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Portland Cement Association

High-Strength Concrete
Not until the 1900s did engineers however, as high-rise buildings like
Volume 15/Number 1
and materials technologists become 311 South Wacker Drive (see Fig. 1)
March 1994 involved in optimizing the strength create striking visual impressions.
of concrete, though concrete has This structure, at 969 ft (295 m), was
5420 Old Orchard Road been used throughout history as a the worlds tallest concrete building
building material. With
Skokie, Illinois 60077-1083 each successive develop-
ment and corresponding
Phone: (847) 966-6200
strength increase, the defini-
Fax: (847) 966-9781 tion of high strength was
revised. Of course, there is
no exact point of separation
between normal-strength
and high-strength con-
Contents crete. According to the
American Concrete
Institute, high strength is
High-Strength Concrete defined as that over 6000
psi (41 MPa) compressive
Autoclaved Cellular strength.(1) This value was
Concrete Update adopted by ACI in 1984,
but is not yet hard and fast,
Concrete in a Marine because ACI recognizes
Environment that the definition of high-
strength varies on a geo-
Performance Standards
graphical basis. Prof. J.
are Coming
Francis Young of the
University of Illinois at
New Research Results Champaign-Urbana has
Announced developed a strength classi-
fication system that, though
not yet adopted by a recog-
nized authority, is a helpful
tool for describing high-
strength concretes (see
Table 1).

A versatile material, high-
strength concrete (HSC) Fig. 1. At 969 ft (295 m) and 71 stories,
possesses desirable proper- Chicagos 311 South Wacker Drive (right) was
ties other than high the tallest concrete building in the world
strength. The most dramat- when completed in 1989. Photo: George
ic and memorable applica- Lambros, courtesy of Kohn Pedersen Fox
tions stem from this aspect, Associates PC.

R e t u r n To I n d e x
Concrete Technology Today

Table 1. Strength classification of concrete

Conventional High-strength Very-high- Ultra-high-
concrete concrete strength concrete strength concrete
Strength, MPa (psi) < 50 (7250) 50-100 (7250-14,500) 100-150 (14,500-21,750) > 150 (21,750)

Water-cement ratio > 0.45 0.45-0.30 0.30-0.25 < 0.25

Chemical admixtures Not necessary WRA/HRWR* HRWR* HRWR*

Mineral admixtures Not necessary Fly ash Silica fume** Silica fume**

Permeability coefficient (cm/s) > 10-10 10-11 > 10-12 < 10-13

Freeze-thaw protection Needs air entrainment Needs air entrainment Needs air entrainment No freezable water

* WRA = Water reducing admixture; HRWR = high-range water reducer

** Also may contain fly ash

when completed in 1989, utilizing through smaller vertical members amount of formwork needed and
concrete with compressive strengths and has also often proven to be the result in further cost savings.
of up to 12,000 psi (83 MPa). most economical alternative by
HSC is specified where reduced reducing both the total volume of Structural Lightweight Concrete
weight is important or where archi- concrete and the amount of steel Structural lightweight concretenot
tectural considerations require required for a load-bearing member. necessarily high-strengthis well-
smaller load-carrying elements. In Also, formwork is a large portion of suited to many special applications.
high-rise buildings, HSC helps to the cost of constructing a column; This material, typically at strengths
achieve more efficient floor plans smaller column sizes reduce the around 3500 psi (24 MPa), has found

Building Building
Height, ft Height, m
1000 12,000 psi (82.7)
(82.7 MPa)
900 (82.7)
(82.7) 19,000
800 17,000
(131.0) 250

700 12,500 19,000

(82.2) (131.0)
600 14,000





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C rD
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* Reinforced concrete frame

Composite concrete/steel frame
** Also includes one experimental column of 17,000 psi

Fig. 2. High-strength concrete shapes new U.S. skylines.

