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2, APRIL 2001

Numerical Electromagnetic Field Analysis of

Lightning Current in Tall Structures
Yoshihiro Baba, Member, IEEE and Masaru Ishii, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractThe Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC-2) is

applied to the electromagnetic analysis of tall structures hit by
lightning. The advantage of the analysis using NEC-2 is that it can
accurately compute the current distribution along a conductor
system by the method of moments. The waveforms of the light-
ning currents measured on freestanding tall structures are well
reproduced, and the computed waveforms of the electric and the
magnetic fields at some distance from the structure hit by lightning
agree fairly well with the measured waveforms. In the analysis,
a lightning channel is represented by a vertical conductor that is
loaded by series inductance and resistance so as to simulate the
slow propagation velocity of a current wave on the lossy channel.
This representation is demonstrated to be quite effective.
Index TermsEMP, lightning current, numerical electromag-
netic field analysis, tall structures. Fig. 1. Waveforms of a current pulse propagating up a loaded vertical
conductor dependent on the height.

EMTP is quite powerful in analyzing transients in a complex

I N ORDER to predict lightning surges in various electrical

systems, it is important to know the lightning current
parameters and the characteristics of a lightning channel.
circuit, and has been successful in modeling nonlinear phe-
nomena or time-varying elements such as surge corona or a
switch by developing equivalent circuits. It is, however, not
Lightning current waveforms with short rise times have been appropriate to investigate electromagentic characteristics of a
measured on freestanding tall structures such as the CN Tower vertical conductor, as the transient electromagnetic field around
in Toronto simultaneously with the associated electric and a vertical structure is different from that of the TEM mode,
magnetic fields. The waveforms of lightning currents measured which is the basis of the equivalent-circuit approach.
on such structures show multiple reflections of current waves
Electromagnetic modeling codes are appropriate to ana-
within the structures and, therefore, the measured electric and
lyze such transient currents and electromagnetic fields at a
magnetic fields also show complex time-varying characteristics
three-dimensional conductor system, because they can compute
fields at any points around the structure without postulating an
Tall structures such as chimneys of thermal generating sta-
equivalent circuit. Podgorski and Landt [6] applied Thin-Wire
tions, telecommunication towers at substations, or those close
Time-Domain (TWTD) code [7], which is based on the method
to distribution lines attract lightning. Developing an accurate
of moments [8], to the analysis of electromagnetic fields
model of the resulting electromagnetic fields from all of this
associated with a lightning stroke attached to a tall structure.
nearby lightning is important for both EMC and induced over-
Moini et al. [9] used this code to analyze a current along a
voltage coordination.
lightning channel and the resultant electric and magnetic fields.
In the analyzes of tower currents or electromagnetic fields
The accuracy of the results when TWTD is applied to this kind
around a tower struck by lightning, the tower has been mod-
of analyzes has not been well investigated. An advantage of
eled by single or cascaded lossless transmission lines, speci-
the analysis using TWTD is that it is capable of incorporating
fying surge impedance or reflection and refraction coefficients
nonlinear phenomena into the analysis.
at their ends [1], [2], [4], [5]. Such a simple tower model does
In the present paper, the propagation of a fast-front lightning
neither correctly reproduce the impedance characteristics of the
current in tall structures hit by lightning and the associated elec-
grounding, nor the characteristics of a vertical conductor and
tric and magnetic fields are studied with the help of the Numer-
a lightning channel, although the current distribution in such a
ical Electromagnetic Code (NEC-2) [10]. This code numerically
model can be calculated quite easily by a tool such as Electro-
solves the electric field integral equation in the frequency do-
Magnetic Transients Program (EMTP).
main, and is also based on the method of moments. It is more
widely used than TWTD and has been applied to analyze elec-
Manuscript received June 22, 1999; revised July 14, 2000. tromagnetic fields around antennas. The authors verified the ac-
Y. Baba is with Doshisha University, Kyoto 610-0321, Japan.
M. Ishii is with the University of Tokyo, Tokyo 106-8558, Japan. curacy of the computed results on lightning surges on overhead
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8977(01)01544-8. power transmission lines [11].
08858977/01$10.00 2001 IEEE

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Vertical electric field and azimuthal magnetic field waveforms at 2 km from the striking point of the model lightning stroke. (a) Vertical electric field.
(b) Azimuthal magnetic field.


