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How do I connect to the schools WiFi?

1. Open your devices WiFi settings menu and allow your device to scan your school building. Be patient!

CCSD is the network you want

Select Connect to pull up the username and password box. You may have to long-hold to bring it up depending
on your device.

2. Use the information below to log in to the network user your personal username and password

Your student login will be like one of these:

Username: sites\firstname.lastname
Password: Monthddyy

Username: sites\firstname.lastname
Password: Monthddyyyy

For example:

Username: sites\max.rockatanski
Password: December3101

December is the birth month

31 is the two-digit birth day (dd)
01 is the two-digit birth year (yy)
2001 would be the four-digit birth year (yyyy)

Not too hard, huh? What if you are still having trouble? Just keep reading!

Here are some common problems and how to fix them on your own:

You should be logging on to CCSD even though several Wifi networks may be visible.

Make sure you use the less common back slash [ \ ] and not the forward slash [ / ] more common in web addresses and
such. See how the slash leans \back\ ? Make sure yours lean back too.

Sometimes you may accidentally misspell something in your username or password. Try turning your Show Password
option on when logging on. Dont remember exactly how to spell your month? Here you go:

January February March April May June July August

September October November December

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