Cases in Legal Ethics

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[A.M. No. 01-1-15-RTC.

July 10, 2003] accomplished private medical practitioner in Antique,

his other daughter is a doctor of medicine, while his
URGENT APPEAL/PETITION FOR IMMEDIATE other son is a law graduate.
LEGASPI, Regional Trial Court, Iloilo City, Branch In his Reply, complainant emphasized Judge Legaspis
22, error in entertaining the appeal of the MTCs Order
which denied the Motion for Execution of the Judgment
RESOLUTION by Compromise, in violation of the settled principle that
an interlocutory order is not appealable. He also
alleged that Judge Legaspi employed coercion on his
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: court personnel so that the certification and the
monthly reports would reflect that no case was left
In a verified letter complaint[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif] dated undecided within the 90-day period.
April 24, 2000, Rolando R. Mijares charged Judge Emilio
B. Legaspi, Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City, Branch 22, Furthermore, complainant questioned the sound
with Gross Ignorance of the Law, Incompetence, discretion of this Court in ordering the re-raffle of the
Falsification and Corruption. Complainant alleged that cases left unresolved by Judge Legaspi in the RTC of
Judge Legaspi failed to resolve more than 200 cases Iloilo City, Branch 22, while he was detailed presiding
submitted for decision assigned to him within the Judge of RTC of San Jose, Antique, Branch 10. He
reglementary period of ninety days while he was assailed the act of this Court in tolerating Judge
detailed as Presiding Judge of the RTC of San Jose, Legaspis ineptitude and insinuated that there must be
Antique, Branch 10; that he rendered judgment in favor someone up there protecting and coddling Judge
of a multi-millionaire Chinese businessman in Legaspi.[if !supportFootnotes][9][endif]
consideration of five hundred thousand to one million
pesos and a Mercedes Benz vehicle; and that in Civil
Case No. 2639, entitled Ernesto L. Villavert, Plaintiffs On February 19, 2001, the Urgent Appeal/Petition was
versus Nenita Mijares, et al., Defendants, he dismissed for lack of merit and complainant was
erroneously entertained an appeal and reversed the ordered to show cause why he should not be cited for
order of the Municipal Trial Court of San Jose, Antique indirect contempt for wasting the time of the judiciary. [if
which denied[if !supportFootnotes][2][endif] the execution of the
judgment by compromise therein.
Complainant filed his explanation stating that his
In his Comment, Judge Legaspi
[if !supportFootnotes][3][endif] intention in filing the complaint was not to waste the
claimed that Mijares was ill-motivated when he time of the Court but as part of his crusade to clean up
instituted this complaint because of the adverse the judiciary. He reiterated his belief that this Court will
decision he rendered in Civil Case No. 2639[if ! not tolerate fraud, dishonesty and corrupt practices.
against him and his wife. He denied
the allegation that he failed to resolve 195 cases On August 29, 2001, the February 19, 2001 Resolution
submitted for decision, explaining that while he was was recalled in view of the gravity and seriousness of
detailed in Antique, only eight cases were assigned to the charges. The case was referred to Justice Delilah
him since the other cases were ordered re-raffled Vidallon-Magtolis of the Court of Appeals for
among the RTC judges of Kalibo, Aklan who had lesser investigation, report and recommendation.[if !supportFootnotes]
caseloads, per this Courts Resolution in A.M. No. 98-6- [11][endif]

201-RTC.[if !supportFootnotes][5][endif] He decided the said eight

cases within the ninety-day period counted from the On February 6, 2002, Justice Magtolis submitted her
time the last pleading was filed.[if !supportFootnotes][6][endif] report recommending that Judge Legaspi be
When he returned to the RTC of Iloilo City, Branch 22, exonerated of the charges against him for lack of a
there were sixty-eight cases assigned to his court showing of malice or bad faith.[if !supportFootnotes][12][endif] The
which had accumulated during his detail in Antique. As case was thereafter referred to the OCA for evaluation.
a result thereof, he was temporarily relieved of his trial The OCA recommended that the Urgent Appeal/Petition
work by this Court in order to concentrate in deciding for Immediate Suspension and Dismissal filed against
said cases, which he was able to resolve within the 90- Judge Legaspi be dismissed for lack of merit, but that
day period.[if !supportFootnotes][7][endif] He was, however, unable complainant Rolando R. Mijares be found guilty of
to decide two cases because he was assigned Judge of indirect contempt and fined in the amount of
RTC, Kabankalan City, Branch 61. Nevertheless, he P1,000.00.
resolved these two cases within ten days from receipt
of this Courts Resolution ordering him to do so.[if !
supportFootnotes][8][endif] The recommendation of the OCA is well taken.

He vehemently denied having received money and a The records show that there were seventy-eight cases
Mercedes Benz vehicle from a Chinese businessman in assigned to Judge Legaspi, all of which were resolved
exchange for a favorable judgment. He asserted that by him, according to the Reports of Compliance and
his two lawyer sons and a daughter who is a U.S.-based the Certifications issued by the respective Branch
registered nurse gave the vehicle to him as a birthday Clerks of Courts. Anent the raffle of some of the cases
present. He declared that he lived a comfortable life of Judge Legaspi to other judges of Kalibo, Aklan, this
even before he joined the judiciary. His wife is a well- Court in the exercise of its administrative supervision
over lower courts, may order their re-raffle considering Indirect contempt to be punished after charge and
that they have accumulated in Judge Legaspis court hearing. After a charge in writing has been filed, and an
while he was detailed at the RTC of Aklan. opportunity given to the respondent to comment
thereon within such period as may be fixed by the
With regard the charge of falsification, the record is court and to be heard by himself or counsel, a person
bereft of any evidence to conclusively show that Judge guilty of any of the following acts may be punished for
Legaspi falsified his Reports of Compliance with the indirect contempt:
Resolutions of this Court. The Certifications issued by
the respective clerks of court corroborate said Reports. xxxxxxxxx

Anent the charge of corruption, Section 1, Rule 140 of (d) Any improper conduct tending, directly or indirectly,
the Rules of Court requires that complaints against to impede, obstruct, or degrade the administration of
judges must be supported by the affidavits of persons justice.
who have personal knowledge of the acts therein
alleged and must also be accompanied by copies of This Court may motu proprio initiate proceedings for
pertinent documents to substantiate the allegations. In indirect contempt. Inherent in courts is the power to
the case at bar, except for complainants bare control, in furtherance of justice, the conduct of its
allegations, surmises, suspicions and rhetorics, no ministerial officers, and of all other persons in any
competent evidence was presented to prove that Judge manner connected with a case before it, in every
Legaspi committed corruption. manner appertaining thereto.[if !supportFootnotes][20][endif]

Regarding the charge of ignorance of the law, the In Surigao Mineral Reservation Board, et al. v. Cloribel,
settled doctrine is that judges are not administratively etc., et al.,[if !supportFootnotes][21][endif] we held that the use of
responsible for what they may do in the exercise of language tending to degrade the administration of
their judicial functions when acting within their legal justice constitutes indirect contempt.
powers and jurisdiction.[if !supportFootnotes][13][endif] A judge may
not be held administratively accountable for every
erroneous order or decision he renders.[if !supportFootnotes][14] In the case at bar, complainant made the following
To hold otherwise would be to render judicial office insinuation:
untenable, for no one called upon to try the facts or
interpret the law in the process of administering justice Apparently, petitioner was in quandary why Judge
can be infallible in his judgment.[if !supportFootnotes][15][endif] For Legaspi was given premium of being sitting-pretty,
a judge to be held administratively liable for ignorance despite of his glaring ineptitude, instead of choking
of the law, the error must be gross or patent, deliberate himself of the High Tribunals wrath of hell, while those
and malicious, or incurred with evident bad faith. [if ! who failed to resolve their few cases within 90-days
Bad faith does not simply connote period their salaries were suspended? Isnt equal justice
bad judgment or negligence; it imputes a dishonest the equivalent of pantay-pantay lahat, or are some,
purpose or some moral obliquity and conscious doing with big connections, or padrino, more equal than
of a wrong; a breach of a sworn duty through some others? Or, maybe because, Judge Legaspi have
motive or intent or ill-will; it partakes of the nature of someone up there to protect and coddle him?[if !
fraud.[if !supportFootnotes][17][endif] It contemplates a state of supportFootnotes][22][endif]

mind affirmatively operating with furtive design or

some motive of self-interest or ill-will for ulterior The foregoing statements constitute contemptuous
purposes.[if !supportFootnotes][18][endif] conduct. Complainants imputation that this Court
protects one of its own is malicious and offends the
While this Court will never tolerate or condone any act, dignity of the Judiciary. His explanation that he made
conduct or omission that would violate the norm of those statements merely as part of a crusade to clean
public accountability or diminish the peoples faith in up the judiciary is unavailing. Indeed, this can be done
the judiciary, neither will it hesitate to shield those even without making malicious imputations on the
under its employ from unfounded suits that only serve Court. For this, complainant must be sentenced to pay
to disrupt rather than promote the orderly a fine of P1,000.00.
administration of justice.[if !supportFootnotes][19][endif]
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the
In the instant case, any perceived error which Judge complaint against Judge Emilio B. Legaspi for gross
Legaspi may have committed in entertaining the ignorance of the law, incompetence, falsification and
appeal of the order of the Municipal Trial Court, denying corruption, is DISMISSED for lack of merit.
the motion for execution in Civil Case No. 872, can only Complainant Rolando R. Mijares is found guilty of
be deemed an error in judgment which is more indirect contempt and is FINED in the amount of One
properly the subject of an appeal or petition for Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) with the warning that a
certiorari, as the case may be, and not this repetition of the same or similar offense shall be dealt
administrative charge against respondent judge. with more severely.

Finally, we agree with the Court Administrator that SO ORDERED.

complainant was guilty of indirect contempt of court.
Section 3 (d) of Rule 71 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Vitug, Carpio, and Azcuna,
Procedure, provides: JJ., concur.
counsel had been accompanied in accordance with the

A few days later, Attorney Cornejo submitted a

memorandum in which he said, among other things,
that the judge had unduly favored the plaintiffs, to the
extent of advising Attorney Palacol "to fix the case
because his position was hopeless," and the
memorandum was filed as a protest against the
"unjust, hostile, vindictive and dangerous attitude of
the judge." The memorandum further stated that
copies thereof had been sent to the Secretary of
Justice, the Supreme Court, and the Office of the
President of the Senate.

In an order dated May 26, 1948, the respondent judge,

rejecting the accusation of partially, stated that in
accordance with his usual practice he had told Attorney
Palacol to see if the matter could be settled amicably.
Then he required attorney Cornejo to show cause why
he should not be punished for contempt on four counts,
namely, for appearing in court without being a party or
attorney in the case, for using offensive language, for
misbehavior in the presence of the court and for
publishing his memorandum before it was submitted
and decided by the court.

Answering the order, Attorney Cornejo expressed

doubts that he would be treated impartially because
the charges of contemption had been made by the
judge himself, and reiterated his accusation that the
judge had unduly anticipated his opinion on the case in
G.R. No. L-2217 March 23, 1950 favor of plaintiffs, "demonstrating his over-anxiety to
dispatch the case" "indirectly aiding counsel for the
MIGUEL R. CORNEJO, as attorney for Arcadia plaintiffs" "insulting and humiliating the undersigned
Acacio et al., petitioner, attorney while on the witness stand, etc.". Then he
went to explain away or rebut the charges made.
vs. Immediately thereafter Attorney Cornejo repaired to
this Court asking for judgment ordering the respondent
judge to admit his appearance as counsel for the
BIENVENIDO A. TAN, Judge of the court of First defendants in civil case No. 483, to refrain from
Instance of Rizal, respondent. rendering his decision in said case until he shall have
allowed the petitioner as counsel for defendants to
Petitioner in his own behalf.Respondent Judge in his present further evidence, and to stop all action on the
own behalf. proceeding for contempt of court.

BENGZON, J.: On June 7, 1948, we required the respondent to answer

the amended petition within ten days. We also resolved
In civil case No. 483 of the Court of First Instance of that upon the filing of bond by petitioner in the amount
Rizal, entitled "Cario, et al vs. Acacio, et al.," Atty. of P200 a writ of preliminary injunction will be issued.
Miguel R. Cornejo was (allegedly) asked by the Such writ was actually issued on June 15, 1948.
defendants Acacio to act as their counsel; but for his
convenience he requested his companion, Atty. Palacol, It appears, however, that on June 5, 1948, the
to handle it. The latter entered his appearance and respondent judge decided civil case No. 483. And on
acted accordingly. On May 21, 1948, during the hearing June 4, 1948, he declared Attorney Cornejo guilty of
of the case, Cornejo was presented as a witness. contempt and sentenced him to pay a fine of P100 or in
Practically all the questions were objected to by case of insolvency, to suffer imprisonment for ten days.
opposing counsel, and the judge, the respondent It also appears that on the same day Attorney Cornejo
Bienvenido A. Tan, sustained almost all objections. interposed an appeal, which was denied by the
Whereupon Attorney Cornejo left the witness stand and respondent, on the ground that there is no appeal in
approached the attorney's table asking that his the matter of direct contempts.
appearance for the defendants be noted. It was
apparent he wanted to say as counsel what he had In view of these developments and of others to be
been prevented from saying as witness. The indicated later on, the petitioner now asks: (1) that the
respondent judge told him he could not thus appear, respondent be required to admit and recognized his
there being already one lawyer and no substitution of appearance as counsel in civil case no. 483, and that
the decision in that litigation be set aside on the Moran, C.J., Ozaeta, Pablo, Padilla, Tuason,
ground that defendants were deprived of the right to Montemayor and Reyes, JJ., concur.
present further evidence through the petitioner as
counsel, and (2) that the judgment for contempt be
reviewed and revoked.

On the first point it further appears, that, as the

injunction order proved too late, Attorney Palacol
submitted on June 23, 1948, a "petition to set aside
judgment or proceeding" seeking relief under Rule 38
of the Rules of Court, and that upon denial thereof he
appealed on July 12, 1948 to the Court of Appeals.
Wherefore, it is reasonable to expect that this question
will be decided by the Court of Appeals upon a review
of the main controversy. Upon this ground, and partly
because petitioner failed too implead the opposing
parties in the said civil case No. 483, this portion of the
petition may not be granted in these proceedings.

On the second point, it is settled that no appeal lies

from an order of a superior court declaring a person in
direct contempt thereof.1 Now, was the submission of
the memorandum a direct contempt? The respondent
held it was (1) because Cornejo was not an attorney in
the case: (2) because it used offensive language
against the court; and (3) because it was published
before it was submitted and decided by the court. Copy
of the memorandum is part of the record before us. It
contains the following paragraph:

It is further respectfully prayed that this memorandum

be taken for a protest against what he believes to be
unjust, hostile, vindictive and dangerous attitude or
conduct of the presiding Judge, Hon. Bienvenido A. Tan,
of this Honorable Court in a democratic government
where laws shall reign supreme unless the same Judge
wants to sabotage the present administration of the
President who is seeking the restoration of public
peace and order and the faith of the people in our

That is indeed strong language. It is insulting and

contemptuous.2 The judge may have erred in some of
his rulings; but mistakes never justify offensive
language. As was said in Salcedo vs. Hernandez, 61,
Phil., 729:

It is right and plausible that an attorney, in defending

the cause and rights of his client, should do so with all
the fervor and energy of which he is capable, but it is
not, and never will be so for him to exercise said right
by restoring to intimidation or proceeding without the
propriety and respect which the dignity of the courts
require. The reason for this is that respect of the courts
guarantees the stability of their institution.

And the last paragraph informing the judge that copies

of the memorandum had been furnished "the
Honorable, the Secretary of Justice, etc.", could rightly
be interpreted as an attempt to intimidate the court in
the exercise of its judicial functions.

Omitting reference to the other points, enough has

been stated to show that there was no clear abuse of
the respondent's powers in declaring Attorney Cornejo
to be in direct contempt. Petition denied. No costs.
ENRIQUE A. ZALDIVAR, petitioner,


HON. RAUL M. GONZALES, claiming to be and

acting as Tanodbayan-Ombudsman under the
1987 Constitution, respondent.



We have examined carefully the lengthy and vigorously

written Motion for Reconsideration dated October 18,
1988 filed by counsel for respondent Raul M. Gonzalez,
relating to the per curiam Resolution of the Court dated
October 7, 1988. We have reviewed once more the
Court's extended per curiam Resolution, in the light of
the argument adduced in the Motion for
Reconsideration, but must conclude that we find no
sufficient basis for modifying the conclusions and
rulings embodied in that Resolution. The Motion for
Reconsideration sets forth copious quotations and
references to foreign texts which, however, whatever
else they may depict, do not reflect the law in this

Nonetheless, it might be useful to develop further, in

some measure, some of the conclusions reached in the
per curiam Resolution, addressing in the process some
of the "Ten (10) Legal Points for Reconsideration,"
made in the Motion for Reconsideration.

1. In respondent's point A, it is claimed that it was error

for this Court "to charge respondent [with] indirect
contempt and convict him of direct contempt."

G.R. No. 79690-707 February 1, 1989

ENRIQUE A. ZALDIVAR, petitioner,



and acting as Tanodbayan-Ombudsman under the
1987 Constitution, respondents.

G.R. No. 80578 February 1, 1989

In the per curiam Resolution (page 50), the Court inconceivable that the Supreme Court would initiate
concluded that "respondent Gonzalez is guilty both of motu proprio proceedings for which it did not find
contempt of court in facie curiae and of gross probable cause to proceed against an attorney. Thus,
misconduct as an officer of the court and member of there is no need to refer a case to the Solicitor General,
the bar." The Court did not use the phrase "in facie which referral is made "for investigation to determine if
curiae" as a technical equivalent of "direct contempt," there is sufficient ground to proceed with the
though we are aware that courts in the United States prosecution of the respondent" (Section 3, Rule 139),
have sometimes used that phrase in speaking of where the Court itself has initiated against the
"direct contempts' as "contempts in the face of the respondent. The Court may, of course, refer a case to
courts." Rather, the court sought to convey that it the Solicitor General if it feels that, in a particular case,
regarded the contumacious acts or statements (which further factual investigation is needed. In the present
were made both in a pleading filed before the Court case, as pointed out in the per curiam Resolution of the
and in statements given to the media) and the Court (page 18), there was "no need for further
misconduct of respondent Gonzalez as serious acts investigation of facts in the present case for it [was]
flaunted in the face of the Court and constituting a not substantially disputed by respondent Gonzalez that
frontal assault upon the integrity of the Court and, he uttered or wrote certain statements attributed to
through the Court, the entire judicial system. What the him" and that "in any case, respondent has had the
Court would stress is that it required respondent, in its amplest opportunity to present his defense: his
Resolution dated 2 May 1988, to explain "why he defense is not that he did not make the statements
should not be punished for contempt of court and/or ascribed to him but that those statements give rise to
subjected to administrative sanctions" and in respect of no liability on his part, having been made in the
which, respondent was heard and given the most exercise of his freedom of speech. The issues which
ample opportunity to present all defenses, arguments thus need to be resolved here are issues of law and of
and evidence that he wanted to present for the basic policy and the Court, not any other agency, is
consideration of this Court. The Court did not compelled to resolve such issues."
summarily impose punishment upon the respondent
which it could have done under Section 1 of Rule 71 of In this connection, we note that the quotation in page 7
the Revised Rules of Court had it chosen to consider of the Motion for Reconsideration is from a dissenting
respondent's acts as constituting "direct contempt." opinion of Mr. Justice Black in Green v. United State. 1 It
may be pointed out that the majority in Green v. United
2. In his point C, respondent's counsel argues that it States, through Mr. Justice Harlan, held, among other
was "error for this Court to charge respondent under things, that: Federal courts do not lack power to
Rule 139 (b) and not 139 of the Revised Rules of impose sentences in excess of one year for criminal
Court." contempt; that criminal contempts are not subject to
jury trial as a matter of constitutional right; nor does
In its per curiam Resolution, the Court referred to Rule the (US) Constitution require that contempt subject to
139 (b) of the Revised Rules of Court pointing out that: prison terms of more than one year be based on grand
jury indictments.
[R]eference of complaints against attorneys either to
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines or to the Solicitor In his concurring opinion in the same case, Mr. Justice
General is not mandatory upon the Supreme Court Frankfurter said:
such reference to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
or to the Solicitor General is certainly not an exclusive Whatever the conflicting views of scholars in
procedure under the terms of Rule 139 (b) of the construing more or less dubious manuscripts of the
Revised Rules of Court, especially where the charge Fourteenth Century, what is indisputable is that from
consists of acts done before the Supreme Court. the foundation of the United States the
constitutionality of the power to punish for contempt
The above statement was made by the Court in without the intervention of a jury has not been
response to respondent's motion for referral of this doubted. The First Judiciary Act conferred such a power
case either to the Solicitor General or to the Integrated on the federal courts in the very act of their
Bar of the Philippines under Rule 139 (b). Otherwise, establishment, 1 State 73, 83, and of the Judiciary
there would have been no need to refer to Rule 139 (b). Committee of eight that reported the bill to the Senate,
It is thus only necessary to point out that under the old five member including the chairman, Senator, later to
rule, Rule 139, referral to the Solicitor General was be Chief Justice, Ellsworth, had been delegates to the
similarly not an exclusive procedure and was not the Constitutional Convention (Oliver Ellsworth, Chairman,
only course of action open to the Supreme Court. It is William Paterson, Caleb Strong, Ricard Basett, William
well to recall that under Section 1 (entitled "Motion or Few. 1 Annals of Cong 17). In the First Congress itself
complaint") of Rule 139, "Proceedings for the removal no less than nineteen member including Madison who
or suspension of attorneys may be taken by the contemporaneously introduced the Bill of Rights, had
Supreme Court, (1) on its own motion, or (2) upon the been delegates to the Convention. And when an abuse
complaint under oath of another in writing" under this power manifested itself, and led Congress to
(Parentheses supplied). The procedure described in define more explicitly the summary power vested in
Sections 2 et seq. of Rule 139 is the procedure the courts, it did not remotely deny the existence of
provided for suspension or disbarment proceedings the power but merely defined the conditions for its
initiated upon sworn complaint of another person, exercise more clearly, in an Act "declaratory of the law
rather than a procedure required for proceedings concerning contempts of court." Act of Mar. 2, 1831, 4
initiated by the Supreme Court on its own motion. It is Stat 487.
xxxxxxxxx The prevailing doctrine is that the clear and present
danger rule is such a limitation. Another criterion for
Nor has the constitutionality of the power been permissible limitation on freedom of speech and of the
doubted by this Court throughout its existence . In at press, which includes such vehicles of the mass media
least two score cases in this Court, not to mention the as radio, television and the movies, is the "balancing-
vast mass of decisions in the lower federal courts, the of-interests test" (Chief Justice Enrique M. Fernando on
power to punish summarily has been accepted without the Bill of Rights, 1970 ed., p. 79). The principle
question. ... 2 "requires a court to take conscious and detailed
consideration of the interplay of interests observable in
a given situation or type of situation (Separate Opinion
To say that a judge who punishes a contemnor judges of the late Chief Justice Castro in Gonzales v.
his own cause, is simplistic at best. The judge who Commission on Elections, supra, p. 899). (Emphasis
finds himself compelled to exercise the power to punish Supplied) 4
for contempt does so not really to avenge a wrong
inflicted upon his own person; rather he upholds and
vindicates the authority, dignity and integrity of the Under either the "clear and present danger" test or the
judicial institution and its claim to respectful behaviour "balancing-of-interest test," we believe that the
on the part of all persons who appears before it, and statements here made by respondent Gonzalez are of
most especially from those who are officers of the such a nature and were made in such a manner and
court. under such circumstances, as to transcend the
permissible limits of free speech. This conclusion was
implicit in the per curiam Resolution of October 7,
3. In his point D, respondent counsel urges that it is 1988. It is important to point out that the "substantive
error "for this Court to apply the "visible tendency" rule evil" which the Supreme Court has a right and a duty to
rather than the "clear and present danger" rule in prevent does not, in the instant case, relate to threats
disciplinary and contempt charges." of physical disorder or overt violence or similar
disruptions of public order. 5 What is here at stake is
The Court did not purport to announce a new doctrine the authority of the Supreme Court to confront and
of "visible tendency," it was, more modestly, simply prevent a "substantive evil" consisting not only of the
paraphrasing Section 3 (d) of Rule 71 of the Revised obstruction of a free and fair hearing of a particular
Rules of Court which penalizes a variety of case but also the avoidance of the broader evil of the
contumacious conduct including: "any improper degradation of the judicial system of a country and the
conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to impede, destruction of the standards of professional conduct
obstruct or degrade the administration of justice." required from members of the bar and officers of the
courts. The "substantive evil" here involved, in other
The "clear and present danger" doctrine invoked by words, is not as palpable as a threat of public disorder
respondent's counsel is not a magic incantation which or rioting but is certainly no less deleterious and more
dissolves all problems and dispenses with analysis and far reaching in its implications for society.
judgment in the testing of the legitimacy of claims to
free speech, and which compels a court to exonerate a 4. In his point H, respondent's counsel argues that it is
defendant the moment the doctrine is invoked, absent error "for this Court to hold that intent is irrelevant in
proof of impending apocalypse. The clear and present charges of misconduct." What the Court actually said
danger" doctrine has been an accepted method for on this point was:
marking out the appropriate limits of freedom of
speech and of assembly in certain contexts. It is not, Respondent Gonzalez disclaims an intent to attack and
however, the only test which has been recognized and denigrate the Court. The subjectivities of the
applied by courts. In Logunzad v. Vda. de Gonzales, 3 respondent are irrelevant so far as characterization of
this Court, speaking through Mme. Justice Melencio- his conduct or misconduct is concerned. He will not,
Herrera said: however, be allowed to disclaim the natural and plain
import of his words and acts. It is, upon the other hand,
...The right of freedom of expression indeed, occupies not irrelevant to point out that the respondent offered
a preferred position in the "hierarchy of civil liberties" no apology in his two (2) explanations and exhibited no
(Philippine Blooming Mills Employees Organization v. repentance (Resolution, p. 7; footnotes omitted).
Philippine Blooming Mills Co., Inc., 51 SCRA 191 [1963].
It is not, however, without limitations. As held in The actual subjectivities of the respondent are
Gonzales v. Commission on Elections, 27 SCRA 835, irrelevant because such subjectivities (understood as
858 [1960]: pyschological phenomena) cannot be ascertained and
reached by the processes of this Court. Human intent
"From the language of the specific constitutional can only be shown derivatively and implied from an
provision, it would appear that the right is not examination of acts and statements. Thus, what the
susceptible of any limitation. No law may be passed Court was saying was that respondent's disclaimer of
abridging the freedom of speech and of the press. The an intent to attack and denigrate the Court, cannot
realities of life in a complex society preclude however, prevail over the plain import of what he did say and do.
a literal interpretation. Freedom of expression is not an Respondent cannot negate the clear import of his acts
absolute. It would be too much to insist that all times and statements by simply pleading a secret intent or
and under all circumstances it should remain state of mind incompatible with those acts or
unfettered and unrestrained. There are other societal statements. It is scarcely open to dispute that, e.g.,
values that press for recognition." one accused of homicide cannot successfully deny his
criminal intent by simply asserting that while he may
have inserted a knife between the victim's ribs, he
actually acted from high motives and kind feelings for
the latter.

5 In his point 1, respondent's counsel argues that it is

error "for this Court to punish respondent for contempt
of court for out of court publications."

Respondent's counsel asks this Court to follow what he

presents as alleged modern trends in the United
Kingdom and in the United States concerning the law of
contempt. We are, however, unable to regard the texts
that he cites as binding or persuasive in our
jurisdiction. The Court went to some length to
document the state of our case law on this matter in its
per curiam Resolution. There is nothing in the
circumstances of this case that would suggest to this
Court that that case law, which has been followed for
at least half a century or so, ought to be reversed.

