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Chapter 1


Language in comprehensible words is a solid tool for delivering and conceiving

the messages. Language has different expressions like verbal language, gesture

language, body language, silent language, color language and action language

etc. Every language is used to convey the idiosyncratic of specific one. Verbal

language need words and human being use it for communication.

Communication is a medium to solve riddles of social matters. Different

languages include native, non native or second and third languages are used by

people and every language is used by according to the need of people. Due to

social need language brought growth and popularity among the people. In the

world of different languages English brought its remarkable value among the

other live languages. It increases its value day by day and rapidly spread almost

all over the world. So, it is called lingua franca. It has national, international use

in different circumstances like official use, educational use economical use,

institutional use, business use etc. English, being a still under progress language

need the attention of users towards structure, formation of sentences, words,

vocabulary, grammar etc. In the presence of other elements of English language,

vocabulary has its primary importance. As we know English is taught and learned

in Pakistan as a second language. So, due to this reason Pakistan has less

approach to comprehend it without a great effort. Therefore, its value is

increasing in all over the world it is being taught in Pakistan from Montessori to

graduation as a compulsory subject. Words and their proper arrangement make an

understandable sentence, and these comprehend words are called vocabulary.

Pakistanis face a lot of difficulties to get the proper command in understanding

the vocabulary of English language. Vocabulary understanding is the basic point

to learn these languages. The need of vocabulary is not bounded with written

expression but necessary for other three skills like speaking, reading and

listening. For example, a person reads about a fashion article from the magazine

and informs his/her friend by calling him/her for visiting there as soon as

possible with him/her to buy something exclusive. Then he sent an email to

another friend for the same purpose. They arrange a program by talking on

skype. They visit the proper market and communicate with each other on fashion

and do a lot of other gossips. So, the basic person used all four skills to inform

and join others. Whole process needs accurate and proper vocabulary words.


Words are the root of vocabulary when the plant of vocabulary grows

more than one word of vocabulary items also take growth on this plant in

the shape of two words like text book, black board, mid night and lunch

box etc. Learners can use vocabulary items in their daily communication

by combining the words in proper form to convey the message. (Nunan)

The whole bank of words in a language is called vocabulary. One can use

them in speaking and writing etc. Due to flexibility of a language new

words always jump in it. Sometimes words are borrowed from other

language to modernize the language. Some words enter in language bank

accidently or according to the need of users etc. There is no exact figure

of English vocabulary words till today, but researcher always estimates

about it. So, they blow the figure of about one million but could be more

than it.
The structure of words that are used in a specific language is called


The short form of vocabulary is vocab. It refers that every language

consists of words and every language use these words as a vocabulary

element. (oxford dictionaries)



1 Total number of words included in a language: it has a flexibility to

absorb new coming words in it and new addition of words make the

vocabulary wider and language become live.

2 The words are used to disclose the contextual secrete of the text: Every

profession has its career related vocabulary that is specifically related to

the need of users. For example, a doctor needs medical vocabulary,

professional chef need food, kitchen and utensils vocabulary etc.

3 Idiosyncratic vocabulary: Ones own vocabulary that one has got by

learning or experiencing the life and memorize it in the box of personal




Both terms need clear explanation for showing their importance. The difference

between them is needed for effective teaching perspective. Teacher, firstly

differentiate both elements and then explain them according to rules. The words

which are heared, seen or received by ears of hearer are the part of receptive

vocabulary. It has very broader exposure foreign learner gets the bank of

vocabulary by reading, he havent experience like native one who got the words

from his surroundings and face less difficulty to use them as a productive

vocabulary. But foreign learner use only existing words of his knowledge and use

the words according to his/her use. For example, H.E Palmer tells a story of

small baby who has bilingual parent in Alsace. They spoke French language in

their home. After six months, they settled in Germany. When baby enter in

speaking words age he utters words that were none the less of French. Because

the receptive knowledge of French was existed in his/her mind already and how

he/she use it as a productive material. It is a success of a language that learner

acquire its words store its words in every movement of the life and then use the

knowledge when the need arises as a productive vocabulary. To teach the English

language to the native English speaking is not any harder thing because tackle the

difference between the receptive and productive vocabulary use is their routine

habit. In other hand a foreign learner face a lot of difficulty regarding fluency

speaking, understanding etc of English language. It can take perfection in English

language by only a hard practice of English according to subscribe rules of

language and then can use the words as a productive element. (McGregor)


Vocabulary can simply categorize in four types.
Speaking vocabulary
Writing vocabulary
Reading vocabulary
Listening vocabulary
Speaking vocabulary is defined in such a manner that a person uses the

group of words in his/her speech for conveying the message. Action

words with practice, facial expressions and body language is also a

medium to convey the message. A person knows the words and then

he/she can express in different modes.

It is a Silent way of delivering the message of words and proper

arrangement of words make a word of sense. Due to appearance of words

writing expression develops its importance. Writing has different

mediums like essay writing, story writing, letters or article writing etc.

Every expression needs vocabulary of words to live the trend of paper

A persons reading habit shows the world of words during reading any

text. A reader gets benefit of reading by looking and recognizing the

written words. It is more effective way of simplifying vocabulary rather

than listening. It causes the broader command on production of new

vocabulary when it is needed.

A persons listening vocabulary is about that he/she hear or attentively

listens around him/her self. Attentive listening is related to our planed

listening and un-attentive listening in about the voice we hear around us


weather we wish to hear them or not. But both increase the knowledge.

(Wikipedia,The free encyclopedia)


Vocabulary size about native language :

Natives of any language have broader vocabulary collection it also include

educated and non educated persons. Literate persons have wider and broader

items of vocabulary as compared to uneducated. Native speakers vocabulary

multiplies day by day due to social situations, institutional situations or may be

business deals in native languages. A research on words growth in 1995 shows

that junior high students would be able to comprehend the vocabulary items more

than 10,000. They also recognize their meanings very well. Another way the

college students increase the number of vocabulary item almost above 16000

words with correct comprehension and adult approach is above 20,000.

(Wikipedia,The free encyclopedia).

Non native vocabulary size of words:

A person gets knowledge of foreign language by special learning and the

attentive motivation of the acquired fluency used words into unique

understandable way become the mind of the learners fits into a non-

native vocabulary learning. One effort for seeking the knowledge of

words and get success of his/her effort is to comprehend the meanings

and usage of words. This all process of recognition and usage of words

are practiced for non native vocabulary learning and became the cause of

making wider the size of vocabulary in ones learning. (Wikipedia,The

free encyclopedia).
There are two kinds of vocabulary.
Active vocabulary
Passive vocabulary
1 ACTIVE VOCABULARY: The active vocabulary is production

of words which can be used in his/her speech and written

expression. Active vocabulary is also called productive or

functional vocabulary. The words that are taught to the pupils in

first three years are the foundation of basic vocabulary and

afterwards when child uses it in his/her speech and writing

become the part of active vocabularys procedure.

