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)Telephone 3 (msa_telephone_3h_ak11

Julie is calling Alex to ask him for a ride after her car broke down:



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To break down (3rd person sing. mas.) +#"6
To seem (3rd person sing. mas.) '
Wrong 5#
Engine -
Safe /
Important / 4k
Appointment '(

To tow (3rd person sing. mas.) p
Workshop A
Exactly ''-6 / ,!
English Translation

Julie: Good morning, Alex, how are you?

Alex: Good morning, Julie, Im fine, thanks, how about you?
Julie: Im good, but my car broke down. It seems that there is something
wrong with the engine.
Alex: Im sorry to hear that. Are you in a safe place?
Julie: Yes; can you give me a ride? I have an important appointment and
I don't want to miss it.
Alex: Of course, when is your appointment?
Julie: It's in forty five minutes.
Alex: Did you ask for help?
Julie: Yes, I called the mechanic and I think he should be here in ten
minutes to tow the car to his shop.
Alex: Good. Im coming right away. Where are you exactly?
Julie: Im at . . .

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