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The word devilment in is most accurately synonymous with:

a. evil
b. mischief
c. recklessness
d. pique
2. Which of the following best describes the tone of the piece?
a. nostalgic and wistful
b. impassioned and incensed
c. appreciative and humorous
d. ruffled and confused
3. The comedy of the passage most chiefly derives from:
a. The use of sarcasm
b. The tone with which the author regards the audience
c. The use of passive voice
d. The authors tone in describing her mother
4. The passage The adman who thought of making Americans believe they needed
underarm deodorant was a genius assists the authors purpose due to it being a(n) ___.
a. Allusion
b. Synonym
c. Paromologia
d. Dyatyposis
5. The use of the word madness in the last paragraph most accurately refers to:
a. Dementia
b. Chaos
c. Stupidity
d. Euphoria

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