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Learning Challenge Computing ideas Assessment criteria

Egyptian theme Making a mini-documentary towards the end of the I can use video recording software.
topic with groups putting together videos of I can use audio recording software.
themselves, images from the internet along with I can find, save and use images.
text/spoken commentary etc. into an i-Movie as a I can create content to present information
reflection of everything they have learned about on a multimedia platform.

As above but using the medium of an e-book instead I can use audio recording software.
but still incorporating video, images, text, sound I can find, save and use images.
recording. I can create content to present information
on a multimedia platform.
Learning Challenge Computing ideas Assessment criteria

What do we celebrate? Internet research and blog posting about various I can use search technologies safely and be
celebrations. Can cover the basics of searching the evaluative of internet content.
internet effectively and being mindful of whether
information from a single site can be relied Use a variety of internet services (e.g. search
upon/which types of sites are less reliable sources engines/blogs) and appreciate how they offer
of information. (E-safety opportunity - how to make opportunities for collaboration and
sure they are searching appropriately e.g. google communication.
safe search on and what are appropriate actions if
they come across content which is inappropriate). I can identify a range of ways to report
Children can work as collaborative research teams, concerns about content and contact.
taking on a different celebration each and then can
present their findings via blog posts on the Y3/4
site. If they tag their posts with the name of the
celebration, all posts about the same celebration can
be found together by a reader. Could teach them to
do simple slide shows of pictures connected to their
given celebration and upload those to the blog also.
Learning Challenge Computing ideas Assessment criteria

Why were the Romans so Create a Roman interactive display on Scratch like - I can use selection (where the user can make
powerful and what did we choices within a program) and sequence
learn from them? r (make extension example where clicking on the (instructions in a specific order to work) in
item on the front page takes the user to a sub-page programs.
for a given amount of time).
I can create a program that achieves a
Using specific goal (e.g. to educate others about the topic by giving information).
to make Roman Maze mosaics - there are examples
on the site. I can create my own digital content using
internet services.
E-safety week will be towards the end of this half-
term so classroom activities based around e-safety I can use technology safely, respectfully and
will be done in and around that week. responsibly.
I can recognise acceptable/unacceptable
I can identify a range of ways to report
concerns about content and contact.
Whole school theme Will be able to assist with ideas when we know the
Learning Challenge Computing ideas Assessment criteria

Why is the River Mersey so Using Scratch to create a virtual tour of I can design and write a program that
important to Liverpool? Manchester and Liverpool with a tour guide sprite achieves a specific goal (e.g. to create a
showing off the sights of the two cities. The virtual tour).
programming needed will be to create and switch I can solve problems by decomposing them
between the different backdrops, making the sprite into smaller parts (e.g. work out what
move and talk and coordinating all of the above usingprogramming is needed for each action
broadcast and receive message instructions. wanted).
I can use search technologies safely and
Could also try some green-screening using the mac - appropriately.
doing a similar thing to above but with them
superimposing themselves onto pictures of
backgrounds from the two cities.

What is so special about Create a quiz using powerpoint in which the children I can use sequence and selection within a
Italy? will create question slides with at least 2 possible program I created that allows the user to
answers. These answers will then be hyperlinked to affect the outcome.
another slide (either a correct or incorrect response I understand what a hyperlink is and can use
slide). The correct/incorrect response slide will then them effectively.
be hyperlinked to the next question slide to continue
the quiz.

Using scribblemaps website, make an interactive map Use a variety of internet services (digital
of Italy with photos and some basic information mapping) and appreciate how they offer
about specific cities/areas/landmarks within Italy opportunities for collaboration and
or within a city within Italy e.g. Rome. communication.
National Curriculum for KS2

* Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical
systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts

* Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and
* Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in
algorithms and programs
* Understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the
world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration
* Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in
evaluating digital content
* Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to
design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting,
analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
* Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a
range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

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