The NEC-2 code is a widely used three-dimensional electro-
magnetic modeling code based on the method of moments [8],
and it is particularly effective in analyzing the electromagnetic
response of antennas or of other metallic structures composed of
thin wires. It is a computer code in the frequency domain, there-
fore, Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform are used
to analyze the time-varying response. The NEC-2 code requires
the entire structure to be divided into cylindrical segments that
must be short enough compared to the wavelengths of interest.
Once the model is defined, the excitation is imposed as a voltage
source or a plane wave. It determines the current on every seg-
ment, excited by the source and all other currents, through nu-
(a) (b)
merically solving the electric-field integral equation. Once these
currents are known, the electric field and the magnetic field at Fig. 3. Models for the analysis by NEC-2. (a) 200 m high stack in Japan.
(b) CN Tower in Toronto.
any point in space is determined from the sum of the contribu-
tion from all the segments. This code allows lumped circuit ele-
ments to be incorporated into the model by simply defining the was realized by changing the permittivity of the surrounding
impedance *of any given segments. The basic theory of NEC-2, medium. By this method, the characteristic impedance of the
the modeling guidelines and the time-domain analysis using this simulated channel becomes lower than the actual case.
code are described in [12]. Fig. 1 shows the calculated waveforms of a propagating
There have been several studies related to lightning em- current wave along the loaded channel of 1500 m in length,
ploying NEC-2. Heidler et al. [13] used this code to analyze the connected to a pulse generator placed on perfectly conducting
induced voltages on conductor loops illuminated by lightning ground. The pulse generator is represented by a voltage source
EMP. Cristina et al. [14] employed it to evaluate the electro- with resistance of 400 in series. The values of series induc-
magnetic field inside of a building struck by lightning. Chai tance and resistance added to the modeled channel are 3 H/m
et al. [15] employed this code to study the electromagnetic and 1 /m, respectively. This loading makes the propagation
field inside of a wire-array lightning protection system for a velocity about 0.5 c, attenuation about 5% per 100 m, and
launch vehicle when it is struck by lightning. The authors also increases the characteristic impedance of the vertical conductor
successfully applied NEC-2 to the analysis of the transient to about 800 . The loading also produces the spike in the
voltages across insulators of a power transmission tower hit by initial part of the waveform.
lightning [11]. Fig. 2(a) shows the computed waveform of vertical electric
field for the current pulse in Fig. 1 having the peak of 30 kA,
at a distance of 2 km from the struck point. Fig. 2(b) shows
that of azimuthal magnetic field. Downward electric field is
In the present chapter, a model of a lightning channel to be defined positive in this paper, following the atmospheric field
used in the following chapters is studied. To simulate the lossy convention.
channel and the slower propagation velocity of a return stroke When the current in a vertical channel follows the trans-
current pulse, a vertical conductor loaded uniformly by series mission line (TL) model, the waveforms of current and the
resistance and inductance is employed. Moini et al. [9] rep- far field, composed of radiation components, are the same
resented a lightning channel by a vertical conductor, and the [16]. The initial part of a field waveform is dominated by the
slower propagation velocity of current in the channel, 0.43 c, radiation components even in the distance of few hundreds of

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. Measured [5] and computed waveforms at or around a 200 m high stack. (a) Lightning current at the top of the stack. (b) Vertical electric field at a distance
of 630 m from the stack. (c) Azimuthal magnetic field at a distance of 630 m from the stack.

meters, therefore, by using the relationship of the TL model, the

peak value of the current propagating up the vertical conductor
can be estimated from the peak field values.
The estimated peak current from the vertical electric field of
Fig. 2 is 33 kA, and 30 kA from the azimuthal magnetic field
for c. This result roughly assures the validity of the
numerical analysis with NEC-2. The small difference between
the two estimated values supposedly comes from that the fields
at the distance of 2 km from the lightning channel is not pure
radiation fields.


