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& ROOM IN VIENNA, ‘THE STANDARD EDITION SIGMUND FREUD ‘Tranlatd fom he Geman unde th Gena Rs of JAMES STRACHEY Je Galatoraion with ANNA FREUD. Accel by ALIX STRACHEY and ALAN TYSON VOLUME XIE (ost The Case of Schreber Papers on ‘Technique ond Other Works THE HOGARTH PRESS [AND TB INSTITUTE OF PSYGHO-ANALYSIS: \as% 63090 PSYCHO-ANALYTIC NOTES ON AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF A CASE OF PARANOIA (DEMENTIA PARANOIDES) sity EDITOR'S NOTE PSYCHOANALYTISCHE BEMERKUNGEN ‘UBER BINEN AUTOBIOGRAPHISGH DESCHRIEDENEN FALL VON PARANOIA (DEMENTIA. PARANOIDIS) (2) Grroeass Boao: 1911 5, pocoas pyetapth, Fone, 3 (1), 9-68 1913 Sky, 3, 190-368, 19k GS, 8, 35-431. 1982 Fer Rimsngiisan, 977-460. 1918 GW, 8, 240-516, 1912 "Nachtrag zu dem autobiographisch bachriebenen Fall ‘von Pseangia (Deienta porancids), 7b apeoas ‘ovat Parc, 3 (2), 300-90, SEEN, 3, 257-70, GS, 8, 432-5, Vir Brnkngetetn, 160-3, GW, 8, 317-20, (6) Bsousse Teavacarton: ss ‘Paycho-Analse Notes spon an Autobiographical Aseosat fot Case of Paranoia (Dementia Parancies)” | 1005 GP, 8, 307-406." "Powuerpe” to the Cave of Plranwia, bid, 467-70. (TAKS and James j Strachey.) ©The present translation is a reissue, with a number of | correcdous and additonal notes, ofthe one published in 195. Sehrcber's Mons were published in. 1908; but though they tnad een widely escased In psychiatric cil, they sem not to have atract Freud's ateation tl he summer of 1910, le ‘i hmown to have talked of them, and of the whole question of | Paranoia, during his Sic tour with Ferenc in Sepremsber ff that year. On hs returs to Vienna be began waiting hs paper, and letters dated December 16 to oth Abmahamn and Perens announced ts completion, Ieee not to have bern ubised tl dhe ummier of (911, The ‘Ponuctpt es read c } e + [NOTES ON A CASE OF PARANOIA ‘before the Thin International Yeycho-Analyical Congress (held at Weim) on September 2, 1911, and va publihed tthe begining of the sox yess red bnd stacked the problem of paranoia et a very euty stage of i rata lnt pyeepaholgy. Oa Jamsay 24 128, ome monte bere the pablo of te Sderot ‘Hytriay e tone Fis ong temorendecn om te sabiet (Gress rst). Teele ort are ory ed SMicoctcal custo which sined at atsblshing two main pens at paranoia a neo of fine and hot eel Ezchanom 7 pojedon Aorta year ater (on Janssty 1, Thy sen fem another, mash there ote ok pres {Our formed part of = gener sesount of the "neaoes of ence’ (iil Deal Ky wich he soon aerwars expended {nos second publihed paper bearing tht ie (18950). Ea is publdied fom, Secdow Ii of this paper incaded another and longer eat story and was healed Analy of Case ot Girvnis Parana" cate for which Freud (a fomote Sas sny twenty years Inter) peter dhe aaded age tes of mena plotide. Acvegards theory, he paper af {o96 eld ite fo hs calc suggetons Bat ns let to Flew aot very lang afterwards (Deesmbor 8, 1892, Fred 185, Lecter 125) asomewhat cryptic paraerah occur, Wich {Goes a int of Brea’ ner iow nloding suggestion that ‘ctonia involves art io a Ey autoreroi,Iee be Enund quoted in fli the Editor's Note tothe pape on The Diopostn io Olucaunat Neuro in comneason wide the problem of choice fearon See below, pr 346) ‘Between the dat of tsa panne en the publcason of te Scheer ease Bistory more than ten year elaped wilt ‘chro tein of paras in Prev poblhed wan Wie letra om Emer Jone (1955, 20), however, that November 21,1906 be presented cane of male paranoia ‘bare te Vienna Bayho-Anlycal Socey. At hat date he td apparently aot yet arved af hat a 0 be is mia {eellaaion o the mbjct~—anmay, the connection bees Seronia and tepesed pase Aomeeruaity. Neverthe Exiya ltd gvers yen tere was pat Frward tat hype- {hes im leewry to Jong (Jaouary 27,1008) and Pseusi (Gebrory 1, TO, ad Sar sing fr and eceving thee NTRS ‘confimation oft More than reemeore yeas elapted before che ‘Scheber memoirs offered hi the opportunity of publahing his theoryforthefsttime andofeupportiag itby a detled account of his analysis ofthe unconseinus processes at work in paranoia, ‘There are a numberof references to that dseate in Freud's later writings, The more important of these ware his paper on ‘A Gase of Parsncia Running Counter tothe PjchovAnalyec ‘Theory ofthe Disease! (1919/) and Section B of ‘Some Neu sole Mechanisms fn Jeslowy, Paransia and Homees9aly (0322). Tn addition, "A Sevaneeath Century Demonologeat Neurosis! (19284) includes some discusion of the Screber ‘ate though the nestor hich the abject of the paper i howhare dscbed by Freud as puransia In none of thee Iter ‘rings is there any essential modification of the views on paranoia expresed inthe present work. "The importance ofthe Sehreber says however, i by na means reiziced 10 the ight is throws on the problemas of ‘aancia Ts third son, in pardeular, was, ogee With the Simaltancousiy published thote paper on the two principles of ‘mental funeoning (1011), p. 218 below in many ways afore= runner ofthe meapsycholoical papass on which Fread em toked three or four years Inter: A number of subject are + ued pon which were he dicanedafarvatda at ereater Tenge, Thu, the remarks om nario (p60 £) were prefimine sry to the paper devoted to that suber 1914s), the account oF {the mechanism of represion (p 5) wastobetaken wp agun Jn the course ofa few yeas (19154), and the cacomion of he Satine (p75) was Feng teeny towards the move labore fone in Tnstines and thee Vicistude’ (1915). The paragraph ‘08 projection (p65) on the other hand was onsite of te promise to find any sequel. Hach of the to topics discus in fhe late par of the pape, however—the vatioo cate af the nse of neural (icing the concept of areation’) andthe pare played by suctenive ‘paint af fastion’~wat to be dealt fvth belore long ina separate pape (1012 and 1918). inal, the powscript we find Freud ft rie exusion into the {eld of mythology and his ist mention af ots, which were beginning to oacupy Ws thooghts and which were to give the ‘le to ane af is peislpal works (1912-13) -Asfrecd telus (p. 46.1), his cave history makes we of ony ‘ [NOTES ON A CASE OF PARANOIA “dg i aber eat mm mt samt Cone Sere a Tse ce eee adnate Tepe pumas oa ered (ate etd Dd ghee ted quay a a de aes eae sci aisle ya San Caria agate res tte sats dau nd acc ace er Se ety abey rice Fs 1 Pe cs i Sos ee a et ete hy pened DELO S made mee oe etre tune ea ct Ser eect pen oe roa Sei Peta Rewmesone wets ee ee eemion ataere ao ee mas hopes mate ae ey aac oa ee ae ar peep Sele oR teat aaa ee Se Pe er io eigen Cu Re Teh ube cy pigut nae ay bao dla ar eee we bl Sherratt se easco ie l ed Met Recher Bye opt 0 1 i os es 104. Asem un rt i he Reg? es eee arenien reste ietareetetteioee ire as ee ieee acnmuaavices hie FR ae me Selaaber wae ss an ee ie mre eee Se eaten ian Eielontben 1084 Ociaber. Fur wnte works fn Sennen December 8. Lapsig Pychianie Cnt, 1885 June 1. Discharged. 1886 Jaauary 1. Took up eppolntment in Leipsig Land= sieht Send Met 1065. June Inbred of spprscing appt t Appa ‘Gabe . Took up appntment a Presing Ju Nowe Redan sip Cates 194. June i, Tasted to Lindel Aa, June 29, Tronatere to Sonesta Ay, 100-802: Wiste Afar and fo Tegal action fr is ichange, 1802 July 14, Cour jodgement of escharg, December 20. Dicharged. 