2 PASSIVE VOCABULARY: Passive vocabulary consists of

those words which are recognized by anyone through reading a

material or by listening a meaningful vocabulary item. So, one

can comprehend the meanings of words by their two expressions

reading and listening. For example, while reading an article in a

newspaper, a person who is not sufficient to understand the

meanings of words with reference to the context and could not

use these words in his/her speech and writing became he/she has

less awareness of writing the vocabulary words at productive

level of the modification of words. (Putri)



Language is an essential and major tool for communication. It is a practical part

of human beings life. Language plays a vital role in disclosing the emotions,

desires, happiness, sorrow, pleasure etc. there are varieties of languages that are

practiced in all over the world. Every language has its own beauty and rules and

regulation for using it. Languages are used in specific and fixed patterns of

vocabulary words and are being judged by the meaning of context. To take the

proficiency in foreign or second language, mastery should be attained in

vocabulary learning. Vocabulary enhancement feeds with words and words can

help to create the meaning sentences or seeking the second language speaking

and writing can be improved by listening and reading of the foreign language


Regarding the specific thinking in the importance of vocabulary every

researcher has his different perception of acquisition of vocabulary. But mostly

they agree that through reading one can get new vocabulary item, structure of

words, spelling, pronunciation etc. so, one can educate or facilitate

himself/herself by having reading habit. Written context express different modes

of writings and variety of words and their usage. Constant reading causes the

modification in previous memory vocabulary words. Difficulties occur when one

judged in his mind has less fluent in vocabulary building. To express the idea one

should have to write on seeking the vocabulary especially by reading. Mastering

in vocabulary is necessary for second language learners. Vocabulary words are

very significant according to their use because they help to arrange and reshape

the ideas or a technique to solve the mental problems of delivering the emotions

etc in verbal language.

Vocabulary teaching is important because it enlarge the capacity of understanding

the social life. Both receptive and productive knowledge increase the economy of

learning. Input learning cause the multiplication of output learning in a required

area. (Putri)



The basic or primary source of English learning in Pakistan is school learning,

where the teacher plays a major role during class times. Critical situation of

teaching is practiced in classrooms student get bored, standard less spelling drills,

formal way of grammar teaching and vocabulary is almost less focused which is

unfair for the growth of a childs memory. Such unjustified condition of English

vocabulary teaching is faced by the language learners. Vocabulary is not shaped

as a primary tool for learning English. Ancient way of teaching make bored the

children and traditional lectures on grammar are practiced. Students feel anxiety

in language claim and face a lot of difficulty regarding vocabulary learning. As a

result they failed to comprehend the importance of second language learning in

this electronic world of English. Only cramming system of learning is being

adopted by teachers to teach the vocabulary, scanning system or innovation are

merely done at very low level. Only syntax is taught to the learners and phonetic,

morphology, phonology, semantics and segments are ignored. Through sound

vocabulary is not openly focused for comprehended teaching. In daily lesson

plan, vocabulary has given very little time; most of the lessons are bared for such

dressing of vocabulary teaching. In this context, for quality teaching, workshops,

teacher training programs short time programs. Longtime programs, seminars,

teacher evaluation, feedback, conferences, research publications, fringe benefits

(pension, housing, lounces etc) should be arranged for meaningful shining

improvement in second language learning. (khan)



The purpose of the research is to highlight the importance of vocabulary

teaching and various aspects of development in vocabulary learning. It

will enhance the problems of students and suggest the appropriate

solution for it. Vocabulary teaching techniques are being focused in it.

How vocabulary is being neglected by language teachers during the

language classrooms. Especially the reflection of primary level students

will be seen by research to highlight the effort less teaching at

Rawalpindis Government and private schools. Both will be observed,

teachers teaching will be observed and then comparison will be drawn to

prove a point to show the vocabulary teaching in it.




It is observed specially the vocabulary teaching is not the priority of the

language teachers. Their attitude towards vocabulary shows that it is the

duty of learner to memorize and learn it by their own efforts. It depicts

the carelessness of English teacher towards their respected profession too.

The learner faced a lot of difficulties regarding vocabulary learning,

especially in government sector students are in high trouble. But more or

less private sector of Rawalpindi is trying to focus on vocabulary and

teach the vocabulary with different techniques.

For these reasons researcher will compare the both government and

private sectors language teaching strategies especially for 5 th grade

students in Rawalpindi.


The rationale of the study is to find out the difficulty faced by the

language learners during the process of studying in their institutes and to

highlight the problems of language teachers while teaching is being under

process. It will be evaluated that what type of efforts are designed for

better learning of the students. Researcher will find out the problems of

both teacher and students and try to overcome the problems and will

suggest the suitable and applicable solutions, techniques or procedures.

Adaptation or adaptation of course books exercises will also be focused

by researcher and will find out that do teacher use the situation based

teaching or not. Appropriate suggestions will help out the teachers of

foreign language and second language learners as well.


The major objectives of the research are as followed:

1 To identify the English vocabulary teaching techniques in

selected private and government schools of Rawalpindi.

2 To highlight the methodology usage for teaching the English

3 To analyze the problems of the English language learner during

the learning process of foreign language.

4 To highlight the problems of teachers regarding vocabulary

teaching in the classrooms.


According to the hypothesis of research, researcher will study these


1 Which techniques are useful to develop the English vocabulary in

government sector in Rawalpindi at primary level at 5th grade?

2 Which techniques are used for the development of English

vocabulary in private sector Rawalpindi at 5th grade?



The researcher has studied the topic comparative study on English vocabulary

teaching techniques in government sector and private sector at primary level 5 th

grade in Rawalpindi.

The population of the research is delimitation to the forty students and ten

teachers. Random sampling is adopted in survey research. Questionnaire and

observation method is used as tools of research to collect the data for analysis

and further findings and recommendations.


Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Vocabulary

1. According to Pawley and Syder 1983(in practice English Language

Teaching by David Nunan (that vocabulary consists on word or group

of words. If learners want to use the words fluently like their mother

tongue, so they should need competence to join them and proper use

in their language. So, words are having backbone importance in the

vocabulary building. It is necessary to know the words and their

combinations for positive vocabulary building in language learners.


2. Penny Ur defined vocabulary as those words which are not directly

related to native language but we teach the foreign language words

like vocabulary.