R e t u r n To I n d e x
March 1994

batched,(4) delivered by a few ready

More About High-Strength Concrete mix producers, and placed by con-
tractors in some major structures
This article on high-strength concrete has been excerpted from the
(see Fig. 2), the idea of 25,000-psi
comprehensive PCA engineering bulletin High-Strength Concrete
concrete in the near future may be
(EB114T) and edited for Concrete Technology Today. Much of the tech-
quite feasible with certain aggregates
nical information included in EB114T comes from a recent joint indus-
and other materials. Cement pastes
try study, Engineering Properties of Commercially Available High-Strength
have already been made and tested
Concretes (RD104T), published by PCA in 1992.
to failure at strengths of approxi-
High-strength concrete as we know it today in the ready mix and
mately 25,000 psi.
precast industries is the result of ongoing research and development to
The number of precasters that rou-
optimize concrete ingredients, proportioning, mixing, placing, and
tinely produce concrete with
quality control methods. For commercially available HSC, materials
strengths above 6000 psi is rather
technology has perhaps out-paced available engineering information;
limited. Under careful control and
accordingly, EB114T has been developed to provide the most current
through the use of low water-cement
available engineering data to concrete producers, specifiers, designers,
ratios, water-reducing admixtures,
contractors, and other users of HSC.
and pozzolans, high-compressive-
EB114T includes information on the types, dosages, and uses of
strength precast concrete products
chemical and mineral admixtures; sample material proportions for
can be consistently produced with
typical HSC mixtures; detailed discussions of compressive strength,
quality aggregates and cements. At
ultimate strength, and in-place strengthincluding drilled cores;
precasting plants, low-slump con-
strength comparisons between cylinders of various dimensions; sub-
crete is consolidated in forms by
stantial discussions of modulus of elasticity and durability; and meth-
prolonged vibration or shock meth-
ods of developing optimal mixture proportions with available materi-
ods. However, the more fragile
als. Current and future applications of HSC are also discussed.
forms used in cast-in-place construc-
With a table of contents and 7 chaptersincluding a list of 73 refer-
tion do not permit the same com-
encesinformation is plentiful, but easy to locate. Over 35 tables, fig-
paction procedures, and more plastic
ures, and photos help describe the history, development, properties,
and workable concretes are neces-
and various projects that have used high-strength concrete. All
sary to avoid segregation and hon-
numerical values in the text, tables, and figures are presented in both
eycomb. Furthermore, special han-
U.S. customary and SI metric units.
dling, placing, and quality control
The 56-page bulletin, High-Strength Concrete (EB114T), published in
techniques may be necessary to
1994, is available for purchase in the United States from Portland
ensure the achievement of high
Cement Association, Order Processing, P. O. Box 726, Skokie, IL 60076-
0726, telephone 1-800/868-6733. In Canada, please direct requests to
the nearest regional office of the Canadian Portland Cement
Association (Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver). Production, Optimization, Testing
With new technology, a few ready
mix producers, as already men-
tioned, are capable of producing
extensive use for constructing the Compressive Strength 19,000-psi (131-MPa) concrete; but
floors of high-rise buildings. Traditionally, compressive strength even without the most recent devel-
The two properties that best char- tests are made at 28 days, but many opments, careful adherence to every
acterize high-strength lightweight high-rise structures now requiring aspect of good concrete practice can
concrete (HSLWC) are its high HSC employ a construction schedule yield strengths of over 14,000 psi (96
strength and relatively low density. whereby the structural elements in MPa) at 56 days.(5) To be successful,
Like HSC, its appeal stems from its the lower floors are not fully loaded close cooperation is required from
ability to carry heavy loads with for periods of a year or more. Under the project engineer, the ready mix
smaller size members. Unlike its these circumstances, it is reasonable producer, the contractor, and the
normal-weight counterpart, HSLWC to specify compressive strengths testing agency.
reduces dead weight loads even fur- based on either 56- or 90-day results, A ready mix producer should not
ther because members are not only thereby taking advantage of the attempt to supply high-strength con-
stronger, but also lighter, lowering strength gain that occurs after 28 crete without an extensive mixture
foundation costs for a structure. days. development program. As higher
One type of construction in particu- The upper limit of concrete strengths become more common,
lar that takes advantage of its strength at 90 days and beyond more is learned about the materials
strength, light weight, and durability appears to be 25,000 to 30,000 psi required for the production of HSC.
characteristics is arctic offshore (172 to 207 MPa)(2) with some esti- The producer needs to know which
drilling platforms. The reduced den- mates for very special materials factors affect compressive strength
sity is also advantageous where ther- ranging as high as 106,000 psi (731 and how to vary those factors for the
mal resistance is important in a load- MPa).(3) As 19,000-psi (131-MPa) best results. Each variable should be
bearing member. concretes have already been analyzed separately in developing

