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UDC 669.141'.264: 621.74.002.

:001.4620 1 DEUTSCHE NORM J May 1985

Technical delivery conditions DIN

for castings made from -~etallic mat'rJI~,:;:. ~ Q r.:st8QQ
General cond1t1ons '- ' H' Q;t 1
Technische Lieferbedingungen fr Gustcke aus metallischen Werkstoffen; Supersedes August 1981
allgemeine Bedingungen ~, edition.

in keeping with current practice in Standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
a comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker.

The subclauses marked with a single dot (e) give specifications whic~ aretobe agreed upon at the time of ordering.
The subclauses marked with two dots (ee) give specifications which are optional and may be agreed upon at the time
of orderi ng.

1 Field of application 2.6 Heat treatment of ferrous materials

These generat technical delivery conditions apply to cast The technical terms and definitions given in 01 N 17 014
i11gs made from standard or non-standardcastmetallic Part 1 shall apply to the types of heat treatm0o1t of fer
materials, unless other delivery conditions have been rous..materials.
agreed at ths time of ordering.
( Additional delivery conditions specific to particular 3 Ordering
materials may be specified in other standards of the 3.1 Technical data
DIN 1690 series. The purchaser shall giveclea: information in the order,
in particular on
- the number of castingstobe supplied;
2 Concepts - the relevant drawings, Standards, technical specifica-
2.1 Casting tions, codes of practice, etc.;
A casting is a workpiepe that has been shaped by the - the supply of pattern equipment, core boxes, perma-
solidification of liquid metal in a mould. nent moulds;
- the shape and sizes of castings, see subclause 3.1.1;
2.2 Raw casti ng - the mass of the castings, see subclause 3.1.2;
A raw casting is a casting that has not been machined or - the requirements regarding the material, see subclause
has not yet been finish-machined. 3.1.3.
Where necessary, the ordershall include other data
2.3 Type sample essential for it to be carried out, such as
A type sample is a casting submitted to the customer for - requirements regarding the outer and inner condition
testing before approval is given for production. of the castings;
- the wall thickness tobe considered, see subclause 2.4;
2.4 Wall thickness tobe considerad
- the type and extent of machining to be carried out by
The wall thickness to be considered for the purposes of
the manufacturer;
this standard is the wall thickness for which the agreed
mechanical properties apply. - the type and extent of special tests to be carried out
by the manufacturer and the conditions applicable to
2.5 Welds such tests, see subclause 5.1;
2.5.1 Production weid - special measures to be taken or specifications to be
A production weid is a welt:t carried out by the manufac- obJerved for manufacture 'or testirlg of castings;
turer as part of the production process, the object of particularly with regard to the testing of production
which is to ensure the agreed quality of the casting. welds, in cases where castings are partly or completely
subject to special stress conditions;
Note. Repair welds aretobe distinguished from pro-
duction welds; they are used tb repair castings - type of documents covering the tests performed, see
subclause 5.2;
~ ~
damaged after being produced.
- type of packing, see clause 7;
~ 2.5.2 Fabrication weid - special requirements, where these are either not
~ c
... m A fabrication weid isaweid by means of which a cast- specified or not specified as binding in the standards
.8e covering materials specified in the order.
'~ ~ ing is joined to another workpiece to form one unit .

.t /:7~\ Continued on pages 2 to 7

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Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlln 30, has exclus1ve sale nghts for German Standards (DINNormen) DIN 1690 Part 1 Eng/. Pnce group 7
12.85 Sales No. 0107
Page 2 DIN 1690 Part 1