Vocabulary sometimes depends on one, two or three words but shows

a single idea or meaning.

For example:


Book Bank

Bed Room

Black board (Ur)


what is new is not true and what is true is not new
The history of development of vocabulary teaching is not the old perception

leading to new, it is actually a series of different dominating ideas and

shinning styles that grows the vocabulary and due to these ideologies the

effort became true towards success about the development of vocabulary

learning. The gradual progress towards vocabulary teaching and learning is

slow and steady. (McCarthy)


Vocabulary is being taught from year to year to the language learners with

different methods and approaches of languages teaching. In audio-lingual

method grammar is focused but comparatively vocabulary is given less

importance. But in CLT communicative language teaching in 1970s

vocabulary was emphasized a lot and efforts were taken to improve the

vocabulary in language learners. Communicative language teaching presents

a meaningful effort for improving the vocabulary learning in language

learners. Natural approach plays a vital role in improvement of vocabulary

learning by focusing on this specific item in language learners. There are also

a lot of other methods and under these methods a number of approaches are

designed by language teachers and experts to enhance the ability to

understand vocabulary and to use it in practical work. These approaches are

useful from beginners to advanced level. In 1940s, 1950s and 1960s

structural approach was also designed for the growth of vocabulary in

language learners. Its special construction on vocabulary becomes the reason

for shinning learning even in beginner level learners. Its special construction

on vocabulary became the reason for shining learners.



Evdyn Hatch and Clergy Browns research on vocabulary learning

and teaching aid that we can divide the vocabulary learning into two

parts with two (I). (Brown)

First (I) said to us about international learning.

Second (I) said to us about Incident learning.

International vocabulary learning can be defined as organized,

preplanned, systematic and arranged vocabulary by teachings to teach

and learn the new items of vocabulary. It is taught to the students by

already planned make up of mind for the students learning and

teaching. Incidental learning is something else; its about practice or

doing the activity for learning the vocabulary. It is based on reading

practice. Yuns study on the incidental vocabulary shows that the

foreign language learners got mostly 16% unfamiliar vocabulary

words by doing just only one time reading practice of a book.

Researcher Duply and Krashen also observed in united states that

foreign language learner who has participated in the class reading and

watching the educational movies they required almost 5-10 words per

hour as incidental language learning from a difficult test. They

believe that, listening and reading plays a vital role in acquiring the

vocabulary items or words for such activities. Children got new

vocabulary words by reading and listening, not only in native

language learning development but this rule is also applicable for

second language learning. (Krashen)

According to Eve Clark in vocabulary applied linguistic perspective

by Ronald Carter that growth and development of vocabulary in

language learners is really a complicated and time taking process. It

starts from even early age from 1*1/2 years to onwards, where

children may have almost 50 words in their mind and within two

years it processed very quickly and reached on the figure of several

hundred words. And the process of development in vocabulary

learning grows with the passage of time and effort. (Carter)


According to Ernest Macaro in teaching and learning a second language

proves that to research on vocabulary acquisition there is a standard system

of word categorization. Through this specific standard system one can

explore the origin of words and their function in language.

Following are some categories of words:

i. Lemmas
ii. Word families

iii. Types
iv. Tokens
v. High frequency words

Lemmas are more systematic and systematically organized words like word

families. Basically it is a part of word families lemmas are more simpler

words families to teach and learn the vocabulary at primary level (e.g.,

work, worked, jump, jumped, jumping etc).Contracted forms are included in

lemmas section (e.g. have not, havent, is not, isnt, are not, arent) etc.

According to Richards and Malvern 1997 in teaching and learning the

second language that why we are interested in finding the token and types of

words because only to explore the lexical differences of a text. It helps to

understand the vocabulary items even at primary or advance level.

Assessment of (Nation 2001) in teaching and learning the second language

in second language that reason to take interest in lemmas and word families

are to understand that how to learn the broader bank of words. They said

that lemmas and word families help a lot to categorize the words and easy

way to understand, learn and teach the language learning. Process of

memorizing the words becomes easier.


Different words are made up with their head words e.g. legitimate and all

words that are derived from it like legitimately, legitimize, legitimization

and like plausible, plausibility etc are the family of that head word and used

in a text as a vocabulary terms and teach are learned in teaching the



It is the first category of word and it explains total number of words in any

literary text. It counts the words only. For example in my last sentence there

were five tokens. According to Nation, 2001 in teaching and learning

secondly that in some following words are called tokens or the running

words are called token.


Different words that are used in a text are called types. So, if some wanted

to access the vocabulary used in an article he/she would observe the number

of types that he/she used. In previous two sentences I used (35) tokens (total

number of words) but the word the is used two times. But if we want to

count types we will count the only one time. (macaro)


According to West (1995) in teaching and learning a second language which

explore almost 2,000 word families and many words are functional words

which are used in language as a miner vocabulary item but they have

importance in meaning e.g. of, yet, and, or, an, what, which etc. These

words have clear semantic meanings and then frequently used words should

be taught and learnt to the second language learners to develop the basic


According to David Nunan in practical English language teaching that it

is easier was to teach the English language learner that when they have

basic building patterns of words to understand the other related words of its

specific word. This categorization of words also sets the idea of present,

past and future tense even, plural or possessive element too can be judged.

It is more rational to count the required words familiar than to count the

related types of it. To distribute the words according to tense, it became

more understandable to learn the vocabulary item and also effective to teach

vocabulary items in language class room. (Nunan)



According to HU and Nation (2001) in David Nunans practical English

language teaching that contextual learning majorly focused on meanings of

the specific vocabulary items and it can be observed in listening and

reading. For better understanding of the vocabulary a learner uses his/her

previous running words in his memory to comprehend the contextual

meaning of the of vocabulary items. They proved that if 98% are running

words are exciting in a learners mind that could get one new vocabulary

word with the combination of fifty running =which are already exciting in

the mind of the learner. David Nunan proves that in practically English

language teaching that this new vocabulary items can easily comprehend by

careful reading of the whole passage and contextual meaning of passage

bared the meaning of new word for language learner. (Nunan)



David Nunan suggested in practice English language teaching that careful

learning focuses on the spelling, sounds of word , structure of grammar,

vocabulary, sentence formation and code and context and type of meaning

of text. The most effective learning technique is learning the new

vocabulary item by the process of memorization of the L1 translation.




