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Status epilepticus: pathophysiology and management in

James W Y Chen, Claude G Wasterlain

Lancet Neurol 2006; 5: 24656 As in Clark and Prouts classic work, we identify three phases of generalised convulsive status epilepticus, which we
Department of Neurology and call impending, established, and subtle. We review physiological and subcellular changes that might play a part in
Brain Research Institute, Geffen the transition from single seizures to status epilepticus and in the development of time-dependent
School of Medicine at UCLA,
pharmacoresistance. We review the principles underlying the treatment of status epilepticus and suggest that
and VA Greater Los Angeles
Health Care System, Los prehospital treatment is benecial, that therapeutic drugs should be used in rapid sequence according to a dened
Angeles, CA 90073, USA protocol, and that refractory status epilepticus should be treated with general anaesthesia. We comment on our
(J W Y Chen MD, preference for drugs with a short elimination half-life and discuss some therapeutic choices.
C G Wasterlain MD)
Correspondence to:
Prof C G Wasterlain
Introduction denition of status epilepticuseg, a time when the In this review we will focus exclusively on major motor patient should be treated as having status epilepticus,
(convulsive) status epilepticus in adults. Complex partial even if not all such patients are in established status
and other forms of status epilepticus are well covered in epilepticus.
Simon Shorvons Status Epilepticus,1 in several recent
reviews,29 and in an upcoming volume edited by one of Denition of status epilepticus
us.10 Early or impending status epilepticus
The earliest known description of status epilepticus The operational denition of status epilepticus is an
was in the 25th and 26th tablets of the Sakikku empirical compromise dictated by therapeutic needs,
cuneiform of the Neo-Babylonian era, written during because treatment should not be delayed until patients are
718612 BC.1 Status epilepticus is Bazires latin in established status epilepticus, when neuronal injury
translation of Etat de mal,11 a term coined by the and time-dependent development of pharmacoresistance
patients of Bicetre and the Salptrire, and introduced in have occurred. However, a better name would recognise
published medical work in Louis Calmeils doctoral that treatment is needed even though not all patients are
thesis.12 in established status epilepticus. We propose the term
In 1876, Bourneville dened status epilepticus as impending status epilepticus, dened as continuous or
more or less incessant seizures.13 Clark and Prout14 intermittent seizures lasting more than 5 min, without
described the natural course of status epilepticus in 38 full recovery of consciousness between seizures. Previous
patients unaffected by anticonvulsants. They recognised authors have used a similar concepteg, early heralds of
three phases: an early pseudostatus phase (described as status14 or early status epilepticus.26 These denitions
aborted, imperfect, or incomplete); convulsive status; recognise the need to treat those patients intravenously
and stuporous status. Data15,16 support Clark and Prouts with high-dose anticonvulsants, because their risk of
concept, and we propose calling the three phases developing status epilepticus is high, but they also
impending, established, and subtle status epilepticus. acknowledge that not all of those patients are in status
Gastaut17 stated that there are as many types of status epilepticus. The Richmond study27 provides support for
as there are types of epileptic seizures and dened this concept; more than 40% of the seizures lasting from
status epilepticus as a term used whenever a seizure 1029 min stopped spontaneously without treatment, and
persists for a sufcient length of time or is repeated overall mortality was 26% versus 19% for status
frequently enough to produce a xed or enduring epilepticus lasting over 30 min (p0001). By adopting a
epileptic condition.18 However, status epilepticus is new category of impending status epilepticus, these
never truly xed, and this denition is not easily patients will receive proper urgent medical care but will
translated into clinical trials or into everyday practice. not contaminate morbidity and mortality statistics,
Furthermore, research with animals shows that outcome measures, or clinical trials with a subpopulation
repetitive seizures become self-sustaining and that is not in status epilepticus. Impending status
pharmacoresistant within 1530 min15,19 and can lead to epilepticus is not a new concept,14 and ts with Gastauts
neuronal injury at about the same time.20 The duration denition of status epilepticus as an enduring epileptic
of what is accepted as status epilepticus has been condition,18 a state which in his view required 3060 min
shrinking progressively from 30 min in the guidelines of of seizure activity.17
the Epilepsy Foundation of Americas Working Group 5 min of continuous seizures is the threshold dening
on Status Epilepticus21 to 20 min,22 to 10 min in the impending status epilepticus, which corresponds with
Veterans Affairs Status Epilepticus Cooperation Study,16 the 5 min operational denition of status epilepticus.2325
and most recently, a length of 5 min was proposed.2325 There are strong statistical arguments for using the
This trend indicates the need to nd an operational 5 min criterion. The mean duration of generalised