6. In his point J, respondent's counsel pleads that the

imposition of indefinite suspension from the practice of
law constitutes "cruel, degrading or inhuman
punishment". The Court finds it difficult to consider this
a substantial constitutional argument. The
indefiniteness of the respondent's suspension, far from
being "cruel" or "degrading" or "inhuman," has the
effect of placing, as it were, the key to the restoration
of his rights and privileges as a lawyer in his own
hands. That sanction has the effect of giving
respondent the chance to purge himself in his own
good time of his contempt and misconduct by
acknowledging such misconduct, exhibiting appropriate
repentance and demonstrating his willingness and
capacity to live up to the exacting standards of conduct
rightly demanded from every member of the bar and
officer of the courts.

ACCORDINGLY, the Court Resolved to DENY the Motion

for Reconsideration for lack of merit. The denial is

The Court also NOTED the Ex-Parte Manifestation and

Motion, dated October 25, 1988 and the Supplemental
Manifestation, dated October 27, 1988, filed by

Fernan, C.J., Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, Jr.,

Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin,
Sarmiento, Cortes, Grio-Aquino, Medialdea and
Regalado, JJ., concur.

[G.R. No. 114732. August 1, 2000]


substituted by one of her heirs,
petitioner, vs. HON. RICARDO M.
ILARDE, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial
Court of Iloilo, Br. 26, JOSE B. TIONGCO Petitioner filed a notice of appeal[if !supportFootnotes][7]
and ANTONIO G. DORONILA, JR., on December 17, 1993. As before, respondent

respondents. Tiongco filed a motion for cancellation of the notices of

lis pendens[if !supportFootnotes][8][endif] dated December 21,
DECISION 1993; this was denied in an Order dated January 10,
1994.[if !supportFootnotes][9][endif] He filed a "Second Motion for
Reconsideration"[if !supportFootnotes][10][endif] which was also
DE LEON, JR., J.: denied in an Order dated January 26, 1994. [if !
Displaying remarkable tenacity,
Before us is a petition for certiorari under Rule respondent Tiongco filed a "Third Motion for
65 assailing the Order dated March 17, 1994 [if ! Reconsideration."[if !supportFootnotes][12][endif]
This time,
of the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City, however, his arguments proved persuasive. In an
Branch 26, which reinstated an earlier order cancelling Order[if !supportFootnotes][13][endif]dated February 14, 1994, the
the notice of lis pendens annotated on the back of respondent judge ruled to wit:
Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. T-92383 and T-5050,
of the Registry of Deeds of Iloilo City covering Lots In the light of the ruling laid down in Magdalena
3244 and 3246, respectively, located in Iloilo City. Homeowners Association Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 184
SCRA 325; 330 (1990), cited in Vda. De Kilayko vs.
The relevant facts are summarized as follows: Tengco, 207 SCRA 600; 614-615 (1992), that "the
continuance or removal of a notice of lis pendens is not
On October 17, 1990, petitioner Estrella Tiongco contingent on the existence of a final judgment in the
Yared filed an amended complaint[if !supportFootnotes][2][endif] action and ordinarily has no effect on the merits
before the Regional Trial Court, 6th Judicial Region, thereof so that the notices of lis pendens in the case at
Branch XXVI, against private respondents Jose B. bar may, on proper grounds, be cancelled
Tiongco and Antonio Doronila, Jr. Docketed as Civil notwithstanding the non-finality of the judgment of this
Case No. 19408, the action was one for "annulment of Court brought about by plaintiff's appeal and
affidavit of adjudication, sales, transfer certificates of considering the finding of this Court that plaintiff's
title, reconveyance and damages. action had already prescribed, which finding is based
on the admitted fact that the questioned deed of
adjudication was registered way back of May 10, 1974
In brief, the amended complaint alleged that so that the possibility of this finding being reversed is
respondent Tiongco, on the basis of an affidavit of quite remote if not totally nil and, considering further,
adjudication dated April 17, 1974 alleging that he is the the circumstances obtaining in this case, among which
sole surviving heir of the previous owner, Maria Luis de are: (1) that the criminal complaint for perjury filed by
Tiongco, succeeded in having the subject properties plaintiff against defendant Jose B. Tiongco based on the
registered in his name, to the prejudice of the other same deed of adjudication had already been dismissed
surviving heir of the previous owner, petitioner among with finality also on the ground of prescription; (2) that
them. Petitioner and respondent Tiongco's father were the occupants of the property who were alleged as
siblings, and both were among several heirs of Maria formerly paying rentals to herein plaintiff, Estrella
Luis de Tiongco. The aforesaid affidavit of adjudication Tiongco Yared, had already recognized defendant's
was registered with the Office of the Register of Deeds ownership and had long stopped paying rentals to
of Iloilo City on May 10, 1974. Petitioner prayed that plaintiff without the latter intervening, much less,
the properties be reconveyed to the original registered contesting the decision in Civil Case No. 15421 where
owners, subject to partition among the lawful heirs, defendant Jose B. Tiongco was declared with finality as
and that respondent Tiongco be ordered to pay the true and lawful owner of Lots Nos. 3244 and 3246;
damages and costs. and (3) that, if at all, the present claim of plaintiff
covers but a very small portion of subject lots
To protect her interest in the properties during consisting only a total of about 64 square meters
the pendency of the case, petitioner caused to be hence, it would be unfair to the defendant who has
annotated on Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. T-52547, torrens title covering the parcels of lands solely in his
T-4666 and T-52546,[if !supportFootnotes][3][endif] which covered name to have the same subjected to the harsh effect of
Lot Nos. 3244, 3246 and 1404, respectively. TCT Nos. T- such a encumbrance; the Court, in view of all the
92383 and T-5050 were derived or transferred from TCT foregoing considerations and upon further review of
Nos. T-52547 and T-4666 respectively and registered in the records, hereby reconsiders its stand on the subject
the name of Tiongco. matter of lis pendens and so holds that the continued
annotation of subject notices of lis pendens is intended
After respondent Jose B. Tiongco filed his answer, to molest the defendant, Jose B. Tiongco, and is not
trial ensued during which, on three separate occasions, necessary to protect the rights of plaintiff as such
he filed motions seeking the cancellation of the notices rights, if any, are now foreclosed by prescription.
of lis pendens.[if !supportFootnotes][4][endif] All these motions
were denied.[if !supportFootnotes][5][endif] This time, it was petitioner's turn to seek
reconsideration.[if !supportFootnotes][14][endif] On March 4, 1994,
On December 14, 1993, the respondent judge the public respondent issued an Order [if !supportFootnotes][15]
issued a Decision[if !supportFootnotes][6][endif] dismissing
reversing himself on the ground that (1) it had
petitioner's complaint and private respondent's already lost jurisdiction over the case due to the
counterclaim. The trial court found that petitioner's expiration of the last day to appeal of both parties, (2)
cause of action had already prescribed. the notice of appeal has been approved, and (3) the
records had been ordered elevated to the Court of supportFootnotes][19][endif]

Rule 13, Section 14 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Private respondent Tiongco filed another motion Procedure[if !supportFootnotes][20][endif] and Section 76 of
for reconsideration[if !supportFootnotes][16][endif] against the Order Presidential Decree No. 1529,[if !supportFootnotes][21][endif]
dated March 4, 1994. On March 17, 1994, the otherwise known as the Property Registration Decree
respondent judge issued the order, subject of this provide the statutory bases for notice of lis pendens.
petition, which is quoted hereunder: From these provisions, it is clear that such a notice is
proper only in:
Considering that under Section 9, Rule 41 of the Rules a) An action to recover possession of real estate;
of Court, although appeal had already been perfected, b) An action to quiet title thereto;
the Court, prior to the transmittal of the records to the c) An action to remove clouds thereon;
appellate court, may issue orders for the protection d) An action for partition; and
and preservation of the rights of the parties which do
not involve any matter litigated by the appeal and e) Any other proceedings of any kind in Court
considering that in the case at bar, lis pendens is not a directly affecting title to the land or
matter litigated in the appeal and the records have not the use or occupation thereof or the
as yet been transmitted to the appellate court so that building thereon.[if !supportFootnotes][22][endif]
this Court still has jurisdiction to issue the Order of
February 14, 1994 cancelling the notices of lis pendens
annotated on TCT No. T-92383 covering Lot 3244 and
on TCT No. T-5050 covering lot 3246 and considering Thus, all petitioner has to do is to assert a claim
further, that the said Order does not direct cancellation of possession or title over the subject property to put
of lis pendens annotated on TCT No. T-89483 covering the property under the coverage of the rule. [if !
Lot no. 1404 which contains a total area of 1,587
It is not necessary for her to prove
square meters where the area of 64 square meters ownership or interest over the property sought to be
claimed by plaintiff can very well be taken; as prayed affected by lis pendens.
for by the defendant Jose B. Tiongco, the Order of
March 4, 1994 is hereby reconsidered and set aside Whether as a matter, of procedure[if !supportFootnotes]
and the Order of February 14, 1994 is hereby or substance,[if !supportFootnotes][25][endif] the rule is that

reconsidered and set aside and the Order of February a notice of lis pendens may be cancelled only on two
14, 1994 cancelling the notices of lis pendens on TCT (2) grounds, namely (1) if the annotation was for the
No. T-92383 covering lot 3244 and on TCT No. T-5050 purpose of molesting the title of the adverse party, or
covering lot 3246 is hereby reinstated. (2) when the annotation is not necessary to protect the
title of the party who caused it to be recorded. [if !
On April 5, 1994, the Register of Deeds cancelled
the annotation of notices of lis pendens.[if !supportFootnotes][17]
The petition should be dismissed, there being a
clear violation of the doctrine of judicial hierarchy that
Feeling that a motion for reconsideration would we have taken pains to emphasize in past
be fruitless, petitioner filed the instant special civil jurisprudence.
action for certiorari, alleging that:
Thus, we ruled in Vergara v. Suelto[if !supportFootnotes]


ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN ORDERING THE [t]he Supreme Court is a court of last resort, and must
CANCELLATION OF THE NOTICES OF LIS so remain if its is to satisfactorily perform the
PENDENS ANNOTATED AT THE BACK OF THE functions assigned to it by fundamental charter
CERTIFICATES OF TITLE THAT ARE THE SUBJECT and immemorial tradition. It cannot and should
OF THE CIVIL CASE NO. 19408, AS THESE ARE not be burdened with the task of dealing with
AMONG THE DOCUMENTS THAT ARE SOUGHT TO causes in the first instance. Its original
BE DECLARED NULL AND VOID BY THE HEREIN jurisdiction to issue the so-called extraordinary
PETITIONER. writs should be exercised only where absolutely
necessary or where serious and important
The doctrine of lis pendens is founded upon reasons exist therefor. Hence, that jurisdiction
reasons of public policy and necessity, the purpose of should generally be exercised relative to actions
which is to make known to the whole world that or proceedings before the Court of Appeals, or
properties in litigation are still within the power of the before constitutional or other tribunals, bodies or
court until the litigation is terminated and to prevent agencies whose acts for some reason or another,
the defeat of the judgment or decree by subsequent are not controllable by the Court of Appeals.
alienation.[if !supportFootnotes][18][endif] The notice of lis pendens Where the issuance of an extraordinary writ is
is an announcement to the whole world that a also within the competence of the Court of
particular real property is in litigation, and serves as a Appeals or a Regional Trial Court, it is in either of
warning that one who acquires an interest over said these courts that the specific action for the writ's
property does so at his own risk, or that he gambles on procurement must be presented. This is and
the result of the litigation over said property. [if ! should continue to be the policy in this regard, a
policy that courts and lawyers must strictly not presenting it to the Regional Trial Court.
The Court therefore closes this decision with the
We reaffirmed this policy in People v. Cuaresma,[if declaration, for the information and guidance of all
thus: concerned, that it will not only continue to enforce the
policy, but will require a more strict observance
xxx A last word. This Court's original jurisdiction to thereof. (emphasis supplied)
issue writ of certiorari (as well as prohibition,
mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus and Notwithstanding these pronouncements, parties
injunction) is not exclusive. It is shared by this persisted in disregarding the judicial hierarchy. As we
Court with Regional Trial Courts (formerly Courts noted in Santiago v. Vasquez,[if !supportFootnotes][29][endif]
of First Instance), which may issue the writ,
enforceable in any part of their respective One final observation. We discern in the proceedings in
regions. It is also shared by this Court, and by this case a propensity on the part of petitioner, and, for
the Regional Trial Court, with the Court of that matter, the same may be said of a number of
Appeals (formerly Intermediate Appellate Court), litigants who initiate recourses before us, to disregard
although prior to the effectivity of Batas the hierarchy of courts in our judicial system by
Pambansa Bilang 129 on August 14, 1981, the seeking relief directly from this Court despite the fact
latter's competence to issue the extraordinary that the same is available in the lower courts in the
writs was restricted to those "in aid of its exercise of their original or concurrent jurisdiction, or is
appellate jurisdiction." This concurrence of even mandated by law to be sought therein. This
jurisdiction is not, however, to be taken as practice must be stopped, not only because of the
according to parties seeking any of the writs an imposition upon the precious time of this Court but also
absolute, unrestrained freedom of choice of the because of the inevitable and resultant delay, intended
court to which application therefor will be or otherwise, in the adjudication of the case which
directed. There is after all a hierarchy of courts. often has to be remanded or referred to the lower court
That hierarchy is determinative of the venue of as the proper forum under the rules of procedure, or as
appeals, and should also serve as a general better equipped to resolve the issues since this Court is
determinant of the appropriate forum for not a trier of facts. We, therefore, reiterate the judicial
petitions for the extraordinary writs. A becoming policy that this Court will not entertain direct resort to
regard for that judicial hierarchy most certainly it unless the redress desired cannot be obtained in the
indicates that petitions for the issuance of appropriate courts or where exceptional and
extraordinary writs against first level ("inferior") compelling circumstance justify availment of a remedy
courts should be filed with the Regional Trial within and calling for the exercise of our primary
Court, and those against the latter, with the jurisdiction.
Court of Appeals. A direct invocation of the
Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to issue
these writs should be allowed only when there This policy found further application in People v.
are special and important reasons therefor, Court of Appeals,[if !supportFootnotes][30][endif] Aleria v. Velez, [if !
clearly and specifically set out in the petition.
and Tano v. Socrates.[if !supportFootnotes][32]
This is established policy. It is a policy that is
Only the presence of exceptional and compelling
necessary to prevent inordinate demands upon reasons justified a disregard of the rule. [if !supportFootnotes][33]
the Court's time and attention which are better
devoted to those matters within its exclusive
jurisdiction, and to prevent further over-crowding Petitioner has failed to advance a satisfactory
of the Court's docket. Indeed, the removal of the explanation as to her failure to comply with or non-
restriction on the jurisdiction of the Court of observance of the principle of judicial hierarchy. There
Appeals in this regard, supra-resulting from the is no reason why the instant petition could not have
deletion of the qualifying phrase, "in aid of its been brought before the Court of Appeals, considering
appellate jurisdiction"-was evidently intended all the more that the appeal of the main case was
precisely to relieve this Court pro tanto of the already before it. In Magdalena, Homeowners
burden of dealing with applications for the Association, Inc. v. Court of Appeals [if !supportFootnotes][34][endif]
extraordinary writs which, but for the expansion we ruled, to wit:
of the Appellate Court's corresponding
jurisdiction, would have had to be filed with it. The notice of lis pendens-i.e., that real property is
involved in an action-is ordinarily recorded without the
The Court feels the need to reaffirm that policy at this intervention of the court where the action is pending.
time, and to enjoin strict adherence thereto in the light The notice is but an incident in an action, an
of what it perceives to be a growing tendency on the extrajudicial one, to be sure. It does not affect the
part of litigants and lawyers to have their applications merits thereof. It is intended merely to constructively
for the so-called extraordinary writs, and sometimes advise, or warn, all people who deal with the property
even their appeals, passed upon and adjudicated that they so deal with it at their own risk, and whatever
directly and, immediately by the highest tribunal of the rights they may acquire in the property in any
land. The proceeding at bar is a case in point. The voluntary transaction are subject to the results of the
application for the writ of certiorari sought against a action, and may well be inferior and subordinate to
City Court was brought directly to this Court although those which may be finally determined and laid down
there is no discernible special and important reason for therein. The cancellation of such a precautionary notice
is therefore also a mere incident in the action, and may major - hoping to catch him by sheer brass and
be ordered by the Court having jurisdiction of it at any audacity.[if !supportFootnotes][41][endif] In so doing, Atty. Deguma
given time. And its continuance or removal-like the is using the PAO as a "marriage bureau for her own
continuance or removal or removal of a preliminary benefit.[if !supportFootnotes][42][endif] Respondent Tiongco predicts
attachment of injunction-is not contingent on the that nothing good will come out of opposing counsel's
existence of a final judgment in the action, and scheme since, quoting Voltaire, "outside of virtue,
ordinarily has no effect on the merits thereof. ther's (sic) no happiness."[if !supportFootnotes][43][endif]

In the case at bar, the case had properly come within Respondent Tiongco has achieved a remarkable
the appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals in feat of character assassination. His verbal darts, albeit
virtue of the perfection of the plaintiff's appeal. It entertaining in a fleeting way, are cast with little regard
therefore had power to deal with and resolve any for truth. However, he does nothing more than to
incident in connection with the action subject of the obscure the issues, and his reliance on the fool's gold
appeal, even before final judgment. The rule that no of gossip betrays only a shocking absence of
questions may be raised for the first time on appeal discernment. To this end, it will be wise to give him an
have reference only to those affecting the merits of the object lesson in the elementary rules of courtesy by
action, and not to mere incidents thereof, e.g., which we expect members of the bar to comport
cancellation of notices of lis pendens, or, to repeat, the themselves. These provisions of the Code of
grant or dissolution of provisional remedies. [emphasis Professional Responsibility are pertinent:
Had petitioner brought the instant petition COURTESY, FAIRNESS AND
before the Court of Appeals, the same could, and CANDOR TOWARD HIS
would, have been consolidated with the appeal, PROFESSIONAL COLLEAGUES,
thereby bringing under the competence of the said AND SHALL AVOID HARASSING
court all matters relative to the action, including the TACTICS AGAINST OPPOSING
incidents thereof. COUNSEL.

Prescinding from the foregoing discussion, the Rule 8.01-A lawyer shall not, in his professional
disposition of the instant case will be incomplete dealings, use languages which is
without a reference to the improper and unethical abusive, offensive or otherwise
language employed by respondent Jose B. Tiongco, improper.
who is also counsel for private respondents, in his
pleadings and motions filed both before us and the xxx xxx xxx xxx
court a quo. It is his belief that counsel for petitioner,
Atty. Marciana Deguma, "a rambunctious wrestler-type
female of 52 who does not wear a dress which is not Rule 11.03-A lawyer shall abstain from scandalous,
red, and who stampedes into the courtroom like a mad offensive or menacing language before the courts.
fury and who speaks slang English to conceal her faulty
grammar,"[if !supportFootnotes][35][endif] is impelled by less than In Romero v. Valle,[if !supportFootnotes][44][endif] we stated
less than noble reasons in serving as counsel for that a lawyer's actuations, "[a]lthough allowed some
petitioner. Her ulterior motive? "[T]o please and latitude of remarks or comment in the furtherance of
tenderize and sweeten towards her own self the readily the cause he upholds, his arguments, both written or
available Carmelo M. Tiongco,"[if !supportFootnotes][36][endif] a oral, should be gracious to both court and opposing
retired police major described by respondent Tiongco counsel and be of such words as may be properly
as Atty. Deguma's "nio bonito,"[if !supportFootnotes][37][endif] an addressed by one gentleman to another." Otherwise,
unmarried mestizo with curly hair who lives with his use of intemperate language invites the disciplinary
plaintiff for being houseless[if !supportFootnotes][38][endif] who authority of the court.[if !supportFootnotes][45][endif] We are aghast
rents a place on the subject property sought to be at the facility with which respondent Atty. Jose B.
recovered by petitioner. Atty. Deguma, apparently are Tiongco concocts accusations against the opposing
unmarried maiden of a certain age, is variously party and her counsel, although it is of public record
described by respondent Tiongco as "a love-crazed that in Tiongco v. Deguma, et a1.,[if !supportFootnotes][46][endif]
female Apache [who] is now ready to skin defendant we dismissed as totally unfounded his charge of
alive for not being a bastard,"[if !supportFootnotes][39][endif] and a fraudulent conspiracy and public scandal against
"horned spinster and man-hungry virago and female petitioner, Major Tiongco, Atty. Deguma and even the
bull of an Amazon who would stop at nothing to molest, latter's superior at the Public Attorney's Office, Atty.
harrass (sic) and injure defendant - if only to please Napoleon G. Pagtanac. His lexicon of insults, though
and attract police-major Carmelo Tiongco Junior - the entertaining, do not find a ready audience in us, and he
deeply desired object of her unreciprocated affections - should be, as he is hereby, warned accordingly:
who happens not to miss every chance to laugh at her Homines qui gestant, quiqui auscultant crimina, si meo
behind her back."[if !supportFootnotes][40][endif] He claims that arbitratu liceat, omnis pendeat, gestores linguis,
Atty. Deguma, a lawyer with the Public Attorney's auditores auribus.[if !supportFootnotes][47][endif]
Office, is engaged in a game of one-upmanship with a
fellow employee, in that "she happens to be ambitious WHEREFORE, the petition fir certiorari is hereby
enough to secretly (that what she thought) plot to put DISMISSED, without pronouncement as to costs.
one over her office-mate who simply netted a corporal
(if not a private) by aiming at no lest than an IMDC
SO ORDERED. <[A.M. OCA IPI No. 03-1687-P. March 1, 2004]



Quoted hereunder, for your information, is a resolution

of this Court dated MAR 1 2004.

A.M. OCA IPI No. 03-1687-P (Rafael Sanchez vs. Rubie

P. Tupas, Clerk of Court, MCTC, Barotac, Viejo, Iloilo.)

For resolution is a verified complaint dated June 16,

2003 filed by Rafael Sanchez charging Clerk of Court
Rubie Tupas with unauthorized practice of law.

Complainant alleges that a criminal complaint was filed

against him relative to the seizure of his fishing boat
named "M/BCA Connie 14" he allegedly lent to one
Antonio Galla for violation of section 90 (Use of Active
Gear) of R.A. No. 8550 otherwise known as the
Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998[1]cralaw; that said
complaint and its supporting affidavit were subscribed
and sworn to by the complaining witness and the
affiants before the respondent Clerk of Court Rubie
Tupas who is not a member of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) and therefore engaged in
unauthorized practice of law.

In her Comment, respondent Clerk of Court states that

her administration of oath to the persons who executed
the criminal complaint and its supporting affidavit filed
before the court was done "under the color of
authority" attached to the to the position of a Clerk of
Court under Section 3, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of
Criminal procedure.Respondent avers that under this
rule, she is considered a public officer charged with the
enforcement of the law, and as such, she can
administer oaths and that her acts done as a clerk of
court, such as notarizing criminal complaints and its
supporting affidavit filed in court, are considered as
among those which are related in the exercise of her

In his Reply, complainant insist that respondent Clerk

of Court's allegations are but her presumptuous and
erroneous interpretation of the law; that the complaint
and joint affidavit notarized by respondent Clerk of
Court are pleadings filed in court of law for the
commencement of a criminal prosecution, hence, only
lawyers and members of the IBP and not a mere court
employee as the respondent Clerk of Court can
notarize said instruments; and that Section 3, Rule 110
of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure cited by
respondent Clerk of Court enumerates the persons
authorized by law to file the complaint and not the
persons who may notarize the complaint.

In a Memorandum dated January 9, 2004, the Office of

the Court Administrator recommends the dismissal of
the complaint against respondent.The Court approves
the recommendation.The complaint of Rafael Sanchez
Sanchez vs Tupas is bereft of merit.
Section 3(a) Rule 112 of the revised Rules of criminal
Procedure provides that affidavits of complainants and
his witnesses as well as other supporting documents
shall be sworn to before, among others, government
officials authorized to administer oaths.

Section 41 of the Administrative code of 1987 as

amended by R.A. No. 6788 reads:

Section 41.Officers Authorized to Administer Oath. - [A.C. No. 5379. May 9, 2003]
The following officers have general authority to
administer oaths: President; Vice President; Members WALTER T. YOUNG, complainant, vs. CEASAR G.
and Secretaries of both Houses of the Congress; BATUEGAS, MIGUELITO NAZARENO V. LLANTINO
Members of the Judiciary; Sectaries of Departments; and FRANKLIN Q. SUSA, respondents.
Provincial governors and lieutenant-governors; city
mayors; municipal mayors; bureau directors; regional RESOLUTION
directors; clerk of courts, register of deeds; other
civilian officers in public service of the government of
the Philippines whose appointments are vested in the YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
President and are subject to confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments; all other constitutional On December 29, 2000, Atty. Walter T. Young filed a
officers; and notaries public.(Emphasis supplied) Verified Affidavit-Complaint for disbarment against
Attys. Ceasar G. Batuegas, Miguelito Nazareno V.
The term "clerk of courts" in the aforequoted provision Llantino and Franklin Q. Susa for allegedly committing
is used as a general term.No specification was made as deliberate falsehood in court and violating the lawyers
to the Court to which said clerks of court belong.The oath.[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif]
intention of the law is clear, to remove the limitation,
and, hence, to authorize all clerk of courts regardless of Complainant is the private prosecutor in Criminal Case
whether they are clerks of the Metropolitan Trial No. 00-187627 for Murder, entitled People of the
courts, Municipal Trial Court and Municipal Circuit Trial Philippines versus Crisanto Arana, Jr., pending before
Courts, to administer oaths on matter involving official the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 27. On
business.[2]cralaw Hence, as Clerk of Court of MCTC, December 13, 2000, respondents Batuegas and
respondent has the authority to administer oath of Llantino, as counsel for accused, filed a Manifestation
affidavits of parties and witnesses which are to be filed with Motion for Bail, alleging that the accused has
in court. voluntarily surrendered to a person in authority. As
such, he is now under detention.[if !supportFootnotes][2][endif]
ACCORDINGLY, the instant complaint is DISMISSED for Upon personal verification with the National Bureau of
lack of merit. Investigation (NBI) where accused Arana allegedly
surrendered, complainant learned that he surrendered
only on December 14, 2000, as shown by the
SO ORDERED. Certificate of Detention executed by Atty. Rogelio M.
Mamauag, Chief of the Security Management Division
Very truly yours, of the NBI.

(Sgd.)LUDICHI YASAY-NUNAG Respondent Susa, the Branch Clerk of Court of RTC of

Manila, Branch 27, calendared the motion on
Clerk of Court December 15, 2000 despite the foregoing irregularity
and other formal defects, namely, the lack of notice of
hearing to the private complainant, violation of the
three-day notice rule, and the failure to attach the
Certificate of Detention which was referred to in the
Motion as Annex 1.