According to Swain 1985 in practical language teaching that speaking and

learning are productive skills and have a unique style to motivate the

learning ability of vocabulary in language learners. Vocabulary is being used

in speaking and writing as productive element and it motivates the learners


mind for the vocabulary words which are somewhere existed in the min d of

the learner. It increase the focused knowledge of required vocabulary in

language learning while learner less focused in these productive elements

during reading and listening. For example: when someone say to explain the

situations like Do Ali grip, hold or catch the mug, while listening and

reading learner will not focus on such verbs but during speaking and writing

he will have to think about the proper verb , which become the source of

interesting vocabulary in language learners.

According to Codssons and Agens in practical English language teaching

that accurate and progressive learning of a language could not be progress

by negative anyone of the productive and receptive skills of learning.

Reading, listening, writing and speaking are the combination of meaning

discourse community. (Nunan)


In speaking point of view the use of vocabulary could be helpful to increase

the fluency and wide use of words in practice. Focusing on the other skills

like reading, writing and listening fluency is ad useful as in speaking. Every

skill is side by side important to increase the knowledge of vocabulary. It

can be adopted for the fluency development activities. Never try to use the

unknown items during fluency development at primary level. A lot of

practices make it fluent and progressive. (Nunan)




According to Penny Ur in A course in language teaching there are three

types of meanings of words.

Connotational meanings
Appropriate meanings
Denotational meanings

Connotational meaning of a word is beyond the surface meaning of a word

even there are multi meanings of word and now people use it in social life.

It is very much related to negative, positive or associated meaning of one

word could be implied.

Connotational meanings are not improved by the dictionary. The example of

dog will clarify the function of connotation the dog is considered the

symbol of friendship and loyalty in Britain, but in Arab countries it is equal

to inferiority and dirt. So, these positive and negative connotations are also

the part of vocabulary teaching to aware the learner about the difference of

that very word.


Dictionary meaning of a word is called denotational meaning e.g. carrot is a

well known plant which has orange, red and yellow root recognized as

vegetable and another way carrot as a noun means promised reward,

threat or reward etc.


The selection of particular word in a particular situation is called the

appropriate selection of word according to context and exact meaning is

rightly conveyed by it. (Ur)



According to Virginia French Allen in teaching in technique said that it is

reality to learn English the experts says that the basic element is learning

vocabulary how to use then words ,hoe to memorize there words is the

major case to take fluency in speaking English and written English. For

many years there are many progress were designed by language experts but

less attention were given towards vocabulary. There were some rules

organized in some language books to learn the all word that are needed to

the students in language learning, it could be learning without ant help.


Further, teacher argues that they could practice these words in language

classrooms until students are perfect in grammar and the sound system of

the language. In the past, vocabulary was not emphasized but most attention

was given to the grammar and pronunciation. Vocabulary was neglected in

twentieth century even by language teachers and experts. (Allen 1-2)

According to Ronald Carter in vocabulary applied linguistic perspectives

that it is the habit of learners become all the previous years that they neglect

the vocabulary learning. They have poor approach towards vocabulary. He

observed it in a research on linguistic elements of syntax and phonology and

generalize that the less focus is given to the vocabulary learning section.

Gleason in 1960s research in vocabulary applied linguistic perspectives

will justify the complain of Ronald carter that people find vocabulary as a

complicated part of learning a second language that fail to increase the

interest to learn it as a priority. But Gleason said that to comprehend the

vocabulary is easier than to understand the structures or expression of as

second language. Because vocabulary consist on words in other hand

structure is related a lot of other rules that are difficult to create only a one

sight. (Carter 145)



Virginia French Allen said that these are three reasons for neglecting the

vocabulary in previous decades. Research proves that those problems or

difficulties occur to communication may be written or verbal are due to the

least emphasis of students in vocabulary learning with grammar. They only

focus the grammar not the vocabulary. Then break down occurs in speech

and other progressive skills. In order to explain the connection between

grammar and vocabulary a paragraph is contained by Virginia French Allen

about such easy vocabulary.

When Im not well, I can never find the things I need. The things I need

gave gone away from all the places where I look. That is one, of the fact I

have learned about people and things.

Grammar isles focused in English class rooms. Student could not judge the

words usage in the sentences. Only general meanings are taught and

learned. It is very much right that student should learn the grammar by

involving the usage of words. Mostly in classroom a quiet attention is being

given to the sentence formation and student commit a lot of mistakes in it

which cannot be ignored. Students have less understanding about

vocabulary items and their meaning to use in particular way. (Allen)



Researchers prove that presently teaching and learning vocabulary is being

carefully focused specially in ESL classes. Specialists of language keenly

study the lexical problems, because researchers examine that lexical

problems create hurdles in communication due to people not choose the

right words for communication. Grammar and vocabulary learning are the

fundamental ornaments for accurate communication. Vocabulary and

grammar learning and teaching both are side by side important for acquiring

the second language. Teacher knows that hoe the production of words stops

when the learner has lack of reasonable words. They do not believe that

teaching and learning of vocabulary should be postponed until the grammar

is mastered. Therefore, a balance between he both vocabulary and grammar

teaching and learning in the classroom. To understand the meaning of word

is initial step of learning. It should take time only in seconds as possible.

Much timing should be given to the complex activities, or formation of new

sentences. (Allen)



Harvey Wiener and Charles Bazermen said that a person when realizes that

he has learned and understand the new words but a lot of practice is needed

all the time for mastering it. A lot of vocabulary memorization techniques

are suggested by writers.


a. Oral practice of a word: pronunciation clues should be collected

by the dictionaries.
b. Index cards: cards could be use for vocabulary learning and

teaching as to put the word on card one side and another used for its

c. Writing practice: writing practice for each vocabulary word on

paper with its proper definition just for memorization of the words.
d. Memorization at the first sight: one should try to learn the

vocabulary item at very first sight accurately as assuming the

property of language.
e. Ornamentation of a word according to ones own ideology: one

can learn the new vocabulary item by decorating the words

according to his/her ideology but meanings should not be destructed.

f. Regular practicing of words and their meanings: practice makes

a man perfect. One can repeat the words meanings again and again

for practical memorization.

g. Social use of vocabulary: vocabulary should in social context,

communication, in official work, in school, in classrooms or event at

home with siblings.

h. Written practice: written practice in essay, vocabulary uses

according to code and context which to help to motivate the learning

of new words. (Bazerman)

Memory is a key to remember the all matters where vocabulary is also

included in it. Many researchers raised a question that how a man can

memorize the things if he is engaged with short term memory. So, it shows

the importance of memory and storage power of a mind. It is very important


for learners because it has a vital influence on learning. Teachers have a lot

of strategies and techniques to learn. Phonology of words helps the children

to recognize the words and develop the vocabulary in the school. Once

children familiar the sound of the lexical item he/she use it easily.

