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Hofstetter Gastechnik AG

Utilisation of landfill gas for the generation of energy

Typical schema of a landfill site with degassing unit and gas utilisation facility

The gases in landfill sites that develop during degradation temperature flares the negative effects of the gases can
processes, largely contribute to the greenhouse effect and be reduced.
additionally harbour considerable safety and health haz-
ards. However, they are also often rich in methane and Economic value
therefore a potential energy carrier. In many countries Through worldwide emission trading, the greenhouse gas
much of this potential for the generation of electricity and reductions that are achieved through the energetic utilisa-
heat from landfill gas still exists. Furthermore, through the tion of landfill gas, acquire an economic value in so-called
continual advances in technology, laws and regulations emerging countries. Today, this economic added value
have been passed whereby household refuse landfills stands under the international abbreviation CDM. The
independent of their size are to be degassed and the abbreviation means Clean Development Mechanism.
landfill gas burned off in a high temperature flare. This instrument agreed upon in 1997 at the international
climate conference in Kyoto, enables industrial and devel-
oping countries to mutually implement climate protection
Introduction projects in developing countries. In doing so, it is first
Technical solutions calculated how much climatic gas is produced by a power
Without technical solutions, landfill gas is a dangerous station, a factory, a Landfill. It is then determined how
substance. The methane contained within it can form a much greenhouse gas can be reduced when the landfill
combustible mixture with the atmospheric oxygen so that gas is burned in a flare or utilised for the generation of
under certain circumstances a danger of explosion exists. electricity and heat. After that, a company from an indus-
If the landfill gas collects in cavities and shafts, people trial country invests in and finances the landfill gas power
could suffocate there. Furthermore, many trace compo- station in a developing country and receives correspond-
nents such as sulphur, chlorine and fluorine compounds ing certificates for the greenhouse gas reduction thereby
are contained in the landfills which even in low concentra- achieved. With these certificates, the company can meet
tions can have a harmful effect on health. the obligations of saving a corresponding amount of cli-
matic gases for their own business at their own location or
High climatic relevance the investor sells the certificates to other companies within
Apart from these characteristics that form a direct danger the framework of emission trading. The aim of the invest-
for people, the gas escaping uncontrolled and untreated ments in such projects is to prevent as many climate-
from a landfill also has a high climatic relevance. Methane damaging emissions as possible. At the same time how-
is deemed to be a contributory cause of destroying the ever, this should help the emerging and developing coun-
ozone layer and contributes to the greenhouse effect tries introduce new technologies which they are not nor-
being 21 times stronger than carbon dioxide. Through mally able to finance themselves.
thermal treatment that means through burning in high
Development of landfill gases Based on the influencing variables such as the composi-
According to experience, household refuse contains tion of the refuse, the annual landfill amounts, etc., the
around 150 to 250 kg of organic carbon per tonne. These amount of gas accumulated can be estimated in the
substances are biologically degradable and are degraded course of time with the aid of mathematical models. Such
in five phases by microorganisms under the exclusion of a forecast of the gas production forms the basis for the
air and converted into landfill gas. This process is deter- dimensioning of the degassing plant.
mined by various influencing variables that differ from
landfill to landfill: refuse composition, density and humidity Dangers to the environment
or landfill covering. Hence by variables which influence From the composition of the landfill gas, it is evident that it
the life quality of the methane forming microorganisms. can become a danger to the environment. The possible
adverse effects caused by landfill gas can be divided into
Landfill gas during the stable methane fermentation physiological and physical hazards. These are insidious
The long-term phase (phase V) is distinguished by a me- and unpredictable, particularly in connection with the
thane concentration of significantly more than 60 percent migration of gas through gas pervious layers of earth. It
by volume at correspondingly lower carbon dioxide con- has already happened several times that gases caused by
centration. The ratio of methane to carbon dioxide can overpressure in the landfill sites have collected in base-
achieve values of up to 4 which presumably, amongst ments and shafts hundreds of metres away from the land-
other things, can be due to the leaching of carbon dioxide. fill and have caused explosions. Landfills that freely give
Just as with the stable methane phase (phase IV), it is off their gas production to the surroundings, heavily pol-
lute the environment. As has been proved, methane con-
tributes 21 times more to the greenhouse effect than CO 2.
In addition, the stench caused by sulphur compound
emissions is also detrimental to the surroundings.