1803 Manos publied. ‘Third Mae 1007 May. Mother ded sgod 92. November 1, Wife had stroke, Fell immediately serwards. [November 27. Admitted to Anjum at Leipig-Dsten, gti Apa It. Died W912 May. Wile ded, aged 54 ‘A noteon the three mental orpitls rere to invasions ways in the text may aoa beef hep. ) Peyhisre Cine (Tn-paent department) ofthe Unk ven of Lelpig, Decor: Poor Hecuig. (2) Scho Soaestin Saxo State Asylum at Pra onthe 2 10 are reson Drea 6. ete indenbof rvate Asya. Near Oooigy 11 miles NOW. « Drodens Dieser Ds enon. ‘An Baglth anal of the Deisgiin by De da Maespin and De Richard Ar Huser wat pubihdin188 {onden: Willan Davos) er vaso Yen some whch wil be obviow wo anyone comparing ther vetion with ous, ‘Phas got ben one to ake we ft fr the may quot: dons fom Sekuebers hock which coat inthe sue story. a [NOTES OW A CASE OF PARANOIA “There ate leaely special ities ansaing he prolate Tear ot whiopbrenicy in whieh wor, 8 rewd mest $eMted enti Ls paper “The Unconiou’ (Sando Fa Ba ply auc Coninatng pare Here the easton ‘efhcl bythe sue problems that meet ins ofen in rea Sipe Ge tongue and ote. Tn al these cues che method "pte i te Boned Bato i the peetan oe of where Secbmary ging he orginal German wor in fonts 2nd SEES ERE ae opperay of ning soon Tender 09 sng ta span ‘hiton te mata Ate sme et woud be messing {O'segad eutrardfomms ently atd to present chrgh = ‘isch eral twandaton an uncouhplture of Scheer Pete asa the retnrable features ofthe orginal she cone TUCiepeopelyoflersBeowesn she ilved and elaborate ‘atenod cath sedi mnseendieeatory Geran end {he sur curmvagaacas of the pryehote events which ey secre, “Thooughont this paper gure ia rackets with wo preceding p2 are page references 19 the onginal German edition of Kihecnerd emotes Dnkeripen cs Newnes Lip> Zig Onvald Mute, Figures in brackets ithe preceding "pate, Eralways in the Sonded Paon, references to pages in the Dreent vole. Sa i ‘ : i PSYCHO-ANALYTIC NOTES ON AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF A GASE OF PARANOIA (DEMENTIA PARANOIDES} [INTRODUCTION] “Tw analytic investigation of paranaa presents difcaltes of peculiar nature to piscine wo, ike mysely ze not attached {o publicinstistions. We cannot accepe patients suring fom thir complaint, oat all event, we cannot keep them fr long, Sines we cannot flr trestment eles there ie rome prospect ff therapeutic sucess. eis only in exceptional ciruratacs, ‘horton hat Feucoeed in geting more than a euperclal view ‘tthe stare of patansiawhen, for intaace, the diagnos (Ghch i ant abvage an any mats) 2 encertain enough ‘jury an atempt a infltencing the patent, or wit, in spite ‘fam suuted diagnos, Tyeld to the eneatis of the pleat felasves ad undertake to tet Bim fora time. Apazt rom t tf coue, Lae plenty of ears of paranoin and of dementia Drasuas aad T learn a much abou ther a other payin {i about ther caus; hut tht isnot enough, asa Ful, to lead to say analytic conclusions ‘The prvhosnalec investigation of parania woul be alice gether fsposibe ifthe patents hemstives didnot poses the pociliary of betraying (ma distorted form, its rue) precisely ‘hore thinge which other acarots Keep hideen av a secret. ‘Since parannics cannot be compelled fo overcame their in ternal Fstanees and since in any cae they only say what they ‘oot to ay it lov hat thi prolly a order in which ‘ written report ora printed cae htory can take the pce of enlace wth te pent For hi rer Tink EUG egidmate to bawe analyte interpretations upon the cae history of patient eoifering from Paranoia (or, more pre~ ‘ly, Som dementn paranoid) whom Ihave never seen, bat ‘who bas waten his own ease history and brought it before the Dube in pine I refer t0 Dr. jr. Daniel Pal Schreber, tommely Senat- pelldent in Dresden! howe book, Delete i Nar. Eeslnn (Menor of Nove Pt), was published tn 1203, fd, if Tem nightly inormed, aroused comsderabe interest meng peyehiawist, Tele posible that Ds. Sehzeber may sll be living tovday and that he may have disociated himself so far from the dehsional stem which he put forward ip 1903 az to be pained by thee note upon his book" Insofar, bowery» SEER AS Ser pny ok pepe eget SOLIS She Sinaloa Sg Sateen “ce Sean es eile es on pling Uren ie ES ee erie 9 ea ERs fated o inter eeae, inp room yi tru Seon at etna Raeton See Hite tired hewdeeeathe ‘Sine cle ne wna igor ogy Fear ape meer nerd Sealey ba et hell oe oy wy fone ciel lets Wtage Pope Stee date ee Bari har dud yo nerd spate Seite fac comets wee ob unl pitan, Sahar i ce ese ea Sette geeropn Fei Lover secon SLES celgatiaelina te ec, ‘Sm def Sida hee by Bing rere duty alco scientific interest in the subject-matter of my memoirs.’ (#46,)* "thse og tet eon oiieareitien ae PERT laf seemed Be Nan many arotome on sures Bie dnp 2) SU yay wep gb is Ch es ma {Seer Sate salon “Though all the passagesttom the Heshudrztater upon ws iy interpretation are bad willbe quoted vebatzn im the fBllowing page, T would sk my readers eo make themselves ‘oquinted withthe book by reading it through at Jest ence Delorehane, 1 CASE HISTORY “aus sured vice from nervous diorden’, wates Dr. Schober nd eich tines eat of mental ovens Tas ‘ear doe oo he fst ccstion wo my sanding a a candidate for ‘Nreson tothe Recatag wile Toes Landgrchdeeor ‘Gc td on th eon oneaon to a ery Beary burden two a fl oon mysoelr hee enced on Rey ‘fess Senattcdnt inte Ooerandenerist a Dred” is Dr. Schreer's fit lle beg ia the sutra of 1884, and bythe end of O85 he bad opty reovered. Daring hi Devo he pent oi noth Hct’ cl, and the ater Ine formal report which e ew up at ater date, deseo the dorer san ‘tad of acverenypachonin (379). De Scheer aaoreru thx hi ner ran regu "witht the ccurene of any inedets bordering upon the sphere of the ‘operator (3) otter the patents ove acount, nar the repors of the plas which ar opine atthe ond of ir Bak tll ut ‘hough about his revs istry or biepeeeal reumstne, ‘Tom not evn in poston ogre the patents age the time ft ile! tho the hk jade poston which he hed Stained before hi seond ines tas some sort of lower init We lam tat De Serer had rea matte long bere {ie ne fs hypeconels. "The gree of my el, he ‘vite nas pesape even more Hear or he rovered roe ‘Eaor nscale man who had estore her abd es, fn hence it as tht for eae she Hap is port sanding ‘Son er wring abl (08) Andin be sameplace: Alter my ‘over trom ny Ent illaess Tape eight years th my Wife > te reiting oe a ir Cnr) 1 GRIER ESee eer ekg chy 140 rage sole ante Ses Wes Gin {Nowe SSA 9), Sehr on See of ABGae Ch, bay tad ee ate Todgreta y, I2 "is ah Ba) SB ef rb a. an el el np 4,51 get ee) oe erate ance ee eet eee male TR erm etter SGU eater teeta Socata tatemmrnre cad Speen seatemessanes fiveeeeuerr scan ie hharementricaseey aeat Hamminige scien is bir stee rete Sone Oeh Sepeeein aera ee irs enon tetiesimae Se uaenae yarireacets Sie Eh ici aioe a sca etna Moet Sc er ate rt phe rere Sigsteeai bionigieacon ete inuue anomie ioa Seaton pensar gu aieaeeorese ee a deena arses Soke Hear tiptae hl Soto pang ee aes Beta catto Srycnt ay Sc at ipebtaaner iawn aataaes Site: pueeranes neeauent See os Saar i bmnes ieeraaetiearen Se eee Sry eb rast ee eee tiie er rsatnectrtye 2 “ [NOTES ON A CASE OF PARANOIA prose, The pallet wat 10 mach prececiied with thee Potolgal operean hat br wat ace to any oer Eopresin and would st pel gd and moval fr ous (allusion stupor) On he oer hand thy tare Eine meh a dope that he lnged for dent He made re pasted arpa owning Ri inst, snd ced fo Tees the “eyed ata Intended for Me dt Sool Wes rafal