Phonological understanding of words helps also in terms of memorizing the

lexical item. Then, this information is safely stored in the box of mind

which is related to phonological memory. Memory improves as the age

passed the years; memory grows day by day, years by years foe effective

control. (Wikipedia the free encyclopedia)


Language teaching shares thousands of ideas and techniques to perform

perfect teaching of different items of language. All aspects are performed

according to their need and situation and language room for best learning.

Similarly, vocabulary presentation has a lot of techniques that are helpful of

better understanding in developing the vocabulary. According to Penny Ur

proper step wise process can be truly helpful for understanding the new

vocabulary item as followed.

a. Dictionary Definition:
b. Detailed description
c. Related examples
d. Illustration of word
e. Description of context
f. Synonyms
g. Antonyms
h. Translation
a. Dictionary Definition: The very first step of presenting

the new item of vocabulary is to give the concise or brief


meaning of a word that is in simple and easy language

given in dictionary, so that the learner get the urgent

understanding of the vocabulary.

b. Detailed description: After presenting the brief

description of a word the second step is to give a

detailed description of a new word to clearly the whole

idea of word or object. For example, if teacher want to

describe HORSE, one should describe its general

appearance, qualities, size, color, hobbies, use, food and

where does it live etc should be explained for detailed

c. Related Examples: (hyponymy): Third strategy to teach

the new vocabulary item is to present the super ordinate

to show the group of object. Hyponymy is basically the

classification or categorization of a word. For example,

color is super ordinate and all colors included red, green,

orange, black, blue, white, gray, golden, silver, purple,

brown, pink, yellow etc are the hyponyms of the color. It

is very useful technique to improve the vocabulary in

beginner level. By this categorization and memorizing

the words, students get rid of easy understanding of the

d. Illustration of words: To teach the new vocabulary

item, teacher brings real objects or pictures in the


classrooms to increase the learning ability and to

motivate the students to acquire the proper knowledge of

the new vocabulary item. Student become involved due

to real objects and total attention with full concentration

is being given to the vocabulary.

e. Description of Context: Researchers observed that

sometimes it is really hard to teach the new vocabulary

even by categorizing process, not exact concept could be

explained. In this situation contextual description helps a

lot to clarify the concept. For example, honesty can be

explained with the help of telling a story. The learners

get the exact idea of it.

f. Synonyms: Synonyms are the group of similar meaning

of word. It is also useful to present different shades of

vocabulary of word. It gives variety of words and to

have creating in learner.

g. Antonyms: Antonyms are the opposites of a word. It

could be more than one word. It also engages the

negative angel of the word.

h. Translation: translation is another technique to teach

and learn the vocabulary. In our country, it is being used

frequently to translate the word or idea in native

language and students correlate the translations with

existing knowledge in their mind. So, due to this process


they can easily understand the concept and its function

with the meaning.

So, all these techniques could count as considerable element to improve the

teaching and learning vocabulary. Because there is no need to utilize much

amount for their application process is needed. Under progress countries

like Pakistan, can also use these strategies in language classes for teaching

the vocabulary. (Ur)

According to JA Bright and McGeorge in teaching English as a second

language that dictionaries cannot be learned by heart in any stage of

education. It can only be used in proper way with specific guidance to see

any word in it to know the meaning or to understand the pronunciation of

the words. There are a lot of other idiosyncratic characteristics of a word

that are explained in it. It can be useful to understand the meaning of new

words. But every pupil should know the accurate use of dictionary. It

doesnt mean that students should not be taught vocabulary items in the

classrooms. It is only helping material to resolve the gap between known

and unknown, understanding and misunderstanding. Sometimes students

correlate their judges meaning with the dictionary meanings for correction

in their mind. (J. B. McGregor)



It is challenging for a teacher to teach new vocabulary item with new energy

and different useful acts of teaching. Because according to Don Byrne in


English teaching perspectives that without full attention and interest of a

pupil teacher cannot get the required outcome. So, there are different types

of efforts that a teacher can do to teach and learn the new vocabulary items.
a. Force to guess the meaning form: a teacher should

give only clues to pupil to find out the correct one.

But before this judgment, a complete knowledge

about the lesson should be included in teaching. So,

the learner will use the reasoning and interpretive

abilities to find out the correct meaning, form etc in

the class room. If teacher feel difficulty to guess the

correct answer, could help once, twice and could

train them to guess by their own.

b. Helping games: teacher can arrange a game on board

to judge the correct answer but it should not be over

challenging for the learner. So, they will give up and

loss the interest, feeling burden for them. Teacher

can scramble the letters on the board or make an

upside down or left to right. Pupil will guess the

word by pointing out the letters one by one during

the process whole class will engage in the activity.

Slow learners can also get rid of pear learning. By

practice they will train for a lot different words.

c. Interest: it can create to teach them the meaning of

new vocabulary items by making it quite difficult for


the students. So, they will use their inner abilities of

judgment. For example, teacher can use realia in

classroom, but what will be the innovation, the

innovation will be in interesting form that teacher

will wrap up the real objects in any piece of cloth or

tissue and learner will feel the object by touching it

and then tell its name and properties. It will create

full interest and enjoyment also teach the new

vocabulary item to learners or voices of animals,

birds or any other object can be judged by listening

and then teacher will tell them the name of object

and its characteristics.

d. Through action vocabulary can be taught.
e. Vocabulary can also be taught by showing the

f. Meaning can be interpreted by pupils by making

dots and by giving them numbers and students will

connect them by order at last they guess the

meaning. Teacher can adopt and adopt a number of

different techniques not to teach the vocabulary but

to create the interest to learn the vocabulary in

students by using techniques in the class room.




According to David Nunan in practical English language techniques, so

many techniques can be effective to teach the words and their meaning at

beginner level.
For example,
Careful or thorough reading
Learn the categorization of words
Listen the stories
Fluent reading
Writing paradigm
Reading the essays
Speaking activities
Written expression

Through reading on can improve the understanding with new words and

their code and contextual meaning. Reading habits should always be

encouraged as fluent reading. Mistakes should be corrected after reading,

but there must be fluency in reading. After a paragraph, mistakes can be

considered by the teacher with great positivity of learning. Different words

can be learned by reading the graded essays to increase the vocabulary.

Teacher can guide them to read their own class related essays and stories

that are according to their level of learning. Teacher can motivate the

communication in the classroom by hearing different issues for speaking.

