
Maintenance must be performed in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's
Management Oversight:
Management involvement and support is critical for the success of any inspection,
testing, and maintenance program. This support must include the following:

Development of appropriate inspection, testing, and maintenance criteria.

Selection and training of personnel to perform the inspections, testing, and
Financial support for the program.
Management audits of the program to assure established procedures are
followed and any deficiencies are promptly corrected.

Automatic sprinkler systems have a remarkable performance record. The U.S. Department of
Energy reports that more than 99% of all fires experienced in their sprinklered buildings were
controlled or extinguished by the automatic sprinklers. In 90% of those fires only one or two
sprinkler heads actually fused. When sprinkler systems do fail to control a fire, it can usually
be traced to human error. One of the leading causes is lack of an effective inspection and
testing program to detect problems that may cause failure before a fire occurs. Another
leading reason for sprinkler failure is lack of management support or involvement in the
maintenance program. All too often the inspection and testing program detects and reports a
problem, but management fails to follow-up to assure the deficiency is corrected.

system impairments:
Anytime a fire protection system must be removed from service it is an impairment.
Every facility must have a program for managing fire protection system impairments. This
program must be implemented when testing and maintenance procedures require removing a
system from service.

Anytime an automatic sprinkler system or other fire protection system must be shut down the
facility is at increased risk for a major fire. The potential for such an incident should be
reduced by taking the following precautions.
Limit the duration of the impairment.
Permit only one impairment at a time.
Work continuously until the system is repaired and restored to service.
Eliminate ignition sources by prohibiting smoking, hot work, and other open flames.
Shutdown hazardous processes.
Provide fire patrols and additional fire extinguishers and hose lines in the affected area.
Provide temporary protection in the area if possible.
Restore the system as quickly as possible and verify proper operation.

Sprinkler Valves

Sprinkler valves must be inspected to verify normal water supply pressure, that there is no
physical damage, and that there is no leakage from the valve or trim piping. The extent of the
inspection and the frequency depend on the type of sprinkler valve.

Alarm Check Valves

Dry-Pipe Valves
Deluge/Preaction Valves

Alarm Check Valves:

Alarm check valves on wet-pipe sprinkler systems must be externally inspected at
least monthly. The water supply gauges should register the appropriate pressure.
External trim valves should be checked to assure they are in the appropriate position.
The inspection should also detect any leakage from the alarm check valve, retard
chamber, and trim piping. The interior of the valve must be inspected at five year
Dry-Pipe Valves:
The enclosure for a dry-pipe valve must be inspected daily during cold weather,
unless the enclosure is equipped with a low building temperature supervisory switch.
If building temperature supervision is provided, the enclosure inspection may be
conducted weekly. The air and water pressure must also be checked weekly. On a
monthly basis the dry-pipe valve must be inspected to assure the valve and trim
piping is free of physical damage. Trim piping valves must be checked to assure they
are in the proper position. The inspection must also check for leakage from the dry-
pipe valve intermediate chamber. On a quarterly basis, the priming water level for the
dry pipe valve must be checked. And each year before the onset of cold weather, all
low points in the system must be drained. These low points may need to be checked
periodically during cold weather. The interior of the dry-pipe valve must be inspected
annually during the annual trip test of the valve.

Deluge/Preaction Valves:
Deluge and preaction systems both use deluge valves. The enclosure for a dry-pipe
valve must be inspected daily during cold weather, unless the enclosure is equipped
with a low building temperature supervisory switch. If building temperature
supervision is provided, the enclosure inspection may be conducted weekly. Gauges
on the deluge valve must be inspected weekly to verify proper system pressure. On a
monthly basis the deluge valve must be inspected for physical damage and water
leaks. At the same time any valves in trim piping must be inspected to assure they
are in the proper position. Any electrical components must also be inspected. On a
quarterly basis, the priming water level for the deluge/preaction valve must be
checked. The interior of each deluge valve must be inspected annually during the trip
test. Deluge valves that can be reset without opening the valve must be internally
inspected once every five years.