3.1.1 Information on shape and sizas the castings expressiv instructed the manufacturer to lf the pattern equipment istolle manutac- reinspect them.
tured by the manutacturer, this shall be specitied in the lf the castings aretobe manufactured insmall numbers,
order, and also the quality class as detined in DIN 1511. the purchaser is recommended to require inspection of
The purchaser shall make available to the manutacturer the shape and dimensions of the pattern equipment or
a sufficient quantity ot the necessary drawing(s), e. g. permanent moulds supplied by him, by the manukc-
drawings of the raw casting and construction drawings. turer.
The numbers ot the relevant drawings shall be specitied Parts to be cast in and lost patterns, supplied
in the order. by the purchaser, shall conform to the required dimen
The surfaces tobe machined and the starting surfaces for sions and be in a satisfactory condition.
machining and for the dimensional check shall be spec-
ified in the drawings.
3.1.2 Information on the mass
For castings produced in lost moulds, agreement
The drawings shall conform to Standardsandshall be pro
shall be made at the time ot ordering as to whether the
pared, taking into account the technical aspects regarding
mass of a castingshall be the same as the mass calculated
the mould, casting process, fettling, and testing. lt modi
from the drawing or the mass of a.pilot casting accurate
fications to the purchaser's drawings are necessary for
to size. ln the first case, any modifications to the mould
these reasons, they shall be agreed between the manu-
or the casting process and all machining allowances shall
tacturer and the purchaser. lt shall be stated whether the
pattern dratt (see DIN 1511) is tobe added, subtracted be taken into account.
or averaged .. 3.1.3 Information on material

For general tolera'lces and machining allowances for cast The choice af the cast material is at the discretion of the
'ngs, DIN 1680 Part 1 and Part 2 shall apply. purchaser.
For the various material groups, the accuracy grades for The suitab:lity of the castmaterial with regard to the
dimensional tolerances and machining allowances are casting process and the proposed castingshall be checked
specitied in the following standards: by the manufacturer.
tor steel castings, in DIN 1683 Part 1; ln the case of Castings from standard cast materials,
tor malleable cast iron, in DIN 1684 Part 1; the following shall be specified:
for spheroidal graphite cast iron, in DIN 1685 Part l; the number of the relevant material standard;
tor flake graphite cast iron, in DIN 1686 Part 1; - the symbol and/or material number of the cast
tor heavy metal castings, in DIN 1687 Part 1, Part 3 material;
and Part 4; and if necessary,
torlight metal castings, in DIN 1688 Part 1, Part 3 the wall thickness of the castingstobe considered;
and Part 4. the as delivered condition;
The accuracy grade shall be specified in the drawing. :he technological values that the manufacturer is
lf there are any departures from the standard machining required to conform to.
allowances, these shall be agreed between the manuf ac-
\f castings aretobe made from non-standard cast
turer and the purchaser.
materials or if the wall thicknr:ss to be considered
lf nothing has been agreed at the time of ordering, the exceeds the characteristic values for the mechanical
manufacturer shall specify the accuracy grade according

properties specified in the material standard, the require
to the moulding and casting process used and the shape ments regarding the material shall be agreed at the time
1f the casti ngs. of ordering.
Machining allowances shall besuchthat the machined
surfaces areclean after machining. 3.2 Type sample (Initial sample)
The supply ot type samples may be agreed. lf the purchaser is making available to the lf the agreed Iimit values are exceeded on the type sample,
manufacturer pattern equipment or permanent moulds the purchaser shall notify the manufacturer of this. lf
for the castingstobe supplied, their numbers shall be the purchaser gives his approval for such deviations, new.
speci.1ied iri the rder. The pattern.'eqliipment shatl con Iimit Jalu:.s shall be agreed.
form to DIN 1511. The quality class shall be specitied. lf type samples aretobe used only for checking dimen-
The surfaces tobe machined shall be clearly indicated by sions and deviate from the agreed material properties, this
the lettering on the pattern equipment or permanent sha\1 be agreed between the manufacturer and the pur
moulds and, where drawings are available, indicated also chaser.
on the drawings.
The manufacturer shall check 4 Requirements
what machining allowances are necessary for his The specifications agreed at the time of erdering sha\1
manufacturing work, and apply as the requirements for the casting.
whether the pattern, on the basis of visual exami 4.1 Manufacture
nation, is usable and complete. 4.1.1 Manufacturing process

