Grade 4 Humanities

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Lesson Plan Template

Grade: Subject: Lesson Title:

Grade 4 Social Studies The First Americans


NCSS: I.a,c,d, e; III.a, h; VII.f; IX.b ELP Standards:

Geography: 4; 11; 17; 9 Standard 1. Language:

NCTE: Standards 7 HI-13: differentiating between past, present and
future verb tenses.
HI-1 (ADJ): producing a series of adjectives in
Arizona State Standards: the correct order (i.e., quantity/
SO4.S1.C2.PO 1. Describe the legacy and concept/size/shape/ color).
cultures of prehistoric people in the HI-8 (ADJ): using comparative and superlative
Americas: a. characteristics of adjectives (e.g., big, bigger, biggest;
hunter-gatherer societies b. development of more/most/less/least, etc.).
agriculture HI-1(PREP): using prepositions of location.

SO4.S4.C5.PO 1. Describe human Standard 5. Language: conduct research and
dependence on the physical environment evaluate and communicate findings to answer
and natural res ourc es t o satisfy basic questions or solve problems.
Standard 9. Language: create clear and
coherent grade appropriate speech and text.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to

describe and differentiate between Native American groups
analyze Native American groups survival and adaptability to regions

Language Objectives for ELLs: By the end of this lesson, ELLs will be able to

define vocabulary and use content obligatory vocabulary
describe events in the past tense
compare and contrast present day life to life 400 years ago
describe regions of the United States using comparisons and adjective + noun phrases

Key Vocabulary

Content-Obligatory Content-Compatible
pre-history eastern
artifact northern
resource southwest
hunter-gatherer western
technology forest
region coast
adapt shelter

Collocations High-Frequency
in the (location)

Grammar Structures Language Functions Learning Skills

past tense express noun phrases (adj. + carry out investigations
comparatives n) cooperate with others
adjective+noun express directions interpret information
making comparisons locate directions

Depth of Knowledge Levels Addressed

[ X ] Level 1: Recall and Reproductions [ X ] Level 3: Strategic Thinking and Reasoning
[X ] Level 2: Skills and Concepts [ X ] Level 4: Extended Thinking

1. How might life have been different for the first Americans compared to our lives today?
2. Why were the buffalo so important to Native Americans who lived on the Great Plains?
3. Why do you think some Native American groups joined together with other groups?
4. How did each Native American group adapt to their region or area?
5. How would you adapt if you lived with one of the Native American groups we read about?


Vocabulary notebooks
map of the United States
T-Chart worksheet
Food Identification (ELLs)
Food Matching (ELLs optional)
Graphic Organizer

Teaching/Learning Activities

Activity Interaction Time

Activation: T-chart of life today vs. Native
Americans 300-400 years ago (partner) S-S 10 min.

complete graphic organizer for each region: tribes, S-Ss 20 min.
food, adaptations, (small group)

jigsaw to share information from assigned section S-Ss 20-25 min.
on graphic organizer (partner)

Guided Practice/Monitoring

1. Content obligatory vocabulary-students work in T-Ss, S-S, S-Ss 20 min.
pairs to find definitions of assigned words.
Definitions are shared on the board for all to see
and write in their vocabulary notebooks.

2. How might life have been different for the first S-S, S-Ss 5 min.
Americans compared to our lives today? S-S 10 min.
Compare/contrast life today to Native Americans
400 years ago (T-chart)
Share answers with class S-Ss 10 min.

3. Small groups-assign and read region of U.S. in
textbook lesson and complete that part of graphic
organizer. (Or as homework)
Compare answers with other groups of same
section. (next day) S-Ss 15 min.

4. Jigsaw-students find others who had different
regions and complete the rest of the organizer S-Ss 20 min.

5. How did each Native American group adapt to T-Ss 15 min.
their region or area? (answer for each region;
another student show area on U.S. map)
S-S, S-Ss 5 min.
6. Why were the buffalo so important to Native
Americans who lived on the Great Plains?
S-S, S-Ss 5 min.
7. Why do you think some Native American groups
joined together with other groups?
S-S, S-Ss 5 to 10 min.
8. Do you think its better to work alone or with a
group? Why? (Think-Pair-Share)

Independent Practice/Extension/Connections

Journal entry-How would you adapt if you lived
with one of the Native American groups we read

Optional- food identification worksheet (ELLs)


Review each Native American group-summarizing S-Ss 5-10 min.
the information from graphic organizer.

Describing Nouns
Noun (n)- the name of a person, place or thing

Adjective (adj)- a word that describes a noun: colors, numbers, feelings, size

Looks like: adjective + noun

Examples: white house, sad girl, cute puppy, large school, strict teacher, easy homework

Your turn: Put an adjective with a noun together from the boxes below to write a phrase.

Adjectives Nouns

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

Now find 6 examples of adjective +noun phrases from the textbook on pages 8-15. Write the
phrase and page number you found it.

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

Name: ___________________________________

Directions: Complete the information for the region you were assigned. Compare your answers
with your group members answers. Make sure everyone in your group has the same or similar
answers. Then find a member of a different group and exchange information so your sheet is

West East

Native American groups: ________________ Native American groups: ________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Food Sources: _________________________ Food Sources: _________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Example of adapting to region: ___________ Example of adapting to region: ___________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Southwest Plains

Native American groups: ________________ Native American groups: ________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Food Sources: _________________________ Food Sources: _________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Example of adapting to region: ___________ Example of adapting to region: ___________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Name: __________________________

Directions: A list of food is below. Find the word in a dictionary or in Wikipedia

to draw a picture of it and write a few words about it.

Deer Beaver

Elk Bear

Grains Shellfish

Nuts Squash

Names: ______________________________________

Directions: Match the using your word list of foods to the correct region of the
United States. Some foods you may have to use more than one time.

West Southwest Plains East

Names: ____________________________________

Directions: With your partner, write down ideas about life today and how you
think people lived in North America 400 years ago.

TODAY 400 years ago


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

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