The inspection frequencies provided are minimums. Site specific needs and conditions my
dictate more frequent inspections. Part of an effective fire protection equipment inspection
program is an evaluation to determine the required frequencies based on:

equipment reliability and past failure experience

consequences of system failure
concerns related to life safety, property protection, and mission continuity
materials and labor costs

Sprinkler System Components

Aside from the sprinkler valve, other system components require regular inspection. These

Strainers, filters, orifices

Alarm devices
Backflow prevention assemblies
Fire department connections
Spare sprinklers
An inspection of the system would reveal that someone has attached wiring to the
sprinkler piping. This practice is prohibited by the sprinkler standard.

Strainers, filters, orifices:

Most sprinkler systems have small strainers, filters, or orifices of some type, usually
in the trim piping. These require inspection at least once every five years.
Alarm devices:

Water motor alarms and other alarm devices must be inspected quarterly to assure
they are free of physical damage.

Backflow prevention assemblies:

Backflow prevention devices and assemblies must be inspected weekly to assure the
isolation valves are fully open. If the valves are electronically supervised, the
inspection frequency may be increased to monthly.
Fire department connections:

At least quarterly all fire department connections must be inspected to verify they are
undamaged, couplings rotate smoothly, caps are in place, and that the check valve is
not leaking. The connection should be visible, properly marked, and unobstructed.
The fire department connection in the photo is missing the caps and has debris
inside. It must be disassembled to remove the debris and make sure that none has
fallen into the piping.

All sprinkler piping and fittings must be inspected annually. This inspection from the
floor is to verify that there is no physical damage, corrosion, or misalignment. Nothing
should be hung from or connected to the piping unless it is part of the sprinkler
system. Pipe hangers and seismic braces should be tight and undamaged. The pipe
fitting in the photo is not properly aligned, perhaps due to being struck or as the result
of poor installation.

All automatic sprinkler heads must be inspected from the floor at least annually. Any
sprinkler heads found to be loaded, painted, corroded, or otherwise damaged must
be replaced with a sprinkler of the same type, orifice size, and temperature rating.
The sprinkler head in the photo is corroded and should be replaced.
Spare sprinklers:

The stock of spare sprinkler must be inspected annually. The appropriate number of
sprinklers must be provided, as well as a wrench for each type of sprinkler.

On an annual basis the entire building must be inspected before freezing weather to
identify areas where sprinkler piping may be subject to freezing, and to verify that
adequate building heat can be maintained in all areas. The inspection should also
note any changes in occupancy, hazard, building features, or other factors that could
affect the operation of the sprinkler systems. The installation of new lights and ceiling
treatments, as shown in the photo, creates and obstruction to the discharge pattern
of the sprinkler heads. An overall sprinkler system inspection would reveal such
Sprinkler Control Valves

Closed sprinkler control valves are one of the leading causes of sprinkler system failure.
Every sprinkler control valve must be inspected to assure it is in the proper position (usually
open), is properly locked, monitored, or sealed, is free of damage and leaks, is accessible,
and is provided with an appropriate wrench. The required inspection frequency depends on
the method of valve supervision.

Sealed valves
Locked valves
Electronically monitored (supervised) valves

Sealed valves:
Valves sealed with a wire or plastic seal must be inspected weekly.
Locked valves:
Valves locked in the open position must be inspected monthly.
Electronically monitored (supervised) valves:

Electronically monitored (supervised) valves must be inspected monthly.

This sprinkler control valve is provided with a bar code strip to speed recording of
visual inspections of the valve.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
The NFPA standard that contains the requirements for inspection, testing, and
maintenance of automatic sprinkler systems is:

A. NFPA 13
C. NFPA 20
D. NFPA 25

NFPA 13 is the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems.

NFPA 13E is Fire Department Operations in Properties Protected by Sprinkler and
Standpipe Systems.

NFPA 20 is Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps.

NFPA 25, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection
Systems contains the requirements for all types of water-based systems, including
automatic sprinklers systems.

