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RULES: students should be:

1. On task while using devices~ treat them like books, learning tools only
2. Use the District Wi-Fi network
3. Store devices in top section of your cubby while not in use
4. Use charging stations only during designated times, i.e. lunch or specials
5. Label your devices and chargers clearly with first and last name
6. Only use devices when approved by teacher
7. No sharing of devices

POLICY: Students may only bring in ONE personal device (including smartphones,
tablets, netbooks, or laptops) if permission slips have been signed and returned with
parent/guardian signature.

1. Consequence #1: warning
2. Consequence #2: silent lunch
3. Consequence #3: put device away for the rest of the day
4. Consequence #4: no devices allowed at school for one week and a note will be sent
home to your parents/guardians
5. Consequence #5: no device for the rest of the month

**Consequences can change based on the degree of the students infraction.

Teacher will monitor device usage daily.
Signals or signage will instruct students as to when they may use devices. A Red
Light sign will dictate devices should not be used while a Green Light sign will
dictate devices may be used as well as verbal communication by the Teacher.

Practice Safety

Act Responsibly

Work Towards Success

Show Respect

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