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Katie Waskow

Chapter 1 summary why study persuasion

Persuasion is just as much an art as it is a science

o Cant predict what will work
o Not entirely a matter of luck

PERSUASION is not a dirty word

o Manipulation deceit and brainwashing may be terms that come
to mind
o Persuasion forms the backbone of many of communicative
o Persuasion can be used for noble things
o Very little good that we see in the world could be done without

Buzz Marketing (stealth marketing, guerrilla marketing,, covert

marketing, social marketing
o Word of mouth advertising relies on friendship and social media
telling them what to do
o Buzz is more effective on younger audience

Tipping points
o A threshold or critical point when a message takes off
o going viral
o All 3 are needed
1. Mavens possess the info and are the data bank for the
2. Connectors people talk to keep buzz going (social glue)
3. Salespeople sell it need charisma
o Stickiness factor has to be attractive
o Scalability be able to go from small to big easily

o Momentum may not reach tipping point.
o Trends come and go quickly
Katie Waskow

4 benefits of studying persuasion

o Instrumental Function
More effective
Demonstrates confidence
o Knowledge and awareness function
Aware of how it works
How you are personally persuaded
o Defensive Function
Be aware- know how to resist
o Debunking Function
Know the difference between logical and emotional appeal

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