R e t u r n To I n d e x
Concrete Technology Today

the mix proportions. As each mater-

ial is chosen for its optimum perfor-
mance, it should be incorporated
into the mixture design as the
Cellular Concrete ACCthe Benefits are
Well Documented
remaining variables are studied. An Update As an extremely lightweight
optimum mixture is then developed cement-based material, auto-
for the materials on the basis of per- claved cellular concrete (ACC)
A demonstration tour of U.S. electric
formance, cost, and quality control. blends some classic concrete
utility plants continues to pick up
Quality control for high-strength qualities with attributes usually
steam as testing progresses on pro-
concrete warrants additional atten- associated with plastics or wood
duction of a specialty concrete that is
tion. Many testing methods used for composites:
popular around the world but has
normal-strength concrete are not
never before been widely used in the LightweightACC is only
adequate for HSC. To truly com-
United States. about 25% the weight of con-
plete the process of optimizing the
The Electric Power Research ventional concrete.
mixture design, further research into
Institutes North American Cellular
proper testing is required. Fire resistantACC does not
Concrete (NACC) tour is now at the
burn; block or panel configu-
Tennessee Valley Authority in
References rations provide fire ratings of
Chattanooga, Tenn. TVA is the sixth
1. State-of-the-Art Report on High- 3 to 7 hours.
of eight stops for a mobile plant
Strength Concrete, ACI 363R-92, Rot and vermin resistant
capable of producing sample blocks
ACI Committee 363 Report, Like concrete, ACC is imper-
of autoclaved cellular concrete
American Concrete Institute, vious to damage from mois-
(ACC), a lightweight building mater-
Detroit, 1992. ture and termites.
ial for structural and architectural
2. Perenchio, W.F., An Evaluation of
applications (floors, roofs, walls, InsulationA high air con-
Some Factors Involved in Producing
etc.). tent gives ACC an R-value of
Very High-Strength Concrete,
The tour is demonstrating small- 1.26 per in. (25 mm) of thick-
Research and Development
scale production possibilities of a ness.
Bulletin RD014T, Portland Cement
material that has eluded much of
Association, 1973. Easy to work withACC
North America, particularly the
3. ACBM researchers break the can be drilled, sawed, chis-
United States, for a variety of mar-
100,000 psi barrier, Cementing the eled, nailed, or screwed using
ket-related and financial reasons.
future, National Science conventional carpentry tools.
NACC believes it can overcome a
Foundation Center for Science and
chief obstacle of the pastplant Environmentally friendly
Technology of Advanced
start-up costs of $20-$50 million ACC recycles fly ash,
Cement-Based Materials,
with small production assemblies replaces wood components,
Northwestern University,
costing in the $3-$5 million range. and reduces heating and
Evanston, Illinois, Fall 1992,
While by no means the first cooling costs.
page 8.
attempt to bring ACC to U.S. mar-
4. Godfrey, K.A., Jr., Concrete
ketsefforts date to the 1920s
Strength Record Jumps 36%,
NACC has a few new twists: lower
Civil Engineering, American
equipment costs and an ACC mix-
Society of Civil Engineers, New managers have opted to use Type III
ture design that substitutes fly ash
York, October 1987, pages 84-88. cement in each of the mixtures, part-
for sand.
5. Moreno, Jaime, 225 W. Wacker ly due to the variety of fly ashes.
NACC and EPRI have timed the
DriveThe State of the Art of When mixtures are batched into a
effort to cope with management and
High-Strength Concrete in mold, the aluminum powder
disposal of large volumes of fly ash.
Chicago, Concrete International, reacts chemically to create millions
Equally timely, although not imme-
American Concrete Institute, of tiny hydrogen bubbles, causing
diately exploitable due to the uncer-
Detroit, January 1990, pages 35-39. the material to expand to nearly
tainty of permanent ACC production
facilities, is the timber crisis, which twice its volume.
has left the construction industry, Following removal from the
especially home builders, grappling mold, the foam-like material is wire
for alternatives to wood frame con- cut into blocks or slabs and moved
struction. into an autoclavean airtight cham-
ACC, also known as aerated con- ber with pressurized steam.
crete, is produced by mixing port- Autoclaving for 10 to 12 hours spurs
land cement, lime, aluminum pow- a second chemical reaction that gives
der, and water with a large propor- the highly porous material its
tion of a silica-rich material. In lieu strength, rigidity, dimensional stabil-
of silica sand, NACC is using fly ash ity, and other unique properties (see
from its host utility plants. Project box). Typical ACC compressive

