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Nielsen : Market Research for Pantene

Submitted By:
Mahata Sudeshna: 2016PGP200
Kanakmedala Sahithi: 2016PGP446
Sundeep Yadav: 2016PGP393
K. S Shibani Shankar Ray: 2012IPM054

With the launch of Garnier in United Nations in 2003 the share of Pantene, the then market
leader experienced a 2.5% decline in its share. This raised concern for Procter & Gamble (P&G),
the owner of the Pantene brand. Owing to which P&G hired Nilsen (The top global research
industry) to conduct market research to identify the cause of decline in market share and suggest
market strategy to combat these losses.

Neilsons Research Approach:

The analysis of the fall in Pantenes share required a holistic approach. Neilsons research
focussed on determining consumer preferences and trends in the shampoo industry. The research
includes customer analysis, competitor analysis and product research. To cater to which Nilsen
applied its comprehensive solution Winning Brands. Neilsons has used Winning brands
approach with Syndicated research, an addition of customized research could have been more
useful for Pantene. Primary research technique with a combination of quantitative information
based on several facts and qualitative information based on customer reactions and emotions for
the product has been used to know certain specific issues. It analysed the brand from multiple
perspectives of category issues; brand challenges- equity, loyalty, personality; marketing mix-
promotions, distribution and consumer behaviour.

The combination of Winning Brand with Retail Measurement and Consumer Panel allowed for a
more comprehensive research thus leading to the recommendation of an integrated marketing
strategy for stemming the decline in market share.

Nilsen adopted a stepwise approach to the research which it initiated by analysis of the shampoo
category on two dimensions involvement and experimentation, thus understanding what kind of
purchase triggers it has for the customers. Followed by the measurement of equity by using
Equity model, by walking through the process of how a customer is made aware of the
product, what makes the customer consider the purchase of the product and what is the value that
the product delivers-which the customers associate with; the equity model analyses thoroughly
the factors influencing the purchasing process adopted by the customers. The next step is the
brand wise brand association mapping gives a clear picture of the values customer associates to
each driver and also to what scale each brand projects these driver values in the minds of the
The brand equity of Pantene was higher among higher age group and mainstream people
according to Nilsen. However, the metrics considered for this inference werent clear. This does
not give a clear idea of the reason for the choice of brand which is significant to understanding
the cause for brand switching and customer acquisition in the various demographic segments.

Neilsons Analysis Results:

1. The brand equity of the Pantene is far greater than the other brands, that is to say Pantene has the
strong competitiveness so may be a relax vigilance is resulting in a decline in market share.
2. Packaging of Pantene is more common in contrast to the attractive bottle of Garnier.
3. Pantenes product is higher than the price customers are willing to pay. Pantene must adjust their
pricing strategies, to adjust their products price to a reasonable price.
4. Garniers brand personality is outstanding. It is the symbol of Fun, Young, Feminine, Fashionable,
Attractive, Modern, and Trendsetter. But Pantene just represents the elegance and confidence. The
brand personality is not very strong as Garnier.
Neilson could also have researched on current customer problems with Pantene and their
reaction for introduction of new variants under Pantene. Further, they could have observed why
the competitors despite being rated low(mostly negative) on most of the association variables are
still able to retain market share.

Under brand wise associations, a more detailed research into different parameters of packaging-
like colour, shape of shampoo container, design on the satchel and packaging style could have
been more useful. Also the relevance or appeal of packaging to higher age groups and
mainstream customer groups for which Pantene had higher equity would be helpful.

The brand personality map shows various attributes. It would have been a better indicator if there
has been a segregation of these attributes as per attributes of the current user groups of Pantene.

The key factors both in-store and pre-store for conversion of Omegas into Deltas thereby
resulting in switch triggers for the Pantene brand would have been more useful if they have been
subdivided into individual parameters rather than the total sum of omegas and deltas under
shopping modality.

The normative database of Neilson assumed linear relationship between brand equity and market
share. The comparison of brand equity index and market share in Exhibit 1 and figure 7 shows

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