Dialogue practice will increase the existing knowledge about words and

their usage. Vocabulary teaching has another tool to build it high by putting

the ideas with words on the paper. One should have use the accurate shades

of words in the shape of creative essays. So, all these multiple strategies are

helpful to motivate the learners mind for learning the vocabulary. There are

other a lot of activities involved focusing the improvement in vocabulary.




There are different ways of presenting the vocabulary.

i. Proper arrangement of the main idea of the text should be

done by teacher before teaching a concept. It should be very

near to the interest of the learner according to their age

group, mental capacity and depends upon their experience.

ii. Interest of learner should be counted first during the

delivery of new vocabulary words and involvement of

students effort will also count in development.

iii. Before imparting the new vocabulary item, try to insist the

learners mind first. Teacher should motivate second

language learners previous knowledge about the targeted

vocabulary. It will engage the interests of the learner and

effective way of utilization of their knowledge.

iv. Repetition of vocabulary words could be useful in teaching

and learning the new words. It could be rearranged

according to the need of the learners. Beginners need more

repetition than intermediate or advanced level of learners.

v. Concept clearance questionnaire also design for learner to

check the ability to understand the accurate meaning of


vocabulary item. Weather they are familiar with the proper

function of words or not. (Putri)



It is not sure that the words which are taught in a classroom are really

learnt by the pupils. Regarding new vocabulary recognition one time

practice cannot fullfil need of learner for long lasting. Learners need a lot of

experience to observe a new item. During presentation of lesson in a

classroom teacher should use different controlled strategies to recall the

vocabulary and renew the vocabulary. It should be on regular bases and

such type of planned activities will grace the vocabulary in position way in

learners mental store. A language teacher can engage his/her students in

different activities during the class time.

For example:

a. Can bring some pictures and charts of vocabulary words student

should be asked to match the relevant word with it appropriate


b. Integration of grammar activities also shines the vocabulary. For

example: practice of synonyms, antonyms, pair of words, words

meaning, word opposition etc. it could be practiced also the picture.

c. Free discussions, dialogue practice role plays, storytelling, chain

drills etc are effective practice for development of vocabulary words.

No one can forget the words that are practiced in such an interesting

d. Competition writing could be arranged according to the age of

learners. At primary level it could be arranged by giving the topic of

essay should be first. First sight of topic is related with advanced

level, beginners can put the sentence according to their interest. They

can choose the topic freely and wrote as much as they want in

specific time.
e. Exercise on prefixes and suffixes to make the new words. It will help

in modification in vocabulary.
f. Exercise of making a new word by showing them words on cards

and they should have to make a new word. They see the spelling and

with those alphabets they will make a new word like part, rat, rap, art

etc. it will create interest in the learner and make up the vocabulary

g. Classification of vocabulary will also useful for learning

perspectives. For example: vocabulary about classroom, bedroom,

house, hospital, kitchen, country etc. children will learn new items

and memorize them according to their specific class.

h. Guessing games are useful to enlarge or recall the object by

recognizing its sound or voice. For example: voice of sparrow.


Horse, bell, lion etc to guess its name. Another way to judge the

sound of drum, water etc. It can be complex or little complex etc by

having in mind that that are learner weather they are beginners or

advanced to recall or re practice the existing vocabulary is very

important for mental exercise. It ensures that words are in practice

form and can be put in required place. Such activities can be useful

for lesson understanding but warmer for before lesson should be

i. Revision of vocabulary activities is also very important. It could be

in different forms like vocabulary quizzes, action vocabulary

activities at the spot learning, judging the games etc are included to

enlarge the capacity of learning in language learner. (Putri)


Chapter 3


Methodology deals with data collection and it is done under a specific process.

This process needs tools or instruments to find out the highlighted hypothesis

under some principles and rules. Selection of tools is a primary effort to conclude

any problem. Research is an organized sequenced and systematic way to find out

the problems that are raised by researcher. In this research researcher has used a

qualitative paradigm. In general term, a paradigm deals with whole frame work

of a topic, belief, related values and method etc. Researcher has connected it with

whole work.


According to Cresswell (1994) that a qualitative paradigm is about to inquire the

social, human problem and their understandings that could be complex overview

of the problem, emotion with words, detailed information and the way of how it

is conducted in a natural settings. The major disadvantage of qualitative research

is that its conduction is difficult for wider population in a limited time period

whereas, same degree of approval in the hands of quantitative analysis. This is

why the quantitative findings are related to statistical, numerical or about

percentage data.


In this research researcher use descriptive research method, the primary purpose

of descriptive research is together the data and information in the form of

numbers, statistical data, numerical data, test scores, hours of the instructions etc.


The setting of this research is two government and two private schools are taken

by the researcher.


The population of this research is the students of primary level (5 th) grade. It is

really hard for researcher to collect and find out the data about all primary

schools of schools and teachers of Rawalpindi. So, researcher has used sampling

technique in this research.



Random sampling is adopted in selection of students from primary sections of

the selected schools. The following schools are observed in this research.

1. Government Comprehensive Girls H/Sec School Rawalpindi.

2. Government Shimla Islamia Girls H/Sec School Rawalpindi.
3. Siddeeq Public School Asghar Mall Road Rawalpindi.
4. The Educator Asghar Mall Road Rawalpindi.


The size of sample is forty students and ten teachers from primary level (5 th



For reliable research, researcher has used two tools to analyze the data.

i. Questionnaire
ii. Observation


Questionnaires are designed to collect the accurate statistical data from the

selected population. They are in written form usually to gather the information in

order to provide the better solution for problems. In order to collect the data

researcher has made two questionnair

i. For Teachers
ii. For Students

Both questionnaires were designed totally different to each other. Researcher

made teachers questionnaire to know the method of teaching English, different

technique and what type of versatility or modification and how they enhanced the

vocabulary and motivate the students. Students questionnaire was made to

identify the problems of students that they face in the class, how they learn

vocabulary general or prior knowledge about vocabulary. After meeting the

questionnaire and checked it by the superior and subject teacher the next step for

further research was adopted to visit the concerned schools and here permission

was granted from the head of institutes for applying the questionnaire on the

selected students and teachers. The whole process is organized to attain the clear

picture of teaching and learning vocabulary at primary level in different selected

schools of Rawalpindi. The researcher herself administered the whole process of

getting data from the students and teachers and got back the questionnaire with

required data. Researcher has dealt with a great effort to collect the about

vocabulary for finding its true validity in the teaching and learning process.


Observation is another research tool which is used during the research process

through this specific tool researcher was able to observe the present situation of

teaching and learning in Rawalpindi.

The researcher also got special permission to sit in the primary level 5 th grade

class to observe the students and teaching of the English teacher during the

English period. Through observation and questionnaires researcher is being able

to collect the data for her research.