Utilisation of gas for energy production

One cubic metre of landfill gas has a heating value of 4 to
5 kWh, which corresponds to an amount of approximately
0.5 litres of heating oil. If one takes a gas production of
Phases of landfill cycle approximately 180-250 m3 per tonne of household refuse
over a period of 15-20 years as a basis, the energy poten-
typical that a pressure gradient to the environment is tial hidden in a landfill site becomes clear.
created by the still pronounced development of gas. This
results in a situation comparable to the stable methane EXAMPLE
phase (phase IV). Landfill gas escapes and there is no Amount of refuse deposited: 3'000'000 t over 20 years
entry of atmospheric air into the landfill body. In this Amount of gas collectable: max. approx. 2300 m3/h
phase, considerable emissions can still be detected with Long-term usable amount of gas: approx. 1500 m3/h
the flame ionization detector. Dangers from landfill gas Energy potential: 1500 m3/h = 7500 kWh
can exist inside and outside the former landfill. = approx. 600 kg heating oil per hour

Composition i.e. > 5000 t of heating oil per year over >15 years!
If the landfill gas is continuously collected and extracted in
a controlled manner then, after adjustment of the gas Gas production from old landfills (maturity stage)
content, the following average composition can be The landfill site lives. With increasing age, the gas produc-
achieved: tion loses in volume flow, content and quality. The existing
degassing plants are mostly too large and the risk of over
INFO extracting the landfill increases. In order to counter this
Methane CH4 approx. 40-50 Vol.% situation, Hofstetter Gastechnik AG, based on many years
Carbon dioxide CO2 approx. 35-45 Vol.% of experience, has developed a simple and inexpensive
Nitrogen (from the air) N2 approx. 5-15 Vol.% degassing system. The Hofstetter Lowcal is perfectly
Oxygen (from the air) O2 approx. 1- 3 Vol.% adapted to the actual gas condition. The lean gas is col-
Water vapour H2O saturated lected and disposed of in an environmentally friendly
manner. In doing so, an important advantage is that the
Added to this are additional trace elements such as sul- infrastructure on the landfill can continue to be used.
phur, chlorine and fluorine compounds, heavy metals and
Siloxane. Gas collection

Amounts and production process Fully developed systems for landfill engineering
As long as the landfill body has an internal gas pressure
that is higher than the atmospheric pressure, landfill gas is forced degassing ensures the trouble-free recovery of
given off to the environment. Due to the dangers, emis- accumulated landfill gases in gas engines or combustion
sions and the environmental pollution, it is now compulso- plants.
ry to collect landfill gas and dispose of it in a controlled
2. Effectiveness of the gas collection
Escaping gases pollute the environment. Therefore, the
effectiveness, that means the collection of as large a
proportion as possible of the emerging gases, is impera-

3. Economic efficiency of the entire system

Landfill without degassing system With regard to adaptability, durability, maintenance re-
quirement and operating effort, the economic efficiency of
manner. With the degassing it is therefore a case of ex- the entire system lends significance to the substantial
tracting the landfill gas by means of a suitable collecting investments and eases the decision by the responsible
system, which means creating a slight underpressure authorities.
inside the landfill site. Todays landfill engineering has
The landfill creature
The landfill site to be treated is a living organism:
- Methane bacteria work within it to an irregular timetable.
Therefore, the gas production is correspondingly erratic.
- Inside, temperatures of up to approx. 40-45C prevail.
Landfill with degassing system - The biological decomposition and the compaction due to
the overlying weight lead to a substantial settling of the
fully developed systems that are either continuously landfill site.
inserted in layers during the filling of the landfill or are - The changing composition of the refuse creates areas of
subsequently inserted into already filled landfills. differing behaviour within the landfill.
- The gas produced is water vapour saturated, aggressive
Low-pollution surplus gas combustion and often enriched with problematic trace elements.
The landfill can not be considered as a gasometer. As a Condensate is already created with slight cooling.
result of this, degassing has to be adapted to the quantita- - Polluted seepage water is present everywhere.
tively uninfluenceable gas production. On the other hand, - The weather influences the processes inside the landfill
the gas recovery processes are to be adapted to the re- body with moisture, temperature, pressure, etc.
quirements of the energy user; unavoidably excessive - Newly deposited refuse increases the landfill body which
amounts of gas are produced that have to be burned off is why a new gas collection area has to be made acces-
beyond the utilisation. For this purpose, the processing sible.
station has normal or high temperature flares.
In a fast-motion picture, a landfill would appear like a
Hofstetter Gastechnik AG takes an internationally seething mass. The behaviour of the gas collection sys-
leading role in the disposal and usable exploitation of tem has to be correspondingly adaptable and resistant.
landfill gas. A project from experienced engineers
gives you access to the experience of more than 1,500
systems implemented worldwide!