aun a epateal and eels char eter, be wot in ets conmunicaton with God, $e was he sg fen ow acon apecton he ean [fly me'/and inthe ea he cen cae to ble ate vn ving in rather welds (985) Temay added tat thee wen celia pople by whom be thong he was ag pence aod ij, od pn whose in pled alae Thee penn of te war net Dhilcsn,Fedsig whom he clea gpebmizdete? and be Toad toil ent on and ove gan: "Di cc purng + ‘Baxp ween upon Ge ft wart (30), He wes moved fo Tebig and er chr tralspevein enother aon ter Beught in Jone TaD) to the Sonnecrtin Alm, eae Fina, whe he ened uni as order assed al ‘Shape, Inthe cou ofthe net ew yas the cia ctu ‘ped ina manne which cn best be decid in te words Os De Weber, the decor of the xylan “Vcd ot eter any farce Inte the deals fhe cone of the dice Im tern den atetion fo the manne ‘ie, atte weston, tila mparatvly sete poy. Cho wich ha ded ivated the peat enre neta Hie and dered the ne of allcatry Hasan = eloped ince tnd tore ce (one might sae ye {ead ou) ito the prnae cia pictfe hat we he Bere tu tay? (905) Phe fet was thas on the one hat, be bad “tveloed an ingeiudleonl scare in yeh we Bane Srey mason fe fntronedy whe, on heater andy is Fenvoaity had ber scented and now showed el iept be ey Slaed daar apa of ning th ‘feeands of eceay te ‘Br Wer in i Report of 189, makes the lowing r= smata "et appease athe Prent Se,apst on "Pal pasando) 2 URS ay ( Ase misrory certain obvious geychometcr symptoms which eanaat Bl to Ste even the sapere abrerver as Belag paola, Hert Senatprisideat Dr. Schober shows no sgn of confor or of ppyshealinhbidor ors hisinteligence nea pared. Ed mind cols hie memory ie eles a2 hat at hit displ vly considerable ste of ogo aot merely upon legal quetons but in many ether ded) nd he able to reproduc tn a conaceted tain of hough He ak an loners lowing event he wer of plies ene oad a ete and is contsayocapied with ach mater and Sn cheer who was tinted upon his senraleandon ‘would sculy soe saying peur in tee detion,fn {it ofall thu, howeven the patent fill of das of patho. Legal opin, which fave forme themes ints «compet ‘sien hey te tore ole Seed, and sesh ob nace tocarectoa by meangofanyobjedve appreciation and judge ‘Root ofthe external fact 385-6) ‘Tv the patients coniton hd undergone &srest chance, sv he po eondered himself capable of erry onan inde Denent exten. He aeoringy tok appropiate ops wth Sap toregiting conta ve ep erat caring 4a ndase fom ies De. West sue to revert the flimeat of tha intentions and drew up 2epars 9 ton to thm, Neverthe in his Report dated 150, be fl Shige to give thi appreianve acct of the patent Sarit and conde Sine fo the let nine months Here DPrsient Screber has taken is meal dally ot my Smily bear Ihave had te most ample oppor of conversing wih Rime upon every imaginable tone. Whatever the sbjest ‘war hat clue up Jr dieunion apare of coun am i “Sula! ey), wheter teoncerned events i the Sd of dminiteaon ania, of pl art teratre esol ie {in shor, whatever the tp, Dr, Sebcber gave evidence ofa Tay terry x lsd sn a ie ey, a 2 ‘oud edgemca his eal ooo, moreover ws one which {evar pole note ender Soto, sn iger tlk th the lai af the party, he ran bat cureous and sl, and rose touch upéa mater snore humerova ven he Invorisbiy doplayed tact and Gesoram. Never ance, during then enocen tales rund the cig de oduct fbject which should more properly have bees raised at a 6 [NOTES ON A CASE OF PARANOIA ‘medical eonultation? (397-8) Indeed on one occasion uring this period when a business question are which involved the Innere of Bs whole fay, he entered into it in a manner which showed both his techtical knowledge and his common. Sense (401 and 510} Tn the mmeroat applications 9 the cours, by which Dr. ‘Schrcber endeavoured to regia hs Eberty he id notin the Teaatdsavow his dons or make amy seeet of his Stenton ‘of publishing the Desdriigtntee. On the conteary, he dwelt ‘upon the importance of his ides o religious thought and upen their invalnerabiity to the atacks of modern scence; but st the same time he laid eres upon the ‘saoiue harmless? (450) ofall the actions whic, a he was aware, hit delusions obliged him p perform Such indeed, were hs acumen and the ‘cogency of is opie that Sally, and In ple of his being a Sthoowlodged persue, hie efforts were crowned wait cee. Ta July, 1902, Dr, Seber’ chil rights were raoeed, and in the following year bis Devserighete anes Neeranier Sppeared though in censored form and with many valuable portions omitted, ‘The Court Judgement that give Dr, Scbreber back i iberty summarions the content of fir delasinal eytem in a fo featencer! "He believed tint he had a mliion to redeem the ‘work and to restore ito ls state of bls! This, however, Tne could only bing about if be were fst transformed ftom 3 za inte a woman? (73), "Fora mote deviled account of bis delusions ashy appeared 4a thes Gaal shape we may turn to Dr, Weber's Repart ot 1695: "The culminating pont of the patient’ delsinal system s his bait cht he ns 4 ison to fedeem the world, and to restore ‘mankind to their let sate of bis. He was called to this tah, {le meri, hy dieetineiration from Grd just as we are ‘ght thatthe Prophets wet; for nerverin acon of great fxciement, as his were for a long sie, have precisely the property of exering an attrac upon God~tiough this is {oicking on mate whch aun seh wee a aly capable of expressing, since they lie entely outside the scope ‘tuoi experience and indeed, have been revealed to fm Slane. The most euental part of his mision of redemption is See ote 9, p29) (p case msroRy ” thats must be preceded by hie aunts it 2 woman 1 {mot to be anppased that he wis fo be Wansirmed into a ‘woman; its rather a quesdon of a “must” bar upon the ‘Order of Things, which there fs no possiblity of his evading, such as he would personally prefer to remain in his owa, Fbononrble and marculine tation i Me, But nider he wor the rest of mankind can regain the hfe beyond except by his Dein wansformed ate a woman (a proses which may occupy any years or even decades) by means of divine miracles, He inset ofthis he is convinowd the only object upon which vine miracles are red, snd he 8 thus he owt vemaviable Inuman being who hat ever lived upon earch. Dvery hour and every minate fr year e has expenenced these miracles in his body, and he has had them confmed by the voices that have ‘conversed with him. During the Sst yeam of Me lnc certain ‘this bodily orgeu aflered such destructive njris ne wou Inevitably Rave ed othe death of any ether man: he lived for Song time without stoma, witout itetnes, almost w= ‘out ing, witha tom oesophagus, witouta bladder, and with ‘hatte ibe weed sometimes to mallow part of hi ot larynx with hs food, ete But divine miracles lays restored what had been destroyed and therefore, at Hog a be Femains » man, he i alingether immortal, The alarming phenomena have erased long ago, and his “Tenalenea” has Eecome prominent intead. This e a matter of 4 proces of Gevelopaent stich will probably require decade, i not n= {uri for it completion, and it is unlkely that anyone now Tivng wil survive to sce the end of ft, He hae feeling hat cnormous numbers of "emale nerve” have already pated ‘over dato ie body, Sad out of them a new racy of mun will rooted trough a proces of lier impregnation by God. Not Xn chen, fseems, wl he be able to die a natural death, and, along with the vest of manind, wil