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Ancient Egypt Study Guide Part One

-We have been reviewing the vocabulary, and important people and map in
class. If you need more practice see the vocabulary power point in my class docs
and the map/important people on your classroom handout.

-Egypt is in N_________E________ A___________. The N__________ River flows through

the middle of the country. The rest of the land is mostly D_______________ . The river
flows S___________ to North and the winds blow the opposite way which allows for
easy travel up and down the river. It also floods yearly allowing for easy farming.

-The religion was mostly P____________________ except for the short period under
Akenaten when Amon-Re was the only god (monotheistic) this did not last long. A
few of the gods are listed below:

RE (RA)______________________ ISIS______________________ANUBIS__________________

OSIRIS______________________ SET _____________________HORUS ___________________

They believed in an After___________ and that is why pharaohs were buried with their

- The Rosetta stone had writing in t_______ different forms. We knew how to
read the old Greek languages so it allowed us to U______________________ the ancient
Egyptian pictographs called H_______________________.

-The Egyptian government was a series of D____________________ each one led by a

different family and the head of the government was called a P___________________.
He/she was seen as a god in human form. They were heads of the government and
religion so this might also be a theocracy (when religious leaders lead a civilization).


I. Pyramids were built as T_________________ for a single P___________________.

The problems that had to be overcome were the fact that large stone
blocks had to be moved without using_________________.

Another problem came when the treasures were buried with the rulers for the trip to
the A_________________________. The great wealth attracted

To get the stones up to the top R___________________ were used. To solve the second
problem pharaohs started being H___________________________ in an area called the
V__________________ of the K___________________.
II. Major advancements of the ancient Egyptians include:
P________________________building, new ways to cut and shape ___________________,
M_______________________ of the dead and improvements to shipbuilding.

III. King T_________________________ was not a very important king in his actions. He
only ruled for a few years and died very young. He is important in that his
T__________________________ was the only one found still intact (full of

IV. Egypts trade partners were N__________________________ and

K________________________ to their south. They also had contact with other cultures
by sea. The R______________Sea to their east and the
M____________________________Sea to their north.

V. H_______________________ C___________________ was an English archeologist who

found the artifacts and tomb of King T___________________________ in 1922 teaching
us much about the Ancient Egyptian Civilization.

VI. The Nile River was beneficial to Egypt in that it helped the people
T_______________________ and T_________________________ with their neighbors to the
south. It also F______________________ each year bringing nutrient rich
S___________________________ to the land making for good F______________________.

VII. The process of mummification was not done to everyone it was reserved for
P_______________________ and other important Egyptians and it was meant to
ready/preserve the body for its trip to the A__________________________.

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