Respondents filed their respective comments, declaring

that on December 13, 2000, upon learning that a
warrant of arrest was issued against their client, they
filed the Manifestation with Motion for Bail with the trial
court. Then they immediately fetched the accused in
Cavite and brought him to the NBI to voluntarily
surrender. However, due to heavy traffic, they arrived
at the NBI at 2:00 a.m. the next day; hence, the
certificate of detention indicated that the accused
surrendered on December 14, 2000. They argued that
there was neither unethical conduct nor falsehood in
the subject pleading as their client has voluntarily
surrendered and was detained at the NBI. As regards
the lack of notice of hearing, they contend that and he shall conduct himself as a lawyer according to
complainant, as private prosecutor, was not entitled to the best of his knowledge and discretion with all good
any notice. Nevertheless, they furnished the State and fidelity as well to the courts as to his clients. [if !
City prosecutors copies of the motion with notice of supportFootnotes][8][endif]
He should bear in mind that as an
hearing thereof. Moreover, the hearing of a motion on officer of the court his high vocation is to correctly
shorter notice is allowed under Rule 15, Sec. 4(2) of the inform the court upon the law and the facts of the case
Rules of Court.[if !supportFootnotes][3][endif] and to aid it in doing justice and arriving at correct
conclusion.[if !supportFootnotes][9][endif] The courts, on the other
For his part, respondent Susa argues in his comment hand, are entitled to expect only complete honesty
that he was no longer in court when his co-respondents from lawyers appearing and pleading before them.[if !
filed the Manifestation with Motion for Bail. Ms. Teofila
While a lawyer has the solemn duty to
A. Pea, Clerk III, received the said Motion and noticed defend his clients rights and is expected to display the
that it was set for hearing on December 15, 2000 and utmost zeal in defense of his clients cause, his conduct
the Certificate of Detention was not attached. must never be at the expense of truth.[if !supportFootnotes][11]
However, the presiding judge instructed her to receive
the Motion subject to the presentation of the Certificate
of Detention before the hearing. Thus, the inclusion of The Court may disbar or suspend a lawyer for
the Motion in the courts calendar on December 15, misconduct, whether in his professional or private
2000 was authorized by the presiding judge and, thus, capacity, which shows him to be wanting in moral
was done by respondent Susa in faithful performance character, in honesty, probity, and good demeanor,
of his ministerial duty. thus proving unworthy to continue as an officer of the
court.[if !supportFootnotes][12][endif]
In a Resolution dated August 13, 2001,[if !supportFootnotes][4]
the instant case was referred to the Integrated Bar Evidently, respondent lawyers fell short of the duties
of the Philippines for investigation, report and and responsibilities expected from them as members of
recommendation or decision. the bar. Anticipating that their Motion for Bail will be
denied by the court if it found that it had no jurisdiction
On December 7, 2001, the Investigating Commissioner, over the person of the accused, they craftily concealed
Rebecca Villanueva-Maala, submitted her report and the truth by alleging that accused had voluntarily
recommendation as follows: surrendered to a person in authority and was under
detention. Obviously, such artifice was a deliberate
ruse to mislead the court and thereby contribute to
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, it is injustice. To knowingly allege an untrue statement of
respectfully recommended that Atty. Ceasar G. fact in the pleading is a contemptuous conduct that we
Batuegas and Atty. Miguelito Nazareno V. Llantino be strongly condemn. They violated their oath when they
suspended from the practice of their profession as a resorted to deception.
lawyer/member of the Bar for a period of six (6)
months from receipt hereof. The complaint against Atty.
Franklin Q. Susa, upon the other hand, is hereby Respondents contend that their allegation of the
recommended dismissed for lack of merit.[if !supportFootnotes] accuseds detention was merely a statement of an
[5][endif] ultimate fact which still had to be proved by evidence
at the hearing of the Motion. That they were able to
show that their client was already under the custody of
The foregoing Report and Recommendation was the NBI at the hearing held on December 15, 2000
adopted and approved by the IBP-Commission on Bar does not exonerate them. The fact remains that the
Discipline in Resolution No. XV-2002-400, to wit: allegation that the accused was in the custody of the
NBI on December 13, 2000 was false.
RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby
ADOPTED and APPROVED, the Report and In Comia vs. Antona, we held:
Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner of
the above-entitled case, herein made part of this
Resolution/Decision as Annex A; and, finding the It is of no moment that the accused eventually
recommendation fully supported by the evidence on surrendered to the police authorities on the same date
record and the applicable laws and rules, and in view of tentatively scheduled for the hearing of the application
respondents commission of deliberate falsehood, Atty. for bail. To our mind, such supervening event is of no
Batuegas and Atty. Llantino are hereby SUSPENDED bearing and immaterial; it does not absolve respondent
from the practice of law for six (6) months. The judge from administrative liability considering that he
complaint against Atty. Susa is hereby DISMISSED for should not have accorded recognition to the application
lack of merit.[if !supportFootnotes][6][endif] for bail filed on behalf of persons who, at that point,
were devoid of personality to ask such specific
affirmative relief from the court.[if !supportFootnotes][13][endif]
We agree with the findings and recommendations of
the Investigating Commissioner. Respondents Batuegas
and Llantino are guilty of deliberate falsehood. In this jurisdiction, whether bail is a matter of right or
discretion, reasonable notice of hearing is required to
be given to the prosecutor or fiscal, or at least, he must
A lawyer must be a disciple of truth.[if !supportFootnotes][7][endif] be asked for his recommendation.[if !supportFootnotes][14][endif]
He swore upon his admission to the Bar that he will do
no falsehood nor consent to the doing of any in court
In the case at bar, the prosecution was served with
notice of hearing of the motion for bail two days prior
to the scheduled date. Although a motion may be
heard on short notice, respondents failed to show any
good cause to justify the non-observance of the three-
day notice rule. Verily, as lawyers, they are obliged to
observe the rules of procedure and not to misuse them
to defeat the ends of justice.[if !supportFootnotes][15][endif]

Finally, we are in accord with the Investigating

Commissioner that respondent clerk of court should not
be made administratively liable for including the
Motion in the calendar of the trial court, considering
that it was authorized by the presiding judge. However,
he is reminded that his administrative functions,
although not involving the discretion or judgment of a
judge, are vital to the prompt and sound administration
of justice.[if !supportFootnotes][16][endif] Thus, he should not
hesitate to inform the judge if he should find any act or
conduct on the part of lawyers which are contrary to
the established rules of procedure.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing,

respondent Attys. Ceasar G. Batuegas, Miguelito
Nazareno V. Llantino are found guilty of committing
deliberate falsehood. Accordingly, they are SUSPENDED
from the practice of law for a period of six (6) months
with a warning that a repetition of the same or similar
act will be dealt with more severely.

Let a copy of this Resolution be attached to the

personal records of Attys. Ceasar G. Batuegas and
Miguelito Nazareno V. Llantino in the Office of the Bar
Confidant and copies thereof be furnished the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines.

A.C. No. 6198 September 15, 2006

RENATO M. MALIGAYA, complainant,





Atty. Antonio G. Doronilla, Jr. of the Judge Advocate

General's Service is before us on a charge of unethical
conduct for having uttered a falsehood in open court
during a hearing of Civil Case No. Q-99-38778. 1

Civil Case No. Q-99-38778 was an action for damages

filed by complainant Renato M. Maligaya, a doctor and
retired colonel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
against several military officers for whom Atty.
Doronilla stood as counsel. At one point during the
February 19, 2002 hearing of the case, Atty. Doronilla

And another matter, Your Honor. I was appearing in

other cases he [complainant Maligaya] filed before
against the same defendants. We had an agreement
that if we withdraw the case against him, he will Not only that, he violated the lawyer's oath to "do no
also withdraw all the cases. So, with that falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court," of
understanding, he even retired and he is now which Canon 10 and Rule 10.01 are but restatements.
receiving pension.2 (emphasis supplied) His act infringed on every lawyer's duty to "never seek
to mislead the judge or any judicial officer by an
Considering this to be of some consequence, presiding artifice or false statement of fact or law."17
Judge Reynaldo B. Daway asked a number of
clarificatory questions and thereafter ordered Atty. Atty. Doronilla's unethical conduct was compounded,
Doronilla to put his statements in writing and "file the moreover, by his obstinate refusal to acknowledge the
appropriate pleading."3 Weeks passed but Atty. impropriety of what he had done. From the very
Doronilla submitted no such pleading or anything else beginning of this administrative case, Atty. Doronilla
to substantiate his averments. maintained the untenable position that he had done
nothing wrong in the hearing of Civil Case No. Q-99-
On April 29, 2002, Maligaya filed a complaint against 38778. He persisted in doing so even after having
Atty. Doronilla in the Integrated Bar of the Philippines admitted that he had, in that hearing, spoken of an
(IBP) Commission on Bar Discipline.4 The complaint, agreement that did not in truth exist. Rather than
which charged Atty. Doronilla with "misleading the express remorse for that regrettable incident, Atty.
court through misrepresentation of facts resulting [in] Doronilla resorted to an ill-conceived attempt to evade
obstruction of justice,"5 was referred to a responsibility, professing that the falsehood had not
commissioner6 for investigation. Complainant swore been meant for the information of Judge Daway but
before the investigating commissioner that he had only as "a sort of question" to complainant regarding a
never entered into any agreement to withdraw his "pending proposal" to settle the case.18
lawsuits.7 Atty. Doronilla, who took up the larger part of
two hearings to present evidence and explain his side, The explanation submitted by Atty. Doronilla,
admitted several times that there was, in fact, no such remarkable only for its speciousness,19 cannot absolve
agreement.8 Later he explained in his memorandum him. If anything, it leads us to suspect an unseemly
that his main concern was "to settle the case amicably readiness on his part to obfuscate plain facts for the
among comrades in arms without going to trial"9 and unworthy purpose of escaping his just deserts. There is
insisted that there was no proof of his having violated in his favor, though, a presumption of good faith20
the Code of Professional Responsibility or the lawyer's which keeps us from treating the incongruity of his
oath.10 He pointed out, in addition, that his false proffered excuse as an indication of mendacity.
statement (or, as he put it, his "alleged acts of falsity") Besides, in the light of his avowal that his only aim was
had no effect on the continuance of the case and "to settle the case amicably among comrades in arms
therefore caused no actual prejudice to complainant.11 without going to trial,"21 perhaps it is not unreasonable
to assume that what he really meant to say was that
In due time, investigating commissioner Lydia A. he had intended the misrepresentation as a gambit to
Navarro submitted a report and recommendation get the proposed agreement on the table, as it were.
finding Atty. Doronilla guilty of purposely stating a But even if that had been so, it would have been no
falsehood in violation of Canon 10, Rule 10.01 of the justification for speaking falsely in court. There is
Code of Professional Responsibility12 and nothing in the duty of a lawyer to foster peace among
recommending that he be "suspended from the disputants that, in any way, makes it necessary under
government military service as legal officer for a period any circumstances for counsel to state as a fact that
of three months."13 This was adopted and approved in which is not true. A lawyer's duty to the court to
toto by the IBP Board of Governors on August 30, employ only such means as are consistent with truth
2003.14 and honor22 forbids recourse to such a tactic. Thus,
even as we give Atty. Doronilla the benefit of the doubt
and accept as true his avowed objective of getting the
There is a strong public interest involved in requiring parties to settle the case amicably, we must call him to
lawyers who, as officers of the court, participate in the account for resorting to falsehood as a means to that
dispensation of justice, to behave at all times in a end.
manner consistent with truth and honor. 15 The common
caricature that lawyers by and large do not feel
compelled to speak the truth and to act honestly Atty. Doronilla's offense is within the ambit of Section
should not become a common reality.16 To this end, 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, which in part
Canon 10 and Rule 10.01 of the Code of Professional declares:
Responsibility state:
A member of the bar may be disbarred or suspended
CANON 10 A LAWYER OWES CANDOR, FAIRNESS, AND from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for
GOOD FAITH TO THE COURT. any deceit x x x or for any violation of the oath which
he is required to take before admission to practice x x
Rule 10.01 A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor
consent to the doing of any in court; nor shall he
mislead, or allow the Court to be misled by any artifice. The suspension referred to in the foregoing provision
means only suspension from the practice of law. For
this reason, we disagree with the IBP's
By stating untruthfully in open court that complainant recommendation for Atty. Doronilla's suspension from
had agreed to withdraw his lawsuits, Atty. Doronilla the government military service. After all, the only
breached these peremptory tenets of ethical conduct.
purpose of this administrative case is to determine
Atty. Doronilla's liability as a member of the legal
profession, not his liability as a legal officer in the
military service. Thus, it would be improper for us to
order, as a penalty for his breach of legal ethics and
the lawyer's oath, his suspension from employment in
the Judge Advocate General's Service. Of course,
suspension from employment as a military legal officer
may well follow as a consequence of his suspension
from the practice of law but that should not be reason
for us to impose it as a penalty for his professional
misconduct. We would be going beyond the purpose of
this proceeding were we to do so. Therefore, we shall
treat the IBP's recommendation as one for suspension
from the practice of law.

At any rate, we are not inclined to adopt the IBP's

recommendation on the duration of Atty. Doronilla's
suspension. We need to consider a few circumstances
that mitigate his liability somewhat. First, we give him
credit for exhibiting enough candor to admit, during the
investigation, the falsity of the statement he had made
in Judge Daway's courtroom. Second, the absence of
material damage to complainant may also be
considered as a mitigating circumstance.23 And finally,
since this is Atty. Doronilla's first offense, he is entitled
to some measure of forbearance.24

Nonetheless, his unrepentant attitude throughout the

conduct of this administrative case tells us that a mere
slap on the wrist is definitely not enough. Atty.
Doronilla, it seems, needs time away from the practice
of law to recognize his error and to purge himself of the
misbegotten notion that an effort to compromise
justifies the sacrifice of truthfulness in court.

WHEREFORE, Atty. Antonio G. Doronilla, Jr. is hereby

SUSPENDED from the practice of law for TWO
MONTHS. He is WARNED that a repetition of the
same or similar misconduct shall be dealt with more

Let a copy of this Resolution be attached to his

personal record and copies furnished the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines, the Office of the Court
Administrator, the Chief-of-Staff of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines and the Commanding General of the
AFP Judge Advocate General's Service.


Molina vs Magat

Commission on Bar Discipline found merit in the
complaint and recommended that Atty. Magat be
Before the Court is the undated Resolution [if ! reprimanded and fined P50,000.00. It stated that:
of the Board of Governors of the

Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) finding Atty.

Ceferino R. Magat (Atty. Magat) liable for unethical This Commission finds
conduct and recommending that he be reprimanded. it hard to believe that respondent
would have mistakenly been
The Facts: under the impression that a case
for physical injuries was filed
against his client when there was
The case stemmed from a complaint for no such case filed. Respondent
disbarment[if !supportFootnotes][2][endif] filed by Rodrigo A. Molina was either negligently reckless or
(complainant) against Atty. Magat before the Court on he had mischievous intentions to
May 5, 1978. The complaint alleged, among others, deceive the trial court. In any
that complainant filed cases of Assault Upon an Agent case, he committed a
of a Person in Authority and Breach of the Peace and transgression for which he should
Resisting Arrest against one Pascual de Leon (de Leon) be punished.
before the Court of First Instance (CFI) of Manila; that However, the graver
the counsel of record for accused de Leon in both cases sin of respondent is, and this he
was Atty. Magat; that a case for slight physical injuries admits, that he appeared as
was filed against him (Molina) by de Leon as a counter- counsel before a trial court on at
charge and Atty. Magat was also the private least two (2) occasions
prosecutor; that Atty. Magat subsequently filed a notwithstanding the fact that he
motion to quash the information on Assault upon an had been suspended by the
Agent of a Person in Authority on the sole ground of Supreme Court from the practice
double jeopardy claiming that a similar case for slight of law. Despite professing his
physical injuries was filed in court by a certain Pat. contrition in his Answer, this
Molina (Molina); that based on the record, no case of Commission is not convinced.
slight physical injuries was filed by Molina against de Otherwise, respondent should
Leon; that Atty. Magat was very much aware of such have had, at the onset of the
fact as he was the counsel and private prosecutor on proceedings, admitted to his
record of de Leon from the very start of the case way misdeeds and put his fate
back on May 24, 1974; that Atty. Magats act of filing squarely with the disciplinary
the Motion to Quash was a malicious act done in bad body. Yet, he proceeded to fight
faith to mislead the court, thus, a betrayal of the the charges against him.
confidence of the court of which he is an officer; and Moreover, if respondent
that Atty. Magat likewise committed willful was indeed moved by altruistic
disobedience of the court order when he appeared as intentions when he made those
counsel for de Leon on two (2) occasions despite the appearances before the trial court
fact that he was suspended from the practice of law. despite having been suspended,
he could have so informed the
In his Answer,[if !supportFootnotes][3][endif] Atty. Magat Presiding Judge of his plight and
averred that in so far as the filing of the motion to explained why the party he was
quash was concerned, he was really under the representing could not attend.
impression that a criminal case in lieu of the two (2) Yet, what he proceeded to do was
charges was indeed filed and that the said motion was to enter his appearance as
opposed by the other party and was denied by the counsel. Indeed, it is beyond
court. He admitted his appearances in court while doubt he trifled with the
under suspension. He explained that his appearance in suspension order handed by the
the December 21, 1977 hearing was to inform the Supreme Court.
court that the accused was sick and to prevent the If there is one thing
issuance of a warrant of arrest against the accused. In going for respondent, it is that the
the January 9, 1978 hearing, he appeared because the passage of time with which this
accused had no money and pleaded that his testimony case remains pending makes it
be finished. Atty. Magat begged for the indulgence of difficult to impose a penalty of
the court and conveyed his repentance and apology suspension on him. Under normal
and promised that the same would not happen again. circumstances, this Commission
would not have thought twice of
The complaint was endorsed to the Office of suspending respondent. However,
the Solicitor General (OSG) for investigation, report and the acts committed by respondent
recommendation.[if !supportFootnotes][4][endif] Thereafter, the occurred over TWENTY (20)
OSG transmitted the records of the case to the IBP for YEARS ago. It would not be fair to
proper disposition. now impose a suspension on
respondent, more so considering
that he is, in all likelihood, in the
In his Report and Recommendation [if ! twilight of his career.
dated March 20, 2009, the IBP
On the other hand, Supreme Court; grounds therefor.
there is still a need to discipline A member of the bar may be
respondent if only to set an disbarred or suspended from his
example to other lawyers that office as attorney by the Supreme
suspension orders of the Supreme Court for any deceit, malpractice,
Court cannot simply be ignored. or other gross misconduct in such
Thus, it is the recommendation of office, grossly immoral conduct,
the undersigned that respondent or by reason of his conviction of a
be meted a fine of FIFTY crime involving moral turpitude,
THOUSAND PESOS (50,000.00) or for any violation of the oath
and that he be heavily which he is required to take
reprimanded for his actions, the before admission to practice, or
passage of time notwithstanding.[if for a willful disobedience of any
lawful order of a superior court, or
for corruptly or willfully appearing
On May 14, 2011, the IBP Board of as an attorney for a party to a
Governors passed its Resolution[if !supportFootnotes][7][endif] case without authority so to do.
adopting the findings of the Investigating The practice of soliciting cases at
Commissioner. It, however, deleted the imposition of law for the purpose of gain, either
fine. personally or through paid agents
or brokers, constitutes
The Court agrees with the findings of the IBP malpractice. [Underlining
but not with respect to the penalty. supplied]

The practice of law is a privilege bestowed As stated, if Atty. Magat was truly moved by
on those who show that they possess and continue to altruistic intentions when he appeared before the trial
possess the legal qualifications for it. Indeed, lawyers court despite having been suspended, he could have
are expected to maintain at all times a high standard of informed the Presiding Judge of his plight and
legal proficiency and morality, including honesty, explained why the party he was representing could not
integrity and fair dealing. They must perform their four- attend. On the contrary, Atty. Magat kept his silence
fold duty to society, the legal profession, the courts and proceeded to represent his client as counsel.
and their clients, in accordance with the values and
norms of the legal profession as embodied in the Code WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Ceferino R. Magat is
of Professional Responsibility.[if !supportFootnotes][8][endif] hereby ordered SUSPENDED from the practice of law
for six (6) months with a WARNING that the
Atty. Magats act clearly falls short of the commission of the same or similar offense in the future
standards set by the Code of Professional would be dealt with more severely.
Responsibility, particularly Rule 10.01, which provides:

Rule 10.01 A lawyer shall not do any

falsehood, nor consent to the
doing of any in Court; nor shall he SO ORDERED.
mislead, or allow the Court to be
misled by any artifice.

In this case, the Court agrees with the

observation of the IBP that there was a deliberate
intent on the part of Atty. Magat to mislead the court
when he filed the motion to dismiss the criminal
charges on the basis of double jeopardy. Atty. Magat
should not make any false and untruthful statements in
his pleadings. If it were true that there was a similar
case for slight physical injuries that was really filed in
court, all he had to do was to secure a certification
from that court that, indeed, a case was filed.

Furthermore, Atty. Magat expressly admitted

appearing in court on two occasions despite having
been suspended from the practice of law by the Court.
Under Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, a
member of the bar may be disbarred or suspended
from office as an attorney for a willful disobedience of
any lawful order of a superior court and/or for corruptly
or wilfully appearing as an attorney without authority
to do so. It provides:

SEC. 27. Disbarment or

suspension of attorneys by
as Civil Case No. 0J-04-009.[if !supportFootnotes][11][endif] It was
dismissed on the grounds of res judicata and
prescription.[if !supportFootnotes][12][endif]

Respondent, on the other hand, asserts that

he was only performing his legal obligation as a lawyer
to protect and prosecute the interests of his client. [if !
He denied that he was forum
shopping as his client, in her certificate of non-forum
shopping,[if !supportFootnotes][14][endif] disclosed the two previous
cases involving the same cause of action which had
been filed and dismissed.[if !supportFootnotes][15][endif]

Respondent further claims he could not refuse his

clients request to file a new case because Al-Rasheed
was the oppressed party in the transaction. [if !

This Court referred the complaint, together

with respondents comment, to the Integrated Bar of
the Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and
recommendation.[if !supportFootnotes][17][endif]

PABLO R. OLIVARES and/or A.C. No. 6323 The Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) of
OLIVARES REALTY the IBP found that respondent assisted Al-Rasheed in
CORPORATION, repeatedly suing Olivares for the same cause of action
and subject matter.[if !supportFootnotes][18][endif] It opined that
-versus respondent should have noted that the 1999 case was
ATTY. ARSENIO C. dismissed for lack of interest to prosecute. [if !supportFootnotes]
VILLALON, JR., [19][endif]
Under Rule 17, Section 3 of the Rules of Court,
April 13, 2007 such dismissal had the effect of an adjudication on the
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - merits.[if !supportFootnotes][20][endif] The CBD recommended the
------x suspension of respondent for six months with a
RESOLUTION warning that any similar infraction in the future would
CORONA, J.: be dealt with more severely.[if !supportFootnotes][21][endif]
This is a complaint[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif] for disbarment
and suspension[if !supportFootnotes][2][endif] against respondent The IBP adopted and approved the findings of the CBD
Atty. Arsenio C. Villalon, Jr. by Pablo R. Olivares and/or that respondent violated Rule 12.02, Canon 12 of the
Olivares Realty Corporation for violation of Rule 12.02, Code of Professional Responsibility as well as the
Canon 12 of the Code of Professional Responsibility and proscription on forum shopping. It, however, modified
the rule on forum shopping. the recommended penalty to reprimand. [if !supportFootnotes][22]

In his complaint, Olivares alleged that respondents

client, Sarah Divina Morales Al-Rasheed, repeatedly We adopt the findings of the IBP except its
sued him for violations of the lease contract which they recommendation as to the penalty.
executed over a commercial apartment in Olivares
Building in Paraaque.[if !supportFootnotes][3][endif] All lawyers must bear in mind that their
oaths are neither mere words nor an empty formality.
In 1993, Al-Rasheed filed an action for damages and When they take their oath as lawyers, they dedicate
prohibition with prayer for preliminary mandatory their lives to the pursuit of justice. They accept the
injunction in the Regional Trial Court of Manila. [if ! sacred trust to uphold the laws of the land. [if !
The case was dismissed for improper supportFootnotes][23][endif]
As the first Canon of the Code of
venue.[if !supportFootnotes][5][endif] Professional Responsibility states, [a] lawyer shall
uphold the constitution, obey the laws of the land and
Six years later, on July 1, 1999, Al-Rasheed promote respect for law and legal processes. [if !
filed an action for breach of contract with damages in supportFootnotes][24][endif]
Moreover, according to the lawyers
the Regional Trial Court of Paraaque, Branch 274. [if ! oath they took, lawyers should not wittingly or willingly
The case, docketed as Civil Case No. promote or sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit,
99-0233, was dismissed for failure to prosecute. [if ! nor give aid nor consent to the same. [if !supportFootnotes][25]
Al-Rasheed, through counsel Atty. [endif]

Villalon, sought a review of the order dismissing Civil

Case No. 99-0233 but the Court of Appeals did not give With all this in mind, respondent should have
due course to her appeal. [if !supportFootnotes][8][endif] The refrained from filing the second complaint against
subsequent petition for review on certiorari filed in the Olivares. He ought to have known that the previous
Supreme Court was likewise denied. [if !supportFootnotes][9][endif] dismissal was with prejudice since it had the effect of
an adjudication on the merits. There was no excuse not
On January 29, 2004, Al-Rasheed re-filed the to know this elementary principle of procedural law.
1999 suit in the Regional Trial Court of Paraaque,
Branch 274[if !supportFootnotes][10][endif] where it was docketed The facts of this case reveal that Atty.
Villalon purposely filed the second complaint.
Respondent appealed the 1999 case to the Court of
Appeals and subsequently to this Court. Both actions
were dismissed for lack of merit, not on mere
technicality. The certificate of non-forum shopping
attached to the 2004 complaint disclosed that Al-
Rasheed previously sued Olivares for violating their
lease contract. As if such disclosure was a sufficient
justification, Atty. Villalon unapologetically reproduced
his 1999[if !supportFootnotes][26][endif] arguments and assertions
in the 2004[if !supportFootnotes][27][endif] complaint. Respondent
obviously knew the law and tried to go around it. This
Court therefore concludes that respondent willfully
violated Rule 12.02, Canon 12 which provides that:

A lawyer shall not file multiple actions

arising from the same cause.

Furthermore, he violated Rule 10.03, Canon

10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility:

A lawyer shall observe the rules of procedure

and shall not misuse them to
defeat the ends of justice.

A lawyers fidelity to his client must not be

pursued at the expense of truth and justice. [if !
Lawyers have the duty to assist in the
speedy and efficient administration of justice. Filing
multiple actions constitutes an abuse of the Courts
processes. It constitutes improper conduct that tends
to impede, obstruct and degrade justice. Those who file
multiple or repetitive actions subject themselves to
disciplinary action for incompetence or willful violation
of their duties as attorneys to act with all good fidelity
to the courts, and to maintain only such actions that
appear to be just and consistent with truth and honor.
[if !supportFootnotes][29][endif]

Everything considered, this Court finds that

a reprimand is insufficient and rules instead that CBDs
recommendation for a six-month suspension from the
practice of law to be more commensurate to the
violation committed. However, in view of respondents
death on September 27, 2006,[if !supportFootnotes][30][endif] the
penalty can no longer be imposed on him. This
development has, in effect, rendered this disciplinary
case moot and academic.

him by law as an officer of the Court . . . For this
serious transgression of the Code of Professional
Responsibility, he deserves to be sanctioned, not only
as a punishment for his misconduct but also as a
warning to other lawyers who may be influenced by his
example. Accordingly, he is hereby SUSPENDED for
ONE YEAR from the practice of law and from the
enjoyment of all the rights and privileges appurtenant
to membership of the Philippine bar.



In a sworn complaint filed with the Court on October 6,

1992, Concordia B. Garcia seeks the disbarment of Atty.
Crisanto L. Francisco.

On March 9, 1964, Concordia B. Garcia and her

husband Godofredo, the Dionisio spouses, and Felisa
and Magdalena Baetiong leashed a parcel of land to
Sotero Baluyot Lee for a period of 25 years beginning
May 1, 1964. Despite repeated verbal and written
demands, Lee refused to vacate after the expiration of
the lease. Lee claimed that he had an option to extend
the lease for another 5 years and the right of pre-
emption over the property.

In this disbarment case, the complainant claims that

Lee's counsel, respondent Francisco, commenced
various suits before different courts to thwart Garcia's
right to regain her property and that all these
proceedings were decided against Lee. The
proceedings stemmed from the said lease contract and
involved the same issues and parties, thus violating the
proscription against forum-shopping.