he regain a state of bls. In the meantime not aly the sun but tees and bieds, whieh ‘are inthe matare of "bemiraced resides of former bomast ‘pao him in human accents, and miraculous dings Iaypen everywhere around bin. (305°8,) "The interest ft by the practical psychiawis in such deli ‘Sonal formations as these yas a ale, exkatsted when once he has ascertained the character ofthe oducts of the deason snd a formed an eatimate of thie inuence onthe patente general behaviour: in his eae marveling isnot the beineing tFunderstanding. The pryeho-anayt in the light of hi ow ledge of the prycboneiroses, approaches the subject with a ‘spicon that even thoughtatructres so extraordinary asthe fend so remote fom our common modes of thinking are never- theless derived fom she mort general and comprehensible Simple ofthe human mind and he would be gad to dover the motiver of rich a transformation well se the manner in ‘which iar been accomplishes. With th am in vier, wll ‘wih to go more deeply into dhe detail of te delusion and ito the hitory offs development (o) The medical ofcer lye stress upon two pint as being of ‘it tenportaces the padente amp of le rl of Rede, fod his rangirmatoe io ¢ woman, The Redeemer delusion b & phantasy thats famibar cows through the frequency with which {eferms the nucle of rlgiow paranoia. The additonal factor, which makes the vedemption dependent upon the wan big previuly wansformed int a woman, is umual snd in ‘ult Uewilerng, since i shows such a wide divergence from the historical myth which the patent’ phantay ie etng out to reproduce. i natural flow the medial report in Seating tht the motive force ofthis delifonal complec wae {he patent's ambition to play the pat Redeemer, and that hisemazvatin was ony ented toe regarded as 3 means for achieving that end. Bven though th may appear o be tue of his deusion in is nal formy a ry of the Denki ‘compels rt take avery digtrent view ofthe mater For we lear thatthe dea of bag ruufoaned into worn (hat ‘being emasculated) was the primary delusion, that he begs Dy regarding tht acta constituting secu injury and pers cettion, and tat it only became related his paying the part fof Redeemer in a secondary way. ‘There can be no dovbt, ‘moreover that originally he believed thst che transformation tat tobe efected for the purpote of sual abuse and not so i wo serve higher designs. The postion may be formulated Dy saying that a sexual delusion of perecation was [ater on converted in the patient's mind into a religions delusion ot (gaudeur. The pat of peeecxtor was at fist assigned to Peer fer Fess, the physi in whose charge he was: ater, place was taken by God Hise () case HsroRy » il quote the selevant pangs fom the Design fn ful ‘Ta thie way conmpracy againre me was brought t 3 ead (in about March or Apsil, 1890. Tt object was to com ‘eve that, when onoe my nervous eomplain had been F205 ized as incurable or asuined to bes, T should be banded over fo acrrain penoa ina poticular manner: my sal was to be Alalverea up to him, but my body owing to 2 mitapprehen: Mon of what I have derrbed above a the purpore wnderying the Order of Things as tobe traaformed ito a female body, snd a such surrendered t ce peron in question lt view ‘aerual abuse, and was thn imply tobe “lef oa one de that is to say, no doubt, given over to corruption.” (56) "Te was, moreover, perteedy nataral that from the human standpolat (hich was the one by which at that me Tass ‘hiety governed) T should regard Profs Flechsg or his soul fas my only tue enemy—ata later date there was alo the vou W. sou, about which I shall have mare to say presently — {nd that {shoul look upon God Almighty ai ry naturally Timerely fancied chet He ws in great straits regards Prov Sesion Fecha, and consequently elt myself bound to suppor “lim by every conceivable means, oven to he length of acre: ing eytclt Teas not unl very such tater that the ies forced ‘elf upon my mind that Ged Hinsef had played the pat of accomplice, if not of insigator, in the plot whereby my soal twas tobe murdered and my body used hike aaumpet 1 may ‘ays fc, that this idea has in part become clearly conscious (o's only in the coure of wing the present work (38) ‘Beery attampe at murdering my sol, or at eravculatng sme for purpons etry tthe Onda of Things (Cat for the taticaion ofthe aerial appetites of « bumman individual), or [ster a dezoying my understanding every such attr hat ome to nothing. From this apparenty unequal stuzgle between one weak man and God Mime Iba emerged asthe ‘etor—thourh aot without undergoing mach biter ering ‘nd privation-neaute te Order of Things sands pon ty side 61.) Tn a footote stached tothe words ‘ata tthe Onn of Thing? ia the above pusage, the author fereadows the 110 sown fm the conten tis ad eer pamages tat “Be FER Ge we ge pace ieee a ig: Ge teow 8) » [NOTES ON A CASE OF PARANOIA ‘sbeequent trasformationnhisdehsionofemaseulation and in bs wlan wo Godt I shal show Inter on Shtemasculation for Ggite another parpone—a purpove i cmonsnce wilh Onder of ‘Tings within the bounds of poeaty, and indeed, chat it nay suite probably ford the olution afte cont” “Thase ratte ace of derive iexpertance in determing the view we are to fake ofthe delusion of emasculaton an i this ging sea general understanding of the ease. Ie ay be added that the yee which the pant heard never ested {tanornation into woman ae anything but aeaual disgrace, ‘ich gave them an excue for jeerng a him. ‘Rays of God Tot inffequeutlythooght themvelvs ented to mock at me by falling me "Mie! Sehreber" in alludon to the emarclation ‘whi ewan alleged, Twas uboat to undergo (127) Or they ‘ould en So thats up to Bave bean a Senatpricdent, ths ‘Fern who lew himself be £P* Or again ‘Don’t you feel shamed in fore of your wie (177 "That the emagculaton phantagy war ofa primary nature and ‘xiginally independent of the Redeemer otf becomes sil ‘hoe probable when Wwe rcllct the “idea” which, as I men~ tioned on sn eater page [p13], curred to im while he Jas halalenp tothe eles that it most be nice to bea woman “ubmiting tthe act of copulation (96. This phastay ap- peared dung the incubation period of his bs, and before Thea begun tn fel the eff of overwork in Dresden ‘Schrber Himelf give che month of November, 1095, at the date at which the connection vas ctablthed between the fsossculstion phantasy and the Redeemer Hes and the way thus paved fot his becoming reconciled to the firme. "Now, ‘however, he wats,“ became clealy sare that the Order of ‘Things imperatvely demand my emasculaon, whether T petonally liked tor no, and that no reznaie couse ay open me but fo rconcle myself to the thought of being tans Formed into woman, Thefurther consequence of my emaseala- sion eould of eure, only be ny impregnation by divine rays #7 ray Gaya we hl p25) ent wit he wie ice A tence! + gas Sees he Ded at To sos polis Pa ta way orang Fpl al ne Ridin ing ocd net ens ae (case musTORY a fe the end that a new race of men might be create” ty ‘The ide of being vssuorned nto a woman was the lent feature and Ue wale germ of hb dastonal tea. aloo [proved tobe he one part ofit that pened afer is cae, nd {he one pre that a tle to Stains place a ie bebo real liar had recovered "he on ne wich cold {sppesr vareaonabe in te cys of other pple the et Eee touched op in the experts repost, at In some’ ines Wo be found saniing bere the ausor of cuewhere, ‘wi