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VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT (GENERAL OCCURRENCE HARDCOPY 2913s ASSIST PUBLIC OR UNWANT GUEST] cor va 20 General Occurrence Information Main offense: ASSIST PUBLIC OR UNWANT GUEST - COMPLETED Operational status: CLOSED. cation: 980 DRAKE ST, VANCOUVER District 01. Zone: VAE_ Atom: VADOS4 Reported on: Tuesday, 2018-Jul-14 16:09 (Occured on Tuesday, 2015-FuL14 16:09 Dugsaleool involved Ne Submited ty: VA298I_GINTHER, JORDAN —Ongunt: DISTRICT 1, TEAM 7 Accompanied ty: VA247L. LUTZKE,TANYA CCJS Information ‘CCI Status: FOUNDED NOT CLEARED (Offences commited: ASSIST PUBLIC OR UNWANT GUEST - COMPLETED ISTURBED PERSON/ATT SUICIDE - COMPLETED Location type: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT (APARTMENT/CONDO/ROOMING Family violence: NOT APPLICABLE Sty ag: MENTAL HEALTH RELATED, MRE Related Event(s) CP VA 2018- 128135 Related Person(s) 1, COMPLAINANT 1-KEMPO, BRADLEY JOHN (Case-specitic) ‘Sek: MALE, Boron: 1958-Apre-28 Residing at: 914980 DRAKE ST . VANCOUVER BRITISH COLUMBIA , V6P2K7 Phone numbers HOME: (608) 608.0520 Particulars Driver licence: §§39757 BRITISH COLUMBIA Etnisity: CAUCASIAN, ‘Langunge: ENGLISH ‘eight: 178 cm (840 R) | Weist 68 kilos (180 Ibs) Buld: SLENDER/THIN | Complexion: LIGHT/FAIR Fye colour HAZEL Hair clout: BROWN Hair syle: SHORT, STRAIGHT Linkage factors Ethnicity: CAUCASIAN ‘Statement taken: ORAL Master Name Summary £0 CONFIDENTIAL *** For WAOISS Printed On Wednesday, 207 Auge 12 Page ToD VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT (GENERAL OCCURRENCE HARDCOPY [conv 2mis-nsuss ASSIST PURLIC OR UNWANT GUEST] ‘Narrative: SYNOPSIS =1 PARANOID MALE = ‘Author: VA2981 GINTHER, JORDAN Routed dthine:Tueay, 2015 Juh14 20:47 Da vuly 14, 2038 at 1609 hours, Bradley TEMPO contacted WO wi report ongoing problens with people hacking his computer. PC's at! spoke with KEWEO who adviaed that he waa in conflict with both the Cayadian and US govefnnents and believed he vae being spied on by them. KENPO Sppeared hotly delusionel and paranoie, Faso also advised he was obkossed with Taylgr Swift and had nowerous pictures of her franed and hanging in his residence. KENPO not a risk to himself o othere at thia tine, iss sarees See Narrative for further detail 0 CONFIDENTIAL *** For WASIIS Printed Om Wednesday, 207 Auge 12 Page SoD VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OCCURRENCE HARDCOPY ASSIST PUBLIC OR UNWANT GUEST] NARRATIVE. ‘Author: VA2981 GINTHER, JORDAN Related duttime: Tuesday, 2018-Jul-14 20:88 ERGKGROUND OF EVENTS: fon duly 14, 2015 at 1609 hours, Bradley KEMPO (KEMPO) contacted VPD wishing ro report Ongoing problens with people hacking his conputer xewo claimed that the Canadian and Anerican government were actively apying on via electronic means including through the "hacking* of his computer and cable 1V. CIRCUMSTANCES OF EVENTS At approximately 2000 hours, PC 2981 Jordan GINTHER (PC GINTHER) and PC 2471 Tanya LUTZKE (PC LUTZKE) attended KEMPO'e residence at 914-950 Drake St to speak with him, KEMPO resides at that address by himself KEMEO began the conversation by informing menbers that he was a lawyer and provided various tities that he claimed to have KENPO advised he was not expecting PC's so soon as he had requested that Po's call prior to attending. KEMPO stated he waa compiling a collection of evidence to forward 2C's. EC GINTHER noted KENPO's residence to be clean and tidy. PC GINTHER also noticed there ware multiple pictures of Taylor Swist franed and hanging throughout KEMPO's apartment. When asked about the pictues, KEMPO stated hhe Liked Taylor Swift "Just @ bit". PC GINTHER aleo observed handwritten notes to Taylor Swift and a collection of tickets from her concerts, KENPO informed PC's that he vas a lawyer and cane from a lineage of Canadian Politicos including a senator uncle and a Judge mom. KENEO believed that the Canadian government was conspiring against him and that they dig not want