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Oak Cliff News Elmwood Seeks Sidewalks for Henderson School; Lisbon League Considers Reorganization Idea; Kiwanians to Inaugurate Their New Officers. ‘The Rev. Caradine R. Hooten, pas-; School have to walk in the street dur- tor of the Tyler Street Methodisé jing rainy weather to avoid the mud. Church, spoke before Oak Cliff Ki-| A-survey of Elmwood by mem- wanians Wednesday in a. Thanksgiv- | bers of the improvement teague shows jng program. Ladies’ days was ob-| that more than three hundred homes served with more than 15) Kiwanians | have been built in the district during and their wives present. the last two. years. Improvement league officials say most of the homes have been built. according to FHA Specifications, Lisbon Dads Flan Yale Party. ‘The Lisbon Dads Club will sponsor a Christmas program ‘just before the holidays ‘hegm. T. A. Childs, club Lions Hear Music. _ Oak. Cliff. Lions observed Thanks~ giving with a turkey dinster at Cliff Towers. A music program was pre- sented. | Sidewalks Urged for School. Building of ‘gravel sidewalks in the president, has named & committee to ieinity of- the. Margaret, B-' Hender- work out plans for the program and in: ing {to fix a date. The meeting will be held ‘inithe,auditorimmof,the Lis- ban School " Tl Reorganization of the Lisbon-Lib- ety Heights-Glendale Improvement League is under consideration, lead- ers in the Lisbon neighborhood said Mrs. G. E. Dickens is secretary of the league. Earl Pilcher resigned some~ time ago as league president. : Scout Activity to -Increase. Reorganization and enlargement of the cub scout group at the Leila P. Cowart School is being sponsored by the dads club of the school, Earl Nor- ton, club president, has named a com~ mittee to increase the activities of the eub scouts. Kiwanians Plan Inaugurals. Oak Cliff Kiwanians have been in- ited to attend the annual imaugural party of the Dallas Kiwanis Ciub at Lakewood Country Club on ‘the night of Dec. 2. The inaugural dinner of the Oak Cliff club will be held on ithe night of Dec. 23 at the Dallas Athletic Club. E. E. Snider is the in- coming president, succeeding Merrill E Audrey, ‘Floyd Gish, 2006 Marydale, is in ‘Shreveport, La., on a-business trip. Wiley Roberts, 1627 “aft, has re- tumed: from a hunting trip near Marfa. M. D. Hendrix, 1523 Seevers, has returned 'from a hunting trip in the Bie Bend district. “ Howell Whitaker, 5837 Velasco. a member of the Oak Cliff Kiwanis Club, has returned from Chicago. League. J. J. Collier, league president, said children going to the Henderson

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