Planning and implementation of degas-

sing systems

Three decisive aims

The planner of gas collection systems is faced with the
task of fulfilling three important aims as optimally as pos-

1. Stability of the gas quality

Maintaining the stability of the gas quality helps to solve
the problem between the given irregular gas production of
the landfill and the regular gas supply demanded by the
recovery plants. Only subtly applied and ever adjustable
Environmental friendly disposal of landfill gas in high temperature flares, Argentine

Necessary features of system components the requirements of the plan, in particular:

There are a series of requirements according to which the - Ensuring the comprehensive degassing of the landfill
components and the system construction of the gas col- body that allows no gas migration.
lection have to be designed: - Correct laying of the pipelines with a view to the gas and
- All gas conducting elements have to be resistant to condensate flow, preventing the formation of low points
strongly aggressive substances and mechanical stress- with water plugs.
es. - Adaptability of the gas collection system to the sinking,
- In addition, the choice of material must correspond to shearing and possibly growing landfill site.
the relevant safety regulations. - Fulfilling the safety-related requirements according to
- Moveable parts should be insensitive to contamination. the professional guidelines and regulations.
- The locations for control, maintenance, measurement,
regulation and acquisition of the relevant operating data Priority: measuring controlling regulation
should be easily accessible and demonstrate a high de- In the course of time, the uninfluenceable, biological pro-
gree of operating comfort. cesses in the landfill body produce gas of variable compo-
- For safety reasons, shaft constructions should be avoid- sition and amounts. The fluctuations have to be compen-
ed because a potentially explosive mixture of gases can sated by the forced degassing with regulative interven-
collect inside them. tions. For this purpose, on commissioning, the suction
- The flow control valves in the gas pipelines should ena- pressure is carefully adjusted for each landfill gas well. If,
ble a linear and fine adjustment. in the course of time, the gas production changes in indi-
vidual sections of the landfill, the respective landfill gas
Necessary features of the system construction wells can be reset individually or combined in measuring
Each landfill demonstrates its own characteristic with and control stations. Great attention must be paid to the
regard to its size, the composition of the refuse, etc. If operating comfort of the control elements: The responsible
questions of the dimensioning, the positioning of the land- personnel should be able to carry out regulation in an
fill gas well, etc. are clarified based on the normal prelimi- easy and safe manner and in as few as possible, well
nary investigations, then the system to be built must fulfil accessible places. It is therefore advantageous to com-
bine the suction pipes at collection points with measuring In relation to landfill gas, high-temperature combustion
and control units. The increasingly required acquisition of can be defined as follows:
the relevant operating data of the landfill leads to meas-
urements being carried out in a control centre. However
this involves the installation and the operation of a sample vEG Exhaust Gas h
gas line system from the measuring points to the control hEG

centre. Official, operational and safety-relevant demands QI

give ever increasing weight to measuring controlling

regulating. Therefore, the future belongs to the gas col-
lection system that is equipped with an operational data hCC
acquisition system. hRet Zone

Harmony of three independent processes

The basic task of the regulation of the landfill gas recovery
exists in bringing three fully independent processes into
harmony with one another: hhup Heating-up Zone

- On the one hand, there is the uninfluenceable, change- 800 1'000 1'200
TC [C]
900 1'100
able gas production of the landfill that can not be stored. Average Combustion Temperature
Premix Air
For reasons of cost it is hardly worth it to temporarily Primary Air

store the gas in a gasometer.