Respondent, in his comment, says that he inserted in

A.C. No. 3923. March 30, 1993. defense of his client's right only such remedies as were
authorized by law.
CONCORDIA B. GARCIA, complainant, vs. ATTY.
CRISANTO L. FRANCISCO, respondent. The tangle of recourses employed by Francisco is
narrated as follows:
1. On March 29, 1989, Lee, through Francisco, filed a
1. LEGAL ETHICS; MISCONDUCT OF COUNSEL; complaint against Garcia and the other lessors for
VIOLATION OF OATH NOT DELAY ANY MAN OR MONEY specific performance and reconveyance with damages
OR MALICE; SUSPENSION FOR ONE YEAR FROM in the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City. This was
PRACTICE OF LAW FOR GROSS ABUSE OF RIGHT OF docketed as Civil Case No. Q-89-2118. On June 9, 1989,
RECOURSE TO THE COURTS BY ARGUING A CAUSE Garcia filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the
THAT IS OBVIOUSLY WITHOUT MERIT. The cause of grounds of failure to state a cause of action, laches and
the respondent's client is obviously without merit. The prescription. The case was dismissed by Judge Felimon
respondent was aware of this fact when he wilfully Mendoza on August 10, 1989.
resorted to the gambits summarized above,
continuously seeking relief that was consistently 2. On May 29, 1989, Garcia and the other lessors filed
denied, as he should have expected . . . By grossly a complaint for unlawful detainer against Lee in the
abusing his right of recourse to the courts for the Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon City. This was
purpose of arguing a cause that had been repeatedly docketed as Civil Case No. 1455. Through Francisco,
rebuffed, he was disdaining the obligation of the lawyer Lee filed an answer alleging as special and affirmative
to maintain only such actions or proceedings as appear defense the pendency of Civil Case no. Q-89-2118 in
to him to be just and such defenses only as he believes the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City. On September
to be honestly debatable under the law. By violating his 5, 1989, Judge Marcelino Bautista issued a resolution
oath not to delay any man for money or malice, he has rejecting this allegation on the ground that the issues
besmirched the name of an honorable profession and before the two courts were separate and different.
has proved himself unworthy of the trust reposed in
3. On October 24, 1989, Lee, through Francisco, filed Judge Singzon on October 8, 1991.
with the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City a petition
for certiorari and prohibition with preliminary injunction 7. Two days later, Lee, through Francisco, filed with the
against Judge Bautista, Garcia and the other lessors. Supreme Court a petition for certiorari with preliminary
This was docketed as civil Case No. Q-89-3833. In filing injunction and temporary restraining order against the
this petition, Francisco knew or should have known that Court of Appeals, Judge Singzon, Garcia and the other
it violated the Rule on Summary Procedure prohibiting lessors. This Court denied the petition on January 27,
the filing of petitions for certiorari, mandamus or 1992, and reconsideration on April 8, 1992.
prohibition against any interlocutory order issued by
the court.
8. Finally, Lee, still through Francisco, filed a petition
for certiorari with preliminary injunction against Judge
Francisco claims that what he appealed to the Regional Singzon, Garcia and the other lessors in the Regional
Trial Court in Civil Case No. Q-89-3833 was the denial Trial Court of Quezon City to set aside and declare the
of his prayer for dismissal of Civil Case No. 1455. This writs of execution in Civil Case No. 1455. This was
is not true. Civil Case Q-89-3833 was clearly a special dismissed on August 4, 1992, and Lee, through
civil action and not an appeal. Francisco, filed a motion for reconsideration. According
to Francisco, he was relieved as counsel while this
On November 13, 1989, Judge Abraham Vera issued an motion was pending.
order enjoining Judge Bautista from proceeding with
the trial of the unlawful detainer case. Upon motion of A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client but not
the complainant, however, the injunction was set aside at the expense of truth and the administration of
and Civil Case No. Q-89-3833 was dismissed on January justice.
9, 1990. Lee did not appeal.
The cause of the respondent's client in obviously
4. On April 6, 1990, Lee through Francisco, filed a without merit. The respondent was aware of this fact
petition for certiorari and prohibition with prayer for when he wilfully resorted to the gambits summarized
preliminary injunction with the Court of Appeals against above, continuously seeking relief that was
Judge Vera, Judge Singzon, Garcia and the other consistently denied, as he should have expected. He
lessors. Docketed as CA G.R. Sp No. 20476, the petition thereby added to the already clogged dockets of the
assailed the January 9, 1990 order of Judge Vera courts and wasted their valuable time. He also caused
dismissing Civil Case No. Q-89-3833. On May 31, 1989, much inconvenience and expense to the complainant,
the petition was denied. who was obliged to defend herself against his every
5. On June 14, 1990, Judge Singzon decided Civil Case
no. 1455 in favor of complainant Garcia and the other By grossly abusing his right of recourse to the courts
lessors. Lee did not appeal. Instead, on, June 21, 1990, for the purpose of arguing a cause that had been
through Francisco again, he filed a petition against repeatedly rebuffed, he was disdaining the obligation
Judge Singzon and the other lessors for certiorari and of the lawyer to maintain only such actions or
annulment of the decision in Civil Case No. 1455 and proceedings as appear to him to be just and such
damages with prayer for issuance of preliminary defense only as he believes to be honestly debatable
injunction. This was docketed as Civil case No. 90-5852 under the law. By violating his oath not to delay any
in the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 98, man for money or malice, he has besmirched the name
presided by Judge Cesar C. Paralejo. of an honorable profession and has proved himself
unworthy of trust reposed in him by law as an officer of
In Francisco's comment before us, he alleges that Civil the Court.
Case No. Q-90-5852 is an appeal from the unlawful
detainer case. Again, he lies. Civil Case No. Q-90-5852 Atty. Crisanto l. Francisco took his oath as a lawyer on
was a specified civil action and not an appeal. March 2, 1956. Considering his age and experience in
the practice of the laws, he should have known better
On July 2, 1990, Garcia's group filed an Omnibus than to trifle with it and to use it as an instrument for
Motion to Dismiss Civil Case No. 90-5852. On July 13, harassment of the complainant and the misuse of
1990, Judge Paralejo issued an order enjoining Judge judicial processes. For this serious transgression of the
Singzon from enforcing the decision in that case. Code of Professional Responsibility, he deserves to be
Garcia attacked this order in a petition for certiorari sanctioned, not only as punishment for his misconduct
and prohibition with prayer for preliminary injunction but also as a warning to other lawyers who may be
docketed as CA Sp. No. 22392. The petition was influenced by his example.
granted by the Court of Appeals on September 19,
1991, on the ground that the judgment in the unlawful Accordingly, he is hereby SUSPENDED for ONE YEAR
detainer case had come final and executory as June 30, from the practice of law and from the enjoyment of all
1990. the rights and privileges appurtenant to membership in
the Philippine bar.
6. On September 24, 1991, Garcia filed a motion for
execution in the unlawful detainer case. On September Let a copy of this Resolution be served immediately on
27, 1991, Lee, through Francisco, filed a motion to the respondent and circularized to all courts and the
inhibit Judge Singzon and to defer the hearing of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
motion. A writ of execution was nonetheless issued by
PARAS, respondent.



Before us is this verified Petition[1] filed by Rosa Yap-

Paras praying for the disbarment of her estranged
husband Atty. Justo Paras on alleged acts of deceit,
malpractice, grave misconduct, grossly immoral
conduct and violation of his oath as a lawyer.

On 18 January 1989, respondent filed his comment [2] to

the Petition.

In a Resolution dated 10 February 1999,[3] the Court

referred the case to the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and

The background facts are summarized in a Report and

Recommendation dated 13 January 2004[4] of
Commissioner Lydia A. Navarro of the IBP Commission
on Bar Discipline, which Report reads in part, as

Complainant alleged that on February 9, 1965 the

children of Ledesma de Jesus Paras-Sumabong namely
Conegunda, Justo, Corazon, Carmen and Cataluna all
surnamed Paras executed a Special Power of Attorney
prepared by the respondent to sell parcels of land
located in Matobato, Bindoy, Negros Oriental giving
authority to their mother to sell the subject real
properties previously registered in the name of the
heirs of Vicente Paras wherein respondent was one of
the signatories therein.

Complainant alleged that on May 4, 1966 on the basis

of said Special Power of Attorney, Ledesma J. Paras-
Sumabang executed a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of
Aurora Dy-Yap over the subject real property located in
Matobato, Bindoy, Negros Oriental which was with the
respondents full knowledge since he was residing at
the house of Soledad Dy-Yap at that time and from that
time, the Yap family had been in possession of the
subject real property up to the present.

Complainant alleged that sometime in June 1998 her

attention was called to the fact that a free patent title
to the aforesaid property was issued in respondents
name and upon verification with the DENR, Bureau of
Lands, Dumaguete City, complainant was able to get
copies of the documents for lot Nos. 660, 490 and 585
pertaining to the Notice of Application for Free Patent
dated April 2, 1985 signed by the respondent; over the
aforesaid lots previously sold by Ledesma de Jesus to
Aurora D. Yap; Quitclaim/Renunciation of Property
Rights and Interest Over Real Property executed by
Ledesma de Jesus dated May 28, 1985; Letter of
Application dated April 2, 1985 signed by respondent
under oath before Apolonio Tan authorized officer to
[A.C. No. 4947. February 14, 2005] administer oath; Letter of Certification signed by
Apolonio Tan dated June 4, 1985 and Order of Approval
dated August 19, 1985 signed by District Land Officer
Teopisto L. Gallozo with a Free Patent No. 328 in the Paras upon the prodding of the Yaps for all of them
name of respondent Justo J. Paras. were not qualified to apply for ownership of an
agricultural public land via free patent; none of them
Complainant alleged that the aforementioned being a natural born Filipino or native settler and were
application was made by the respondent without her disqualified from a gratuitous grant of public land from
knowledge and consent and those acts of deceit, the government.
machinations and falsification of documents were
deliberately willfully, and maliciously committed by the Respondent alleged that the whole idea of giving to
respondent in violation of Art. 172 in relation to Art. him and the complainant the properties was hatched
171 of the RPC; in betrayal of his oath as a lawyer and and executed by the Yaps, most particularly Atty.
a transgression of the Canons of Professional Francisco D. Yap to circumvent the law and prevent the
Responsibility. properties from being given by the government to
some other qualified persons. He allegedly applied for
Complainant alleged that respondent surreptitiously issuance of free patent in good faith and thereafter
obtained a free patent title over real properties which took dominion and control of the properties in the
had been previously sold by his own mother to Aurora concept of a legitimate owner under authority of a
D. Yap and now still under the control and possession of gratuitous grant of the government.
complainants natural family, a fact respondent
allegedly withheld from the Bureau of Lands which he Respondent alleged that complainant or any member
had full knowledge in successfully causing the release of her family much less American citizen Aurora Dy Yap
of a free patent in his name and unjustly and unlawfully had not made any prior demand for the return of the
deprived the rightful owners of their legitimate title to questioned properties; nor filed a complaint under the
the said property in betrayal of the court to pervert the Katarungang Pambarangay Law; nor filed an
administration of justice in gross violation of his oath of administrative remedy before the DENR for the
office. cancellation and reversion/transfer of the Free Patent
and Title to them; nor brought any action in any civil
xxx xxx xxx court for either quieting of title, or cancellation of free
patent title or recovery of ownership or whatever.
In his Comment, respondent alleged that complainant
was obviously not the owner of the properties and Respondent alleged that even without such civil court
considering that the properties were applied for free determination on whether or not complainant or her
patent titling during their marital union prior to its family were qualified to become grantee of a
breakage, complainant was likewise a communal owner government gratuitous grant of public agricultural land,
thereof and as such was also complaining against if the Honorable Supreme Court will decide that
herself. complainant, her mother, brothers and sisters were
within the ambit of the term natural born citizen or
native citizens under the 1946 Constitution and to
Respondent alleged that later on, a great portion of the them rightfully belong the ownership of the questioned
public lands classified as forested zone in Matobato titled public agricultural lands; and that he can never
were declared and reclassified into public agricultural be guilty of the Anti-Dummy Law consequent to such
lands, then publicly surveyed and parcelized by lots cession, respondent alleged that he will gladly deliver
identified in the survey map based on actual or known and transfer title to them.
occupants; then the Bureau of Lands allegedly made a
public announcement that the lands were available for
private ownership thru Free Patent Application Respondent alleged that he sought and prayed for
available only to native settlers or natural born recovery of possession of all conjugal/communal
Filipinos. properties including the herein questioned properties
for after he left the conjugal home in 1988 possession
of all these properties, real and personal were until now
Respondent alleged that none of the Yaps including with the complainant and her biological family.
complainant being native or natural born Filipinos
muchless Aurora D. Yap who in 1985 was said to be
already an American citizen; complainant and her Respondent prayed for the outright dismissal of the
family; the Yaps prevailed upon him to apply for free petition for lack of merit.
patent over said questioned properties for the reason
that respondent had already occupied the properties; Complainant subsequently filed a Reply[5] to
introduced improvements thereon; acted as owner respondents Comment, therein refuting respondents
thereof; and could easily align his right to the property claims that he was used as a dummy since
which had been identified in the public survey as Heirs complainant and her siblings had previously acquired
of Vicente Paras, otherwise the questioned properties Free Patents in their names. Complainant further
allegedly according to the Yaps will be applied for and alleged that respondent is morally unfit to continue to
awarded to other qualified natural born Filipinos. be an officer of the court because of his falsely
declaring under oath that he had been occupying the
Respondent alleged that Free Patent Application was subject real property since 1985 when in fact he did
filed by him over the communal property of him and not and was never in occupation/possession thereof.
the complainant as well as those purchased by him
including the portion whose occupancy of a public land On 27 August 1999, the IBP Commission on Bar
was purchased by Aurora D. Yap from Ledesma Vda de Discipline issued an Order[6] noting the filing of the last
pleading and setting the instant case for hearing. In Marcelo v. Javier[14], we held:
Several hearings[7] were conducted wherein
complainant presented all her witnesses together with It bears stressing that membership in the bar is a
their respective affidavits and supporting documents[8], privilege burdened with conditions. A lawyer has the
which were all subjected to cross-examination by the privilege and right to practice law during good behavior
respondent. Likewise, respondent presented his and can only be deprived of it for misconduct
Counter-Affidavit[9] and supporting documents. ascertained and declared by judgment of the court
after opportunity to be heard has been afforded him.
Based on the foregoing, the Investigating Without invading any constitutional privilege or right,
Commissioner concluded her Report and made a an attorneys right to practice law may be resolved by a
recommendation, as follows: proceeding to suspend or disbar him, based on conduct
rendering him unfit to hold a license or to exercise the
From the facts obtaining respondent committed deceit duties and responsibilities of an attorney. It must be
and falsehood in having applied for free patent over understood that the purpose of suspending or
lands owned by another over which he had no actual disbarring an attorney is to remove from the profession
physical possession being aware of the fact that the a person whose misconduct has proved him unfit to be
same was previously transferred in the name of Aurora entrusted with the duties and responsibilities belonging
Yap; an act which adversely reflected on his fitness to to the office of an attorney, and thus to protect the
practice law in violation of Rule 7.03, Canon 7 of the public and those charged with the administration of
Code of Professional Responsibility. justice, rather than to punish the attorney.

It is immaterial as to who instituted the complaint for An attorney may be disbarred or suspended for any
as long as there was a violation of the Code of violation of his oath or of his duties as an attorney and
Professional Responsibility which partakes the nature of counsellor which include the statutory grounds
proper disciplinary action pursuant to Section 1, Rule enumerated in Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of
139-B of the Disbarment and Discipline of Attorneys. Court. These statutory grounds are so broad as to
cover practically any misconduct of a lawyer in his
professional or private capacity. It is a settled rule that
Wherefore in view of the foregoing, the Undersigned the enumeration of the statutory grounds for
respectfully recommends for the suspension of Atty. disciplinary action is not exclusive and a lawyer may be
Justo Paras from the practice of his law profession for a disciplined on grounds other than those specifically
period of three (3) months from receipt hereof. provided in the law. Generally a lawyer may be
disbarred or suspended for any misconduct, whether in
It is also hereby recommended that the IBP Chapter his professional or private capacity, which shows him
wherein respondent Paras is a registered member be to be wanting in moral character, in honesty, probity
furnished a copy of the Order and notified of the said and good demeanor or unworthy to continue as an
suspension for proper enforcement. officer of the court, or an unfit or unsafe person to
enjoy the privileges and to manage the business of
Via Resolution No. XVI-2004-120 dated 27 others in the capacity of an attorney, or for conduct
February 2004,[10] the IBP Board of Governors adopted which tends to bring reproach on the legal profession
the Report of the Investigating Commissioner but or to injure it in the favorable opinion of the public.
modified the latters recommended penalty by
recommending that respondent be suspended from the Indeed, the practice of law is not a right but merely a
practice of law for six (6) months for violation of Rule privilege bestowed by the State upon those who show
7.03, Canon 7 of the Code of Professional that they possess, and continue to possess, the
Responsibility. qualifications required by law for the conferment of
such privilege.[15] One of those requirements is the
The case is now before us for confirmation. observance of honesty and candor.

We agree with the IBP Board of Governors that And in the recent case of Bergonia v. Merrera[16], we
respondent should be sanctioned. We find, however, ruled:
that the recommended penalty is not commensurate to
the gravity of the wrong perpetrated. Candor in all their dealings is the very essence of a
practitioners honorable membership in the legal
The Court has always reminded that a lawyer profession. Lawyers are required to act with the highest
shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity of the standard of truthfulness, fair play and nobility in the
legal profession[11] as the bar should always maintain a conduct of litigation and in their relations with their
high standard of legal proficiency as well as of honesty clients, the opposing parties, the other counsels and
and fair dealing among its members. By and large, a the courts. They are bound by their oath to speak the
lawyer can do honor to the legal profession by faithfully truth and to conduct themselves according to the best
performing his duties to society, to the bar, to the of their knowledge and discretion, and with fidelity to
courts and to his clients.[12] To this end, nothing should the courts and their clients. x x x
be done by any member of the legal fraternity which
might tend to lessen in any degree the confidence and In the instant case, it is clear to the Court that
trust reposed by the public in the fidelity, honesty and respondent violated his lawyers oath as well as the
integrity of the legal profession.[13] Code of Professional Responsibility which mandates
upon each lawyer, as his duty to society and to the Responsibility, thereby occasioning sanction from this
courts, the obligation to obey the laws of the land and Court.
to do no falsehood nor consent to the doing of any in
court. Respondent has been deplorably lacking in the At this juncture, we take note that on 18 October 2000,
candor required of him as a member of the Bar and an in our Decision in A.C. No. 5333 formerly A.C. No. CBD-
officer of the court in his acts of applying for the 371, entitled Rosa Yap Paras v. Atty. Justo de Jesus
issuance of a free patent over the properties in issue Paras, respondent was previously meted with
despite his knowledge that the same had already been suspension from the practice of law for six (6) months
sold by his mother to complainants sister. This fact, on the charge of falsifying his wifes signature in bank
respondent even admitted in the comment that he filed documents and other related loan instruments, and for
before this Court when he alleged that the said one (1) year from the practice of law on the charges of
properties were public land under the Forestal Zone immorality and abandonment of his own family.
when the mother of the respondent ceded to Aurora
Yap some portions of entire occupancy of the
Parases[17]. Moreover, respondent committed deceit Considering the serious nature of the instant offense
and falsehood in his application for free patent over the and in light of respondents prior misdemeanors for
said properties when he manifested under oath that he which he was penalized with a six (6) month and one
had been in the actual possession and occupation of (1) year suspension from the practice of law, his
the said lands despite the fact that these were deplorable behavior in the present case which grossly
continuously in the possession and occupation of degrades the legal profession warrants the imposition
complainants family, as evidenced no less by of a much graver penalty.
respondents own statements in the pleadings filed
before the IBP. WHEREFORE, finding respondent Atty. Justo J.
Paras guilty of committing a falsehood in violation of
Anent his argument questioning the status of his lawyers oath and of the Code of Professional
complainant and her family as natural born citizens, Responsibility, the Court Resolved to SUSPEND
this Court holds that the instant case is not the proper respondent from the practice of law for a period of one
forum to address such issue. Furthermore, as correctly (1) year, with a WARNING that commission of the same
held by the Investigating Commissioner, [i]t is or similar offense in the future will result in the
immaterial as to who instituted the complaint for as imposition of a more severe penalty.
long as there was a violation of the Code of
Professional Responsibility. Likewise, any other action Let copies of this Resolution be furnished the IBP,
which the parties may make against each other has no as well as the Office of the Bar Confidant and the Court
material bearing in this case. For, it must be Administrator who shall circulate it to all courts for their
remembered that administrative cases against lawyers information and guidance and likewise be entered in
belong to a class of their own. They are distinct from the record of respondent as attorney.
and may proceed independently of civil and criminal
cases. SO ORDERED.

In line herewith, this Court in In re Almacen,[18] held:

Accent should be laid on the fact that disciplinary

proceedings like the present are sui generis. Neither
purely civil nor purely criminal, this proceeding is not
and does not involve a trial of an action or a suit, but is
rather an investigation by the Court into the conduct of
its officers. Not being intended to inflict punishment, it
is in no sense a criminal prosecution. Accordingly, there
is neither a plaintiff nor a prosecutor therein. It may be G.R. No. 106719 September 21, 1993
initiated by the Court motu proprio. Public interest is its
primary objective, and the real question for
determination is whether or not the attorney is still a fit DRA. BRIGIDA S. BUENASEDA, Lt. Col. ISABELO
person to be allowed the privileges as such. Hence, in BANEZ, JR., ENGR. CONRADO REY MATIAS, Ms.
the exercise of its disciplinary powers, the Court merely CORA S. SOLIS and Ms. ENYA N. LOPEZ,
calls upon a member of the Bar to account for his petitioners,
actuations as an officer of the Court with the end in
view of preserving the purity of the legal profession vs.
and the proper and honest administration of justice by
purging the profession of members who by their SECRETARY JUAN FLAVIER, Ombudsman
misconduct have proved themselves no longer worthy CONRADO M. VASQUEZ, and NCMH NURSES
to be entrusted with the duties and responsibilities ASSOCIATION, represented by RAOULITO
pertaining to the office of an attorney. xxx GAYUTIN, respondents.

The facts and evidence obtaining in the instant case Renato J. Dilag and Benjamin C. Santos for petitioners.
indubitably reveal respondents failure to live up to his
duties as a lawyer in consonance with the strictures of
the lawyers oath and the Code of Professional Danilo C. Cunanan for respondent Ombudsman.
Crispin T. Reyes and Florencio T. Domingo for private direct respondent Secretary of Health to comply with
respondent. the Resolution dated September 22, 1992 (Rollo, pp.
182-192, Annexes, pp. 192-203). In a Resolution dated
October 1, 1992, this Court required respondent
Secretary of Health to comment on the said motion.
On September 29, 1992, in a pleading entitled
"Omnibus Submission," respondent NCMH Nurses
This is a Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and Association submitted its Comment to the Petition,
Mandamus, with Prayer for Preliminary Injunction or Supplemental Petition and Urgent Supplemental
Temporary Restraining Order, under Rule 65 of the Manifestation. Included in said pleadings were the
Revised Rules of Court. motions to hold the lawyers of petitioners in contempt
and to disbar them (Rollo, pp. 210-267). Attached to
Principally, the petition seeks to nullify the Order of the the "Omnibus Submission" as annexes were the orders
Ombudsman dated January 7, 1992, directing the and pleadings filed in Administrative Case No. OBM-
preventive suspension of petitioners, ADM-0-91-1051 against petitioners (Rollo, pp. 268-
Dr. Brigida S. Buenaseda, Chief of Hospital III; Isabelo
C. Banez, Jr., Administrative Officer III; Conrado Rey The Motion for Disbarment charges the lawyers of
Matias, Technical Assistant to the Chief of Hospital; petitioners with:
Cora C. Solis, Accountant III; and Enya N. Lopez, Supply
Officer III, all of the National Center for Mental Health. (1) unlawfully advising or otherwise causing or inducing
The petition also asks for an order directing the their clients petitioners Buenaseda, et al., to openly
Ombudsman to disqualify Director Raul Arnaw and defy, ignore, disregard, disobey or otherwise violate,
Investigator Amy de Villa-Rosero, of the Office of the maliciously evade their preventive suspension by Order
Ombudsman, from participation in the preliminary of July 7, 1992 of the Ombudsman . . ."; (2) "unlawfully
investigation of the charges against petitioner (Rollo, interfering with and obstructing the implementation of
pp. 2-17; Annexes to Petition, Rollo, pp. 19-21). the said order (Omnibus Submission, pp. 50-52; Rollo,
pp. 259-260); and (3) violation of the Canons of the
The questioned order was issued in connection with the Code of Professional Responsibility and of
administrative complaint filed with the Ombudsman unprofessional and unethical conduct "by foisting
(OBM-ADM-0-91-0151) by the private respondents blatant lies, malicious falsehood and outrageous
against the petitioners for violation of the Anti-Graft deception" and by committing subornation of perjury,
and Corrupt Practices Act. falsification and fabrication in their pleadings (Omnibus
Submission, pp. 52-54; Rollo, pp. 261-263).
According to the petition, the said order was issued
upon the recommendation of Director Raul Arnaw and On November 11, 1992, petitioners filed a
Investigator Amy de Villa-Rosero, without affording "Manifestation and Supplement to 'Motion to Direct
petitioners the opportunity to controvert the charges Respondent Secretary of Health to Comply with 22
filed against them. Petitioners had sought to disqualify September 1992 Resolution'" (Manifestation attached
Director Arnaw and Investigator Villa-Rosero for to Rollo without pagination between pp. 613 and 614
manifest partiality and bias (Rollo, pp. 4-15). thereof).

On September 10, 1992, this Court required On November 13, 1992, the Solicitor General submitted
respondents' Comment on the petition. its Comment dated November 10, 1992, alleging that:
(a) "despite the issuance of the September 22, 1992
On September 14 and September 22, 1992, petitioners Resolution directing respondents to maintain the status
filed a "Supplemental Petition (Rollo, pp. 124-130); quo, respondent Secretary refuses to hold in abeyance
Annexes to Supplemental Petition; Rollo pp. 140-163) the implementation of petitioners' preventive
and an "Urgent Supplemental Manifestation" (Rollo, suspension; (b) the clear intent and spirit of the
Resolution dated September 22, 1992 is to hold in
abeyance the implementation of petitioners' preventive
pp. 164-172; Annexes to Urgent Supplemental suspension, the status quo obtaining the time of the
Manifestation; Rollo, pp. 173-176), respectively, filing of the instant petition; (c) respondent Secretary's
averring developments that transpired after the filing acts in refusing to hold in abeyance implementation of
of the petition and stressing the urgency for the petitioners' preventive suspension and in tolerating
issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction or and approving the acts of Dr. Abueva, the OIC
temporary restraining order. appointed to replace petitioner Buenaseda, are in
violation of the Resolution dated September 22, 1992;
On September 22, 1992, this Court ". . . Resolved to and
REQUIRE the respondents to MAINTAIN in the
meantime, the STATUS QUO pending filing of
comments by said respondents on the original
supplemental manifestation" (Rollo, p. 177).