the oper portion o my bay bare and wearing ndry [Ezine adeatnnt ouch ss rhbony ae aostace oud he lt. This only occ, {may 844, when Tam by msl and ever atk fara Lam ses teh prawace ‘er yeople (2) Tae Herr Snaps contre oth ivatty at dae (Jy, 1901) a whch he was aed a 3 pon fo expres very aply the complexes of his recovery Inthe region of racial fe have nvr log een avare that {be peo see sot me are st “ei imprvied fen” ‘atFeal pple andar sat ert beave vant them fra retnabie tna aed to behave towards lle? {409} tm cont tothe way in hich he path emaastion Plana into aco, the pate never tok any spe wanda {nui people to vecpuse is minon at Redeemer, beyond the publican ois Datura, (8) The atin four patent wands Gado singular and so Bll ef nternl contadiodone Wnt requis are Dan ede faith to punioe in the beef that thre neverheles “method” ia is "maddaes’ Wid the help of what Dr. Shreber tell us ia the Daskusphrim, we must now endeavour to frie at a tote exact view of hit terlgsenreyehologiesl ‘item, and we must expound his opoions exnceming me, eat of ln thine Karr, an hla of Go hc ‘sanifert (eluional) meron. Atevery point his hear we hall Beatuck by the atoning miure of Ube commonplace and the clever, of what hat been borrowed snd what is rigimal- "The hugsan sous comprised inthe wos ofthe body. These {flag fC (om 20124). 1 Ue! Wns ced ces rm i tae pal Se fe antes ps2, Sel, peta pars) 2 [NOTES ON A CASE OP PARANOIA axe to be conceived of at sovure of exrnriinary tenes Comparable t the fnatthesd. Some of thoe marve are fated only fo the setpion of anepercepons, wale ethers (Gasset) cary ont alo fonesons of the mid {TTR cnmnon tne ocd th anne oy toting npr rns ne meant sn at Ue procass ofa gree or lane somber of ere of under Standing bas go infscnc cept upon tb length oe drag ‘Wich the mid can real pression ‘Wherete mea cots of Sader and ners Go om Hit vey nature sohing bat nerve ut the neve of Cod arene, S70 he cae wth oman bey, preset tated member, but are stn or etal They Fos al the properties af mn seme to sa suormonyintened depen Ta thie Gonive capacity “that iy thir power ef taming hemes {Sto vay imaginable otjst im foe eested wonky are Iowa at oy There ra etnate ration between God sd ‘he ey even and the un “When the york of caso was ited, Go wire to anlinmeae dance 0-11 sd 252) andi general, resigned ihe wold to own nwa He mited Hir activites to dong tpt Hinea he sub of the den It war only in exceptional ‘canes shat Be ould enter oto rlone with par, gay pled person? o would intervene by tram of ‘Mein te anal or Ge worl Go dos we have any 2 he word in wh Seber sts thi thor are tied by ‘une ad totes ne ni ican Be oe tnton ef erties sone be dele “naa ‘Beve belonging to the father, and it rts with a are taken from the Seer Bey ee tr) Hee, he ed SSE RET LAS puis i Soeetr aeve? we shed ‘Eom th hse of dw oumcro! win aemniy. fe sot nog so fs Revie i ice Ei say ta he fn ont gn he ier endo Seek tay anton reste by he way eno Ganbe dan te pemanssoneares nee Engg Gee Elw p28) hi i Sid a snkng servo Wi es () case mistoRy. Ey regular communication wit huss soul jn aaundane wide the Order of Things, ell afer death.” When a ram die, hit spirzual para (that's, hs nerves) undergo a proces of psi eation before being Small eunied with God mel at fore- ‘court of Heaven’ Thus it come sboat that — in an etemal round, which les et the bas of the Onder of ‘Things. In creating anything, Go is paring with a portion of ‘Hime o ie gen a porton of His nerves diferent shape, ‘The apparent ln Which He thos eataine fe tae good when, ier hundreds snd thoutands of year, the nerves of ead mien, that have entered dhe sate of bs, once more acer Him 1 forecourt of Heaven’ (18 and 19m). Souls that have pased through the proces of pusietion ‘enter into the enjoyment of soe of Se In the meant they have lot some of he individual conseouines, and have Dbeaime fixed togeher with othe souls na lige waite ewe portant souk, such ar thors of men lke Goethe, Bianarch, et, [may have to retain thet venne of identity fr bandied of yeart to come, belie ey too ean become rslved into higher Foul: fempleces, such a Jehovah rag’ inthe ease of cent Jewry, fr Zoroaster ryt inthe case oF ancient Pers. Ta the course oF {heir poration ‘coals lara the language whieh i spoken by (God Sms, se ovale "basic guage” «vigorous though antiquated Geemany which s ep fined by is great wealth of exphamiams (13). ‘God Himsa? isnot a simple ent. “Above the “recounts of Heaven” hovered God Himself, who, in eontradiineon “et ee p24] at era ro on ‘are based om this fact. ot oe MES Sole cally bo tating of vtec (a be gap ie een ehh Ae Sa lien gS 5 Gane sap Poca daring iis he pai wat vue oe a et irc see cea ts cy Shier Se Ear ree re od oe oe SSID eee Py NOTES ON A CASE OF PARANOIA fo these “anterior mains of God, was also described as ie "posterior sean of God ‘The poteror rele of God were, td il ars divided ina range ane int two parts, that Slower Goa (Abviman) war diferentated fom an upper God {Ommuzd).” 18.) As regerds the sigaideance ofthis division Schrcber can tell eno more than dat the lower God was more ‘openly attached to the peoples of a dark race (che Sets) {ind the upper God to those of fe race (Ue Aryans); noe ‘would itbe reasonable in sach sublime matters, eo expet mare ‘of oman inowledge, Neverthe, we are also told that in Spite of the fact that a cern ropees Goa Almighty forms a Unity, the ewer and he upper God must be regarded 3s ‘epatate Helngs, each of which posess it own particular ‘Gosm and is Syn particular inence of selepreceraton, at {etedaon ete ot and each of which i therfore constantly ‘Sadesvoutigg to thrat ivelf fm Goat of the ther” (40m). Moreover, the fo divine Belags behaved in quite diferent ‘ways toads the unlucky Sehreber dung the ace tage ois Snes Ta the days before hi lines Senasprisdent Sehreber had ben a doubter i oligious matters (29 and 64); he had never been able to perma himself ino im belt the existence ‘ta perional Ged. Indeed, be addues this ict about his earlier Iie Ee an argument in favour of the complete reality of his Asinsions* Ba any one who reads the acount which foows of ‘the charater-eaits of Schrebe’s Goa will have to allow that ‘he tramfirmation elbted by the paranaie disorder was no ‘ep fundamental one, and Gat ia dhe Redeemer of to-day [nich cemaig ofthe doubeer of yer. "Yor tere fai the Onder of Thing, as res of which 2 9 foto page ead eo wpe at a aaa Byes’ Mosh ny be iad Seber once ses Perea ‘fae Weel ine come pen fer evcencee he nee (fs poom cat (ES nto eo ef a, psp gti Fe GRRE IIGISDY Stemaeseon sh Galler vi parte vue why bet lng at ( case misroRY 2 the existence ot od Hamel seems to be endangosed. Owing to circumstances which are inespable af Further explanation, the nerve of fing mea, cpecally when in a condition of Inte eto, may exer such a powerful atacion upon the nerves of God that He ean get ee from teze again, ad thus His own exatonce may be threatened (11). Thivexeoedingly {nie occurrence tale place in Sehr’ eas and invelved im [nthe great slfering. The intnct of epreervation was ‘roused in God (30), nd t then Beeame evident hat God as {ar removed from the perfection scribed to him by religions, ‘Through the whole of Sehrebers book thee rons the biter ‘complain that God, being ony accustomed to communication ‘wth he dead, ds na encetand Fg "Te hs casection, however, 3 fodomental