- On the other hand, gas recovery processes that have to
Landfill Gas Combustion Air tRet = hRet / vEG [s]
orientate themselves to the requirements of the energy
user run autonomously.
Zones in the combustion chamber
- In between, the flare fulfils the important task of safely
burning excess amounts of gas and of maintaining the
- controlled combustion with excess air
environmentally compatible degassing of the landfill on
- combustion at minimum 1000 C
shutdown or malfunction of the recovery plant.
- residence-time in the combustion chamber of at least
0.3 seconds
Hofstetter Gastechnik AG know the problems. With
- no cold zones in the combustion chamber
the available know-how, the experience and the modu-
lar construction of their control systems, optimum
With these conditions, it is ensured that the limit values in
solutions can be achieved!
the exhaust gas are maintained or fallen short of.

Why high-temperature combustion of

landfill gases

Tightened environmental laws in emerging countries

With the continuously growing level of knowledge over the
last few years and the tightening of environmental laws,
landfill engineering has occupied itself intensively with the
question of problematic trace elements. With landfill gas;
the pollution by sulphur, chlorine, fluorine, halogenated
hydrocarbons and heavy metals is in the foreground.
Other trace elements such as volatile organic hydrocar-
bons also represent environmental pollution factors. The
high-temperature combustion is predestined to eliminate
these dangerous risk factors in an efficient manner.

The high temperature process

High temperature combustion is distinguished in that it
destroys high-molecular compounds. This includes the
polycyclic aromatic compounds that can have a cancer-
causing effect and other complex hydrocarbons. Condi-
tions for this process are the height and distribution of the
temperature as well as the effective duration of this tem-

International project examples

Safe handling of landfill gas Large projects as container construction

(Marley landfill, England) (Welbeck/Wakefield landfill, England)

The Marley landfill in England should be systematically The Welbeck landfill close to Wakefield in England is a
degassed in order to safely collect the harmful landfill one-time gravel quarry and has been operated for the last
gases and to protect the environment. Marley is a relative- ten years as a controlled landfill. Around 600,000 tonnes
ly small landfill and delivers too little gas for an economic of household refuse are stored per year and in addition, a
electricity production. For this reason, directly after collec- compost works with around 10,000 tonnes of organic
tion, the landfill gas is disposed of in an environmentally refuse is operated. The gas resulting from this is collected
compatible manner in a high temperature flare. and forwarded for conversion into electricity. Annually
around 8 MW of electricity are fed into the public electricity
grid which is the equivalent to covering the electricity
supply for around 8,000 households.

Hofstetter MGP 7000 degassing plant in a container and 3

high temperature flares

Hofstetter MGP compact degassing plant
Use of the Hofstetter MGP container plant with multiple
compression stations and several high temperature flares
designed for safe degassing, forwarding of the landfill gas
Use of the compact degassing plant with the Hofstetter
for conversion into electricity and the safe combustion of
HTF high temperature flare, constructed for safe degas-
the excess landfill gas. Ideal for large landfills with gas
sing and gas disposal. Ideal for small landfills without gas

Degassing plant for small landfills Degassing plant for large landfills
Type Hofstetter MGP without gas utilisation Type Hofstetter MGP with gas utilisation
Gas flow rate 40-1,000 Nm3/h Gas flow rate 40-10,000 Nm3/h
- Thermal output max. 5,000 kW Thermal output max. 50,000 kW
- Methane concentrations 30-50 Vol.% Methane concentrations 30-50 Vol.%
- Combustion temperature 1,000-2,000 C Combustion temperature 1,000-2,000 C
- Residence time 0.3 s Residence time 0.3 s

