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Name: Glein Dale Antipuesto Date Performed: September 5,2016 Score:

Grade & Section: 10 Bonifacio Date Submitted: September,2016

Activity 1
For the Record
(Adapted from the EMI Teaching Sequence by Jenaro Guisasola and Kristina Zuza)

Identify the basic recording equipment of a digital radio studio.
Classify whether devices use electricity and/or magnetism when used in recording audio.
Start a literature search on electromagnetic inductions role in recording technology.

pictures of the radio studio control and audio room OR
video clip on a radio station tour, video player, screen, and accessories
pen and activity sheet/science notebook

PART A. Virtual Tour of a Radio Broadcasting Studio

1. Read the scenario and study the video clip or pictures selected by your teacher, similar to what is shown in
Figures 1 to 3. Figure 1.

Activity Scenario: During non-class hours, you frequently meet your friends playing and making music together.
One afternoon you decided to go to your local radio station to ask what equipment and software is needed to
start recording at home.

At the broadcast studio, with the radio technician out, the staff allowed you to take pictures inside the control
room and live audio room, similar to what is shown in Figures 1 to 3.

2. On your science activity notebook, make a table, similar to Table 1. List all the equipment that you can identify
in the photo shown in Figure 1. Indicate with a check mark whether the equipment/device needs electricity and/or
magnetism to operate.
Table 1. Radio Broadcast Studio Equipment (Control Room/Announcers Booth)

Electricity/Device Needs Electricity Needs Magnetism

Guide Questions:

Q1. How many of the devices you identified inside the control room need electricity to operate?

Q2. How many of the devices you identified inside the control room need magnetism to operate?

3. On your science activity notebook, make another table similar to Table 2. List also all the equipment that you can
identify in the pictures shown in Figures 2 and 3. Indicate with a check mark whether the equipment/device needs
electricity and/or magnetism to operate.
Table 2. Radio Broadcast Studio Equipment (Live Audio Room/Newsroom)

Electricity/Device Needs Electricity Needs Magnetism

Guide Questions:

Q3. How many of the devices you identified inside the live audio room need electricity to operate?

Q4. How many of the devices you identified inside the live audio room need magnetism to operate?

Q5. What other devices not shown in the photo may be used inside the live audio room?
PART B. My Own Home Recording Studio! For Life

1. You could be an aspiring singer, a music artist, a student who needs to record audio presentations or simply one
planning to have a start-up home recording studio. Use Table 3 and extend your understanding of the recording
industry by matching the devices in Column B and their respective functions in Column C with the items in
Column A. Write the letter and number for coding your answer.

Table 3. A Home Recording Studio Start-Up Equipment

Extension Activity: Learn more about the basic audio-video recording devices and make a graphic organizer on
your science notebook. What parts inside these devices use electricity and magnetism to function as such?

Guide Question:

Q6. Which devices on Table 3 are powered, entirely or partially, by electromagnetic induction (the phenomenon of
a changing magnetic or electric fields effect on electricity or magnetism)?
Name: Glein Dale Antipuesto Date Performed: September 5,2016 Score:

Grade & Section: 10 Bonifacio Date Submitted: September,2016

Activity 2
Test Mag...1, 2!
Testing for Evidence of Magnetism

Identify the forces (attraction/repulsion) between:
a. two magets, and
b. a magnet and magnetic/nonmagnetic materials.
Distinguish a magnet (permanent or temporary) from a non - magnetic object.

pair of 3- 6 bar magnets
6-10 objects made of different materials from inside the room
science notebook and pen

Safety Precautions:
Handle magnets with care so as not to drop those. These might break, chip off, and weaken upon impact.
Keep magnets away from computer units/screens, memory storage drives and disks, magnetic tapes,
mechanical watches, and the like.

1.Use a bar magnet and explore the possible effect/s it can have on the other magnet when made to interact. On
your science notebook, make a table similar to Table 4 and record the observed force effect/s. Answer also the guide

Table 4. Interaction between two permanent bar magnets

What I did to the pair of magnets to cause Observed effect/s (attracted or repeled)

2.This time, use only one bar magnet and explore its possible effect/s on six to ten different objects found inside the
classroom. Record the observed effect/s on a table similar to Table 5. (Exclude record on objects with no observed
interaction with the magnet.)

Table 5. Interaction of a bar magnet with other objects

What I did to the pair of magnets to cause Observed effect/s (attracted or repeled)
Guide Questions:

Q7. What conditions with observable effects make magnets interact with another magnet?

Q8. In general, what conditions with observable effects make magnets interact with non-magnet materials?

Q9. What type/s of force can a magnet exert on another magnet?

Q10. What type/s of force can a magnet exert on non-magnet objects?

Q11. How will you distinguish magnets from non-magnetized magnetic materials?

Extension Question: What are the magnetic materials found in the audio and video recording tapes?

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