The person with sole and complete responsibility to assure a sprinkler system is
properly inspected, tested, and maintained is the:

A. fire marshal
B. building owner
C. insurance company
D. sprinkler contractor

The fire marshal is responsible for enforcing local regulations concerning inspection,
testing, and maintenance of sprinkler systems, but is not responsible for assuring
each system is properly maintained.

The owner of the system is solely and completely responsible for maintaining the
automatic sprinkler systems. Even when a contractor is hired to do the actual work,
the building owner must follow-up to assure the work is completed properly.

The insurance company may be very interested in assuring that the sprinkler system
is properly inspected, tested, and maintained, but is not responsible for assuring the
work is completed.
A sprinkler contractor may provide inspection, testing, and maintenance service, but
a contractor only acts as a tool of the building owner in assuring the system is
properly maintained.

Visual verification that a system or component appears to be in working order, is not

damaged, and that the surrounding environment will not prevent proper operation is

A. inspection
B. test
C. maintenance
D. management oversight

An inspection is a visual examination of a system or component.

A test is a procedure used to assure a system or component is operable. All test
involve some sort of physical manipulation of the system or component.

Maintenance is work performed to repair damage or to prevent potential failures.

Management must take an active role in an inspection, testing, and maintenance
program, but the actions described in the question do not describe management
Sprinkler Valves

A main drain test must be conducted on every sprinkler system at least yearly. In addition to
the main drain test, other tests are required depending on the type of sprinkler system.

Alarm check valves

Dry-pipe valves
Deluge/preaction valves

main drain test:

A main drain test provides an indication of major blockages that approach 80-90 percent
blockage of the supply piping. Smaller obstructions will not be revealed through a main drain
test. A main drain test is required at least annually and after any closed sprinkler control valve
is reopened. Conduct a main drain test on a sprinkler system as follows:

Record the static water pressure: Use the gauge on the supply side of the sprinkler
riser to record the pressure with the main drain valve closed.
Close the alarm line valve: Conducting a main drain test without closing the alarm
line valve will result in actuation of the local alarms and the building fire alarm system.
The alarm line valve may remain open if all appropriate personnel and agencies have
been notified of the testing.
Fully open the main drain valve: Check the location to which the main drain
empties to make sure the water will not cause any damage. Then fully open the main
drain valve. Allow the water to flow until the pressure stabilizes on the sprinkler
system gauges.
Record the residual water pressure: Use the gauge on the supply side of the
sprinkler riser to record the pressure with the main drain valve fully open. It may take
a few seconds for the pressure to stabilize after the main drain is opened. The
pressure recorded is the residual pressure.
Shut the main drain valve: After reading and recording the residual pressure, close
the main drain valve. When the valve is fully closed the water pressure registered on
the sprinkler riser gauge, should rise quickly. A gauge that very slowly rises could be
an indication of an obstruction in the water supply line, or in the small diameter piping
supplying the pressure gauge.
Record the static water pressure: Allow the water pressure in the system to
stabilize after closing the main drain. Using the same pressure gauge used to read
the residual pressure, record the static water pressure, or the pressure with no water
flowing. Compare this value to the value you obtained by reading the gauge in the
first step of this procedure. Make note of any difference between the two static
pressure readings.
Open the alarm line valve: If the alarm line valve was closed before the test, reopen
the valve. Failure to reopen the alarm line valve impairs the waterflow alarm and
prevents actuation of both the local water flow alarms and the building fire alarm
system if the sprinkler system actuates.
Analyze the results: Subtract the residual pressure (flowing pressure) from the static
pressure (no flow pressure). The difference between these two pressures represents
the fiction loss or pressure loss in the system with the main drain fully open. This
difference should be compared to previous and subsequent main drain tests and
should remain relatively constant. If future tests show a marked increase in the
difference between the static and residual pressures, it could indicate a significant
problem in the water supply piping to the sprinkler system.