The purchaser is responsible for the shape, sizes and Unless otherwise agreed, the choice of the adequate
Serviceability of the pattern equipment or permanent method of carrying out the individual stages of the
moulds supplied, unless he has at the time of erdering manufacturing process, such as
DIN 1690 Part 1 Page 3

. melting of the cast material, ln cases of dispute, the results of the product analysis
manufacture of the mould, and the relevant requirements shall be taken as the basis.
casting, lf neither the relevant material standards nor the order
heat treatment, include any data on the chemical composition of the
cast materials, the choice of a suitable chemical compo-
fettling and machining
sition shall be left to the manufacturer.
is at the manufacture(s discretion.
4.1.2 Production welds 4.3 Properties of the material
Production welds are permitted, unless otherwise agreed The specifications given in the relevant material stand
ard or those in the order shall apply with regard to the
at the time of ordering. Production welds solely for
properties of the material.
improving the appearance are not permitted.
lf the order does not specify the wall thickness of the With due regard to the material and the shape castingstobe considered and the sampling method, the
of the casting, production welds shall be made in such a requirements relating to the material properties specified
manner that the values obtained for the mechanical and for the samples in the material standard for the standard
technological properties of the weid metal and the heat case shall apply.
affected zone, conform to the requirements specified for In cases where particular properties, e. g. yield stress,
the parent metal. tensile strength, hardness, are to apply to certain areas of
Agreements may be made regarding the filler metals the casting or to the complete casting, these properties
used. Otherwise, the manufacturer shall decide, where shall be agreed at the time of ordering.
apPticable, in accordance with the recommendations of
the standard cavaring the material. 4.4 General condition of the cesting
( The areas where production welds ara to be made shall 4.4.1 Unless otherwise agreed at the time of order-
be prepared and inspected so as to ensure a satisfactory ing, the castings shall be supplied fettled and unmachined.
weid. No plugs or similar devices shall be used when car- Gatesand feeders shall be removed. Residues of the
rying out the welding work unless agreements tothecon mould material and scale shall be removed from accessible
trary have been made with the purchaser. lf filler pieces surfaces.
are inserted in the case ot !arge weid areas, these shall be
Where non-destructive testing has been agreed, the nec-
of the sametype of material; good fusion of the root sha\1
essary surface condition shall be ensured by the use of a
be ensured.
suitable fettl ing process. lf a casting is partly or completely subject 4.4.2 Where minor surface defects, e.g. small areas of
to exceptional stresses and if these require special meas- sand or slag, small cold laps, small scabs, small shrink-
ures or compliance with special specifications during holes, groups of small pores, residues of the mould,
manutacture or testing of the casting, agreements may uneven areas, burr do not constitute a justification for
be made with the manufacturer at the time of erdering complaints in accordance with clause 8 or if the surface
with regard to production welds and their inspection. of the casting corresponds tothat of the type sample, Documentation for \arge welded areas may they need not be removed. Otherwise, such surface
be agreed. defects shall be removed by fettling, provided this doe
not result in the wall thickness going below the minimum.
For the purposes of this standard, a !arge welded area is
any area prepared for welding, the depth of which 4.4.3 Unallowable external and internal defects shall,
exceeds 40% of the wall thickness. where applicable, be removed by the method described
( in subclause 4.1.2. After production welding, if necessary, the cast-
ing sha\1 be subjected to heat treatment. Forthis purpose, 4.5 Special condition of tha casting
the specifications given in the material standards shall be Special requirements regarding the condition of the cast-
observed. ing, e. g. leak tightness to particular media, at specified
Production welds shall generally be ground smooth. pressures and temperatures, shall be agreed at the time
of ordering.
4.1.3 'Fabrication welds '
For fabrication welds, the specifications given in 4.6 Shape and sizes
subclause 4.1 .2 shall apply as appropriate and, where Shape and sizes of the castings shall cantarm to the agree-
necessary, additional requirements regarding the quality ments made, taking into account the tolerances, pattern
of the weid sha\1 be agreed at the tirrie of ordering. drafts and machining allowances, for example to the
Standards on general tulerances and machining allow-
ances, as \isted in subclause 3.1.1.
4.2 Chemical composition lf it is required that manufacture be approved on
The specifications given in the appropriate material the basis ot type samples, this shall be agreed at the time
standard or those in the ordershall apply with regard to of ordering.
the chemical composition of the cast material.