miaadrtaning peeve which hat since run trough my whole lifelike fesvlet thre. It de based precily upon the fact that i (erin il the Order of Thing, God ely Enea athing hot {ing mes and didnot need t2 know; comgonandy with the (Order of Things, He nected ony o have communication with crpons(55) "This ste of thingy. Tam convinced, is oce ‘ate tobe brought into connecn with the fact that God wan, JET may 29 expr ie quite ncapable of dealing with ving ten, ad yas Gay second to eomminicae wide corpses, tora oat wth mena they ay aloe (that i ee dra)? G41 J— mays fe incned eo eel: “cud sip ‘Yeeit all teraly eae, however diicalt it may befor other people to grasp the iden of God's complete inability 0 judge ving men correctly, and however Tong mye tok to tera fom nyacfts this ide after my innumerable obzerations spon. Ae subject” 230) ‘But as 4 eu of God's misunderstanding of living men it was poatibe for Him Himvel to become the instigator of the plot ngninetScbreber, to take Bim foram idiot, and ¢o subject im to thee severe ordeals (261), To veld being st down a a in, he subwated html oan extremely burdensome sytem of “enforced thiuking’ For ‘every time that my intellectual Sctites ceased God Jared to the conclsion that my meatal feeulise were extinct aad thatthe destraction of my under= Handing (the ido), for which He wax hoping, had actually fety and that x withdrawal had now become pose’ (206). "The behaviour of Godin the matter of the urge to evacuate 2 NOTES ON A CASE OF PARANOIA (or sh) roves him to specially igh plich ofindjgnation. "The postage on characte eat I wil quote itn fall Bot Ao maie it lar {uaust Set explain cht both the miracle and {he volera proceed fom God that i from the divine rays. “Althongi el neceniate my touching upon an uasavonry sul, I st devote afew mare words to the quesion that L have jum quoted (Why don't you sh—2") on acouat ofthe typical character of the whale busines. The need for evacute ‘Won ke all be that ha to do with my body, iv evoked by ‘mirade. Tis brought about by ny fcces bein forced forwards (Gad sometimes tacoverds agnn) im my Intestines; and i ‘wing 19 there having slready been an evaevation, enough ‘material isnt present, then suck smal remains as thee my {5 be ofthe contents of my intestines are smeared over my nal avlice. The occurence is a mirale permed by the ‘upper God, and iti repeated several dozens of times at the lease every day, Tee acted with an Idea whichis uttely ncomprehendiile a human beings and can only be accounted for by God's complete ignorance of ving man aa an organism ‘According (0 ths Idea “hing” isin a certain wen the ‘Gaal acts hat eo eay when once the urge o sh— has been ‘isaed up, the sim of detzoying the understanding is Schieved and a final withéraval of the rays bezomes possible ‘Togetto the botiom of the oiin af ths idea, we must suppose, sritscems tome, hat there ia misapprehension in ecnnecton sith the sibelic meaning of the act eraceation, a noton, in is, tht ny one who has Seen inrach relation so Thave with Aivineraysiosomecseatendded toeh —uponthewboleword. "Bae now wi flows reveals the fl pei af the policy that hae boen pursued towards me. Almode everytime the need firevacoaton was miaced upin me, some otter pain in my ‘ely was set (by lav ie nerves smote for Hat ur Dose) to the lavatory, m onder to prevent my evacuating. Tis ‘ia paenonmenon wich have observed for yearrand upon sc tcountle ocesons thousands of them-—and ith suc eg list auto exclude any poss of a balag azubutable to cance. And thereupon comer the question: "Why don’t you fth—>* to which the briliant separtee ie made that lam "io "tte a hs oie the autor endeavour toate te dating of ward pet Wy eres toon oh een {i juticaton c'Go, ee wil Se Suraned peel 28) (an msrone condoms npr toa Steconttey yee reer Egan JES Me eae eed Eewtagrmans aime eGo wireny Mar at Stags Sate a Wing lect hale Fetndy nce REELS Rap eee pterba acpi Spe eteca pec pera Foie ee Fo ay Spt SED Wplae di tat Seecnagtons seater attnscedoetie st SLSR erate od ae an Soerac alte pa ela me SO SUPA ates MO Se a Saved ate Peri he el Soy Sacer adie iag Megan nad eresropemndcia TEE ar tne Gl Sts snk otal Se saat SATE Se Te a al Say bat ten eee SuRE Ga iether erect Fai el eS ba pa AL RERSAN Nero tte ee ive Eee nine te ch an Epon ea eva Sestuaniae A let Roy Ste coerdedne cans Seer oe Scar tae Sige Seep rge Oak eer nfo Tier bce rtattte nates merece Lge ee nee ere Hiphetssaes every tn) aaa Fania see tt he abe bat he abe, Porton’ "Dee ue What 3 sisiecheuren sere A eee pene ts cisireeas orate eet nee aoe aan Sect harem lea Baie sarcomere nye ei inutee pial caer ace pee a Lie cei ea eter te eer ee fain he almighty erator of Heaven and art the iat eause tall dingy and Ge talvaton of te ture whom. ‘idan tat fo ofthe conventional religous ideas may ete eden won and tr deep revewace ae se-t) Repent atts are cherie made fi juin {or Ges behviow ote patente Ia hae atin ich Gloyes mech ingmaty ssorery oe teedey the eglana: Sion © based ow pn fe gencal naire of sal an ao pon he netony fr slfptserration adr whieh God lay, "El apes the mileatog tenes of he cag eon 0% Sid 00) Ie ences vey te Snes Toke pon ara rug betvesn Schroer he man aed Goin which cry {ish the wan, weak Waugh he iy boone tbe Onder of Tags son ae (ol). "TRE mle report gh cay ead to spots that, Schtber eile te everyény frm of Redeeme asi, IB whic he pee bey hehe oa of Coty deine 6 fave the worl fom fu ery oom as decoction that ‘Greteing ya oon Tes ths emo a have been tare wo pret in deal the peculais of Sehrebers ra Sito Gods The gence of erlaton rhe eof aa itu 'b nly rar ull tin the Dutt and aot Seal the Tat pve of hs deuthal formato, eons ‘hemline fc that oe yon an ener the te Talon longns te pene pce ay of God ae abcrbed Sa his (eneber 4 fron, owing to hit power af atacton (Sz) his aly at ey ln ag foo tot i ett EER Jus Chia make an unopusedappeanes (38 ant Bu: ‘No attrpt at exlining Schrcbers cae wil ave any bane af bg este dow not le nto acount hee * he wid a acs was aed in 128) () case wisroRy 2 penises in his conception of Ged, this mixture of reverence End rebellousnes inhi atinde towards Him, pao ce nly at ous arrairye toc SETA eae areata al SGA aac cgaiiads wricent Se al rapa et ite SLASH arava deca ting Sera Se Sa ieee Sa Eanes ea lorena tines Eye T mination SS RRS SS Sc SEES Depa EE ae peer entoreirn tered SOG as Sa rea Mies hese es Fhe eer eo retains tt ames each SREY ARI ay cesar diac ga ean Sere en eis SOME ane ears Sood hee a ntfs See tas Sa ae bass alpen aetna at RSAC a Ure SLE eyo Than ATS Rapa Sm Jb es “pesereate SEGRE seg tate emer arent Und je Biches Geta, Steen nik ach Aes und We (Blom Mins Sogn Goi’ He i alse, Bok VI, Ae sca sing sos of men ‘They ana who emt (Lists ea ene oni east stoves the fit “ha voluptuous Stads ina le sao (ot bth perespile othe ‘et of mankind) to the sate of bi eyed by depart Suis! a “We tall God, indeed, hae 2‘ rato’ i the zock upon wick the pation bul bir hope of a veil ‘econcton with Go and of hi suring Being browse {oan ead The ry of God abandon hr ht on a8 thay are crtan tht in Besming slvr into hs body they ‘ell caprcnce spnual voluptouma (18); God Hlsaa ‘omands thar He sal be bet fad voluptua i hn {283 and restos hi with the wiht of is rye he negnc to cliate volopluowsaes and canoe oer Go ‘what He demons (20) "Tis sopingreaaiation ofthe sae of heavenly Ble suggest the post that