Alarm check valves:

The waterflow alarm on a wet-pipe sprinkler system must be tested quarterly. This
test is conducted by opening and flowing the test connection until the waterflow alarm
actuates in the same manner it would during a fire.
Dry-pipe valves:

Dry-pipe valves require the following additional tests:

The system waterflow alarm must be tested quarterly by flowing water through the alarm test
by-pass line to the waterflow alarm.
The priming water level is tested quarterly by slowly opening the priming water level test valve
located at the priming water level as marked on the casting of the dry pipe valve. Allow water to
flow from this priming water level test valve until air begins to discharge, then quickly close the
valve. If air begins to dischage immediately upon opening the priming water level test valve,
you will need to add priming water through the priming water cup and chamber until you restore
the priming water to the proper level.
An annual trip test must be conducted by closing the control valve until it is nearly fully closed.
Air is then bled from the system until the dry-pipe valve trips. As soon as the valve trips the
control valve is fully closed to prevent water from filling all the piping.
Once every 3 years the system must be subjected to a full flow trip test by opening the test
connection, tripping the dry-pipe valve, allowing water to fill the system piping, and discharging
from the end test connection.

Deluge/preaction valves:
In addition to a the main drain test, a deluge valve must be full flow trip tested
annually. Where waterflow would cause damage the trip test may be conducted in a
manner that does not require discharge into the protected area. This may be
accomplished by using hoses or other specially designed devices to capture and
drain the water from the area. Where systems are arranged to shut down critical
equipment, the flow test may be conducted during a scheduled shutdown. The spray
pattern from each sprinkler or spray nozzle should be checked to assure it is not
obstructed. If obstructions or distorted patterns are observed the piping and
sprinklers/nozzles should be removed and cleaned. Pressure readings should be
taken at the most remote sprinkler head and at the deluge during the flow test. These
pressures must be compared to the original hydraulic calculations to verify that the
water supply is adequate and the system is functioning as designed.
Inspection Records

Every facility should have a method of recording sprinkler system inspections, tests, and
maintenance. Ideally, each facility should have a form or method of recording that is
customized for the facility. Sample forms and procedures are available from the following

NFPA 25, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Base Fire Protection

National Fire Sprinkler Association
American Fire Sprinkler Association
Various insurance companies

Sprinkler System Components

Some of the sprinkler system components that require regular testing include:

Automatic sprinkler heads

Sprinkler system gauges
Alarm devices
Low air pressure switches
Quick opening devices
Anti-freeze solutions
Automatic sprinkler heads:
Automatic sprinklers must be tested when they have been in service for a specific
number of years. The testing consists of submitting a representative sample of
sprinkler heads to a nationally recognized testing laboratory. If testing verifies that the
sprinklers still perform as intended, they may remain in service. A representative
sample is a minimum of 4 sprinklers or 1 percent of the installed heads, whichever is
greater. If a single sprinkler head fails the test, all heads must be replaced.

The test frequency varies with the type of sprinkler head.

Ordinary sprinklers must be tested after 50 years and at 10 year intervals

after that.
Sprinklers in service for 75 years or more must be tested at five year
Automatic sprinklers manufactured before 1920 must be replaced.
Quick response sprinkler heads must be test after 20 years of service, and
then tested at 10 year intervals.
Extra high temperature [325 F (163 C)] or greater that are exposed to the
maximum permitted ambient temperature, must be tested every five years.

Sprinkler system gauges:

Gauges must be tested and calibrated every five years. Any gauge more than 3
percent out of calibration must be replaced.
Alarm devices:

All waterflow alarms including water motor alarms, pressure switches, and vane type
waterflow alarms must be tested at least quarterly. On wet-pipe sprinkler systems the
required test method is to open the test connection and cause water to actuate the
alarm as it would during a fire. On dry-pipe, deluge, and preaction systems the
waterflow alarm is tested by using the alarm test bypass valve.
Low air pressure switches:

Low/High air pressure switches on dry-pipe sprinkler systems must be tested

quarterly following the manufacturer's instructions.
Quick opening devices:

Quick opening devicesexhausters and acceleratorson dry-pipe sprinkler systems

must be tested quarterly following the manufacturer's instructions.

