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hkedown Guide

Clean your o\ryngun with confidence.
Savesyou moneyon repairs!

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24 t22
sd \16

70 .45

36 .25

,a @42
2 A r4o
28 39
E, 71\ 29<


I Barrel and Barel Collar 29 Finger l-cver Latch 57 Sigt*, Frsrt(Mctal)

2 Banel Collar Covcr 30 Finger bvcr Latch Pin 58 Sigtrr Base, Rear
3 Breechbolt Complete( 190)
4 Breechbolt Cornplete( 150)
31 Fingcr Irver Pin
32 Firing Pin(I50)
Sigtrt Basc Scrcw, Rear
Sight Elevator, Rear WARNING:
5 Buttplate 33 Firing Pin(l90) 61 SightLraf, Rear
6 Butplate Screws 34 Firing PinPlungcr 62 Sigtt Spring, Rer
? Buttplate Spacer 35 Firing Pin Spring 63 Sigtrr Windage Srew, Rear Make sure the gun is
8 Buttstock 36 Firing Pin Stop Pin 64 Rear Sight
9 ButtstockBolt 37 Forcarm 65 Rear Sigtrt Elevator entirely unloaded before
l0 Buttstock Nut with Wastrer 38 Hamrner 66 Slide Ann
11 Carrier 39 Hamrrrr Housrng 67 Slide Arm Screw starting the disassembly;
12 Canicr Coil Sp'ring 4OHammer Pin 68 Trigger Assembly
13 Carrier Coil Spring Plunger 41 Hamnrr Spring 69 Trigger Guard visually check somerounds
14 Canier Pins 42 Hamnrer Spring Supports 70 Trigger Guard(I90)
l5 Carrier Stop Pin 43 Locking Plate ?1 Trigger Gurd Pin, Rear can hide.
16 Cocking Flandle 44 Ma gazine l'ube, Outside 72 Trigger Pin
1? Disconnectq ard Sear Asscmbly(l 50) 45 Magazine Tube Retaining Pin, Outside 73 Trigger Spring
18 Discoinrecto and Sear Assembly(l90) 46 Magazine Tube , krsidc Assemblr{Rifle)
19 Discomectq Coil Spring 4? Magazine Tube, Inside Assembly Read every insffuction
20Disconnectq Pin 48 Magazine Tube Bracket
2l Extracto(150) 49 Pistol Grip C.p Assembly carefully using the picture
22 Extracto(190) 50 Receiver
23 Extractor Pin(l 50) 51 Recoil Plate only as a reference.
24 Extractor Pin(1 90) 52 Retum Spring
25 Extractor Plunger 53 Return Spring Guide
26 Fecd Guidc 54 Safety(1 50) RADOCY
27 Finger Irver 55 Safeq(190)
28 Finger kver Arm 56 Sight, Frm(Plmtic) 1 80035647s9
1. Cycle the bolt to cock the hammer and move
the safetyto the on position. Removethe maga-
zine tube.

2. Then push out the large plastic crosspin locatedin

the receiverjust abovethe trigger. The pin can be
pushedout toward either side.

3. Pull the trigger housingdown at the rear

and move it slightly toward the rear to disen-
gageits forward studfrom its recessinside
the receiver. Removethe trigger group

4. Through the bottom of the receiver,retract the bolt

slightly and use a finger or tool to hold it insidethe receiver.
Lift the front of the bolt, slightly, and remove the bolt handle
from its hole in the bolt.

5. Movethebolt towardtherearto clearits forwardend

from the barrel throat and tip
the front of the bolt upward
until it can be removedfrom
the receiver. Caution: The
bolt spring is under tension.
Easeit out.

6. Removethe bolt springandits nylon guidefrom the

7. Removalof the buttstockrequiresa spe-
cial socketwrench with a deepend.When the
stockis removedthe recoil plate on the inside
of the receiverwill be releasedfor removal.