R e t u r n To I n d e x
March 1994

voids and other defects, (6) adequate

strengths are 400 to 800 psi (2.8 to
5.5 MPa).
Concrete concrete cover over reinforcement
The NACC tour began in late
1992 with a trial casting in Boston,
in a Marine [minimum 2 in. (50 mm), preferably
3 in. (75 mm)], and (7) sufficient cur-
port of call for plant equipment Environment ing to develop the required imper-
shipped from Europe and home of meability and other desired proper-
Hodge Boiler Co., the firm that Seawater contains significant ties of the concrete.
assembled the plant onto three flat- amounts of sulfates and chlorides.
bed trailers. Public Service of Although sulfates in seawater are For More Information
Indiana, Noblesville Station, was the capable of attacking concrete, the 1. Verbeck, G. J., Field and Laboratory
first utility location; a two-month presence of chlorides inhibits the Studies of the Sulfate Resistance of
demonstration began there in March expansive reaction that is character- Concrete, Research Department
1993. In May 1993, the plant trav- istic of sulfate attack. Calcium sul- Bulletin RX227, Portland Cement
eled to New England Power in foaluminate, the reaction product of Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1967.
Somerset, Mass., and from there it sulfate attack, is more soluble in a 2. Guide for the Design and
completed scheduled stops through- chloride solution and can be more Construction of Fixed Offshore
out 1993 at United Illumination in readily leached out of concrete, thus Concrete Structures, ACI 357R-84,
Bridgeport, Conn., Ohio Edison in resulting in less destructive expan- ACI Committee 357 Report,
Akron, and Georgia Power in sion. This is a major factor explain- American Concrete Institute,
Atlanta. As of this writing, the plant ing observations from a number of Detroit, 1984.
is at the TVA in Chattanooga, Tenn. sources that the performance of con- 3. Mehta, P. K., Durability of
The remaining utilities on the tour crete in seawater with portland Concrete Exposed to Marine
are NYSEG and Niagara Mohawk, cement having tricalcium aluminate EnvironmentA Fresh Look,
both in the state of New York, and a (C3A) contents as high as 10%, and Concrete in Marine Environment,
Sierra Pacific facility in the state of Proceedings, Second International
sometimes higher, have shown satis-
Nevada. Conference, SP-109, American
factory durability, providing the per-
For more information on ACC, or Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1988.
meability of the concrete is low and
to visit one of the remaining plant the reinforcing steel has adequate
locations on the tour, contact Bob cover.
Sauber, managing director, North The maximum permissible water-
American Cellular Concrete, 3
Regency Plaza, Suite 6, Providence,
cement ratio for the submerged por- Performance
tion of a structure is 0.45 by weight.
RI 02903, Tel. 401/621-8108, Fax.
For portions in the splash zone and Standards are
above, the maximum permissible
water-cement ratio is 0.40 by weight. Coming
Water-cement ratios as high as 0.50
by weight may be used provided the The American Society for Testing
and Materials (ASTM) recently pub-
CLARIFICATION C3A content of the cement does not
exceed 8%. lished a new specification designat-
In the article titled Long-Term Cements meeting the requirements ed C1157-92, Standard Performance
Properties of High-Strength of ASTM C150, Specification for Specification for Blended Hydraulic
Concretes (Concrete Technology Portland Cement, and ASTM C595, Cement. The new standard, howev-
Today, November 1993), we incor- Specification for Blended Hydraulic er, does not replace ASTMs existing
Cements, and meeting the C3A standard C595, Specification for
rectly identified the building asso-
requirement noted above, that is, not Blended Hydraulic Cements, which
ciated with the data in Table 2.
more than 10%, are acceptable for defines five types of blended cement
The compressive strength and in terms of ingredient proportions
modulus of elasticity data in Table concrete in a marine environment.
In the case of C595 blended cements, and chemical limitations.
2 is correct, but it relates to the 44-
story Pacific First Center project in this limitation applies only to the
portland cement clinker used in the Unique Development
Seattle, not Two Union Square.
blended cement. Unlike C595, the new C1157 perfor-
Obviously, this is a major error. In addition to the proper selection mance standard does not dictate the
We apologize to Mr. Michael R. of cement and water-cement ratio, composition or constituents of
Gardner, who is the quality con- other requirements for securing eco- blended cement other than the
trol manager for Stoneway nomical and durable concrete in a requirement that it should consist of
Concrete of Renton, Washington, marine environment include: (1) two or more inorganic constituents
the ready mix supplier for the adequate air entrainment, (2) low which contribute to the strength-
Pacific First Center project, and slump, (3) adequate consolidation, gaining properties of the cement,
the gentleman who brought this (4) uniformity of batching, mixing, with or without other constituents,
error to our attention. transporting, and placing, (5) a processing additions, and functional
smooth finish free from surface additions. The blended cement