Anti-freeze solutions:
Annually, a hydrometer must be used to verify the freezing point of anti-freeze
solution used in anti-freeze sprinkler systems.
Sprinkler Control Valves

All sprinkler control valves must be operated through their full range of movement at least
annually. This means the valve must be fully closed and then fully reopened. Valve
supervisory switches must be tested annually.

fully closed and then fully reopened:

This annual operating test assures that the valve can be closed in an emergency. In
addition to assuring the valve can be closed, the test can clear scale from the seat of
the valve so it closes tightly. Failure to conduct this test can result in a buildup of
minerals and scale that can prevent the valve from closing fully. Conduct the test by
first turning the valve in the open position to assure the valve is fully open. Then turn
the operating handle to close the valve and count the number of turns required to
fully close the valve. Then reopen the valve, couting the turns, making sure it opens
the same number of turns it was closed. Do not "jam" the valve open. This can result
in damage to bronze thrust collars, brass seats, and threads. When the valve is fully
open, back it off about one quarter turn. Complete the test by conducting a main
drain test on the sprinkler system.
Valve supervisory switches:

Completing the annual operating test of a sprinkler control valve will automatically
test the function of the valve supervisory switch. Tests of the valve supervisory switch
may be required more often in some facilities or jurisdictions. This butterfly valve is
equipped with a valve supervisory switch. Many newer butterfly valves have such a
switch built into the valve by the valve manufacturer.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.
A main drain test must be performed on a wet-pipe sprinkler system:

A. annually
B. after the system control valve is tested.
C. after sprinkler valve maintenance.
D. all of the above

You are partially correct. An annual main drain test is required at least annually, but
at other times as well.

You are partially correct. An annual main drain test is required after the system
control valve is tested, but at other times as well.

You are partially correct. An annual main drain test is required after sprinkler valve
maintenance, but at other times as well.

A main drain test is required at least annually, and anytime the system control valve
is operated for any reason.

Quick response sprinkler heads must be tested after they have been in service for:

A. 10 years
B. 20 years.
C. 50 years
D. 75 years

It is longer than 10 years.

A sample of quick response sprinklers must be tested after they have been in service
for 20 years, and then every 10 years after.

Ordinary sprinkler heads must be tested after 50 years and then every 10 years after.

Sprinklers in service for 75 years or more must be tested every five years.
A sprinkler control valve must be tested by operating it through its full range of motion
at least:

A. monthly
B. quarterly
C. annually
D. every 5 years

Although there may be circumstances where monthly testing is desirable, the
minimum required interval is much longer.

Although there may be circumstances where quarterly testing is desirable, the
minimum required interval is much longer.

Every sprinkler control valve must be fully closed and then fully reopened at least
once each year. Following the test, the sprinkler system should be subjected to a
main drain test.

This is much longer than the minimum required frequency.

Sprinkler Valves

In addition to the regular inspection and testing of sprinkler valves, they also require routine
maintenance to remain operable. Required maintenance includes:

Alarm check valves

Dry-pipe valves
Deluge/Preaction valves
Alarm check valves:

Alarm check valves must be cleaned and repaired as needed in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations. During the internal inspection of an alarm check
valve check the condition of the valve seat and the rubber gasket on the bottom of
the flapper in the check valve. It is not uncommon for small pieces of debris to lodge
on the machined valve seat and cause grooves or pitting. This can result in water
leaking back through the check valve.
Dry-pipe valves:

There are many components of a dry-pipe valve that require regular maintenance.
Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations. In general, the interior of the
dry-pipe valve must be carefully examined during the annual trip test. Look for interior
corrosion, damage to the valve seat, and damage to the rubber gasket. Clean the
alarm opening to the alarm line and remove any debris in the dry-pipe valve
intermediate chamber. Any air leaks greater than 10 psi (90.7 bar) per week must be
repaired. Any low point drains must be checked before cold weather, and periodically
re-checked during cold weather.

