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The First Exam In English

Class: 3AS
Lycee: Arbaouat
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Corruption is a worldwide problem that can have significant effects on a

countrys economy and development. It exists in private and public sectors.
In all types of political systems and has been present throughout time and
stages of development. Corruption creates inequity and unfairness and put
the lives and livelihood of society at stake.

In the past, it was argued that corruption was beneficial in countries

where wages were low; bribes could supplement the income and essentially
were a trickle down effect. It was also thought that corruption occurs in
stages related to economic development. As a country developed, it was
believed that corruption would intensify and then begin to decrease as
happened in North America and Western Europe. This has not occurred,
countries have not developed as quickly as was believed and corruption in
many places is rampant

In developed countries, scandals involving corruption are now emerging

again. There have been large cases of corruption in USA, Canada, France and
Japan. It has also been suggested that in some countries such as India,
corruption is part of the culture and western values i.e. anti-corruption
could not be imposed.

A/- Reading comprehension (8pts)

1- Give a title to the text (1pt)

2- Answer the following questions according to the text. (4pts)

a- Where does corruption exist?

b- What does corruption create?

c- What was corruption argued to be?

d- What is happening in developed countries?

3- Say if the following statements are true or false. (1pt)

a- Corruption is an international crisis.

b- Corruption creates justice in society.

4- Find in the text words which are close in meaning to the following (1pt)

a) kinds = (1) b) happen = (2)

The First Exam In English
Class: 3AS
Lycee: Arbaouat
5- Find in the text words which are opposites in meaning to the following

a) end (2) b) disappear (3)

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