Unless expressiv agreed otherwise, the data an the chem- 4.7 Mass
ical composition of the cast materials relate to the cast Jf agreements have been made on the mass of cast-
analysis. ings produced in lost moulds (see subclause 3.1.2) and
r Page 4 DIN 1690 Part 1

unless otherwise agreed, the tolerances on mass specified

in subclauses 4.7.1 and 4.7.2 shall apply.
4.7.1 Castings exceeding the specified mass by more
5.3.2 Scope of tost programme
5.3.2. 1 The number of tost pieces shall be based on
whether castings are being testod individually or by
batches. Wh ich of theso two alternatives is to be selected
than 15% shall be regarded as not conforming to the
shall be agreed at the time of ordering.
4.7 .2 Castingsmade on the basis of the same drawing lf testing by batches is agreed, one of the fol
and with the same pattern equipment shall not exceed lowing types of batch shall be selected:
the mass of an accurateto-size casting in accordance with a) material batch,
subclause 3.1.1 by more than castings from the same cast having undergone the same
5% in the case of a machinefinished casting; heat treatment;
7% in the case of a !ingle casting from a pattern; b) cast batch,
10% in the case of a single casting from a template castings from the same cast having undergone similar
or skeleton pattern. heat treatment;
The mass of an accurate-to-size casting can be taken, in c) heat treatmnt batch,
the case of machine-finished castings, as the average mass castings from different casts of the samegrade of
of the first five castings. material having undergone the same heat treatment;
The mass of very small casti ngs (of less than 200 g) may d) consignment batch,
deviate by up to 10% from the specified value. castings from different casts of the same grade of
material having undergone similar heat treatment, by

number qr mass.
3 Testing and documents on materials testing lf statistical sampling inspection has been
5.1 General agreed, the principles of sampling inspection as specified
The manufacturer shall take the necessary measures to in DIN 40060for inspection by attributesandin 1503951
ensure that the agreed requirements are complied with, -1981 for inspection by variables') shall be observed.
e.g. by monitaring the manufacturing conditions and/or For the preparation of sampling charts the following may
by inspection of cast samples or castings. be agreed:
When producing Iarge numbers of castings it is impossible a) the acceptable quality Ievei (AOL) and the limiting
to avoid some faulty castings. Depending on the use of quality;
the castings, it is not always necessary or economic to b) the sampling system and the acceptablo quality Ievei or
remove faulty castings from a delivery or a batch. c) the sampling system and the inspection Ievei.
The customer may agree with the manufacturer
suitable measures of quality assurance, relating to test lf checking of the chemical composition
methoCs and the scope of testing. on the casting has been agreed at the time of ordering,
the scope of testing shall also be agreed at the same time.
5.2 Documents on materials testing
5.2. 1 lf a statement of compl:ance with the order Unless otherwise agreed, for the tensile test, for
or a test report as specified in DIN 50049 is tobe issued individual testing, each castingshall be tested and, for
on the basis of intemal control and tests carried out by testing by batches, one tost pieceshall be taken from each