R e t u r n To I n d e x
Concrete Technology Today

may be produced by intergrinding companies far more leeway in for- American Society for Testing and
or other blending processes. C1157 mulating their product, concedes Materials, 1916 Race Street,
does require that the ingredients of Kosmatka. For the first time, man- Philadelphia, PA 19103, Phone: 215-
the blended cement be reported and ufacturers can truly optimize 299-5400, Fax: 215-977-9679.
that the ingredients, including pro- cements, using ingredients available
cessing and functional additions, to them without the limitations of
independently meet any applicable recipe specifications.
specifications. Ultimately, performance-specified
This really is a unique develop- blended cements could spawn a new
ment, notes Steven Kosmatka, who breed of productsspecial formula- New Research
as PCAs manager of research and
development tracks specifications
tions that address specific customer
needs such as resistance to alkali-
and standards in the cement indus- aggregate reaction and sulfate reac- Announced
try and serves on several ASTM tion, to name two. The following new research and
committees. For the cement indus- There are also environmental con- development bulletins are now
try, its our first foray into perfor- siderations. Blending portland available. To purchase any of these
mance specifications. cement with materials such as fly bulletins in the United States, con-
ash, ground granulated blast-furnace tact Portland Cement Association,
Six Types slag, kiln dust, or limestone means Order Processing, P. O. Box 726,
C1157 sets physical requirements for less embodied energy and reduced Skokie, IL 60076-0726; telephone 1-
the following six types of blended carbon dioxide emissions. And in 800/868-6733, or fax 708/966-9666
cement, mirroring the attributes of the case of kiln dust, slag, fly ash, (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). In
ASTMs C150 cement types: and other mineral byproducts, its a Canada please direct requests to the
way to recycle waste materials into nearest regional office of the
Type GUBlended cement for gen- cement.
eral construction use Canadian Portland Cement
when a specialized type Association (Halifax, Montreal,
is not required Acceptance? Toronto, and Vancouver).
Type HEHigh Early Strength But dont expect an overnight shift
from recipe to performance specifi-
Type MSModerate Sulfate cations; publication of the standard
Resistance is only the beginning. It has yet to
Type HSHigh Sulfate Resistance be accepted by ASTM C94
Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete,
Type MHModerate Heat of
the ACI 318 Building Code, ACI 301
Specifications for Structural Concrete
Type LHLow Heat of Hydration for Buildings, and other important
standards and codes organizations, a
In addition, any of the above types process that could take the rest of
may be designated with Option R this decade. Moreover, acceptance
Low Reactivity with Alkali-Reactive may be only the first hurdle.
Aggregates. If Option R is invoked, Historically, U.S. specifiers have
the cement should be tested using shied away from blended cements,
ASTM Test Method C227, which perhaps finding a tandem set of
uses crushed borosilicate (Pyrex) cement types confusing. Adding a Guide Specification for
glass as the reactive aggregate. The third setC1157to the existing Concrete Subject to Alkali-
expansion during this test should C150 and C595 specifications may Silica Reactions, IS415T
not exceed 0.020% at 14 days or further complicate cement choices. This 8-page document, authored by
0.060% at 56 days. Additionally, In any case, if use of a blended the Portland Cement Associations
pozzolans used in any blended cement under ASTM C1157 is con- Alkali-Silica Reactivity/Pavement
cement also should be tested using templated, or an order is placed, a Durability Task Group, provides
C227 with a nonreactive sand to request should be made for the man- specifiers and engineers guidance
determine whether they have any ufacturers certification, which is dis- with state-of-the-art approaches to
potential for alkali-reactivity. cussed in Section 14 of the standard. control alkali-silica reactivity (ASR).
This section requires the manufac- The guide is compiled from the best
Optimizing Cements turer to provide results of tests and of U.S., Canadian, and European
As noted earlier, the new standard chemical analyses and a list of spe- approaches, including the Strategic
does not replace ASTMs existing cific constituents and functional Highway Research Program.
C595 standard; the new designations additions, if any, contained in the Alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) has
for six types of blended cement are cement specified. been reported worldwide since 1940.
simply an additional way to specify Copies of ASTM Designation Fortunately most concrete is not
blended cements. It gives cement C1157-92 may be purchased from affected by this condition. Although