Fig. 3 illustrates model structures analyzed by NEC-2. Fig. 5. Waveforms of voltage source for the computation that produced Fig. 4.
Fig. 3(a) simulates a stack at a thermal power plant in Japan,
and Fig. 3(b) simulates the CN Tower in Toronto, both struck V. COMPARISON WITH MEASURED WAVEFORMS
by lightning. The stack is simply modeled by a vertical cylinder
of 200 m in height and 0.3 m in radius on perfectly conducting A. 200 m High Stack in Japan
ground. The model for the CN Tower is 550 m in height, and Fig. 4 shows the measured [5] and the computed waveforms
it comprises the upper thin part, a bulge in the middle, and of the current and the fields associated with a lightning stroke
the lower part. The upper part is a thin cylinder whose length hit a 200 m high stack in Japan. The thin lines are the measured
is 175 m. The middle part simulates the skypod, and it has waveforms. The solid lines are the computed waveforms in the
a hexagonal cross section circumscribed by a circle having a case that the loaded vertical conductor is used as a simulated
radius of 25 m. The lower part is composed of base-broadened lightning channel. The gray lines are the computed waveforms
three poles whose lower ends are connected to perfectly in the case that a nonloaded vertical conductor is employed,
conducting ground. where the velocity of the current wave is equal to that of light.
In the case of a subsequent stroke hitting a tall structure, cur- Fig. 5 shows the postulated source voltage waveforms in the
rent pulses are launched upward and downward from the con- simulation to reproduce the measured waveforms. In the anal-
necting point of leaders close to the top of the structure. A pulse ysis, the grounding resistance is set to 30 .
generator (P. G.) having internal resistance of 400 placed at The source voltage waveforms were first determined so that the
the top of the structure simulates this situation. current waveform at the observation point might fit the measured
As a lightning channel, the vertical conductor of 1500 m long waveform. Then the velocity of the current wave on the simulated
uniformly loaded by series inductance and resistance, which lightning channel was adjusted by changing the parameters of
is employed in the preceding chapter, is used. The apparent loading so that the computed field waveforms might fit the mea-
impedance of the modeled lightning channel, which is the sured ones. The velocity of the current wave on the nonloaded ver-
sum of the internal resistance of the pulse generator and the tical conductor is fixed to the speed of light, and this is the reason
impedance of the loaded vertical conductor, would be about for the larger difference of the field waveforms for the nonloaded
1.2 k . conductor from the measured ones in Fig. 4(b) and (c).
For the numerical analysis, the conductor is divided into The measured waveform of the current is well reproduced by
cylindrical segments of 25 m in length and 0.3 m in radius. postulating a simple source waveform, especially in the case of
The computation is carried out in the frequency range from the loaded vertical conductor. The lightning-current waveform
19.53 kHz to 10 MHz with the increment step of 19.53 kHz. is apparently influenced by the tall structure. The increase of
This corresponds to the time range from 0 to 51.2 s with the current at about 1.3 s in Fig. 4(a) is reflection from the
0.1 s increments. ground. This increment of current is sensitive to the grounding

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6. Measured [2] and computed waveforms at or around the CN Tower for a steep-front current injection. (a) Lightning current on the CN Tower. (b) Vertical
electric field at a distance of 2 km from the tower. (c) Azimuthal magnetic field at a distance of 2 km from the tower.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 7. Measured [2] and computed waveforms at or around the CN Tower for a slow-front current injection. (a) Lightning current on the CN Tower. (b) Vertical
electric field at a distance of 2 km from the tower. (c) Azimuthal magnetic field at a distance of 2 km from the tower.

