GEO 101 Study Guide For Test # 3 N. America

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GEO 101/Chapter 3: North America

Multiple Choice:

01) The physiographic region called the Canadian Shield:

a) belongs to only one of the realms two countries.

b) is an intermontane zone.
c) consists of extensive mountainous terrain.
d) is bordered on the west by the Appalachian Mountains.

02) Which of the following states contains territory located in the Intermontane Basin and
Plateau physiographic province?

a) Wisconsin b) Texas c) Pennsylvania d) Nevada

03) The Great Lakes' main outlet to the Atlantic Ocean is the:

a) Mississippi River. b) St. Lawrence River. c) Lake Ontario spillway. d) Columbia


04) A continental climate is most likely to be found in:

a) New York. b) Oregon. c) Florida. d) Kansas.

05) What is the term used for the indigenous people of Canada?

a) Native Canadians b) Indians c) Aborigines d) First Nations

06) The North American Core region is also known as the:

a) Main Street Megalopolis. b) Northeastern Seaboard.

c) American Manufacturing Belt. d) Chicago conurbation.

07) Which of the following is an example of a secondary economic activity?

a) iron mining b) beer brewing c) retail sales d) managing a corporation

08) Which of the following jobs belongs to the tertiary sector of the U.S. economy?

a) computer systems manager b) chief executive of a multinational

c) auto assembly line welder d) office receptionist

09) Which sector of a nation's economy is associated with the transformation of raw materials
into finished products?

a) primary b) secondaryc) tertiary d) quaternary

10) Which of the following American States is the likeliest place for the further development of
ethanol and other biofuel production?

a) South Carolina b) Alaska c) Massachusetts d) Iowa

11) What is the capital of Canada?

a) Montreal b) Toronto c) Ottawa d) Vancouver

12) Which of the following is one of Canada's Atlantic Provinces?

a) New Brunswick b) British Columbia c) Nunavut d) Quebec

13) Which of the following is one of Canada's Prairie Provinces?

a) New Brunswick b) British Columbia c) Manitoba d) Newfoundland and Labrador

14) What group comprises over 80% of Nunuvats population?

a) Americans b) Canadians c) Inuit d) Ottawans

15) Which of the following was a condition of British Columbia joining Canada as a province?

a) the opening of the Panama Canal

b) the building of the transcontinental Canadian Pacific Railway
c) the opening of the Northwest Passage
d) the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway

16) Which of the following statements about Quebec is false?

a) The French-speaking area of Canada does not exclusively coincide with the province of
b) More than 85% of Canadas Francophones live in Quebec.
c) The Cree in the Northern Quebec have launched their own movement aimed at
independence from Canada.
d) Nationalist movements in Quebec are more than a half-century old.

17) Which of the following is true about the North American Free Trade Agreement?

a) It went into effect in the year 2000.

b) It includes Central America.
c) It includes only the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
d) It has led to less integration between Canada and the United States.

18) Which statement best defines the North American Core?

a) It encompasses a great rectangle from Boston to Washington to St. Louis to Milwaukee and
includes southernmost Ontario.
b) It incorporates the subsidiary cores of California, Texas, and Florida into a continent-wide
c) It consists of the prime farmlands of the Midwest and the Prairie Provinces.
d) It lies astride the United States-Canadian boundary westward from Lake Superior,
extending to British Columbia and Washington State.

19) Northern New England is tied culturally and economically to:

a) Quebec. b) Atlantic Canada. c) British Columbia. d) St. Lawrence Valley.