246 Vol 5 March 2006


convulsive seizures in adults ranges from 622 s to convulsive status epilepticus. This stage is similar to
529 s (SD 14) for the behavioural symptoms, and Clark and Prouts idea of stuporous status epilepticus.14
averages 599 s (SD 12) for the electroencephalographic
changes.28,29 None of the seizures recorded lasted 2 min. Partly treated status epilepticus
Therefore, impending status is a disorder in which the In more than 10% of patients treated for status
duration of seizures is 1820 standard deviations away epilepticus, clinical seizures stop or only show subtle
from the norm of a single seizure, indicating that symptoms, but electrographic seizures continue.34 We
something distinctly unusual and severe is happening. do not know whether this continuing seizure activity is
This denition matches the almost universal emergency harmful, but experimental evidence that uncontrolled
room practice of treating those patients as if they had ring alone can kill neurons35 suggests that treating
status epilepticus. This change in terminology is them is the prudent thing to do.
unlikely to generate complacency or delay treatment,
because the term impending implies that something Epidemiology
substantial and, in this case, dangerous is about to Three important population-based prospective studies
happen. were done to investigate the epidemiology of status
Impending status epilepticus might be comparable to epilepticus. The incidence of status epilepticus around
the pharmacosensitive initiation phase of experimental Richmond (VA, USA) was 41 per 100 000 individuals
status epilepticus, and established status epilepticus to per year;36 however, it was 27 per 100 000 per year for
its partly pharmacoresistant maintenance phase.30 young adults and 86 per 100 000 per year in the elderly.
However, no direct translation from animal data to care This askew distribution of incidence suggests that in an
of patients is truly accurate, and clinical studies are ageing society, such as in the USA as the baby-boom
needed to validate this concept. generation ages, status epilepticus will become more
frequently encountered in emergency rooms.
Established status epilepticus Alarmingly, mortality was also high in elderly people:
The denition of status epilepticus should revert to 14% for young adults (1659 years) and 38% for elderly
clinical or electrographic seizures lasting more than people (60 years and above). These numbers show that
30 min without full recovery of consciousness between available treatments for status epilepticus are not
seizures. We recognise that, in reality, impending and effective enough; identication of optimum treatments
established status epilepticus are probably a continuum, is a substantial challenge for neurologists and scientists.
but there is good support in experimental and clinical Other studies show comparable incidence, if the
studies for a cut-off at 30 min; this is when status methods of data collection and variations of population
epilepticus has become self sustaining in experimental are considered. The incidence from two prospective
animals,15 when status-epilepticus-induced damage is studies in Europe was 171 per 100 000 per year in
distinct,20 and when pharmacoresistance has Germany37 and 103 per 100 000 per year in the French-
developed.16,31,32 speaking part of Switzerland.38 These ndings are
By assuming that the transition from seizures to similar to the incidence found in an early retrospective
status epilepticus can be modelled by a single study of status epilepticus from 19651984 in Rochester,
exponential curve, the time constant of this Minnesota, which is 181 per 100 000.39
transformation is dened by the time point when 63%
of patients have completed the transformation. Aetiology
According to the Richmond data,27 at 30 min about 60% The main causes of status epilepticus are low blood
of prolonged seizures have transformed into an concentrations of antiepileptic drugs in patients with
enduring epileptic condition. Animal data show that, chronic epilepsy (34%), remote symptomatic causes
after 30 min of perforant path stimulation, all animals (24%), cerebrovascular accidents (22%), anoxia or
were in established status epilepticus.15 Additionally, hypoxia (~10%), metabolic causes (~10%), and alcohol
30 min of continuous seizures have been accepted as the and drug withdrawal (~10%).36
dening duration of status epilepticus in both clinical Several prognostic factors are important in
practice and clinical trials. Those criteria only apply to predicting outcome of status epilepticus: cause, age,
major motor status epilepticus in adults and children seizure duration, and response to treatment. The high
over age 5 years. mortality groups are patients with anoxia or multiple
medical problems. Low mortality is reported in
Subtle status epilepticus patients with epilepsy and precipitating factors, such as
This term was coined by Treiman33 to draw attention to low serum concentrations of antiepileptic drugs.36 In
the fact that, during prolonged status epilepticus, both general, the elderly population bears a higher risk for
the motor and electroencephalographic expression of mortality and morbidity than any other age group.
seizures become less orid, yet the prognostic and Prolonged status epilepticus and refractoriness to
therapeutic implications of that stage are still those of treatment are associated with poor outcome.16,40 Vol 5 March 2006 247