the manufacturer, this shall be agreed at the time of batch.
ordering. The scope of testing for the impacttost shall be
5.2.2 For tests carried out on the consignment, a the same as for the tensile test described in subclause
manufacturer's test certificate or an inspection certificate One tensile test piece however corresponds to a
may be agreed. This applies in particular to non-destruc- set of three impact test pieces.
tive testing, for which additional agreements shall be
made on the nature of the documents to cover the test Agreements shall also be reached if neces-
results. sary on the method of non-destructive testing, on the
ln general; the tests shall be carried~ out by the manufac-
lot:ati'onS on thP. castingtobe tested and (in tlie case of
turer's inspectors, or, by special agreement, by inspection series production) on the number of castingstobe tested.
representatives of the purchaser. The scope of testing for all other tests in-
5.3 Tests on tho castings suppliod cluding checking of dlmensions and mass and the test for
5.3.1 Genoral leak tightness, shall, where necessary, be agreed in the
ln general, the castings shall be tested at the manufac- order.
turer's works. For this purpose, the tests to be carried
out and the requirements to be complied with shall be in
accordance with the relevant material standard a~d/or
shall be agreed at the time of ordering. 1) See also DGQ Publication No. 1643 Stichproben-

Unless substantial reasonsexist for testing each individual plne fr quantitative Merkmale (Variablenstichpro
casting, castings shall be assembled in batches and sub- benplne) (Sampling charts for quantitative character
jected to random testing. istics (charts for inspection by variables)).
, 5.3.3 Sampies for destructive testing
DIN 1690 Part 1 Page 5

The pressurizing medium, pressure Ievel, duration of The required tost piecos can be taken from

samples, which are either:
- cast-an,
- separately cast or
- taken from the casting,
pressure stressing and test temperature shall be agreed at
the time of ordering.
Appropriate specifications shall be agreed for carrying
out other tests for leak tightness. All other tost methods, if not specified in
as specified in the appropriate material standard or the material standards, shall be agreed at the time of
agreed at the time of ordering. ordering.
The thickness of the samples shall be the same as the
5.3.5 lnvalidation of tes1S
wall thickness of the castingtobe considered, but not
greater than the maximum wall thickness specified in A testshall be considered invalid if its results are unsatis
the material standard. factory for the following reasons:
- defective manufacture of a test piece (workpiece de II the material standard or the order does fect, machining defect) but not defects in the material;
not specify the type and location of the samples, these - deficiency in testing (mounting of the test piece, test
shall be cast in the form of cast-an bars close to the cast- procedure, testing machine).
ing. lf casting-an is not possible or is not desirable, agree- The above applies irrespective of whether the defect is
mentshall be made at the time of erdering as to whether detected during or alter the test. ln all such cases, the
separately cast samples shall be produced or whether the test must be repeated.
samplos <hall be taken from the casting.
5.3.6 Retes1S The number and size of the samples dopend on
For each valid test, the result of which does not conform
the specified number of test pieces for the agreed tests
to the requirements, retests shall be carried out as spec-
including those for retesting.
ified in subclauses 5.3.6:1 and Cast-on samples in genoral may only be sepa- For each test, the result of which did not con
rated after stamping and {if necessary) after the heat treat- form to the requirements, two retests shall be carried
menttobe considered for achieving the mechanical prop- out, the results of which shall comply with the require
erties. Any departure from this specification shall be the ments.
subject of particular agreement. ln cases in which a series of similar tests has had to be
carried out, e.g. in the-impact test, the term "test" or Separately cast samples and those that have to "test piece" shall be understood to mean the complete
oe separated to allow machining, shall be stamped. They series of tests or test pieces.
o;hall, if necessary, be heat treated tagether with the cast
ing. The test pieces for the retests shall be taken
from the test ul"it from which the unsatisfactory test
pieces were taken.
5.3.4 Test methods lf the test unit consists of several castings and if, in cases The chemical composition shall normally be where test pieces are taken from cast-an samples or from
determined spectrometrically; in cases of dispute, the the casting itself, the unsatisfactory results are attributa
methods specified by the Chemists' Committee of the ble to a particular casting of the test unit, the manufac-
Verein Deutscher Eisenhttenfeute2) (Society of German turer has the choice of withdrawing the casting cancerned
Ferrous Metallurgy Engineers) or the Gesellschaft Deut or of retaining it in the test unit.
scher Metal/htten und Berg/eute3) (Association of lf the manufacturer retains the casting, for which an
German Metallurgistsand Miners) shall be used. unsatisfactory result was obtained, in the test unit, then
one of the two retests shall be carried out an the casting The tensile testshall be carried out as specified concerned or its cast-on sample and the other on another
in DIN 50145, using if possible the short proportional casting in the test unit.
ba-: spedfie:l in DIN 50 1~5. :mless other.specifir.ations
Apart trom this, with regarct to sampling, preparatian
are given in the material standards.
and testing of test pieces, the specifications given in the
relevant materialstandardshall apply for retests, unless The impacttost shall be carried out as specified
otherwise agreed at the time of ordering.
in D IN 50 115 on ISO V-notch test pieces. The test result
shall normally be taken as the mean of three test pieces.
The use of DVM test pieces is only permitted if a provi- 5.4 Sorting, retreatment and repair
sion is made for this in the material standard or if it has The manufacturer may repair defects an rejected Castings
been agreed at the time of ordering. or batches of castings in some suitable manner and resub
mit the castings. The Brinell hardness testshall be carried out as The method used for removal of defects shalt be agreed
specified in DIN 50351. with the purchaser. lf an internal pressure test has been agreed for

