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24thNational and2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2017),27-

30 December 2017

Thermal Analysis of Computer

Motherboards using Digital Holographic

First Author a,*, Second Author b, Third Author c (14pt)

Blank Line (9pt)
Institutional Affiliation, City, State/region, Country, Email address (12pt)
Institutional Affiliation, City, State/region, Country, Email address (12pt)
Institutional Affiliation, City, State/region, Country, Email address (12pt)
*Corresponding Author

The following guidelines are written in the format required for submission of entended abstracts
to the 24th National and 2ndInternational ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
(IHMTC-2017). It is advised to the authors to download these guidelines as a MS Word
Docume nt and use it as the template. Extended abstract should briefly state the
purpose/motiavation and objectives of the research, the hypothesis that was tested or a
description of the problem being analyzed or evaluated, data collection and methods of
analysis used, possible findings/outcome of the study, with specific results summarized in
the end. A standard font (Times New Roman)should be used when formatting the text. The
abstract body text is limited to 600 words. Title is limited to 30 words. Extended abstract shall
be of maximum two pages. A maximum of three tables and three graphs/images can be
included: a graph/image (in JPG, GIF or PNG with ideally 600 dpi) counts as 50 words and a
table counts as10 words per row. Extended abstract must be submitted as a .docx and/or PDF
files, only. Page margins should be 3 cm for top, bottom, left and right, respectively.Spacing
should be single line spaced. Title of the paper (style: 18 points, bold with capitals of first letter
of words and the proper nouns, centered) can span to maximum of two rows, and is followed by
one blank line. Authors names are to be written (style: 14 points, centered) with family namein
full and later. Authors are separated by commas and marked with superscript when necessary to
distinguish authors from different affiliations. Authors affiliations (style: 12 points, italic,
centered) are to be written in separate rows when there are more than one and last is followed by
two blank lines. Abstract body text (style: 12 points) must be fully justified; paragraphs are not
indented, only separated by one blank line.

The extended abstracts are to be submitted on or before 15 February 2017. The members of
Technical Committee will review the abstracts and corresponding authors will be informed
about the acceptance of their abstract on or before 15 April 2017. Full manuscript of the selected
abstracts must be submitted latest by30 June 2017.

Key words: Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Fluid Properties, etc. (max: 6 key words)

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