After the serendipitous observation of status epilepticus

Control Tenth in animals subject to repeated electroconvulsive
seizures,19 models of self-sustaining status epilepticus
were developed by several investigators.41,4752 Lothman
and colleagues45 showed that hippocampal stimulation
C produced long-lasting limbic seizures, which caused
brain damage and later chronic epilepsy. Vicedomini and
Nadler53 showed that a series of ten after-discharges were
sufcient to trigger self-sustaining status epilepticus.
G Mechanistic studies of self-sustaining status epilepticus
and its consequences have used intermittent stimulation
E of the perforant path15 or of the amygdala.54,55
The initiation of self-sustaining status epilepticus
E is easily blocked by many drugs that increase inhibition
L or reduce excitation.56 However, once self-sustaining
status epilepticus is established, it is maintained by
underlying changes that do not depend on continuous
Control Tenth
seizures activity57 and it is easily stopped by only a few
drugs, all of which directly or indirectly inhibit
glutamatergic neurotransmission.57 Barbiturates and
other GABAergic drugs never become totally ineffective
but lose potency and can require such high doses that
G G toxic side-effects, such as cardiovascular depression,
prevent the delivery of a fully effective treatment.58
Another feature of self-sustaining status epilepticus is
the progressive, time-dependent development of
pharmacoresistance. Kapur and MacDonald32 showed
Figure 1: Model of our hypothesis of receptor trafcking in transition of single seizures to status epilepticus that the anticonvulsant potency of benzodiazepines can
Top: after repeated seizures, the synaptic membrane of GABAA receptors forms clathrin-coated pits, which decrease by 20 times within 30 min of self-sustaining
internalise as clathrin-coated vesicles (C), inactivating the receptors because they are no longer within reach of the
status epilepticus. Other anticonvulsants (eg, phenytoin)
neurotransmitter. These vesicles develop into endosomes (E), which can deliver the receptors to lysosomes (L)
where they are destroyed, or to the Golgi apparatus (G) from where they are recycled to the membrane. Bottom: by also lose potency, but more slowly.31 By contrast, NMDA
contrast, in NMDA synapses, subunits are mobilised to the synaptic membrane and assemble into additional blockers remain highly efcient in stopping the
receptors. As a result of this trafcking, the number of functional NMDA receptors per synapse increases whereas disorder, even late in its course.57
the number of functional GABAA receptors decreases.59

Pathophysiology of self-sustaining status epilepticus

Basic mechanisms, current concepts Seizures produce many physiological and biochemical
Self-sustaining status epilepticus changes in the brain, but a mechanism, that is still
The tendency of status epilepticus to become self- highly speculative, has begun to emerge. The rst
perpetuating and the fact that it is more than a series of milliseconds to seconds are dominated by the
severe seizures were recognised as early as the 19th consequences of protein phosphorylation. Ionic
century: in the words of Trousseau11 in the status channels open and close, neurotransmitters and
epilepticus, something happens [in the brain] which modulators are released, and receptor desensitisation,
requires an explanation. In most models of status in its many forms, takes place. In a framework of
epilepticus in awake, free-running animals, seizures seconds to minutes, receptor trafcking causes some
rapidly become self-sustaining and continue long after key adaptations. Long before any change in gene
the withdrawal of the epileptogenic stimulus, whether expression can affect function, the existing receptors
chemical4143 or electrical.15,44,45 Only when seizures are can move from the synaptic membrane into endosomes,
induced under anaesthesia or in very immature brains46 or be mobilised from storage sites to the synaptic
do they remain stimulus bound. There is no proof that membrane, and this process drastically changes
seizures become self sustaining in human beings; excitability by altering the number of inhibitory and
however, the age-old observation that seizures that last excitatory receptors available in the synaptic cleft
more than a half hour become very hard to control (gure 1).59 In the minutes to hours time range, there
supports that interpretation. Understanding the are plastic changes in neuropeptide modulators. These
mechanisms involved in the transformation from single changes are often maladaptive, with increased
seizures to self-sustaining status epilepticus might help expression of proconvulsive neuropeptides59,60 and
us to prevent intractable status epilepticus and its depletion of inhibitory neuropeptides35,6164 contributing
consequences, brain damage, and epileptogenesis. to a state of raised excitability. Finally, in the hours,