Deluge/Preaction valves:

For deluge valves follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Generally this

includes cleaning of the valve interior during the annual trip test, and replacement of
any gaskets as needed. Repair any leaks resulting in loss of any supervisory air
pressure. Be sure to drain any low point drains before the onset of cold weather.
Sprinkler System Components

Some sprinkler system components must be replaced on a specific schedule. Other

components must be repaired or replaced only when damage is detected during routine
inspections and tests.

Automatic sprinkler heads

Backflow prevention devices
Piping and hangers

Maintenance of sprinkler systems includes replacement of leaking or corroded piping,

such as that shown in the photo.
Automatic sprinkler heads:

Any damaged, coated, or painted automatic sprinkler heads must be replaced.

Automatic sprinkler heads protecting commercial cooking equipment must be
replaced annually. NEVER attempt to clean or repair an automatic sprinkler head.

Backflow prevention devices:

The rubber seats and components inside a backflow prevention assembly must be
replaced in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Some AHJ's may
require more frequent replacement.
Piping and hangers:

Any damaged or leaking sprinkler piping must be repaired or replaced. Loose or

damaged pipe hangers and seismic braces must be repaired or replaced. If the
exterior of the piping shows unusual pitting or corrosion it may require that the pipe
be cleaned and painted. Total replacement of the pipe may be required in cases of
severe damage to the piping. The photo shows a pipe hanger that is bent and pulling
out of the ceiling.
Sprinkler Control Valve

The most common problem found with sprinkler control valves is difficulty turning the valve. A
properly installed and maintained sprinkler control valve should not be difficult to turn.
Valves must be lubricated annually. This can be accomplished during the annual operating
test. The moving parts of any post indicators or wall indicators should also be lubricated. If
water is leaking from the top of the valve, it indicates that the packing glands in the valve are
worn, and must be tightened or replaced.

difficult to turn:
Rarely is there a problem with the valve itself that causes the valve to be difficult to
turn. Most problems with a hard turning valve are due to other problems. Poor
lubrication is a primary reason. Failing to follow the required maintenance schedule
will cause the valve to turn hard. Post indicator valves are often difficult to turn. Just
as often, the problem is within the post indicator itself, not in the valve. The interior of
a post indicator contains fine brass threads. When dirt, rust, grit, and other debris
accumulates in these threads, it makes the valve difficult to turn. These threads
should be inspected, cleaned, and lubricated. The second major reason for a hard
turning post indicator valve is that the shaft running from the post indictor down to the
underground valve is not properly aligned with the valve. If this shaft is not vertically
aligned it will cause the shaft to bind making it difficult to operate the valve. The only
solution to this problem is to dig the valve up, and realign the post indicator on the
packing glands:

The packing glands on a valve consists of a brass collar held in place by bolts.
Tightening the bolds compresses packing material around the valve shaft to keep
water from leaking out. The packing material is a square fiber rope impregnated with
graphite that acts as a lubricant. As the packing wears it, the packing glands are
tightened to further compress the packing around the shaft. When the packing
becomes too worn to form a good seal, it must be replaced.

The only time a sprinkler control valve should be difficult to turn is when the valve is fully
closed and there is pressure on only one side of the valve. In this case the pressure on one
side pushes on the gate or butterfly tightly against the valve seat. The problem can be solved
by opening the valve just enough to allow water to pass through the valve. When the pressure
equalizes on both side of the valve it should turn easily to the fully open position. When the
valve is fully open, conduct a main drain test on the sprinkler system. Most well maintained
sprinkler control valves can be turned with one or two fingers. The photos show the interior of
the top and bottom of a post indicator valve.

Following are study and review questions to help reinforce the concepts and
information you have just learned. Your responses are not recorded. If you have
difficulty with any question, please take the time to review.

The rubber seats inside a reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly must be

A. annually
B. bi-annually
C. every 5 years
D. as recommended by the manufacturer.

Annual replacement may be required, but it depends on the manufacturer's

There may be instances where replacement on this schedule is required, but in
general, the seats are replaced based on the recommendations of the manufacturer.