On September 29, 1992, petitioners filed a motion to

(d) therefore, respondent Secretary should be directed neglect in the performance of duty; (b) the charge
to comply with the Resolution dated September 22, would warrant removal from the service; or (c) the
1992 immediately, by restoring the status quo ante respondent's continued stay in office may prejudice the
contemplated by the aforesaid resolution" (Comment case filed against him.
attached to Rollo without paginations between pp. 613-
614 thereof). The preventive suspension shall continue until the case
is terminated by the Office of Ombudsman but not
In the Resolution dated November 25, 1992, this Court more than six months, without pay, except when the
required respondent Secretary to comply with the delay in the disposition of the case by the Office of the
aforestated status quo order, stating inter alia, that: Ombudsman is due to the fault, negligence or petition
of the respondent, in which case the period of such
It appearing that the status quo ante litem motam, or delay shall not be counted in computing the period of
the last peaceable uncontested status which preceded suspension herein provided.
the present controversy was the situation obtaining at
the time of the filing of the petition at bar on Respondents argue that the power of preventive
September 7, 1992 wherein petitioners were then suspension given the Ombudsman under Section 24 of
actually occupying their respective positions, the Court R.A. No. 6770 was contemplated by Section 13 (8) of
hereby ORDERS that petitioners be allowed to perform Article XI of the 1987 Constitution, which provides that
the duties of their respective positions and to receive the Ombudsman shall exercise such other power or
such salaries and benefits as they may be lawfully perform such functions or duties as may be provided
entitled to, and that respondents and/or any and all by law."
persons acting under their authority desist and refrain
from performing any act in violation of the On the other hand, the Solicitor General and the
aforementioned Resolution of September 22, 1992 until petitioners claim that under the 1987 Constitution, the
further orders from the Court (Attached to Rollo after p. Ombudsman can only recommend to the heads of the
615 thereof). departments and other agencies the preventive
suspension of officials and employees facing
On December 9, 1992, the Solicitor General, administrative investigation conducted by his office.
commenting on the Petition, Supplemental Petition and Hence, he cannot order the preventive suspension
Supplemental Manifestation, stated that (a) "The himself.
authority of the Ombudsman is only to recommend
suspension and he has no direct power to suspend;" They invoke Section 13(3) of the 1987 Constitution
and (b) "Assuming the Ombudsman has the power to which provides that the Office of the Ombudsman shall
directly suspend a government official or employee, have inter alia the power, function, and duty to:
there are conditions required by law for the exercise of
such powers; [and] said conditions have not been met
in the instant case" (Attached to Rollo without Direct the officer concerned to take appropriate action
pagination). against a public official or employee at fault, and
recommend his removal, suspension, demotion, fine,
censure or prosecution, and ensure compliance
In the pleading filed on January 25, 1993, petitioners therewith.
adopted the position of the Solicitor General that the
Ombudsman can only suspend government officials or
employees connected with his office. Petitioners also The Solicitor General argues that under said provision
refuted private respondents' motion to disbar of the Constitutions, the Ombudsman has three distinct
petitioners' counsel and to cite them for contempt powers, namely: (1) direct the officer concerned to take
(Attached to Rollo without pagination). appropriate action against public officials or employees
at fault; (2) recommend their removal, suspension,
demotion fine, censure, or prosecution; and (3) compel
The crucial issue to resolve is whether the Ombudsman compliance with the recommendation (Comment dated
has the power to suspend government officials and December 3, 1992, pp. 9-10).
employees working in offices other than the Office of
the Ombudsman, pending the investigation of the
administrative complaints filed against said officials The line of argument of the Solicitor General is a siren
and employees. call that can easily mislead, unless one bears in mind
that what the Ombudsman imposed on petitioners was
not a punitive but only a preventive suspension.
In upholding the power of the Ombudsman to
preventively suspend petitioners, respondents (Urgent
Motion to Lift Status Quo, etc, dated January 11, 1993, When the constitution vested on the Ombudsman the
pp. 10-11), invoke Section 24 of R.A. No. 6770, which power "to recommend the suspension" of a public
provides: official or employees (Sec. 13 [3]), it referred to
"suspension," as a punitive measure. All the words
associated with the word "suspension" in said provision
Sec. 24. Preventive Suspension. The Ombudsman or referred to penalties in administrative cases, e.g.
his Deputy may preventively suspend any officer or removal, demotion, fine, censure. Under the rule of
employee under his authority pending an investigation, Noscitor a sociis, the word "suspension" should be
if in his judgment the evidence of guilt is strong, and given the same sense as the other words with which it
(a) the charge against such officer or employee is associated. Where a particular word is equally
involves dishonesty, oppression or grave misconduct or
susceptible of various meanings, its correct Suspension is a preliminary step in an administrative
construction may be made specific by considering the investigation. If after such investigation, the charges
company of terms in which it is found or with which it is are established and the person investigated is found
associated (Co Kim Chan v. Valdez Tan Keh, 75 Phil. 371 guilty of acts warranting his removal, then he is
[1945]; Caltex (Phils.) Inc. v. Palomar, 18 SCRA 247 removed or dismissed. This is the penalty.
To support his theory that the Ombudsman can only
Section 24 of R.A. No. 6770, which grants the preventively suspend respondents in administrative
Ombudsman the power to preventively suspend public cases who are employed in his office, the Solicitor
officials and employees facing administrative charges General leans heavily on the phrase "suspend any
before him, is a procedural, not a penal statute. The officer or employee under his authority" in Section 24
preventive suspension is imposed after compliance of R.A. No. 6770.
with the requisites therein set forth, as an aid in the
investigation of the administrative charges. The origin of the phrase can be traced to Section 694
of the Revised Administrative Code, which dealt with
Under the Constitution, the Ombudsman is expressly preventive suspension and which authorized the chief
authorized to recommend to the appropriate official the of a bureau or office to "suspend any subordinate or
discipline or prosecution of erring public officials or employee in his bureau or under his authority pending
employees. In order to make an intelligent an investigation . . . ."
determination whether to recommend such actions, the
Ombudsman has to conduct an investigation. In turn, in Section 34 of the Civil Service Act of 1959 (R.A. No.
order for him to conduct such investigation in an 2266), which superseded Section 694 of the Revised
expeditious and efficient manner, he may need to Administrative Code also authorized the chief of a
suspend the respondent. bureau or office to "suspend any subordinate officer or
employees, in his bureau or under his authority."
The need for the preventive suspension may arise from
several causes, among them, the danger of tampering However, when the power to discipline government
or destruction of evidence in the possession of officials and employees was extended to the Civil
respondent; the intimidation of witnesses, etc. The Service Commission by the Civil Service Law of 1975
Ombudsman should be given the discretion to decide (P.D. No. 805), concurrently with the President, the
when the persons facing administrative charges should Department Secretaries and the heads of bureaus and
be preventively suspended. offices, the phrase "subordinate officer and employee
in his bureau" was deleted, appropriately leaving the
Penal statutes are strictly construed while procedural phrase "under his authority." Therefore, Section 41 of
statutes are liberally construed (Crawford, Statutory said law only mentions that the proper disciplining
Construction, Interpretation of Laws, pp. 460-461; authority may preventively suspend "any subordinate
Lacson v. Romero, 92 Phil. 456 [1953]). The test in officer or employee under his authority pending an
determining if a statute is penal is whether a penalty is investigation . . ." (Sec. 41).
imposed for the punishment of a wrong to the public or
for the redress of an injury to an individual (59 Corpuz The Administrative Code of 1987 also empowered the
Juris, Sec. 658; Crawford, Statutory Construction, pp. proper disciplining authority to "preventively suspend
496-497). A Code prescribing the procedure in criminal any subordinate officer or employee under his
cases is not a penal statute and is to be interpreted authority pending an investigation" (Sec. 51).
liberally (People v. Adler, 140 N.Y. 331; 35 N.E. 644).
The Ombudsman Law advisedly deleted the words
The purpose of R.A. No. 6770 is to give the "subordinate" and "in his bureau," leaving the phrase
Ombudsman such powers as he may need to perform to read "suspend any officer or employee under his
efficiently the task committed to him by the authority pending an investigation . . . ." The
Constitution. Such being the case, said statute, conclusion that can be deduced from the deletion of
particularly its provisions dealing with procedure, the word "subordinate" before and the words "in his
should be given such interpretation that will effectuate bureau" after "officer or employee" is that the Congress
the purposes and objectives of the Constitution. Any intended to empower the Ombudsman to preventively
interpretation that will hamper the work of the suspend all officials and employees under investigation
Ombudsman should be avoided. by his office, irrespective of whether they are employed
"in his office" or in other offices of the government. The
A statute granting powers to an agency created by the moment a criminal or administrative complaint is filed
Constitution should be liberally construed for the with the Ombudsman, the respondent therein is
advancement of the purposes and objectives for which deemed to be "in his authority" and he can proceed to
it was created (Cf. Department of Public Utilities v. determine whether said respondent should be placed
Arkansas Louisiana Gas. Co., 200 Ark. 983, 142 S.W. under preventive suspension.
(2d) 213 [1940]; Wallace v. Feehan, 206 Ind. 522, 190
N.E., 438 [1934]). In their petition, petitioners also claim that the
Ombudsman committed grave abuse of discretion
In Nera v. Garcia, 106 Phil. 1031 [1960], this Court, amounting to lack of jurisdiction when he issued the
holding that a preventive suspension is not a penalty, suspension order without affording petitioners the
said: opportunity to confront the charges against them
during the preliminary conference and even after Rollo, pp. 336-337) while private respondents
petitioners had asked for the disqualification of Director submitted their list of exhibits (Annex 9 of Omnibus
Arnaw and Atty. Villa-Rosero (Rollo, pp. 6-13). Joining Submission, Rollo, pp. 338-348).
petitioners, the Solicitor General contends that
assuming arguendo that the Ombudsman has the Under these circumstances, it can not be said that
power to preventively suspend erring public officials Director Raul Arnaw and Investigator Amy de Villa-
and employees who are working in other departments Rosero acted with manifest partiality and bias in
and offices, the questioned order remains null and void recommending the suspension of petitioners. Neither
for his failure to comply with the requisites in Section can it be said that the Ombudsman had acted with
24 of the Ombudsman Law (Comment dated December grave abuse of discretion in acting favorably on their
3, 1992, pp. 11-19). recommendation.

Being a mere order for preventive suspension, the The Motion for Contempt, which charges the lawyers of
questioned order of the Ombudsman was validly issued petitioners with unlawfully causing or otherwise
even without a full-blown hearing and the formal inducing their clients to openly defy and disobey the
presentation of evidence by the parties. In Nera, supra, preventive suspension as ordered by the Ombudsman
petitioner therein also claimed that the Secretary of and the Secretary of Health can not prosper (Rollo, pp.
Health could not preventively suspend him before he 259-261). The Motion should be filed, as in fact such a
could file his answer to the administrative complaint. motion was filed, with the Ombudsman. At any rate, we
The contention of petitioners herein can be dismissed find that the acts alleged to constitute indirect
perfunctorily by holding that the suspension meted out contempt were legitimate measures taken by said
was merely preventive and therefore, as held in Nera, lawyers to question the validity and propriety of the
there was "nothing improper in suspending an officer preventive suspension of their clients.
pending his investigation and before tho charges
against him are heard . . . (Nera v. Garcia., supra).
On the other hand, we take cognizance of the
intemperate language used by counsel for private
There is no question that under Section 24 of R.A. No. respondents hurled against petitioners and their
6770, the Ombudsman cannot order the preventive counsel (Consolidated: (1) Comment on Private
suspension of a respondent unless the evidence of guilt Respondent" "Urgent Motions, etc.;
is strong and (1) the charts against such officer or
employee involves dishonesty, oppression or grave
misconduct or neglect in the performance of duty; (2) (2) Adoption of OSG's Comment; and (3) Reply to
the charge would warrant removal from the service; or Private Respondent's Comment and Supplemental
(3) the respondent's continued stay in office may Comment, pp. 4-5).
prejudice the case filed against him.
A lawyer should not be carried away in espousing his
The same conditions for the exercise of the power to client's cause. The language of a lawyer, both oral or
preventively suspend officials or employees under written, must be respectful and restrained in keeping
investigation were found in Section 34 of R.A. No. 2260. with the dignity of the legal profession and with his
behavioral attitude toward his brethren in the
profession (Lubiano v. Gordolla, 115 SCRA 459 [1982]).
The import of the Nera decision is that the disciplining The use of abusive language by counsel against the
authority is given the discretion to decide when the opposing counsel constitutes at the same time a
evidence of guilt is strong. This fact is bolstered by disrespect to the dignity of the court of justice.
Section 24 of R.A. No. 6770, which expressly left such Besides, the use of impassioned language in pleadings,
determination of guilt to the "judgment" of the more often than not, creates more heat than light.
Ombudsman on the basis of the administrative
complaint. In the case at bench, the Ombudsman
issued the order of preventive suspension only after: The Motion for Disbarment (Rollo, p. 261) has no place
(a) petitioners had filed their answer to the in the instant special civil action, which is confined to
administrative complaint and the "Motion for the questions of jurisdiction or abuse of discretion for the
Preventive Suspension" of petitioners, which purpose of relieving persons from the arbitrary acts of
incorporated the charges in the criminal complaint judges and quasi-judicial officers. There is a set of
against them (Annex 3, Omnibus Submission, Rollo, pp. procedure for the discipline of members of the bar
288-289; Annex 4, Rollo, separate and apart from the present special civil
pp. 290-296); (b) private respondent had filed a reply
to the answer of petitioners, specifying 23 cases of WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED and the Status
harassment by petitioners of the members of the quo ordered to be maintained in the Resolution dated
private respondent (Annex 6, Omnibus Submission, September 22, 1992 is LIFTED and SET ASIDE.
Rollo, pp. 309-333); and (c) a preliminary conference
wherein the complainant and the respondents in the SO ORDERED.
administrative case agreed to submit their list of
witnesses and documentary evidence.

Petitioners herein submitted on November 7, 1991

their list of exhibits (Annex 8 of Omnibus Submission,
Teodoro Chavez vs Atty. Escolastico Viola

196 SCRA 10 Legal Ethics A lawyer shall do no --------------x
In 1966, Atty. Viola assisted Felicidad Alvendia et al in
filing a petition against Teodoro Chavez where he
sought to have the Alvendias be declared as bona fide VELASCO, JR., J.:
lessees in a land controversy. Said petition was In his sworn letter/complaint dated December 22,
dismissed because of nonappearance by the Alvendias. 2006, with enclosures, Antero J. Pobre invites the
Courts attention to the following excerpts of Senator
In 1977, Atty. Viola assisted same clients in applying for Miriam Defensor-Santiagos speech delivered on the
an original registration of title over the same land in Senate floor:
controversy in 1966. In said application, Atty. Viola x x x I am not angry. I am irate. I am foaming in the
insisted that his clients were the true owners of said mouth. I am homicidal. I am suicidal. I am humiliated,
land because they acquired it by sale from Teresita debased, degraded. And I am not only that, I feel like
Vistan way back in 1929. throwing up to be living my middle years in a country
of this nature. I am nauseated. I spit on the face of
Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban and his cohorts in the
Chavez then filed a disbarment case against Atty. Viola. Supreme Court, I am no longer interested in the
Chavez said that because of the conflicting claims that position [of Chief Justice] if I was to be surrounded by
Viola prepared in behalf of his clients, he had willingly idiots. I would rather be in another environment but not
aided in and consented to the pursuit, promotion and in the Supreme Court of idiots x x x.
prosecution of a false and unlawful application for land
registration, in violation of his oath of office as a To Pobre, the foregoing statements reflected a total
member of the Bar. disrespect on the part of the speaker towards then
Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban and the other
ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Viola is in violation of the members of the Court and constituted direct contempt
Lawyers Oath. of court. Accordingly, Pobre asks that disbarment
proceedings or other disciplinary actions be taken
HELD: Yes. Viola alleged in an earlier pleading that his against the lady senator.
clients were merely lessees of the property involved. In
his later pleading, he stated that the very same clients In her comment on the complaint dated April
were owners of the same property. One of these 25, 2007, Senator Santiago, through counsel, does not
pleadings must have been false; it matters not which deny making the aforequoted statements. She,
one. Worse, he offered no explanation as regards the however, explained that those statements were
discrepancy. covered by the constitutional provision on
parliamentary immunity, being part of a speech she
delivered in the discharge of her duty as member of
A lawyer owes honesty and candor to the courts. It Congress or its committee. The purpose of her speech,
cannot be gainsaid that candidness, especially towards according to her, was to bring out in the open
the courts, is essential for the expeditious controversial anomalies in governance with a view to
administration of justice. Courts are entitled to expect future remedial legislation. She averred that she
only complete candor and honesty from the lawyers wanted to expose what she believed to be an unjust
appearing and pleading before them. Atty. Viola was act of the Judicial Bar Council [JBC], which, after
suspended for 5 months. sending out public invitations for nomination to the
soon to-be vacated position of Chief Justice, would
eventually inform applicants that only incumbent
justices of the Supreme Court would qualify for
nomination. She felt that the JBC should have at least
given an advanced advisory that non-sitting members
of the Court, like her, would not be considered for the
position of Chief Justice.

The immunity Senator Santiago claims is

ANTERO J. POBRE, rooted primarily on the provision of Article VI, Section
Complainant, 11 of the Constitution, which provides: A Senator or
Member of the House of Representative shall, in all
offenses punishable by not more than six years
- versus - imprisonment, be privileged from arrest while the
Congress is in session. No member shall be
questioned nor be held liable in any other place
Sen. MIRIAM DEFENSOR- SANTIAGO, for any speech or debate in the Congress or in
Respondent. any committee thereof. Explaining the import of the
underscored portion of the provision, the Court, in
Osmea, Jr. v. Pendatun, said: Supreme Court, and calling the Court a Supreme Court
Our Constitution enshrines parliamentary of idiots.
immunity which is a fundamental privilege cherished in
every legislative assembly of the democratic world. As The lady senator alluded to In Re: Vicente
old as the English Parliament, its purpose is to enable Sotto.[if !supportFootnotes][6][endif] We draw her attention to the
and encourage a representative of the public to ensuing passage in Sotto that she should have taken to
discharge his public trust with firmness and success for heart in the first place:
it is indispensably necessary that he should enjoy the
fullest liberty of speech and that he should be x x x [I]f the people lose their confidence in the
protected from resentment of every one, however, honesty and integrity of this Court and believe that
powerful, to whom the exercise of that liberty may they cannot expect justice therefrom, they might be
occasion offense.[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif] driven to take the law into their own hands, and
disorder and perhaps chaos would be the result.
As American jurisprudence puts it, this
legislative privilege is founded upon long experience
and arises as a means of perpetuating inviolate the
functioning process of the legislative department. No lawyer who has taken an oath to
Without parliamentary immunity, parliament, or its maintain the respect due to the courts should be
equivalent, would degenerate into a polite and allowed to erode the peoples faith in the judiciary. In
ineffective debating forum. Legislators are immune this case, the lady senator clearly violated Canon 8,
from deterrents to the uninhibited discharge of their Rule 8.01 and Canon 11 of the Code of Professional
legislative duties, not for their private indulgence, but Responsibility, which respectively provide:
for the public good. The privilege would be of little
value if they could be subjected to the cost and Canon 8, Rule 8.01.A lawyer shall not, in his
inconvenience and distractions of a trial upon a professional dealings, use language which is abusive,
conclusion of the pleader, or to the hazard of a offensive or otherwise improper.
judgment against them based upon a judges
speculation as to the motives.[if !supportFootnotes][2][endif] Canon 11.A
lawyer shall observe and maintain
This Court is aware of the need and has in the respect due to the courts and
fact been in the forefront in upholding the institution of to the judicial officers and should
parliamentary immunity and promotion of free speech. insist on similar conduct by
Neither has the Court lost sight of the importance of others.
the legislative and oversight functions of the Congress
that enable this representative body to look diligently
into every affair of government, investigate and Senator/Atty. Santiago is a cut higher than
denounce anomalies, and talk about how the country most lawyers. Her achievements speak for themselves.
and its citizens are being served. Courts do not She was a former Regional Trial Court judge, a law
interfere with the legislature or its members in the professor, an oft-cited authority on constitutional and
manner they perform their functions in the legislative international law, an author of numerous law
floor or in committee rooms. Any claim of an unworthy textbooks, and an elected senator of the land.
purpose or of the falsity and mala fides of the Needless to stress, Senator Santiago, as a member of
statement uttered by the member of the Congress the Bar and officer of the court, like any other, is duty-
does not destroy the privilege.[if !supportFootnotes][3][endif] The bound to uphold the dignity and authority of this Court
disciplinary authority of the assembly [if !supportFootnotes][4][endif] and to maintain the respect due its members. Lawyers
and the voters, not the courts, can properly discourage in public service are keepers of public faith and are
or correct such abuses committed in the name of burdened with the higher degree of social
parliamentary immunity.[if !supportFootnotes][5][endif] responsibility, perhaps higher than their brethren in
private practice.[if !supportFootnotes][7][endif] Senator Santiago
should have known, as any perceptive individual, the
For the above reasons, the plea of Senator impact her statements would make on the peoples
Santiago for the dismissal of the complaint for faith in the integrity of the courts.
disbarment or disciplinary action is well taken. Indeed,
her privilege speech is not actionable criminally or in a As Senator Santiago alleged, she delivered
disciplinary proceeding under the Rules of Court. It is her privilege speech as a prelude to crafting remedial
felt, however, that this could not be the last word on legislation on the JBC. This allegation strikes the Court
the matter. as an afterthought in light of the insulting tenor of what
she said. We quote the passage once more:
The Court wishes to express its deep
concern about the language Senator Santiago, a x x x I am not angry. I am irate. I am foaming in the
member of the Bar, used in her speech and its effect mouth. I am homicidal. I am suicidal. I am humiliated,
on the administration of justice. To the Court, the lady debased, degraded. And I am not only that, I feel like
senator has undoubtedly crossed the limits of decency throwing up to be living my middle years in a country
and good professional conduct. It is at once apparent of this nature. I am nauseated. I spit on the face of
that her statements in question were intemperate and Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban and his cohorts in the
highly improper in substance. To reiterate, she was Supreme Court, I am no longer interested in the
quoted as stating that she wanted to spit on the face of position [of Chief Justice] if I was to be surrounded by
Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban and his cohorts in the idiots. I would rather be in another environment but
not in the Supreme Court of idiots x x x. (Emphasis assaults that politics and self interest may level at it,
ours.) and assist it to maintain its integrity, impartiality and

A careful re-reading of her utterances would xxxx

readily show that her statements were expressions of
personal anger and frustration at not being considered (11) Enforce rigid
for the post of Chief Justice. In a sense, therefore, her ethical standards x x x.[if !
remarks were outside the pale of her official supportFootnotes][9][endif]

parliamentary functions. Even parliamentary immunity

must not be allowed to be used as a vehicle to ridicule,
demean, and destroy the reputation of the Court and In Re: Letter Dated 21 February 2005 of
its magistrates, nor as armor for personal wrath and Atty. Noel S. Sorreda,[if !supportFootnotes][10][endif] we reiterated
disgust. Authorities are agreed that parliamentary our pronouncement in Rheem of the Philippines v.
immunity is not an individual privilege accorded the Ferrer[if !supportFootnotes][11][endif] that the duty of attorneys to
individual members of the Parliament or Congress for the courts can only be maintained by rendering no
their personal benefit, but rather a privilege for the service involving any disrespect to the judicial office
benefit of the people and the institution that represents which they are bound to uphold. The Court wrote in
them. Rheem of the Philippines:

To be sure, Senator Santiago could have x x x As explicit is the first canon of legal ethics which
given vent to her anger without indulging in insulting pronounces that [i]t is the duty of a lawyer to maintain
rhetoric and offensive personalities. towards the Courts a respectful attitude, not for the
sake of the temporary incumbent of the judicial office,
Lest it be overlooked, Senator Santiagos but for the maintenance of its supreme importance.
outburst was directly traceable to what she considered That same canon, as a corollary, makes it peculiarly
as an unjust act the JBC had taken in connection with incumbent upon lawyers to support the courts against
her application for the position of Chief Justice. But unjust criticism and clamor. And more. The attorneys
while the JBC functions under the Courts supervision, oath solemnly binds him to a conduct that should be
its individual members, save perhaps for the Chief with all good fidelity x x x to the courts.
Justice who sits as the JBCs ex-officio chairperson,[if !
have no official duty to nominate
candidates for appointment to the position of Chief Also, in Sorreda, the Court revisited its
Justice. The Court is, thus, at a loss to understand holding in Surigao Mineral Reservation Board v.
Senator Santiagos wholesale and indiscriminate assault Cloribel[if !supportFootnotes][12][endif] that:
on the members of the Court and her choice of critical
and defamatory words against all of them. A lawyer is an officer of the courts; he is, like the court
itself, an instrument or agency to advance the ends of
At any event, equally important as the justice. His duty is to uphold the dignity and authority
speech and debate clause of Art. VI, Sec. 11 of the of the courts to which he owes fidelity, not to promote
Constitution is Sec. 5(5) of Art. VIII of the Constitution distrust in the administration of justice. Faith in the
that provides: courts, a lawyer should seek to preserve. For, to
undermine the judicial edifice is disastrous to the
Section 5. The Supreme Court shall have the following continuity of government and to the attainment of the
powers: liberties of the people. Thus has it been said of a
lawyer that [a]s an officer of the court, it is his sworn
xxxx and moral duty to help build and not destroy
unnecessarily that high esteem and regard towards the
(5) Promulgate rules courts so essential to the proper administration of
concerning the protection and justice.[if !supportFootnotes][13][endif]
enforcement of constitutional The lady senator belongs to the legal
rights, pleading, practice, and profession bound by the exacting injunction of a strict
procedure in all courts, the Code. Society has entrusted that profession with the
admission to the practice of the administration of the law and dispensation of justice.
law, the Integrated Bar, and Generally speaking, a lawyer holding a government
legal assistance to the office may not be disciplined as a member of the Bar
underprivileged. (Emphasis ours.) for misconduct committed while in the discharge of
official duties, unless said misconduct also constitutes
a violation of his/her oath as a lawyer. [if !supportFootnotes][14]
The Court, besides being authorized to [endif]

promulgate rules concerning pleading, practice, and

procedure in all courts, exercises specific authority to Lawyers may be disciplined even for any
promulgate rules governing the Integrated Bar with the conduct committed in their private capacity, as long as
end in view that the integration of the Bar will, among their misconduct reflects their want of probity or good
other things: demeanor,[if !supportFootnotes][15][endif] a good character being
an essential qualification for the admission to the
(4) Shield the judiciary, which traditionally cannot practice of law and for continuance of such privilege.
defend itself except within its own forum, from the When the Code of Professional Responsibility or the
Rules of Court speaks of conduct or misconduct, the motives in filing his complaint, stating that disciplinary
reference is not confined to ones behavior exhibited in proceedings must be undertaken solely for the public
connection with the performance of lawyers welfare. We cannot agree with her more. We cannot
professional duties, but also covers any misconduct, overstress that the senators use of intemperate
whichalbeit unrelated to the actual practice of their language to demean and denigrate the highest court of
professionwould show them to be unfit for the office the land is a clear violation of the duty of respect
and unworthy of the privileges which their license and lawyers owe to the courts.[if !supportFootnotes][21][endif]
the law invest in them.[if !supportFootnotes][16][endif]
Finally, the Senator asserts that complainant
This Court, in its unceasing quest to promote Pobre has failed to prove that she in fact made the
the peoples faith in courts and trust in the rule of law, statements in question. Suffice it to say in this regard
has consistently exercised its disciplinary authority on that, although she has not categorically denied making
lawyers who, for malevolent purpose or personal such statements, she has unequivocally said making
malice, attempt to obstruct the orderly administration them as part of her privilege speech. Her implied
of justice, trifle with the integrity of courts, and admission is good enough for the Court.
embarrass or, worse, malign the men and women who
compose them. We have done it in the case of former WHEREFORE, the letter-complaint of Antero J. Pobre
Senator Vicente Sotto in Sotto, in the case of Atty. Noel against Senator/Atty. Miriam Defensor-Santiago is,
Sorreda in Sorreda, and in the case of Atty. Francisco B. conformably to Art. VI, Sec. 11 of the Constitution,
Cruz in Tacordan v. Ang[if !supportFootnotes][17][endif] who DISMISSED.
repeatedly insulted and threatened the Court in a most
insolent manner. SO ORDERED.