248 Vol 5 March 2006


days, and weeks after seizures, there are long-term tachykinins substance P and neurokinin B is increased,
changes in gene expression. Many changes in gene in cells that do not normally express them at detectable
expression are the result of seizure-induced neuronal concentrations.60 These changes abate as self-sustaining
death, and of the resulting neuronal reorganisation. status epilepticus subsides, and might play a part in
Some are the result of plastic adaptation to seizure maintaining self-sustaining seizures over many hours.
activity, but because status epilepticus profoundly
inhibits brain protein synthesis,65 many of the acute Seizure-induced neuronal injury and death
changes in gene expression are not consolidated. We have known since the work of Meldrum and
colleagues73,74 that seizures, even in the absence of
Transition from isolated seizures to status epilepticus convulsive activity, cause neuronal loss, and Sloviter35
In hippocampal slices from rats in lithium-pilocarpine showed that this cell death is the result of excessive
induced status epilepticus for 1 h, the number of GABAA neuronal ring, through excitotoxic mechanisms.
receptors per dentate granule cell synapse is 18 (SD 4), Current models of self-sustaining status epilepticus
compared with 36 (SD 11) per synapse in controls (gure induce widespread neuronal death, which in adults is
1).59 Immunocytochemical or confocal microscopy mostly necrotic20 and associated with mitochondrial
studies of the 2 and 23 subunits of the GABAA receptors dysfunction,75,76 although apoptotic death does happen
show a decrease in the number of subunits present on in several models and locations.77,78 Evidence that
the synaptic membrane and an increase in the interior of seizures induce neuronal injury in human beings is
the cell.59 Endocytosis of the GABAA receptors might largely anecdotal: brain damage is often seen in
partly explain the failure of GABAA inhibition59,66 and the patients who die from status epilepticus;79 DeGiorgio
progressive pharmacoresistance to benzodiazepines as and colleagues80 found decreased neuronal density in
self-sustaining status epilepticus proceeds.31,32 Other the hippocampi of ve patients who died after status
mechanisms might also play a part in this loss of GABA- epilepticus compared with that in patients with
mediated inhibition, including accumulation of epilepsy (without status epilepticus) and controls;
intracellular chloride67,68 or higher bicarbonate (HCO3) Rabinowicz and colleagues81 and ORegan and Brown82
permeability. Interestingly, extrasynaptic GABAA identied increased neuron-specic enolase, a marker
receptors do not endocytose, raising the possibility that of neuronal death, in the serum of patients after status
stimulation of those extrasynaptic receptors might be epilepticus. Several imaging studies reported acute
useful in the treatment of status epilepticus. At the same cerebral oedema and chronic atrophy after status
time, AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits move to the epilepticus8386 although others did not.87 Anecdotal
synaptic membrane where they form additional reports describe patients who had a normal brain MRI
excitatory receptors (gure 1). This change further before status epilepticus, and showed atrophy by MRI
increases excitability in the midst of uncontrolled after status epilepticus and neuronal loss at autopsy.88
seizures.69 Immunocytochemical studies show that the Patients who developed status epilepticus from domoic
NR1 subunits of NMDA receptors move from acid poisoning showed neuronal loss at autopsy,89 and
subsynaptic sites to the synaptic surface, and focal atrophy has also been recorded in areas of intense
physiological investigations show an increase in seizure activity9092 supporting a causal link between
functional NMDA receptors per dentate granule cell seizures and cell loss.
synapse from 52 (SD 12) receptors per synapse in
controls to 78 (SD 12) after 1 h of status epilepticus Status-epilepticus-induced epileptogenesis
(gure 1). Not all receptor changes are maladaptive, and Status-epilepticus-induced epileptogenesis is common
trafcking of tachykinin receptors, for example, after many types of status epilepticus in several animal
decreases the amount of receptors, which would be species and at different ages.9396 The association of this
expected to maintain homoeostasis and decrease event with the loss of GABAergic interneurons35,97 or
hyperexcitability.70 There are also maladaptive changes in with sprouting of excitatory bres98100 is still debated.
synaptic enzyme function. The autophosphorylation of Evidence in human beings is remarkably sparse, and
calmodulin kinase II, for example, makes the enzyme subject to diverging interpretations. The risk of
calcium-independent, and this increases glutamate unprovoked seizures is 334 times higher after acute
release presynaptically.71 symptomatic status epilepticus (41%) then after single
seizures (13%),101 and the risk of developing a febrile
Maladaptive changes in neuropeptide expression in seizure is much higher after status epilepticus than after
self-sustaining status epilepticus simple febrile convulsions102 but these differences might
During self-sustaining status epilepticus, immun- reect a more severe illness in patients with status
ocytochemical studies have suggested a depletion in epilepticus, rather than status epilepticus-induced
hippocampus of the predominantly inhibitory peptides epileptogenesis. Status epilepticus induced by domoic
dynorphin,64 galanin,63 somatostatin,35,62 and neuropeptide acid is epileptogenic and might offer the closest human
Y,72 whereas the expression of the proconvulsant approximation to the animal models.89 Vol 5 March 2006 249