him to have a presence in Ottawa. ’ HACKING CLAIMS, KEMPO had obtained several computer screenshote with his digital canera claiming that they vere signs of hacking. All the photos were entitled “pear Taylor". KEMPO claimed the governnent was interrupting his internet and cable services. KEMEO showed several screenshote he had ‘taken from the "MSWECY website. The + CONFIDENTIAL *** 01S Any [rar WANS Pred Ons Wade Pigs tot9 VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT ENERAL OCCURRENCE HARDCOPY Joow va r01s.128135 ASSIST PUBLIC OR UNWANT GUEST] shots contained a black popout screen with an orange ring. PC GINTHER was familiar with thie ae the video loading window that is consistent with many video streaming services. hen PC GINTHER relayed this to KENPO he stated he knew that as well but wae convinced that thie was a threat against him as it happened regularly, Kaupo explaine several other instances of hacking including a consistent 10-15 eecond freezing of his computer when he opens a Microsoft Word Document. 2c GIWTHER informed XENPO that he had @ degree in Computer Science and as Such was very faniliar with-computers. £30 informed. PC GINTHER that hie Conputer vee appypeitately three (3) Yyeare old, PC GIVIKER noted KENEO £0 be running the-Windows 7 operating systen which haa subsequently been be prone to performance issues. pespite PC GSNTHER's reassurance, KEMPO was convinced that he was being cargeted by the government us couRT DOCUMENTS: KENPO then advised menbere that he was currently in ongoing litigation with the US Supzeme Court. KENPO provided correspondence from both the US Court of Appeal and the US Suprene court that both stated his motions were @enied. PREVIOUS MENTAL HEALTH CONTACTS: KENPO informed PC'a that he had previously been sectioned and held at st Paule in the fall of 2005 and spring of 2005. KEMPO stated he did not have any diagnosed mental health tenues. = re GH nace ete en sone Seeces We vn Pig ee ae ee —— : PC GINTHER advised MHES that a visit with KEMPO may be appropriate as he did not currently appear to be a harm to himself or others, but that he did seem highly paranoid and delusional PC 2981 Jordan GINTHER Vancower Police Department District 1, Team 7 CONFIDENTIAL *** For WADG9S Priniad On Wednesday, 20S Avge 12 Page SoD [cou va ams.nsi3s VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OCCURRENCE HARDCOPY ASSIST PUBLIC OR UNWANT GUEST] Narrative: MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ‘MHT-YEs, ‘Author: VA2981 GINTHER, JORDAN Related datetime: Tuesday, 2018-Jul-14 22:14 Tepro0s Vancouver Police Department Mental Health - YES - MH/BDP Factor yes - It de the author's impression that apparent mental health and/or 80? issues vere factors in this incident ‘Template Owner: Mental Health unit [¥) 0 CONFIDENTIAL *** Fo WADE Printed On Wednesday, 201 Aug 12 Fase oo1D VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT (GENERAL OCCURRENCE HARDCOPY Jouve 2mis-19135 Assist PU ‘Narrative: MISCELLANEOUS NOTES =2 shes ‘Author: VAIB02 IXCHETTA, FRANCO. Related datetime: Wednesday, 2015-Ju-18 08:32 File forwarded to MITES, = CONFIDENTIAL *** Ton WAOI09 Pied Ons Wednesday, 2015 Aug? Page TOFD VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OCCURRENCE HARDCOPY PURLIC OR UNWANT GLEST| Clearance Information ‘Agency: POLI Cleared on: Tuesday, 2015-J cE DEPARTMENT 14 CCIS Stats: FOUNDED NOT CLEAREI Cleared by Oftices GINTHER, JORDAN Complainant Vietin ntitied: NO- Narrative: CONCLUDING REMARKS - ‘CONCLUDING REMARKS Aushoe: VA2981 GINTHER, JORDAN Related dateine: Tuesday, 2018-Jul14 22:18 TOH/EDP appeared delusional and paranoid. WES advised concluded here 08 CONFIDENTIAL“ Fon WADI Frniod On Wednesday, 2075 Aug 12 Paes bo19 [cow va 20is128136 VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OCCURRENCE HARDCOPY ASSIST PUBLICOR UNWANT GUEST] ‘04 END OF HARDCOPY #** = CONFIDENTIAL *** Fae WADI Tred Ons Wednenday, 2015 Awg-12 Fase do

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