R e t u r n To I n d e x
March 1994

the risk of catastrophic failure and index (RD100T), which includes an

the number of affected structures are abstract for each bulletin, is included
low, ASR-induced cracking can exac- with every order.
erbate other deterioration mecha- Few other sources provide so
nisms such as occur in frost, deicer, much cement and concrete informa-
or sulfate exposures. ASR can be tion in so well-organized and con-
controlled by the methods presented cise a form. RD100T is also available
in this guide specification. in microcomputer database formats,
Most aggregates are chemically further easing the process of infor-
stable in hydraulic cement concrete mation retrieval. Some of the out-of-
without deleterious interaction with print bulletins are available only as
other concrete ingredients. However, photocopies.
this is not the case for concrete con-
taining certain siliceous aggregates,
resulting in detrimental expansion this parameter is not limited. Other
and cracking of concrete structures. than a slightly more restrictive limi-
The guide concisely informs the tation on fineness for the AASHTO
specifier how to determine if aggre- Type II cements, there are no other
gates are potentially reactive by differences in the two cement speci-
using petrography, a rapid mortar fications. To investigate if concrete
bar test (ASTM P214), and the properties differ as a result of using
Canadian concrete prism test. The the different Type II cements, two
guide provides three options to con- pairs of cements were obtained, each
trol ASR and methods to determine pair included one ASTM Type II
the effectiveness of mineral admix- cement and one AASHTO Type II
tures and blended cements. cement. Each pair was obtained
This guide specification is mod- from a single plant. Concretes were
eled after the document Using Guide made with these cements using an
Specifications for Concrete Subject to identical mix design representative Fire Test of Concrete Beams
Alkali-Silica Reactions published by of paving applications. Fresh con- Reinforced with Epoxy
the Mid-Atlantic Regional Technical crete properties , potential for plastic
Coated Bars, RP321B
Committee in 1993. As this group shrinkage cracking, heat develop-
This 14-page research report pre-
consisted of local concrete users, ment, compressive strength develop-
sents the results of fire tests on con-
material suppliers, consulting engi- ment, and drying shrinkage were
crete beams reinforced with epoxy-
neers, and state transportation engi- measured for each concrete made
coated bars. Funded jointly by PCA
neers, it focused on a regional with each cement. Results show
and the Concrete Reinforcing Steel
approach to ASR. The PCA-version there is little difference in concrete
Institute, this study determined the
is designed to be used on a national properties as a result of using either
fire endurance of two full-size con-
level by owners, transportation and ASTM or AASHTO Type II cements.
crete beams.
structural engineers, and others to Both beams were 12x14-in.
provide safeguards against the Complete DX, RX, and RD (300x350-mm) by 32-ft (9.8-m) long
occurrence of ASR failures. Series, RX300 and made with carbonate aggregate
This newly compiled series is a col- concrete. Each was subjected to a
Comparison of the Perform- lection of technical information from fire test following the provisions