The procedure of data collection is preceded through questionnaire and

observation of teachers and students in the form of graphs and percentage.

Analysis of English teaching vocabulary data along with graphs and percentage

detail is given in the next chapter named as data analysis.


Chapter 4


In this chapter the researcher has analyzed the concerned students and teachers

responses that are collected through questionnaire and keen observation in their

classrooms. Data is presented here in the form of graph charts and percentage.

The purpose of data analysis is to depict a clear picture about teaching and

learning in government and private sectors. Researcher also observed the

problems of teachers and learners in order to overcome these problems further

recommendations and suggestions are given in the next chapter.


Figure 1

The result of this figure shows that 83% of Grammar translation method is in the

use of government sector at primary level (5th grade) in Rawalpindi. They dont

use the direct method in English class. While the combination of these both

methods are used in the private sector for teaching the English language at

primary level.

Figure 2

This figure clearly shows that 100% encouragement is given by private sector to

the learners to check not only the meanings of the word even the sound pattern

too by the dictionary. On other hand, government sector do not take much

interest in it.

Figure 3

This figure deals with teaching of vocabulary with the help of A.V aids at
primary level. Data represents that in private sector 80%

Figure 4

The result of this question shows that the teachers of private sector were sure that

their method of teaching is very interesting and understandable. So, their learners

get the vocabulary understanding most of the time very quickly during the

lecture. But as compared to private sector government sector only 50% sure

about the rest of the figure they believe they could not get the meaning of the


Figure 5

The result of this question shows that both sectors are agreed that their learners

can understand the vocabulary item even in isolation due to their method of

teaching. But through research it was observed that element of exaggeration is

used in the answer of government sector.


Figure 6

Research proves that 60% of private and government sector respectively respond

that they involve the learners in repetition of vocabulary learning in the


Figure 7

It is observed in this figure of result that private sector mostly practice the

monolingual method for developing the meaning of English vocabulary. While,

83% of bilingual method is used by the government sector but monolingual

method is rarely used by the government sector.


Figure 8

The result of this question shows that private sector teach the English vocabulary

items using almost all angels of the learning with different ratio. Rather

government practices it only during the lesson. So, their learners couldnt get the

effective understanding of the vocabulary.


Figure 9

100% appreciation is given to the learners of private sector which push them to

solve the riddles regarding vocabulary during the lesson. While teachers of

government sector only sometimes appreciate them for questioning during the


Figure 10

This figure represents that private sector is 100% in favor of pre-reading of

vocabulary while 66% yes is considered by government sector.


Figure 11

Research raised a question regarding practicing the vocabulary on daily basis in

the homework of learners, government sector agreed 66%. While private sector

strongly agreed with 50% for doing above activity.


Figure 12

Research enrolled an interesting question to know the treatment of teachers with

students regarding vocabulary teaching, researcher has observed that private

sector totally disagree to learn the vocabulary with the element of punishment

even they know that practice can improve them but the word punishment itself

create the lower feeling in the learners while it is 83% widely practiced in the

government sector.

Figure 13

This figure shows that government sector believes that sufficient time is given to

the teachers to teach the vocabulary, they 66% neglect the time issue regarding

teaching of vocabulary in the classroom. While private sector agreed 50% and

disagreed also 50% about such sort of questioning.


Figure 14

Research observed that private sector shows its English teaching 66% with the

help of realia, flash cards, movies, charts. While the result of government sector

shows that they sometimes 83% use the above A.V aids to teach the learners.

They do not practice the English vocabulary in their classrooms with such


Figure 15

The graph clearly shows that private sector 83% agreed that quizzes for

vocabulary improvement should be arranged during a week while government

sector only 50% sure that such activities can bring the improvement in the


Figure 1

The figure shows that the learner of private sector 100% knows about the

vocabulary and students of government sector 95% had idea about vocabulary.

Figure 2

Research enrolled a question regarding the importance of vocabulary of learners

in their English course book and got result which shows that government sector

100% agrees that it is the major and important part of their study. While private

sector 85% admits the vocabulary learning is an important portion in their study.

Figure 3

Observation of research which is drawn in this figure is that 65% and 45% the

memorization of the vocabulary has been done easily at school by private and

government sector respectively. While 55% ratio is noted by government sector

and 35% is noted due to the result of private sector learners for learning the

vocabulary at their homes. Research proves that private sectors learners mostly

learn at their school.


Figure 4

Both sectors agreed 85% that vocabulary learning is not boring or time wasting

activity. Further explanation about this question researcher has provided in

observation sheet.

Figure 5

The graph shows that 100% acceptance is figured out from the private sector

while the data about government sector also related with vocabulary learning

through games. Both sectors of learners want such change on weekly bases.

Figure 6

The values of graph clearly depict a picture in the eyes of readers that private

sector learners only 20% took help from English to Urdu dictionary. While the

learners of government sector use the English to Urdu dictionary.


Figure 7

The result of this figure shows that school learners of primary 5 th grade 95% get

the meanings of vocabulary through dictionary while the result of private sector

is that they 85% get the vocabulary understanding by consulting their teachers in

the class rooms.


Figure 8

Result proves that because private sectors mostly use monolingual method of

understanding the vocabulary. So, it shows that English to English dictionary is

60% in their use while government sectors student replied that 80% they have to

concern with English to English dictionary.


Figure 9

The result of this graph is the witness of 80% problems that are faced by the

government students during the lecture. While 95% of private sectors students

replied that they are not victimize by these problems.


Figure 10

The result of this question shows that the students of private sector mostly

emphasized on, before the lesson and side by side vocabulary teaching

should be included in the daily lesson plan of the English teacher. While the

students of government sector believe that vocabulary should be taught to them

during the lesson.


Figure 11

Research asked another question through questionnaire that learners can learn the

vocabulary by their own or not. Private sectors learners replied 55% sometimes

and 45% about not they cannot learn without teacher while 60% yes approved

was adopted by government sector. They believe that they can learn vocabulary

by their own.

Figure 12

This figure shows that private sectors learners confidently admit with 95% that

vocabulary learning is not a headache for them even they learn it easily while

80% of government sector feel hard to learn the English vocabulary.


Figure 13

Research enrolled a question in front of private and government sectors learners

both strongly agreed to memorize the vocabulary through cartoons, movies,

charts, colors, puppets etc.




This chapter is designed to conclude the whole thesis. Research collected a lot of

information through questionnaire and observation from the selected schools. In

the light of their results findings and recommendations are given in this chapter

to develop the vocabulary teaching and learning in Rawalpindi.