The Court is not hesitant to impose some

form of disciplinary sanctions on Senator/Atty. Santiago
for what otherwise would have constituted an act of
utter disrespect on her part towards the Court and its
members. The factual and legal circumstances of this
case, however, deter the Court from doing so, even
without any sign of remorse from her. Basic
constitutional consideration dictates this kind of

We, however, would be remiss in our duty if

we let the Senators offensive and disrespectful
language that definitely tended to denigrate the
institution pass by. It is imperative on our part to re-
instill in Senator/Atty. Santiago her duty to respect
courts of justice, especially this Tribunal, and remind
her anew that the parliamentary non-accountability
thus granted to members of Congress is not to protect
them against prosecutions for their own benefit, but
to enable them, as the peoples representatives, to
perform the functions of their office without fear of
being made responsible before the courts or other
forums outside the congressional hall. [if !supportFootnotes][18]
It is intended to protect members of Congress
against government pressure and intimidation aimed at
influencing the decision-making prerogatives of
Congress and its members. EN BANC

The Rules of the Senate itself contains a

provision on Unparliamentary Acts and Language that ROMEO G. ROXAS and SANTIAGO N. PASTOR,
enjoins a Senator from using, under any circumstance, Petitioners,
offensive or improper language against another
Senator or against any public institution.[if ! - versus -
But as to Senator Santiagos
unparliamentary remarks, the Senate President had not ANTONIO DE ZUZUARREGUI, JR., ENRIQUE DE
apparently called her to order, let alone referred the ZUZUARREGUI, PACITA JAVIER, ELIZABETH R.
matter to the Senate Ethics Committee for appropriate GONZALES, JOSEFINA R. DAZA, ELIAS REYES,
disciplinary action, as the Rules dictates under such NATIVIDAD REYES, TERESITA REYES, JOSE REYES
circumstance.[if !supportFootnotes][20][endif] The lady senator and ANTONIO REYES,
clearly violated the rules of her own chamber. It is Respondents.
unfortunate that her peers bent backwards and x---------------------x
avoided imposing their own rules on her. ANTONIO DE ZUZUARREGUI, JR., ENRIQUE DE
Finally, the lady senator questions Pobres NATIVIDAD REYES, TERESITA REYES, JOSE REYES
and ANTONIO REYES, the least. x x x We cry out in
Petitioners, disbelief that such an impossible
decision could spring forth from
the Supreme Court, the ultimate
-versus- administrator and last bulwark of
justice. As it stands, instead of
being an administrator of
THE NATIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY, JOSE B. H. justice, the Supreme Court is
PEDROSA, ROMEO G. ROXAS and SANTIAGO N. ironically a dispenser of
PASTOR, injustice.
Respondents.x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-------------------x Under the circumstances, we hope you will
forgive us in expressing our
sentiment in this manner as we
RESOLUTION are utterly frustrated and
dismayed by the elementary
injustice being foisted upon us by
PER CURIAM: the Supreme Court, no less. Given
the facts of the case, we will
Self-approbation, pride and self-esteem never understand what moved
should not erode and dim the luster and dignity of this the Honorable Justice to
Court. Against overweening bluster and decide as she did and what
superciliousness, nay, lordly claim, this Court must forces and influences caused
stand steadfast, unmoved and uncompromising in her to reason out her decision
upholding what is right and proper. In such posture, the in such an unfair and unjust
mandate of affording every man the equal protection of manner as to compromise the
the law cannot dwindle. Strict adherence to ethical reputation, integrity and
conduct and righteousness without veering away from dignity itself of the Supreme
responsibility will foster an impregnable respect, Court, as a venerable
deference and even reverence to this Courts decisions institution of justice.
and pronouncements.
As lawyers, we are officers of the Court so
In a Resolution[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif] dated 26 that, while we are being
September 2006, the Court En Banc ordered Atty. underservedly pained by the
Romeo G. Roxas to explain in writing why he should not seething injustice of the decision,
be held in contempt of court and subjected to we will submit to the authority of
disciplinary action when he, in a letter [if !supportFootnotes][2] Highest Court of the Land, even
dated 13 September 2006 addressed to Associate as our reverence for it has been
Justice Minita V. Chico-Nazario with copies thereof irreversibly eroded, thanks to your
furnished the Chief Justice and all the other Associate Honors Judgment.
Justices, intimated that Justice Nazario decided G.R. No.
152072 and No. 152104 on considerations other than xxxx
the pure merits of the case, and called the Supreme
Court a dispenser of injustice. As for Your Honor, sleep well if you still can. In the end,
those we address as Honorable Justice in this earthly
The letter of Atty. Roxas reads in part: life will [be] judged by the Supreme Dispenser of
Justice where only the merits of Your Honors life will be
As an officer of the court, I am shocked beyond my relevant and material and where technicalities can
senses to realize that such a wrongful and unjust shield no one from his or her wrongdoings.
decision has been rendered with you no less as the
ponente. This terrible decision will go down in the Good day to you, Madame Justice!
annals of jurisprudence as an egregious example of
how the Supreme Court, supposedly the last vanguard
and bulwark of justice is itself made, wittingly or The decision referred to in the letter is the
unwittingly, as a party to the wrongdoing by giving Courts decision[if !supportFootnotes][3][endif] in these consolidated
official and judicial sanction and conformity to the cases where Attys. Roxas and Santiago N. Pastor were
unjust claims of the Zuzuarreguis. We cannot fathom ordered to return, among others, to Antonio de
how such a decision could have been arrived at Zuzuarregui, Jr., et al. the amount of P17,073,224.84.
except through considerations other than the
pure merits of the case. Every law student reading Roxas and Pastor filed their Motion for
through the case can see clearly how a brother lawyer Reconsideration[if !supportFootnotes][4][endif] on 8 March 2006
in the profession had been so short-changed by, which they followed with an Executive Summary[if !
ironically, the most sacred and highest institution in the supportFootnotes][5][endif]
the day after. In a resolution dated 22
administration and dispensation of justice. March 2006, the Court noted the Executive Summary
and deferred action on the Motion for Reconsideration.
xxxx [if !supportFootnotes][6][endif]

This is an unjust and unfair decision, to say On 27 March 2006, the Court denied with
finality the Motion for Reconsideration as the basic Reconsideration, thereafter
issues have already been passed upon and there being reversing the decision of this
no substantial argument to warrant the modification of Honorable Courts First Division.
the Courts decision.[if !supportFootnotes][7][endif]
Finally, in order to
On 30 March 2006, Roxas and Pastor filed a cleanse the Supreme Court of the
Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Motion for blot caused by this case, we most
Reconsideration, together with the Supplemental ardently implore upon Your Honor
Motion for Reconsideration.[if !supportFootnotes][8][endif] to immediately direct the conduct
of an investigation of how such an
The following day, they filed a Motion for impossible decision was rendered
Leave to File Motion to Set the Case for Oral Argument, at all and to sanction the
together with the Motion to Set the Case for Oral perpetrators thereon.
Argument (on the Motion for Reconsideration and the
Supplement thereto).[if !supportFootnotes][9][endif]
In a As the Chief Justice, we
Manifestation dated 3 April 2006, Roxas and Pastor have faith in you, Sir, to rectify a
asked that a typographical error appearing in the grievous wrong inflicted upon a
affidavits of service attached to the motions be member of the Bar and to restore
corrected and that the Motion to Set Case for Oral the good image and reputation of
Argument be granted.[if !supportFootnotes][10][endif] the Court by causing the High
Court to reverse such an
On 7 April 2006, Antonio de Zuzuarregui, Jr., inconceivable decision that is
et al., filed a Motion for Leave to File Comment unfair, unjust and illegal, being an
on/Opposition to Motion for Reconsideration. [if ! [impairment] of the obligation of
contracts and against the
principle of estoppel.
On 7 June 2006, Roxas and Pastor filed an
Urgent and Compelling Motion for Reconsideration Said letter was indorsed to the Clerk of Court
(with Motion to Refer the Case to the En Banc). [if ! of the First Division for its inclusion in the agenda. [if !
supportFootnotes][12][endif] supportFootnotes][14][endif]

On 7 June 2006, the Office of then Chief On 12 July 2006, the Court resolved to (a) Note Without
Justice Artemio V. Panganiban received from Roxas a Action (1) the motion of petitioners Roxas and Pastor
letter (with enclosures)[if !supportFootnotes][13][endif] dated 6 June for leave to file supplemental motion for
2006 which contained, inter alia, the following: reconsideration of the decision dated January 31, 2006;
(2) the aforesaid supplemental motion for
This is an unjust and reconsideration; and (3) respondents Zuzuarreguis
unfair decision, to say the least. x motion for leave of court to file comment/opposition to
x x We cry out in disbelief that motion for reconsideration, said motion for
such an impossible decision could reconsideration having been denied with finality in the
spring forth from the Supreme resolution of 27 March 2006; (b) Deny for lack of merit
Court, the ultimate administrator said petitioners (1) motion for leave to file motion to
and last bulwark of justice. As it set case for oral argument; and (2) motion to set the
stands, instead of being an case for oral argument [on the motion for
administrative of justice, the reconsideration and the supplement thereto]; (c) Note
Supreme Court will ironically be a petitioners manifestation regarding the correction of
dispenser of injustice. typographical error in the affidavit of service of their
motion for leave to file motion to set case for oral
Under the argument and said motion to set case for oral
circumstances, we cannot avoid arguments; (d) Deny the urgent and compelling second
to suspect the bias and partiality motion for reconsideration of petitioners Romeo G.
of the ponente of the case who we Roxas and Santiago N. Pastor of the decision dated 31
surmise must have been moved January 2006 [with motion to refer the case to the
by considerations, other than Court En Banc], considering that a second motion for
noble. reconsideration is a prohibited pleading under Sec. 2,
Rule 52, in relation to Sec. 4, Rule 56 of the 1997 Rules
In this regard, Mr. Chief of Civil Procedure, as amended; (e) Deny said
Justice, we implore Your Honor, as petitioners motion to refer the cases to the Court En
steward of the Highest Court of Banc, the latter not being an appellate court to which
the land, to take appropriate decisions or resolutions of the Divisions may be
steps to forthwith correct this appealed, pursuant to SC Circular 2-89 dated 7
anomalous decision by first, February 1989, as amended by the resolution of 18
referring the case to the Supreme November 1993; and (f) Note the First Indorsement
Court En Banc, and then, after dated 9 June 2006 of the Hon. Chief Justice Artemio V.
allowing us the opportunity to be Panganiban referring for inclusion in the agenda the
heard orally En Banc and after thereto attached letter [with enclosures] of Atty. Romeo
judiciously considering our Urgent G. Roxas, relative to these cases.[if !supportFootnotes][15][endif]
and Compelling Motion for
On 13 September 2006, on motion by the Zuzuarreguis of justice.
for the issuance of entry of judgment, the Court
ordered that entry of judgment in these cases be made xxxx
in due course.[if !supportFootnotes][16][endif]
These implications, Your Honors, which I find
On 14 September 2006, Roxas and Pastor filed an hard to accept, have caused me
Urgent Motion for Clarification of Judgment. [if ! severe anxiety, distress and
On even date, the letter subject of depredation and have impelled
this contempt proceeding dated 13 September 2006 me to exercise my right to
was received by Justice Nazario with copies thereof express a legitimate grievance or
furnished the Chief Justice and all the other Associate articulate a bona fide and fair
Justices.[if !supportFootnotes][18][endif] criticism of this Honorable Courts
On 18 September 2006, Roxas and Pastor
filed a Motion to Withdraw said motion and instead While certain statements, averments and/or
prayed that their Urgent and Compelling Motion for declarations in my 13 September
Clarification of Judgment dated 15 September 2006 be 2006 letter may have been
admitted.[if !supportFootnotes][19][endif] strongly-worded and construed by
this Honorable Court as tending to
On 20 September 2006, the Court, treating ascribe aspersions on the person
petitioners Roxas and Pastors Urgent Motion for of the Honorable Associate Justice
Clarification of Judgment as a second motion for Minita V. Chico-Nazario, may I
reconsideration, denied the same for lack of merit. We assure Your Honors that no such
also noted without action the motion to withdraw said ascription was ever intended by
motion for clarification with intention to re-file the the undersigned.
same with the necessary corrections, and referred to
the Court En Banc the letter dated 13 September 2006. Quite notably, despite my aggrieved
[if !supportFootnotes][20][endif]
sentiments and exasperated
state, I chose to ventilate my
In a resolution dated 26 September 2006, criticisms of the assailed ruling in
this Court ordered Atty. Roxas to explain in writing why a very discreet and private
he should not be held in contempt of court and manner. Accordingly, instead of
subjected to disciplinary action on account of the letter resorting to public criticism
he sent to Justice Nazario with copies thereof furnished through media exposure, I chose
the Chief Justice and all the other Associate Justices. to write a personal letter confined
to the hallowed halls of the
On 22 November 2006, the Court noted highest tribunal of the land and
without action petitioner Roxas and Pastors Urgent and within the bounds of decency and
Compelling Motion for Clarification of Judgment in light propriety. This was done in good
of the denial of their Urgent Motion for Clarification of faith with no intention whatsoever
Judgment on 20 September 2006 which the Court to offend any member, much less
treated as a second motion for reconsideration. [if ! tarnish the image of this
Honorable Court.

On 16 November 2006, by way of Nonetheless, it is with humble heart and a

compliance with the 26 September 2006 resolution, repentant soul that I express my
Atty. Roxas submitted his written explanation. His letter sincerest apologies not only to the
stated: individual members of this
Honorable Court but also to the
With all due respect to this Honorable Court, Supreme Court as a revered
and beyond my personal institution and ultimate dispenser
grievances, I submit that the of justice.
ruling in the subject consolidated
cases may not have met the As earlier explained, I was merely exercising
standards or adhered to the basic my right to express a legitimate
characteristics of fair and just grievance or articulate a bona
decision, such as objectivity, fide and fair criticism of this
neutrality and conformity to the Honorable Courts ruling. If the
laws and the constitution. x x x nature of my criticism/comment
or the manner in which it was
xxxx carried out was perceived to have
transgressed the permissible
Aside from the fact that the aforesaid ruling parameters of free speech and
appears to be seriously flawed, it expression, I am willing to submit
also casts grave aspersions on my myself to the sound and judicious
personal and professional discretion of this Honorable Court.
integrity and honor as a lawyer, xxx
officer of the court and advocate
modification of our decision and that would require an
After reviewing the records of these cases, We firmly extended resolution since the basic issues had already
stand by our decision which Atty. Roxas described to be been passed upon.
unjust, unfair and impossible, and arrived at through
considerations other than the pure merits of the case. In his letter subject of this contempt proceeding, Atty.
Atty. Roxass insistence that said decision did not meet Roxas accused Justice Nazario of deciding the case
the standards or adhered to the basic characteristics of through considerations other than the pure merits of
fair and just decision, such as objectivity, neutrality the case. He averred that we will never understand
and conformity to the laws and the Constitution, is what moved the Honorable Justice to decide as she did
simply without basis. The fact that the decision was not and what forces and influences caused her to reason
in his favor does not mean that the same was contrary out her decision in such an unfair and unjust manner as
to our laws and was not rendered in a fair and impartial to compromise the reputation, integrity and dignity
manner. itself of the Supreme Court, as a venerable institution
of justice. He then ended by mocking her when he said
In one case,[if !supportFootnotes][22][endif] we had this to say when sleep well if you still can and that her earthly life will
a lawyer challenged the integrity not only of the Court [be] judged by the Supreme Dispenser of Justice where
of Appeals but also of this Court by claiming that the only the merits of Your Honors life will be relevant and
courts knowingly rendered an unjust judgment: material and where technicalities can shield no one
from his or her wrongdoings.
We note with wonder and amazement the brazen
effrontery of respondent in assuming that his personal As to the Court, supposedly the last
knowledge of the law and his concept of justice are vanguard and bulwark of justice, he likewise accuses it
superior to that of both the Supreme Court and the of making itself, wittingly or unwittingly, a party to the
Court of Appeals. His pretense cannot but tend to wrongdoing by giving official and judicial sanction and
erode the people's faith in the integrity of the courts of conformity to the unjust claims of the adverse party. He
justice and in the administration of justice. He added: This is an unjust and unfair decision, to say the
repeatedly invoked his supposed quest for law and least. x x x We cry out in disbelief that such an
justice as justification for his contemptuous statements impossible decision could spring forth from the
without realizing that, in seeking both abstract elusive Supreme Court, the ultimate administrator and last
terms, he is merely pursuing his own personal concept bulwark of justice. As it stands, instead of being an
of law and justice. He seems not to comprehend that administrator of justice, the Supreme Court is ironically
what to him may be lawful or just may not be so in the a dispenser of injustice.
minds of others. He could not accept that what to him
may appear to be right or correct may be wrong or In his letter of explanation, Atty. Roxas extended
erroneous from the viewpoint of another. x x x. apologies to Justice Nazario, to the other members of
the High Court and to the High Court itself as a revered
It is to be noted that prior to his letter dated institution and ultimate dispenser of justice. He said he
13 September 2006, Atty. Roxas wrote then Chief was merely exercising his right to express a legitimate
Justice Artemio V. Panganiban asking for an immediate grievance or articulate a bona fide and fair criticism of
investigation of how such an impossible decision was the Honorable Courts ruling. He explained that his
rendered at all and to sanction the perpetrators criticism of the assailed ruling was done in good faith
thereon. It is to be stressed that then Chief Justice with no intention whatsoever to offend any member,
Panganiban was a member of the Division who much less tarnish the image of the Court. Instead of
concurred in the ponencia written by Justice Nazario. resorting to public criticism through media exposure,
The former and the other three members [if !supportFootnotes] he chose to ventilate his criticism in a very discreet
of the Division did not find anything illegal, and private manner by writing a personal letter
unjust or unfair about the decision; otherwise, they confined to the hallowed halls of the Court and within
would have registered their dissents. There was none. bounds of decency and propriety.
The decision was arrived at after a thorough
deliberation of the members of the Court. We find the explanations of Atty. Roxas
unsatisfactory. The accusation against Justice Nazario is
Atty. Roxas faulted the Supreme Court when clearly without basis. The attack on the person of
(o)ur two Motions for Reconsiderations were Justice Nazario has caused her pain and
unceremoniously denied via Minute Resolutions without embarrassment. His letter is full of contemptuous
addressing at all the merits of our very solid remarks tending to degrade the dignity of the Court
arguments. We cannot help but observe the High and erode public confidence that should be accorded it.
Courts resort to technicalities (that a second motion for
reconsideration is a prohibited pleading) if only for it to To prevent liability from attaching on
avoid meeting the merits and arguments directly. account of his letter, he invokes his rights to free
speech and privacy of communication. The invocation
It is settled that the Court is not duty-bound to render of these rights will not, however, free him from liability.
signed Decisions all the time. It has ample discretion to As already stated, his letter contained defamatory
formulate Decisions and/or minute Resolutions, statements that impaired public confidence in the
provided a legal basis is given, depending on its integrity of the judiciary. The making of contemptuous
evaluation of a case.[if !supportFootnotes][24][endif] In the case statements directed against the Court is not an
before us, after going over the motion for exercise of free speech; rather, it is an abuse of such
reconsideration filed by Roxas and Pastor, we did not right. Unwarranted attacks on the dignity of the courts
find any substantial argument that would merit the cannot be disguised as free speech, for the exercise of
said right cannot be used to impair the independence misconduct that subjects a lawyer
and efficiency of courts or public respect therefor and to disciplinary action.
confidence therein.[if !supportFootnotes][25][endif] Free expression
must not be used as a vehicle to satisfy ones irrational
obsession to demean, ridicule, degrade and even In the case at bar, we find the statements made by
destroy this Court and its magistrates. [if !supportFootnotes][26] Atty. Roxas to have been made mala fides and
exceeded the boundaries of decency and propriety. By
his unfair and unfounded accusation against Justice
This Court does not curtail the right of a Nazario, and his mocking of the Court for allegedly
lawyer, or any person for that matter, to be critical of being part of a wrongdoing and being a dispenser of
courts and judges as long as they are made in properly injustice, he abused his liberty of speech.
respectful terms and through legitimate channels. This
Court in In re: Almacen[if !supportFootnotes][27][endif] said: In In re: Wenceslao Laureta,[if !supportFootnotes][28][endif] cited in
United BF Homeowners v. Sandoval-Gutierrez,[if !
Moreover, every citizen has the right to comment upon supportFootnotes][29][endif]
we ruled:
and criticize the actuations of public officers. This right
is not diminished by the fact that the criticism is aimed To allow litigants to go beyond the Courts resolution
at a judicial authority, or that is it articulated by a and claim that the members acted with deliberate bad
lawyer. Such right is especially recognized where the faith and rendered an unjust resolution in disregard or
criticism concerns a concluded litigation, because then violation of the duty of their high office to act upon
the courts actuation are thrown open to public their own independent consideration and judgment of
consumption. x x x the matter at hand would be to destroy the
authenticity, integrity and conclusiveness of such
xxxx collegiate acts and resolutions and to disregard utterly
the presumption of regular performance of official duty.
Courts and judges are not sacrosanct. They To allow such collateral attack would destroy the
should and expect critical separation of powers and undermine the role of the
evaluation of their performance. Supreme Court as the final arbiter of all justiciable
For like the executive and the disputes.
legislative branches, the judiciary xxxx
is rooted in the soil of democratic In resume, we find that
society, nourished by the periodic respondent Ilustre has
appraisal of the citizen whom it is transcended the permissible
expected to serve. bounds of fair comment and
criticism to the detriment of the
Well-recognized therefore is the right of a orderly administration of justice in
lawyer, both as an officer of the her letters addressed to the
court and as a citizen, to criticize individual Justices quoted in the
in properly respectful terms and show-cause Resolution of this
through legitimate channels the court en banc, particularly the
acts of courts and judges. x x x under lined portions thereof; in
the language of the charges she
xxxx filed before the Tanodbayan
quoted and underscored in the
Hence, as a citizen and as officer of the same Resolution; in her
court, a lawyer is expected not statements, conduct, acts and
only to exercise the right, but also charges against the Supreme
to consider it his duty to avail of Court and/or the official actions of
such right. No law may abridge the justices concerned and her
this right. Nor is he professionally ascription of improper motives to
answerable for a scrutiny into the them; and in her unjustified
official conduct of the judges, outburst that she can no longer
which would not expose him to expect justice from this Court. The
legal animadversion as a citizen. fact that said letters are not
technically considered pleadings,
xxxx nor the fact that they were
submitted after the main petition
But it is the cardinal condition of all such had been finally resolved does not
criticism that it shall be bona fide detract from the gravity of the
and shall not spill over the walls contempt committed. The
of decency and propriety. A wide constitutional right of freedom of
chasm exists between fair speech or right to privacy cannot
criticism, on the one hand, and be used as a shield for
abuse and slander of courts and contemptuous acts against the
the judges thereof, on the other. Court.
Intemperate and unfair criticism is
a gross violation of the duty of Atty. Roxas likewise cannot hide under the mantle of
respect to courts. It is such a the right to privacy. It must be disclosed that prior to
his letter addressed to Justice Nazario, Atty. Roxas first OFFICERS AND SHOULD INSIST ON
wrote then Chief Justice Panganiban asking for an SIMILAR CONDUCT BY OTHERS
investigation as to how the assailed decision was
rendered and to sanction the perpetrators. The xxxx
accusations contained therein are similar to those in
his letter to Justice Nazario. The fact that his letters Rule 11.03. A lawyer
were merely addressed to the Justices of this Court and shall abstain from scandalous,
were not disseminated to the media is of no moment. offensive and menacing language
Letters addressed to individual Justices, in connection or behavior before the Courts.
with the performance of their judicial functions,
become part of the judicial record and are a matter of Rule 11.04. A lawyer
concern for the entire court.[if !supportFootnotes][30][endif] As can shall not attribute to a Judge
be gathered from the records, the letter to then Chief motives not supported by the
Justice Panganiban was merely noted and no show- record or have no materiality to
cause order was issued in the hope that Atty. Roxas the case.
would stop his assault on the Court. However, since
Atty. Roxas persisted in attacking the Court via his
second letter, it behooved the Court to order him to It is the duty of a lawyer as an officer of the court to
explain why he should not be held in contempt of court uphold the dignity and authority of the courts and to
and subjected to disciplinary action. promote confidence in the fair administration of justice
and in the Supreme Court as the last bulwark of justice
Under the circumstances, we find Atty. and democracy.[if !supportFootnotes][31][endif] Respect for the
Romeo G. Roxas guilty of indirect contempt of court courts guarantees the stability of the judicial
under Section 3, Rule 71 of the 1997 Rules of Civil institution. Without such guarantee, the institution
Procedure, as amended. Said section reads: would be resting on a very shaky foundation. [if !
Section 3. Indirect contempt to be punished supportFootnotes][32][endif]
When confronted with actions and
after charge and hearing. After a charge in writing has statements, from lawyers and non-lawyers alike, that
been filed, and an opportunity given to the respondent tend to promote distrust and undermine public
to comment thereon within such period as may be confidence in the judiciary, this Court will not hesitate
fixed by the court and to be heard by himself or to wield its inherent power to cite any person in
counsel, a person guilty of any of the following acts contempt. In so doing, it preserves its honor and
may be punished for indirect contempt: dignity and safeguards the morals and ethics of the
legal profession.[if !supportFootnotes][33][endif]
WHEREFORE, premises considered, Atty. Romeo G.
d. Any improper Roxas is found GUILTY of indirect contempt of court.
conduct tending, directly or He is hereby FINED the amount of P30,000.00 to be
indirectly, to impede, obstruct, or paid within ten (10) days from receipt of this Resolution
degrade the administration of and WARNED that a repetition of a similar act will
justice; x x x. warrant a more severe penalty.

xxxx Let a copy of this Resolution be attached to Atty. Roxas

personal record in the Office of the Bar Confidant and
Section 7, Rule 71 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, copies thereof be furnished the Integrated Bar of the
as amended, provides the penalty for indirect contempt Philippines.
as follows:
Sec. 7. Punishment for indirect contempt. If the
respondent is adjudged guilty of indirect contempt
committed against a Regional Trial Court or a court of
equivalent or higher rank, he may be punished by a
fine not exceeding thirty thousand pesos or
imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months or both. x x

The disrespect caused to the Court by Atty. Roxas

merits a fine of P30,000.00 with a warning that a
repetition of a similar act will warrant a more severe

With his contemptuous and defamatory

statements, Atty. Roxas likewise violated Canon 11 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility, particularly
Canons 11.03 and 11.04. These provisions read:


A.M. No. RTJ-91-660 June 30, 1994

NAPOLEON A. ABIERA, complainant,



Court, Br. 12, San Jose, Antique, respondent.

Napoleon A. Abiera for and in his own behalf.




Br. 12, San Jose, Antique, is administratively charged

by District Public Attorney Napoleon A. Abiera with
grave abuse of discretion and misconduct relative to a
civil case 1 pending before respondent judge, and with
gross dishonesty and inefficiency in deliberately
falsifying his certificates of service, and failing to
decide cases submitted for decision within the
reglementary period prescribed by the Constitution.

The charge of grave abuse of discretion and

misconduct stemmed from the Order of 20 December
1990 issued by respondent judge suspending
complainant from the practice of law.

It appears that both counsel of the parties previously

agreed to set Civil Case No. 2119 for hearing on 20 to
22 August 1990. On 20 August 1990, however,
complainant requested the Court Interpreter for a
second call of the case because he would first attend
the trial of another case in Br. 11 of the same court. 2
At 11:15 that same morning, after waiting for
complainant in vain, Civil Case No. 2119 was called for
the second time. However, neither the complainant nor
his clients appeared. As a result, respondent judge
declared in open court that plaintiffs were deemed to
have waived further presentation of their evidence.

On 21 August 1990, upon being informed of the Order

of 20 August 1990, but before receiving a copy thereof, participation in the trial of 21 August 1990 was not a
complainant verbally explained to respondent judge waiver of his objections to the Order of 20 August
that his non-appearance at the hearing was due to the 1990; that he could not file his written motion for
lengthy cross-examination of a witness in Crim. Case reconsideration as respondent judge declared him in
No. 3839 then being heard before Br. 11. On the basis contempt in another case and ordered his detention;
thereof, he moved for reconsideration of the aforesaid and, that the motion for reconsideration was formalized
order. Respondent judge denied the motion. during his detention and filed only on 5 September
Subsequently, complainant requested that the 1990.
proceedings be suspended in order that he could
secure a copy of the Order of 20 August 1990, but the He further posits that respondent's words "machination
same was also denied. Thus, the hearing of Civil Case . . . made via a clever use of the filthy instruments of a
No. 2119 proceeded with the presentation by devil's advocate wily submissions and a smiling fox's
defendants of their evidence. Complainant participated pleading . . . " used in the Order of 7 December 1990
fully in the proceedings by raising objection and cross- are indecent and unbecoming a member of the
examining defendants' witness. judiciary. He concludes that the issuance of the Order
of 20 December 1990 was due to the intense dislike,
On 23 August 1990, complainant received the Order of
20 August 1990. On 5 September 1990, he filed a or even hatred, of respondent judge for complainant
motion for reconsideration of the Order of 20 August and his relative,
1990 praying that the proceedings of 21 August 1990
be canceled and that plaintiffs be allowed to finish the
presentation of their evidence. 3 Cong. Exequiel Javier of Antique.