Degassing plant with high temperature flare for CDM projects Hofstetter MGP 2750

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project HOFSTETTER solution

(Bisasar Road landfill, Durban, South Africa) Use of the Hofstetter MGP degassing plant with high
temperature flare designed for safe degassing, forwarding
The medium sized landfill Bisasar Road lies close to Dur- of the landfill gas for conversion into electricity and for the
ban in South Africa. Since 1996, part of this landfill has safe combustion of excessive landfill gas. Equipped with
already been degassed. As an extension was planned in the necessary measuring instruments for CDM registra-
2006 one used the opportunity and realised a profitable tion. Ideal for large landfills that are approved for CDM
CDM project. The plant is equipped with the necessary projects.
measuring instruments such as gas analysis, gas flow,
gas pressure, temperature measurements and combus- INFO
tion temperature measurements. These values were re- Degassing plant for CDM projects
quired by the official inspection authority in order to re- Type Hofstetter MGP with or without gas utilisa-
quest the so-called CO2 certificate. The landfill gas is also tion
forwarded to so-called gas engines that produce electricity Gas flow rate 40-3,000 Nm3/h
for the region. The excess gas arrives at the high temper- Thermal output max. 15,000 kW
ature combustion chamber that disposes of the gas safely Methane concentrations 30-50 Vol.%
and in an environmentally compatible manner while com- Combustion temperature 1,000-1,200 C
plying with the emission regulations. Residence time 0.3 s

Degassing plant for an old landfill
(Brownlow landfill) INFO
Customer benefits
Even weak things have power! Because landfill engineer- - Safe and continuous degassing of landfills
ing and its degassing have already been applied for sev- - Reduction of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
eral years, many landfills come into the last phase after 10 - Continuous monitoring of the landfill gas
to 15 years. The gas flow rate reduces as well as the - Utilisation of the landfill gas for electricity production
methane concentrations. An example of this is the landfill and feeding into the grid
in Brownlow. It covers 3.2 hectares and was closed in - Generation and trading of CO2 certificates
1990 and recultivated into agricultural grassland. The low - Reliable combustion of excess landfill gas in high
residual flow rate of 50 Nm3/h with low methane content of temperature flares
around 20 Vol.% should be safely collected and disposed - Compliance with the relevant exhaust gas regulations
of. - Automatic control and operation of the plant
- ATEX conformity for increased safety

Hofstetter Gastechnik AG International

market leader for the recovery and utilisa-
tion of landfill gas!

In the last years, many countries have tightened their legal

regulations with regard to environmental protection. With
the Kyoto Protocol, an international cooperation was cre-
ated for protection of the environment. However, it is not
only the protection of the environment and climate that
demand new successful technologies under the large
aspect of safety. Then, particularly with landfill gas, not
only the disposal but also the economic factor plays an
ever increasing and decisive role. For operators as well as
for investors, landfill gas can be economically, efficiently
and attractively recovered and utilised as green energy.
Degassing plant for weak gas Hofstetter MGP Lowcal 50
HOFSTETTER solution High-Tech from HOFSTETTER
Use of the Hofstetter MGP Lowcal degassing plant with Hofstetter Gastechnik AG plays an international leading
high temperature flare, designed for the safe degassing role in the field of this recovery and utilisation of landfill
and combustion of weak landfill gas. gas. As pioneers in this field, Hofstetter have existing
high tech plants all over Europe. Because of the high
INFO availability, Hofstetter today has international repre-
Degassing plant for old landfills sentatives in all countries. Since 1975 until today more
Type Hofstetter MGP Lowcal without gas utilisa- than 1,500 plants from Hofstetter have been installed
tion worldwide, amongst these also plants in Cuba, South
Gas flow rate 40-600 Nm3/h America, Canada, South Africa, China and now also in
Thermal output max. 1,800 kW Australia. As the economically efficient recovery and
Methane concentration 15-30 Vol.% utilisation of landfill gas is only worthwhile in landfills of
Combustion temperature 1,000-1,200 C a certain size, this division of Hofstetter Gastechnik AG
Residence time 0.3 s is exclusively active in the export business.

Hofstetter Gastechnik AG
CH-3324 Hindelbank/Switzerland
Phone +41 (0)34 411 86 86
Fax +41 (0)34 411 86 87

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