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APELLIDO Y NOMBRES: Maria Antonella Montebelli

Documento (tipo y nmero):_38343999

Materia: Ingles Tcnico

LOCALIDAD: Oran- Salta

N UG: 08

Carrera: Contador Publico

Name of the company: Toyota

Name of the president: Maria Eugenia Chein

Activity of the company: assembly of cars

Number of employees: 200 employees

Location of the company: Salta

Your job in the company: coordinate plans

Your boss name: Maria Eugenia Chein

Your boss, Mrs. Maria Eugenia Chein, receives a latter from Mr. Ricardo Gonzales
thanking for the invitation to visit the company.

A- Hello, my name is Antonella. I work for Toyota factory

R- Hello, nice to meet you.

A- How was the flight?

R-fine, thanks.

A- We will know the company

A- Toyota has been founded by Maria Eugenia Chein in 2000, who nowadays is the
president of the company.

Toyota has 200 employees; the principal activity is the assembly of cars.

The principal office, where Maria Eugenia usually works is located in the second
floor; next to the office we can found the office of the sales manager. Also in the
second floor we can found the meeting room.

In the ground floor we can found the manufacturing workshop of the back of the
workshop the dining area where employees usually have lunch.

Ricardo, if you want we can go to dinner at Sheraton restaurant talk about the
factory, around 9 p.m.

A- Hi, Ricardo, please take a seat

R- Hi, thank you.

A- What would you like to order for eat?

R- I will take steak salad, and you?

A- I will take a plate of spaghetti

R- I would like to know how is a day in the factory?

A- the activity in factory start at 7 a.m. with the entry of employees; at 12 p.m.
they have a free time to have a lunch then they back at work up to 8 p.m. While
they work I have to monitor all moments of the company because if something its
wrong Im responsible of that.

R- Well, your job very difficult and interesting work.

A- oh! Thanks, I really love what I do. In your free time what do you do?

R- Im frequently travelled, so I expend my free time to discover the wonder of the

place. I seek to maximize my travels.

A- Thats great. I want to thank you for visiting. It was a real pleasure. I hope you
came back soon
R- Thank you for everything. It was a pleasure.

A- I wish you have a good trip back.

R- Ok, thank

A- Good bay

R- Bay

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