Time-dependent development of pharmacoresistance Prehospital treatment

The progressive development, during the course of Several studies have investigated the feasibility of
status epilepticus, of pharmacoresistance to treatment before hospitalisation. Rectal diazepam is
benzodiazepines and other anticonvulsants is well safe and effective in both adults and children in the
documented in animal models.31,32 In human status pre-hospital care of patients with frequent seizures.
epilepticus, early treatment is much more effective than Serum drug concentrations peak within 330 min, and
late treatment,16 and pharmacoresistance is the most stay therapeutic for at least 8 h.114 The drug terminated
likely of several possible explanations for these results. seizures lasting for more than 5 min in eight patients
For readers who are interested in learning more about in a long-term care facility.115 One randomised, double-
areas not covered here, or about the different types of blind, prospective study116 showed that, in patients
animal models used for research on status epilepticus, a with continuous seizures lasting longer than 5 min,
recent volume by Pitknen, Schwartzkroin, and Mosh103 seizures terminated before arrival to the emergency
and several review articles are recommended.104110 department more commonly in those who were treated
with intravenous lorazepam (591%) or diazepam
Treatment of impending status epilepticus and (426%) than in patients treated with placebo (211%).
of status epilepticus These treatments were reasonably safe, with the rates
Therapeutic principles: time is brain of respiratory or circulatory complications at
Although the optimum treatment of status epilepticus 103106% versus 225% in the placebo group.
needs to be further dened by controlled clinical trials, Unfortunately, well-trained teams of paramedics did
several important principles have emerged. Early these pilot studies, and intravenous treatment might
initiation of intravenous anticonvulsants is crucial to not be as safe in other settings. For safety reasons, in a
successful treatment of status epilepticus. Clinical data prehospital setting, where a physician is usually not
show worsening of outcome with increasing duration of present, we do not recommend use of diazepam and
status epilepticus;40,111 experimental data show time- lorazepam at doses higher than those used in the
dependent loss of synaptic GABAA receptors,59 and as a study. Because the rectal route has not been widely
consequence, rapid loss of responsiveness to accepted in adults, trials of prehospital treatment with
benzodiazepines during status epilepticus.31,32 The dugs that can be given intramuscularly (eg,
window of effective anticonvulsant therapy is narrow. If midazolam) and trials using the nasal or buccal route
a treatment fails, there should be no interval between the in adults are needed. Recent controlled clinical trials in
end of a failed protocol and the initiation of the next children gave encouraging results.116118 Whenever
therapy. The tight timetable outlined in the current feasible, however, giving either rectal diazepam or
treatment algorithms is difcult to adhere to but should intravenous lorazepam or diazepam before arrival at
be followed as closely as clinical circumstances allow. emergency rooms is beneficial.
The safeguarding of homoeostasis is essential for the
prevention of neuronal injury, and maximising the Medical management
supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain, by The rst goal of treatment, before giving anticonvulsants,
maintaining cerebral blood ow and blood gases, is as is to maintain airway and blood pressure; this done,
essential as reducing cerebral metabolic needs by anticonvulsants should be given before doing a full
restricting seizures and hyperthermia. diagnostic work-up. Careful diagnosis and management
The diagnostic assessment is important but should not of medical complications is essential throughout the
delay treatment. A trained clinician should be able to course of status epilepticus.10,119 Hyperthermia,
establish the diagnosis of impending or established tachycardia, systemic and pulmonary hypertension,
status epilepticus on clinical grounds alone and begin pulmonary oedema, high-output failure, cardiac
treatment. In general, an electroencephalogram is not arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis, hypoxia, hyperkalaemia,
needed before the initiation of anticonvulsant therapy. hyperglycaemia, blood and cerebrospinal uid
Even when electroencephalography is being done, it leucocytosis are commonly noted.10 These parameters
should not delay treatment. The same is true of other should be closely monitored in an intensive-care unit.
laboratory studies. Control of hyperthermia is neuroprotective.120,121
Treatment varies enormously from hospital to Continuous monitoring of vital signs, electrocardiogram,
hospital,112,113 and most emergency rooms and intensive- pulse oxymetry, and frequent checks of electrolytes, acid-
care units do not have a status epilepticus-protocol ready base balance, and serum anticonvulsant concentrations
for implementation, which might be one of the reasons are useful. Substantial changes should be treated
why treatment is generally too low, too slow, with appropriately. The presence of hypoxaemia and
delays initiating treatment,40 delays between drugs, and respiratory acidosis is an indication for intubation in
timorous dosing possibly contributing to the poor most cases. Because cerebral blood ow has become
outcome.114 A treatment protocol helps avoid many of pressure-dependent, cerebral metabolic needs remain
these pitfalls and is highly recommended.112 high, and arterial blood pressure commonly falls late in