NFPA 25 does not have a specified interval. Always follow the manufacturer's

Always follow the recommendations of the manufacturer, as well as any
requirements established by the local AHJ.
Water leaking from the top around the shaft of the a sprinkler control valve is usually
due to:

A. poor lubrication of the valve.

B. loose packing.
C. misalignment of the post indicator shaft.
D. a closed gate valve with pressure on only one side of the gate.

Poor lubrication may make the valve difficult to turn, but it does not normally cause
water leakage.

Loose packing around the shaft is the most likely cause of water leakage around the
shaft of the valve.

Misalignment of the shaft of the post indicator will make the valve difficult to turn, but
will not normally cause the valve to leak.

A closed valve with water pressure on only one side of the valve will be difficult to
turn until the water pressure equalizes on each side, but will not normally cause

Automatic sprinkler control valves must be lubricated at least:

A. monthly
B. quarterly
C. yearly
D. once every three years

There may be circumstances where monthly lubrication is required, but NFPA 25
requires annual lubrication.

There may be circumstances where quarterly lubrication is required, but NFPA 25
requires annual lubrication.

NFPA 25 requires annual lubrication of all sprinkler control valves.

NFPA requires lubrication at least annually, but there may be situations where more
frequent lubrication is necessary.
The requirements for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of all types of automatic
sprinkler systems are found in NFPA 25.

The owner of a property is fully responsible for inspecting, testing, and maintaining the
building sprinkler systems.

Always follow proper impairment handling procedures when tests or maintenance require
shutdown of the system.

Sprinkler valves for wet-pipe, dry-pipe, deluge, and preaction systems must be inspected to
verify normal water supply pressure, that there is no physical damage, and that there is no
leakage from the valve or trim piping. The extent of the inspection and the inspection
frequency depend on the type of sprinkler valve.

Other system components also require regular inspection, including strainers, filters, orifices,
alarm devices, backflow prevention assemblies, fire department connections, piping,
sprinklers, spare sprinklers, and the conditions with the building.

Every sprinkler control valve must be inspected to assure it is in the proper position (usually
open), is properly locked or sealed, is free of damage and leaks, is accessible, and is
provided with an appropriate wrench. Inspection frequency depends on the method of valve

A main drain test must be conducted on every sprinkler system at least yearly. In addition to
the main drain test, other tests are required depending on the type of sprinkler system.

Other system components require regular testing including, automatic sprinkler heads,
sprinkler system gauges, alarm devices, low air pressure switches, quick opening devices,
and anti-freeze solutions.

All sprinkler control valves must be operated through their full range of movement at least

In addition to the regular inspection and testing of sprinkler valves, they also require routine
maintenance to remain operable.

Some sprinkler system components must be repaired or replaced on a specific schedule.

Other components must be repaired when damage is detected during routine inspections and
1. NFPA 25 contains the minimum requirements for:
Installation of Automatic Sprinkler Systems

Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems

Installation of Fire Pumps

Fire Department Inspection of Sprinklered Properties

2. The individual ultimately responsible for assuring that necessary

sprinkler system repairs are completed is the:
building owner

fire marshal

building inspector

sprinkler contractor

3. Physical manipulation of a sprinkler valve to verify proper operation is

an example of:



management oversight
4. Shutdown of a sprinkler system for maintenance, repair, or alteration
is an example of an:




5. A dry-pipe valve enclosure that is not provided with a building

temperature supervisory switch must be inspected __________ during
cold weather.




6. All automatic sprinkler heads must be visually inspected from floor

level at least:



every 5 years
7. A sprinkler control valve sealed with a wire seal must be inspected:




8. A sample of ordinary automatic sprinkler heads must be tested after

they have been in service for:
10 years

20 years

30 years

50 years

9. A main drain test is required on all automatic sprinkler systems at





10. The rubber gasket in a deluge valve must be replaced:

as recommended by the manufacturer


every 3 years

every 5 years

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