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Positive result:

According to Yuen-kuang Cliff Liao (2007) .A meta-analysis was

performed to synthesize existing research comparing the effects of
computer-assisted instruction (CAI) versus traditional instruction (TI)
on students achievement in Taiwan. Fifty-two studies were located
from four sources, and their quantitative data was transformed into
effect size (ES). The overall grand mean of the study-weighted ES for
all 52 studies was 0.55. The results suggest that CAI is more effective
than TI in Taiwan. In addition, two of the seventeen variables selected
for this study (i.e., statistical power, and comparison group) had a
statistically significant impact on the mean ES.
The results from this study suggest that the effects of CAI in
instruction are positive over TI. The results also shed light on the
debate of learning from media between Clark and Kozma.

Evaluation of CAL system;
Improving classroom teaching;
Media in education;
Teaching/learning strategies;

Positive impact:
According to Sara Aloraini (2012)The researcher thinks that
multimedia is one of the best educational techniques because it
addresses more than one sense simultaneously, as it addresses the
senses of sight & hearing. Multimedia programs provide different
stimuli in their presentations which include a number of elements
some of which are (Aloraini, 2005, p. 5575):


spoken words,

sound & music,


animations and

still pictures.
These elements were mainstreamed in a comprehensive presentation
so as to provide effective education, which in turn will support the
participation of the different senses of the learners in diverse syllabi.
(Hadmin, 2000).

Advantage of Multimedia

According to Jana Sosnowski (2016)

Educational Advantages to Using Multimedia

Students who learned from materials containing both text and
graphics produced 55 percent to 121 percent more accurate
solutions to problems, according to David Taylor at the University
of Maryland. The use of images, along with words, diminishes the
overwhelming nature of text and helps the student to manage the
cognitive load, which increases retention. Specifically, graphics
are found to support retention because important elements are
focused on via placement, layout and color. Activation of prior
knowledge is engaged quickly with visual analogy, and mental
models are created easily as diagrams can enhance
understanding of how a concept works. Additionally, learning is
made easier because simulations allow students to visualize real-
life situations, and motivation is increased as students are able to
see the relevance of skills.
The technique of multimedia and network of using new computerized
methods in education and teaching had so many positive effects. This
technique has built a creative environment for learners through twofold
and interactional relation.

A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Instructional Effectiveness

of Computer-Based Simulation Games
Sitzmann, Traci. Personnel Psychology, Summer 2011, Vol. 64, No. 2,

Abstract: Interactive cognitive complexity theory suggests that

simulation games are more effective than other instructional methods
because they simultaneously engage trainees affective and cognitive
processes. Meta-analytic techniques were used to examine the
instructional effectiveness of computer-based simulation games
relative to a comparison group (k= 65, N= 6,476). Consistent with
theory, post-training self-efficacy was 20% higher, declarative
knowledge was 11% higher, procedural knowledge was 14% higher,
and retention was 9% higher for trainees taught with simulation
games, relative to a comparison group. However, the results provide
strong evidence of publication bias in simulation games research.
Characteristics of simulation games and the instructional context also
moderated the effectiveness of simulation games. Trainees learned
more, relative to a comparison group, when simulation games
conveyed course material actively rather than passively, trainees could
access the simulation game as many times as desired, and the
simulation game was a supplement to other instructional methods
rather than stand-alone instruction. However, trainees learned less
from simulation games than comparison instructional methods when
the instruction the comparison group received as a substitute for the
simulation game actively engaged them in the learning experience.

Why Play Math Games?

By Kitty Rutherford, Posted April 27, 2015

People of all ages love to play games that are fun and motivating. Games give
students opportunities to explore fundamental number concepts, such as the
counting sequence, one-to-one correspondence, and computation strategies.
Engaging mathematical games can also encourage students to explore number
combinations, place value, patterns, and other important mathematical concepts.
Further, they afford opportunities for students to deepen their mathematical
understanding and reasoning. Teachers should provide repeated opportunities for
students to play games, then let the mathematical ideas emerge as students
notice new patterns, relationships, and strategies. Games are an important tool
for learning in elementary school mathematics classrooms:

Playing games encourages strategic mathematical thinking as students find

different strategies for solving problems and deepen their understanding of

When played repeatedly, games support students development of

computational fluency.

Games present opportunities for practice, often without the need for teachers
to provide the problems. Teachers can then observe or assess students and work
with individuals or small groups of students.
Games have the potential to allow students to develop familiarity with the
number system and with benchmark numbers (such as 10s, 100s, and 1000s)
and engage in computation practice, building a deeper understanding of

Games support a school-to-home connection. Parents can learn about their

childrens mathematical thinking by playing games with them at home.

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