On 7 December 1990, respondent judge not only With regard to his second cause of action, complainant
denied the motion for reconsideration of complainant claims that respondent wilfully falsified his monthly
but also ordered him certificates of service covering the periods from
February to September 1989, February to April 1990,
and June to October 1990. He contends that
. . . to show cause in writing within five (5) days from respondent judge certified that he had no pending
today or not later than the close of office on December unresolved civil and criminal cases when in fact he had
12, 1990 why he should not be punished for contempt eight (8) civil cases and ten (10) criminal cases
and/or otherwise disciplinar(ily) dealt with for abusing unresolved within ninety (90) days from date of their
the court in participating and agreeing in the reception submission for decision. He submits that such
of evidence for the defendants on August 21, 1990 but falsification enabled respondent to receive his salaries
only to ask maliciously later for its nullification and why and allowances. 7
no other liability should attach to him by reason of the
heretofore described acts and/or omission of deceit,
malpractice and gross misconduct. 4 Respondent judge, in his answer, asserts that he has
been fair and impartial to complainant, as evidenced
by a list of cases where the latter received favorable
On 17 December 1990, complainant filed his action. He however maintains that complainant's effort
Compliance within the extended period by registered "to trifle with the judicial proceedings in Civil Case No.
mail posted in Manila. However, respondent's court 2119 must not be tolerated and should be penalized to
received the same only on 26 December 1990. Earlier, protect and uphold the integrity of the court."
on 20 December 1990, respondent judge already
issued an order suspending complainant from the
practice of law. Respondent also avers that the initial hearing of Civil
Case No. 2119 was set on 20 February 1987; since that
date until 7 March 1990, complainant had already
Complainant questioned the validity of the Order of 20 obtained seventeen (17) postponements; in one case, 8
August 1990 before this Court through a petition for respondent had advised complainant to arrange his
certiorari. 5 On 26 August 1991, we vacated this order calendar to avoid any conflict in schedules which
upon a finding that complainant was not afforded already seemed to be his pattern; the hearing on 20
procedural due process and ordered the records of the August 1990 was fixed by both counsel of the parties
case returned to the sala of respondent judge, who and respondent merely adopted the same; while
may, if he was so minded, refile the proceedings for the complainant had a scheduled hearing on the same
suspension of complainant by following the procedure date in another sala, the conflict in schedules was not
prescribed in Rule 138 of the Rules of Court. 6 the making of respondent but the fault of complainant
who undertook to appear in two (2) branches of the
Upon receipt of our resolution, complainant filed the court at the same time; complainant neither required
instant administrative complaint against respondent Atty. Rolando Vedeja, the PAO lawyer assigned to
judge. respondent judge, to appear in his stead nor did he
direct his clients to attend the hearing; their absence
In his first cause of action, complainant claims that was intentionally planned by complainant to demean
respondent judge acted in bad faith in issuing his Order respondent and to make him wait for them; on 30
of 20 December 1990. He asserts that respondent's August 1990, complainant committed a contemptible
perception that he (complainant) feigned ignorance of "show-boating" towards the court in another case 9 for
the Order of 20 August 1990 is disproved by the record which respondent cited him for direct contempt and
of the proceedings. He further argues that his sentenced him to ten (10) days imprisonment; in his
written motion for reconsideration of the Order of 20 could be expected of complainant Abiera was to
August 1990, complainant made the impression that he participate and scrutinize the evidence presented by
learned of the order only when he received copy of the his opponent as a measure to protect the interest of his
same on 23 August 1990 and the written motion was clients, and such participation did not bar him from
formalized while he was under detention; such subsequently questioning the Order of August 20,
impression showed complainant's bad faith; the motion 1990, considering that at that time, he was not yet
for reconsideration could not have been formalized formally served a copy of the written order of August
during complainant's detention because it is dated 24 20, 1990. It is the right and duty of complainant to
August 1990, six (6) days before his imprisonment; his exhaust all possible and available processes and/or
motion for reconsideration prayed for the nullification remedies provided by law to protect the interest of his
of the entire proceedings not of 20 August but of 21 clients. Moreover, it would appear that the Order of
August 1990 where he participated as fully as he could August 20, 1990, constituted a violation of plaintiffs'
until the Galera spouses completed the presentation of right to due process considering that plaintiffs were
their evidence; when the defendants were given time deprived of their right to present further evidence.
to submit a written offer of their evidence, complainant
offered no objection; complainant purposely withheld Time and again, courts are reminded to use their
the filing of his motion for reconsideration until his contempt power with restraint and only in case of a
receipt of a copy of the written Offer of Exhibits by clearly contumacious conduct. Contempt of court
counsel for defendants; and, such actuations are wily, presupposes a contumacious attitude, a flaunting, or
dilatory and obstructive. arrogant belligerence, a defiance of the court and it is
not clearly established in this case.
On the second cause of action, respondent judge states
that most, if not all, of the subject cases mentioned in xxx xxx xxx
the complaint were inherited from his predecessor. He
adds that on 14 January 1989, during the 11th Judicial
Conference in Libertad, Antique, then Chief Justice The suspension of complainant Abiera from the
Fernan granted him an extension to deal with all the practice of law through an improper and invalid
cases then pending decision in his sala. Respondent exercise of the contempt power of the court and in
also points out that on 30 August 1990 and 25 clear violation of the prescribed procedure for
September 1990, this Court granted him an extension suspension, is unjust and manifests a deliberate intent
to decide twenty-eight (28) cases. 10 Again, on 23 April to do injustice a grave misconduct for which he
1991, he was granted an extension to decide a set of should be held administratively accountable.
thirteen (13) newly-filed cases. 11 Respondent claims
that all cases mentioned by complainant were part of On the second cause of action, respondent judge is
the twenty-eight (28) cases decided by him within the charged with gross dishonesty and serious inefficiency
extended period granted him. predicated on various certificates of service,
particularly referring to those dated 6 February 1989 to
Finally, respondent judge contends that the 10 October 1990
complainant filed this case "not only out of resentment
and hate against (him) but it is (also) what your (Exhs. "M" to "M-16") allegedly falsified by him, and for
respondent has earlier branded as complainant failure of respondent Judge to decide the eighteen (18)
Abiera's wily submission and smiling fox's pleading." cases, subject matter of the action, within the 90-day
Respondent judge further states that, in contrast, the period provided by the Constitution. Complainant
greater sector of Antique has favorably recognized his claims that respondent Judge did not decide the
judicial actuations as shown by his receipt of several criminal and civil cases enumerated in the Resolution
plaques of appreciation. 12 of the Investigator dated 17 May 1993 within a period
of 90 days from their submission for decision and,
On 4 June 1992, the Court En Banc referred the case to despite such failure, respondent prepared and
Associate Justice Jaime N. Lantin of the Court of submitted falsified certificates of service so as he
Appeals for investigation, report and recommendation. would be paid his salaries. But, as the Investigating
13 Justice found

On 3 August 1993, the investigating justice submitted . . . that respondent Judge upon his request was
his report. 14 On the first cause of action, i.e., grave granted extensions by the Hon. Supreme Court in its
abuse of discretion and misconduct, he states that he Resolutions of August 30, 1990, September 25, 1990
concurs with our resolution in G.R. No. 96636 holding and April 23, 1991, all giving an additional period of 90
the suspension Order of 20 December 1990 null and days from notice within which respondent Judge shall
void for non-observance of the prescribed procedure, decide the subject cases. And the facts would show
adding that that respondent Judge resolved all the subject cases
within the 90-day extension period. It is the view of the
Investigator that the said resolution of the Hon.
. . . there was nothing contumacious in complainant Supreme Court had actually three effects. First, the
Abiera's conduct as would warrant his suspension from resolutions gave respondent Judge an additional period
the practice of law. The participation by Abiera in the of 90 days from receipt of notice thereof within which
hearing of August 21, 1990 should not be taken against to decide subject cases. Second, the resolutions
him. Under the circumstances, where the verbal motion constituted an implied retroactive extension from the
to suspend proceedings were denied, the most that lapse of the original 90-day period. Third, the said
resolutions also constituted an implied condonation by A reading of the Order of 20 December 1990 18
Hon. Supreme Court on the failure of respondent Judge discloses that respondent judge was not without reason
to resolve subject cases within and after he lapse of in imposing a disciplinary sanction against
the original 90-day period. Necessarily, the charge for complainant. The latter's proffered excuse of a
gross dishonesty and serious inefficiency holds no protracted cross-examination in Br. 11 was a mere
water and, therefore, the respondent Judge should be subterfuge. As we view it, the fault indeed lies in his
exonerated therefrom. failure keep a systematic record of his cases set for
hearing. As it happened, complainant appears to have
On the basis of the foregoing findings, the Investigating learned only on 19 August 1990 that on the following
Justice recommends that respondent Judge Bonifacio day, 20 August 1990, he had to attend simultaneously
Sanz Maceda be ordered to pay a fine of P2,000.00 for to two (2) cases in different branches of the court. 19
grave misconduct in unlawfully suspending from the Faced with a conflict in schedules, complainant made
practice of law District Public Attorney Napoleon no move to transfer the hearing of either case. Perhaps
Abiera; and, that he be exonerated from the charge of he thought he could cope with the situation. 20
gross dishonesty and serious inefficiency for allegedly Unfortunately, he was wrong. Obviously, complainant's
failing to decide cases within the prescribed period. predicament then was of his own doing. Therefore, the
hearing of another case in Br. 11 could not be made a
shield for his blunder.
We cannot agree fully with the aforecited
recommendations of the Investigating Justice.
A hard look at complainant's oversight also reveals that
he was unprepared for the trial on 20 August 1990. The
Let it be stressed that the Court does not condone the plaintiffs who were then his clients were not even
manner by which complainant was suspended from the present in court. As the Investigating Justice correctly
practice of law. This was made clear in our Resolution pointed out, readiness for trial is to be prepared with
of 26 August 1991 in G.R. No. 96636 when we set aside his witness for that day. 21 In his testimony,
the Order of 20 December 1990 for being null and void complainant stated that plaintiffs were with him and
as it failed to comply with Rule 138 of the Revised that he advised them to await the second call of the
Rules of Court. Our disapproval however should not be case. 22 For their part, plaintiffs claimed otherwise.
construed as an indication that respondent judge's They countered that "(they) would have been in court
erroneous order merits administrative sanction, on August 20, 1990 to present further evidence had
otherwise, we would have imposed the sanction then Atty. Abiera informed (them) of the hearing but he did
and there if in every proceeding for certiorari we not." 23
punish a judge for grave abuse of discretion.
We are more inclined to believe the submission of
As a general rule, the acts done by a judge in his plaintiffs. For, other than his testimony, complainant
judicial capacity are not subject to disciplinary action, presented no corroborating evidence. On the other
even though erroneous. 15 These acts become subject hand, logic dictates that if plaintiffs were indeed
to our disciplinary power only when they are attended present, respondent judge would not have issued the
by fraud, dishonesty, corruption or bad faith. A re- Order of 20 August 1990, otherwise, had he done so,
evaluation of the case at bar presents no occasion for plaintiffs would have promptly protested against it, or
us to depart from the general rule. respondent judge could have asked them to call for
their counsel who was in Br. 11. The whole incident
The records show that Civil Case No. 2119 has long plainly underscores the truth, which eludes some
been pending presentation of plaintiffs' evidence. Yet, lawyers, that an orderly schedule, a punctual
respondent judge has been very lenient in granting appearance at court hearings, and preparedness for
motions for postponements to both counsel of the trial highly contribute to the speedy disposal of cases.
parties, more particularly to counsel for plaintiffs. Of
the twenty-seven (27) motions for postponement We also note that since complainant personally
granted, seventeen (17) of these were filed by requested a second call, courtesy demands that he
complainant as counsel for plaintiffs, four (4) by should have at least informed respondent judge of his
agreement of the parties, one (1) by reason of the predicament. But he did not. Complainant's reason that
stenographic reporters' strike, and five (5) by motion of the matter slipped his mind 24 is flimsy and clearly
defendants. 16 Finally, upon prior agreement of both indicates a lack of respect not for the sake of the
counsel for plaintiffs and defendants, respondent judge incumbent judge but for the court owing to its
set the case for hearing on 20 to 22 August 1990. importance. 25

Given this factual backdrop, complainant's non- In his order of 20 December 1990, respondent judge
appearance at the hearing despite his previous deplored the strategy of complainant in withholding the
commitment and his personal request for a second call filing of his motion for reconsideration until defendants
of the case inevitably pushed the patience of filed their Offer of Exhibits on 5 September 1990. He
respondent judge to the limit. In his Order of 20 August claims that he could not file his motion earlier because
1990, respondent tersely declared that "(t)he on 30 August 1990 he was detained by respondent
complaint in the case was filed on 18 June 1986 and judge for contempt in another case so that he had to
plaintiffs have not even rested their case due to formalize his motion while in detention.
repeated postponements asked by plaintiffs. This Court
cannot tolerate further delay in the proceedings of this
case." 17 Again, we are not persuaded. He is less than candid to
the court. His argument is belied by his own motion for Order of 20 August 1990 nor of the proceedings of
reconsideration which is dated
21 August 1990 where he fully participated. The
24 August 1990. Evidently, it was prepared six (6) days misleading statement in complainant's motion led
before he was detained. In this regard, respondent respondent to rule that
judge aptly observed
What stands out is an effort to trifle with judicial
The filing of the subject motion for reconsideration on proceedings of this court. Worse, the machination is
the same day, September 5, 1990, adverse counsel made via a clever use of the filthy instruments of a
filed his formal written offer of exhibits for defendants devil's advocate wily submissions and a smiling fox's
may truly be coincidental. But, holding on to the pleading executed with the use of legal knowledge
motion until September 5, 1990, or twelve (12) days by an officer of the court, Atty. Napoleon Abiera, who is
after its date of execution on August 24, 1990, is sworn to protect and uphold the dignity and authority
clearly a coincidence purposely made to coincide. It of the court.
should even become anomalous if it is considered that
Thus, Atty. Abiera submits at least sub silencio
Atty. Abiera received the two separate orders dated that he was unaware of the August 20, 1990 order
August 20 and 21, 1990 at the same time at 3:00 P.M. (received by him on August 23, 1990) declaring his
on August 23, 1990 while adverse counsel received clients, the plaintiffs herein to have waived further
personally his copy of the order dated August 20 the presentation of their evidence when he entered into
following day on August 21 and later his copy of the trial on August 21, 1990. And, because of his lack of
August 21 order was received on August 22. 26 knowledge of such order he did not object to the
presentation of defendants' evidence on August 21.
Moreover, respondent judge can hardly be blamed for Hence, the court should cancel and nullify all the
taking complainant to task for not being factual in his proceedings had on August 21, including his own cross
motion for reconsideration when he examination of Mrs. Floreta Pillo Galera and the court
should also set aside Exhibits "1" to "3" for the
defendants and Exhibits "C" to "E-3" for the Third Party
states 27
Plaintiffs, inclusive, even if such exhibits have all been
previously identified in his presence and without his
1. That the undersigned counsel received the order objection.
dated August 20, 1990 on August 23, 1990 at 3:00
o'clock in the afternoon, declaring the plaintiffs to have xxx xxx xxx
waived presenting evidence in their favor for failure of
plaintiffs and counsel to appear in Court on August 20,
1990; Granting that Atty. Abiera never learned of the order of
August 20 but his appearance on August 21 for the
reception of evidence for the defendants must have
2. That on August 20, 1990 counsel for the plaintiffs adequately apprised him that further presentation of
appeared together with the counsel for the defendants evidence for his client was summarily terminated and
in Criminal Case No. 3879 entitled, PP vs. Anselmo shut because defendants were allowed to present their
Pagunsan, et al., for Violation of RA 6455 before RTC, evidence even before he could close and offer the
Branch 11 as counsels (sic) for the accused and Capt. evidence for his clients.
Zenaida Sinfuego of the PCCL, Camp Delgado, Iloilo
City, testified for the prosecution. The setting was
earlier requested for the prosecution. The setting was Not only that, Atty. Abiera did not even raise a quibble
earlier requested by Capt. Sinfuego herself, appearing when adverse counsel asked in open court for time to
in the Order of the Honorable Presiding Judge given in file formal written offer of exhibits for the defendants.
chamber last June 18, 1990;
xxx xxx xxx
3. That before the start of the session of Branch 11, the
undersigned counsel informed the Court Interpreter of The intention to manipulate in a hidden fashion a
Branch 12, that he would request for a second call coated image of innocence in counsel's submission is
since he will (sic) appear in Criminal Case No. 3839 all too clear as crystal to escape notice. The conduct is
before Branch 11; not simply odd but exhibits an effort to trifle with the
court. Such conduct plainly makes a mockery of judicial
4. That unfortunately due to the lengthy direct and proceedings and makes a fool of this court." 28
cross-examination of the witness on the stand in
Criminal Case No. 3839, the second call requested for Indeed, candor towards the courts is a cardinal
Civil Case No. 2119 was ahead a few minutes than that requirement of a practicing lawyer. 29 Complainant's
of the termination of the proceedings in Criminal Case aforequoted motion for reconsideration could barely
No. 3839 and the reason why counsel was not around measure up to this criterion. The concealment of the
as well as the counsel for the defendants when the facts naturally did not earn sympathy for him.
second call for Civil Case No. 2119 was made . . .
In his Compliance with the Order of 7 December 1990,
Apparently, the aforesaid motion creates the complainant clarified his misleading statement. He
impression that complainant had no knowledge of the mailed his Compliance in Manila by registered mail on
17 December 1990. However, the same was received
by respondent court only on 26 December 1990. In the
meantime, respondent judge had already issued the
order of 20 December 1990 suspending him from the
practice of law.

Considering the foregoing circumstances, we find no

malice in the actuations of respondent judge. We
perceive from his Order of 20 December 1990 the zeal
to uphold the dignity of the court and the seriousness
with which he takes his task as dispenser of justice. His
record at the Office of the Court Administrator attests
to his earnest efforts in reducing his heavy caseload
and instilling discipline in his court. As the aforesaid
order reveals, he would not tolerate any attempt at
disrespect towards the court nor permit the use of
double talk from any member of the Bar. Such attitude
may be severe and inflexible at times but in the case at
bench, his actuations do not constitute grave abuse of
discretion and misconduct to justify the imposition of
an administrative sanction.

On the other hand, complainant should be reminded of

his primary duty to assist the court in the
administration of justice. It bears stressing that the
relations between counsel and judge should be based
on mutual respect and on a deep appreciation by one
of the duties of the other. 30 It is upon their cordial
relationship and mutual cooperation that the hope of
our people for speedy and efficient justice rests.

As regards the charge of gross dishonesty and serious

inefficiency, we affirm the recommendation of the
investigating justice that the same should be dismissed
for being baseless.

WHEREFORE, the complaint against JUDGE BONIFACIO

SANZ MACEDA, Regional Trial Court, Br. 12, Antique,
now detailed in Naval, Biliran, Br. 16, for grave abuse of
discretion and misconduct, gross dishonesty and
serious inefficiency, and failing to decide cases within
the reglementary period, is DISMISSED.

property by the plaintiff in favor of such defendant. On
motion for reconsideration, however, the trial court
reversed itself and declared that the sale was in fact an
equitable mortgage. It thus ordered the cancellation of
TCT No. 152621 and the reinstatement of the previous
title on the subject property.

The complainant appealed the case to the

Court of Appeals, docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 40167. In
its Decision dated March 31, 1995, the appellate court
reversed the ruling of the RTC, to wit:

WHEREFORE, the appealed Order dated November 16,

1992, is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and the
original Decision of the trial court, dated December 2,
1991, hereby REINSTATED, with the modification that
plaintiff-appellee is ordered to pay defendant-appellant
the sum of Five Thousand (P5,000.00) Pesos a month
as reasonable rental for the use and occupation of
Apartment No. 161 from July 15, 1988 until the
premises shall have been vacated and possession
thereof peacefully turned over to defendant-appellant.

The counterclaim for

attorneys fees of defendant-
appellant is DENIED. There is no
clear showing that the action
taken by plaintiff-appellee was
done in bad faith. There should
be no penalty on the right to
JOHN SIY LIM, A.C. No. 5653 litigate.[if !supportFootnotes][3][endif]
Present: The aggrieved party elevated the matter to
this Court, and the petition was docketed as G.R. No.
PANGANIBAN, C.J., Chairperson, 119794. On October 3, 2000, the Court affirmed the
YNARES-SANTIAGO, ruling of the CA and denied the petition.[if !supportFootnotes][4]
- versus- AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, [endif]
Entry of judgment was made of record on October
CALLEJO, SR., and 3, 2000.[if !supportFootnotes][5][endif]
On January 4, 2002, respondent filed a
ATTY. CARMELITO A. Promulgated: Notice of Appearance[if !supportFootnotes][6][endif] as counsel of
MONTANO, Tomas See Tuazon (the losing party) in the RTC of
Respondent. February 27, 2006 Caloocan City, Branch 131 in Civil Case No. C-14542.
x---------------------------------------- On January 7, 2002, he filed, in behalf of his client, a
----------x Motion to Comply to [sic] Decision without Writ,[if !
worded as follows:
DECISION 1. Plaintiff is aware that pursuant to
the decision of the court, as affirmed by the
CALLEJO, SR., J.: Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court, the
decision on the present case had already
Atty. Carmelito A. Montano stands charged become final and executory.
with gross misconduct relative to his filing of Civil Case
No. C-19928 entitled Spouses Tomas See Tuazon and 2. In order to avoid
Natividad See Deecho v. John Siy Lim and the Register undue inconvenience on the part
of Deeds of Caloocan City.[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif] of herein defendant, plaintiff
shall voluntarily settle the
It appears that complainant John Siy Lim was money judgment as stated in the
the defendant in Civil Case No. C-14542 for reformation decision sought to be enforced.
of contract, quieting of title, with damages, then
pending before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of 3. The plaintiff will be
Caloocan City, Branch 131.[if !supportFootnotes][2][endif] The filing Eight Hundred Ten
subject of the dispute was a 650-square meter conjugal Thousand (P810,000.00)
lot along A. del Mundo Street, 7th Avenue, Caloocan City Pesos, equivalent to 162
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 860. months of rent as per decision
After trial, the RTC ruled in favor of defendant and the same to be covered by
(complainant herein), and declared that the deed of supersedeas bond issued by a
sale the parties executed on July 15, 1987 was an reliable insurance company to
absolute and unconditional conveyance of subject answer for said obligation.
based on his professional appreciation that his client
4. Every month had a good case.
starting February 15, 2002,
plaintiff shall deposit to the court In his Reply,[if !supportFootnotes][15][endif] the
the amount of P5,000.00 as complainant stressed that the respondent was guilty of
monthly rent.[if !supportFootnotes][8][endif] forum shopping; Civil Case No. C-19928 was nothing
but a revival of the old complaint; and the lame excuse
of the respondent that the present case is an action in
On the same date, respondent, in behalf of his clients rem while the other case is an action in personam did
(the spouses Tomas See Tuazon) filed the Complaint[if ! not merit consideration.
for nullity of TCT and other
documents, reconveyance, maintenance of physical On November 25, 2002, the Court resolved
possession before the RTC of Caloocan City, eventually to refer the matter to the Integrated Bar of the
raffled to Branch 121 thereof (Civil Case No. C-19928). Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and
recommendation.[if !supportFootnotes][16][endif]
Meantime, on February 19, 2002, Judge
Luisito C. Sardillo of Branch 126 [if !supportFootnotes][10][endif] On September 1, 2003, the IBP Commission
issued an Order[if !supportFootnotes][11][endif] in Civil Case No. C- on Bar Discipline assigned the case to Commissioner
14542 granting the Motion for Execution with Salvador L. Pea. Only the counsel for the respondent
Manifestation earlier filed by the prevailing party appeared at the mandatory conference held on
(complainant herein), and denying for lack of merit, September 30, 2003. Finding that there were no factual
the Motion to Comply to [sic] Decision without Writ issues in the case, Commissioner Pea terminated the
filed by respondent counsel. mandatory conference and ordered the parties to
submit their respective verified Position Papers, and,
This prompted the complainant to file the thereafter, considered the case submitted for
instant complaint for disbarment against respondent. In resolution.
his Complaint-Affidavit[if !supportFootnotes][12][endif] dated March
20, 2002, complainant alleged that respondent filed The case was re-assigned to Commissioner
the complaint in Civil Case No. C-19928 out of malice, Doroteo B. Aguila who submitted his Report and
pointing out that it involves the same parties, the same Recommendation dated May 9, 2005, finding the
causes of action and relief prayed for as that of Civil respondent guilty of misconduct. It was recommended
Case No. C-14542. Thus, the complainant prayed that that respondent be meted a two months suspension
the respondent be disbarred and/or suspended from from the practice of law.
the practice of law for his gross misconduct, on the
following allegation: According to the Investigating
Commissioner, the elements of res judicata are present
6. Evidently, I have in this case as to bar the filing of Civil Case No. C-
been subjected to harassment 19928 since (a) the judgment in Civil Case No. C-
by the antics of the respondent 14542, upholding the validity of the absolute deed of
in filing a recycled case sale, had attained finality; (b) the court which rendered
docketed as Civil Case No. C- the decision had the required jurisdiction; and (c) the
19928 on January 07, 2002. disposition of the case was a judgment on the merits.
Respondent is guilty in abetting
the conduct of his clients, Sps. On October 22, 2005, the Board of Governors of the IBP
Tuazon. He has clearly violated Commission on Bar Discipline issued Resolution No.
his lawyers oath not to promote XVII-2005-108, adopting said Report and
or sue groundless, false or Recommendation with the modification that
unlawful suits among others. respondent be suspended from the practice of law for
Instead of counseling his clients six (6) months.
to abide and obey the decision
of our Supreme Court, the final We agree that respondent is administratively liable.
arbiter of all controversies and
disputes, he is showing In this case, it is clear that respondent is
disrespect to a final and guilty of forum shopping. By his own admission, he was
executory decision of our court. aware that Civil Case No. C-14542 was already final
[if !supportFootnotes][13][endif]
and executory when he filed the second case (Civil
Case No. C-19928). His allegation that he was not the
In his Comment,[if !supportFootnotes][14][endif]
original counsel of his clients and that when he filed
respondent denied the allegations against him. While the subsequent case for nullity of TCT, his motive was
he admitted that he filed Civil Case No. C-19928 as to protect the rights of his clients whom he believed
counsel for the plaintiff therein, he claimed that it was were not properly addressed in the prior case for
not filed with malicious intent. Moreover, while the new reformation and quieting of title, deserves scant
case involved the same party, it was for a different consideration. As a responsible member of the bar, he
cause of action and relief, and, as such, the principle of should have explained the effect of such final and
res judicata did not apply. He further explained that the executory decision on his clients rights, instead of
complaint in Civil Case No. C-14542 was for declaratory encouraging them to file another case involving the
relief or reformation of instrument, while Civil Case No. same property and asserting the same rights.
19928 was for annulment of title. He accepted the case
The essence of forum shopping is the filing attorney to act with all good fidelity to the courts, and
of multiple suits involving the same parties for the to maintain only such actions as appear to him to be
same cause of action, either simultaneously or just and are consistent with truth and honor. [if !
successively, for the purpose of obtaining a favorable supportFootnotes][24][endif]

judgment. It exists when, as a result of an adverse

opinion in one forum, a party seeks a favorable opinion The filing of another action concerning the
in another, or when he institutes two or more actions or same subject matter, in violation of the doctrine of res
proceedings grounded on the same cause to increase judicata, runs contrary to Canon 12 of the Code of
the chances of obtaining a favorable decision. An Professional Responsibility, which requires a lawyer to
important factor in determining its existence is the exert every effort and consider it his duty to assist in
vexation caused to the courts and the parties-litigants the speedy and efficient administration of justice. By
by the filing of similar cases to claim substantially the his actuations, respondent also violated Rule 12.02 [if !
same reliefs.[if !supportFootnotes][17][endif] Forum shopping exists supportFootnotes][25][endif]
and Rule 12.04[if !supportFootnotes][26][endif] of
where the elements of litis pendentia are present or the Code, as well as a lawyers mandate to delay no
where a final judgment in one case will amount to res man for money or malice.[if !supportFootnotes][27][endif]
judicata in another.[if !supportFootnotes][18][endif] Thus, the
following requisites should concur: Lawyers should be reminded that their
primary duty is to assist the courts in the
(a) identity of parties, or administration of justice. Any conduct which tends to
at least such parties as represent delay, impede or obstruct the administration of justice
the same interests in both actions, contravenes such lawyers duty. Indeed, the Court has
(b) identity of rights asserted and time and again warned not to resort to forum shopping
relief prayed for, the relief being for this practice clogs the court dockets. [if !supportFootnotes][28]
founded on the same facts, and (c) [endif]

the identity of the two preceding While we rule that the respondent should be
particulars is such that any sanctioned for his actions, we also note that the power
judgment rendered in the other to disbar should be exercised with great caution, to be
action will, regardless of which imposed only in a clear case of misconduct that
party is successful, amount to res seriously affects the standing and character of the
judicata in the action under lawyer as an officer of the Court and as a member of
consideration. x x x[if !supportFootnotes][19] the bar. Disbarment should never be decreed where
any lesser penalty could accomplish the end desired. [if !