impedance and the discontinuity of impedance between the

stack and the lightning channel. The grounding resistance of
30 , employed in the present analysis, was determined to
reproduce this peak.
Goshima et al. [5] postulated 100 for the grounding
impedance of this stack to reproduce the measured cur-
rent waveform in the traveling wave analysis, where they
represented the stack and the lightning channel by lossless
transmission lines whose surge impedance was 300 and
1000 , respectively. Motoyama et al. [2] assumed the
grounding impedance of the CN Tower to be 50 . Guerrieri
et al. [4] used about 150 as the footing resistance of the
Swiss PTT Tower in the similar analysis if the tower surge Fig. 8. Waveforms of voltage source for the simulation of Figs. 6 and 7.
impedance was assumed to be 300 . This tendency, that
rather high footing impedance is required in the traveling wave
analysis to reproduce measured current waveforms, even at current injected into the CN Tower. Fig. 7 shows those for a
towers having low footing resistance, was first reported by slow-front lightning current. The thin lines are the measured
Chisholm and Janischewskyj [17]. They identified the footing waveforms, and the solid lines are the computed waveforms
impedance of a model conical tower on a metal plane as 60 in the case that the loaded vertical conductor is used as a
by the Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR). The causes of this simulated lightning channel. The grounding resistance is set to
phenomenon are the distortion of the current wave in the tower 0 in the present analysis, which is much lower than the value
due to the intense axial electric field, and the reflection of the in the analysis based on the transmission line [2]. The reason
spherical electromagnetic wave at the ground plane [18]. Since for this difference was discussed in the preceding section. The
this apparent high footing impedance is of transient nature, it is postulated waveforms of the source voltage shown in Fig. 8 are
prominent only for currents having steep rise. much simpler than the current waveforms in Figs. 6(a) or 7(a).
The waveforms of the computed electric field and magnetic The influence of multiple reflection within the tower on the
field agree well with the measured waveforms when the loaded measured waveforms is manifest.
vertical conductor is used. The computed electric fields do not agree with the measure-
ment. The magnitudes of computed waveforms are only half of
B. CN Tower in Toronto the measurement in both cases as seen in Figs. 6(b) and Fig. 7(b).
Fig. 6 shows the measured [2] and the computed waveforms Since the analysis by NEC-2 in the fundamental case agrees
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The advantage of the analysis using NEC-2 is that it can
accurately compute the current distribution along a wire struc-
ture with far smaller amount of postulation than the approaches Yoshihiro Baba (S95M99) was born in
based on the traveling wave analysis. Wakayama, Japan, on February 24, 1971. He
received the B.S., M.S. and Dr. Eng. degrees in
electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo
REFERENCES in 1994, 1996 and 1999, respectively. He joined
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Lightning Protection, vol. R1c-08, Budapest, Sept. 1994. Associate there. Dr. Baba is a member of the IEE of
[2] H. Motoyama, W. Janischewskyj, A. M. Hussein, R. Rusan, W. A. Japan.
Chisholm, and J.-S. Chang, Electromagnetic field radiation model for
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[3] W. Janischewskyj, A. M. Hussein, and V. Shostak, Propagation of light-
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Toronto, Sept. 1997.
[4] S. Guerrieri, C. A. Nucci, F. Rachidi, and M. Rubinstein, On the in-
fluence of elevated strike objects on directly measured and indirectly Masaru Ishii (SM87) was born in Tokyo, Japan,
estimated lightning currents, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 13, no. on March 11, 1949. He received the B.S., M.S.
4, pp. 15431551, Oct. 1998. and Dr. Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from
[5] H. Goshima, H. Motoyama, A. Asakawa, A. Wada, T. Shindo, and S. the University of Tokyo in 1971, 1973 and 1976,
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[6] S. Podgorski and J. A. Landt, Three dimensional time domain modeling chairperson of the Technical Committee on High
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July 1987. member of both AGU and CIGRE.

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