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Does color really matter?

Bothering classmates has always existed,

but it has become more popular in the last
years and in most of schools.

Because of this, a lot of students suffer from

this when they are in middle and high

I want to write about a specific case.

Some time ago a brown skin boy entered to school. He was like the other
children, he liked to play and he was very happy, but then, one day, a white
skin boy started to made fun of him, at first he didnt pay much attention to it,
he thought it would be for a while, but he was wrong.

As days passed by, more children started to laugh at his face, even girls, they
called him ugly nicknames because of his color skin. But he didnt want to tell
his parents because they already had their own job problems and they were
always absent.

Some teachers knew about the situation but they always pretended not to
notice it.

He started to miss school and when he went he was all alone, even at recess.
His friends started to turn away from him because of the mean jokes, even one
of them started to talk about him behind his back and not in a nice way.

Few months later the situation almost disappeared, but not completely. He
made new friends but his relationship with
his old friends was never the same.

And, are you the bully or the victim? Do you

think color really matter? Do you think that
people are responsible about their color skin
and they deserve all the mean jokes? You
can change the situation between the
happiness and the depression of a person,
only you.

Our uniqueness, our individuality, and our

life experience molds us into fascinating beings. I hope we can embrace that. I
pray we may all challenge ourselves to delve into the deepest resources of our
hearts to cultivate an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance, tolerance,
and compassion. We are all in this life together. Linda Thompson

Mariana Cuervo Gmez. 5to C

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