250 Vol 5 March 2006


the course, systolic pressure should be maintained above One or two drugs?
120 mm Hg if possible, and should not be allowed to fall Type-1 evidence shows that lorazepam alone,
below 90 mm Hg, even if this requires the use of phenobarbital alone, or phenytoin combined with
vasopressors. In a third of adults in status epilepticus, diazepam, are all effective, and therefore all three
arterial pH falls below 7;122 the main contribution to this represent acceptable initial treatments of status
change is lactic acidosis from skeletal muscle,19 which epilepticus.16 However, the VA Cooperative Study16
responds well to oxygen and control of convulsive compared lorazepam 01 mg/kg, with phenytoin and
activity. Our practice has been to treat with bicarbonate if diazepam 015 mg/kg. Because lorazepam is several
the patient is hypotensive and arterial pH is 7 due to times more potent than diazepam, the comparison was
metabolic acidosis. Massive release of insulin123 can rarely between an adequate dose of lorazepam, and phenytoin
lead to hypoglycaemia, which critically restricts glucose plus an ineffective dose of diazepam, and the question of
delivery to the brain in infants124 and should be corrected. whether it is better to deliver two drugs simultaneously
More often, catecholamine release and other factors or sequentially remains unanswered. We initiate
cause hyperglycaemia, which does not need correction in treatment with two drugs that have different
most cases,125 and is not as harmful to the brain during mechanisms of action (gure 2), for two reasons. First,
status epilepticus as in ischaemia, because circulation the time-dependent loss of potency of benzodiazepines
can carry lactate out of the brain.126,127 Mild acidosis might documented experimentally31,32 suggests that those drugs
be an anticonvulsant128 and neuroprotective.129 should not be used alone when status epilepticus is
treated more than 30 min after seizure onset, because
Treatment of seizures 30 min of seizures are sufcient to cause a substantial
Only three controlled, double-blind, clinical studies of decrease in benzodiazepine potency.32 Hydantoins lose
the treatment of status epilepticus have been published. potency more slowly than benzodiazepines,31 and
Leppik and colleagues130 compared lorazepam with starting them early should improve therapeutic results.
diazepam and found no difference. Treiman and Second, status epilepticus is a heterogeneous disorder,
colleagues16 compared phenytoin, lorazepam, diazepam and attacking two mechanisms of action might increase
and phenytoin, and phenobarbital, and there was no chances of success.
signicant differences except that lorazepam was
superior to phenytoin. Alldredge and colleagues116 Comparison of benzodiazepines
found both intravenous diazepam and lorazepam Type I evidence shows that both diazepam and
efcacious in prehospital treatment. Because of the lorazepam are effective in the treatment of status
paucity of type 1 evidence, many treatment protocols are epilepticus, whereas midazolam has never been used in
used. Among 107 physicians surveyed in the Santa a double-blind study.130,133135 All three drugs achieve
Monica meeting, 16 different protocols were used.10 A effective brain concentrations quickly, although
British survey yielded similar results.112 diazepam is slightly faster than the others in this respect.
Efcacy and toxicity are similar, although anecdotal
Therapeutic principles for anticonvulsants evidence slightly favours lorazepam. Pharmacokinetics
The paucity of controlled studies condemns us to the favour midazolam, which has an elimination half-life of
old-fashioned use of pathophysiology and 90150 min136,137 compared with 1224 h for lorazepam
pharmacokinetics in many of our therapeutic decisions. and 48 h for diazepam. The half-life of midazolam can
Because one of the reasons for the poor results of increase in subpopulations and during status
current treatment131,132 is that anticonvulsant use tends epilepticus, and its metabolism by the cytochrome P450
to be too low, too slow, we advocate the rapid, 3A4 enzymes might make it more susceptible to drug
sequential use of anticonvulsants with a short interactions than lorazepam, which is glucuronated.
elimination half-life. In the Veterans Affairs
Cooperative Study,16 when the rst drug failed, 73 % of Comparison of hydantoins
patients responded to the second drug, and only 2% to Type I evidence shows that fosphenytoin causes few side
the third drug, but many patients might not have effects (pain, phlebitis) at the injection site.138 The purple
received a full dose of the third drug, and this could glove syndrome is only reported anecdotally for
have been a factor in their failure. When using phenytoin (type 4 evidence). This reduction of local
anticonvulsants with a long elimination half-life (eg, toxicity comes at a much higher cost. There is no
diazepam, lorazepam, or phenobarbital), giving a full evidence that either efcacy or the incidence of cardiac
dose of the third drug without dangerously depressing arrhythmias differ between drugs, although fewer
blood pressure may not be possible. With drugs that arrhythmias have been reported with fosphenytoin than
have short half-lives, when treatment fails the drug is phenytoin. Rapid achievement of therapeutic brain
rapidly eliminated and a full dose of the next drug can concentrations is desirable, whether the drugs differ in
be given without being limited by lingering this respect is unclear. The 1015 min needed for
cardiovascular depression. dephosphorylation of fosphenytoin is compensated for Vol 5 March 2006 251


