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Imee Angela D.

Atienza BM 102

Roman Architecture: The Blueprint of the Modern World

Where do you think does this advanced architecture we have today

came from? These jaw-dropping ideas seen in towns and cities were brought

by the Romans. Romans are ahead of others in terms of architecture which

made their towns and cities more civilized. Roman Architecture greatly

influenced the continuous development of towns and cities then until now.

First, public and government buildings designs are influenced by the

Romans. We can see Romans concept on architecture on almost everywhere.

The seats of regional government were built in the grand traditions of Rome.

The mighty pillars, domes and arches of Rome are present in todays modern

world. Public buildings used for trading are also patterned from Roman

Architecture. Some of these buildings are used for trading. Sturdy structures

are needed in trading for protection and storage of goods. Therefore, the

designs of public and government buildings in towns and cities by the

Romans became useful in terms of trading and government affairs.

Next, many of the grandest country houses, mansions,

cathedrals/basilicas are purely in classical style. An obvious example is the

Buckingham Palace in Britain. This is a big advantage on the side of the city

of London. Tourists come to London just to see the Palace. Another is the

spiral stairs in the mansions and other buildings/establishments, which was

influenced by the design of Trajans column by the Romans. The influential

design of Trajans column that this space-saving new type permanently

caught hold in Roman architecture. Churches/Basilicas also is one factor in

the improvement of cities and towns. These are important because this is

where people visit God and improve their relationship. These Churches lasted

centuries which shows the sturdiness of Roman architecture. One great

example is the Basilica of Saint Martin of Tours in Taal, Batangas. People also

come to the town just to see the beauty of the Basilica. Thus, the classical

styled houses, mansions, and cathedrals also represent the wonderful

architectural ideas of Rome and improved cities and towns.

Lastly, Romans developed a smart city planning for military defense

and civil convenience. This intelligent and systematic planning did great

improvement on towns and cities. Modern city blocks are equivalent to an

insula marked off by four roads. This is made for reducing travel times. As

the city develops, the block or insulas are filled with buildings and houses of

the first settlers of the city. Rivers flowing through the city also has its own

purpose and that is to provide water, transport, and sewage disposal. Bridges

were built where necessary. And last the walls surrounding the city serves as

protection from invaders and is used to mark the city limits. Therefore, the

systematic city planning of the Romans became efficient to the developing

towns and cities which is still evident until today.

With all these being said, Roman architecture really became significant

to the development of towns and cities then until now. This is proven by the
structures of the public and government buildings, structures of

cathedrals/basilicas, houses, mansions and lastly the developed smart city

planning by the Romans. Towns and cities will not be able to improve without

the amazing structures brought by the Romans. These stood the test of time.

Every structure built had their own purpose and become the models of

modern structures. Structures that are essential in a developing town or city.

By combining a wide range of materials with daring designs, the Romans

were able to push the boundaries of physics and turn into an art form. This is

why we should preserve and promote this influence of Western architecture

for the continuous growth of our towns and cities by putting these structures

on magazines to attract tourists, and also by maintaining the establishments

in good condition.

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