Notarized Cert of Comm Dishonor National Recoveries

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CERTIFICATE OF COMMERCIAL DISHONOR Be it known that the Indigenous / Autochthonous, Living Flesh & Blood, Three Dimensional, Etheric 9 Being, Self Aware, Sound of Mind, Melanin-Ite Man of Cherokee Descent who is indorsing below is Creditor-In-Fact, Secured Party, Postmaster, Holder-In-Due-Course, Bailee, Lienholder, & Private Banker in Commerce: [Anu-Samawaati KilJ®OTM. Mailing Location: PO BOX 5450 Tobik’har, Atlan /Turtle-Island [MISNOMER BALBOA ISLAND CA [92662-5450], who did duly send via REGISTERED MAIL #RE044467661US on October 12, 2016 my NOTICE OF ADEQUATE, ASSURANCE OF DUE PERFORMANCE & via REGISTERED MAIL #RE044468344US on December 23, 2016 my NOTICE OF DEFAULT JUDGEMENT AND AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS under Admiralty/Maritime Claim for Damages via UCC § 3-305 & UCC § 3-503 in Accord with Public Law 73-10, Title 31 USC § 5118d(2) & FCRA CODE, § 623(@),3) to NATIONAL RECOVERIES INC. To ALL that must be notified by NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE IS NOTICE TO AGENT, NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE. In Accord with the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC § 1-103), The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, (UN.D.RLP.), The American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, (A.D.R-LP.), United Nations Human Rights Charter, United Nations Convention on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent, (U.N.LD.P.0.A.D.), Motu Proprio of Supreme Pontiff Francis on July 11, 2013, Pope Francis’ WORLD DAY OF PEACE NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS, January 1, 2015, Presidential Executive Order 13107, United Nations Convention on International Trade Law, (UNCITRAL), Congressional Record Page A3220 1 Imay1955, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, (UNCLOS), The 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act, & Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s statement that “US Human Rights Obligations ‘Apply at All Levels of Government” from 2:10 ~ 2:40 on hl :// universal-periodic-review/s4229 106421001 at the 22nd Universal Periodic Review for the U.S.A on May 11, 2015. Dishonor by Non-Performance. This instrument serves as notice (UCC § 1-202) & does publicly, privately & solemnly certify, authenticate & perfect the dishonor against NATIONAL RECOVERIES INC., MISSY BRANDJORD, AND FEDERAL STUDENT AID & all others it may concem for lability equivalent to face value of this instrument & all costs, damages, & interest incurred or hereafter incurred, nunc pro tunic, by Commercial Judgement & who by non-performance has given Tacit Consent & Agreement in Accord with UCC § 2-201(2) SEE: October 12,2016 of NOTICE OF ADEQUATE ASSURANCE OF DUE PERFORMANCE received by NATIONAL RECOVERIES INC. on October 17, 2016 at 9:55a.m. INTERNATIONAL NOTICE: The undersigned Creditor-In-Fact certifies that on December 23, 2016 the NOTICE OF DEFAULT JUDGEMENT AND AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS was sent via REGISTERED MAIL #RE044468344US 3: https://www scribd comvdocument/33495 1955/NOTICE-OF-DEFAULT-JUDGEMENT-ON-NATIONAL: RECOVERIPS-INC & received by NATIONAL RECOVERIES INC. on December 29, 2016 at 11:15a.m. ‘TRUE BILL IN COMMERCE/PENALTIES AND ACRUING DAMAGES UNAUTHORIZED US OF COPYRIGHTED COMMON-LAW PROPERTY TOTAL DAMAGES IN US DOLLARS -213,840,000.00 (Two Hundred Thirteen Million Eight Hundred Forty ‘Thousand United States Dollars ot Gold/Silver oz. Equivalent). HARRASMENT IN TENDERING PRESENTMENTS & DEMAND FOR PAYMENTS OF DEBT TOTAL DAMAGES IN US DOLLARS -#2,500,000.00 (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars or Gold/Silver oz. Equivalent). NATIONAL RECOVERIES INC. VIOLATION OF FCRA CODE § 623(a)c & FDCPA §807(8) ‘TOTAL DAMAGES IN US DOLLARS - $10,000,000.00 (Ten Million United States Dollars or Gold/Silver oz. Equivalent) ITEMIZATION Unauthorized use of Copyright/Tradename CARLTON E SHERROD©TM by NATIONAL RECOVERIES INC, MISSY BRANDIORD, & FEDERAL STUDENT AID approximately 9 times at $990,000.00 per occurrene: 48,910,000.00 x 24 hours in a day =¥213,840,000.00 PLUS#2,500,000.00. PLUS¢10,000,000.00 for violation of. FCRA/FDCPA =%226,340,000.00 (Two Hundred Twenty-Six Million Three Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars and/or Gold Equivalent of 21,630.9407, or Silver Equivalent of 12,867,538.370z or Current Market Value in Damages “ALL CALCULATIONS IN ACCORD WITH LEGAL NOTICES COPYRIGHT NOTICES & PUBLIC NOTICE WITH AFFIDAVITSTATEMENTS OF FACTS OF SECURED PARTY, (Anu-Samawaati