Secbers concept of the Hate af ‘ls derive om «condemn of te we pineal mate lng of tie Gennan word signa dead and sestally Inpoy-* Bur tis ance of sexalzaton wil ao pve tt canoa to exumin he patents genera tide fo the cote ‘ico aad w-queoa ofvxa indelgece For we poy: flys have hitherto pportd te Vie that te oot every servo and mental order ar ciel to be found 13 he pats sonal seme of x merely pon, ene Del ground, oles Ctacnod in addon by tee oases "The tpl of Screber’sdelaons hat have ale bes sfven enable without mote ado to di the upc Cat Eig be precy hs paranld digder wich woud urn 1 The porbiiy of ie dcr of ete having deer “SPIES commie we) in nea en sot ‘the ord are tobe fund Soe poe “nee pr Date Coy te Soy Te REE ae ae Fe oa td Be dens ian tm eng, Masi wea aoe [a te te te Soap ete ft tng these wid ld be nou age a 0 ‘ch dgerent stuadoor cannot be witlow Spano (1 case mistoRY a ‘out to be the negative case which har long been sought for Sean hick sexalty plays oly ery minor port. Sebrebcr ‘inwelr peste again and agen av though fe shared our pre= adic. ei constantly tating in the same breath of ‘nervous Gonder” and ere lspes, or though the two thingy vere Inoeparabe® Bele hs na Senatypriidont Schrcber had been amas of uet morale "Few peopl’ be dasars, and Tee no reason to doubt lis enerdon, ean have boca broweht up up auc stlct moral principles as Twas, and few people, al through ther Lives ca have exeried(Gpecilly in sexual matters) & ‘elbretrains conforming mo lly to thowe pineiples a8 2 ‘ny of mel that T have done? (281) Afer the severe pial struggle, of which the phenomean cf hi illness were the out- ‘ward ds, his atitude tnacde the ease ade of life wns ered. Hed come owe tat the ciation of voluptuous ‘a war income pon i asa duty, and thc it was aly by ‘dichargng thi duty that he could end the grave conflict wich had broken out within him—or, at he thougt about him, ‘Voluptuctses, eo the voiot amined him, haa Bene "Gare fearing? and be eould only regret chat he was not able to devote hielo elation the whole daylong (235) Such theo, was the result ofthe changes produced in Schreber Wey ral compen (upton, esa") pegs opastn of any terest boop ay ke Saker, eng SEPM Seca anak Sete et {he worl gation saghe ome a cuaropie nd Chik ‘Mans owed Hae and warn song myweb out ot {eign sespend stead greeml sero rear an como, {5 it devstng peices be eed pon sd” 1) “pnt neme peck tne bya enc of Hel he oi rest cena Powe that nar ae fo devlp ipa som hw God ‘Soul ofa depen mong ae ta gua ate exci Aree reese a paris pale a al gd Erect cine Sele ei eee Seen sae ta acct Trak clone ie 2 [NOTES ON A CASE OF PARANOIA ‘Dye Mes ase od hem expressed in the wo man ease ‘this delusional system. Before te had been inclined to sexu Sctciam and fad been a doubter in regard to God; while fer the was a believer in God sad a devotee of voluptsour ‘res, But estas bir econquered beiefin God was peal Kin, 10 to the sexual enjoyment which he had won fo i= self as of @ most unusual character, Tt as not the sexual [beety ef a man, but the semual feelings of woman, He took ‘up's feminine attude towards God; he fle that he was Gods wite "No other pat of ht delusions is treated by the patent so cechaustively, one might almost say so insstenUy, a8 his alleged lrsnormaion into & woman. The nerves abeorbed by Sim have, to he sy sumo im hs body the eburacer of male ‘ners of voluptioumness, nd have given tos bady a more of {es female samp, and mare particularly to his ain a wtiness [ecaiar tothe female sex (67). If he presses lightly wis is Enger upon any part of hie body, he ean fel thee nerves, uncer the surfice ofthe skin a 4 tisue ofa threadske ot ingy texture: they are especialy present fn the region of te ‘hat where, ina Womn, ber breasts would be. ‘By appling [resure to this awe, Tam able to eveke wrsadon of vlupe ‘umes euch ae women expéiencey and epedaly i T tink ‘of something feminine at the ame time” (277) He know with ‘certainty that hs cise was orginally nothing else than nerves '5¢ Gody which could hardly have lot the character of nerves ‘ner dhroigh avg pad oe ino bty (7), By ‘Bean of what he cle ‘Urang® (tat, by ealing wp ‘Soga) ei see ge ft Mw ad hemp per lon tha his body is ted outwith female breats and gentle: thas become so mci a hibit wth me to draw female + Sethng osu in my oe ody nla 0 she eonepen cf Je Staite, Sata setae ego with san, On eo separate canes (nd wie T ‘wo lia Pedlwer Fei iin) Te pace eal Posse Seth eis ey deed soa et nutans Sabeyos Nerve of Gd cnseeatig tle een We op ‘ne mt, been pated ins by ec ad mpeg bed ‘he ie ce! gta, 4) Tate bork att op a el ety Onn ‘fer Ml Cp. dyn Sand 30 1) eee a ees SOMA ry ee ee SONS Se cetera Seely PICA SUSETY eae eet eee ins Sar ey ick sete MOINES SSS Sippel Seite we et SUOTSa Baein cea ie chee a aa eigen ay eka cee Wing tga ah a era oy Serer 2 ey come ars Seip Shay kaha Sass MOMS ehcalctbipveeen one ‘opation 259). TE we now rvll she drm which the patent ha daring {he incon peo of is nes, bre he ad moved to Darden fp. 1] wll bese Sete beyond a doubt that Bi Ashmont beng tamed into a weoan ws noting ele ‘an arealaain of te content hat ream Arete Be had seellod agai th Grea wih masline indlenon, snd inthe same way he began by serving again is fliment {nis linc and Tooked spon bir tanrmstion io 3 oman Bra dngace with which be wow theaoned yale hoc ote {is BN there cnet {twas in November, 108) whe te begun to ecole imal tthe aston and bing Iino harmony wit the igher purposes of Ged: Sac then, fed wha fl conn of atts have noe ‘pon my banner the clan of faxes” (177-8) ie then tnived at he Sem comvcdon that wae God ‘mal fr Hi wn cn, as demanding eae a ron "No aooaer, However am I alone with God (fT may so expr sb beaters aeeniy fx met employ every Iimginahe device and fo sminon up the woe of my mont) Einise, sad specially my iagienon, inorder to bing about that the vine rays may have the impresion at Pees one en consol rut or tere gen nl res Sree sea rates oe ay {nipnas ook ol eon ne a er eee cates oes ior Le eat Tan a feneration af spstaal voupeousmer, And iin this proce, «| lite seasul plesure fll my share, I feel jusged in Accepting it as Some dligh compensation for the inordinate ‘eure of wuering and privation that has been mlne for 90 ‘aay past yeurs- =" (283) “al chin Tiny even vente t advance the view bad ‘por impreions I have received, thet God woul never ‘aks ny steps towards eing 2 withdnwval—the fat seslt “which i ivaviably to alter my physical conden mmvkedly for the Wwore—bat would quiedy and permanently jel 0 my powers of atractiog, if it were posible for me alias to be ide part ofa woman Wing in may own amorous em el! to be eating my looks upoa female forme, ange tbe gating at pictures of women, and 0 on” (204-3) In Schreber's system the two principalement of bis de. sont (his tamsormation into a woman and A favoured ‘elation to God) are inked in his astmption of «feminine atitude towards God. Te wil be an unviable part of ot ‘as to show that thee isa eseatil gute relaion between these two elements Otherwise our attempts a eucidating Schebers delusion wil leave in the abutd paaton der ‘bed in Kane's famous smile the Cte of Pare fain ll be ike a man holdig aleve under w he-gwt while some fe ee mila i A « ATTEMPTS AT INTERPRETATION ‘Taanz are two angie ftom which we could attempt to reach ‘an undestanding af this tory ofa cave of paranoia and 10 Iny