testing leak tightness, this shall be carried out as specified 2), 3) See "Standards and other documents referred to"
in DIN 50104. clause.
Page 6 DIN 1690 Part 1

6 ldentification and marking

6.1 lf an inspection certificate or marking has been
agreed at the time of ordering, the castings shall be mar-
ket as follows: I
6.4 ln cases where small castings are supplied in
Containers, the marking referred to in subclause 6.1 may
be applied to the container or to a tie-on Iabei carefully
attached to the container, unless otherwise specified in
the agreements made at the time of ordering.

a) with the manufacturer's mark;
b) with symbols indicating the date or period of manu- 7 Packing and surface protection
facture or the cast numbe!;
The manufacturer may supply the castings without any
c} if acceptance inspection-has been carried out, With
packing and without any surface protection or with
the inspector's mark and with letters or numbers
packing and/or with surface protection, if nothing is
relating the test documents and the test results listed
specified in the order.
in them to the test units and, where applicable, to the
castings. The packing and the surface protection of the cast-
ings for storage and transport shall cantarm to the agree
Apart from this, marking with the pattern number,
ments made at the time of ordering.
part number or drawing number and with the material
number or material designation complying with 01 N
lf castings aretobe subjected to acceptance inspection,
the surface protection and/or packing shall only be
Standards may be agreed.
applied after such inspection.

6.2 ln cases where no agreements have been made, the 8 Complaints

manufacturer may apply a marking of his own choice.
Under current law, warranty claims may only be raised

against defective products if the defects impair their pro-
6.3 The marking shall be applied in an easily legible cessing andse to a more than negligible extent. This shall
form (e.g. by casting-an, stamping, embossing with a apply unless otherwise agreed at the time of ordering.
steel punch or some similar method) in such a manner lt is normal and practical for the purchaser to give the
as not to impair the use of the casting. supplierthe opportunity to judge whether the complaints
The purchaser should express his wishes an this are justified, if possible by submitting the casting ob-
matter if any at the time of ordering. jected to or samples of the castings supplied.