8. Drift out the pin in theendof the magazine tube.

Becarefulnot to damagethe tubewhile driftingout thepin.
Removethe cap,springandfollowerout thefront.
Disassembly only if necessary.

9. Drifting out the small, short crosspin in the magazinetube hangernear the muzzle will
releasethe outer magazinetube for removaltoward the front" This will allow the forend to
be takenoff downward. After removalof the forend,the nylon forend mount is easily slid
out of its dovetailtowardeitherside(makea smallmark("L") on the left sidefor reassem-

10. Fle* the rear sight very slightly upward, and

take out the sight elevator. Drifting out the rear
sight toward the right will releasethe barrel collar
cover for removalupward,giving accessto the
barrel collar.
Not Recommended for Normal Thkedown: With the proper wrench tum the banel collar
counterclockwiseuntil it is out of the receiver. Removethe barrel towardsthe front. The
collar cannot be removed becauseof the magazinehanger. If the barrel is tight, grip it in a

Read Steps#ll-#14 before beginning.

11. Drift out the vertical pin on the left side of the bolt to
allow the firing pin to be moved toward the rear. This will
easethe tensionof the combinationfiring pin spring and

12. Removethe extractorpivot pin from its holein thetop

of thebolt. Tappingon theundersideof thebolt will allow
removalof thispin.
13. There will be a steelball bearingon eachend of the spring behind the extractor. Re-
move the extractorcarefully; then the first ball bearing;then the
spring; then the last ball bear-
ing. xMoving the firing pin
forward slightly will pushthe

1-4. Re-ove the firing pin out towardsthe rear.

15. Move the safetyto the off position,restrainthe hammer
and pull the trigger,lowering the hammerto the fired posi-
tion. Restrainthe sear/disconnector assemblyand remove
its pivot pin toward the right.

L6. Removethe sear/disconnector assembly upward.

Thesearandits springarea pernanentassembly inside
the pivot pin beingrivetedin placeat
thefactory.Do Not Disassemble.

17. Pushthehammer
pivot out towardeithersideandremovethehammerassem-
bly upward. Thehammerspringandits two nylon supporl
piecesareeasilyremovedfrom thehammer.

18. The right rear tail of the

safety.Turnthe safetyslightly
and removetoward the left.
.When replacingthe safetyin
the trigger housingl place it as shown. The red ring on the

left with the groovesup so the hammerspringtail on the right
lies in the srooveon the safetv.

19. Pushout the trigger pivot pin and removethe trig-

ger from the top of the trigger housing. The sear con-
tact stud on the trigger is factor staked; do not dis-
turbed it.

20.Thetop pin retainsthe carrierlever. Drift it out towards
the right. The carrierleveris not removedat this time.
21. Theroll pin canbe drifted out eitherway. Onceit passesthe
springandplunger;restrainthe springandplungerwith a tool and
drift it out the rest of the wav.

22. Removethe carrierleverto

therear. Restrainits plungerand
spring,soit is not lost.

23. Re-ove theplungerand

24. Drifting out

Note that the hammerpivot has one flat side. Be sureboth of the
nylon hammer spring supportsare oriented so that their flat sides
line up with the flat surfaceon the pin. Do not force the pin through
or damagewill occur to the nylon bushings.
When replacing the sear/disconnector
assemblybe sure the lower end of the sear
spring goestoward the rear, down the
slope of the trigger.

When installing the outer magazinetube, be sure it is fully to the

rear and the groove in its upper flange is aligned with the cross
pin hole in the hangerbefore inserting the crosspin. Using a non marring hammer gently
tap it into place.

When driving the firing pin stop pin on the left side of the bolt, the extractor pivot pin may
fall out. Insert the bolt handle temporarily to stop this.

When replacing the bolt spring and guide, use a small screwdriver to push in the spring in
small increments,while keeping pressureon the plunger. When the rear tip of the plunger is
in the spring hole, restrainthe plunger with a fingertip while inserting the bolt and then the
bolt handle. Be sure the plunger restsin the recessof the bolt correctly.

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