Vocabulary is having a root base of any language. It depends on words. If one

wantsto get command over language he/she must know the appropriate

knowledge about the vocabulary words, correct use of the language. There are

two types of vocabulary productive vocabulary and receptive vocabulary.

Productive id about these words which one produce by the use writing skills and

another way of production is related to speaking ability. One utilizes its

productive efforts to manipulate the words in new form writing and speaking,

whereas the receptive vocabulary deals with listening and reading. One can get

command on vocabulary learning by focusing on these essential parts of

language learning. Mostly second language learners could not get approach on

the productive skills. They can shine it by utilizing their time on the reading and

listening English to develop the vocabulary learning.

After a complete study of vocabulary teaching and learning, researcher has

observed that primary level learners at private sector are comparatively good in

vocabulary than students of government sector. It is observed that government

sector face a lot of problems regarding vocabulary teaching in their institutes. In

order to overcome these problems researcher suggests some methodologies to

develop the vocabulary level in the primary level students. Researcher has used a

planned way to find out the problems that depends on questionnaire and personal

observation. These tools were used to collect the data and analysis of data was

collected in the form of percentage that was presented in the shape of graphs

individually for teaching perspective and students learning of vocabulary.

Percentage method has helped the data for description of clear picture of reality

of vocabulary teaching and learning.


It was the aim of the researcher to find out the problems and to collect the data

related to the topic of the research. Concerned data further polished with some

remedies to remove the problems.

a. It has been observed that a huge difference between government and

private sector is that GTM method is mostly used in government sector.

They dont use the direct method, due to this reason their students could

not get command on English with in short time, while private sector

teach with both methods and their learners are competent in English

vocabulary learning due to the method of teaching.

b. It has been observed by research that teaching A.V aids are used by the

private sector. So, their learners learn the vocabulary with the help of

modern and novel concepts and became sharp in their studies while

government sector do not facilitate them with such helping material.

Researcher has observed that they feel dull during the English class.

There was not any innovation in the vocabulary teaching.

c. It has been also noticed that government learners has shyness, lowness

and fear in questioning in their nature during the lecture for asking any

question to the teachers. Researcher has noticed in the class that some

learners asked the questions even the students could not get complete

meaning of the word, learner further do not argue for the complete

concept, while questioning was much appreciated in the private sector

and till the students get sufficient answer both efforts for completion of

d. The result of data also shows that there is not any arrangement separately

for the building of vocabulary at primary level, and it is also observed

that teacher are unable to teach the lengthy syllabus with in very short

time period.
e. Research proves that element of punishment is widely given to the

government students for not memorizing the lesson even a whole day,

may be punishment depends on the three or four period, but the basic

concept of the students were corrected y the teachers, while the element

of punishment is accepted by the teachers of private sector, they believe

on correction of concepts in the mind of learner and then practice can

improve the learner. They assume punishment as a sign of lower feeling

creator in the learner.

f. Due to GTM (grammar translation method) practiced in the government

sector, researchers observed by looking at their books that the students

have written the meanings of difficult words in Urdu, while this

observation was opposite I private sector that they write the meanings of

difficult vocabulary item in simple English synonyms of each word. So,

this habit promotes the monolingualism in the learners.

g. Vocabulary teaching in government sector has been observed that when

the half of the lesson has been completed, teacher repeats all previous

vocabulary item with meanings speedily. It has been observed most of

the learners could not get the appropriate understanding of the words

according to code and context. While private teachers teach the

vocabulary side by side or sentence wise learning they complete the one

sentence and talk about the difference words and this whole concept

related to the story. So, it clarifies the complete ups and downs in the

mind of learner.
h. It was the wish of the government learners that they should be taught the

vocabulary through movies, cartoons, puppets, charts, realia etc. they

want to learn but facilities are not provided to them. While private

learners are facilitated with such ornaments of luxury for learning the

vocabulary and teacher get feedback in the form of excellence in their

English vocabulary learning.

i. Observation feels another thing in the teachers that asked the question

only from the brilliant students in the class while other weak students

remain weak they are not being motivated by any force, they become

silent in the class due to this reason they lose their interest in the class.
j. It has been observed that private students get meanings of difficult

words mostly by consulting their homes they consult with in other hand.

Government students use the bilingual dictionaries to get the proper

meanings of the words.


Problem 1: Vocabulary understanding through bilingual dictionary creates

problems in mastering the English vocabulary.

Solution: It has been seen in previous chapter that vocabulary is mostly

taught and learns in Urdu language which creates problems in understanding

the English vocabulary. Students face difficulties while using these words in

sentences, they translate them in Urdu and want to make its English which is

difficult for them. Monolingual concept of learning can help them to

understand the English vocabulary.

Problem 2: Lack of teacher development programs specially for vocabulary


Solution: Researcher has observed that there is a dire need of teachers

development training seminars, workshops (could be one day or more than

one day), teacher evaluation/feedback, conferences, fringe benefits and

appreciation for teachers should be arranged for not only vocabulary building

but other English development can be improved by these activities.

Problem 3: weak students are not the priority of the teacher during the


Solution: Teachers should give special attention during the lecture to the

weak students. They must sit on front seats with brilliant students. There

should be repetition of vocabulary in the class and checking system of

written work whether learners noted every point related the lesson on their

note books or not.

Problem 4: Lack of quizzes and competitions in the schools to create the

curiosity for more learning in the learners.

Solution: In government sector there is no arrangement for quiz programs

or competition among the students to promote the importance of vocabulary

learning. Firstly, they can start by weekly programs for vocabulary building

in their learners.

Problem 5: vocabulary is not taught to the students regularly.


Solution: we have seen that both sectors of students believed that

vocabulary learning is important for English development but the problem

which arises that there is not nay vocabulary building portion in the regular

time table even not in the course books of the students. It should be included

in course books and daily time table of English class.


In the whole process of research, researcher has noted a lot of weakness,

problems and drawbacks in teaching English. In order to overcome and

improvement in teaching English there are some suggestions or

recommendations that are given below.

Teachers should display the vocabulary items in any form may be on

charts, board, cards, flash cards etc regularly for better teaching and

learning the English. Institutes should facilitate the teachers with such

ornaments and benefits for teachers efforts should be included in the

authorities programs.
Weak students be promoted and appreciated by the teachers.
New vocabulary items need practice and repetition I the class.
Vocabulary should never be taught to the students hurriedly.
Difficult words of vocabulary should be presented in the class in action

form like gestures, body language, pictures and paragraphs etc.

Group discussion on vocabulary should be encouraged in the class.
Teacher should try to teach one concept in one class it is possible for


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