20) Which of the following is not part of North America's leading Francophone area?

a) southern Quebec b) northern New Brunswick

c) metropolitan Quebec City d) Northwest Territories

21) What is the term for a unique form of rural settlement developed in French Canada?

a) long lots b) village-centered agriculture

c) ethanol farming d) township and range

22) What is the term for Canada's large cluster of Francophones in New Brunswick?

a) Cajuns b) First Nations c) Acadians d) Old Brunswickers

23) Which of the following locales does not typify the New South?

a) North Carolinas Research Triangle b) Tennessees Oak Ridge complex

c) Virginias Washington suburbs d) rural Appalachia

24) The Southwest has its own regional identity composed of what three cultural groups?

a) blacks, whites, and Native Americans b) Mexicans, Alaskans, and Hawaiians

c) Native Americans, Hispanics, and Anglos d) Mexicans, Native Americans, and
First Nations

25) Much of the economic growth of Texas is based on what commodity?

a) coal b) oil c) ethanol d) wheat

26) What is the second most populous U.S. state?

a) California b) Texas c) Arizona d) New York

27) Between 1990 and 2000, what city was the fastest-growing suburb in the United States?

a) Detroit b) Las Vegas c) Atlanta d) Boston

28) Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and western Colorado are all part of what North American region?

a) Western Frontier b) Continental Interior

c) Northern Interior d) Southwest

29) Software Valley is found in which State?

a) California b) Utah c) Nevada d) Colorado

30) What North American region has the largest area but the smallest settlement density?

a) Northern Frontier b) Continental Interior

c) Maritime Northeast d) Southwest

31) In which North American region are First Nations peoples negotiating with the government
over resource development?
a) Northern Frontier b) Continental Interior
c) Maritime Northeast d) Southwest

32) What North American region includes the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut?

a) Southwest b) Continental Interior

c) Maritime Northeast d) Northern Frontier

33) What resource is now leading an economic boom that is centered on the Canadian Province
of Alberta?

a) tar sands b) diamonds c) hydroelectric power d) spring wheat

34) The North Slope of Alaskas Brooks Range contains large quantities of what resource?

a) tar sands b) diamonds c) coal d) oil

35) What is the major mountain range of the Pacific Northwest?

a) Rockies b) Sierra Nevada c) Black Hills d) Cascades

36) What has historically supported the development of the Seattle-Tacoma area of the Pacific

a) proximity to megalopolis b) cheap hydroelectric power

c) proximity to Canada's Prairie Provinces d) its warm and dry climate

37) Which metropolis contains the most Asians in North America?

a) Denver b) Vancouver c) Seattle d) New York

38) Which of the following is not located in California?

a) Willamette Valley b) San Joaquin Valley

c) Sacramento Valley d) Silicon Valley


39) One of North Americas distinguishing properties is its regional physical landscapes or
physiographic regions.

40) The intermontane region of North America is found in eastern Canada.

41) High-latitude continental interiors are characterized by hot summers and frigid winters.

42) The rain shadow effect has its greatest influence on the climate of Los Angeles and other
Pacific-bordering cities.

43) A technopole is an urban area that emphasizes traditional technologies like weaving and

44) Like the United States, Canada is a federal system.

45) Nunavut is a new indigenous province in northern Quebec.

46) A conurbation called Main Street extends from Quebec City to Windsor.

47) The largest American megalopolis extends along the Pacific seaboard from north of San
Francisco to south of Los Angeles.

48) Newfoundland and Labrador is Canada's poorest Province.

49) Wheat farming is, in general, located to the west of corn farming in the United States.

50) The Eastern Uplands are located to the north of the Heartland.

51) Many States in the Continental Interior are losing population as younger and more affluent
people leave.

52) Increasing numbers of Hispanics are found throughout the South.

53) Miami is a world-city that is the interface between North America and the rest of the

54) The Dallas-Fort Worth-Houston-San Antonio triangle is one of the worlds most productive

55) The Western Frontier includes the States of Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, and western

56) The Las Vegas area is the fastest growing part of the Northern Frontier.

57) The Northern Frontier is the largest region in North America.

58) The Canadian Shield is located in the Northern Frontier.

59) The Northern Frontier has significant quantities of raw materials, including oil.

60) California is the most populous State in the United States.

61) The Pacific Hinge region is defined more by economic activity than environmental

62) The ports of the Pacific Hinge have been declining, especially after the global recession.

63) Vancouver is the most Asianized metropolis in North America.

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