The fact that the parties in the first and WHEREFORE, for violating Canon 12 of the Code of
second cases are not identical will not prevent the Professional Responsibility, respondent Atty. Carmelito
application of the principle of res judicata. Mere A. Montano is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for
substantial identity of parties, or a community of a period of six (6) months. He is STERNLY WARNED
interests between a party in the first case and a party that any future violation of his duties as a lawyer will
in the subsequent case, even if the latter was not be dealt with more severely. This Decision is
impleaded in the first case, is sufficient. [if !supportFootnotes][20] immediately executory. Atty. Montano is DIRECTED to
Moreover, a party cannot, by varying the form of inform the Court of the date of receipt of this decision.
action or adopting a different method of presenting his
case, escape the operation of the principle that one SO ORDERED.
and the same cause of action shall not be twice
litigated between the same parties or their privies.[if !
This was what respondent resorted to
in order to give some semblance of merit to the
complaint for annulment of title. He should have
realized that[if !supportLineBreakNewLine][endif]

the ruling of the Court in Tuazon v. Court of Appeals[if !

effectively determined with finality
the rights and obligations of the parties under the
questioned deed of sale.

A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his

client but not at the expense of truth and the
administration of justice.[if !supportFootnotes][23][endif] The filing
of multiple petitions constitutes abuse of the Courts
processes and improper conduct that tends to impede,
obstruct and degrade the administration of justice and
will be punished as contempt of court. Needless to
state, the lawyer who files such multiple or repetitious
petitions (which obviously delays the execution of a
final and executory judgment) subjects himself to
disciplinary action for incompetence (for not knowing
any better) or for willful violation of his duties as an
REDENTOR S. JARDIN, complainant, vs. ATTY.



Law is a profession and lawyers are professionals.

Implicit in professionalism is a certain level of
competence and dedication. Far from measuring up to
the standards of a lawyers conduct set in the Code of
Professional Responsibility which are also the hallmarks
of professionalism, the lawyer charged in this case
virtually abandoned his clients cause.

This is a complaint for disbarment filed by complainant

Redentor S. Jardin against respondent Atty. Deogracias
Villar, Jr., who was his counsel in a case, for the latters
failure to formally offer the documentary exhibits,
which failure resulted in the dismissal of the case.

The complainant Redentor S. Jardin is the plaintiff in

Civil Case No. 21480 of the Metropolitan Trial Court,
Quezon City. A building contractor, he engaged the
services of the respondent to represent him in the case
which is for the collection of the sum of One Hundred
Five Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Four and 80/100
Pesos (P105,744.80), representing the alleged unpaid
contract price for the repair of the house of the
defendants in the case.[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif] The case
went its course, but later despite several extensions of
time given by the trial court, the respondent failed to
file his formal offer of exhibits.[if !supportFootnotes][2][endif]
Consequently, on May 7, 2001, the trial court issued an
Order the full text of which reads as follows:

When this case was called for continuation of hearing,

Atty. Rodrigo C. Reyes, counsel for the defendants
manifested that up to this date, Atty. Villar, Jr., counsel
for the plaintiff has not formally offer (sic) the
documentary exhibits for the plaintiff in writing as
Order (sic) by the Court.

Records show that on February 26, 2001, Atty. Villar, Jr.

was given an extension period of TEN (10) days within
which to formally offer the documentary exhibits in
writing copy furnished Atty. Reyes, counsel for the
defendants who was given a period of Five (5) days
within which to comment and/or oppose the
admissibility of the said exhibits and set the
continuation of the hearing of this case for the
presentation of evidence for the defendant on March
30, 2001.

On March 30, 2001, when this case was called for

hearing records show that Atty. Villar, Jr., counsel for
the plaintiff has not complied yet with the formal offer
of documentary exhibits for the plaintiff and again, in
the interest of justice, the Court give (sic) Atty. Villar, Jr.
another period of TEN (10) days within which to
formally offer the documentary exhibits in writing and
set the continuation of the hearing of this case for
today for the presentation of evidence for the
defendant. ....

Records show however, that on this date, the said It is clear from the above-quoted Order that it was the
counsel for the plaintiff have (sic) not complied with failure of respondent Villar to file the Formal Offer of
the submission of documentary exhibits for the Documentary Exhibits which led to the dismissal of
plaintiff. For lack of interest on the part of the counsel Civil Case No. 21480 to the prejudice of respondents
for the plaintiff to further prosecute this case, upon client, herein complainant. Respondent Villar has failed
motion of Atty. Reyes the oral testimonial evidence to offer any explanation for his failure to file the Formal
submitted by the plaintiff is hereby ordered Offer of Exhibits within the several extensions of time
WITHDRAWN from the records and upon further motion given him by the trial court to do so. There is no doubt
of ordered WITHDRAWN from the records and upon that it was part of respondents obligation to
further motion of Atty. Reyes, this case is hereby complainant as the latters counsel of record in Civil
ordered DISMISSED for lack of interest on the part of Case No. 21480, to file said Formal Offer of
the plaintiff to further prosecute this case. Documentary Exhibits, and respondents dereliction of
this duty has prejudiced the interests of respondents
Upon motion of Atty. Reyes, set the continuation of the client. In accepting Civil Case No. 21480, it was
hearing of this case for the presentation of evidence on respondents obligation to take all measures to protect
the counter claim on the part of the defendant on June the interests of his client in accordance with Canon
15, 2001 at 8:30 oclock in the morning.[if !supportFootnotes][3] (sic) 18 & 19 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
[endif] but it was respondents negligence or omission which
has caused damage to such interests.[if !supportFootnotes][8]

The dismissal of the collection case prompted the

complainant to file a verified Affidavit-Complaint[if !
dated July 4, 2001 for the disbarment In its Resolution dated April 26, 2003, the IBP Board of
of the respondent with this Court, wherein he also Governors adopted and approved said Report and
alleged the developments which transpired after the Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner.
dismissal of the case, viz: that he already terminated
the services of the respondent as his counsel; that the We are also in full accord with the findings and
respondent failed to return the originals of the recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner.
documentary exhibits entrusted to him; and that the
respondent finally handed over the documents only as At the outset, we find particularly glaring the
an aftermath of a heated argument he had with the respondents disregard of the resolution of this Court
complainants wife. directing him to file his comment on the complaint. He
exhibited a similar attitude in failing to file his answer
In a Resolution[if !supportFootnotes][5][endif] dated September 10, when required by the Commission on Bar Discipline.
2001, this Court required the respondent to comment The repeated cavalier conduct belies impudence and
on the complaint against him. However, the respondent lack of respect for the authority of this Court.
failed to file his comment despite two (2) extensions of
time granted to him. Thus, the Court resolved to The record clearly shows that the respondent has been
dispense with the filing of the respondents comment languid in the performance of his duties as counsel for
and referred the case to the Integrated Bar of the the complainant. He was given by the trial court
Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and several extensions of time: first, an extension of ten
recommendation.[if !supportFootnotes][6][endif] (10) days from February 26, 2001 or until March 8,
2001, and; second, another extension of ten (10) days
Similarly, the respondent failed to file his answer as from March 30, 2001, when the case was called for
required by the Commission on Bar Discipline of the hearing and the court noted that no such formal offer
IBP.[if !supportFootnotes][7][endif] Hence, the averments made, as had been filed then, or until April 9, 2001. It must also
well as the evidence submitted by the complainant, are be emphasized that there was an interim period of
undisputed. twenty two (22) days between March 8, 2001 and
March 30, 2001, and another interval of twenty-seven
Investigating Commissioner Attorney Milagros V. San (27) days from April 9, 2001 until May 7, 2001 when
Juan, IBP Commission on Bar Discipline, found the the Order dismissing the case was issued. Effectively,
respondent liable for negligence and recommended his therefore, respondent had three (3) months and nine
suspension from the practice of law for a period of six (9) days within which to file the formal offer of exhibits.
(6) months, with the warning that a similar conduct in
[if !supportFootnotes][9][endif]
The respondent did not bother to
the future will be dealt with more severely. The salient give an explanation even in mitigation or extenuation
portions of the Report and Recommendation dated of his inaction.
March 4, 2003 of the Investigating Commissioner are
as follows: Manifestly, the respondent has fallen short of the
competence and diligence required of every member of
Complainants contention that respondent Villar failed the Bar. The pertinent Canons of the Code of
to file plaintiffs Formal Offer of Documentary Evidence Professional Responsibility provide:
is substantiated by the Orders dated 26 February 2001,
30 March 2001 and 7 May 2001 (Annexes 7, 9 and 10 CANON 12 - A LAWYER SHALL EXERT EVERY EFFORT
respectively). The Order dated 7 May 2001 (Annex 10 AND CONSIDER IT HIS DUTY TO ASSIST IN THE SPEEDY
of complainants Affidavit) reads: AND EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE.
.... must serve the client with competence and diligence,
and champion the latter's cause with wholehearted
Rule 12.03 - A lawyer shall not, after obtaining fidelity, care, and devotion. Elsewise stated, he owes
extensions of time to file pleadings, memoranda or entire devotion to the interest of the client, warm zeal
briefs, let the period lapse without submitting the same in the maintenance and defense of his client's rights,
or offering an explanation for his failure to do so. and the exertion of his utmost learning and ability to
the end that nothing be taken or withheld from his
client, save by the rules of law, legally applied. This
CANON 17 A LAWYER OWES FIDELITY TO THE CAUSE simply means that his client is entitled to the benefit of
OF HIS CLIENT AND HE SHALL BE MINDFUL OF THE any and every remedy and defense that is authorized
TRUST AND CONFIDENCE REPOSED IN HIM. by the law of the land he may expect his lawyer to
assert every such remedy or defense. If much is
CANON 18 A LAWYER SHALL SERVE HIS CLIENT WITH demanded from an attorney, it is because the
COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE. entrusted privilege to practice law carries with it the
correlative duties not only to the client but also to the
.... court, to the bar, and to the public. A lawyer who
performs his duty with diligence and candor not only
protects the interest of his client; he also serves the
Rule 18.03 - A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter ends of justice, does honor to the bar, and helps
entrusted to him and his negligence in connection maintain the respect of the community to the legal
therewith shall render him liable. profession.[if !supportFootnotes][12][endif]

.... This Court has emphatically ruled that the trust and
confidence necessarily reposed by clients requires in
CANON 19 - A LAWYER SHAL REPRESENT HIS CLIENT the attorney a high standard and appreciation of his
WITH ZEAL WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE LAW. duty to his clients, his profession, the courts and the
public.[if !supportFootnotes][13][endif] Every case a lawyer accepts
It is indeed dismaying to note the respondents patent deserves his full attention, diligence, skill and
violation of his duty as a lawyer. He committed a competence, regardless of its importance and whether
serious transgression when he failed to exert his he accepts it for a fee or free.[if !supportFootnotes][14][endif]
utmost learning and ability and to give entire devotion Certainly, a member of the Bar who is worth his title
to his clients cause. His client had relied on him to file cannot afford to practice the profession in a
the formal offer of exhibits among other things. But he lackadaisical fashion. A lawyers lethargy from the
failed him. Resulting as it did in the dismissal of the perspective of the Canons is both unprofessional and
case, his failure constitutes inexcusable default. It unethical.
therefore behooves the Court to take action on the
respondents mortal infraction, which caused The IBP recommended the suspension of the
undeserved and needless prejudice to his clients respondent from the practice of law for a period of six
interest, adversely affected the confidence of the (6) months. We find the recommended penalty
community in the legal profession and eroded the commensurate with the offense committed.
publics trust in the judicial system. As an attorney, the
respondent is sworn to do his level best and to observe In Aromin v. Boncavil,[if !supportFootnotes][15][endif] this Court
full fidelity to the courts and his clients.[if !supportFootnotes][10] suspended a lawyer for six (6) months for his failure to
This means that in relation to his duty to his clients file a written offer of evidence despite the trial courts
he should put his maximum skills and full commitment directive.
to bear in representation of their causes.
The failure to file formal offer of evidence is in pari
We can only echo our pronouncements in Basas v. materia with failure to file brief, which as this Court
Icawat,[if !supportFootnotes][11][endif] to wit: held in Perla Compania de Seguros, Inc. v. Saquilabon [if !
constitutes inexcusable negligence. In
Respondent manifestly fell short of the diligence the Saquilabon case, the respondent lawyer was
required of his profession, in violation of Canon 18 of suspended from the practice of law for a period of six
the Code of Professional Responsibility, which (6) months. The Court likewise imposed the same
mandates that a lawyer shall serve his client with penalty upon the respondents in the cases of In Re:
competence and diligence. Rule 18.03 provides: Atty. David Briones,[if !supportFootnotes][17][endif] Spouses Galen
v. Paguinigan,[if !supportFootnotes][18][endif] Spouses Rabanal v.
"A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to Rabanal[if !supportFootnotes][19][endif] for their failure to file the
him, and his negligence in connection therewith shall briefs of their respective clients.
render him liable."
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing,
As we reiterated in Aromin, et al. v. Boncavil, A. C. No. respondent Atty. Deogracias Villar is SUSPENDED from
5135, September 22, 1999: the practice of law for six (6) months effective upon
finality hereof, with the WARNING that the repetition of
a similar violation will be dealt with even more
Once he agrees to take up the cause of a client, the severely.
lawyer owes fidelity to such cause and must always be
mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him. He
Let a copy of this decision be entered in the [if !supportFootnotes][2][endif]
the dispositive portion of which
personal records of respondent as a member of the reads:
Bar, and copies furnished the Bar Confidant, the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and the Court "WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
Administrator for circulation to all courts in the country.
Declaring the defendant's Certificate of Title No.
SO ORDERED. 205942 null and void.

Dismissing counterclaim of defendant without

pronouncement as to costs."

The aforesaid decision was affirmed[if !supportFootnotes]

by respondent Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.

25989 on June 25, 1991 and eventually upheld by this

[G.R. No. 123698. August 5, 1998] Court in G.R. No. L-101819 on November 25, 1991. Said
dismissal became final on March 5, 1992. [if !supportFootnotes][4]


CORPORATION, petitioner, vs. COURT
OF APPEALS and SPS. LILIA SEVILLA The RTC decision, having become final and
and JOSE SEELIN, respondents. executory, private respondents moved for execution
which was granted by the lower court. Accordingly, a
writ of execution of the decision was issued.
Subsequently, private respondents filed an
MARTINEZ, A.M., J.: Urgent Manifestation and Motion for an Immediate Writ
of Possession/Break Open Order. The motion was
This is the second time petitioner Eternal opposed by herein petitioner Eternal Gardens Memorial
Gardens Memorial Park Corporation has come to this Park Corporation contending that it is not submitting to
Court assailing the execution of the judgment dated the jurisdiction of the trial court; that it is completely
August 24, 1989, rendered by the Regional Trial Court unaware of the suit between private respondents and
of Caloocan City in Civil Case No. C-9297. Apparently, Central Dyeing; that it is the true and registered owner
hope springs eternal for petitioner, considering that the of the lot having bought the same from Central Dyeing;
issues raised in this second petition for review are but and that it was a buyer in good faith.
mere reiterations of previously settled issues which
have already attained finality. We now write finis to this On July 1, 1992, the trial court granted private
controversy which has dragged on for seventeen (17) respondents motion. Another Order was issued on
years, for as we ruled in Gomez vs. Presiding Judge, August 18, 1992 by the trial court holding that the
RTC, Br. 15, Ozamis City:[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif] judgment was binding on petitioner, being the
successor-in-interest of defendant Central Dyeing
x x x litigations must end and terminate sometime and pursuant to Rule 39, Section 48(b) of the Revised Rules
somewhere, it being essential to the effective of Court.
administration of justice that once a judgment has
become final, the winning party be not, through a mere Petitioner went to the Court of Appeals in a
subterfuge, deprived of the fruits of the verdict. Hence, petition for certiorari. On September 30, 1992 the
courts must guard themselves against any scheme to Court of Appeals rendered judgment dismissing the
bring about that result, for constituted as they are to petition, excerpts of which read:
put an end to controversies, they should frown upon
any attempt to prolong it. Public policy and sound
practice demand that at the risk of occasional errors, We reviewed carefully the assailed orders and find no
judgments of courts should become final and compelling reason to disturb the same.
irrevocable at some definite date fixed by law. Interes
rei publicae ut finis sit litium. Indeed, since petitioner admits that it bought the
property from Central Dyeing and Finishing
The facts: Corporation, defendant in Civil Case No. C-9297,
petitioner is bound by the decision rendered therein by
respondent Judge.
The case started on May 18, 1981 when private
respondent-spouses Jose Seelin and Lilia Sevilla Seelin
filed a complaint against Central Dyeing & Finishing Under Section 20, Rule 3, Revised Rules of Court, a
Corporation (Central Dyeing for brevity) for quieting of transferee pendente lite does not have to be included
title and for declaration of nullity of Transfer Certificate or impleaded by name in order to be bound by the
of Title (TCT No. 205942) issued in the name of said judgment because the action or suit may be continued
corporation, docketed as Civil Case No. C-9297, before for or against the original party or the transferor and
the Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City. still be binding on the transferee[if !supportFootnotes][5][endif]

On August 24, 1989, the trial court rendered judgment, The motion for reconsideration was also denied
by the Court of Appeals on February 18, 1993. [if !
private respondents, the instant petition has
already become moot and academic as the
property in question was already turned over by
On further appeal to this Court, petitioners the Deputy Sheriff to the plaintiffs, and the writs
petition for review on certiorari, docketed as G. R. No. of execution and possession fully satisfied. Thus,
109076, was denied in a resolution dated August 2, hopefully, putting the legal battle of this case to
1993.[if !supportFootnotes][7][endif] Upon finality of said resolution, rest." (Emphasis ours.)
this Court issued Entry of Judgment dated October 21,
1993.[if !supportFootnotes][8][endif] The motion for reconsideration was likewise
denied on January 30, 1996.[if !supportFootnotes][13][endif]
Thereafter, private respondents filed another
motion for the issuance of a second writ of execution Petitioner once again seeks this Court's
before the trial court which was granted in the Order of intervention reiterating in essence the same line of
July 20, 1994. arguments espoused in their petition before the
respondent Court of Appeals.
Not willing to give up, petitioner sought a
reconsideration. Petitioners motion was initially The petition must fail.
granted[if !supportFootnotes][9][endif] on August 29, 1994 by the
trial court thru Judge Arturo Romero. However, upon It is a settled rule that once a court renders a
motion of private respondents, the said order was final judgment, all the issues between or among the
reconsidered on December 19, 1994[if !supportFootnotes][10][endif] parties before it are deemed resolved and its judicial
by Judge Emilio L. Leachon, Jr., who succeeded Judge functions with respect to any matter related to the
Romero. Forthwith, alias writs of execution were issued. controversy litigated come to an end.

Desperately needing a favorable judgment, Petitioners argument that the trial court cannot
petitioner, for the second time, filed a petition for order it and the one hundred (100) memorial lot
certiorari[if !supportFootnotes][11][endif] with respondent Court of owners to surrender and/or deliver possession of the
Appeals (docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 36591), arguing property in dispute on the ground that they were never
inter alia: that the judgment cannot be executed parties to the case between private respondents and
against it because it was not a party to Civil Case No. Central Dyeing, has long been resolved by respondent
C-9297; that the decision of the trial court in said case Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 28797 when it ruled:
never mandated Central Dyeing to deliver possession
of the property to the private respondents; that certain
facts and circumstances which occurred after the Indeed, since petitioner admits that it bought the
finality of the judgment will render the execution highly property from Central Dyeing and Finishing
unjust, illegal and inequitable; that the issuance of the Corporation, defendant in Civil Case No. C-9297,
assailed writ of execution violates the lot buyers petitioner is bound by the decision rendered therein by
freedom of religion and worship; and that private respondent Judge.
respondents title is being questioned in another case.
Under Section 20, Rule 3, Revised Rules of Court, a
On September 29, 1995, the respondent court transferee pendente lite does not have to be included
rendered judgment[if !supportFootnotes][12][endif] dismissing the or impleaded by name in order to be bound by the
petition for certiorari on the ground that the lower judgment because the action or suit may be continued
court's decision in Civil Case No. 9297 had long for or against the original party or the transferor and
become final and executory. It ruled, thus: still be binding on the transferee.[if !supportFootnotes][14][endif]

"This Court needs (sic) not belabor the fact that the The aforesaid decision was affirmed by this Court
respondent Court's decision in Civil Case No. 9297 had in G.R. No. 109076 and attained finality on October 21,
long become final and executory. The respondent 1993. There is, therefore, no need for us to belabor the
court's writs of execution and possession could have same issue here.
been implemented a long time ago if not for the series
of legal maneuvers of petitioner Eternal Gardens. x x x Further, petitioners contention that a
x Petitioner Eternal Gardens cannot anymore determination of the issue of possession should first be
stop the execution of a final judgment by raising resolved before the issuance of a writ of possession is
issues which actually have been ruled upon by untenable.
this Court in its earlier case with Us in CA-G.R.
SP No. 28797. To Our mind, the instant petition is a Placing private respondents in possession of the
mere continuation of petitioner's dilatory tactics so that land in question is the necessary and logical effect or
plaintiffs, although prevailing party, will not benefit at consequence of the decision in Civil Case No. C-9297
all from a final judgment in their favor. Thus, the declaring them as the rightful owners of the property.
instant petition is obviously, frivolous and dilatory As correctly argued by the private respondents, they
warranting the assessment of double costs of this suit do not have to institute another action for the purpose
against petitioner Sec. 3, Rule 142 of the Revised Rules of taking possession of the subject realty.
of Court).
Petitioner likewise asserts that certain facts and
Moreover, as manifested by the plaintiffs, herein
circumstances transpired after the finality of judgment plaintiffs, they are given authority to destroy a small
in Civil Case No. C-9297 which will render the execution portion of the fence so that they can have access to
of the said judgment unjust and illegal. It points to the the property. But as to the demolition of the burial lots,
pendency of Civil Case No. C-11337 before the negotiation could be made by the defendant with the
Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City filed by the former owner so that cash payment or cash settlement
Republic of the Philippines against private respondents be made."[if !supportFootnotes][16][endif]
for nullification of 22 titles which include the title to the
subject property. Petitioner argues that the pendency Even the former Presiding Judge Arturo A.
of the said case provides a reasonable justification why Romero, in his Order dated July 20, 1994, imposed the
execution of the aforesaid judgment and delivery of following limitation on the writ of execution, as follows:
possession of the subject property should be
permanently stayed or at least held in abeyance until
after the final resolution of the case. "Moreover, considering the manifestation that large
areas within the Eternal Gardens have been sold to so
many persons who now have buried their beloved ones
We do not agree. in the grave lots adjoining the lot in question, it is
therefore, in the interest of justice and equity, that the
The pendency of Civil Case No. C-11337 for enforcement of the writ of possession and break open
annulment of titles filed by the Republic against private order should be applied only to the gate of Eternal
respondents will not justify the suspension of the Gardens Memorial Park at the eastern side nearest to
execution of the judgment in Civil Case No. C-9297. the parcel of land in question where the factory of the
This is so because the petitioners title which originated defendant is located, in order to avoid disturbing the
from Central Dyeing (TCT No. 205942) was already peace of the resting souls over the graves spread over
annulled in the judgment sought to be executed, and the parcels of land within the said memorial park."[if !
which judgment had long been affirmed by the Court of supportFootnotes][17][endif]

Appeals and by this Court. Thus, even if, in the remote

possibility, the trial court will nullify the said private From the above-mentioned orders, it can be seen
respondents title in Civil Case No. C-11337, as argued that the issue as to the status of the burial lot owners
by petitioner, the supposed adverse decision cannot has been properly addressed.
validate TCT No. 205942 and make petitioner the
rightful owner of the subject land. Clearly, the present
petition was instituted merely to delay the execution of Be that as it may, the petition has been rendered
the judgment. moot and academic in view of the fact that the
questioned Alias Writ of Possession dated December
27, 1994 and the Alias Writ of Execution dated
Finally, petitioners fear that the grave lots will be December 27, 1994 have already been implemented
disturbed, desecrated and destroyed once the by the Sheriff as shown by the Sheriffs Return, [if !
execution of the judgment proceeds is more imagined supportFootnotes][18][endif]
dated March 31, 1995, with the
than real. A perusal of the Orders of the trial court with attached Turn Over Premises[if !supportFootnotes][19][endif]
regard to the execution of the judgment reveals that indicating therein that private respondents took
the interests of said burial lot owners have been taken possession of the subject property.
into account by the trial court when it took steps and
made suggestions as to how their rights could be
amply protected. In its Order dated February 13, 1995, A note of caution. This case has again delayed
the trial court, through Judge Emilio L. Leachon, Jr., the execution of a final judgment for seventeen (17)
stated: years to the prejudice of the private respondents. In
the meantime that petitioner has thwarted execution,
interment on the disputed lot has long been going on,
"The defendant-petitioner are (sic) however not so that by the time this case is finally terminated, the
completely without recourse or remedy because they whole lot shall have already been filled with
can still go after the original party-defendant or tombstones, leaving nothing for private respondents,
transferor of the property in question which is Central the real owners of the property. This is a mockery of
Dyeing and Finishing Corporation pursuant to Section justice.
20, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court. And should it be
difficult or nay impossible for plaintiff-respondents to
be placed in possession of the subject property, due to We note that while lawyers owe entire devotion
defendant-petitioners' arguments that the same have to the interest of their clients and zeal in the defense of
already been sold to burial lot buyers, then it should be their client's right, they should not forget that they are
incumbent for the defendant-petitioners to negotiate officers of the court, bound to exert every effort to
with the plaintiff-respondents for payment in cash of assist in the speedy and efficient administration of
the property subject of their complaint to avoid justice. They should not, therefore, misuse the rules of
demolition or desecration since they benefited from the procedure to defeat the ends of justice or unduly delay
sale of the burial lots."[if !supportFootnotes][15][endif] a case, impede the execution of a judgment or misuse
court processes.[if !supportFootnotes][20][endif] In Banogan et. al.
vs. Cerna, et. al.,[if !supportFootnotes][21][endif] we ruled:
In another order dated May 4, 1995, the
following directive was given, to wit:
"As officers of the court, lawyers have a responsibility
to assist in the proper administration of justice. They
"The court directs and orders the defendant to give do not discharge this duty by filing pointless petitions
access to the plaintiffs and as proposed by the that only add to the workload of the judiciary,
especially this Court, which is burdened enough as it is. WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED.
A judicious study of the facts and the law should advise
them when a case such as this, should not be SO ORDERED.
permitted to be filed to merely clutter the already
congested judicial dockets. They do not advance the
cause of law or their clients by commencing litigations
that for sheer lack of merit do not deserve the
attention of the courts."

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