Standards and other documents referred to

DIN 1511 Pattern equipment for foundries; production and quality
DIN 1680 Part 1 Raw castings; general tolerances and machining a\lowances; general
DIN 1680 Part 2 Raw castings; general tolerance system
DIN 1683 Part 1 Raw castings made from cast steel; general tolerances, machining allowances
DIN 1684 Part 1 Raw castings made from malleable cast iron; general tolerances, machining allowances
1685 Part 1
1686 Part 1
1687 Part 1
1687 Part 3
Raw castings made from sphe.~oidal graphite cast iron; general tolerances, machining allowances
Raw castings made from flake graphite cast iron; general tolerances, machining allowances
Raw castings made from heavy meta\ alloys; sand casting; general tolerances, machining al\owances
Raw castings made from heavy meta\ alloys; gravity die casting; general tolerances, machining

DIN 1687 Part 4 Raw Castingsmade from heavy meta! alloys; general tolerances, pressuredie casting
DIN 1688 Part 1 Raw castings made from light meta\ alloys; sand casting; general tolerances, machining allowances
DIN 1688 Part 1 Raw castings made from light meta\ alloy,s; .gravity die ca-:.ti.,a; gE>.neral tolenmces. macllining
DIN 1688 Part 4 Raw Castingsmade from light meta\ alloys; general tolerances, pressuredie casting
DIN 17 014 Part 1 Heat treatment of ferrous materials; technical terms and definitions
DIN 40 080 Sampling procedures andtables for inspection by attributes
DIN 50049 Dacuments an materials testing
DIN 50104 Interna\ pressure test an hollow praducts; leak tightness test up ta a defined internal pressure;
general specificatians
DIN50115 Testing af metallic materials; impact test
DIN 50125 Testing af metallic materials; tensile test pieces; guidelines far their preparatian
DIN 50 145 Testing of metallic materials; tensile test
DIN 50351
ISO 3951 - 1981
Testing af metallic materials; Brine\1 hardness testing
Sampling procedures and charts far inspection by variables far percent defective

------- ---- ------ ----------

f ;
Handbuch fr das Eisenhttenlaboratorium4) (Handbook for the ferrous metallurgy laboratory);

, volume 2: Die Untersuchung der metallischen Stoffe (lnvestigation of metallic materials);

Dsseldorf 1966;
volume 5: (supJilementary volume): A 4.1 -Aufstellung empfohlener Schiedsverfahren
(List of recommended arbitration procedures);
B - Probenahmeverfahren (Sampling procedures);
C- Analysenverfahren (Methods of analysis);
mOst recent edition in each case.
Analyse der MetalleS) (Analysis of metals);
volume I Schiedsanalysen (Arbitration analyses);
volume 111 Probenahme (Sampling);
supplementary volume to volumes I Schiedsanalysen and II Betriebsanalysen
DGO 16-43) Stichprobenplne fr quantitative Merkmale (Variablenstichprobenplne) nach ISO 3951

Previous editions
DIN 1693: 09.61; DIN 1693 Part 14: 10.73; DIN 1690 Part 1:08.81

The following amendments have been made in comparison with the August 1981 edition:
a) A system of marking clauses with "e" or " e" to draw attention to the possibility of making special agreements has
been introduced.
( b) The "additional information" tobe provided at the time of ordering has been transferred from subclause 3.2 to
subclause 3.1.
c) For castings with lost moulds, data on the mass and the tolerance on mass have been included, see subclauses 3.1.2
and 4.7.
d) The specifications given in subclause 4.1.2 an production welds have been supplemented.
e) Subclause 5.3 dealing with tests on the castings supplied (formerly dealing with acceptance inspection) has been
completely revised, e. g. as regards scope of testing, batching, test methods.
f) Clause 8 "Complaints" has been worded on the basis of agreements between DIN and the Federal Cartel Office.
g) The text has been editorially revised.

International Patent Classification

8 22 D 29100

4) Obtainable from: Verlag Stahleisen mbH, Postfach 82 29, D-4000 Dsseldorf 1.

5) Obtainable from: Springer-Verlag, Berlin- Heidelberg- New York.
6) Obtainable from: Beuth Verlag GmbH, Postfach 11 45, D-1000 8erlin 30.

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