bare init he fait complexes and motive force of meatal I, We might art either from the patients own delsional uerancs or from the exiting eauzes of hi ilps. "The firmer method gust seem eating since the brillant example given us by Jung (1907] in bis interpretation of a (ice af dementia praconx wich was far severe than this one Sand which exhibited symptoms far mare remote fom the ‘ormal. The high Ive of oar preseat patients iatligence, 10, Sd his commuanicativencs, seem likely to facitate the seco Dlshment of our task along these lacs, He himself noe i Fequenty prenes the key into our hand, by adding 4 gas, a quottion aren example to woe dausanal proposition ia an ‘pparently incidental manner, or even by expeesly denying ‘one parallel oi hat has aziea in his own mind For when {his happens, we have only to follow our usu psychoanalt technique—to strip his sentence of its negative form to tke Ii example a being te actual thing or is quotation or get Se belng he crpinalwurae—and we inl oualvesinposeson fat we ae looking fr, mamaly a translation of the paranci= tnode of expresion int the normal one, Tels perhaps worth giving tore detailed Utstation of his procede. Scheber complains of the nuisance created by the fovclled niracled bed or talking bids to which be ascribes ‘ numberof very remarkable qualities (200-14) Tes is bebiet {hat they are compored of farmer fre-cours of Heaven that [of human soul which have entered into a tate of bis, and that they have been leded with ptomalne™ poison ada cn. to him, They have bens Brought tothe eondiion of repeating ‘meaningless phrases which they have learnt by Beart and whieh Bave been inne nto them’. Bsc ime hat they hve Aischarged thet Toad of ptomaine poison on to hiza—that i, ach tine that they heve “rele eff the phraes which eve * fem "Lan eye aor) * NOTES ON A GASE OF PARANOIA, been dined into them, as ie were'—they become to tome ‘exten absorbed ito his sul, wid the words "The deuce af 3 Fell” or ‘Dence take ie? which are te only word they ace sell capable oF using t express a gemune fesing. They cannot Undersand the meaning of the words they speak, but they tre by nature sucepibe to sniarty of sounds, though the similarity ned not neccsrly be a complete one. Thus it {immaterial to them whether one sy! ‘Seng ex an’ “Client? oe rm Cte’, ‘Aen ‘Atma, ‘rina of Askrmat ec? (210) ‘As we read hie desgton, we cannot ayo the idea that ‘that realy es oma he young gi, Toa carping ed People oen compare them t es engellantiy scam Evlssng the brtne ofa bin snd cere that they can ‘othng but phrases leare by rote and they betsy to lak af eauaton by eonfsing foreign ors tht sound aie, The Phra ‘The devee ofa fell wach he oly thing that Ey are iss abou, would in ht ase be alan to the tsmph ofthe young man who as ccosded a npreing them. Aad, se envy + Sow page itr we come po page in which Sehreer cots thir iepretston® ‘Tor purpes of dnigcuon, [have ata be given git ames Breit timber ofthe remaining ldots snce by thei {hisivese, der yelupronss Bent ete they one and a mon feacly suggests compurion wih Unie gi Some of tee fils Same ave since ban aloped by the aye of God and fave bom retsined as a degnation ef he bindu in quer {ion (218) This ary interpretation of fe “macled ie fies a hint which may helps Towards underaning the iguatctorecouste of Hoses Tam quite aware that a paychoanalet needs no amall asiount of tact and vent whentver ine cours of Bie ‘wove he goes beyond the typed iastaness of interpretation, od ee Bs fnenereo ade wl nly low i a ar 38 * Santiago Cartage, ‘Sato ofan Ga, Senet orale ‘Aiea or farmer) (gh ATTEMPTS AT INTERPRETATION 37 their own feilarity with analyte technique will alow them. Te has every reason, therfore, to guard against theese that sn incraved duplay of seumen om his port may be seo: by a diminution inthe certainty and trustworthiness of [is reult Ts thus only nota that one analyst wil tend too uch inthe direction of easton and ance too mich in the {rection af bldnes Teal not be pole to deine the proper Iii ofjoaSableiaterpretation vot tnaby experinents have ‘beea made and und We subject has besome move fair. In working upon the case of Schreber T have had a poli of ‘east freed om me by the eeumstance that te opposition to bir publishing the Denkvardghaten war xo far effective a €0 ‘widold a eonsderable pordon of Uae materia fiom out low Teage—the portion, to, which would in all probability have thrown the most important light upon the eae Thus, fF Intae, the third chapter of te book opens with this promi ing announcements ‘Tel now procead to describe certain ‘events which occured tor mehr of my. fay and which ‘may conceivably have been cannected with che soul-murder E hve portlatd; fr there ist any ate something more or less problematial about llofthem, omething not eal explicable Spon the Hines of ordinary hua expesince” (88) But the ‘Bex eentence, which als the lait of te chapter, & allows "The remainder of this chapter has been with from priat a being unable for publication’ shall therefore have be satsted if T can suceed in tracing back at any rate the cles ofthe deasonalsractrewith some degre ofersinty (o fama homan motives. ‘With this object in view Tshall now mention a further small en ey ot ri we Ne sie are eet eo Pee SS.Cn Casta ew sated PSG ont iar eg it oe ye fos Dat ate Practe Pes Eni Seca wiaiaiiet ete ae ee ee Sioimeessro See Eevee teen eae ERSS ie eee ance Sec gems Seas mete aaa i 3 NOTES ON A CASE OF semeal pin ofthe cat isry to which ficient weight it en [nergy srg he atest hel has de mFRE om ‘opin he oer. Petr Sheer neta it End piyacon, Cebit Prot: Tec of Lag ‘A we sly tno, Shree ceo et ook. frm of hn seperti, al cdot barn oe Soningple Arle (he sone oh secon) ‘rom thet tne onwards the perecations became ls and ess - Jnr, and he gnomes papers wich Seer thy hi tte nsrltion Beg oe pene y= ‘pot in cnmnancr wat he Ode f Tage et ‘Milr of al tet cof peneaton wa Hcg, and Se Tenant fnstisor throughout the whole com of Se Tee ‘She aa ntre of F's omit a motes the pata ayia with the ecacterute quence and Shc wih may be vended asaya egal Snr or of dela oases ein fore sonnel f'n fr more iar meas pon Eiko ie eum fc scomiing the pect co ies, or stenped fo contre opm Zn'set which, Be tough man compare wih te fis stacey the dow or by demons fin psn f= oa, dnt ay have ad ts potepe fevers wich eee ‘tan member ty Fish pa Seber i ong ‘St deeued G21). We olde gad kam move of ‘Rearing ef thi eb a th pnt our rer {sent sure lo ¢ tendons sleee!“Ar to what cms ‘is he sur cues ofsolonart, an goog, SFT nay dee Ta ale omy aohing pond wk sae pee er fet eth ol et ear mneo ge Nitiiay cronies: tod Speily mw toly tie ft ne of aS [urethane A yt a penal rely which eid [eheen ute ha sof as Pere na eed {nt the bolton fo at T ml col ise ee enue reson {0 Be reve eal fou my ming ad les fc dn wh rll cream! (Open ate o Peto Pca se) SWadwilingirbet, Tis pura ce, rama? (eam yep etm ea esto Dams 180), Oper (0) ATTEMPTS AT INTERPRETATION 539 dna already eon indicated. There i only tis, phone, to be sided... (The panage which flows unsuitable for public ton) (36) Ar eeult ofthis omiuion we are left inthe dark fo the quenion of what meant by soul-murder. We shall ‘ler later on [p. 4] to the only hist upon the subject which has evaded senso. However this may be, a firter development of Schrebers

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