Impending status epilepticus Established status epilepticus Refractory status epilepticus

5 min 30 min

Before emergency room Emergency room Intensive-care unit

Diazepam rectal gel Intravenous midazolam Intravenous Intravenous Propofol loading Ketamine
1520 mg 02 mg/kg bolus fostenytoin/ valproic acid 25 mg/kg bolus 15 mg/kg

005 mg/kg/h phenytoin 4060 mg/kg CIV 210 mg/kg/h CIV 001005 mg/kg/h
or 2030 mg/kg 3 mg/kg/min
or or and/or
Intravenous lorazepam
2 mg, may repeat once Intravenous lorazepam Midazolam Other drugs
up to 01 mg/kg loading 02 mg/kg
or CIV 012 mg/kg/h
Intravenous diazepam or
5 mg, may repeat once Intravenous diazepam
up to 02504 mg/kg Pentobarbital
loading up to10 mg/kg
25 mg/min
CIV 052 mg/kg/h

Electroencephalographic monitoring?

Airway, blood pressure, temperature, intravenous access, electrocardiagraphy,CBC, glucose, electrolytes, AED levels, ABG, tox screen; central line?

Figure 2: Management of status epilepticus

Impending or established status epilepticus: start with 20 mg/kg of fosphenytoin or phenytoin, and if status epilepticus persists, give an additional 10 mg/kg. Follow
the ow chart UNLESS there is a history of drug intolerance (eg, allergy to phenytoin or benzodiazepine) then replace by intravenous (IV) valproic acid 4060 mg/kg
or IV phenobarbital 20 mg/kg; UNLESS treatment-induced hypotension slows rate of delivery; UNLESS history of progressive (PME) or juvenile (JME) myoclonus
epilepsy (phenytoin/fosphenytoin harmful in PME, ineffective in JME), replace with IV valproic acid or IV phenobarbital; UNLESS tonic status epilepticus with Lennox-
Gastaut syndrome (might be worsened by benzodiazepines), replace with IV valproic acid or IV phenobarbital; UNLESS, acute intermittent porphyria, avoid P450
inducers, replace by NG gabapentin (if possible) or by IV valproic acid; UNLESS, focal status epilepticus without impairment of consciousness, IV treatment not
indicated, load anticonvulsants orally or rectally. Refractory status epilepticus: IV valproic acid-start with 40 mg/kg and, if status epilepticus persists, give an
additional 20 mg/kg. Continous intravenous infusion (CIV) usually starts with the lower dose, which is titrated to achieve seizure suppression and is increased as
tolerated if tachyphylaxis develops. Ketamine: rule out increased intracranial pressure before administration. Other drugs: felbamate, topiramate, levetiracetam,
lidocaine, inhalation anaesthetics, etc. Dosage and pharmacokinetics of most anticonvulsants must be adjusted appropriately in patients with hepatic or renal failure,
or with drug interactions. Some patients in refractory status epiletpcius will need systemic and pulmonary artery catheterisation, with uid and vasopressors as
indicated to maintain blood pressure. CBC=complete blood count; AED=antiepileptic drug; ABG=arterial blood gas.

