Book Bingo Permission Slip

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Friday, February 24, 2017

3 4:30 in the West View auditorium.
All students K 6 are welcome to join us.

Stay afterschool and have fun playing BINGO with a special guest BINGO caller and great
books for the prizes.

Students MUST have a signed permission slip to be able to participate. No one will be
permitted to stay without a slip. All students MUST be picked up by 4:30 in the
auditorium and you MUST sign your student out before leaving.

Please return the bottom portion of this slip by Friday, February 17th.

We will need a lot of volunteers to make this event a success.

If you have your clearances and are willing to help please indicate that on the form below.
Questions and comments can be addressed to:
Beth Johnston @
Mariel Wyman @
Karen Steinberger @


____________________________, has my permission to stay for Book Bingo on Friday, February 24th from 3 4:30pm.
(Students name)

Students grade: __________ Students teacher: ____________________________

___________________________________, will be picking my student up from Book Bingo at 4:30pm.

(Please print name of adult picking your student up)

If you student is permitted to walk home alone or will report to the YMCA program please specify below.

____ Walker ____ YMCA

(parent/guardian signature)

I am willing to help volunteer for Book Bingo

Contact information: Name: _________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________

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