Ei]8OTM NOT -NEGOTIABLE NOT-TRANSFERRABLE THIS OBLIGATION IS NOT DISCHARGEABLE IN ANY BANKRUPTCY COURT IN THE UNITED STATES OR ANY OF THE SEVERAL STATES, TERRITORIES, AND POSSESSIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE EIGHT CORNERS OF THIS INSTRUMENT: A “TRUE BILL”, MEMORANDUM ON A TRUE BILL ‘A True Bill in Commerce is a commercial paper instrument. A True Bill is a ledgering or bookkeeping/accounting entry established is Certified and sworn on the Debtor(s) commercial liability as true, correc, complete, and perfected, not meant to mislead. t contains offenses committed and the corresponding debt owed, This relationship is a commercial obligation to the Debtor(s) known as “Just Compensation” With # it of my Ancestors quRaT [Tobikhar / Atlan / Turtle-stand / Land of The Frogs / Muu-Lan / Egypt of the West / Amexem] [33 -85? 40” North Latitude, 117 3° 30” West Longitude] (Using a notary om this document does not constitute an wahesion, nor does it alter my Indigenous Standing in any matter. The purpose {forthe notary i for verification and identification only and not for entrance in any foreign jurisdiction as an advantage for ster, confederates, Corporations and fictitious ents to implement Corporate Laws Fictitious Codes, and Commercial Contracts over my "Natural/ Indigenous /Astochthonous / Flesh and Blood, Melaninite Body. United Nations Declaration om the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ~ International Bill of Human Rights (UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (vn crw/esalsnedev/unpiocumenis DRIPS ent (ODER) huyl/ww.un oryen/universal-declaraton-human-rghtsfindex. htm! UNCITRAL hiuxd/swwunetral oruncitraenfindex.huml UN ECOSOC uy//w och orwEN/HRBodies/CESCR/Payes/CESCRIndex. asp United Nations Charter hii /ivww un orwfen/charte sus cai Presidential Proclamation 7500 bi: so grosileney ube ye eT ARAB ttus// yoo gov/sys/pky/BILLS-1Ohres!94ch/pd/BILLS-| |Ohres10deh, pif Mona Propelo July 2013, n.valcontend/francesco/en/moty_promrildocuments/pugo-francesco-motu-peopeio 20130711 5 | HJRA192 June 5, 1983, Public Law 73-10. huei2v “Kota public or oer officer competing this cerfcate verifies oly the Men of ie Tivng man/woman who signed the documento whieh this certificate ie attached, and not the wutfunes, accuracy, or validity of tat document State of California ) County of. —) On before me, Date “ere insert Nome and Tie of Ofcer Personally appeared — Tome) of Sonera) ‘Who proved tome onthe bas of sawacion evidence tobe the onal] wRowe ramets) Ware sbscibed tote within tranent and acknowledged tome that he/she/they execute the sameln hi/herthelr authorized capacities, ane that by his/herther signatures) on the instrument the person(s orth entity uson behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument | catty under PENALTY OF PERUURY under the ws ofthe State of California thatthe foregoing paragraph is rue andor. {WITNESS my hand and of se G GTA seraure__ op SSS Sanaa aftr able me YORI S08 IT ld Osjdica uel 3-402 Produced ldentifeation, “pe and ie CIVIL CODE § 1189 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT EoRSSICASS = sci : ‘A notary public or other officer competing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity ofthat document. State of California ) County of _ COVA NAS. —) On As A, ZV before me, Arce Pavan Ae. Norm Bildic Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer ‘ personally appeared Cav \Yon Brvin Daegved ‘Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/heritheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/ner/their signature(s) on the instrument the persons), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. | certity under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws Of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and YL BALDRIGE COMM. #2083910 soi bk alo range omen, Exits 80 oun 2 2 Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or {fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document, Description of Attached Document ved, Dahone- Title or Type of Document: of Cerne“ pocument Date: 2 |E/ Number of Pages: “> Signer) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer’s Name: Signer’s Name: Corporate Officer — Titles) Ci Corporate Officer — Titles) OPariner ~ CLimited Ci General OPartner— OLimited 0 individual ~~ Attomey in Fact individual ‘DAttorey in Fact OTrustee 1D Guardian or Conservator Trustee CD Guardian or Conservator th CO Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: (©2014 National Notary Association + + 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) tem #5907

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