ance of Concretes Made more than 50 years of research by outlined in ASTM E119, Standard
with ASTM and AASHTO the Portland Cement Association Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building
over 500 bulletinson cement and Construction and Materials. During
Type II Cements/Survey of the fire test the beams were loaded
concrete. This complete set of all
Cement Specifications in Development (DX), Research (RX), to simulate the end span of a contin-
Concrete Pavement and and Research and Development uous member, such that the applied
Bridge Construction, RP320T (RD) bulletins from 1939 to 1994 moments at midspan and over the
Presently, there are two specifica- addresses hundreds of cement and continuous support were equivalent
tions for Type II cement, ASTM and concrete technology subjects. Air to 40% and 50% respectively of the
AASHTO. The great majority of entrainment, alkalis, hydration, nominal moment strengths at corre-
cements are produced under ASTM chemical analysis, strength, creep, sponding sections. Tests were dis-
specifications, but many state high- durability, long-time properties, continued when the beams showed
way projects require cements made modulus of elasticity, pozzolans, signs of imminent structural failure.
to AASHTO specifications. For temperature effects, and water con- Beam A was designed in accor-
AASHTO Type II cements there is a tent are just a few of the topics cov- dance with ACI 318-83 provisions
maximum limit of 55% on C3S ered. As an aid in data searches, a whereas Beam B met design criteria
whereas for ASTM Type II cements, comprehensive subject and author for the ACI 318-89 code. The mea-

R e t u r n To I n d e x
Concrete Technology Today March 1994

sured fire endurances were 2 hours bined axial and lateral loads
33 minutes for Beam A and 3 hours while loaded to deflected shapes
48 minutes for Beam B. In the sum- well beyond wall cracking and
mary, authors T. D. Lin and R. G. first yield of reinforcement.
Burg noted that the beam designed Walls reinforced with two layers
to ACI 318-89 provisions was in of reinforcing bars, one layer
good agreement with values current- located near each face, provide a
ly accepted by the three U. S. model stiffer wall with higher ductility
building codes for the fire endurance when compared to a wall with an
of beams with non-coated bars. equivalent total amount of rein-
forcement placed in one layer at
the panel midthickness.
Tilt-Up Walls Test Results, A decrease in the size of isolated
footings did not have a significant
RP322D effect on the observed behavior or
This 20-page research report pre- reinforcement, isolated footings, con-
centrated loads, and panels with measured capacity of the tilt-up
sents the results of experimental wall specimens.
tests to supplement existing physical openings. Authors A. Azzinamini, J.
test data on various slender tilt-up D. Gilkin, and R. G. Oesterle made
walls. Furthermore, this work three significant conclusions based
expands available test information on these tests:
through a series of experimental
tests to include other types of tilt-up It was found that tilt-up walls
walls commonly seen in practice, with aspect ratios, h/t, as large as
such as walls with two layers of 60 can continue to sustain com-


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