Acknowledgements & Summary

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Thank you to all of those who have helped, listened and encouraged us
throughout this project. We are indebted to our instructor Ms. Duvince
Zhalimar Dumpit whose guidance, advice and patience has been
immeasurable. Our sincere thanks to all the friends and classmates whose
continuous emotional and moral support have made this project possible.

We would like to thank all of the participants in the project: manager and
employees of Annies and Juanings Manokan and Seafood Restaurant, for
the time and help given throughout. Without their participation, this project
would not have been possible.

We also thank our families, without whom this project would not have been
started or completed. Their encouragement and support has never faltered;
thank you.

Above all, to God Almighty for gracing us in every second of our lives and for
giving us strength and wisdom to fulfil our requirements in BA 183.2.

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