Position Paper

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Basis of Anomaly

The War on Drugs campaign implemented by the present administration is undeniably

working but it is not sufficient to get rid all the drug users in the Philippines. As a matter of fact,
it will take years or possibly even a longer span of time in succeeding if maintain in its very slow
phase. The Philippine National Police (PNP) is far from excellence and incapable of suppressing
criminality in the country caused by illegal substance which are triggered by poor leadership,
illegitimate act and undisciplined officials.

Poor leadership among top-rank police officials causes a slower rate in achieving the
success of this anti-drug campaign. The leading problem is that they are the first one who
disobey the rules and regulations of the Philippine Constitution which they should follow in the
first place. As a result, they were unable to exemplify what it means to be an honest and true
leader. Those who are in higher positions are easily blinded by money and fame which leads
them to getting involved in corruption and illegal activities. Superior policemen are often busy
with other businesses which do not align and match with their roles as a public servant.

Numerous police officials are abusing their power and ended up doing illegitimate act
which turns into chaos. Due to the mentality of being superior to others, they feel that they can
do everything they want without even thinking the situation of other people. In the past few days,
President Duterte declared that PNP is on a hiatus with war against drugs because of the crime
that happened inside the Camp Crame which results to the death of Jee Ick-Joo, a Korean
businessman. The main suspect in the said killing is a Senior Police Officer 3. Due to this
incident, many of our countrymen are upset and disappointed with the performance of PNP.
Policemen are responsible for serving the country and protecting all the individuals inhabiting on
it but who would have thought that such incident will happen on the hands of a police official.

The lack of discipline instilled among police officials is prevalent in todays generation
which affect their performance on War against drugs. Police officers who takes an immense part
on many operations do not have discipline with their selves. The success of the anti-drug
campaign depends upon with their self-control and through listening attentively to the directions
of those who are in higher positions. Furthermore, they seems to lack dedication and
perseverance in serving the country. The burning passion that they have on their job is not visible
on their eyes. The commitment and will to protect every Filipinos is gradually diminishing as
time goes by.

The performance of the Philippine National on War against Drugs has gotten a bit ill due
to poor leadership, illegitimate act and undisciplined officials. The constant effort of everyone is
needed for the success of the said campaign which aims to defeat criminality. There are still a lot
of things that needs to be improved for all the police officers who are serving the country. The
government should remain vigilant when it comes to these things.

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