Double Tap Translator

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Table of Contents

Title Page no.

Introduction 3

Industry Profile.. 4

Company Profile 5

Mission 5

Vision...... 5

Logo & Tagline... 5

Unique Selling Proposition 6

Segmentation Targeting Positioning 6

Segmentation... 6

Targeting.. 7

Positioning... 8

Marketing Mix. 8

Product. 8

Place. 10

Price. 10

Physical Evidence 11

People.. 11

Process. 13

Promotion 13

Print Ads 15
Industry profile

The mobile app industry is booming these days and is only going to get bigger.

The explosion of the apps industry goes hand in hand with the growth of smartphone

Smartphone was the device to see the biggest increase in overall usage with time
spent using apps or browsers on a smartphone. Statistics show that

Statistical figures

Nearly two-thirds of homes with mobile phones have a smartphone.

More than one in five people have tap into social media such as Facebook or Twitter
every hour.

More than half of those aged 25-34 access social media at work, and 44% of those
aged 25-34 used social networks at restaurants.

Company profile

Double tap translator is an app which can write and translate whatever you speak to it. This
app can also speak what all text you have selected. Our main aim is to help uneducated
people to overcome their typing skills. Double tap translator aims to provide its service to all
of our customers and to satisfy all their needs.

We have kept our application name as Double tap translator because users have to just
double tap at typing bar and our pop-up will appear which will hear our users voice and write


To help all of its user in easy, fast and efficient typing.


Our vision is that each and every mobile user downloads and uses our application.

Logo and Tagline:



Available in Indian and international languages.


Here segmentation is done on the basis of age . In this scenario we can broadly divide
into 3 groups that is 15-25 , 26-35 and 36-45. We have chose age as our criteria
because consumer in these following ages uses the social media and smartphones to
higher extent.

Targeting :
All smart phone users across the globe
People who can speak
Those People who feel lazy to type their messages

For our app to be in the path of success we will target mainly two age group that is
15-25 & 26-35 . We are targeting this group cause statistical and industrial overviews
shows at this age we have the highest number of application user.

The basic meaning of positioning is to attract people and to change there mind sets
towards our product . This can only be done through exotic ways and means of
marketing like hype in the market for the app ,strong advertisement campaigns ,
continuous pops on all the electronic networks .

7 Ps ( Product , Place , Promotion, Price ,People ,Process & Physical

evidence )

Google ad sense, Google translator, it uses built in android speech recogniser for
android and Siri in Apple.


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