by the faster infusion rate of fosphenytoin (150 mg/min anticonvulsant to reach a high therapeutic or low toxic
vs 50 mg/min, which for a 70 kg patient receiving serum anticonvulsant concentration (eg, phenytoin
20 mg/kg, would gain 19 min). However, there is one 30 g/mL, or valproic acid of 150 g/mL). There should
situation when fosphenytoin achieves therapeutic be no hesitation to depress respiration and intubate, but
concentrations faster than phenytoin. In patients severe arterial hypotension should be avoided because it
receiving chronic phenytoin treatment (even if will curtail cerebral blood ow. If this additional
concentrations are slightly subtherapeutic), fosphenytoin treatment fails, another therapeutic drug should be
displaces phenytoin from its albumin binding sites, given, and possible causes should be carefully examined
rapidly raising the free phenytoin concentration, which is to make sure that the cause of status epilepticus has
the key to the drugs therapeutic action. been treated.
Intravenous valproic acid has not been objectively
Refractory status epilepticus assessed for treatment of status epilepticus, but
This term is dened by the failure of adequate amounts anecdotal reports suggest that it is effective and
of two intravenous drugs to stop seizures. Because relatively safe.139141 Valproic acid is contraindicated in
generalised convulsive status epilepticus is a life- patients under age 2 years, and by severe liver disease,
threatening disorder with a very poor outcome if it does mitochondrial diseases, pancreatitis, pregnancy, and
not respond to the rst two drugs,16 a moderate amount caution should be used in young children. We currently
of dose-dependent toxicity (eg, sleepiness, ataxia, and give this drug before general anaesthesia, although
confusion) is a small price to pay for stopping the other centres do not use it in refractory status
seizures. Therefore, if the initial treatment does not stop epilepticus because of the risk of delaying general
the seizures, the rst measure should be to add enough anaesthesia.142 It can be infused in 1530 min and if it

252 Vol 5 March 2006


Search strategy and selection criteria This review highlights the progress made in
References for this review were identied by searches of understanding the nature of status epilepticus in animal
PubMed with the term status epilepticus or SSSE in models and the paucity of reliable evidence in human
combination with epidemiology, GABA, glutamate, beings. We propose a simplied nomenclature of status
NMDA, AMPA, treatment, intravenous AND epilepticus and an aggressive approach to its treatment.
valproate, midazolam, and refractory status epilepticus. For established status epilepticus, available treatments
The last search was done in October 2005. The following fall far short of what an optimal drug should achieve.
publication types were excluded: case report, non-controlled New therapies and controlled trials of available drugs are
trials, retrospective studies, editorial and reviews. Clinical urgently needed.
trials of paediatric patients are largely excluded. In addition,
early landmark publications and recent textbooks of status CGW was supported by VAH Research Service and by NINDS (NIH)
epilepticus are cited. awards NS13515. JWYC was supported by NINDS (NIH) awards
Authors contributions
Both authors contributed equally.
fails, general anaesthesia should be given as soon as
possible. Conicts of interest
CGW has received research grants from Johnson and Johnson
Pharmaceutical Research Institute, UCB Pharma, and Schwartz, Inc.
General anaesthesia He has been on the Speakers Bureau of Abbott, GlaxoSmithKline,
Once the patient has reached this stage, prognosis is poor Novartis, Ortho-McNeill, Pzer, Shire, UCB Pharma. JWYC has no
regardless of treatment choice, and all options entail conicts of interest.

signicant risks. Midazolam is an effective drug,143146 but References

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